PltE SEN~:
RObert B. Effron~ Mayo~
Mrs. Emily M. Jaekson~ Vice Mayor
John L. Arable: Councilman
Harold L. Blanehette~ Councilman
David Robe.s: Co~c~an
Mrs. Tereesa Padgett: ~' ·
~lt3 Clerk
and A~cing City Manager
Mayor Effron called the SpeciatMeeting to order at 3:i4 P. M,
Attorney Simon, s Request
Mayor Effron stated t~hat he talked with Mr. Simeon with re~ar~ to defend-
lng the Milnor suit. Mm. Simon stated that he would defend the suit.
He does request an Attorney in West Palm Beach. to work with him~ so if
he is not able to be present the other Attorney can go in his place.
Mr. Simon has recommended Pmed Hollingsworth.
Fred Hotlingsworth is agair~t the C-ty~ in another zoning suit. The ques-
tion is~ is this a eonftict of interes~ ~or him to be against the City in
one suit~ a3/d defend the City in another suit?
Mayor Effron stated that in talking with other Attorneys, they h~ve said
it is definitely a conflict of interest. We have to give Mr. Simon an
answer on ~hls.
~s. Camkson suggested Mr. Simon call Mr. Shevin and ask for his opimion
as to whether om not this is a ~onflict ®f interest.
One Attorney's, ~ fee would be $60 an hour plus expenses, the other would be
$75 an hour. This could be c!ar~ied.
MfS.give kimFadgettan Opinionrep°rtedasthatan individual.Mr' Simon Stated that Mr. Shevin would not
Mrs. Jackson moved to get the opinion of Mr. Shevin on this as soon as
abstalned.P°ssible~ seconded by Mr. Btanahette . Motion carried 4-0. Pm. Arehie
.D~eussion on Annexation
Council discussed annexationbrlefly.' It was ap~eed that Council should
haue the present population and the projected population with respect to
the capacity o~ the water and sewer plants~ also cheek with the Health
Department on Sewer & Water Expansion. If Council has this information
they will be able to discuss annexation more Understandably.
Discussion of Wrecker Rotation
Mrs. Padgett stated there seems to be some misunderstanding of this ~eek-
er operation. She understood that the w~eckers are to eontlnue to operate
but the City will not be a part of sending thembusmness' because the
wredker rotation has been discontinued.
Discussion of Wmeeke~ ROta~
Mayor Ef~ron stated that there is no .w~.eekem. ~otation list. T~
allowed to operate ~eekem until the
The ~fayor also Stated that if the Cit~3unetmOn has been dea/ded~u~;~.
is say/ng these people amc in
tation of the Zoning meg~latfon~ the City could not be a Part ~f send/ng
business to them. The w~e~kem rotation //st was an administrative policy.
Mrs. Jackson understood that th/ngs would OPemate as they
with the rotation 1/st~ until i.t was decided by the previously
she asked the question' of the Clty Attomney twlee.Coumt. This is why
Mayor Eff~on then Stated
City Should d' that the City Attomney did not think that the
lreet business to the stations in the /mpropem ZOne. The
City is not stopp/ng them fr~m using the wreckers.
Mr. Arehie stated that if the City sent bus/ness to these Places that we
say amc not in Proper zone~ it could be used aga/nst us in Coupt.
tf theme is an aaeident~ the Person is asked who they want to tow the
ca~; if theme is no P~eferenee Hood w/il be Called since he has the Only
w~eekem /~ C-2 zone.
Mayor Effron stated that the City
and the Court Will decide, has been Se~ed with a wmft of mandamus
M~. Blanchette moved to adjourn~ Seconded by ~m. Amebic.
~ieet/ng adjourned.