Forrest b. Wallace~ Mayor
Robert B. Effron, Vice Mayor
Mrs. Emily Jackson, Councilwom~n
John L. Archie: Councilman
Harold Blanchette= Councilman
C. q. Jones, Jr., City Manager
Gene Moore~ City Attorney
Mrs. Tereesa Padgett~ City Clerk
Mayor Wallace ~lted the Regu~ Ci~ Council meeting to order aT 7:30
P. Mo
The Invocation was given by R. B. Vastine~ Leisureville ~ followed by
the Flag Salute led by Robert Effron~ Vice Mayor.
_Introduction of Guests
F. C. Van Deusen, Senior Citizens
Robert Beyrer, United Boynton Civic League & Sterling Village Sr.
Joyce Barkley~ J~. Womens Club introduced Miss Boynton Beach:
Lana Lovelady
Albert Wehretl, Boynton Isle - Lee Manors Association
R. B. Vastine: Leisurevitle
Jim O'Meara~ Chamber o~ Commerce
Dave Roberts~ High Point 3
John Howell~ Chamber of Commerce President
Gil Eckert~ Hampshire Gardens
Mr. ]~ne~ High Point 2
Mrs. Jackson introduced her gmandchildren: Pamey and Bruce
~i~. Effron introduced his mother and his niece~ Lisa fpom Cleveland
Special Recognition - Chief Huddteston
Chie~ Huddleston commended Gregory Bentley, 811 S. W. 3rd St., and the
Mayor presented a certificate to Gregory Bentley on behalf o~ the City
of Boyn~on Beach ~or his assistance to the Potiee Department in appre-
hending a fleeing felon. Greg Bentley received a standing ovation from
the audience.
Mayor Wallace presented Lena Lovetady with a certificate in appreciation
for representing the City as Miss Boynton Beach. She too ~ecelved a
standing ovation.
Regular Meeting - August 3~ 1971
Mr. Effron moved that the minutes of August 5, 1971 be accepted as writ-
ten~ seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0.
AUGUST 17, 1971
MINUTES ~ cont'd.
Special Meeting - August 5:1971
Mr. Archie moved that the minutes of August 5, 1971 be accepted as writ-
ten~ seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 4-0. Mr. Blanohette was
not present at that meeting.
Mayor Wallace explained that anyone wishing to speak on Items VII A g C
did not have to come forward at this time. Both of these items were
requests to reconsider~ and it would depend on action taken by Council
when they came to these items whether they would be discussed or not.
If they were reconsidered those wishing to be heard would be recognized
at that time.
F. C. Van Deusen, 227 N. E. 22nd Avenue, reported the trash on Seacrest
across from the church:on N. E. 22nd Rve. and on 2nd Ct. He requested
that something be done about it, He also requested to try to have the
grass cut between the church property and Arthur Ct. on N. Seaerest Blvd.
Ymyor Wallace stated these requests would be re~erred by the City Manager
to Harold Hopkins.
Robert Beyrer asked 5o speak on Item C3~ Legal
Harry Baumgamdner asked to speak on Item B, Old Business.
Steven Moil asked to speak on Item D, Old Business.
Thomas Canavan~ Sterling Village~ reminded the people of the meeting to
be held at Florida Atlantic University concerning 1-95~ and asked that
everyone involve themselves. He commended Hank ~nompson for the work
he has done for the Chamber of Commerce.
R. B. Vastine stated that apathy toward the government has been the down-
fall of many democracies in history. He asked that everyone attend the
Public Hearings for the Plaster Plan and make their views be heard.
Albert Wehrelt presented the Council a letter signed by representatives
of vamious sections pequesting that the millage be reduced an apprecia-
ble amount. Mayor Wallace received the letter.
Mr. Archie suggested those interested in item VII B would not b~ve to
wait since it had been determined that this right-of-way was of private
nature ~ and not under the jurisdiction of the City.
He further questioned i~ M~. Taylor, Beverage Board, would be allowed
to speak'l Mayor Wallace restated the procedure as outlined earlier in
the meeting.
AUGUST 17~ 1971
Harry LeForte asked if all the records in City Hall were open to the pub-
lic: He stated that he asked for ir~ormation and was told by a person
from the Building Department that he could not see them at the time. He
waited for the Building Official before he could get the in£ormation. He
further questioned why signs were not being properly marked as required
by Ordinance.
Mayor Watlaee stated that~records are~ publio.i~ee~. ~
Mr. Jones announced the program Wednesday night after the 9:00 o'clock
News in which Vice Mayor Eff-~on will speak.
Relocation of Force Main 12A
Dabu!ations fmom Russell & Axon showed Crabtmee Construction the lowest
bidder. Mr. Jones recommended tb~t it be accepted.
Mr. Archie moved that the bid from Crabtree Construction of $23~546.82 be
accepted~ seconded by Mr. Blanchette, Motion carried 5-0.
Ordinances - 2nd Reading
Ord. ~71-20 - Amending the Building Code
Mr. Moore read Omd. ~71-20 by title only. Mr. ~ohie moved that Ord.
~71-20 be adopted on second and final rea ~ng~ seconded by Mr Btanchette.
Motion carried 5-0.
Ord. ~71-25 - Rezoning from R-2 to C-t - Stephen Kost request
~ir. Moore read Ord. ~:71-25 by title only. Mr. Blanchette moved that Ord.
~7t-25 be adopted on second and final reading~ seconded by Mr. E£fron.
Motion carried 5-0.
Ord. ~71-26 - Rezoning from R-1AA ro 2-1 -Hank. Tho~.s_on request
Mr. Moore read Ord ~;-71-26 by title only. Mrs. Jackson moved that Ord.
~71-26 be adopted on second and final reading~ seconded by Mr. Ef£mon.
Motion carried 5-0.
Ord. ~71-27 - B_.d~/usti~g 1970-71 Bqdget - 1st Reading
Mr. Moore read Ord. ~71-27. M~. Archie moved that Ord. ~71-27 be passed
on first reading~ seconded by ~. Effron. Motion carried 5-0.
AUGUST !7~ 1971
LEGAL: conrad.
Res. ~71-AA - Re Safety..G~es: Florida East Coast Railmoad
Mm. Moore read Res, ~7t-AA. ~fr. Archie moved that Res, ~7}-AA be adopted~
seconded by ~. Effron. Motion carried 5-0.
Res. ~71-BB - Re Financing Police Complex
Mr. Moore read Res. ?Tz-BB. Mr. B~anehette moved that Res. ~7t-BB be
adopted: seconded by Mm. At,hie0 MotiOn carried 5-0.
Res. ~71-CC - Re Beautification o£ Beach Area
Flp. Moore read Res. ~,7~-CC. Robert Beyrer stated that he is in favor of
~he ~6~ution. He is opposed to an}' City money being spent on a County
beach. Mr. Arehie moved that ~e~, ~71-CC be adopted~ seconded by Mr.
Effron. Motion carried 5-0, ~
Res. ~71-DD - Authgrizing ~ayor to sign 1-95 Reimbursement Agreements
Moore read Res. %~Yt-DD. Mr. Blanchette moved that Res. ~71-DD be
adopted: seconded'by Mr. Ef£ron. Motion carried 5-0.
The City kttorney explained that due to relocation of sewer line in vicin-
ity of S. W. !Sth Avenue it was necessary to give the County the proper
Mr. Arehie moved ~o authorize the t'~yor and City Clerk to sign the quit
claim deeds~ seconded by Mr. Btanchette. Motion carried 5-0.
Request of Wareing T. Miller to recoqsider the Walgreen Application for
B~verage License
Mr, Arehie stated that i~ there is a suit brought against the City~ it is
no~ only the City and taxpayers~ but every member of Council that is ~o
blame. The State has already authorized giving this license: obviously
it is a legal license.
Mrs. Jackson asked that Mrs, Padgett read the Oath taken by each member
of Council when they were sworn into office,
~im. Blanehette ~oved ~o recor~ider the request for a beverage license~
seconded by ~. Archie. Motion carried 5-2.
AUGUST 17: 1971
Request to Reconsider Walgreen Application for Beverage License,~ conrad.
Wareing Hiller~ Attorney for Walgreens~ stated that the State Beverage
Department has approved the tr~nsfer~ a package store has been con-
strueted pursuant to_a permit of this to%,m: and is ready for occupancy~
the City has granted permit to erect the signs~ and the Building Dept.
has appmoved the z~ning. Mr. Wareing further stated that he had asked
Mr. Taylor of the Beverage Board to appear at this meeting this evening
in rebuttal to some of the remarP~ made at the last meeting. He again
requested approval of ~he transfer of the license.
Irving Taylor~ Licensing Agent~ State of Florida~ Division of Beverage~
stated that the license had been processed in accordance with state
sEa tutes and a valid zoning form had been signed by the City of Boynton
Beach~ and subject approval had been accepted by Tallahassee~ and the
license issued, and~ now currently sitting in the tax office in West
Palm Beach. He further stated that he felt it was to the advantage of
the City to issue the transfer of license~ and advised that under the new
law a City license would not be required after the tst of October.
Mayor Wallace questioned the form that had been signed by the Building
Mr. Blanchette asked if both Nyman~s and Watgreens would be permitted to
sell package goods. Mr. Taylor stated they would be but Nyman's had to
keep the restaurant in operation in order to sell beverage in any manner
and he did not ~eet the licenses were similar,
Mr. Archie felt that all doubt had been removed as to the similarity o£
Mr, Effron asked if the City would lose their portion of the fee on this
license. Mr, Taylor was not able to answer this question at this time.
Mr. Blanchette questioned the position of the City in approval of future
Mr. Taylor stated they would continue to send a certification to the City
for approval prior to the issuance of a license.
Fred Hollingsworth~ ~ttorney for Boynton Liquor~ stated that the matter
appears to be a result of a misunderstanding of the legal process of
the Cityand the State, He further explained that !~zoning~ as referred
to in the certificate signed by the Building Official covered more than
zoning classification - this point has been proven in many cases. He
felt that subject official had possibly overlooked the distance ~equire-
ments, He felt the City was correct in upholding this portion of their
Ordinances. He further expressed his opinion that the tm~o licenses in
question were similar.
AUGUST 17, 1971
RequeSt to Reconsider Walgreen ~ppllcat~on for Beverage License~ cont~d.
Mrs. Jackson moved to deny the request for the transfer of the Beverage
license. There was more discussion and Mayor Wallace seconded the motion.
Moses Sehupler~ representing H. H. Waskow~ owner of the license up for
t~ans£er, cited a recent case in Miami - (Walgreens) - and stated the
trend was to now allow a pack~ge store in Shopping Centers.
The motion carried 3-2. Mr. E£fron and Mm. Arabic voted -no' .
Request. ~or abandonment of Roadway $ Utilit/ Easement East of Sun Wah
Mr. Jones stated that it is a private matter~ and the City is not in-
volved~ and recommended that it be deleted from the Agenda.
Mr. Archie moved that it be deleted from the Pgenda~ seconded by Mrs.
Jackson. Motion carried 5-0.
Request of Connie Cicione to reconsider the request of Boyn~qn West Dev~
Cor~. for overhead ete~ctrical lines ~
Mr. Archie snggested that this item be taken up in Workshop~ where more
could be accomplished. Mr. Cicione was in accord.
Mr. Archie moved that the item be taken up in Workshop, seconded by Mrs.
Jackson. Motion carried 5-0.
Request o~ Nolan Williams for. street paving
Steven Mell stated that he is not against the paving if they want to put
it in~ but he cannot pay anything because he is on a small social secur-
ity check.
Mr. Robinson also requested paving along west side of Lot ~0, Block E,
Hathaway Park.
It was suggested that S. E. 10th be paved to the tracks and Mr. Williams
and Mm. Robinson share the cost and not bother Mr. Mell.
~, Archie moved to have the City ~;~nager and the Purchasing Agent go out
for 5id for paving S. E. 10th Avenue up to the tracks and northward along
Mr. Robinson's proper~y~ and Mr. Will/ams and P~. Robinson sharing the
cos~: seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0.
P_~oposed Fime Training ?rea
This area will be developed in three phases.
fire pit~ oil burning tower and suction line~
$2~000 is to be included in 1971,/72 Budget.
The first phase includes a
The approximate cost at
AUCJdST 17, 1971
~oposed Fire Training Area, cont'd.
The Fire Chief read a letter from Mr. McGuinnis~ dated June 28~ 1971~
concerning the zoning of the area,
}~. Moore stated that the letter does no~ answer the question concerning
the zoning. An application would have to be made: and a public hearing
Mr. Fredericks stated that it would be of no use to the Recreation De-
partment~ except when a building is built it might be possible =o us~
it for recreation.
Mrs, Jackson moved to grant the approval to the Fire Department for
Phase 1~ subject To the County approval of zoning~ and to request aban-
donment o~ Roads: seconded by Mr. Archie, Motion carried 5-0.
,Appo~_ntment of Prosecutor - ad litem
Mr. Effron moved to pay the Pposecutor ad litem a fee of $30 per session,
seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Arehie recommended that the Prosecutor ad litem be separated from
the City ~,ttorney's account, and made a new account in next year's budget,
Mr. Effron moved to appoint Larry LaValle as the City Prosecutor ad litem
seconded by Mr. Drchie. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider reques~ ,fgr transfer of Beer L Wine License ~ 206 South Federal
The name of the place has changed; it is still owned by the same person,
with a change in members of the corporation.
Mr. ~rchie moved that the request be granted~ seconded by Mr. Blanchette,
~otion carried 5-0,
Receipt of Cremation Certificates
Mr~ Archie moved that the certificates be received: seconded by Mrs,
Jackson. Motion carried 5-0.
4i~t of. Payments Made in july
Mr. Archie moved to approve the list of payments made in July: seconded
by ~. Effron. Motion carried 5-0.
AUGUST 17, 1971
Approval of Bills
Griffith g Moore - Attorney's fee
Neptune ~4eter CO.
Ward LaFrance Truck Corp.
Russell g Axon
Russell & Axon
(Susik ease )
$ 1:850;00
3 ~ 34.0 ~00
36:975 ~00
4 ~4t4.89
Mr. E££ron moved that the bills be paid: seconded by Mr. Arehie, Motion
carried 5-0.
Mr. Effron moved to adjourn~ seconded by Mr. A~hie. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 9~00 P. M,
Forrest L. Wallace, Mayor
Robert B.- E£f~on,~de May6r
City ~rk
01d L. B]
Forrest L. Wallace, Mayor
Robert B. Effron, Vice Mayor
Mrs. Emily Jackson~ Councilwoman
John L. Archie~ Councilman
C. Q. Jones, Jr.~ City Manager
Mrs. Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
With the consent of the 4 members of Council in a Workshop Session~
Mayor Wallace called a Special Meeting at 4:45 P. M. for the express
purpose of considering the following Allen Insurance bills:
$ 26,694.00
1. Comprehensive General Liability
2. workmenTs Compensation 24~529.00
The points in question had been satisfied since the regular meeting,
and Mrs. Jackson made the motion
Motion seconded by Mr. Effron and
Meeting adjourned.
city eld
to approve payment of subject bills.
carried 4-0.
Forrest L. Wallace, Mayor
Robert B. Effron~ 6~id~Mayor