Minutes 02-15-72MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING HELD AT CITY HALL~ BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORiDA, TUESDAY~ FEBRU3k~Y 15~ 1972, at 7:50 P. M. PRESENT I~obe~t B. Effron= Mayor Mrs. Emily M. Jaekson~ Vice Mayor John L. Arehie~ Cottnciiman Harold Blanchette~ Councilman David t~oberts ~ Counei33nan Mrs~ Tereesa Padgett~ City Clerk and Acting CityManager Gene Moore~ City Attorney Mayor Effron called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. The invocation was given by ~or~ld Leggett~ Ministerial Student, Palm Beach Atlantic College, followedbythe Flag Salute led by David Roberts: Councilman. Announcements Mayor Effron announced that the~e would be four public hearing~ to hear objections ~. any to ~he proposed zonlnq map and o~dinance as recg~nu~ended ~¥ the P!ann~ng & Zonzng Board. The area north of OceanAvenue wztl be dlscussed Tuesday, February 22, 1972 at 7:30 in the Council Chambers. The ~rea lying south of Ocean Avenue will be discussed P.ebruary 23~ 1972 at 7~50 P. M, Council Chambers. The proposed zoning ordznance will be ~ev~ew~d on M~nday% February 28 _an~ Tuesday, February 29~ 1972 at 7:50 · M. z~he uou~c~l~Chambers. Thzs ad has been placed as a legal a~ver- ti~e~n, ent in the ioea& newspaper~ news items in all the other area papers and ~ Page ad in The Shopper. Th~ Mayor also announced Council Workshop to be held February 16, 1972 at ~o00 P. M. MINUTES Special Meeting~ Jan. 28~ 1972 - On the table Mrs. Jackson moved to take this item from the table. Motion seconded by Mr, ArChie and carried 5-0. Mrs. Jackson stated that on page 3: line 2 it read - if this injunction is filed they can operate the wrecker - and it should mead~ rightfully or wrongfully until the case is resolved. Mr. Moore, City Attorney, said he would like the record to show that anyone operatin$ a w~ecker should be operating it in a legal manner, and further that an injunction suit be filed~ but that no temporary injunction be applied for. Mr. Moore further clarified the subject that there is no way in his opin- ion that the City should or could condone any illegal activity, and i~ it is operating from an improperly zoned a~ea then he would certainly not recommend that this be condoned. Mr. Roberts moved to accept the minutes. Councilman Arel~ie asked that Mr. Moore's cc~ments be added to the m~nutes of January 28th. Seconded by Mr. Arehie. Motion carz~ied 4-1. ~egular Meeting, February t: 1972 Mrs. Jackson moved to accept the minutes o~ the regular meeting of Feb. l~ 1972~ seconded by Mr. Arehie. Motlion carried 5-0. MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUi~CIL MEETING FEBRUARY 15: 1972 Mih~/TES~ cont'd. Special Meeting, February 3~ 1972 Mr. A~chie moved to accept the minutes of the Special Meeting~ Feb. 3~ 1972; seconded by Mr. Blanehette. Motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC AUDIENCE Robert Beyrer, President of the United Boynton Civic League, said the League has never opposed property being annexed into the City of Boynton Beach. It was recommended by Mr. Beyrer that any property annexed be properly zoned, and that our Planning Consultants be instructed to pre- pare land usage of entire amea~ also taxpayers not have to meet the cost of water and sewer if the annexed p~operty were not conti~us to the City's bo~ders. Mr. Boy, er also stated that many Boynton Beach taxpayers were unable to find parking spaces at their own beach and based on recent election prom- ises in 0eeanRidge ho recommended that beach front be purchased if pos- sible or that the beach in Ocean Ridge be restricted to Boynton Beach residents. Albert Wehretl~ Boynton Is!es~ oon~atulated Mrs. Jackson on having the election law violation charges against her dismissed. Mrs. Jackson ~ead a prepared statement of explanation of the lawsuit. Vice Mayo~ Jackson said she is not a vindictive person~ and has no intention of suing the City of Boynton Beach. Mrs. Jackson moved to have Judge Tomberg fired a~d to hire a qualified judge. A lengthy discussion followed. Council- man Roberts seconded Mrs. Jackson's motion~ but the motion failed to pass with a 3-2 vote. Mr. Archie moved to appeal Judge Pizzi's decision in the Circuit Court on Mrs. Jackson's case and Mr. McLean's. Motion seconded by Couneiln~%n Blanehette. City Attorney Moore said Judge Pizzi was not a Florida lawyer,* and recommended that this m~tter be appealed~ and let a qua/J_fied Circuit Judge decide and have this matter resolved once and forever. Mr. Roberts said the City was involved in enough lawsuits, and Mayor Effron agreed. It was a 3-I vote~ with Vice Mayor Jackson abstaining. Mr. Beyrer questioned the ads that were placed in The 8hopper by other members of the Council. Rev. White expressed his thanks to Council for the repaying of 10th Ave. Rev. White said 16% of the population of Boynton is black and many of the black people were living in sub-standard conditions, and asked Council to set up choking Authority. Mr. Largent~ City Planner~ advised the Council and Rev. ~ite that a City planning meeting would be held during the next week, and the area Rev. W~ite referred to was to be on the Agenda of the meeting during the following week. R. B. Vastine~ Leisureville, spoke on conflict of interest and referred to County Attorney's opinion 72-~ (Michael B. Smalt)~ and Sec. 112.311 of the Florida Statutes. --2-- MINUTES REGUI~/{ CiTY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY i5~ 1972 PIiBLIC AIiDIENCE~ cont~d. Thomas Canavan~ Sterling Vintage, urged peace and harmony on the Council and inquired as to p~ogress made to date on proposed voting precinct for Sterling Village. Ed Mitchell said~ although there have been repairs on 10th Ave. NE the water did not run into the canal as had been expected. He asked if the Public Works Department would look into the existing problem. He also inquired as to what has been done for drainage of N. W. 5~dSt. in the vicinity of 8th Ave. Mr. Clark advised Council that this item was under study~ and would be placed on the neXt Agenda. Mr. Harry Lo, crt spoke strongly on the issue of illegal siqns in the City of Boynton Beach. Mayor E£fron said that a new ordinance had been passed allowin~ a year for these signs to be removed. Andrew Bolden, Jr. of 22'0 N. E. 10th Ave.~ Apt. ~5, told Council that he felt the black people deserve more respect as to what is needed in the town. Mr. Clark reported to Council that the drainage problem of N. W. 3rd St. and vicinity would definitely be pursued and final plans be brought back to Council at the neXt meeting. BIDS Awaz~.ing - Repairs to Swimming & Wading Pools - Wilson Recreation Center Mr. Archie moved to accept the recon~endationof the Tabulating Committee and award to MeGrathof South Miami: lowest .bid of $14~792.00, including the alternate proposals~ and give the Recreational Director and City Engineer the authority to proceed with the possible Proposals C: D and K with a poss/ble total amount of $16:916.00. Mrs. Jackson seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. PILBLIC NEARING None LEGAL Ordirances - 2nd Reading Ordinance No. 72-3 re Use of Water Mr. Moore read Ordinance NO. 72-3 by title only. Mr. Archie moved to accept Ordinance No. 72-3 on second and final reading. Seconded by Mr. Blanchette. Motion carried 5-0. Ox~iinance No. 72-4 - Approving Plat of Boynton Industrial Park, Add'n ~I The City Attorney read Ord. 72-4 by title only. Mr. Amebic moved to ac- cept Ordinance No. 72-~, approving plat of Boynton Industrial Park, Add'n ~1 on the second and final reading. Seconded by Mr. Roberts. Mo- tion carried 5-0. Ordinances - ist Reading None -5. MINUTES REG~LA~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING PEBRI~Y 15~ 1972 LEGAL: conrad. Resolutions Resolution No. 72-C - Amending Civil Service Rules & Regulations Mr. Moore read Resolution ~72-C amending Civil Service Rules & Regulations. Firs. Jackson moved to adopt Res. ~72-C~ seconded by Mr. A~ehie. Motion carried 5-0. Other Wrecker Service Mr. Moore Stated that this item of W~ecker Service is presently involved in litigation in the eou~ts. There has been a request for reinstatement of the so-called Rotation W~eoker Call Servioe~ however: at the present time there is no such system in effect, but it was the practice of the Police Dept. to follow this system in fairness to all parties concerned. Mr. Moore recommended this be allowed to continue to be handled adminis- tratively~ remove the wrecked vehicles frGn the highways and suggested that the Chief of Police in conjunction w~th himself and M~. Bill Sulli- van draft a set of specifications for consideration by City Council. He suggested that the question of wrecker service within our City be placed on an annual contract basis~ and that all parties qualified be allowed to bid for this service with the City entering-into a contract on an ex- clusive basis year to year. Ex-Mayor Wallace spoke on the issue~ asked that the definition of a service station be studieds and recommended that we go back and recognize all wrecker services, all businesses that have wreckers. That we put them back on a rotation system until this can be worked out. Also speaking on this issue from the audience ~neRohert Beyrer~ Dick Seguin of ABC Towings Mr. Phillips of Boynton Shell and Howard Hood~ 217 N. Federal Mways who stated that contracts neve~ worked out anywhere. Also O. T. McLean. Mr. Moore stated that there was no prohibition against the operation of a wrecker in conjunction wit~ a legitimate C-i Sezmrice Station - the problem comes up when they bring wrecked vehicles hack and store them in a zone and proceed to make major repairs. After much discussionMrs. Jackson moved that all stations that have wreckers be allowed to be put back on the Police rotation list until such time as we find them in violation of storage laws. Councilman Koberts recommended that this issue be put off until a workshop meeting. Jackson withdrew the motion~ with the stipu3~%tion that it could be dis- cussed at a work. hop meeting. Mr. O'Meama discussed the Chamber meetings held with the Service Station 9~oup. MINUTES REGULA~ CITY COUNCIL MEET~G FEBR%LARY 15~ 1972 W~ecker Service~ ucunt'd. Mr. Arehie moved that the Attorney be instructed to draw up a new oTdin- anco amending the existing ordinance to achieve what we a~e after. Sec- onded by Mr. Blanchette. Motion carried 5-0. Discuss Proposed Provision for Removal of City Manager Mayor Effmon reviewed the p~oposed form from another City. Mm. Archie moved that Mr. Moors be instil/trod to draw up an amending or- d/nonce relating to Section 13 of the Cha~te~ of the City of New Por~ Richey. Mrs. Jackson seconded the motion, Motion carTied 5-0. RECESS OLD BUSINESS Review Question of City-Owned F~oper4:y - Mr. Roberts Counci/man Roberts said he brought up this issue because he was concerned with the City getting involved in lawsuits. City Attorney Moore advised that all the p~opex~cies, LeC~oix~ Boedeeker and Przybys weme covered by our liability policy, Mr. Roberts questioned the fact that we were not realizing any returns fz~m the ?rzybys parcel. Discuss For~eMain 19A Relocation Mayor Eff~on referred to letter from Russell g Axon regarding relocation of Force Main 12A: and recommended to Council we take the Consulting Engin- eer's mecomm~n%dation. Mr. Arehie moved that we proceed along the lines recommended by Russell Axon~ a~d have our Consulting Engineers contact the County Commission and ask themto participate inthe cost of relocating Force Main 12A. Mrs. Jackson seconded. Motion carried 5-0. Discuss Turn Lanes - S. Seaerest at 15th Avenue (Mr. A~ehie) Mr. Archie reported that he had talked with Cc~m. Warren on this subject. Mr. Amebic moved that the Acting City Manaqer wTite a letter to Cc~m. War- ren to get turn lanes ~nd better traffic signal/zatlo, n. at S. Seacrest and 15th Avenue. Mrs. Jackson seconded the motion. CazT~ed 5-0. D_sauss OpeninD of S, E, 26th Avenue Mrs. Jackson inquired why this kept coming up. It was explained that Mr. Farentlno had insisted on an answer as to what the City intended to do about allowing him access to his property. The ~o%%ncil had voted to open S, E. 26th Ave. and advertised for bids on the Easterly 300 feet, When the bids were up to be awarded it was a locked vote 2-~, Mrs, Jackson stated that according to Roberts Rules of %rder a tie vote means the vo~e is lost. It was b~ou~nt back to Council to get a determination eithe~toreoonaider the action to open the street or tell MINUTES REGUli~i{ CITY COUNCIL MEETING PEBRU3%~Y 15~ 1972 qpening of S. E. 26th Avenue~ eont'R~. how you want it done since the bid was not awarded. Mr. Roberts said the only reason he voted against the awarding of the bids was because he felt there was need for more study and a definite commitment from the engineer about the drainage. Mr. Clark~ City Engineer~ reported that he had been in touch with the County and they did plan to put a swale on the west side of Seacrest, 'd he felt this would help the area in question cons! erably. and Mr. B!anchette moved to a~ard the bid to Hardrives. Motion seconded by Mr. Archie~ and carried 3-2. Mrs. Jackson and Mr. Fankhauser qUestioned M~. Arcb~e voting on this mat- ter. Mr. Archie stated that he felt this area of S. E. 26th Ave. had nothing to do with Peninsular Properties - in fact they wanted a cul-de- sac. Mr. Fankha~ser stated that he would use every source at his disposal to fight ' *' ' thls~ !nclud~ng the courts~ if necessary.* Discuss Proposed Recall Procedure (On the table) Mrs. Jackson made a motion to remove this item from the table. Motion seconded by Mr. Roberts and carried 5-0. Mr. Archie moved to refer this subject to the Cha~ter Study Committee. Motion seconded by Mrs. Jackson~ and carried 5-0. Mr. Archie asked that the Charter Study Co,tree recommend four additional members. It was agreed to have this Committee study the entire Charter. Mayor Effron asked that items he had listed at the first meeting of the year be con- sidered. NEW B~SINESS Consider Appointment of Cit~ Manager Mayor Effron and Mrs. Jackson spoke in favor of Travis Killgore~ one of the two top choices of the 67 applicants who applied for the position of City Manager. Mr. Ki!lgore is the Assistant City Manager of West Palt~ Beach. Councilman Archie moved to appoint Mr. Travis E. ]~iligor~ at a salary of $18~000.00 plus $1~500.00 per yea~ ear allowance~ plus his mov- ing expenses. The motion was seconded by M~s. Jackson~ providing the motion included a provision for the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance showing procedures for the dismissal of a city manager. Motion carried 5-0. Report-Palm~Beach County Municipal League meeting (M~s. Jackson) Mrs. Jackson stated that tax collecting belonged in the individual.cities. The collecting of these taxes is costing the ta×payers, plus causing a M~fdTES REG~I~/I CItY COLLNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY i5~ 1979 R. eport-Paim Bea6h County Municipal League meeting, aont.'d... hardship~ as now the City and County taxes must be paid in one lump sum. Mrs. Ja~sonumged the voters to vote against Article ~5 on the ballot on F~roh 14. She urged the retention of Municipal Courts. Vice Mayor Jackson saidithadbeenvoted by the Pa/mBeaohCountyMunici- pal League to pay $5~000 for TV announcements~ and as Phase II the Palm Beach County Municipal League would like to have $5,000 additional to spend for full page ads and heavy concentration of radio spots. Any in- dividual wishing to make a donation may~ Our share from Boynton Beach would be approximately $300: and this amount would be arrived at on an assessment of population. Mrs. Jackson cc~cluded by saying she was against obtaining this money from municipal funds~ and thought it should he done individually. ADMINISTRATIVE Consider Offer of Sat M. DeCanio re Insurance Program Mr. Sal M. DeCanio requested that he be appointed Agent of Record to view insurance program as to fringe benefits. The Mayor mentioned that the City could appoint an Insurance Committee made up of local insurance agents of which Mr. DeCenio could be a member. Mr. DeCanio said if this was done the City would end up with 150 insurance agents and being an annoyance to the personnel and City Hail. Mr. DeCanio said it was his intent to take care of all this at no coat to the City. He further stated that he would contact as many companies as the City wished him to, and make ~p a spread sheet showing what each insurance company could offer. Mr. DeCanlo assured the Council that the City personnel would not have any additional paperwork if he provided a new program. Mayor Effron recommended that the Council table this for the timebeing for the workshop~ with regaled to the possibility that Council would ap- point a committee of which Mr. DeCanio would be a member. Mr. DeCanio said he would go on reeo~d that he would do any service required of him, but he would not do any serious work without an agent's Letter of Record. Counoil agreed to table. Resignation of Mrs. Paula Moore from Community Relations Board Mr. Arehie moved to accept Mrs. Moore's resignation with reg£et. Seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Carried 5-0. Mr. Canaven urged Coo_nail to do all they can to promote the Interchange by contacting our legislators. Mayor Effron explained that such had been done. Request of Charles D. Clapper for additional trailer spaces Discussion over the fact that Mr. Clapper has per, its issued for 65 trailer spaees~ but was operating on 91. When asked how many spaces they were paying for sewer and water Mrs. PadGett said 65. Gene Moore said --7-- MIhUGTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING FBBRiLA~Y !5~ 1972 Clapper Request for additional trailer spaces, conrad. there were no provisions of t~ailer parks, no provision for increase in size - would have to consider amendment to the Ordinance. Mr. Clapper stated he had permits from the City for 89 electrical meters. He said he didn't have copy of all permits, but that the City had to inspect first before Florida Power & Light turned anything on. Stu Puller repo~ted that he found elecb~icai pernuits for 5 additional meters in¥~eh, t965~ 5 in May~ 1965 and 5 in January 1967, and a blanket permit for plumbing. Mr. Are-hie moved to instruct Mr. Moore to d~aw up an amendment to the Trailer Park Ordinance of the existing Code. Mr. Blanchette seconded the motion. Carried 5-0. Consid~er Re_quests of Finance Director Mr. Artz requested Council to bring suit against Catdos. Collection of Utility Bills Mrs. Jackson moved that Mr. Artz~ request on the collection of utility bills be granted. Seconded by Mr. Roberts. Carried 5-0. Discuss issuance of the 1971 Bonds for saw;er extensions Discuss interest expense on Police Complex Mr. Artz requested that the two items above be tabled until workshop to- morrow. Consider Policy Regarding Water g Sewer Sezviee to Westward Ares Mayor Effron referred to the 1970 Sewer & Water Master Plan, and also to Eesolution ~71-XX, in which this City agreed to service the area to the west. Mr. Klinck stated that by state statute we had set up our reserve annexation area and committed the City to service this area when the need arose. He mentioned the Area Planning Board and their regional pro,ram de- signating the Boynton area beinu bounded on the east by the Atlantic Ocean~ on the west by the Turnpike: on the south by Delray Beaeh~ and on the north by Hypoluxo Eoad. This subject will be discussed at a meeting of the Area Planning Board Thursday, Feb. I7th. He mentioned the problem the City of Hollywood is having at this moment because they failed to service the area west of them. Boynton Beach could lose their e!i~bility for any future federal assistance on water and sewer programs within the City as well as westward if they refuse to accept their responsibility to control development to the west by furnishing sewer and water. It is necessary for the City to clarify their position in this matter~ and pre- sent same to the Area Planning Board at the aforementioned meeting. He further stated that this service should be provided at the cost of the developer~ and not the City. -8- M/akWdTE S tlEGUL~R CITY COUNCIL M~ETiq~G FEBRU3tRY 15, 1972 Policy Re Water & Sewer Service to We. stward Ar~a~ cont'd. Mr. Sanders stated that the regional program would elimJ~nate the inade - quate systems in certain areas and place the responsibility in one area. He cited the advantages of adding the captive customers. Mayor Effron asked that this matter he referred to workshop tomorrow, Pebruary 16th] along with the request of Drexel Property with a possible Special Meeting. It was a~eeable with all members of Council. Consider Requests to Solicit I. Beta Si$~ Phi 2. Celebrity Club, Inc. Mr. Arehie moved that the above organizations he allowed to solicit. Sec- onded by Mrs. Jackson. Carried 5-0. Request of Civil Service Board - Amend Civil Service Rules & Regulations Council reviewed request of Civil Service Board to emend Par. 2, Art. iV~ Sec. 4: and the City Attorney was instructed to prepare resolution for the next meeting. Discuss Fire Regulations for High Rise Apartments (Mrs. Jackson) Mrs. Jackson spoke on possible fire regulations for high rise apartments. She suggested that for any building over four stories high the landlords should notify the tenants that we do not have a snorkel fire truck, and the possibility of the elevators not operating properly. Consider Proposal of Keatts Realty Keatts Realty offered a parcel of land to the City for a park. Mr. Archie moved the request be denied. Seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Carried 5-0. List of Pas~nents made in January Mr. Archie moved to accept list of payments made in January~ seeonded by Mrs. Jackson. Carried 5-0, Approval of Bills Mr. Arch%e moved to remove Sun Wah from the table~ seconded by Mr. Blan- chette. Carried 5-0. Discussion followed on the amoun~ due Sun Wah. Southern Meter g Supply Co.~ Inc. Board of County Commissioners Motorola: Inc. County Tax Collector Sun WahRestaurant --9-- $ t~671,00 1,259. S3 7:215.00 2~765.15 MINUTES REGULA~ CiTY COI1NCIL MEETING FEBPJ/A~Y 15~ 1979 Approval of Bitls~ cont'd. tt was noted that $921.29 is needed from unappropriated surplus to cover the bill from the County Tax Collector. Mr. Are-hie moved to pay the first four hills. Mr. Btauchette seconded. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Roberts moved to pay Sun Wak $1~400.00~ seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Mr. Arabic abstained. Carried 4-0, with one abstention. OTHER -Mr. Moore read Resolution ~72-D appointing Mr. Killgore City Manager~ ef- fective March 13th, at a salary of $i8~000 per annum with $1~500.00 ear allowanee~ and providing for a bond. Mr. Arehie moved to adopt Res. V72-D with the proviso as stated earlier on dismissal procedures. Mrs. Jackson seconded. Carried 5-0. Mrs. Virginia Parace~ through Larry Artz~ asked permission to explore the possibilityof getting State funds~ no obligation to the City. Mr. Archie moved to send letter of intent~ seconded by Mr. Roberts. Car- tied 5-0. ADJ~NT Meeting adjourned at 11:20 P. M. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ Robert B. E£f~o~f ~ayor Attest David t~oberts, Councilman PAYME~¥TS IYADE IN JANUARY BY DATE 1972.~ ............................. 695.79 1972 ................................. 11,799.28 1972 ............................ 2,575.01 1972 ............................ 7,125.29 1972 ............................ 26,675. Q$ 1972 ............................ 14, 065.29 I972 ............................ 1972 ............................ 495.64] 1972 ............................ 6,515.65 1972 ............................ 68, 926. 75 1972 ............................ 4, ~42. 16 1972 ............................ 1972 ............................ ?, 9~9. 12 1972 ............................ 1;2~5.54- 1972 ............................ 278,$$5.44 1972 ............................ 127. 75 1972 ............................ 15,471.77 19 72 ............................ 451. 19 72 ............................ 2, ~29. 19 72 ............................ 66, $50. 72 t972 ............................ 51, ~. 682, !95. GENERAL FUND ............................. 453,004.14 W~4TER SYSTEM RE?ENUE FUND ................ 58,628.86 SEWER REVENUE FUiCD ....................... ~6, 432.55 SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSITORS FUND ............ FIREHEN'S RELIEF ~ PENSION FUND .......... 147.19 RETIREMENT TRUST FUND .................... PUBLICITY FUND ........................... UTILITY GENERAL FUND ..................... 105,129.~1 I ~ S FUND ............................... .71 CIVIC CENTER BOND SINKING FUND ........... 13.50 BOYNTON BEACH POLICE COMPLEX ............. 16~ 0~$. 80 682, 195. 09 WATER SYSTEI~ REYENUE FUND SEWER REYENUE FUND SEW~ 2222 2223 222~ ~ W2TER DEPOSIT FUND FIREMEN'$ RELIEF ~ PENSION FUND 4, 19 72 HETIRElfENT TRUST FUND 766 767 76~ 769 GEN£RAL FUND 2854~ F.O.P. GlO E. Gr,~o, Prims 2~ Rsx~ L. Dm~x ?~. ~ oo 92.5~ 2.20 1.~ , 1.60 1.60 15.50 7. 50 25.10 ,.50 17. GO 75. $0 59. ~$ 2~. 27 ~0. 58 !35. !2 71. O0 4~, 51 73.02 66.12 24~3~ O0 90.60 1 ?0; O0 856. O0 18.50 52. 21 150. O0 25. O0 10. O0 695. 79 4,1972 2855¢ 28551 28555 28556 28557 28558 2856¢ 28561 28562 _28563 28565 ~4~566 667 2:¢5 72 28573 G~ZNm~ma-DA~xS P~S~SN~Ne Go. 26. O0 Oo~ Rmcosrs, INc. 60. O0 Jo~ Jv~ 25. ~ G~esm B~S~E~$, I~¢. 51.75 R. L. g~¢~o~s ~~ 47. ~ HOV~E F~ S~v~cr P~o~m Cmmmr¢~ Co. 36~5 ~ 's S~oa~ S~o~ 72. 95 H. L. G~¢mmoms PsI~y~ 252. WA TER 14-~62 4065 14f964 4065 4~66 406 7 4068 SYSTEM REYENUE FUND BaOOK$ PaOD~rCTS OF FL~., I~c. JACK'S CONCRETE ~UHPIN~, INc. GoND~S Coap. R. L. Ga~o~s PaZNTZ~ SEWER REVENUE FUND 4!17 W~mms Psoemzs PU£LIGITY FUND 549 Fazmmsoersm E~mc~a~c Sap~p~r, INc. UTILITY GENERAL FUND 285 or~r OF BB/Gm~A~ Fa~ G.Et~ERAL FUND 28575 Or~r OF BB/Pzrae~ P¢Nr 28576 G~P~TA~ LEASIN¢ GO~P. 1,929~ 4~ 75.60 36.96 32. 60 2, 104.5'7 99 7~ 52 59.91 5~ 000; O~ 5, 000. ~ I, 966~ 77 $36~ ~2 11,799.28 2, $1G~ 51 WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 14069 G~.o~L LE~$~N~ Co~p. 25 .5e 258.50 · J~m. ~, ~'9 72 ~ENEB~L FUND 2858¢ Cr~,Y om BB/ W, CTEi¢ DEPt. 2,3~3.. 75 28~81 gm~E ~oo~m 125, ~0 28582 W~z~ H~cDowm~ 1S2.~0 6, 225.38 WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 14070 W~'-~ MzcDowm~L I ~ S FUED CIYIC CENTER BOND SINKING FUND 55! THE ON, SE H~It~TTAN B~lCK, UTILITY GENERAL FUND 287 Ci¢ABTREE COmS~¢e~rO~ Co.,Itcc. 2~.00 2~.00 . ?1 1~50 8G!,. 70 ~. 7, 1972 GENERAL FUND ~,, 2858,5 Cz~Y OF BB/Crc~s.F~Et~EaIcK, REc~E.D~. 51.55 ~ 28588 ~Er~ D. A~¢SAE~ 7.5~ 28589 Jo~ B. Du~¢~¢ 598.58 28~91 G,~rs E.-W~r¢s~ 50.00 2859~ Eo. B¢F~r, J~. 282.00 2~696 ar~r OF BE/PEter aas~ 19.77 ~ 28596 ~ OF BB/Par~oL~ F~ 16,926;51 ~- 28597 Oz~z OF BB/Po~IcE Rm~. F¢~ 283.57 ~ 28598 OzzY ox BB/F~mmEN's REn.~PEm. F¢~ 18~.35 2, 5 75. O1 7,125.29 1972 1972 20,696.75 WATER SYSTEI~ RET_~NUE FUND 1.50 3~ 508; $, 509. SEWER REVENUE FUND 2, 464-~.88 2, 464-. 88 PUBLIGITY FUND 553 GENERAL FUND 28601 P~ss~c WKS./PmT~Y Gzs~-H. Ho-~.~Ns 38. 82 28602 T~m Ts~mL~as I~s. Go. !?~96 2~6~3 BLare Gaoss/BL~m Ss~m~r OF FLa.,INc. 78.10 28605 So~T~ma,v Bm~ fm~ 672. 68 2~6~7 F~z..~s. ~ L~o~ Co. 6, 374. $7 286~8 O~ OF BB/Wz~ Dmr~. 8I~. 50 8, 792. ~ ? WATER SYSTEM RETENUE FUND 14073 HzSO~D ~o~m~s, D~s. Par.Wms/Pm~Y G~szt 29, 73 14~76 F~z. Pws. ~ L~. Go. 2,938.55 14077 G~ry OF BB/W~a 3, 022. SEWER REYENUE FUND ' 4119 H, HopKINs/P~B; WEs~PETTY OAS~ 12~28 412~ ~x; L~Fm I~s. Go. ' 9~18 4121 ~z. ~a. & L~. Go. 1,568~30 2, 25¢, GENERAL FUND 28609 R~mzz~ ~o Ho 28610 Sx~y ~ Sc~as~a, ~I~c. 28611A~mTO STmEL Pao~czs 75.00 57,55 26, 6 73. ~$ 14,065.29 28612 28613 28614 28616 2861 7 $8619 28621 28622 28624 28627 28656 28~$7 2v~e~no~c~s, INc. 235. ~OYNT~N ~TO ~UPPLY, INC. $~ea O~zn~ Go. 2¢8~95 g~s~ow E~Z~E~ S~a~., i~c. G~F S~a~xm L~Bma Go. 21.61 SRE~CEa Book Go. 9.. 73 X~aox 111~ 25 H~nsmr ~ GaIFFrTS, ImC. ~27 W2TER SYSTEH RETENUE FUND 14080 J.~ C~a~o~, INC. t~5 H~ss~ ~ Gar~r~s, INc. 289, 84~ 32.28 CQ, ?? 2~., 95 190~ ~5 9~ 92 1972 JAN. 12,19 72 SEWER REVENUE FUND 4125 Rmm.~ Imp. Rm~'.BoNm SiNm. F~Nm 35,050.11 ~!24 Jo~x B. D~m~m 22.05 4125 BoY~om ~ S~pm~Y, I~c. 49.28 ~126 Baow~ P~m ~ S~Y Go. 31~.68 33, 661.72 PUB£IGITY FUiCD 554 G.T. Bow~ms E~m¢. 555 Spea~ 's Hz~mN COo GENERAL FUND 28649 JesN B. D~NmLm 6?.07 1l~ ~ ?~ 2~ 24.26 WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 14086 MzLNo~ 0o~. 28.44 14087 R. D. T~r~m 5,20 14092 ~Nms~ G. HZL~E~ 1. 72 ~09~ A~m~ D~c~m~$o~ !.94 1~095 Cszs~s R. Hoot !~.2~ 14096 H.T. RmN~m~s 10.41 1~7.20 SEWER REVENUE FUND 4128 GEo. DEmN~s % 4129 EaNmSZ O. 2fZLLEa DENNIS $. 05 6. 10 SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 2226 Or~Y OF BB/W.D. T~TTLE ~77,50 2227 Gr~Y OF BB/Homms BY Lmom 7.5~ 2229 O~Y OF BB/SNow C~s~a~c~ro~ 15.~0 2230 O~Y OF BB/OLz~E BoNn 7.50 2231 G~?Y OF BB/W~r~ t972 13,1972 2232 2233 2254 2235 2236 2257 2258 2239 224¢ 2241 2242 224~ 22~-4 2245 C~TY o~ BB/DEWEY Jo~Nso~ O~TY OF BB/L~oY~'S oF BB, INc MICHAEL OrT~ o~ DB~Louis B~¢mmTT ALLEN DICKENSON REED OONSTR~CTrON GENERAL FUND 28651 28652 2865~ 28654 28655 2~656 28657 28658 28659 28660 2~661 28662 28663 28664 28665 2~666 28667 2866~ 28669 28670 286 71 28672 28673 2~674 2~675 ~LLEN INS. A~ENCY C. PRODUCTS, CO. P~ ~E~SON BAKER ~ TAYLOR Co, DEL~Y BEAC~ DAILY ~EWS ~O~BLEmAY ~ CO., INc. E~ST Co~sT Frae FBtNK~OUSE ELEC. SUPRLY~ INC. CK ' S CAHERA CENTER ~ASZK~S WORKSHOPS INC. FTRESTONE ~n~m~ Cmm~ZCZL Co. P~snzsz~¢ Go, I~c. SEWER 4130 REKENUE FUND Lus~zc~ Trom EN¢ PrCARm CHE~rCAL Co. ZEP IYANUF.4CT~rRINS INC. 23.50 15,59 15.50 15. O0 !8.50 17.6~ 16.90 7. 50 15.50 15~5~ 1 7~60 42.45 ! 00. ~0 38.58 124.50 1,914, 64 512.55 4,12 185.30 71.77 GR. ~0 GG. ~6 49~. 98 ~17 9~:50 40.,00 23'7.58 64. lfi 220,95 495.68 1972 WATER SYSTEM £EYENUE FUND I4099 A~TORROI~UUTS, INC. l&I~2 C.J. SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 224¢ S~ow Coms~uc~oN 2247 DmM~¢o ~ So~s, I~c. $$o 71 11 7. 76 GENERAL FUND 28676 G.J. 28677 Boems~ No~F¢S 1~. 28678 E~rs McA~or 5. O0 28679 ~ D. A~sz~ 7~50 28680 E~ R~Y~O~D 28681 GrTr OF BB/P~ r~o~ F~mo l 6, 82~ 48 286~2 Gz~z o~ BB/Po~reE RE~. F¢~ 288;1~ 2~68~ 2868~ BB RE~. fa¢s~ F¢~m 522,~1 28686 Fz~s~ B~Nm & Taus~ 7,159.67 28687 ~M Go~Y 159.3~ 28688 G~NE W~s~T-F~E DEp~./PE~Y G~s~ 36.3~ 28689 G~LF 2~9~ G~Y ~ BB/W~zz~ RE~Em~E F~ 12,202~!~ 28692 GrTY 2869~ 2869¢ G~TY OF BB/Po~ZcE RE~. ~¢~ 215~62 28695 28696 Cr~Y OF BB/P~BLrcIrY F~ND __~.28~. 75 63, 522~. ;84 WATER SYSTEM REYE~¥UE FUND 14103 C~zx OF BB/PAY~OL~ FUND 14104 GULF 0~ COaP. SEWER 4153 RETENUE FUND $, 4 78.82 !, 7~8~ 46 ' '1, 78~ 64 68, 926. 73 ~. 18, i972 GENERAL FUND 28697 E,~E~oa J. W~LTm_~S WATER SYSTEH REYENUE FUND 14105 U.S. PosT~s~Ea/£B 4~0,00 14106 ELE~moa J. WA~m~s ~26 1~107 J.A.S. B~I~Eas SEWER RETENUE FUND 4135 ELm~No~ J. W~Tm~s SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 2249 Gr~Y o~ BB/PENr~s~L~ GENERAL FUND 28698 O~a~,Es J. G~mLmr 24~ 09 2~699 F~on~ & T~oms E. Par~c~m 18~17 28700 t~xc~m~ Grm~ 7~ O0 28701 Ess~ JANE COOK 18.00 2~703 Lo~m~ H. Drxo~er~ ~00 28 705 ?Ir~r Hm~ ~D 1 ~ 50 28706 O~sr- Oo~ar~roN F~ 25. 787;47 WATER SYSTEH REYENUE FUND 14110 Lo~ SH~mO~ Esz~Tm/~ ~M~s. 14112 O~s~ Oo~aI~=Trox Fcmm l~$G 4, 842.1G SEWER 4137 1, 25¢, 52 SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FO~D 2250 J~¢m DA¢~RmY 7.50 2251 J.A.S. B~r~mas 7~5~ 2252 1972 ~_~. ~9, 1972 GENERA£ FUND 28708 Jose N.a~.~nao $5.00 28709 B,~r G~oss-B~z Ssrs~ or F~z~I~2,625.88 2871~ BLVE Gsoss-B~¢~ SHZELr OF F~Z.,LvC. ~!. 72 28711 G~O~ W~s 65.~0 2~712 ~orz~zZ I~c. o~ F~z. 2~.9~ 28715 A~czN F~r~ LrFm $~.69 2~71~ Wr~rs F~m L~wso~ 1~.09 287t5 28716 287I 7 28718 28719 28720 28 72t 28'722 28723 28?26 28727 28~ 28 731 INs. Co. 164;~ font .4CCE~Z & So~ 775~00 ADDnESSO~a,~PZ If¢LZ~¢~PZt Conp. 126.8~ Ar¢~.vcz Ars 0o~. ~ HEZ~. ,Imc. 252~5~ ~aTO~o~ao~s, INC. 6~ 97 2~ B~osso~ S~o~x 61.3~ Bor~o~v A¢~o SarapE, I~o. 31.67 ~zNzzarNs Nco. Go., INc. 1~. ~8 IBH Co~. 375. ~0 f~nm~ro~z~ A~S~.OF Frsr OsrE~s 22.5~ SwaNKs Fu~Nr ~¢aE IN~Ea r oas 22~, ~ Fras~ Bzr~ ~ Tn¢s~ 1~.75 ~'s S~oa~ Sso~s, INc. 51. O0 M~ZN Tao~rxs ~ S~o~ S~o~ 33~60 V~ D. Aa~s~S~ES 7~ 50 Jo~ Ro~z~o 18.00 Jo~ Ro~z~o ~, O~ 29,550.94 J~. 19, 1972 SEWER RETENUE FUND 4158 B~E Cnoss-Bz~rE Sm~EnD OF F~,~. 170.87 4159 BYRD'S E~e~c He~oa S~a~. 19~Z6 WATER SYSTEM REYENUE FUND 14115 BL~rm ORoss-B~m S~ImLm oF F~. GENERAL FUND 28762 tssocr~mm Lrs~rms, Imc. 2~7~3 8orm~o.~ P~p ~ S~p~Y, I~c. 2876~ T~E H~A~ Hma~ P~.Go. WATER l~i2e SYSTEM REYENUE FUND H~Ro~ Hopm~rs, DTR. /P~?Y T~cmmR NEe. Go., I~c. SEWER 4141 41¥2 REKENUE FUND H~aoLm SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 22~ B~RNI~ ~ Sims FIRENEN'S RELIEF ~ PEArSION FUND 5~7 Jomm ~55 H~o~o PUBLICITY FUND 559 GRE.~TmR BB Gm~BEa OF COmmEnCE 3e$~ 17 26!~I2 16~28 I~ 27~ 67 11~ 96 13~ 68 18;21 7, 939, 12 1,235.5~ .J/ '~. 21, 19 72 GEA~TRAL FUND 28?58 OITY OF BB/PzYao~L F~N~ 16,268~$$ 28759 O~ oe BB/Po~cm Rm~r~m~m~z F~N~ 276~1'~ 2876~ 28761 BB 28762 BeYm-~e~ Gm~ Fmc. C~m~m? Um~o~ ~,57~.5~ 28764 Fz~s~ B~ ~ T~s~ 3,27!.37 28766 O. J. 28?66 28767 2B~69 2877~ WATER SYSTEH REYEi~UE FUND 14121 GtTY oF BB/PAYao~L F~m$ $,6G6~-?$ 14122 F~ S~m~s 2~2~ 1~I26 ~s. F~A~m T~Yz~ 14124 S~ow Go~s~cr~o~ 12, 7~ 14126 D~ws Dm~o~m~m~ Oo~. 3.84 !~i26 ~N D~CmEmSON , ,2~ 24 3, 690~ 91 SEWEB REVENUE FUND 4145 OITY oe BB/PAr~o~ F~m 1,450~72 4144 F~EB S~m~ERS 10~t0 !,4S~.S7 SEWER ~ W2TER DEPOSIT FUND 22~6 FaEi) S~m.¥E~S 1 7~ 60 2257 J. T. Smm~rom 7~ 22~8 Jo~ E. JO~NSo~,ESr~TE~R.F~-A~z~ 7.5~ 226~ Mas* N.Z. 2262 lff~s. 2262 SNow Co~s~a~c~roN 15. 2265 Dnmws D~. Go~p. 226~ KE~s~ Foo~m 2265 ANN DrC~mNSON 15~5~ 2266 Do~n~s 2267 K. N~mrm¢ 7, 5~ UTILITY GENERAL FUND 288 Fras~ B~K ~ Ta~s~ 141 ~ 70 99,267. 31 95, 267. Sf 278, 335.44 J4~. 2&, 1972 25, 19 72 gENERAL FUND 28772 G~As. FREDma~cm-Rmcam. DEPT./PmTTY 28?73 Ro~m~ $2.65 75 ~ 00 ~$~$$~t~ ~FOID ?~ 5~ GENERAL FUND 2~778 Rz~o Gea~. 211~ 0~ 22~ 22 WATER 14127 14128 SYSTEN REKENUE FUND SEWER REYENUE FUND 4t47 RA~,~ W. 2PP~,meATm 5; ¢5 .20, 1972 S~ER (~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 2268 Nas. 2269 Gr~ OF BB/REz~ Co~s~. 2270 G~Y OF BB/Doa~A~ A. Gomsm~, 2271 ~/ALDE~R 2272 ~. 22?3 R~s W. BOYNTON BEAGH POLIGE COHPLEX 498 GEoa~ C. 499 GENERAL FUND 28779 CAROLINE 28780 Dozc~zc~c~r WATER SY3TEH REFENUE FUND 14129 REmS Goms~R¢cTrom SEWER & WATER DEPOSIT 2274 FL.~o STATE ROA~ DEPT. 2276 Rom~Lm Da,~rL,~ 2277 Rom~m DR~e~LA 2279 HA~LE I~DUSTaIES/RE~L ESTATE JR. DEPT, 17.60 7, 50 7~ 50 1 7; 60 25; 1~ 15, 127, ! O~ 00 ! 50; O0 lSo,.OO 7.50 8.25 240.00 ~lO 15,471.77 431.4~ ?4Y' £ ?' I972 GENER2L FUND 28781 CLXFFOR~ ;L~ssEx 28782 28783 Jr~ 28785 Jo~ Ro~o £8786 Jom 28?87 NRs. L~N~RrDsm 26788 M~. 2679~ Frams~oNm 28793 G~n~ N~ws~as Go. 2879~ G~ 0~ Gon~. ~879~ Hozs~s Sso~ S~o~ 298¢0 ~z~s T~c~-~ 2~80t H~L~a's R~o TV WA TEn 14130 14131 14132 SYSTEH REFENUE FUND ALLrED OONSeR~CeXO~ PROD. FIRESTONE SEWER 4-t 48 4149 REYENUE FUND PUBLICITY FUND 561 R.L. GRa~ONZ GENERAL FUND PEeer 288~3 H~Ro~ HomErNs, D~eR~P~m. WEs/C~sm 28~04 Cre~ OF gO.NeON B~zc~/P~YRoLLF~ 28805 GITY OF BB/Po~.Rme. F~ND 636.00 3, OO 545.00 982.00 ~00.00 5,00 105.08 300.00 36.90 536.90 2, 829.89 45.54 19, 656.50 2 76.98 184.84 505.48 28, ! 9 72 28808 BOYN~ON CITY FZm. OaEmI~ UNION 2881~ 28812 28813 Cr~r 2881~ Oz~Y OF BB/S~W Drop. F~m~ 28815 AMERoSOCIETY FoR 28817 BZS¢~YNE Fram 28818 28822 2B823 2~826 28827 2~828 28825 28850 C~STOM ~¢~0 TRIm SIP D~rs PROdUCTIons DIXIE FR~EB C~ICKEN Frae CmrZFS ASSN. OF P~L~ BE~C~ Co. M~TTIS, S~LLI~N ~ H~UN INS. GATOR C~LFERT CO. G~YLo~m BRos.. INC. GRaYaRc Co. ,.INc. R. L. GRCN~ONS PaIN~IN¢ 1,655.58 $, 308.36 3~ O0 30. 88 l 6., 994, 31 14, 946, 77 3 7~, 9~ 12. OO ~x~ 45. ~ 535.5~ 35. ~ ~. ~6 32, 2~ 7.75 WATER 1~-133 ~ ~i 35 SYSTEM REYENUE FUND H.~OLm HoPKIms. DaT~/P¢$. WKs./PET. CzSm 25. ~6 CrrY OF BB/P~YaOn~ FCN~ $, 365.39 3, 392, 75 SEWER ~152 REYENUE FUND Hzao~m Hopxrxs, D~a. Pcs. WKs/PmT. C~sm I1.25 CITY OF BB/P~raom~ F~mm 1,387.37 HrL~ MF¢. Go. 216,16 1,614. 7~ SEWER 2288 2281 2282 2283 · WATER DEPOSIT FUND GrTY OF BB/KzTrE ANdREws, EsT. CITY OF BB/EVELYN ~L4cPtIEaSON EFEL rm MA cPsma SON/C/O L. BR ~NETTI 7.58 3.26 4.24 7.50 BOYNTON BEACH POLICE GOMPLFJX ~97 A~m~ INs. AcmNcY 731.80 YOID /~..~. 28, 19 72 J~.$1,1972 PUBLIGITY FUND 562 Hrss FLo~zm~ GENERAL FUND 28831 28833 D~ 28854 Ar~ ~o T~F~ZC 912.~ 2~837 28838 J. T. S~E~e~ 2.~ 28~40 BoY~o~ 288~1 B¢¢~ 's 288~ F~m~o¢sx 288~7 G~.~ OrL Co~p. 11.64 288~9 IBH Gosy. 16.92 2~&5~ L~o~s o~ Bo~o~ 28~5t Tm~ Hrz~r H~z~m Pv~rsmrm~ Go. 15.~1 2885~ N~'~ Frae P~o~re~roN Asz~. 40.00 2B$57 Prcz~ C~E~rc~ Co. 64.25 2e8~9 Bz¢~ Ho~o~s, I~c. 4~. 28~61 Row~ ~cw Ee~r~. 552.42 2~8 Gr~r OF BB/ff~rc.zrA~ Swr_¢.PooAF¢~m 991.77 28~99 Czar OF BB/BBHE~oar~ Pzam 3,¢02.37 0~ Cr~Y OF BB/Po~.RE~. F~ 1,139.79 8gO1 Or~r OF BB/P~sLzcr~Y F~ 96g. 02 2~. or~r OF BB/SEwE~ 28505 Or~r 28~2 2~9~9 Czar OF BB/RE~I~E~T T~s~ 66, 550. ,72 J4~' $i, 197£ W~TER SYSTEH RETE2FUE FUND 14136 Nu~pMy CONST~CT~O~ i~157 AWK INDUST.RYES £EWEB 41~4 415G REYENUE FUND J. T. Ssm~oN SEWER 229~ 2292 ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND SNOW OONSTaUCTION S~ow C~ms~a~cTrom J. O. Ew~m~ BOYNTOi¥ BEACH POLICE COMPLEX 496 P{LM BE{eM OFFZOE S~PPLY 488. ~3 ?~3. ~ 2~. ~ 5.85 23. G£ 4?. 36 4~7. i? 15. $~ 11, GG !43. g~ 5. 2~ 225~ ~ 2. $9 5.2~ 7. 5~ 9. 92 5. ~8 7. 5~ 2. $~ ~7.6~