Forrest L. Wallace: Mayor
Robez~c Effron, Vice Mayor
Mrs. Emily Jackson: Councilman
John L. Archie~ Councilman
Harold Blanchette, Councilman
C. Q. Jones, Jr.~ City Manager
Mrs. Tereesa Padget~, City Clerk
Gene Moore,~Ci~yAttorney
Mayor Wallace called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M.
The Invocation was given by Walter M. Trauger, Atlantic Baptist College~
followed by the Flag Salute led by Harold Blanehette, Councilman.
Mayor Wallace introduced former Mayor~ Jim Gallo.
Introduction of Guests
F. C. Van Deusen= Senior Citizens
Eddie Mitchell~ Progressive Men's Club
R. B. Vastine, Leisurevil!e
Mr. Vastine introduced Miami Attorney, Ellis Rubin
Robert Beyrer~ Sterling Village
Pauta Moore, American Legion and Ladies Auxiliary, Knights of Columbus
Albert Wehrell, Boynton Isle - Lee Manor
Anthony Newbold~ Ridgewood Hills
Gil Eckert~ Hampshire Gardens
Jim O~Meara~ Chamber of Commerce
Regular Meeting - December 21, 1971
There was one correction made on Page 5. The minutes read that Mr. Ar-
ehie stated that'the best way to sell outdoor furniture is to display
it outside; it should read that it was stated by Mr. Btanehette.
Mr. Effron moved to accept the minutes of December 21 as corrected,
seconded by Mr. Archie. Motion carried 5-0.
Special Meeting - December 22~ 1971
Mr. Archie moved to accept the minutes of December ~2 as written~
onded by Mr. Blanchetteo Motion carried 5-0.
Thomas Canavan suggested that Council limit each speaker to 5 m3~uutes:
especially in cases where the meetin~ will be quite lengthy.
George Shaw, 315 S. W. 4th Avenue: was at the meeting to discuss the
proposed Right of Way in Mango Heights, and he was ~o!d that this would
~o~ come up at this time~ but would come up in a workshop meetin~.
JANUARY 5~ 1972
Eddie Mitchell~ 529 N. E. !2th Ave. ~ asked for a progress report on !0th
Avenue. Mr. Jones stated that he has been absent from his office since
the CouncilTs last meeting. The County was going to give us an aerial
photograph~ but we have not yet received it. There has been no pro,tess
since the last meeting~ but that it was one of the highest priority items
as far as he was concerned.
R. B. Vastine wished to speak on Item D Old Business.
Mr. Vastine expressed the appreciation of many people to Mayor Wallace
for the service he has rendered to Boynton Beach in a very honest manner.
Also to Firs. Jackson for what she has been able to accomplish. He eon-
gratulated Mr. Jones for the job he has done as City Manager: his dediea-
tion~ integrity and honesty.
He stated also that he had heard by rumor: a possibility of hiring a new
City Manager~ this is very distressing news. To hear the name of any one
else for the position would mean that some collusion has taken place
prior to this meeting this eveninG~ trusts that no action taken here this
evening will point to collusion.
Mr. Beyrer then asked to speak on Item B Legal, Items D and E~ Old Busi-
Y~.. Beyrer also expressed: h~s views on the Rules of Order. He stated
that as long as he has studied Roberts Rules of Order, the only time a
person could discuss an item was after a motion was made and seconded.
Mr. Beyrer then urged Council to take definite court action against the
high rise court suit. He and his organization feel there should be no
high rises in Boynton Beach. Take definite court action and make no
compromises. He offered the backing of his organization if needed.
Mr. O. T. McLean read a letter he had sent to Mr. Effron~ dated December
24, 1971: referring to conflict of interest: asking him to disclose a
list of his clients.
Mayor Wallace asked Mr. McLean if he is a resident of ~Eo~.nton? He stated
yes: at the Ann Marie Motel. The Mayo~ asked if he is a registered voter?
Mr. McLean stated "no=.
The Mayor then stated that Mr. McLean has been before the Council several
times, and if he had a complaint to take it to court.
Mr. McLean stated that he would at the proper time.
Mr. Effron stated that he has sold his accounting firm effective January
1~ 1972. The sale is per~anent and he will not show the contract, of sale.
Gall Fankhouser, S. E. 26th Avenue, asked to speak on Item A, Bids.
JANLH~RY 5, 1972
Awarding Constr~ction of Approximately 500' of Roadway, S. E. 26th Ave.
to Seacrest
Mr. Fankhouser: S. E. 26th Avenue, asked Council if they have reviewed
the situation that would be created due to the extension of S. E. 96th
Avenue? He asked for a recommendation of what to do to his property
that would be 2~ feet bel~v road grade.
The City Engineer recognizes the problem and explained it to Council.
Mayor Wallace stated that something will have to be done to eliminate
the problem.
Mrs. Ja~son moved to table the item until the problem is worked out,
seconded by M~. Wallace.
Mr. Blanchette recommended it be worked out in a Workshop meeting. The
recommendation was not accepted.
Motion carried 5-1. Mr. Blanchette ~ot~d "no". Mr. Archie abstained.
Mr. Pankhouser stated he would be happy to meet with any member of Coun-
cil or the Engineer to go over this first hand.
Ordinance No.
71¥~.2 - Signs
2nd Reading
Mr. Moore read Ordinance No. 71-42 by caption only. Mr. Effron moved
to adopt Omd. ~71-42 on seeondand final ~eading, seconded by Mr. Blan-
chette. Motion carried 5-0.
Ordinance No. 72-1 - Granting Conditional Qse - Geoz~e L. Hoskins
Mr. Beyrer stated that it was his understanding the Council approved a
conditional use, and not a change in zoning; now it seems there is an
ordinance for a change in zoning.
It was stated that the ordinance g~ants conditional use.
Mr. Moore read Ordinance No. 72-1. Mrs. Jackson moved to pass Ord. ~72-1
on first reading, seconded by Mr. Archie. Motion carried 5-0.
Archdiocese of Miami
The City Attorney reported on suit filed by Archdiocese of Miami - Catho-
lic Church. He stated a deadline of January 11~ 1972 was set on final
pleadings, and he needed Council instruction. Mr. Archie moved to in-
struct the City Attorney to defend the suit, seconded by b~. Blanchette.
Motion carried 5-0.
J~kk~ARY 5, 1972
Receipt of Preliminary Plat of Mango Heights (on the table)
Mr. Blanchette moved to table the item, seconded by Mrs. Jackson.
carried 5-0.
Status of Police Protection at Atlantic High School
Mr. Jones stated that at the last Council Meeting he was directed to set
up a meeting with Superintendent Early, but his office has been closed
since December 22. A meeting has been tentatively set for January 7th
at 2:00 P. M.
Request of Jr. Women's Club
The request was considered previously in which the Women's Club wanted to
place a truck in the City Hall parking lot on the third weeker~ of Decem-
ber for the purpose of collecting newspapers. Now they want to do this
on the third weekend of every month. Mr. Jones recommended this for at
least 3 or 4 months on a trial basis.
Mrs. Jackson moved to accept the City Manager's recommendation, seconded
by Mr. Effron. Motion carried 5-0.
Drexel Properties Annexation Request - Mr. Archie
Mr. Arehie explained that this was to come up at the January 18th meet-
ing, but since there was some interest expressed in this he felt it
should be brought up tonight. He stated that he was originally in favor
of total annexation. Since then he has heard remarks opposing the
annexation because of having to give services to this area. It looks
like there is going to be objections. He can see the assets of bringing
in a large tract such as this, but more important is the safety ~actor.
Mr. Vastine ~ead from Boynton Beach Charter the procedure to be followed
when annexing new territory, so that the citizens would be aware of it.
He again urged Council to t~e a good hard look at this. Everyone
knows what happened in I~isurevi!la, we don't want it to happen again.
Robert Beyrer stated that he moved into Boynton because it was a nice
residential community. There is not enough water ~or the citizens of
Boynton Beach. This is something most of this town is opposed to. He
fe~ls this matter should be placed before the people by referendum.
Mr. Archie moved to deny the request of Drexel Properties for annexation
and also to deny the services of sewer and water to the area, and in-
struct the City Manager to write a letter informing them of the decision,
seconded byMrs. Jackson.
Discussion followed and Mayor Wallace stated they would come into the
area one way or another.
Motion carried 5-0.
JANLUkRY 5, 1972
OLD B~$INESS~ cont'd.
Reconsideration of Comprehensive Plan - Mr. Archie
Mr. Archie brought this up at this time because he had talked to Dr. Ra-
born about Federal 9~ants, and since then he has checked it out himself,
and finds there are too many strings attached by the Federal government.
M~. A~chie moved to ~eeonsider acceptance of the Federal ~rant: seconded
by Fir. Ef~ron. Motion carried 5-2. M~s. Jaokson and Fir. Wallace voted
~;no~ .
~. Archie moved that the City not sign the Federal g~ant for Planning,
seconded by Mr. Effron.
Mr. Jones asked what it is in the agreement ~hat is being objected to.
Mr. Archie stated that it seems that the Federal government would tell
the City how to do things, and who to put on the boards.
Mr. Largent stated he did not know where Dr. Raborn got his ir~ormation
but ~ has been a planner for 20 yea~s, and has never had the government
tie ~uny strings to him. The Federal govemnment never tells you how to
do it~ or asks any questions after it is done.
Since the Council would be interviewin~ five firms Tuesday afternoon it
was suggested that this be brought up at that time.
Mr. Archie moved to table this until the Workshop meeting~ seconded by
Fir. Blanehette. Motion carried 4-1. Mr. Wallace voted "no".
PresentatiOn of Plaques
Mayor Wallace presented IN APPRECIATION plaques to b~s. Jackson~ Mr.
Archie, Mr. B!anchette and Mr. Effron.
Mayor Wallace presented Mr. Effron with the gavel for 1972, and hopes he
will continue this for all Mayors.
Mr. Effron presented Mayor Wallace with his IN APPRECIATION plaque.
Mr. Wallace expressed his thanks to the many friends and people h~
has met in the last two years and to the former Council, Mayor Surm~ers,
Michael Michael: Leonard Nylund, Mrs. Jackson and the present Council.
It has been a 9~eat experience and he has gained knowledge and experience.
JANUARY 5, 1972
Mr. Effron called the meeting to order.
Swearin~ In Ceremonies
197~7~ Council Members - Mrs. Jackson andMr.
Mrs. Padgett.
Mayor - Robert B. EffronandViceMayor - Mrs.
sworn in by Mrs. Padgett.
Roberts were sworn in by
Emily M. Jack~on were
Comments by Council Members
Mayor Effron introduced his 9uests - His mother f~c~aClevelaud, Ohio,
his sister and his niece Shirley and Ammie, his father-in-law and mother-
in-law Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coughman: Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, and the
successor to his business, Mr. Bart Davis~ also his wife, Lucy.
Mayor Effron stated that he has enjoyed working this past year with Mr.
Wallace. Having had some heated arguments and discussions always left
the meetings still fz~lends. He further stated he has enjoyed working
with all members of Council and is looking forward to serving as Mayor.
He then read the projects he wants to see completed during the year 1972.
Mrs. Jackson expressed her gratitude to the people of Boynton Beach for
having the confidence to vote her as the first woman vice mayor. She in-
troduced her supporte~, her husband Walter. She intends to live up to
her eampai~ promises.
Mx. Roberts int-~oduced his wife, Dorothy. He stated that he is honored
to have been elected, and will do his best to properly represent the
people. He expects his conduct to be examined as it relates to the Sun-
shine Law. As taxpayers you should be involved, attend the meetings~
see what transpires. The entire Council will strive to improve Boynton
Mr. Bl~unchette reflected on the past, and stated tb~t the ~ayor went over
things we would a]~l like to see completed.
Mr. Arabic pledged his support to the Mayor, the rest of Council and the
Adopt Rules of Order
Mr. Archie moved to adopt Robert's Rules of Order Revised, seconded by
Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0.
Appointment of City Officials
Mr. Arehie moved to appoint Gene Moore as the City Attorney,
Mr. Blanchette.
seconded by
JANUARY 3~ 1972
Appointment of City O~ficials, cont'd.
Mr. Roberts feels the City should have a full time Attorney. In looking
over the figures he found that the salaries and legal fees total $17~400.
He asked i~ Mr. Moo~e would be willing to serve on a full time basis? He
would like to see this Council pass an ordinance for a full time attorney.
It would save the City money. This figure does not even include the
Mr. Archie asked Mr o Roberts if he thinks the City Attorney should also
do the prosecuting work? He stated yes.
There was further discussion, and it was stated that for $18~000 the City
could have a full time attorney available at all hours for the City.
Mr. Archie stated that we look to the City Attorney for advice on at
least 20 percent of each meeting. Gene Moore has represented the City
for about 10 of the last ll years~ and he is looked up to in the State of
Florida as one of the foremost City Attorneys in the State.
Mrs. Jackson stated that Mr. Moore is Secretary-Treasurer of John Archie~s
company, and it would he a conflict of interest to vote on this.
Mr. Archie stated that he no longer is Secretary-Treasurer.
Motion carried 3-2. Mrs. Jackson and Mr. Roberts voted "no".
Mr. Archie moved to appoint Joseph Tomberg as City Judge, with Messrs.
Simon, Pizzi and Now!in as Judges ad litem~ seconded by Mr. Blanchette.
Motion carried 5-2. Mrs. Jackson and Pi~. Roberts voted t'no".
Mro A~chie asked Mr. Roberts if he had eve~ been in Judge Tomberg's court?
He stated "no". Mr. Arehie then asked him what he based his decision on.
Mr. Roberts stated he based his decision on some of the facts he has
heard in HighPoint.
Mrs. Jackson stated Judge Tomberg has been before the Ethics Committee
several times.
Mr. Archie moved to appOint Fred Hill as City Prosecutor, with Jack Wessel
and Val Galbaldon as Prosecutors ad 1 item, as ~ecommended by Mr. Hill~
seconded by Mr. Blanehette. Motion carried 5-0.
Mrs. Jackson moved to appoint C. Q. Jones as City Manager, seconded by
Mr. Roberts. Motion failed 2-3.
Mr. Archie moved that the service of C. Q. Jones be terminated immediately
with a 30 day severance pay: seconded by Mr. Blanehetteo Motion carried
3-2. Mrs. Jackson and Mr. Roberts voted "no~.
JANUARY 5, 1972
Appointment of City Officials: cont'd.
Mr. Blanchette moved that Mrs. Padgett be appointed Acting City Manager
and that she and the Personnel Officer attempt to bring in app!iaants for
the position of City Managerwithin 5weel~s~ seconded by Mr. Archie.
Mr. Beyrer asked what the reasons were for the 5 persons voting against
the City Manager?
Mr. Effron explained that Mr. Jones is not experienced in municipal govern-
n~nt. He is a fine man: whom he lilies as an individual. In hiring other
city officials the Counci!has looked for someone with a municipal back-
ground. It seems that the previous Council hired him because he was not
experienced in municipal goverrmaent~ this he does not know why.
Motion carried 5-0.
Mrs. Jackson moved to appoint Thomas Clark as City Engineer, seconded by
Mr. Archie. Motion ca, tied 5-0.
Mrs. Jackson moved to appoint Robert Largent as City Planner~ seconded by
Mr. Blanchette. Motion carried 5-0.
Appointment of Boards and Committees
Board of Adjustment
It-was brought out that William Yates is in poor health and it is not
known whether or not he will be able to serve on the Board.
Mr. Mahlmeister, serving as Alternate, would like to serve on a board
other than the Board of Adjustment.
It was suggested that Mr. Yates be placed as an Alternate in Mr. Mahl-
meister~s place.
Mr. Roberts subnugcted Prank C. Lucas for the Board of Adjustment; also
Walter Rutter.
Mr. Archie moved to appoint Frank G. Lucas to the Board of Adjustment with
Walter Rutter and WdtI~am Yates as Alternates, seconded by Mr. Blanehette.
Motion carried 5-0.
1972 Members - Board of Adjustment
Robert Hueston
Ezell Hester
Foy Ward
Robert Beane
Frank Lueas
Robert Collier
J. Lester Cousins
Walter Rutter
Appointment of Boards and Committees,~ cont'd.
Board of Barber Examiners
The Board recommends Francis Oliveri in addition to the p~evious members.
Mr. Blacketer would not like to serve.
Mr. Blanchette moved to appoint Francis Oliveri and the remaining Board
stay the ssme~ seconded by Mr. Az~.hie. Motion ea~ied 5-0.
1972 Members - Board of Barber Examiners:
Prancis 01iveri
Walter Lacey
Calvin Rahming
L. R. Saxton
Beach Beautification Committee
Mrs. Jackson recommended Mrs. John Howell for the Committee.
Mr. Archie moved to appoint Mrs. Howell to the Committee plus the three
that were on ~ last yea~ seconded by Mr. Blanchette. Motion carried
1972 Members - Beach Beautification Committee:
Mrs. Harry Fry
Joe Kelt~_~
Ray Jara ~
Mrs. John Howell
The appointment of one member of the Garden Club is recommended.
Building Board
Mr. Archie recom~ended Caesar Mauti, General Cont-~actor, in p~ace of
Nolan Williams.
M~. Blanchette moved to appoint Caesar Mauti to the Buildinq Boa~d~ sec-
onded by Mr. Archie. Motion ca.tied 5-0.
1972 Members - Building Board
Ward Cummings
John Churey
Clarence Clark
Caesar Mauti
Milton Russell
Gerald Staley
Stuart B. Fuller
JANUARY 5: 1972
Appointment of Boards and Committees, eont'd.
Board of Governors (Cemetery ~oard)
The Cemetery Board will remain the same.
Edgar D. Hurford
Basil Camitot
Mrs. Frances Vax/ Devender
Mrs. Bertha Chadwell
L. Don Combs
Mrs. Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
Civil Service Appeals Board
Mr. Roberts nominated Jorgon Hoffman
Mr. Archie nominated Riehard Monahan
Mrs. Jackson nominated Eddie Mi~.t~chell
Mr. Archie moved to close the nominations, seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Mo-
tion carried 5-0.
Jorgon Hoffman
Richard Monahan
Eddie Mitchell
Failed 2-3
Carried 3-2
Carried 5-0
Mrs. Jackson moved to appointMr. Hoffman and Mr. McGrego~ as Alternates,
seconded by Mr. Roberts. Motion failed 2-3. Mr. Archie, Mr. Blanchette
and Mayor Effron voted
Mr. Archie moved to appoint L. D, Crawford and Ward Cummings as Alternates~
seconded by Mr. Blanchette. Motion carried 4-1. Mrs. Jackson voted "no".
1972 Civil Service Appeals Board Appointments
Richard Monahan
Eddie Mitchell
Alternates - L. D. Crawford
Ward Cummings
Community Relations Committee
Mrs. Dorothea Rich will be unable to serve on the Cc~mittee. Mrs. Jackson
recommended Paula Moore in Mrs. Rich's place.
Mr. Lisy was removed by the Board, but he would be willing to serve again
this year,
Mrs. Jackson moved to appoint Paula Moore and to include Mr. Lisy to the
present Committee, and add John Stevens as an additional member, and also
to recommend that the Committee recommend another member~ seconded by
Mr. Archie. Motion carried 5-0.
JANUDd~Y 3~ 1972
1972 Members - C(mm~unity Relations Committee
Ed Wallnau
Mrs. Paula C. Moore
Rev. John F. ~.hite
Mrs. Lois Haire
Joseph Lisy
John Stevens
Development Board
Joseph DeLong resigned from the Board.
Mr. Ward Sturges was appointed in the place of Mr. DeLong.
1972 Members - Development Board
Joseph Ketly:~
Richard Rohan
Ward Sturges
Motion to appo~t the above members of the Development Board was carried
Board of Examiners of Electricians
Mr. Blanehette moved to reappoint all members, seconded by Mr. Arehie.
Motion carried 5-0.
1972 Members - Board of Examiners of Electricians
Ivan Allmond
Pete Bokisa
Stephen M. Koehakien
Allan Nyquist
Stuart Puller
Golf Committee
Mr. Archie moved to abolish the Golf Co~m~ittee, seconded by Mrs.
Motion carried 5-0.
Library Board
Mrs. Jackson moved to leave the Board as it is, seconded by Mr. Archie.
Motion carried 5-0.
1972 Members - Library Board
Term Expires
Mrs. KathleenKirton
Mrs. Mildred White
Mrs. Estelle Schaap
Mrs. Christine Edward
Mrs. Ruby Mack
Mrs. Sandra Lautensehlauger
Don Tinker
JANUARY 5, 1972
Appointment. of Boards and Committees, cont'd.
Planning & Zoning Board
Mrs. Jackson stated that there is conflict of interest on this Board,
and Mr. Sarno and Mr. Weaver should not be reappointed. Mrs. Jackson
nominated Paula Moore and Albert Wehrett.
Mr. Archie nominated Jay Sarno and Stanley Weaver. Mr. Sarno declined.
Mr. Roberts nominated Fred J. Kostner.
Mrs. Jackson nominated Otis Walker.
Mr. Archie also nominated Robert Olds: Charles Ayers and Dr. Rahorn.
Mr. R~herts also nominated Frank Wagner.
Mr. Blanchette nominated Vernon Thompson.
chette. Motion carried 5-0.
For Against
Albert Wehrell 2 3
Paula Moore 5 0
Otis Walker 5 0
Stanley Weaver 3 2
Robert Olds 5 0
Charles Ayers 3 2
Dr. Raborn 5 0
Fred J. Kostner 5 0
Archie moved that the nominations be closed, seconded by Mr. Blan-
1972 Members - Planning & Zoning Board
Pauta Moore
Otis Walker
Stanley Weaver
Robert Olds
Charles Ayers
Dr. Raborn
Fred J. Kostner
Mr. Are_hie expressed thar~ to Mr. Sarno for the many years of service on
the Planning & Zoning Board. This is a very important Board, they had
51 meetings and did a real good job.
Plumbing Board
Mr. Archie moved to appoint Fred Messer in the place of John Ridgeway, and
the rest of the members reappointed, seconded by Mr. B!anchette. Motion
carried 3-1. Mrs. Jackson voted "no". Mr. Roberts abstained.
1972 Members - Board of Plumbing Commissioners
Prank Kirkeby
Joseph E. Fodor
W~l~4e Sloan
Fred J. Messer
Harold Kilpatrick, Alternate
Elmo Elliott~ Deputy Building Official
JANUARY 3, 1972
..Appointment of Boards and Committees, cont'd.
Recreation and Parks Board
Mrs. Bivins does not wish to serve again.
Mrs. Jackson nominated Mrs. Walter Trauger.
Mr. Archie stated that Ray Jara does not wish to serve again and nomin-
ated Peggy Hanshumaker.
Mrs. Jackson moved to close nominations, seconded by Mr. Blanehette, car-
tied 5-0.
1972 M'.~bers - Recreation and Parks Board
Term Expires
Mrs. Peggy Hanshumaker
Mrs. Walter M. Trauger
Mrs. He!enKirkeby
Robert B. Shackley, Jr.
A. A. Stuart
Robert Johnson
Mrs. John Sehultz
~ Effron stated that Mr. Jara was on the Board for ll years, and was
Chairman for l0 years and has served the City well_
Agenda Format & Procedure
Mrs. Jackson would like to have the procedure changed to allow a person to
speak briefly on an item on the Agenda, without having to annou~nce it
during Public Audience. This would save time.
Mrs. Jackson moved to change the procedure to allow a person to speak on
an item without having to identify it during Public Audience, seconded by
Mr. A~chie. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Effronwould like to see the Council place a 5 minute limitation dur-
ing Public Audience. In fairness to others in the audience i~ someone
wants to speak longer than 5 minutes they can do so after the regular hu
business, before adjournment. -~'
Mr. Archie moved to accept the Mayor's recommendation, seconded by Mrs.
Jackson, Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Roberts would like to have a written notice of all Special and Work-
shop meetings so that he can make arrangements to come.
Mr. Effron agreed and also suggested that each Couneil membe~mark on the
Agenda the items that a~e tabled because they willprobably come up at
Mrs. Jackson would like to see fewer Workshop meetings.
JANU~Y 33 1972
Agenda Format & Procedure: conrad.
Mr. Effron suggested maybe eliminating Workshop and having Special Meet-
ings. He also suggested having meetings with the Department Heads to
get their views and help guide the Council; maybe once a month.
Mrs. Jackson would like to have the dates of all the Board meetings posted
in the lobby so that they ~rill know when they ar~ being held,
Mrs. Jackson suggested having a roll eall vote.
Resolution No. 72-A - Bank Signatures
Mayor E~fron read t~es. No. 72-A. Mrs. Jackson moved to adopt R~s. ~72-A,
seconded by M~. Roberts. Motion carried 5-0~
Meeting adjourned at 10:55 P. M.
Robert B. Effron~/~yor t
Council on 3anuary 3~ 1972,
Robert B. Eff~on~