Minutes 02-16-72 ?
Robert B. Effron, lViayor
Emily M. Jackson, Vice MaT°r
John L. Archie, Councilman
Harold L. Blanchette, C~nc~-n
David ~o~rts, Co~ci~
~vLrs. Tereesa Padgett, Acting City
ivtanager and City Clerk
btayor Effron called the Special iV~eeting to order at 3:28 I~.M.
Interest Expense on Police Compl-~:
Mayor Effron questioned Council as to their pleasure regarding this issue.
Council had Mr. Artz's memo advising them of the details but as discussed
in the Workshop, the situation now stands the City wonld need to borrow
$144,000. at 5 3/4% interest to finance the cons[ruction of the Police Complex
from IV~rch 14 through April 15. He further stated the City would pay interest
of $3,400. on 3 loans until August 27, 1972 when our $143,000. certificate
matures with the Bank. This interest must be paid by the taxpayers from un-
appropriated surplus. The alternative is to cash in the certificate and lose
$6,107. interest income.
Ivir. Archie asked Mr. Artz for his recommendation. Mr. Artz replied that he
would recommend that we cash in the certificate in the amount of $143,000. on
March 15, 1972. In doing it in this~ way, we only lose approximately
whereas the other alternative, to keep the certificate to maturity; we would pay
out $3,400. interest expense, so it~would save the City money to surrender
the certificate.
Councilman Archie made the motion that IVir. Artz's recommendation be
accepted, Councilman Roberts seconded the motion.IV/otion carried 5-0.
Mr. Artz explained further that a transfer of funds in the amount of $6,691.68
is necessary as this amount should be taken from the Police Complex fund and
returned to General Fund. Council decided this transaction could be handled
County Area Plannin~ Board
A~ayor Effron announced a rneetin~ of the Area Plannin/~Board is scheduled for
tomorrow afternoon at 1:15 P,M. at which time the City of Boynton Beach is
being considered as one of ~he service areas, He further stated that someone
from the City should be present to speak before the Board and he would think
that Mr. Tom Clark, the City Engineer, and Mr. Robert Largent, City Planner
should be present, as well as one City Official. Mayor Effron asked Mr .Klinck
if he had anything further to say on the subject.
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February 15~ 197Z
~k,ir. John i~.linck of ~ussell and Axon Consulting ~,ngineers, came forward and
stated he had already advisecl the Ai~B that Boynton Beach intends to repre-
sent itself at the meeting and suggested that the Council designate a City Offi-
cial to convey the action tek/~u h7 Council this afternoon and we believe a
motion by Council~ indicating the action as well as appointing a City Official to
speak in behalf a/the City would be all that is required. They are however,
expecting Boynton ~each to declare its intentions as to whether or not they
will join in the regional concept of providing utility services.
Councilman Archie moved that Mayor E/iron represent the City of Boynton
Beach at the Area l~lanning Board Meeting, or in the event of his absence,
trice /v/ay~r Emily ~vf. Jackson represent the City. Councilman Blanchette
seconded, motion unanimously carried.
Mr. Klieck further stated that he believed the next order o£ business is for the
Cit~/ ~o indicate their reaction to the pertinent material being considered by
the Area l~lanning Board, as per attached, which is the "regional concept"
where established municipal utility systems must be expanded and made avail-
able to serve adjacent municipal.areas, and which is being supported by the
Florida Pollution Control Board and all state area planning boards.
~r. Sanders came forward and stated that federal grants ranging from 35 to
75% of expansion costs are available but must be recommended by the Area
i~lanning Board and State l~ollution Control ~oard, and these agencies say
such approval will only be made on behal~ of cities serving "regienal~' systems
Councilman Archie expressed the opinion that we were being blackmailed and
further, as he understood the situation, if we do not go ahead with providing
water and sewer for the *~regional' system we stand to lose all federal gran~
Mr .Sanders replied that the City stands a very definite chance of losin~ any
federal participation, including what has been requested at this time. Any
grant application has to be channeled through a State clear/n§ ho~se, stating
that this program meets the regional requirements of this particular area, and
the Area l~lanning Board determines if this City conforms to Eaese require~
iViayor E/iron asked if there was a possibility that we could be asked to refund
tJae federal funds that were given to us for the extension of the sewer system
plant o
~£r. Klinck expressed his ~hlnking that this could very well be just a threat but
did point out to Council what had happened in Hollywood - they had failed to
meet ~-eir requirements in furnishing the services they had committed them-
selves to so the S~te has stepped in and told them they cannot add any new
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February 16~ 1972
sewage connections, to their system within their own City limits unf~l they
meet those commitments for which they obtained funds. Furf~her, the next
thine that could happen would be to instruct Brov~rd County Utility to step
in and take over the Hollywood System locK, stock and barrel.
Mrs. Jackson asked what else may come up in the future and said we were not
advised of this when we applied for the grant.
Mr. Sanders further stated where we go from here is anyone's ~uess. In the
Master l~lan presented to the City by K & A in 1970, the estimated cost of
expansion was approximately four million dollars. The City would be eligible
for one-half of this cost under H.U.D, funding.-However, i~ we do not become
part of the region~l program, the City would be required to pay ~r the entire
Councilman Roberts wondered how this would affect annexation - and asked if
the towns would have to pay rental for the use of water and sewer services,
also would they have to be contiguous to the City ?
Mr. Klinck stated that any provision of utility services under this regional con-
cept would have to be mutually agreed upon, the APB is not saying you have
to provide the services, but you must come to some agreement with developers.
Mayor Effron asked if additional wells had been included in the tvlaster Plan as
provided by R & A. To which Mr. Sanders replied, they had included eight
(8) additional wells in that area. Mr. Sanders further stated at some point
in time, the City is going to have to enlarge their present sewerage treatment
facilities. Again, the City would stand to lose 33-55~0 in federal grants if they -
did not enter into this regional system now being proposed by the Area Planning
Board. A lot of federal money for the future of this City hir~es upon the actions
taken here today.
The Mayor asked how much further we could go at the existing plant, tVir.
Sanders stated that the expansion we recommend now carries the City to 1990,
It would be necessary to acquire additional land in the area of the plant if it is
determined to enlarge the existing plant.
Much discussion ensued at this point concerning the capacity of the existing
plant, the present as well as its future capacity; whether the City would at
some future date have to consider ocean outfall to handle its future needs;
whether the City would expand at the present site for expansion or possibly
consider another site and acquire property in another area. Ail of which
would be a matter of economics at the time this expansion becomes necessary.
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February 1,,6, 197Z
According to ~v~r. Sanders, Ocean ~2t£all is considered the best and most
economical systenm at the moment.
Reconsider 1~equest o£ D~rexe! Properties (Country Club Trail):
~ta¥or E//ron announced the Cit~ has received a letter from Drexel Properties
asking Conncil to re-consider their request for water and sewer services to
their property.
lVir. Earl Owen, cd Broc~y, Owen and Anderson, consulting engineers for
Drexel l~roperties came forward and explained that since ~heir original pro-
posal to the City, they have acquired additional property which now makes the
site contiguous to ~-he City's western border. The Planned Unit Development
will cover approximately 900 acres and include 7,200 units /or an average
density of 8,7 units per acre, less whatever commercial zoning this Council
determines to grant Drexel Properties, and all of the details would have to be
wor~ed out. H the City is willing to discuss the details, /Vlr. Owens advised
Council that his cl/ent is prepared to advance a "large sum of money" to pay
for extending city water lines to the development site.
~/~ayor E//ron s~ated all the details of this proposal would have to be considered.
/V/any areas would have to be discussed such as the buildin~ of ~he lines; tap-in
fees; a site plan submitted -so the City would be advised as to what exactly the
developer plans for the area an~ the costs involved. In sm-arnary, an analysis
of the entire plan should be studied then the City would be in a better position
to negotiate w/th Drexel l~roperties.
Councilman Blanchette made the motion that we turn this over to our City Engi-
neer to go over the entire proposal with the engineers for Drexel Properties
and report back to the City Council as to their findings. Vice tvtayor Jackson
seconded, motion unanimously carried.
Council~n Archie made the motion that/~/ayor Ef£ron be authorized to repre-
sent the City at the Area Planning Board tVieeting to be held February 17th and
state that in essence,the City is willing to cooperate with the Federal, State
and County Governments in furnish/ng services to the westward area to the
best of our ability. Connciln~an Blanchette seconded, motion carried $-0.
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February 16~ 1972 .
Councilman ~lanchette moved the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Council-
man Archie, mot/on ,,nenimously carried
lV/eet/r~g adjourned at
L. Archie,~ Councihnan
David Roberts. Councilman
ci~ c~rk ~ '
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