Robert B. Effron~ Mayor
Mrs. Emily M. Jackson, Vice Mayor
John L. Archie~ Councilman
Harold Blanehette, Councilman
David Robez~cs~ Counc/lman
Mrs. Tereesa Padge~ City Clerk
and Acting City Manage~
M~yor Effron called the meeting to order at 7:50 P. Mo
The Invocation was given by Kenneth Hughes, Religion Major from Palm
B~ach Atlantic College, followed by the Flag Salute led by Lar~y Ar~z,
Finance Director.
Introduction of Guests
P. C. Van Deusen, Senior Citizens
Robe~c Beyrer, ~nited Boynton Civic League and Sterling Villate Senior
~lbe~t Wehrell, Boynton Isle, Lee ManoT
R. B. Vast/ne, Leisureville
Gil Ecke~t~ Hampshire Gardens
Paula Moore, American Legion Auxiliary, President
Jdm O'Meara, Chamber of C~mmerce
Bill Moore, Retired Government Employees, President
Anthony Newbold, Ridgewood Hills
HarTy Leforte, Village Royale
M~s. Dewey Sanders: Boynton Junior Woments Club
Mrs. Jackson stated that Mr. Vastine was just appointed to the Palm Beach
County A~ea Development Board.
Proclamation - '~iss Boynton Beach Week'~
Mayor Effron read the Proclamation, designating March 4th through March
llth as "Miss Boynton Beach Week" and asked all residents to join in
Supporting this worthwhile endeavor.
Regular Meeting - January 18, 1972
Mms. Jackson stated that on Page 5 under "Review status of all court
cases" it should be the ~'Catholic Diocese~ not the Catholic Church.
Mr. Archie moved to accept the minutes of January 18~ 1972 as corrected~
seconded by Mr. Roberts. Motion carried 5-0.
Mrs. Jackson moved to table the minutes o~ JandaT~ ~§th, ~CO~§~ by
Mr. Arehie. Motion carmied 5-0.
Mr. Archie moved to accept the minutes of January 20th and 25th as writ-
ten, seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0.
PEBRib~RY 1: 1972
Florence Oths, 2450 S. Federal Highway spoke for a number of Boyn~on
B~aeh residents. She stated that fo~ the past yea~ they-have been
si~ned to the fact that they must forego the pleasure of visiting Boynton
Beach on Saturdays and Sundays because of the pa~king situation. She
p~esented this matter to Council~ and requested a solution to the problem.
There are campers, trailers and people from out of town parking at the
beach. Mrs. Oths respectfully ~equested Council to give sume considera-
tion to this problem.
Mayor Effron stated that he agrsed with Mrs. Oths and requested that she
t~ll her story to Ocean Ri ge ar~ the County Comm~ssmon also. The City
has been trying to get more beach.
Robert Beyrer. stated that he did not attend the meeting Monday evening
with t.h.e P~g Consultant, .~ut he did read that Mayor Effron mentioned
eXtending the'line of. annexation property to State Road ~4.41~ and also
that Mr. Archie mentioned that the Count~ desires to combmne the towns
into one large tow~. Mr. each member of Council if they
own any property west :.. Mr. Roberts answered '~no~.
Mrs. Jacksor stated "no~' but wished he did.
Mr. Arehie stated "yesu and glad he does.
In view
people know exactly
, member of Coun~it that owns
have the right to vote on annexation.
owns p~operty, he should let the
Mr. Archie stated that if it is a conflict of interest he will abstain
~om votmng, as: he has always done.
Mayor Effron stated that what he said about annexation was that Council
should probably get to~ether and discIAss it~ as c~mm%~lities to the south
have requested annexation out to 444
Mr. Archie confronted Mr. Beyrer with the fact that he at one time op-
posed MrS. Jackson at ~ittee meetings at ~hieh Mr. Arehie was also
present. He asked Mr~ Be~rem why he turned around and backed Mrs. Jack-
son when he was once against her?
Mr. Beyrer stated that he and Fn0s. Jackson were once Drear opponents.
Mrs. Jackson agreed. He then stated that Firs. Jackson was backed because
s.h.e was the only meh%be~ of the 5 members of the Council who had any con-
sideration f.or. ~he ~axPaye~s of Boynton Beach. She is the only member
who did anything to roll back the millage. She opposed the drainage.
This is ~y sh~'?W~aS'-~9~n ~vezS~'. consideration as a candidate.
Mr. Vastine stated that it has. come to him from very reliable sources
that it has be~n said that LeisUx~Ville ms now behind the Drexel Property
PEBR~UL~Y 19 1972
Mr. Vastine stated he is not opposed to, annexation per se, b~t he can
bring 1,000 names /f there is an attempt to annex Drexel Property without
legal means of the Charter~ and it would be drastically opposed. If
Drexel Properties makes ~% attempt to cOme into the City of Boynton Beach
Mr. Vastine cautioned the Council to be guided by the Charter~ and they
are ready at any Time to present the petition to force it to re~erendum~
and he also proposed a $7507000 perfommance bond be poste~. Furthermore~
a~y developer coming in should pay the freight all the way. The people
of this City arb not obligated to any developer.
F~yor Effren stated ~at Council is awa~e of the Cha~tem: the petition:
and also aweme that there are two sides to every
Mr, Vastine stated he is aware of tJ%e two sides of the sto~y.
F. C. Van Deusen stated that there are dwellings going up at N. W. 1st Ct.
and 1st Street~ and the people in the area want to P~ow what they are
for. They are worried that these will be low rental homes. He asked in
City Hall: and no one seems to know. When a permit is 9~anted to build
a dwellir~ in the City can't they find out then what it is to be built
for - rental~ dwelling or what?
Mr. Barrett, Deputy Building Of~icial~ Stated that Mr, Van Deusen is try-
lng to find out if these are rentals or fo~ sale. It is single family
hOmes. We do not know if the builder intends to rent o~ t~ sell, This
is not determined by the Building Department.
Mr. Van Deusen congratulated Mr. Frederick for the fine job he iS doing
as Recreation Director.
Thomas Canavan requested a voting precinct in Sterling Village, due ~o
the fact that it is getting more hazardous to cross the Highway and go
to the Civic Center to vote. He has requested this before~ and wan~e~
to know if they can or cannot have a voting precinct.
Mr. Arabic stated that a Charter Revision Committee will be appointed
tonight and this will be ino!uded~ as well as voting p~ocedures.
Mr. Blanchette had a request from people at ~he end of Swinton Avenue.
Cars oom/ng from De]may do not see the sign: and run off the road, and
in one instance into a house.
This will be turned ~ver to the Police Department te make a survey~ and
put up ~i~ns.
Mr. Canavan stated that he heard anyone meking a H-turn into Sterling
Village would get a ticket. He further stated that there are no signs
stating no ~-tur~.
Mayor Effron stated that a uniform traffic code went into effect this year
and there are no W-turns in a bus/ness district.
FEBRUARY !, 1972
Lt. Waters stated that a letter has been sent to the Department of Trans-
portation requesting signs, and we are awaiting a reply frc~ them.
Ordinal_ce NO.. 72~2 - Amend~ .t~h_e Building.. Code - 2nd Reading
Mrs. Padget~ read Ord~uance N.o. 72-2 by. title only. Mr. Arahie moved to
adOpt Ord. ~72-2 on 2nd and final reading, seconded by Mrs. Jackson.
Motion carried 4-0. Mr. Blanchette abstained.
O~di. nance Ne. 72-5 - Re restricting u. se of water - Ist Re~. ding
Mrs. Padgett read Ordinanne No. 72-5 in its entirety. Mrs. Jackson moved
to pass Ord. ~72-5 on 1st reading, seconded by Mr. Roberts. Motion car-
ried 5-0.
Resolution No. 72-B - Supporting legislation t~ allow County tax assessing
and col~!ecting on a voluntary basis~ and to pr. ese__rve municipal cour4is
Mrs. Pa,~gett read Resolution No. 72-B. Mss. Jackson moved to adopt Reso-
lution ~72-B~ seoonded by Mr. Archie. Motion camried 5-0.
Mrs. Jackson stat.ed that the Legislature will take up Municipal Courts
this week~ and made a motion to send telegrams to our Legislative Delega-
tion and Riehaz~ Pettigr%~v, Speaker o~ the House~ so that they will have
this immediate!yl seconded by Mr. Arehie. Motion carried 5-0.
Legal advice with regard to claims arising from purchase of cast iron
p%,~e and fitting..s .......
The City still does purchase fx~m some of ~he companies name~ a~ ~he
city ~ttorney ~ecommends that the City Council request to he excluded
~rem the pending lawsuit in H. S. District Court.
Mr. Archie moved that the City be excluded from the suit, seconded by Mr.
Roberts. Motion carried 5-0.
Final Judgment - Az~hdioeese suit
Mayor Effron reported that a memo f~om the City Attorney states that there
has been ~inal judgment rendered regarding the suit of the Archdiocese Of
Miami. The City has lost the suit~ and the Court has o~der~d Stuart
Fuller to issue the building permit. There will be a revisw of this
judgment on Pebruary26th by Judge Knott.
The question now is~ does the City wish to appeal?
The Mayor stated that the reasons for turning down the suit are not de-
fined in this final judgment. Regardless of the decision, the Mayor per-
sonally requests a clar/fication from the Court on this matter.
FEBRU~L~Y 1, 1972
Final Judgment - Archdiocese su~t: eontd.
Mrs. Jackson moved that we ask for clarification and an appeal, seconded
by Mr. Eobez*cs. Motion carried 4-1. Mr. Arabic voted ~no'~ he is in
favor of the clarification but not the appeal.
The City has received a writ of mandamus in connection with Jacques
Atlantic Station.
Mr. Ar~hie moved to have the City Attorney defen~ the suit~ seconded
Mr. Blanehette. Motion carried 5-0.
Possible Charter Changes
(Mrs. Jackson)
Mrs. Jackson read the attaohed proposal fo~ recall proeedume~ which is a
combination of procedures from various cities·
Mrs. Jackson moved to have this recall procedure put before a referendum
vote the lst Tuesday in April, seconded by Mm. Roberts·
Mr. Archie also suggested that since people would be going door to door to
vet people to sign t e petitzon: this should also be allowed to get the
Mr. Arehie then stated that since Counei! did not know this was coming up~
he moved to table this until the neXt regular meeting, seconded by Mr.
Mr. Effron also had a question on the procedure~ and would like to have
the City ~tto~ney go over it.
Mrs. Jaekson stated that the reason for this at this time~ is to save on
transportation of the machines.
~otion carried 3-2. Mrs. Jackson and Mr. Roberts voted
~__equest of R. B. Vastine (Mrs. Jackson)
Mrs. Jackson stated that people want to know what the situation is with
the Przybys P~operty. Ray Allen has stated that the City has liability
coverage on the property. He also suggests a hold hal~nless agreement.
Mrs. Jackson suggested that the City get a Xerox copy of the fire insur-
ance~ and make sure that the whole building is covered: not just the furni-
ture. The school is next door~ and it could be dangerous to the children.
Mrs. Padgett stated there is a separate clause in the deed of the school
to cover this.
Mr. Artz stated that according to Mr. Allen all new property is covered by
the liability policy, the City would have to mndlcat~ what property we have
at the time the policy is renewed next year.
FEBRUARY i, 1972
Request of Mr. Vas~ine_2
Mrs. Jackson Feels the City should have a copy of their insu~anee~ so that
the City is not held responsible.
It was suggested that this be handled administratively, and let Mr. Allen
know our intentions for thisbu"''~&Gl~g.' It was also suggested that Mrs.
Przyby be asked for a certificate of insurance.
Mr. Roberts wanted to know if the owners weme living in this building at
the time of the transfer.
The Mayo~ explained that the ~wners' asking price was $26,000, i$ was ap-
praised at $22:000: the City got the prope~jy for $20~000, giving them
the riqht to use the property for two years.
It was asked if the City pays taxes to the County.
M~. Arehie stated he always thought that one governmental body would not
tax another governmental body. If we own this piece of p~operty as the
City of Boynton Beach, then the County should not tax us.
Mrs. Padgett stated it is her understanding that if it is not used for
municipal purposes it is taxed. She will check into this.
Mr. Archie further clarified that the City offered two years~ use of the
building in order to bring the price down.
Appoint Charter Revision Committee
Each member of Council was requested to b~ing a name for appointment to
the committee.
Mayor Effro~
Mrs. Jackson
Mr. Archie
Mr. Bianchette
Mr. Roberts
Robert B. Reed~ Jr., Attorney at Law
Paul Startzman
Franklin B. Rogger
Martin R. Durkfn
Mrs. Padgett will also ser~e: ex officio, on the committee. Also, Mrs.
Edythe Hood~ who has served on the Election Board for yea~s, has offered
to ser~e on the committee.
The five members will select two more members.
Mr. Roberts suggested that the entire Charter be studied.
Mr. Archie stated that this Committee is only for the one purpose - voting
precincts~ election procedure and possible recall procedure. Another
committee will be appointed for the revision of the entire Charter.
Engineer's recommendation - Parcels re 1-95 R/~
Mrs. Padgett reoommended this be tabled for leqal study.
FEBI~UARY i, 1972
Engine. errs recommendation- .Parcels re 1-95 t~/W, cont:d.
Mr. Archie moved to table the item~ seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion
carried 5-0.
Request Of Ward Sturges - Re ?rainage
Mayor Effron asked MK. Sturges if this was a private matter or a City
Yre. Stumges answered ~a combination of both'~. Mr. Sturges then explained
his situation, with a 204 by 20: hole in back of his !ot~ 16~ off his
property line, This hole has overflowed and caused flooding t~.~ice in
the short time he has lived there. It is a very objectionable thing to
look at~ and is a serious problem. He requests the City to do something
about it.
Council explained that this is a private enterprise and the City cannot
spend taxpayersr money on private streets.
Mayor Effron explained that money is being placed in the budget each year
and we have to take care of drainage on a priority basis. The Mayor then
asked the City Engineer if the saner hat he stated was in the pipe was
removed would it help the drainage?
The City Engineer stated that it would help some. He further stated that
in his opir~on the most significant p~oblem is the esthetic appearance
in Mr. Sturgesr backyard. He endeavored to explain the matter.
A catch basin could be installed for $750~ which would solve the problem
but it would have to be determined who would pay.
Mr. Sturges stated that the City had =o give approval for this to be done,
therefore the City is partly at fault~ and the City has the responsibility
of doing it properly.
M~. Vastine stated that this was done without Mr. Co!linsr pezmission.
The records definitely show that this was done on a t~mporary basis~ He
felt the City does have s~me responsibility for allowing this to happen.
There was ~urther discussion.
Mr. Arehie moved this be taken under advisement, seconded by Mr. Blan-
chette. Motion carried 5-0.
Receipt oi Final Plat - Boynton Industrial Pamk~ Addition
Everything is in order~ and the ordinance is prepared.
Mrs. Padgett read Ordinance No. 72-4. ~r. Arabic moved that Ordinance
No. 7~-4 be passed from 1st to 2nd readmng; seconded by Mr. Blanchette.
Motion carried 5-0.
FEBt~ARY 1~ 1972
NEW BUS1-NESS, cont'd.
Receipt o£ 1970-71 Audit Report
It was clarified that the $82:000 taken out of surplus for the Police
Complex does include the purchase of all the properties the City acquired.
Mr. Artz stated that he requested a conference with ~Lv. Hawkins, but this
was not done.
Fm. krehie moved to receive the 1970-71 Audit Report, seconded by Mr.
Blanehette. Motion carried 5-0.
Mrs. Jad~son suggested Mr. Hawkins have the conference with Mr. Artz.
Requests for Annexation
Sam Tick
Mayor Ef£ron stated that he thi~s the best way to handle utilities is
to offer to provide the utilities~ with the developer to pay the cost
and then deed the pipes~ etc. back to the City. Then the Council would
consider annexation.
Mr. Archie agreed with the Mayor: and also suggested an ordinance to
1.25% on ~tilities outside the municipality. Then if Council decides to
annex the area~ it would be dropped dov~ to the regular rate.
Attorney Daniel Jones represented Mr. Ti~. He stated that they have
been working with the City regarding annexation. This property is in
the developmental area of Boynton Beach. He further stated they are
wiil~.ng to d~ed the pipes and anything else that is necessary to obtain
Mr. Jones axp!ained that it is a one story villa type development that
would be an asset to the City.
Mr. A~ch~e explained that Council should not annex any land immediately
because of the Proposed Zoning Map that will be adopted in a short time.
The present zoning might not be the same as the proposed zoning.
It was brought out that this property was once in the City and it was
de-annexed. Mr. Tick doe~ own the property now, and wants to come ba~
into the City.
Mr. Largent stated that the plans are in preliminary stages, and Council
will be given an opportunity to review the plans.
Mr. Archie moved that Council go over this fully and review ~nne×ation~
seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion c~ried 5-0.
~equests ~o~ Annexation~ oonttd.
(2) M~. Stewart B. Iglehart
Mr. Fronrath and Mm. Duffy ~epresented M~. I91ehart. They explained that
they want to get the feelings of Council as to furnishing utilities and
annexation. They stated that Briny B~eezes would be interested in parti-
cipating in our sewer system. The developer will pay all costs to bring
the system over to the property.
The area was discussed briefly.
Mr. Archie moved to go ove~ this fully and review anney~tion, seconded by
Mr. I~obez~ts. Motion carried 5-0.
~equest to purchase water meters
The PurchasingAqent requests to purchase small amount of meters on an
emez~ency basis until the ~_nual bid.
Mm. Archie moved to allow purchase from Neptune M~ter Co. - !00 5/4~ and
2~ i/4~ meters~ seconded byMr. Bianchette. Motion ca,Tied 5-0.
Request of Purchasing Agent to Advertise_ for Annual Bids
Mr. Archie moved that the request be granted for annual bids, seconded by
~. Blanchette. Motion carried 5-0.
Request of Civil Se. rvic. e Board to amend Civil Sezvi_ce Rules g Reuulations
It was recommended that No. 2 be eliminated and a separate policy be
drawn up for non-classified ~mployees.
The requested changes would have to be done by resolution.
Mrs. Ja~son moved to have the resolution drawn up and omit item No. 2~
seconded by Mr. Roberts. Motion carried 5-0.
Request Certificate of Zoning ApproMal-Bee~ g Wine~. 255 S. E..25~ Ave~
Mrs. Padgett stated that according to the Building Department they do
meet the required zone.
Mr. Arehie moved that the request be granted, seconded by l~s. Jackson.
Motion carried 5-0.
Application for Permit to Solicit
American I~gion Auxi~liary ~!64 - to sell Poppies, and requesting a Pro-
clam~tion proc!aiming February 18-19~ 1972 as POPPY DAYS in the City of
Boynton Beach.
Pit. Archie moved the request be g~anted: seconded by M~s. Jameson. Motion
carried 5-0.
FEBPJdA~Y 1~ i972
American Legion Au"~m!zar~ 9164 -Permit to Solicits cont~d
A Proclamation was prepared for the i,~yor~s signature declaring February
18-19, 1972 POPPY DAYS in the City of Boynton Beach.
Mr. Arehie moved that the Proclamation be approved, seconded by Mr. Blan-
chette. Motion ca,tied 5-0.
Rid Litte~ Day fo~ .!97_~2
Mrs. Jackson reported that on May 25~ 1970 20~000 pounds of litter was
collected in 5 hours. Last year 755 people participated, and 15,000
pounds of litter was collected. She was contacted by the Jr. Women's
Club~ people are anxious to do this again.
Mrs. Jackson requested to have a P~id Litter Day on the 3rd Saturday in
April from 9:00 to 12:00.
Mr. B!anchette moved that ~Rid Litter Day~ be on the 3rd Saturday in
April from 9 to 12~ w~lth Mrs. Ja~son as Chairman, seconded by Mr. A~e.
Motion carried 5-0.
Any donations will be used to buy certificates, make cheeks payable to
the City of Boynton Beach.
Resolution Proposed by County Municipal League re Septic Tard~s(Mrs.. Ja_el%so_r
Mrs. Jackson is going to the County Municipal League meeting. This is on
the Agenda, and wit!be voted on at the meeting. She would lfdce to know
which way Council would like to go on this. The Health Department would
like to relax the position on septic tanks.
Mr. Roberts moved to go along with the resolution, seconded by Mr. Archi~.
Motion carried 5-0.
Need of traffic signal at intersaction~ Ocean Aye... & 4th S.t..(Mr. Ar~eh~.'e)
Mr. Archie stated that a traffic light is needed at Ocean Ave. and 4th St.
He checked with the Police Dept., and last year there were 7 accidents,
2 people fnjured~ 14 cars involved. He checked ~ith Mr. Hopkins~ and it
would cost $4,800 to install traffic signal with trip lever on north-south
Mr. Arabic moved that this signal be installed as quickly as possible
with funds from unappropriated surptus~ seconded by Mr. Blanehette. Mo-
tion carried 5-0.
Mrs. Jackson suggested a left turn arrow at the signal at S. !5th Avenue
and Seaerest Blvd.
It was stated that there would have to be more lanes in the street to ac-
commodate the
Tra£fic Signal: Intersection Ocean Ave, & 4th St.: conrad.
M~r. Hopkins stated that the signal at Ocean and 4th St. would necessi-
tate going out for bid.
MK. Archie moved to go out for bid for the signal~ seconded by M~.
B!anchette. Motion carried 5-0.
Clarification on Budget Figures
There was an increase For non-classified employees in the budget figures.
There is some question as to when this increase would be effective.
Mayor Effron stated that what held this up was the President's Wage
Freeze. The increase would be effective as of the end of the freeze~
with no retroactive pay.
Approval o~ Bills
Sun Wah - $1:400.00
Mr. Artz requested this bill be tabled due to a question on the agreement
Mr. Archie moved to table the bill of Sun Wah, seconded by Mrs. Jackson.
Motion carried 5-0.
Palm Beach Dodge $ 5,507.$l
Hemminger 11, 567.00
H, F. Mason 14,604, 00
Mr. Arahie moved to pay the bills to Palm Beach Dodge~ Hemminger and
H. F. Mason, seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0.
Jacks Concrete $ 995
There was a question on this bill and Mr. Hopkins explained what hap-
Mr. Archie moved to pay the bill to Jacks Concrete in the amount of
$995~ seconded by Mrs. Jackson.
Mayor Effron wants to look further into this hill.
Motion carried 5-0.
Kusse!l & Axon
Sewer Extension $ 4~273.82
Li~t Station & Force Main ~18 799.00
1-95 at N. W. 2nd Ave. less Administrative Cha~x3e t73,75
Misc. Engineering and Confen~ences~ less Administrative C~arge 595.10
Mr. Archie moved to Pana~ the bills to Eussell & A×on~ except the bill that
was not doeumented~ deduct the seeretar±al servlces~ seconded by
Mrs. Jacks®n. Motion carried 5-0.
PEBRUJi~Y i~ 1972
Purging Voters
Mrs. Padgett submitted to Council a list of Voters who a~e to be purged
in accordance with See. 8-3 of the Code. I~ th~are any names Council
is aware of~ any assistance would be appreemated. The llst will be
posted downstairs on the Board.
Mrs. Jackson moved that the list o3 Purged Voters be accepted~ seconded
by Mm. Arable. Motion carried 5-0.
Signal at Ocean Avenue
Largent stated that the light that was approved for Ocean Avenue
cause a problem with cars stopping onthe railroad tracks.
Mr. Arehie stated that this will be taken care of by a sign ~Stop Here On
Red Lightw.
Meeting adjourned a~ !0:25 P. M.
City Clerk'
Any member of the City Council may be removed from office by the electors
of the City of Boynton Beach. The procedure shall be:
(a) The petition shed_i state the reason for reeallo
(b) The City Clerk or her deputy shall approve the form of the
(¢) Each petition should have printed on the bottom of each page an
affi~vit which certifies to tho City Clerk or her deputy that
the person submitting the petition is responsible for the signa-
tures he or she ham gathered on the petition, and testify to
its authentieltyo
(d) The persons circulating petitions must obtain signatures of
electors of the City in n~bers equal to 25% (twenty~five per
cent) of the number of votes east at the previous General Election.
(e) The sig~ed petition shall be filed with, canvassed aud certified
by tho City Clerk or her deputy within 21 (twenty-one) days.
(f) T~ne City Council must provide for a recall election not less than
thirty days (30) nor more than forty-five (45) days after certifi-
cation of petitions~
(g) The question of recall shall be placed on the ballott in a manuer
that will give the elector a clear choice for or a~ains~ the reeall~
The result shall be determined by a majority vote of electors
voting on the Question.
(h) If a majority is against recall the officer shall continue in
office under terms of his previous election. If a majority is
for the recall he shall, regardless of any defect in the recall
petition~ be deemed removed from office immediately°
(i) No recall petition against such an officer shall be certified
within six (6) months after he t~kes office.
.When such office is declared vacaut~ it shall be the duty of the
remaining members of the council mt the next regular meeting or
as so~n thereafter a~ possible to select a duly qualified citizen
to fill said vacancy until the nexm general election~ If a
majority of said remai~ing Council ~re unable to agree upon the
selection of m Council member to fill said v~cancy after two
regular meetings have been held, the City Council shall c~ll a
speciaJL election for that purpose.