BE~CH~ FLORIDA, ~dLY 18, 1972 AT 7:50 P. M.
Robert Effron~ Mayor
Mrs. Emily Jackson, Vies Mayor
John L. At, hie, Councilman
Harold Blanchette, Councilman
David Roberts, COuncilman
Travis E. K/llgore: C/ty Manager
Ftys. Tereesa Badgett: City Clerk
Gene Moore= City A~torney
Mayor.Eff~on called the meetinq to o~de~ at 7:50 P. M. The Invocation
was 9~ven by Gene W~/qht: P/me Ch~e~ followed by the Flag Salute led by
Harold Blanch~tte~. Council.
Report on MeetinD by Mayo~ Eff~on - Re: H. U. D, Jacksonville & Fo E. C.
St. Augustine ,
Mayo~ E~fron ~eported that a 9T~up from Boynton Beach, including himself
M~. Killgo~e, Mr. Archie, M~. Moore, and Mr. O'Meara, went to Jackson-
ville and St. Augustine to meet with H~D and FEC.
The first meeting was with Mr. Thornton of P.E.C, ~ith regard to opening
a crossing at S. E. 2nd Avenue. Mayor Effron expressed the/m surprise to
learn that DOT had requested that the Rai/moad remove one o~ the traoks.
They wanted us to close a c~ossinq in order to open another one. However~
this would not be feasible to close a crossing due to the traffic flow
and businessmen would be affected. We have tentatively worked out an
.arrangement: we will be pursuing the poss/bility of De!ocating an exist-
· ng crossing.
Then we drove up to Jacksonvitl~ for a scheduled meeting with HUD, with
regard to the sewer expansion program and the application for HUD funds.
The fiscal yesm began July lst~ and no appropriations have been given to
hTdD. Ou~ application was filed in June of 197I: all of our ~eq~il~aents
have been met and satisfied. We have three reviews to go through with
regard to this application~ i.e. (1).tegal~ (2) eng~eering, and (5)
equal opportunity. We requested that. Mr. Cassell get these reviews be-
hind us so that when appropriations are made by the Federal government
there will be no hold up on our application. We should, hear within 60
days in regard to our application. All in all~ the trip was very infoz~n-
ative and usefut~
. .P~octamation - Salute. to Boynton Beach Week
Mayor Effron read the proclamation d..e?ignating July 24 - 28 as Salute to
Boynton Beach Week, and urged al l c~izens to take part in the act/v/ties
and festivities scheduled.
Mr. Roberts asked who determines who attends th~se meetings.
~dLY 18, 1972
Mayor Effron stated that at the meeting of April 18~ 1972 we had a pro-
g~ess .re~po~t on paving of a po_~.ion of $. E. 2nd Avenue~ and Ms. Archie
suggested a conference by the CitY Attorney and' City Manager with St.
.A~9~_s~t. ine to ~.ee how strong t. hei~ fee. lings Were. t~ confe~rring with the
ul~ ~anager m= was recommended we kzlt two birds with one stone: and
meet with Ms. TbDz~ton of P.E.C., and with representatives of PEL9 in re-
gaud to our application.
blayor Eff~on then announced that on
there wili be
adjacent to Oces~
the i2 otm.'L-'y
~ 20th: at 2:00 P. M.
and land
the Cc~mission would no
~yor Effron it was
gaud to flood
more it.
meeting with re- a Flood
We hope to have
MINWdTES - Regular Meeting July 5, 1972
M~. Arehie c~.z~.~.ted Page ~, Paragraph 4 - it should read C-1 and R-5
zone as specmfied in the site plan.
Mayor Effron corrected.Page 2 tO Omit the wo~d '~reit~at~" ~ ~nl~om
with "give his opinion~'. Also Page 2 under Bids "~t-~gna~'c-a~gi~~
should be omitted. On Page 5, second Paragraph - it should be R-~ and
not R-2A. Paqe 7, second parag]~aph: last sentence - it should~-~te
"intet~ property.
Mr. Archie moved that the minutes be accepted as cor~ected~ seconded by
M~. Roberts. Motion carried~-O. Mr. Blanchette abstained. ~
Albert Wehrell asked to speak on Items VI B(2) and C(2).
R. B. Vastine asked to speak on Items VI B(3), VIII (1) and IX (B).
I. C. Smith: Atto~ney: asked to speak on ItemVIII (2).
Leon Everett asked to speak on Item VI B (2) and at this time presented
a petition of residents opposed to the zoning request of Peninsular
Properties, Inc.
Ordinance No. 72-22 - Conditional Hse for Doctor's Of£ice (D~. Edward P.
Mr. Moore read Ord. -~72-22 by caption only. Mss. Jackson moved to adopt
O~d. ~72-22 on second reading, seconded by Mr. Roberts. Motion carried
5-0. -2-
JULY !8~ 1972
. .LEGAL~ cont' d.
Ordinance No. 72-20 - Florida Pneumatic Annexation
Mr. Moore stated that under the new statutory p~ocedure for annexation
this has been advertised and anyone in the audience that wishes to speak
for o~ against should he heard.
Mayor EFfron pointed out that ~/his is an industrial zoned property out by
Miner Road.
Mrs. Jackson stated this is a new method in which M~. Moore stated in his
putmon supersedes our Cha~ter.
Mr. Moo~e stated that he did not state it supersedes our Charter - only
that it is an alternative method in the discretion of Council.
Mrs. Jackson moved to get an opinion from the Attorney General as to
whether it is an addition to our Charter or supersedes it~ seconded by
Arable. Mm. Archie stated .this Ordinance could probably be passed on
first reading~ and get this answered for Mrs. Jackson by the next meeting.
Motion carried 5-0.
No one appeared to speak For or against the proposed annexation.
Mr. Moore read Ord. No. 72-20. Mr. Archie m~ved that Ord. No. 72-20 be
passed on first reading, seconded by Mr, Roberts. Motion carried
Mrs. Jackson abstained to await the Attorney General's opinion.
O~dinance No. 72-25 - Peninsular Properties, Inc.
Albert Wehrell believed Council had been a hit .hasty in approving this
zoruing change. There are two actions by Council that preclude any de-
cision at this time. One - Oz~tinanee No. 70-15 calls for an 18 month
interval before a zoning request can come up again. Second - Council
action in the meeting of January 18, 1972 placed a moratorium on all
rezouing. In view of this: no action should be taken at this time.
Mr. Moore stated that the City is involved in a suit that in his opinion
the City carunot possibly win. His advice was to reconsider this ands
pursuant to Mrs. Jackson's reque~c~ give anybody an opportunity to be
heard, with the advice that we are involved in litigation and they~ as
taxpayers, will be paying the legal COSTS. This Ozd/nance will con~
rain a repealing clause which would repeal anything in conflict with it.
Leon Everett stated that there is 9~% of the residents in the area against
this change in zoning, k~ny isn't this worth something in court?
Mr. Moore stated that the zoning is obviously wrong. Someone could have
even made a mistake in drawing the line on the zoning map.
JULY 18, 1972
Ordinance No.. 72-23 - Peninsular Pmoper~:ies, Inc. - cont'd.
Mr. Everett would not 14kc to see a two stor~ buildin~ go up in I%is back
yard. He has lived the~e since 1958s and has invested a lot of money.
If it takes cou~t we ~/%ould go to co, rt. The developem knew what this
was zoned before he ever bought it. I knew v~qat-I was buying. We a~e
the majority, and ~ intend to p~otect our property.
Mm. Everett further stated that this is somethir~ that we ~hould look to
all the people in the a~ea
up to this. If it
He is going to object
the petition·
one developer. His p~ope~t7 ba.cks
they can build two story buildings.
way. The~e are over 150 names on
Ga~y Winters, 191 S. E. 27th Avenue, stated that the people in R-2 would
not have to request a rezoning to t~-iAA, they could do it because it
would be ulx3~ading the property. He asked those present (possibly
50-60 people) that are opposed to the request to stand up.
Mrs. Jackson stated that when people buy in a neighborhood, this is
~eou~ity for thom. To change the zone is w~ong. She mOVed to reject the
request of Peninsular Properties. Motion d/ed for lack of second.
Mr. Roberts stated that he feels we should let the court make the deci-
Mrs. Jackson moved that the City defend the suit~ and let the court de-
cide~ and find another atto=ney s/ncc M~. Moore w/ii not do it, seconded
by Mr. Roberts. Vote is 2-2, Mr. Blanchette and Mayor Effron voted
Mayor Effron stated that one of the haTdest jobs we have is zoninu mat-
rems such as this. We look at the site, and study the facts: and in
cases like this when we are in court there are cc~ments made at these
meetings that should not be made. We have a City Atto=ney who advises
us~ and we should rely on his opinion. If he says a case is undefensible~
and it is going to cost the residents of this City tax dollars to lose a
case: I don~t think you voted for me or any other member of Council to
spend your money unwisely. That is why I voted ~no~.
Mr. Moore stated that it appea~s that the Council is heading for an
passe again, He reeo~nended that Council pmoceed with the defense of this
matter by appointing a committee to undertake the respor~ibility of
t_a~ .n~. g an atto.rn.e.y t.o. defend thxs matter on behalf o~ the City Council.
'£ne At~co=ney and Mr. ~elley nave. extended the t/me long past the original
time. There has to be~ pursuant to court order, some so~t of d~fensivm
pleading filed by July 26. Mayor Effron asked f~ them to repor~ba--
M. ayor Ef.f~on State_d that. a 1.etter wa.s received f~ ~oyce and John Su
~ated July 14, 1972 reglster~ng thez~ p~otest to the ~equest.
Mr. Arehie had stepped down because he does business with the app~eant
and is not allowed to vote o~ take pa~t in the discussion.
J~LY 18, 1972
Ordinance No. 72-25- Peninsular Properties, cont'd.
Mrs. Jackson moved to defend the suit, and she and M~. Robe~cs will
assume the responsibility of finding an attorney to get an answer in by
July 26th, s~eonded by Mr. Roberts. Motion carried 3-1. Mayor Effron
voted Wno~. Mr. Archie abstained.
Ordinance No. 72-24 - Proposed Public utilities Extension Ordinance
R. B. Vastine had secured a copy of this 0~dinance from the City Manager.
He. had several su~ggestions which were already made in the Ordinance
since he had received the copy. He agrees with the Ordinance~ and hopes
Council passes it.
Mrs. Jackson asked if Resolution No. 67-I is still in effect? Mr.
Killgore stated yes - this would have nothing to do with water and sewer
monthly fees. She fuz~cher inquired in regard to fire hydrants.
Mrs. Jackson stated that the Village of Palm Sp~ings was sued by Crest-
haven for ehaz~n~ t25% water rates. She also made reference to ques-
tions of the Pe/m Beach County Leagae in regard to Service Areas.
Mayor Effron stated that he understood if you could prove that you needed
it you were allowed to ~harge 195%~ and asked M~. Kitlgore for clarifi-
Mr. Kitlgore Stated that the Legislature set this at 125% maximum, or
150% provided you can justify your operating expenses.
Mrs. Jackson stated we should find out what the laws are because the
Village of Palm Springs was char~ing 125% and lost the case.
Mr. Killgore stated that he is prepared to answer any questions on this.
After 5~ months work, it is designed for the specific purpose of pro-
tooting the citizens of BgyntonBeach.
Mr. Boy,er asked if we could ask for a performance bond if it was not an
annexation. It was stated yes on construction ~of utility lines. He
also inquired in regard to the $75.00 cha~ge per fire plug.
Mr. Moore read Ord. Ko. 72-24 in its entirety. Mr. Roberts moved to
pass Ord. No. 72-24 on first readings seconded by Mr. Blanchette. Motion
carried 5-0.
Mr. Killgore stated this gives the developers the answems they nead~ and
the proper guidance.
Resolution No. 72-Q - Civil Service Rules and Regulations
Mr. Roberts asked if this could be put off because he had some questions
on it. He also questioned whether the City Engineer: City Planner and
Superintendent of Public Works was under Civil Service. Mr. Killgore
said it was his intent to include ever~ steff employee in the classified
~dLY 18~ 1972
..Resolution No. 72-Q - Civil Service Rules and Regulations, cont'd.
Mrs. Ja~-kson stated that on May 23rd the County had a Charter up for a
vote. The only city that passed o~. this was BOca Raton. The reason
was it gave too much power placed in the hands of the Cou~%ty Mam~ger.
She asked to have this referred to the Cha~ter Review Board~ and have
the duties of the City Manager spelled out in the Charter.
Mr. Killgore cited his authority in See. 2-26 of the Code of O~dinanaes.
Mr. Archie stated that the only two full time employees remaining at
this time that a~e not Civil Sex, ice a~e the City Planner and City En-
gineer. The City Attorney and City Judge do not work full time for the
Mayor Effron stated the biggest thing he noticed in comparing the old
~es is t~ing to find what you are looking fo~.
Eddie Mitchell asked if this is a combination of Oakland Park and Colum-
bia~ Tennessee Rules? The Civil ServiCe Board looked at both of these
and were more or less opposed to adopting Columbia's book because it
gave too much authority to the City I~anager. The Board did like the
Oakland Park book.
Mr. Archie pointed out that if the City Manager does not do the job
right it only takes a three fifths vote. You are not going to find a
City Manager to sezve at the pleasure of Council i~ you don't 9ive him
the authority to run the City.
Mrs. Jankson moved to table this until the next meeting so that the Civil
Service Board can revi~l and make recommendations, seconded by Mr.
Mr. Moore stated that Council would make a mistake in ~eferring this to
the Civil Service Appeals Board. They have nothing to do with the im-
plementation of Civil Service Rules, other than to interpret them as an
Appeals Board in ease there is a controversy by some effected party~
which in most cases is an employee.
Mr_vs. Jackson stated they are going to have to work from this book and
should know what is in it.
Mayor Effron stated that the problem is that if this is approved there
would be ~equired adjustments in the p~oposed budget.
Mr. Killgore stated that it is not the intent to take away any privilege
of any employee. These ~ules are designed this way so that they can be
adopted by resolution so changes can be made when needed.
Mrs. Jackson withdrew her motion.
Moore read Resolution No. 72-Q. Mr. ADchie moved to adopt Res. No.
72-Q: seconded by M~. Blanchette. Motion carried 5-0.
JGLY 18~ 1972
Resolution No. 72-Q - Civil Service Rules .en.d Re~,?stions, cont~'d__~.
Mrs. Jackson suggested that the duties of the City Manager be in the
Chaz~cer: and have it referred to the Cha~ter Revie~ Board to come up
with something to vote on in the fall at our regular election.
.Re-Organization of Departments
Albert Wehretl~ stated that Mr. Killgo~e'$ re-organization plan is pu~e
~hogwash~.Among other statements, he stated that it appea~s we have
hired a little dictator instead of an administrator.
Mr. Archie then stated that what Col. We~ just stated was a lot of
~'hogwash~. His original statement waS that the ~'tittle dlc~a~o~~ has
the right to hire and fi~e anybody. It is not true! This City Council
has the final say! And don'~ you forget
Mr. Kelly never thought he would oppose the thoughts of Col. Wehrell~
but it is obvious he never spent any of his active days in business.
A man that operates a business, must have the authority to do ~ahat needs
to be done. The manager is subject to the control of Council, and you
should hear this in mind.
Mrs. Jackson stated that one of the things a person can be fired for is
offensive conduct toward the public. She thinks this should apply to
the Council.
Fn~. Killgore thoroughly explained his organizational ehar~.
Mrs. Jackson stated that she is opposed to re-organization just £or
re-organzzatmon s sake. She feels that the Council and the citizens
should know some specific things.
1. How many positions a~e going to be abolished?
How many employees will be fired, or laid off?
How many employees will be down-9~aded?
How many wil l, receive raises?
5. How many new positions will be established, and what are they?
6. What will it cost?
She was paz~Cicu!arly concerned with the disregard of our Charter.
Mrs. Jackson moved to be given mere information on the re-oz~anization
plan aS pzwasented~ and put to a referend%~m in December. Motion died foz
lack of second.
Mr. Killgore feels this is within the provisions of the Charter. The
City Attorney also ~eelS it is within the scope of Council to set up
this organizational chart.
Mr. Arehie moved to 9~ant authority to the City Manager to adopt this
organizational chart, seconded by Mr. Btanohette. Motion carried 4-1.
Mrs. Jackson voted ~no~.
J~LY 18, 1972
Re-organization of Depart. m. ents~ cont'd,
Mr. Moore pointed out that if Council wishes to make this e~feetive imme-
diately this can he a~opted as an emergency oz~nance, otherwise pass it
as a regular ordinance.
Mr. Killgore recommended it be passed on an emergency ordinance basis
because of the budget,
M~. Fmore read Ordinanoe No. 72-25 in its entirety. Fr~. Archie moved
~hrat Ord.. No, 72-25 b.e passed as an emer~3ency ordinance, seconded by
r. Blanchette. Motlon carried .4-1. Mrs. Jackson voted ~no'~.
~uthorization to Sign Drexel Agreement (Water & Sewer Sel~ziee)
M~. Vastine asked how the passing on first reading tonight of Ord. No.
72-24 affects this agreement. Mr. Moore answered that this agreement
is a separate contract.
Mr. Vastine had a few suggested changes which had already been made since
he had reoeived a copy of it. He thought it ~;as very well prepared, and
wished they had this type of agreement when Leisureville was first built.
Mayor Effron stated that he wished more residents of the City would take
the time, as Mr. Vastine did~ to get copies of things you know are coming
up on the Agenda.
Mr. Archie moved that the Mayor a~d City Clerk be authorized to sign the
agreement: seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0.
Request of Mr. Leonard E. Smith
I. C. Smith, on behalf of Leonard E. Smith~ offered to purchase a e mall
lots Lot 192~ Block CD BoyntonHills. This parcel is located in aban-
doned streets. We ~eel it would be little or no value to the City~ and
would like the opportunity to purchase it.
Mr. Moore stated the procedure on this request would be to direct the
City Manager to obtain appraisals and advertise for bids~ with the ap-
praised value being the base bid which the City would accept.
Mr. Moore stated he had secured a couple of appraisals. If the Council
cared to use their figure as the base bid then the City Manager should
set a date.
Mr. Smith asked the City Manager to notify him of such sale.
Mr. Archie moved that the City Manager be authozdzed to set a date to re-
ceive bids for the property in Boynton Hills~ seconded by Mr. Blanchette.
Motion carried 5-0.
uvdLY 18, 1972
Refund on Cemetery Lots - M~. Arthur H. Haz~wig
Mr. Are_hie moved that the request be 9~anted as ~ecommended by Mr. Kill-
go~e and Mrs. Padg~tt¢ seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion caz%~ied 5-0.
~eview Operation of Sanitation Department
Mr. Vastine asked that Council 9~ive consideration to the problems in
Leisurevil~e in this reappraisal of the sanitation system. He felt the
City had given them exceptional serviee~ and urged the Council to think
tb/s p~oblem through thoroughly be2~o~e going to a private contl~acto~.
Mr. Beyrer urged Councilnot to make any changes in the present collec-
tion system.
Mr. Everett stated there have been lawsuits with private garbage collec-
tion agencies, and it does not end up very pretty for the City.
Mr. F. C. Van Deusen referred to a pile of trash on 3rd Court that had
been there about thr~e weeks.
Eddie Mitchell stated that he felt the local service was pretty good,
and that most people would object to a private eoncer~ coming in.
Mr. Archie pointed out that Mr. Killgore proposed five different ways to
change this. tt should be made available to the public. Let the public
and the Council have more time to study this.
Mrs~ Jackson questioned the figures submitted by the City Manager.
Mr. Archie moved to table this for the ne~c meeting, seconded by Mr.
Btanchette. Motion carried 5-0.
Evening Registration
Mr. Killgore reported that for evening registration there was pretty
good attendance on May 25. On June 2nd there were 2 people~ on the
!6th there were 195 on July 7th there was one person.
Mr. Killgore recommended at the present time to reduce the hours on the
same nights from 5:00 to 7:00, and tz~y that for awhile~ and if we get
no better results we should discontinue it.
Mr. Archie moved tt~at the request be ~ranted, seconded by Fn~. Blanchette.
Motion carried 5-0.
Approval of Bills
Russell & Axon Consulting Engineers
Mr. A~chie moved that the bill be paid~
Motion ear, led 5-0.
~ 6:531.67
seconded by Mr. Blanchette.
JULY 18~ 1972
R. eport 9n Meeting Requested by City Council with' Ocean Ridge
As the Mayo~ ann ~o~u~....ced ~ea~lig~ in.the meet~g% ~h~me Wi.il be a joint
meeting of OCean P~dge Town Co~ne~i and th~s fiit~ Council on Thursday
at 2:0~ P~ M.
on |
l~tte~ frcm the County Traffic
~eeommendation to put double ]~nes
· W. 25rd to S. W. 15tt~
Re~olutzo~, No. 72-~ - Agreement with Seaboard R~il~oad at S. W. 23~d Ave
Mr. Moore read Resolution No. 72-R. Mr. Amebic moved to adopt Res.
No. 72-R, seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0.
Abolition of Muni. ci. pal Cou~t
Mr. Moore pointed out that it will be necessary for us to p~ovide cou~t-
room space when municipal cou~t is abolished. This should be done by a
motion to notify the Chief Judge that we will make space available.
Mr. Archie moved to notify the Chie~ Judge that the City will make
courtroom space ava~lahle, seconded by M~. Btanchette. Motion carried
Meeting adjourned at 10:40 P. M.
o err B. Eff~c~Mayo~
David Robert~ ~ Counci~