Steve Waldman, Chair Sherri Claude, Board Liaison
Mary Morera, Vice Chair
Carla Colebrooks
Carol Lundquist
Loretta Wilkinson
Keilsie Kershaw, Student Voting Member
Dawson Charles Hagger - Lendoiro, Student Non - Voting Member
Hattie Miller
Dr. Tiffany North
Gerline Christophe
Lourdes Paola Alvarez, Student Voting Member
1. Call to Order
Chair Waldman called the meeting to order at 6:07 p.m. Self- introductions were made.
II. Pledge of Allegiance /Moment of Silent Reflection
The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag followed by a moment of
silent reflection.
III. Approval of the Minutes of September 26, 2013
Ms. Claude announced the minutes from September 26, 2013 were not ready for
IV. Approval of the Agenda
Ms. Wilkinson moved to approve the agenda. Ms. Colebrooks seconded the motion
that passed unanimously
V. Announcements /Presentations /Correspondence
There were no issues to discuss for this item.
VI. Public Audience
There was no public present; however, Chair Waldman announced Mr. Dan DeCarlo
would be in the audience later to talk about the student exchange program for Sister
VII. New Business
Ms. Kellsie Kershaw reported on a Fall Fling at her school, South Tech, which would
include a car show and games. The National Honor Society would be sponsoring some
of the games which Ms. Kershaw would be doing. There will also be a swap shop, a
bounce house and a dunk tank. The event is scheduled for November 16 2013 from 9
am — 2 pm and the admission fee is $2 or people can bring a non - perishable food item
for the food drive.
Ms. Colebrooks stated she had information from the Boynton Beach Reads meeting, but
Chair Waldman said this item would be discussed under Old Business
VIII. Old Business
a. Shred -A -Thon
Chair Waldman announced he gave the proceeds from the Shred -A -Thon to Ms. Claude
and thanked Ms Lundquist, Ms. Wilkinson, Ms. Claude and Ms. Morera for helping with
the event. Ms. Claude reported the event grossed $1,624 and after paying the
company there is a balance of $1,124 net. Chair Waldman commented the Board will
have to decide how to distribute the funds. Ms. Claude advised it had been discussed
in a prior meeting this year's money would go into the Borovy fund and next time it
would go into the community funds account. Ms. Wilkinson thought it would be better to
split the funds, so it does not go all into the community funds account. Chair Waldman
recalled this was discussed because there are only two years left in the Borovy fund
Chair Waldman asked if there were any objections to move the funds into the Borovy
award. There were no objections and Chair Waldman directed putting the funds into the
Borovy fund.
Ms. Wilkinson gave a report on the Shred -A -Thon. Ms. Wilkinson recognized Mrs.
Karen Haggar - Lendoiro (Dawson Charles's mother) who was in the audience for
helping with phone calls. Ms. Wilkinson continued she was inputting the extra 100
names of people who want to be called next year. She would like to get a -mails
addresses, but many of the older generation do not have a computer. When the next
Shred -A -Thon comes in April, there will probably be a need for at least two people to
make phone calls.
The Shred -A -Thon went very well despite a glitch in the beginning. Unfortunately even
though the contract was clear about the start time, 9 am -12 pm, the shredding company
thought it was 10 am -1 pm. They did not arrive until about 20 minutes before 10am and
for 40 minutes Chair Waldman, Ms. Lundquist and Ms. Wilkinson were fielding angry
people who had been waiting. Many people left in the beginning, but some came back.
Some people were confident enough to leave their paper goods with a donation. Ms.
Wilkinson was somewhat concerned, if the truck did not come, they would be left with
people's documents. Everything got shredded but the last hour of the event was not as
lucrative as it could have been, because people were told it was over at noon. The
$500 fee was paid to the company as the contract reads, but Ms. Wilkinson stated she
has already spoken with them to remind them they did not uphold their end of the
contract and the next time this event is held a discount should be applied. Lots of
people had very positive things to say. Ms. Wilkinson thought twice a year is enough for
There were many businesses that came and a number of people had 15 -20 boxes or
more. Advertising in the papers was a good idea and about 100 people called because
of seeing the advertisement She commented the Sun - Sentinel ran the advertisement
twice because the first time they did not indicate the date of the event. Many of the calls
received were from people asking when the event was taking place, and the size the
box needed to be.
The last thing Ms. Wilkinson wanted to say was that the newspaper indicated the
Boynton Beach High School's address as the location of the Shred -A -Thon which does
not reflect where it took place. Next year, more signs and more advertising are needed.
All in all it was a huge success.
Chair Waldman asked if it would perhaps be a good idea to have tickets. Some people
were annoyed that cars parked on the grass were not in line. Ms. Wilkinson
commented that was largely due to the truck not getting there on time. There was an
organized line at the beginning. Ms. Wilkinson asked Ms. Claude if she knew if the
check had been cashed because she received an invoice saying the company was still
owed $500. Chair Waldman stated he forgot to get receipts and was handwriting them
Ms Wilkinson had printed receipts on her computer, but forgot to bring them.
Ms. Colebrooks commented she gave out a lot of flyers to many of her co- workers who
in turn gave them to other people some of whom were attorneys. She apologized for
not being able to attend, but had another youth function the same day. The feedback
was very good.
scheduled for April 19
The next Shred -A -Thon is tentatively sc p 19, 2014. Chair Waldman
commented if the advertising can get started earlier, the turnout could be even better.
Ms. Wilkinson stated that CBS 12 News covered the event, but was unable to find it.
Ms. Lundquist commented the sign at the event was not easy to find. Perhaps a banner
of some kind would be a good idea. Ms. Wilkinson suggested a large vinyl banner
pointing to the area would be a great idea. Ms. Claude said she would look into getting
a quote for a large banner.
b. Tennis Carnival (4/256/14)
Chair Waldman reported the date for the Tennis Carnival had been set for April 25,
2014. Ms:. Wilkinson brought to the Board's attention the date is the weekend following
the next Shred -A -Thon and may be difficult for those who will give up two weekends in a
row. The Shred -A -Thon date can be moved if need be. Chair Waldman said it is
something to consider. Chair Waldman also stated he spoke with the tennis pro and
Phyllis Stern's daughter, Laura Golden and her husband. There will be a few trophies
for the contest and a free tennis lesson or two for the winners. Chair Waldman also
said there would be additional funds coming because the card at Phyllis Stern's funeral
said donations could be made. Ms. Stern's daughter Laura said she has some donation
c. Youth Volunteer Bank /Bob Borovy Award
Ms. Claude reported the Borovy Award application is on the website and in the current
issue of Funfare magazine. It will be in the next issue as well. Ms. Claude also said
she sent e-mails to all the high schools. The due date to get applications in is March
28, 2014. Ms. Wilkinson asked if there is a stipulation in the Borovy award as to what is
considered community service. She knew of a senior high school student who could
benefit from it, if she were able to apply. The student is 17 years old and does a lot for
her own family. Her mother is very sick and she is the only person in charge of her
siblings, as well as her mother's medical care. She is lucky she can even attend school
because she spends so much time caring for her family. She really wants to go to
college. .There are places like the Boynton Kiwanis Club that have scholarships. Ms.
Wilkinson asked if this is someone who would be eligible to apply for the scholarship if
she submitted an essay. Ms. Claude said the only qualification for the application to be
forwarded to the judges would be the person live within the City limits. Applicants also
need to include three letters of recommendation, but are not required. Although the
applicant . would not get as many points for not submitting the letters, their application
would still be considered. Each applicant is scored on their volunteer service, letters of
recommendation and their essay. They are given a numerical ranking based on the
criteria Chair Waldman stated the money originally came from the Commission which
is why one of the requirements is the applicant live within the City limits He did not see
why this person would not be eligible.
d. Fundraising
Chair Waldman asked everyone for suggestions to find more money besides the Shred -
A-Thon. Ms Wilkinson suggested an idea involving a new business in the area called
Smashburger The General Manager has been helping out with some of the other
Boards Ms. Wilkinson serves on and is open to doing some fundraising. He is
interested in doing fundraising nights and for every meal purchased they will donate one
dollar This would help him as well because he needs some advertising. They are
located in Sunshine Plaza next to Tijuana Flats. Smashburger and Tijuana Flats have
an agreement between them and both places will allow you to order what you want and
take it to the other restaurant to eat there if you choose. Chair Waldman said it
sounded like a great idea. Ms Wilkinson commented it would take some work to
promote, but it could be a very positive event. Chair Waldman wanted to mention since
he is now retired, he has time to help whenever possible.
e Sister Cities
Jeanne Heavilin Boynton Beach Sister Cities. Ms. Heavilin wanted to give the Board
an update on the Young Artists and Young Authors Showcase. Ms. Heavilin handed
out flyers to the Board. The Theme for 2014 is; "Connect globally, Thrive locally ". Ms.
Heavilin reported confirmation of the lease with Boynton Beach Mall. The exhibit will be
March 24 -April 6, 2014. Ms. Heavilin will send Ms. Claude a copy of the lease once it
has been signed. Ms. Heavilin stated she has also sent this information to Eleanor
Krusell, Communications Manager, and Wally Majors, Director of Recreation and Parks,
asking them to help promote the event for children who attend school out of the City, but
live in the City and /or students who are home schooled. She hopes for wider
participation. Chair Waldman asked if volunteers will be needed and Ms Heavilin said
there is still a long way to go, but definitely will need help. The Mall is not charging a
fee. The next step is to try and get sponsors in the mall who will provide refreshments
for the reception. Ms. Wilkinson suggested she speak with the manager at
Smashburger. Chair Waldman suggested Ms. Heavilin speak with someone at the Mall
to make sure that would not be a conflict. Ms Heavilin thanked Ms. Wilkinson for the
application from Kiwanis.
Dan DeCarlo 9960 Pineapple Tree Drive. Mr. DeCarlo gave an update on the artists
from China Mr DeCarlo stated he was in China a few weeks ago and took a lot of the
art work he has been working on for the past 8 -10 years which is representative art
work from students here in Boynton Beach. Combined with some of the art work from
the students in China, there will be a big display of the young artist program. They are
very happy to do this because they have never had any way to promote the young
artists, in particular the students from Boynton Beach. Hopefully, there will be some
pictures put on Facebook.
Sister Cities International has a Sister School Program. Before Mr. DeCarlo left for
China he met with one of the counselors about students from QuFu who might possibly
be interested in coming here as foreign exchange students. This would be mainly for
sophomores and juniors. The people at QuFu were also very open to this idea. These
would be students who have their own insurance and their visas would be taken care of
as well It was felt the program would be better if it took place in the summer. There
are students from China who would like to come for 3 -4 weeks just to practice their
English. July and August would be the best months. It is also much easier for the host
family to do this for a few weeks rather than a whole school year. There is also a plan
to work with Miami -Dade College and Jining University where Mr. DeCarlo taught and
both schools are very interested in doing a joint program. Mr. DeCarlo said they are
trying to encourage them to put together a delegation to come to Boynton Beach in
January. The Chinese students are out of school for a month and a half in January to
early February for the Chinese New Years.
Chair Waldman wondered if the summer would be a good time because people might
be away. Mr. DeCarlo commented it would only be one or two students for maybe 3 -4
weeks. It would definitely need to be planned well in advance, not only to assure a host
family be available, but also to secure the insurance and visas None of those things
can be done until they have assurances there is a host family to receive them. These
students come from families that can pay their own expenses, such as their airfare and
all expenses while they are here.
f. Boynton Beach Reads Meeting
Ms. Colebrooks reported on the meeting she attended. There are a few things she was
asked to present to the Board. In regards to the book drive, the Boynton Beach Reads
program would like some of the boxes to be put out into the community. If the Board
agrees; Laura Orlove can be contacted for details The book drive starts November 1st
with the Boynton Reads Program. The books are for elementary students. Ms.
Colebrooks remarked the other issue was "Just Read Florida" which is scheduled for
January 13 -17, 2014. If anyone would like to read to a class or a school they should
contact Ms. Orlove. Ms. Orlove also asked for any possible support for the Forest Park
Book Fair at Barnes and Nobles December 5 from 3 -7 pm. Beginning November 7th
from 4 -7 pm McDonald's on Federal Highway will begin to put books in their happy
meals for $1.99 and they will have a literacy evening to broadcast their new program.
Ms. Wilkinson inquired where the boxes for donations of books would be placed. Ms.
Colebrooks replied they would like to put them in restaurants. Those who need a box
can contact Ms. Orlove by phone or email. Once the locations have been established
Ms Orlove will have that information as well Books donated should not be gently used
books, but rather brand new books. Ms. Wilkinson said Barnes and Nobles has a list of
acceptable books that are age appropriate. Starbucks is willing to participate, as well as
Dunkin' Donuts. Chair Waldman also mentioned Subway would be interested in doing
Subway has already donated $25 for the perfect attendance program going on with the
five schools Barnes and Nobles gave $25 gift cards for the perfect attendance
program. Schoolhouse Museum gave free passes and they are looking into the Sims
Center and Denson pool for family passes. They are looking into contacting Wells
Fargo to possibly participate in the perfect attendance program and will be asking Publix
to see if they would donate gift cards for the families.
Chair Waldman had a comment to make about monies given to the school last year for
some of the programs and asked Ms. Colebrooks how they were doing. Ms.
Colebrooks said they were supposed to present at tonight's meeting but one of the
students had to have surgery. Ms. Colebrooks asked Ms. Claude to put them on the
agenda for December 5 and hopefully they would attend. Ms. Colebrooks stated she
could share a bit of information about one of the students in the SECME program who
came in second in the national competition for the United States. They will bring the
essay the student submitted and what the project was about. Thanks to the Board's
funds they were able to send her to the competition.
Ms. Wilkinson announced her Kiwanis Club is doing a Halloween Spooktacular this
Saturday from 11 am -3 pm in Spanish River High School in Boca Raton. It is the Club's
signature, but otherwise all the games, bounce house, hay ride and the train are free. It
hoped to tie into Family Promise, SOS Village, The Haven and some of the other places
down south in the Boca area that service homeless families. Laura Orlove is going to
dress up as Ms Viola Swamp and read for the children.
IX. Future Meeting Dates: December 05, 2013
January 23, 2014
X. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Ms. Morera moved to adjourn. Ms.
Lundquist seconded the motion that unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned
at 6:53 pm.
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