BEACH, FLORIDA~ dUNE 8, 1972 AT 2:00 p. M.
Robe~t Effron~ Mayor
Mrs. Emily Jackson, Vice Mayor
David Rohez~s~ Councilman
John L. Archie, Co=ne.i/man
Harold Blanchette, Councilman
TravisE. Killgore, CftyManager
Mrs. Callie Clanton, Deputy City
Mayor Eff~on called the meeting to o~der at 2:22 p. M.
Stat~$ Repo~t b~ Ho~. El~nest S~mon, Attorney- M~.'lnor
Mayor Effron stated that Mr. $/mon's motion to dismiss was den/ed, the
only P~rpose of Plac/ng th/s on theAge~da was to get the Council's reac-
tion as to whethe~ or no~ they want to pursue this suit.
M~s.it th~ough.Jaeks°n asked ~i~. S/men if he feels theme is a good case to oar~y
Mr. S/men answered that there is no way of know/ng especially inzon/ng
cases. They are a sepamate category, It could go either way.
M~s. Jackson stated she would like to see the case continued.
M~s. Jackson moved to have Mr. Simon pursue the suit, seconded by Mr.
Roberts. Motion carried 2-1. Mayor Eff~on voted "no".
Mrs. Jackson asked that the Pen/nsulam su/t be bx~ught up wb/le Mr. S/men
is still here. She stated that the City Attol~ney stated this was ~&ie-
MayOrany knowledgeEffr°n questionedof the matter.that Mr. Simon has not had an oppo~tur~ty to have
Mrs. Jackson asked Mr. Simon if there is such a th/ng as a friend of the
couz~c that would work with anothe~attor~ey. The City A~o~n~stated
the case was ~defens~le, she thins he is P~j~d~ng
l~e another op~t~ ~d have H~. S~on look~to it wl~. Moore.
~yor Elfin Stat~ that acceding to ethics, he felt it was out of o~er
e~ssi~ ~thts. M~. M~e h~ been ask~ to d~ t~suit. We
sh~value his op~on~ he is t~ Ci~ Atrophy. ~ his option he
sees this ~$ble b~use ~e~g to the no~h ~ s~th ~ these
~ lots is z~ S~th$ng e~e. He was go~ to get ~s
we had ~oppo~ty t~y toSs,ss it mo~. He will sti~defe~.
JUNE 8~ 1972
Mr. Roberts stated that the City Attorney stated that this case is undo-
fens/bio; then it would seem that it is not necessary to go to coulee.
Hrs. Jackson feels M~. Moore was p~ejudg/ng the case, and moved to ha~e
Mr. Simon look into minutes of when this was tumned down to see if he
feels the same way, seconded by Mr. Roberts.
M~. S/taCh stated he has a very high regard fo~ Fro. Mmore's competence as
a lawyer and h/s judgment. The Only way he can Pa~cfcipate /n th/s is
w/th Mr. Moore,s ~equest. He has been called upOn to g/ye you his valued
P aluation, he would be quite ~eluctant without the acqui-
escence of M~. Moo~e.
M~s. Jackson suggested ask/ng Mr, Moore /f he would confer with Mr. S/mort
on this.
M~. Simon stated this is quite unusual to do. Whatever the C/ty Arrow.-
ney's evaluation may be~ he is going to give you 100~ legal counsel and
representation. He ought to be al/m~ed to go ahead ~ather than having
someone looking over his shoulder, If he is w~lt/ng to defend the suit~
he will do it to the best of his ability. It is not a case of where h~
does not want to defend it. He has agreed to defend, and will cc~mlt
h/msel~ 10W~.
M~s. Jackson withdrew her motion and M~. Roberts withdrew the second.
Mayor Eff~on stated there is still some doubt in his m/nd, and reeo~nded
that the City Manage~ contact the City Attorney and cla~/fy this entirely
and get back with Council.
Mayor Ef~on then mequested that the City Attorney attend all Special
Meetings hereafte~ especially ,when the~e is legal matters on the Agenda.
?~oposed Co%hnty 0~dinance Re School C .~ossing
The Council ~eviewed the p~oposed County ordinance that pz~vides for
re/mbursement fora school crossing guards, The taw has ~un out: and it
is necessary foT a law to be provided. The deadline is F~fday~ June 9.
MT. ~/llgore Tecommends concurrence /n this ord/nance~ realizing this is
a County ordinance~ and would be able to amend it at a later date: sub-
ject to the City Attorney,s Teview.
Mrs. Jackson moved to accept the City Manager's recommendation rega~d/ng
school crossing o~dinance: subject to the City Attorney's approval, sec-
onded by M~. Robez4cs. Motion ea~ried ~-0.
JUNE 8~ 1972
Mrs. Jackson moved to adjoumn, seconded by Mr. Roberts. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 2.40 P. M.
Robert B. Eff~on, ~yor ~
Mrs. Emil . aac '6~, ~V~e~ ~v~o~
avid Ro~$, Co~ci~