Roger Cope, Chair Warren Adams, Historic Resource
Michele Dion, Vice Chair Preservation Planner
Linda Stabile
Jason Shaffer
Eric Salomonsson
Robert Weiss
Barbara Ready, Alternate
Dr. Ginger Pedersen
1. Pledge of Allegiance
Chair Cope called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. and the members recited the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
2. Agenda Approval
Warren Adams, Historic Resource Preservation Planner, added to Item 6. New
• Item C - 2511 North Lake Drive
• Item D — Florida Municipal Achievement Award, and
• Item E — Florida's Comprehensive Historic Preservation Plan.
There were no objections to the additions.
3. Approval of Minutes
Mr. Adams made the following changes:
• Page 1, Item 2 " ... noted neither the publi^ n o r * "° applicant was present for
this item."
• Page 2, Item 5, fifth paragraph, " .. he was requesting the funds be transferred to
the next fiscal year to offset the cost of the exhibit event."
• Page 4, Item 6, first paragraph, "The 4g4#s p linths are six -feet tall, with a 13 to
15 -foot column topped with a single glass and metal lighting unit."
Ms. Ready moved to approve the amended minutes. Mr. Salmonosson seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
4. Communications and Announcements
Mr. Adams announced Dr. Pedersen called to advise she would not be present for the
A. Dewey Park Dedication Ceremony
Mr. Adams attended the renaming ceremony along with members of the Historical
Society and City Commission. It was an interesting event and he noted the Dewey's
created the first subdivision in the City.
B. Florida Trust Event
Mr. Adams attended this event, held at the offices of REG Architects. He spoke with
Kelly Christianson, the Preservation Planner from Lake Worth, and they discussed at
length what each municipality was doing with Historic Preservation. Individuals at REG
Architects believe Boynton Beach is an up- and - coming community and they were
hearing good things about the City. He noted 50 to 60 people attended the event.
C. SE Florida Archaeological Society Lecture
On October 19, 2013, Mr. Adams would give a lecture in Jensen Beach on building
archeology projects in the United Kingdom. He invited the members to attend as he
would reference projects undertaken in Boynton Beach. The lecture will take place at
2900 NE Indian River Drive, Jensen Beach, at 10:30 a.m.
5. Old Business:
A. Historic Designation of the Boynton Hills Lights
Mr. Adams reported this item was approved by the City Commission and it is the fifth
site in Boynton Beach on the local register. He explained the Palm Beach Post
contacted him about the matter and he distributed an expose from them on the item.
He commented it was quite a good article. He also explained he sent information to the
rin the lights. Westinghouse does have a
Historical Society regarding them sponsoring g g
giving program for non - profits as he contacted them over a year ago to see if they could
provide solar fittings for the lights, but because the Board is not a non - profit, they could
not accommodate him. He hoped if the Historical Society would sponsor the lights, they
could obtain the fittings. It was also suggested the Garden Club work on the land
around the lights. He had to investigate how the City would handle this as the property
was City -owned property. He thought it would be a nice project. Audrey Gerger,
member of the Garden Club was present and Mr. Adams advised he would contact her
to bring the matter before the Board.
Ms. Ready also commented the Historical Society had already voted to participate in the
Boynton Hills Light project and they were ready to go. Mr. Adams advised he would
contact them to work out the next step.
B. Celebration of Conrad Pickel
Mr. Adams had a meeting with Dr. Pedersen and Janet DeVries regarding the Historical
Society's involvement in the overall project. A celebration involving an exhibit on
stained glass, a presentation and display of Mr. Pickel's work, and a bus tour is
scheduled for May 24, 2014, during Preservation Month. A reception and demonstration
is also included. Mr. Adams will have another meeting with Mr. Pickel and he agreed to
inform the members so they could attend. So far, nothing was decided, but it was
hoped they would start putting things in place at the next meeting. They have a
provisional program that still needs to be sorted out.
Ms. Ready explained the Historical Society wants to plan some type of special activity in
which to participate. She invited the members to join the Historical Society and
announced the membership fee was $25 per year.
C. Grant awards
The Small Matching Grant for 2013/2014 that the Committee was working on for a
Heritage Trail, interactive map and educational brochures had received a partial award
of $1,8,250; however, the State informed Mr. Adams they received more funding so the
City will receive the full grant amount. The Downtown Trail, the Cemetery Trail and all
they sought funds for would be funded. The full funding was $28,552 plus $2,000 from
the CRA for the Trail.
The State is still working on the grant agreements, so Mr. Adams had to obtain updated
costs for the signs and brochures. Once he had that information, the State would
include it in the contract and the Committee can move ahead with the project.
The City has still not received official confirmation of their ranking for the 2014/2015
grant for the smart phone application. Mr. Adams explained the City was ranked first,
but the application has not been ratified by the National Park Service.
D. Barton Memorial Park Cemetery
The City Clerk's Office referred Vicki Garret to Mr. Adams as she was interested in
cemeteries and genealogy and was looking for information on the City's cemeteries.
She agreed to conduct research to identify who may be buried at Barton Memorial Park.
This was something Mr. Adams had started and he provided her with the information he
had and she would conduct the research and share the results with him for future use
E. CRA Award for the Little House
The CRA won a Florida Redevelopment Association Award for outstanding
Rehabilitation Renovation or Reuse project for the Little House. He was asked to
participate in a video that would be viewed when they receive the award which will be
shown at the end of the meeting He noted the video was very good.
F. 918 SE 4 Street
Mr. Adams explained this building was next to the Women's Circle. He had not heard
anything back about the home so he contacted the interested individual and learned
one estimate to move the home was $49K The owner would make a decision this
weekend whether he would move the home and let him know
G. Mission Statement
At the last meeting, the Committee had reviewed the Ad Hoc Committee Mission
Statement and discussed adopting the Statement, but a suggestion was made to add
additional wording to explain how the goal would be met. Mr. Adams commented he
had not had an opportunity to review it. The members agreed to postpone the item to
the next meeting.
6. New Business:
A. 316 NW 1 Avenue
Mr. Adams advised the department received a fence application for the front yard of the
home at 316 NE 1 Avenue. The applicant sought to replace the part of the wall that
was demolished with a white picket fence. He pointed out the home was not designated
as historic and he contacted the owners who advised they do not live there. They
showed up one day and part of the wall was gone. They came to the office and he
spoke to them about the Preservation Program at length. They plan to do work on the
house and reinstate the pal-la-di-um palladian style of the window that is there and make
repairs to the roof. They were unsure about designation, but they mentioned they want
to construct an addition If that were the case, he suggested they consider designation
and he mentioned the tax credit program as long as the addition was appropriate. He
advised them to speak to him before they did anything so they would not lose eligibility
for designation or tax credits. He reached out to them, but could not do anything else.
The fence application was basically approved. He commented there may be an option.
If the owners decide to designate the home and apply for the tax credit, a condition
could be to put the wall (fence) back. The owners appear to be doing much work, and
hopefully it would be appropriate.
Mr Adams had noted the fence wall, in the past, was cracked. Ms. Ready inquired
about the left side of the fence. She thought it would be less expensive to use
cinderblock and additional materials to make it look like the original. They will keep the
existing wall and use the fence in the gaps.
Brief discussion followed whether the Building Department would require a homeowner
drawing if the fence footer still stood. About 12 to 15 feet of the wall (fence) was
missing and it was hoped later, they could require the wall be replaced It was
important they maintain what they have left.
Audrey Dance Gerger, 331 NW 1 Avenue, lives just west of the home. The home
has a concrete wall fence on the other side of the driveway, which was slanted and hit
by a truck. There is a garage in the back. She advised the home was lovely and
meticulously kept It has wooden floors and a young couple purchased it and was doing
a great deal of work on the home She would like to see the wall (fence) restored to its
original condition and noted there is a break in the wall by the driveway. The house
next door has a white picket fence and it was believed that was the rationale for using
the white picket fence on this property
Mr. Adams explained a few meetings back, they discussed if the garage could be
attached to the home and still get the tax credit, so he explained they may or may not
keep the garage. If they added it, it would be in their interest to designate the home.
Ms. Gerger explained the couple that purchased the home live in Delray Beach and
were traveling back and forth making repairs before planning to live at the premises.
Ms. Gerger also planned to circulate a petition in the neighborhood to create a Historic
District. Mr. Adams explained he was assured they would keep the one section of the
B. Lake Boynton Estates Gate Post Potential Designation.
Mr. Adams had received an email from Dr. Pedersen suggesting they move ahead with
the designation of the above. He reviewed the Post was at the entrance of Lake
Boynton Estates Subdivision and it was the only post that remained. Its setting was
compromised by the railroad and development around it. An advertisement from 1924
for the subdivision was viewed and it was very similar to what was there. Not long ago,
there were plants removed from the deteriorating post. Some of the metal also
appeared to be expanding and some of the stones were blowing off. While the post is
owned by the City, the problem is it is located in the right -of -way. It did not have an
address or legal description. He spoke with ITS and they agreed to assign it an
address, so they can move ahead with a designation application.
Discussion followed whether it was feasible to relocate the post. The argument against
doing so is it would be removed from its original context. The homes formerly in the
neighborhood are gone. There is only one gate post left so moving it could be an
option. Currently, the subdivision is known as Lake Boynton Estates and there are
about three original homes remaining in the neighborhood. The Post was in fairly good
condition and there was consensus to move forward with the designation application.
On a different matter, there are three loading docks, also known as stanchions, from the
train depo, made of coquina at that location and a suggestion was made to identify them
with a plaque. Mr. Adams agreed to gauge the reaction in the office about starting a
designation application for them. A suggestion was also made to obtain estimates to
move them. This was discussed at the Historical Society meeting.
C. 2511 North Lake Drive
Mr. Adams explained he received a demolition application for a home on the
Intracoastal roundabout constructed in 1956. There was nothing significant about the
home, which was vacant and a resident was complaining about rodents. The doors and
windows were open so he signed off on the permit to demolish the home.
D. Florida Municipal Achievement Award
Mr. Adams submitted an application for the award earlier in the day. They were
applying to the Florida League of Cities for the "Teaching Your City's History and
Heritage" category. Boynton's application was submitted on the basis of the heritage
education program, which dates back to the brochures published by the Ad Hoc
Committee, then the Heritage Trail, archeology investigations, upcoming smart phone
application and the Conrad Pickel Celebration. The winners would be announced in
December. A video, which would be viewed later in the meeting, would be submitted as
part of the application.
E. Florida's Comprehensive Historic Preservation Plan
Every few years the State revises its Comprehensive Preservation Plan. Mr. Adams
was involved in one of the subcommittees that was asked to comment on the Plan
during the planning stages. The comments were released. He had several copies of
the Plan which he later distributed to the members.
Due to technical difficulties, the two videos planned to be viewed at the meeting would
be shown at next month's meeting. One video created by the CRA included Mr. Adam's
and his comments. The second video was created by the ITS Department as part of the
City's application for the League of Cities Award, and was basically images of the
historic sites.
7. Other
8. Comments by members
Ms. Ready suggested Mr. Adams compile a report about the program, what has been
accomplished and approach the City Manager to make a presentation to the City
Commission She thought if and when a presentation is made, the members be
apprised of the date so they can attend in support.
Mr. Adams also announced he applied to his professional organization, the Royal
Institution of Chartered Surveyors for accreditation in historic building conservation. To
be eligible, the applicant must submit a report on five projects they worked on, a history
of what was done, ensure one is up -to -date with continuing professional development,
and then interview with a panel in London which was done.
Mr. Adams announced he received his accreditation and he is the first in the USA to
receive the designation. He explained the organization was formed in 1868 and they
have about 100,000 worldwide members At the moment, there are about 4,000
members in the Americas and only 50 to 60 members are accredited in conservation in
the world. The members congratulated Mr. Adams on his achievement The City's
Communications Manager issued a press release announcing the accomplishment.
Chair Cope will make a brief presentation at the next meeting about a house that went
through the Preservation Board process in Delray Beach to provide the members with
an understanding of the process.
Ms. Ready invited the Board to become a member of the Historical Society. The
membership fee is $25 per year. The Society has free events and on Monday at the
Library, Palm Beach Post Cartoonist Pat Crowley will speak about the Royal Poinciana
Hotel in Palm Beach All were invited to attend
9. Public Comments
Ms. Gerger explained the home next to the property at 316 NW 1 Avenue was going to
be put up for sale. The owner passed away, had no children and was unmarried. She
left the home to her niece in Pennsylvania. The niece came down a few times and has
an attorney. The home has a reverse mortgage, reversed at peak and the bank was
taking the home. Friends of the deceased, the Browns, have a key to the home, but the
bank will lock the doors soon. Ms. Gerger suggested she speak with the Browns to
allow Mr. Adams to see the inside of the home. She expressed the home has a porch
and petri pecky cypress doors and ceilings, many French doors, two bedrooms, a bath
room off the bedroom in the front and a white fence. The home is on three lots. One lot
had a pool, the house was on another, and the third is a vacant lot. She was unsure of
the Bank that owns the property and explained the home was gorgeous and well
preserved. Mr. Adams expressed he was interested in viewing the home.
Ms. Gerger noted the owner redid the wood floor. The home has a fireplace and a lot of
special wood finishes with molding on the ceiling. There is a small building in the back
for a washer and dryer, storage and then the garage.
10. Announce date of next meeting — November 11, 2013
11. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Chair Cope adjourned the meeting at 7:30
Catherine Cherry r
Minutes Specialist