BEACH, FLORIDA, A~dST 1, 1972, at 7: 50 P. M.
Robert Eff~on, Mayor
Mrs. Emily Jackson, Vice Mayo~
John L. Archie, Counci/man
Harold B]~chette, Councilman
David Roberts, Councilman
Travis E. Killgo~e, City Manager
Mrs. Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
Gene Moore, City Attorney
Mayor Eff~on called ~he meeting to o~der at 7: ~2 P. M.
The Invocation was given by James O'Meara, Executive Manager, Cham-
ber Of Comme~ce, followed by the Flag Salute led by John A~chie,
Mayor Effron /nt~oduced Mms. Vera Klein, Town C~mmissioner of Ocean
Ridge. He then stated that in view of the County C~,~ssion actions
this afternoon, in which they reversed themselves f~ last Tuesday
and ~oted ~-2 to condemn and acquire unde~ eminent domain the 215'
south of the Boynton Inlet, and in view of this item on the Agenda
to discuss the City p~opel~ry at OceaR Ridge, he recommended to the
Council that he be appointed to contact the Mayor of Ocean Ridge to
discuss ~what the p~oceedings will be as ~ar as ocean R/dge is con-
ce~ned~ based on development that happened this afternoon. The
vote of 5-2 for condemnation and eminent domain was Comm/ssioner
Culpep.per, JohDsen and Weaver fo~, and Wa~e~ and Lytal ag~{nst.
This will be the largest condemnation Palm Beach County has ever
gone through.
~Lr. Archie moved to give Mayor Effron authority to meet with Mayo~
Steinbaugh of Ocean Ridge to discuss the actions of the County Com-
mission, seconded by Mrs. Jackson.
Mr. Archie questioned whether to ask the County C~Tm/ssien tO
~eeonsider at this t/me or wait until the Mayor talks with Ocean
Mayor E~fron stated that this is the Hahn property which includes
the z~staurant and park/ng lot south to the Engle property.
Mayor E~fron fux~cher stated that the developer of this property
quested the ~estaurant and the Boat captai~m to be out by July ~1.
Ironically, three commissioners who voted for this are ~unning for
re-election. He believes this is a political issue. They com-
Pletely reversed themselves ~rom the last meeting. Mayor Eff~on
wo~ld like to accept Mr. Az~b/e's recommendation and instruct the
City Manager to w~te a latter to the CoLhnty Commission stating
exactly how we feel.
AUGUST 1, 1972
The motion to give Mayo~ Effron authority to meet with Mayo~ Stein-
baugh cazTied 5-0.
Mr. A~chie moved that the City Manager .be instructed to w~ite a let-
ter to the County Commission begging them to give thought to recon-
sider their 5-2 motion in the acquisition of inlet property~ seconded
by Mrs. Jackson. Motion cazTied 4-1. Mr. Blanchette voted
Awa~din~ Official Police Commendat!orm by Mayo~ Eff~on
Mayor Effron called these Police officers to the front:
Bradford Baxley
Bill Camp
Patz~ick Robert
The Mayor presented each officer with a plaque on bohr1* of the
City of Boynton Beach and the Boynton Beach Police Department.
Regular Meeting - July 18, 1972
Mrs. Jackson's correction - Page % to be added after the ]rd para-
g~aph from the bottom: Mayor Effron asked for them to report hack
to Council. Fms. Jackson stated that this would have to be done
mediately. Mr. Moore stated that in all p~obability if somebody got
into it they would get a reasonable delay because they just got into
Mr. Blanchette corrected Page 2 to read that the minutes were ac-
cepted as eorreeted~ 4-0. Mr. Blenchette ahsta/ned.
Mr. Roberts moved that the minutes be accepted as COZTected, sec-
onded by Mr. Archie. Motion carried 5-0.
R. B. Vastine clarified that General Dynandcs has not gone bankrupt.
There has been a mixup between the names of General Dynamics and
Dynamics of Amez~ioa.
Mr. Vastine also spoke on the article in the newspaper on July 25
~rith reference to water rates, and the fact that it was stated that
condominiums have special advantages. He explained that Leisure-
ville is not a condominium, and he also explained the water rates
and the ad valorem taxes that Leisu~eville pays.
Mr. Arahie asked Mr. Vastine if he feels Leisureville is paying
more insofar as actual dollars than it is costinq the City to have
them out there.
AUGUST 1: 1972
Mr. Vastine stated that h/s basic concept is that we are all in
thi~ to share alike.
Hr. Vastine also asked that in this agonizing re-appraisal of the
sanitation tr~ogTam Council recognize that mote facts amc necessary
~to make a f-all decision on this. He then stated that if this sys-
tem shows a deficit~ they are willing to consider what would be a
nominal increase in rate.
Thc~as Canavan asked to speak on Item VIII, B and Item tX, C-2.
Hank Thompson asked to speak on Item U~ 1,
Harz~] LeFoz~e as/<ed to speak on Item
Gil Ecke~t, rep=esenting Hempsh4re Gardens, stated that about 7 or
8 months ago the City bought a large sweeper add it has been used
only 5 or 4 times on L~-I. Someone should take a look at ~S-1 and
the sight it is in. Something should be done.
Mrs. Jackson stated that she has noticed that D.O.To has been
im~ along
M~. Killgore stated that this is the responsibility of the Depa~c-
merit of Transpoz~cation: and occasionally the City will assist in
Amendment to Municipal Ordinance ~62-9 Constituting Master Zoning Cedm
Mr. Moore explained that this is for an increase in the squame foot-
age in R-/AA zone from 1500 to 1800 sq. ft. Also in C-1 and
zone multiple family structures would be allowed, in accordance with
R-3 l~quirements,
Mayo~ Effron asked if anyone pmesent would like to speak in favor of
this amendment. No one appeared.
Mayor Eff~on then asked if anyone present would like to speak against
this amendment.
Hank Thompson came forward representing the Boynton Beach-Ocean R/dge
Board of Realtors. He asked that the letter Council had received be
Mayor Effron read the letter that was received from Hank Thompson and
the Board of Realtors, ~ating their objection to this amendment.
AUGUST 1, 1972
Mrs. Jackson then stated that the people do have the opportunity to
go before the Board of Adjustment. The Plannin~ & Zoning Board has
been working very hard on this and want it.
Mayo~ Effron read a letter from Milticent OppOX~cu~ities Corporation,
Prank Murro, also stating objection to the amendment.
Mr. Archie stated that he was one of the ones who suggested ohang-lng
this to 1800 sq. ft~ and in this lett~ from Mr. Thompson a good
point is mentioned "which has not been ¢~y thought out~'. He
does not think enough thought has been ~iven to this. This needs
more study·
Mr. Wehrell spoke in favor of the amendment. He lives in Boynton
Isle: and most of the lot% with the exception o~ one or two: oan ac-
commodate 1800 sQ. ft.~ and still comply with all the requirements~
in Boynton Isle and Lee Manor.
Mr. Thompson stated that the lots in Lee Manor are just l~ge enough
to accommodate 1800 sq. ft. We feel that if they are being made non-
conforming then it is a rather useless act.
Mr. Blanchette added that you need space to build a house with a
little design: and not just a square box. This would also flood
our Board of Adjustmer~c. He thinks this should be steadied more and
apply it to new subdivisions with larger lots.
Mr. Archie moved that this be tabled for further study: seconded by
Mr. Blanchette. Motion oax~ied
Mayor Effron stated that we had heard the people speak on raising
the square footage on single family ~esidences. He thought it was
the desire to raise the square footage by taking out the carport
and utility room, and requiring 1500 square feet of living area.
Possibly they can designate a new zone for R-iAAA for a higher
square footage.
Parcel ~1 - Address:
722 N. W. 2nd St.
Rev. Sytvester Wright
Conditional Use for Church Building
Rev. Wright spoke in favor of the request. He stated that they pur-
chased the property to build a ~, and did not kno~ at the time
that you had tO have an acre.
Mayor Effron stated that there was one letter of objection from Mrs.
F. P. Mllls~ a~kiug that the property be fenced.
AUGUST 1, 1972
..FdBLICHEARING~ cont'd.
Rev. Wright stated that this is in the plan, because he thinks it
should be fenced.
Hezm~mnPorbas, 425 N. W. 4th Avenue, asked if the Church will pro-
vide parking or wiS-lit be off-street parking. If they p~ovide
pa~king he has no objection, hut he does not want a lot of ca~s
parking along the street.
Rev. W~ight stated that most of the m~mbers will be walking, but
there will be some parking off the street.
F~. Archie asked if land was av~{ 151e for ps~kin~ if needed. Rev.
Wright did not know if any land is available.
Mayor Effron noted that in the minutes o£ the Planning & Zoning
Board meeting it states about 8 d~iving m~mbers, the balance watk/ng.
Mr. Archie asked how many seats the church would have. Rev. Wright
did not know, but the buildingwill be 40' x 90'.
Roberts suggested getting more details of the plan before tak-
Mr. Roberts moved to table this until Rev. Wright gets more informa-
tion on the buildgng plans, seconded by Mrs. Jackson.
U~der discussion Mr. Archie stated that he is non-conforming, there
is less than an acre and there is probably not enough parking. If
he solves a few of these maybe we can do something for him~
Motion carried 5-0.
No one appeared to speak against the request.
Pareel~ - Address:
560 N. W. 10th Avenue
Rev. Sytvester Banks
Conditional Use for Church Building
Rev. Banks requested that he would like to build a church. There is
a small ehu~eh in just about the same location: and he wants to build
a larger church on another lot.
Mayor Effron asked if he wants to expand the present church or pro-
Vide for additional parking?
Rev. Banks stated that he wants to build a larger church on a dif-
f erent lot.
AUD~ST 1, 1972
.,PUBLIC HE~qG, cont'd.
Mr. Barrett th~n came forward and explained that these two parcels
camm in at the same time and he inadvertently applied the same re-
strictions to thom both, and this should never have cOme before
the Boa~d or Council.
Council directed Rev. Banks to the Building Depa~.~ment for his build-
irg permit.
pUBLIC ~DIENCE, cont'd.
.Robe_z~...Bey~er ~eP~e~. e. nted Sterling Village and Sterling Village Sen-
~o~ Citizens in spe~g about the same n. ewspape~ article which Mr.
Uastine spoke about, with ~ega~d to special privileges of eandominium
t~e~s. He repo~ted the actual facts to the Council, and concluded
at ne~paper reporters should stick to the facts.
Mr. Archie pointed out one e~Tor in Fir. Bey~er's repo~t, that is that
every person in the town of Ocean Ridge has a wate~ meter.
No,man Strnad stated that he has been living on South Federal Highway
fo~ 19 years. He asked if Council knows how many times a year the
Depaz'b~sent Of Transportation cleans
M~. Killgore stated that he did not know how many times, but knows
they were here last week. He has discussed this with M_~. Ramos, and
he admits maintenance was poor: and it was a matter of not having
funds. We told thom we would do it provided we had their cheek. We
cannot spend a large sum of money if we do not have the full responsi-
M~. Strnad stated that in the 12 years he has lived on U~-i, if the
D. O. T. came through once a year, that would be a lot. He sweeps
his own street. He has been deluged ~2th sand and muck frc~ the
Colonial Club since they have started. There is so much dust that
they cannot open any windows. It is not fair for anybody to come in
and static a project, and not have any responsibility to the people
who are living there.
Mr. Kitlgore stated that the only thing the City can do is repoz~c
this to the D. O. T., and try to wo~k with them.
Mr. Strnad Stated that Council should be able to eontr~l these dev-
Mayor Effron stated that Mr. Killgore has checked on this, and will
follow through on this. We cannot use our tax dollar to maintain a
State or County road. He suggested that some of the residents call
the Department of Transportation.
AIIGL~T 1, 1972
Handball Courts at Civic Center
Mr. Killgore recoa~ended that the bid from M. J. He~dnger be accep-
ted in the amount of
Mr. Archie moved to accept the recommendation of the City Manager and
award the hid to M. J. H~mmln~er ~n ~b~
M . .~ _- ____ amou/l~ of $7,211~ seconded by
r. BlancHette. Motion cazT~ed 5-0.
~epainting the O~t$ide of City Ma1 ~
Mr. X.ill~o~e recommended the 5id from Black BLvz~ Paint Co. be accep-
ted, in the amount of $1~ 585.00, the low bid.
Mr. Areh/e m. oved to accept the~City Manager,s recommendation, and
¢o. the amour of 1,555.00, the
±ow D~, seconded Dy Mr, Roberts. Motion ca~ied 5-0,
O~dinance No. 72-20 - 2nd R~d~ _ Flonida Pneumatic Annexation
Mr. Moo~e read Ord, ~-72-20, Mr. Archle moved to adopt Ord.
on second and final reading, seconded by Mr. Robe~cs. Motion ca~-
tied 5-0.
Ordinance No. 72-24 - Public Utilities Extension
Mr. Moore read Ord. ~72-2~. Mr. Arehie moved to adopt Ord. ~72-24 on
second and final reading, seconded by Mr. Roberts. Motion carried 5-0.
Resolution No. 72-S - Abandonment of Right o~ Way - Raquest of Boyn-
t.0n Beach M~11~ Inc.
Hr. Moore read Res. No. 72-$. Mrs. Jackson moved to ado~c Resolution
No. 72-S, seconded by Mr. Btanehette. Motion carTied 5-0.
Ordinance No. 72-21 - Reogiest for ~nne×ation - St. Andrews
Mrs. Jackson asked Mr. Moore if he has received an answer from the
Attorney General. Mr. Moore answered that the Attorney Genemal has
not rendered an opinion as yet, but in talking 'with the Asst. Attorney
General her initial opinion was that she a9T~ with me.
Mr. MOo~e also stated that he has requested an opinion from the Plot-
ida League of Cities.
Mr. LePorte stated he was going to ask the question whether or not the
City Attorney received an answe~ f~om the Attorney General regarding
his opin/on that this new law supersedes the Chmrter.
AUGUST 1: 1972
Ordinance No. 72-21~ conrad.
Mr. MOOre stated that he did not make that statements only that it
is supplemental or an alternative to our ChaUcer.
Mr. LeFol*c feels that the people shOuld decide what kind of City
e/dethey, want and should go out on a referendum, and let the people de-
Mr. Beyrer urged Council to pass this Ordinance first reading,
then pass ~.it on second ~eadi~j. All · on
for the ~q)irds~. I~ w~ ~ ....... tkis t~]k about r ~_~,~a~,~o
--~-- ~rem one 25 people
quired to have a referendum, the bette~ off we will be.
Eze!l Hester stated that the q~estion is whether Boynton Beach is go-
ing to remain small or grow. You can try to stagnate progress if you
want. There are some people in this City that don't want anything
to happen except remain as it was !0 years ago, and it is not goir~ to.
Mr. MOore, 7 read Ord. ~72-21 in its entirety. Mr. A~chie moved that
Ord. ~.~2-21. be passed on first reading: seconded by Fno. Roberts. Un-
der d/~eusslon Mrs. Jackson stated that she thinks it will be a good
thing to have. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider AP_p_ointment or_AttorneY to Defend Per~.sular Lawsuit
Mrs. Jackson reported that Mr. Simon has consented to defend the suit
but did not get the matelW_a1 until the 21st of July.
Mr. MOore denied the accusations that he was baekdating seme of the
material. As he understands it, the default was filed a day ahead
of time, and Mr. Simon Stated that he got the Plea in on time.
Mr. ~ 1 !gore stated that the reason this is on the Agenda '~
m~ for
theC~dncilCity:t°and°fficiallYwhat conditionsapp°int thi~an attorney who is going to represent
contacted me and told me he had flied on behalf of this City in time
person is under. Ms~ Simon had
before the expiration. He also
of $60 an hour. M~. Moore d' me he was hired at the rate
ld forward the file to me immediately:
and told me at the time if any additional information was needed he
would be qtad to assist.
Mr. R.o~bel~.s moved t.o accept Mr. Simon
~h.e City .in the sumt at $80 an hn,,~ .~a~_~t~he .A.tto..rney to represent
Areh~e voted ~es~ ~ ....... ~ayor Effron voted ~n~
_as.e that is there: and does ~* ~ .... fo.r t..he C~ty to de~end the
~enlnsular. ~ ~ i~ is ~rectly related to
RECESS at 9:~0
A~GUST I~ 1972
Payment for Relocation of FOz~e Main /2A
Mr. Kitlgore reported on his attempt to get the County to pay pa~t
of the cost for relocating the force main. The reply
Engineer indioates that this w~ ......... f~om the County
~ z,uu .~.ne fault of their office. The
fact remains that the~e was authorization sent for this to be changed
th.ore,ore he feels we inc rr~d ~b~ ......
prmor a'~anger~ent on wh~, ~,~^~_n_e..u~l~..gation to p. ay without any
$3~796.07 bepaid. ...... ~ ~¥. ~e rec~ends the bill of
Mr. Archie moved to aocept the recommendation of the City Manager
and pay theh'mtl, seconded by Mr. Blanchette. ~Otion ca]m~ied 5-0.
..Reconsider the Vote on. City M_anager_'s Duties (V~
Mrs. Jackson stated that at the last meetinq she made a motion to put
~the duties of the City M. ana? in the Char~r and asked the Charter
uommittee to go ahead with this. She found out the next day from
the minutes that they a~e ge~Lirlg very e-lose to that section and:
rather than push them, she would like to reconsider that motion.
She then moved to let the Charter Board PrOceed as they are and
consider this when they get there~ seconded by Mr. Arahie. Motion
carried 5-0.
Dm.cuss Buildings formerly occupied by Police and Fire Departments
(Mrs: Jackson)
Mrs. Jackson stated she has been thinking about this, and there is
a reverter clause on the property. Many people have told her they
would like to have something cultural~ and have something outstand-
inq on US-1. Every city~ county and state is being asked to donate
a bicentennial park. Perhaps we can use this property for a park.
Thomas Canavan stated that he appreciated Mrs. Jackson's suggestion
but you can never begin to use those buildings. TH9 Fire Dept.
buildinq has been condemned~ and the other building should also be
Mr. Blanchette asked if on this reverter clause does there have to
he a building.
Mr. Moore stated it can be any type of municipal purposes.
Mr. Blanehette stated that if it is made into a Park, the buildings
should be torn down.
AUGUST 1~ 1979
Mr. Archie suggested this he turned over to a committee because there
are dozens of recommendations to be considered.
Mayor Effron stated that his suggestion is to use the old Police Com-
plex for a drug abuse center. There are funds being applied for by
the Drug Abuse Center in Delray. This is something he would like to
see turned over to a committee for further study along with other
Mr. Archie moved that this be tumned over to the Community Develop-
ment Board for further study and reeommendatlon~ to the Council,
seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0.
Property at Ocean Ridge
Thomas Canavan stated that he instigated the acquisition of beach
property. Ocean Ridge never saw fit to pay the fire hyd~ent bill.
Mayor Effron stated that the Council has been trying to communicate
with Ocean Ridge, and great strides have been made. We had a work-
shop meeting with Ocean Ridge and discussed the sewer service to
Ocean Ridge: additional beach acquisition and city-owned property,
which has a cloud on the ~it!e. In view of the County Commission
action this afternoon I don't know what Ocean Ridge is going to do,
but I hope they don't do what some of the people say they are going
to do. In good faith we got a resolution from Ocean Ridge for 800'
of additional beach acquisition. As far as the fi~e hydrant eha~ge,
he asked the City Attorney if we haue a court opinion on this.
Mr. Moore stated yes, it is on file.
Co.f alS Slo~er~
Mr. Canavan stated that he convinced one of the County ' '
to reverse his vote to accept the property adjoining the County
Mayor Effron told him that he thinks he made a big mistake.
~henge Order - Extension of Sanitary Sewers for S. E. 26th Avenue
Mr. Killgore reported that this has been held up waiting for exten-
sion of the sewe~ i/ne. He recommended the change order be approved
to allow the same contractor to install this sewer extension prior
to paving, in the amount of $2,979.50.
Mr. Archie moved to accept the City Manager's recommenda.tion~ end
award the change order in the amount of $2~ 972.50, seconded by
Blanchette. Motion carried 5-0.
A~ 1~ 1972
NEW BUSINE$S~ cont'd.
Request for License - Beer Consumption on Premises (George Culver)
Mayor Effron asked how the 200 ya~dtstanoerequirement was affec-
ted vhen ~he Division of Beve~$g9 too~over the license. Mr. Moore's
opinion is that it would be eliminated.
Mr. Arehie moved that the request be 9~anted, seconded by Mr. Blan-
~nder discussionMayor Eff~on stated he is still not clear on this
lstance requirement. His interpretation is all the Council has to
do 1, indicate that the zoning does or does not
Council asked for Mr. Barrett's opinion.
Mr. Moore stated that the distance ~equi~ement is under the alco-
holic beverage ordinance, not the zoning ordinance. The only thing
the City has to do now is certify whether or not it complies with
the zone of the City.
Mr. Barrett stated that under the zoning it complies~ but as far as
the distance requirement he does not know~ that is why he did not
sign it. He thought it should be a judgment of the Council.
Mr. Arable withdrew his motion and moved to table the item~ seconded
by Mrs.' Jackson. Motion carried 5-0.
Application for Solicitation - Palm Beach ~Wide Tracks~ Sports
Mayor Effron stated that this is a group that are disabled and in
wheelchairs. For a mean~ o~-~ ~aising money they a~e playing basket-
b~]] games with different organ~ations. If this permit is granted
they have Scheduled a meeting with the Jaycees.
Mrs. Jackso~ moved that the request be granted: seconded by Mr.
Blanehette. Motion carried 5-0.
Request for Liquor License - Gulfstream Marina
Mrs. Jackson read the letter that she received from the Beverage
Mrs. Jackson moved that the ~equest be rejected: because it is not
in the proper zone~ seeonded byMr. Roberts.
Under discussion Mr. Moore stated to keep in mind that a conditional
use has already been granted to the property.
Mms. Jackson referred to minutes of 1964.
AUGUST !~ 1972
Request fo~ Liquor License - GulfstreamMa~ines cont'd.
Considerable discussion ~ollowed.
Mrs. Jackson stated that during the recess people came up to her and
said they were here to protest this: but had to leave.
Mr. Blanchette pointed out that this is R-1AA property next door to
Motion carried 4-1. Mr. Archie voted ~no:~.
Review Operation of Sanitation Department (Tabled)
Fn~. Arehie moved to remove this from the table, seconded by Mr. Blan-
ehette. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Az~hie stated that many allegation~ were made at the last meeting
about Mr. Phil Moreno. He has checked with one of the customers whom
he has been serving for 10 years, and the rates are still the same.
Each homeowner has paid the same for the last lO years. The only time
the cost to the Town of Ocean Ridge goes up is when they add more
houses, the County the same way. There has been one increase of 50¢
which the County called for themselves over the last 15 years.
Mr. Arehie further stated that he feels just as he did in 1965 for
store drains and other things voted down by the people. He feels
now that people wish they had done something. Within five years
people are going to wish they had done something about private sani-
tation. One of the problems is our land fill area~ which the Health
Depaz~Taent is on our back about. There are many me~its to going out
to private garbage collection. There is also the other side to it~
but we have a good history here. At present we are paying $2 a month,
plus % a milt ad valorem taxeS. His recon~aendation is to raise the
rate but lowe~ taxes.
Mrs. Jackson recommended going on as we are now, with ~ cost account-
ing for one year.
Mayor Effron stated that he would hate to see the City go for a yea~
without cost accounting.
Considerable discussion followed.
Mrs. Jackson moved to continue as we are at the same rate for one year,
seconded by M~. Roberts.
Mr. Ei. ltgo~e' impressed., upon Council not to be making a decision of
this nature without seeing t~he budget. This decision should not be
made p~ematurely without seeing all the facts.
AUGRST 1, 1972
Review Operation of .Sanitation Department~ eont'd.
Mr. Beyrer stated he is agazn.t infiltration of all private busi-
nesses including garbage collection.
M~s. Jackson withdrew her motion.
Mr. Archie moved to table the item, seconded by Mr. Blauchette. Mo-
tion ca~ried 5-0.
· App°intment. of. Building Official
Mr. Killgore ~eco~,~ended the appointment of William J. Galeazzi as
Building Official.
Mr. Roberts stated that he looked at the application, and he seems
to be a fine man: but noticed that he has not had any experience in
building in Florida. He is to start at $13,624~ plus car allowance:
which would make it about $15,000~ and he has had little experience.
Mr. Killgore stated this comes back to the basic issue of whether
you want a City Managed or not. This is the basic issue heres not
whether we appoint this man or not, hut do you have enough confi-
dence in me to appoint department heads. I think the man is capable
of doin~ the job. If you feel you do not want to honor any City
.Managed doxng his job then the Ordinance ought to be abandoned. The
issue is whether or not you want a City Menager. If you don't have
confidence in me in trying to woDk in the City Manager-Council pro-
cess, then you don:t need me.
Mr. Roberts then stated that apparently Mr. Ki!lgora does not want
to admit that he can make an oversight or a mistake. He was only
questioning the fact that a man was starting with little experience
at $15: 000'.
Mr. ADchie stated that he has the utmost confidence in Mr. Killgo~e
and feels that he knows what he is doing.
Mr. Arabic moved to hire Mr. Galeazzi as the Building Official for
the City of Boynton Beach, seconded by Mr. Blanohette. Mo~ion car-
ried 3-2. Mrs. Jackson and Mr. Roberts voted ~no~'.
Approval of Bills
Allen Insurance Agency
$ 14:307.00
Mr. Kiltgore recommended the bill be paid.
Mrs. Jackson moved that the bill be paid~ seconded by Mr. Archie.
Motion carried 5-0.
AUGUST 1~ 1972
.Approval of Bills: cont'd.
M. J. Hemminger~ Inc.
Mr. Xillqore recommended this item be withdrawn from the Agenda: as
there are some th~ng~ that have not been cleamed up.
Mr. Archie so moved, seconded by ~s. Jackson. Motion carTied 5-0.
Russell & Axon Consu!tingEngineers
Mr. ](illgore recommended the bill be paid.
Fn2. Archie moved to pay the bill, seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion
eaz~ied 5-0.
City Attorney - For demolition
proceedings for building on
N. E. 2ndAvenue
$ 1,750.00
Mr. Archie moved to pay the bill~ seconded by Mr. Blanchette. Motion
carried 5-0.
Mayor Eff~on asked Jaekie Bolden to come forward and explain his
Mr. Bolden explained his program to clean up the black community.
He feels that a clean up situation would he more effective in the
area where it is needed the most. He feels the black people should
take more pride Ln their area. This clean up session should take
place 5 o~ 4 t/mos a year, strictly in the black section.
Mr. Botden further stated that they will need contributions for
bags. This will he on August 9, 16 and 25, from 10:30 to 12:30.
City Insurance
Mayor Effron reported that in checking with the agencies recommen-
ded, they both agree with the format and that coverage should be
updated. In taN_king with Mr. Allen and Mr. McNamara, both of them
agree to prepare specifications for the City at no cost, but will
be allowed to participate in the bids. Clarence Beery of De/may
will tabulate the bids once they are submitted.
Mr. Are.hie moved that Mr. Alien and Mr. McNamara prepare specifi-
cations for updating insurance coverage, and Mr. Berry tabulate the
bids when they come in, seconded by Mr. Blanchette. Motion carried
AUGLhgT 1~ 1972
Report on Flood Insumance
Mayor Effronmepo~tedthathe and Mr. K/llgore were invited to the
semina~rith regard to flood /nsurance~ and it was ~ecommended to
us for the Council's consideration that Boynto~ Beach come in under
the emergency program. Every member of Council will be given copies
of the information to go over, and come back to the next m~eting.
Mr. A~ehie moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Blanehette.
Meeting adjourned at 10:55 P. M.
obert B. Effron~or
rs. Emi M. a Vioe yor
Co~ ~. A~ie: Co~ei~
David Robe~ Coun~
E OF OBLIGOR: ~ne Cit~- oF Boynton Beach, Florida
6 01303
DESCRIPTION Of ISSUE: ~qater ReVenue Bond
Bated December l, 1950
2~2/1/71 76 25.00 1,900. O0
~e e. bove co Don~ we~o lmid dr,~g the l~riod o Decemb~ 1,
thru ~ecembe.~ 16, 1971.
6 01314
E Of OBLIGOR: The Ci~3r of Boynton Beach, Florid~
DESCRIPTION OF ISSUE: Re~ a~ud Improvemez~:; Bond
Dated 'JUne 1, 1964
1,092 FACE AMOUNt $ 104,644.52
~.~ ~/~/7~ 8~ 87.5o 7,~7-5o '
~ 1~ 93.75 ~5,375.oo'
156 ~ .~ 15,113.28-
, ~4 1~ .~ 66,~0.~ -
,[~ ~e above co~ m~ were paid d~ r~ the period o: 8~t~ber 22, .~1
t~ ~ch l~ ~ 1~2.
~ o~ O~L soR: ~he City of Boyn~on Beaeh~ ~o~ida ~ ~ER A~-TAcR~D
NU~s~ O~ ~ONOs 5 A~O~NT s 1,~7.50
the Period of ~e~ber 7~ 1~1
/ -
/ /
/ / /