Minutes 07-20-71MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~'{EETING HELD AT CITY HALL~ BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORiDA~ TUESDAY~ JULY 20~ 1971~ AT 7:30 P. M. PRESENT: Forrest L. Wallace~ Mayor Robert B. Effron~ Vice i~yor Mrs. Emily Jackson~ Councilwoman John L. Arehie, Councilman Harold Blanchette ~ Councilman C. Q. Jones, Jr., City Manager Gene Moore~ City Attorney Mrs. Tereesa Padgett~ City Clerk Mayor Wallace called the Regular Meeting of the City Council to order at 7:30 P.M. - The Invocation was given by Harold Hopkins ~ Superintendent of Public Works, follo.~o by the Flag Salute led by ~rs. Jackson, Councilwoman. Introduction of Guests F. C. Van Deusen~ Senior Citizens John Stevens~ Ridgewood Homeov~ers Association Robert Beyrer: ~nited Boynton Civic League Albert Wehrell~ Boynton Isle - Lee ~nors Association Dave Roberts, High Point Jim O~Meara~ Chamber of Commerce R. B. Vastine, Leisurevilte MINUTES - Regular meeting~ July 6~ 1971 ~s. Jackson made a correction on the ~irst page: Dorthea Hendrix~s name is incorrest~ it should be Dorothy Henriques. M~. Archie moved that the minutes be accepted as corrected~ seconded by Mr. Blanehette. Motion carried 4-0. Mayor Wallace was absent from the July 6th meeting. P~U.~LIC AUDIENCE John Andrasko asked to speak on Item B Old Business. John Rayle asked to speak on Item A New Business. Mr. Jones stated that Mr. De Cosmo and Mr. Timm might like to speak on Item D, New Business. ~ 1 John C eamy: 160 South Bird.: stated that he has read about the feasi- bm~mty study connected with the Turnpike. He asked if this would be advisable with 1-95 coming through with many exits. He does not think that people would pay when there is a new road that is free. Why not wait until the traffic pattern changes? ~t- MIk~TES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL JULY 20~ 197! .PUBLIC AUDIENCE, cont'd. t, ip. Archie answered that there are only two exits from I-9S; have bee'n waiting 6 years for this road and have not seen a start of it in this area. They seem to skip from one spot to another. When it is started it will be years before it is finished. _LEGAL Ordinances - 1st Readir~ ProDosed N~. 7L~20 - Amendin9 the Building Code (on the Table) Mr, Jones reported that No. 71-20 is ready to be discussed administra- tively at Workshop. Remains on the Table. 0_rd~ No. 7t-21 - Clqange in zoning from R-t to R-2 East 50' of W. 356,07~ of Lot 7, Lanehart S/D, Monour Request i'.~. Moore read Ord. No. 7t-21. Mr. Effron moved that Ord. No. 71-21 be passed on first reading~ seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0. Proposed No. 71-22 - providing additional pension benefits for Police - Fire personnel Mr. Jones .ecommendea that Ord No. 71-22 be deferred to Workshop for clarification. Mrs. Jackson moved that Ord. No. 71-22 be tabled, seconded by }L~ Blan- ehette. Motion carried 5-0. R_~esolution No. 71-X - Appointing a City En~qineer (on the Table) [~'i~. jones r commendeo that the item be removed ~rom the table and de- leted from the Agenda: as the candidate has declined acoeptin9- the po- sition. He further recommended that we re-advertise for applications. He stated that he received a call fr~o~ the Dept, of Community Affairs in Tatlahassee that a Federal grant of ~_8~800 for our planning activities has been approved~ and they will be contacting us later to work out details of a con~act. Mrs. Jackson moved to delete Res. No. 71-X from the Agenda, seconded bY Mr. E~fron. Motion carried 5-0. b~. Effron mentioned a resume that had been received in the mail and suggested the City ~,~nager arrange an interview. -2- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~'i~ETING JULY 20~ 1971 C OLD BUSINESS ~eview actions taken at last Council meeting (Mayor) On the Mayor's return to the City~ finding that action has been taken on a Fisea~ Agen~ he had ~ ~ - sever,az questions that he would tike to have clarified before signing the contract. In going back over the materials Mayo~ Wallace notioed a difference in the original figure stated by Russell $ Axon and the figure on the con- tract. Unless it is a typographical error there is a difference of $49~500. He asked if %~ need a lesser amount vmu!d the gentleman still receive $7~500: the same as if v~ go a higher amount. He raised a question about going out for bid. He asked if the Attorney fee would be paid by the Fiscal Agent. Mr. Mocre stated that it would. After considerable disoussion Mayor ~tlace asked if this contract is what Council agreed to. He requested that Vice-Mayor Effron be in- structed to sign the contract, ~yor Wallace also questioned the license that v~s issued for waste collection and the possibility of a feasibility stuGy. Mrs. Jae!~on moved to have a feasibility study on this. ~VOr Waltaee handed the gavel to Vice Mayer Effron and seconded the motion. Discus- sion ensued re Roberts Rules of Order and motion was no~ voted on. Pl~t of Sutton Manor Mr. Andrasko was present at the meeting, Mr~ Moore read Ord. ~:71-23. Mrs. Jackson moved that Ord. ~71-25 be passed on first reading~ seconded by Mr. Blanchette. Motion carried 5-0. There is a Quit Claim Deed to be held in eserow~ filed in ~'~s. Padgett~s office - signed by ~.Ip. and ~t~s. Andrasko. P!ar will be recorded with the County upon receip= of the bond Request of Mrs. Grace T. Roberts for Quit Claim Deed on easement (On the Table Mr. Jones reported that this item has been s~ttled. The property is in process of being sold with the easement remaining. Mr. ~rehie moved that the item be removed from the table and deleted: seoonded by Mr. Effron. Motion carried 5-0. -3- MINUTES REGUL.%R CITY CO~dNCEL MEETinG JULY 20, 197i OLD BUSINESS, conrad. Report on Low. Cost Housing Problems Mr. Moore reported there is a speei~ic statute: copy of which Council has received. It sets up a clear cut procedure re this~ and it appears that Council would be responsible for a lengthy period under which they would govern this entire operation from almost an autonomous standpoint. 1~. Moore suggested and recommended that Council read the statute and study it to see i~ they have questions on it before report is made. Mr. Jones said it may have been the intent of Council to consider an urban renewal program and at meeting with representatives in Attanta they indicated that an urban renewal program should not be included as part of low cost housing program. ~a~tsca requested this subject be considered further at a future workshop meeting. Establish Future Plans for Public Beach Mr. Archie moved that the City oppose fencing the Beach and oppose charging a fee to any and ali people~ seconded ~y Mr. Effron. Motion carried 3-2. ~rs. Jackson and ~r. Blanchette voted ~no~. Proposal for Vocational Technical High School Mr. E££ron reported that a group met with the County Commissioners~ those present were Jim O'Meara, Walter Dutch, ~. Jones and ~. %~llace. The request was for the 86 acres /mmed/ately contiguous to the City's 20 acres. The purpose of the large request 9~s to assure getting the land we needed. The land adjacent to ITV would not be sufficient, previously we agreed to offer the 20 acres east of Congress and south of 23rd Avenue. The County Commission voted to give the School Board 20 of the County's 86 acres. ~e ~ot the amount of acres %,~e needed. FEC Railroad Proposal A form of agreement was established for sharing the cost o~ installing and maintaining safety gates at the 6 unguarded crossings. Mr. Arehie moved ~o have a contract dra%m up with FEC for the 6 cross- ings at $12~000 each and maintenance $650 each crossing, cost shared equally, seconded by ~.ir. Blanchette. Mr. Moore added that the Railroad agreed to pay the entire cost and allow 4 years for the City to pay. Motion carried 5-0. MI,'%TdTES REGUL~R CITY CO[kNCIL 1.~ETI_NG 07dLy 20 , 1971 OLD BUSiq~ESS ~ conrad, Extension of sewer line to Property of Vincent Molle The City agreed to pay to extend force main from manhole to west property line, and Mr. Mo!ie agreed to pay for cost of the line within his property plus the dual pump. Mr. Amchie moved that this action as agreed be acaomplished~ seconded by Mms. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0. NEW BUSINESS Receipt of Petit_ion from Rmdqe~ood Hills Homeo~qers Associaticn go~hn Rayle, 516 N~ W. 5rd St.~ presented a petition on behalf of Ridgewood Hills Homeo~,~ers in protest against the zoning code to rezone the area down.~r~. the The Petition is signed by 117 members in the Community~ all of whom are homeo%ulers. Mr. Archie Stated tl%at this is going to come up as a Master Plan change at the hearing in October. This should come up at that time. The Petition was~_-ecemvea' ~ by Council, It was suggested that the Planning g Zoning Board be allowed to go out ~or public hearing and make changes~ have a second meeting and then have Council go out for public hearing. _~r. Amchie moved that the Planning & Zoning Board be authoz~ized to go out ~or first public hearing ~or new Master Plan the last week in August~ secondeo, by M~. B!an~n=tte. that tn~mr community is a high standard and are very Mr. Rayle stated · '~' proud of it. Ask that the zoning be ~aised ~o R-~AA rather than lowered. The motion carried 5-0. Request of Bpynton %?est Development Corp. The request is for overhead lines on 1Sth Ave. running into the Leisure- ville a~ea, The Ordinance states that all lines will be undemground. Mr. Archie moved that the request be denied and all lines be under- ground~ seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0. -5- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~'~ETING ~dLY 20~ 1971 NEW BUSIN~SS~ cont~d. Proposal for Participation in Joint Communit~ Holiday Activities Mayor Weed of Ocean Ridge and i~. 0~Meara, Chamber of Commerce~ have proposed that the City consider a joint 4th of July celebration~ and consider inviting Hypolu×o and Manalapan. At this time it is only to get an indication of interest. Mr. Arehie moved that this item be researched to the fullest extent~ seconded by Mr. Effron. Motion carried 5-0. Josep~ De Cosmo - Discuss existin~ conditions at 209 S. E. 6th Avenue Mr. De Cosmo stated that he spoke to the Building Official and the City PL~nager about the condition at S. E. 6th Avenue and 7 months later the most that has happened is it has grown worse. Mr. De Cosmo stated that it is a junk yard and is hazardous to the safety and welfare of the citizens. He mead portions of Omd. 762-9 and ~63-17. He urged Council to enfomce the Ordinances of the City- Mr. Jones stated that every action that is possible within the Or- dinance has been ~aken. It is zoned M-i and i~ the wall is to be required then a change would be necessary in the Ordinance. Lay~on Timm stated that he is properly licensed and runs a legitimate business. He has the materials on his property ~or the building of a fence and a building and he has the building permit. He stated that there is nothing on his property that is junk - it is all usable material for his business. Mr. ~zchme stated that Mr. De Cosmo and Mr. Timm were getting into personality differences that the Council is not interested in. Coun- cil is interested in the improvement of the Ordinance. Mrs. Jackson moved that the City Manager and City Attorney work on amending the Ordinance~ seconded by Mr. B!anchette. Motion carried 5-0. A DMINISTP~ TIVE Application for Pe~it to So_mczt Military Order of the Cootie 7/21/'71 to 9/5/71 ~ Mrs. Jackson moved that the request be granted and the fee waived~ seconded by Mr. Arabic. Motion carried 5-0. -6- MIt~/TES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL P~ETING JULY 20: !971 ADM~[~ISTI~TIVE ~ cont~d. ..Bicycle registration (Mrs. JacksoD) Mrs. Jackson stated that bicycles are being stolen~and asked if it would be possible to registez~ the bicycles with the Police. Chief Huddleston mentioned that ir would mean more personnel and cost. Mm. Rayle added that in tY~ past he had a Scout troop that took ea~e of this. Suggest that some youth g~oup in the City i~ approached would be willing to do it. Mayor %%~allace stated that bicycles seem to be the coming thing~ and that the Recreation Director could dimect some type o~ program fo~ bicycle safety. Mr. Arohie moved that this be tumned over to the Rec_~eation Directoz~, seconded by l.[rs. Jackson. MotiOn caPmied 5-0, List of Payments made in June Mr. Amebic moved that the seconded by Mms. Jackson. Approval of Bills Russell g ~×on F. E, C. Railroad Motion carmied 5-0. Advance Ai~ Conditioning Archie moved that the bills list o~ payments made in June be accepted~ Motion cammied 5-0. ~ 1~090.43 1: 354,05 2: 782 . 50 be paid, seconded by Mr. Pavement of Portion of N. E. 7th St-~eet ~31anche rte. This was discussed at workshop and action is needed on paving 7th Street up to 8th Avenue on a 50-50 basis and consider in the budget for next year paving the remaindem at the City's expense. Mr. Amchie moved to authomize the City Manager to go ou~ £o~ bid to pave N. E. 7th St. fmom 7th Ave. to 8th Ave.~ and include in the 1972 budget study a figuPe to reeonstruct~ pave and provide drainage and sewer rom N, E. 7th St. fmom 8th Ave. north to 10th Ave. -7- MIkrdTE S REGULAR CITY COUNCIL t~ETING JULY 20~ 1971 .OTHER ~ cont ~ d. Motion was seconded by ~s. Jackson. ADJOURnmeNT Meeting adjourned at 9:20 P. M. Attest: Motion eamried 5-0. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA Formest L. Wallace~ Mayo~ Robert B. E~£mon~V~ybr .~ L.~rehie~ Councilman ~!m L. B~_~Fe~Cte~-CounciLman -8- J~Nm 1971 J~NE B, 1971 J~Nm $, 1971 JuNto ~, 1971 JuNto 7, 1971 9, I971 IQ, 1971 1~, 1~71 J=~ I ~ , JUNE 1~, J~NE I~, 1~?1 ~$, 1971 ~, 1971 $~ 1971 8, 899. 6,5 3, 529.65 2, 232.65 27, 888.23 446.21 65, 890. 50 ~, 599. O0 l. 589. 90 25, 98~ G8 9 5.65 $, 142~ 5i 82, 084~ 22 ~, 669. 98 21 00, 080~ 28 ~33,761.26 GENERAL FUND ............................... 190, 331.36 WATER SYSTEM REYENUE FUND .................. Gl,lC4.?2 SEWER REYENUE FUND ......................... 42, 156.05 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND ...................... 127.50 SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSITORS FUND .............. 33, 7?5. ?3 RETIREMENT TRUST FUND ...................... 40B.£7 UTILITY GENEBAL FUND ....................... 100,909. G5 FIREMEN'S BELIEF ~ PENSION FUND ............ 84.~0 POLICE RETIREiYALVT FUND ..................... 458.8? PUBLICITY FUND ............................. £, 8G9.51 GIYIC CENTER BOND SI:¥KI~G FU;gD ............. 1,487.50 ~-33, 761.26 MADE IN JUNK, 1971 1971 OEN~RAL FUND 26695 E,~LSmY & OarFFr~H, r~c. 26694 Cr~r OF B.B., PZTTY 26695 Cr~r o~ B.B., PmT~Y 26696 B.B. 26697 ~x~r or B.B. Wa~m~ DrafT. WATER SYDTE~I BEYENUE FUND SEWER REYENUE FUND $616 Or~r op B.B. Pmz~Y O.~sm $617 Or~¥ op B.B. W.~ma Dmm~. SEWER & WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1 785 Fa.~m Ymmza RETIREMENT TRUST FUND 0716 Rsmz O.~rE~ 071 70~rJm WaL~,z¢m 0718 F~zyx Jomsso~ 0719 Woom~ow E~r~$~r 0?20 E~E~Os P~FFm~ FIREMEN~S RELIEF& PENSION FUND PUBLIOITY FUND 489 Mrss B,B. Pa~E~m~ 85.09 45.28 75.75 524. 05 75 ~ ~498.63 6.11 G. 11 470.60 7.50 7.50 50. 58 1 $5.12 71.00 ~. 51 75.02 24.27 450.00 460.00 1971 1971 ~ENERAL FUND 26699 CzaaLms Fammeazcm 500. O0 26700 GmNm Mooam 32 5. O0 SG?Ol Cr?Y oe B.B. 26702 Wm~v~ ~cDowm~ 132. 00 2G?03 D.B. B~ Nmws-Jo~am~m 3.00 WA?ER $1'S?EN REFENUE FUND GENEP~L FUND 26707 B,B. Fram Dmm~. 26708 FAa. E. BG709 R~ssmL~ & Axon 2G710 Caa,. Emsm RLICITY FUhD GENERAL FUND 26712 L~wsoN 2671~ Mas. 26714 ;fas. 2~71~ Mas. 2G716 Nas. £671 ? Nas. 26718 Mas. 267~~ Has. BG?~O Mas. 26721 H~s. 26722 Nas. 26723 2672~ 26725 Nas. 26726 Nas. 26727 Nas. 26'728 26729 Mas. 26750 Mas. 2~.00 50~. ~0 $$. ?£ I0. O0 L~O0. O0 1,500.00 60.00 25.00 25.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 1~.3~ 18.3~ 20.~0 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 $$.529.65 $2,232.65 JUNE 1971 7, 1971 1971 26733 ffz~'~ Ass'N. o~ FI~E Im~ms~. 2673~ A.~.~. 26765 H. ~. Wr~so~ Co. 26?39 B.B. Rm~xaxmmm~ ?a. FuND 26740 Bor~o~ Cr~r From. Ca. U~rom WATER 13589 13390 13391 SYSTEM REFENUE FUND U. S. A.W.W,A. CI~'r OF B.B. Pzraor.~ SEWER REYENUE FUND 3618 City o~' B.B. PArao~r. F~Nn GENERAL FUND 26743 26746 Iaz WATER SYSTEM REYENUE FUND 15592 Mze~'s, LIFE INS, Go. SEWER REYE~UE FUND 3619 Mr~ ' s. LImm INs. ~o. ~ENERAL FUND 26747 ~I~x om B.B. WATER SYffTEMREYENUE FUND 20.00 12.00 10.00 45.00 24.00 I9,550,72 226.05 152.60 636.41 1,634.00 15.00 20°00 12.00 3~625.83 5,657~83 1, 47~. 42 42.43 352.62 19.50 16.00 450.55 9. lC 6.48 264, 98 5. O0 269.98 32' 59 ; $27. 888.25 $44 G. 21 J~E 10, 1971 1971 1971 SEWER REYEIIUE FUFD 3620 BmR. ~ IMpa. Bmr. Bomm Srmm. F. OI¥IO OENTEB BOND SINKING FUND 491 GENERAL FUND 26?49 D~ar~ ScHmrmv 26750 lsv ?mm. S~v. ~ Lo~ oR L.W. R67~1 J~mms B. l~eG~¢~rma~, J~. GENERAL FUND 267~2 B.B. Ox~Y 267~4 R~mo Oo~m. 267~6 AL~ N~q~ZST 26757 H~o~ Eomxz~s 26758 Gz~Y oy B.B. Po~cm Dmp~. 26759 Jm~ Lmm Nc G~aocx 26760 Bommzm WATER 13394 13395 13396 13397 13398 13399 13~00 SYSTEM REYENUE FUND H~oLm R. Homxr~s How~am M~LLO~Y H~aOLD SEWER REYENUE FUND 3621HzaoLm 3622 fmmvo~ 3623 J~cq~ms R~cm~am 3624 Fa~¢ms B~x~ma SEWER & WATER DEPOSIT FU~B 1785 Cr~r OF B.B. Acc'~ Km~om R~mm~m 1786 Crvr OF B.B. A¢c'~ Jz¢~ms Rrcmz~m 30, 534.60 30, 534.60 1.487. 50 100.00 4,000.00 4,399,00 34.24 81.44 100.1.0 I0.0~ 150.00 99.00 80.00 21.40 330.00 2.24 1.04 .04 1.94 2.20 10.10 8.00 .86 2.00 20.96 17.60 1~. 50 17.60 $6~,890.~0 $4,399.00 10,1971 1787 OrTr oF B.B. Ae¢'T D. 1788 Oryx or B.B. Aec'~ B. 1789 Or~r OF B.B. Ac='T J. 1790 Or~"r oF B.B. A¢¢'~ F. PUBLIOITY FUi¥D 1971 ~E~FERAL FUND 26762 Ox~r oF 26763 ~zTr oF B.B. 26764 Omar oF B.B. 267G~ OIvr oF 26'766 Ox~r oF B.B. OF B.B. OF 2G~71 267?2 26774 POLICE ~ETXREo UNZO~ l?.GO 7. 50 7.50 300.00 36.82 38.77 16.23 54.92 11,862.99 237.30 1,268..00 5,969;90 45.00 35.00 $~,589.90 14, 1971 WATER SZSTEM REVENUE FUND 134010zTr oF B.B. 13402 ffxTr OF B.B. SEYER REYENUE FUND 3625 Oz~r OF B.B. 3626 CrTr OF B.B. 26775 l~zrm MrcmmL~ 26777 A~z~s C~r~Ro~r~ 6'0. 26778AmrmRTZSERS P~mSS. I~c. 26779A~m~ 26780 A~m~ CsE~rcz~ Co 26781 26782 AaTo~ao~acTz, Irc. INc. 30; 77 309.36 340. 13 14.27 404; O0 418.2 ? 50. O0 100~ O0 78. 46 71.90 87.65 150. 15 1, $43. O0 1 7~.25 38. O0 $23, 984.68 J~NE ~4. 1971 26784 BE~z CmEr'~OLm~, I~/C. 26785 Bms~ ELEC~'R~C, INC. 26786 BO-mEA P~rmT~ Co,, I~¢. 26787 BoY~ToN A¢~o S~r, I~c. 26790 C~a~ 26791 C~r~oNs Co., INc. 26792 E. Co~sT P~PER 26795 ~r~EE~r~¢ N~¢~. Co., I~¢. 26796 FI~ms~o~m ELECT~ ~UPP. a~ INC~ B~. ~a. BL. Ss. OF F~z., INc. 26809 Cr~r OF B.B. W~Tma DEPT. 1!.08 32. O0 28,80 $$Io00 135o83 ~.15 WATER SYSTEM REYEA~UE FUiYD 1640~ ~L~mm W~LO~ZZ~E & G~m~. P~o~., I~c.1,11~.75 I5~05 A~rmo Comsat. P~om. S~LES, I~¢. 372.50 18406 ~o~ao~c~s, I~c. .6~ 13608 C~r~ 0o. 89.11 13~09 E. Co~s~ P~E~ C~. 1 ~ 9t2.19 SEWER BEFEiCUE FUND 3627 F~Em Me Mz~rx 250. O0 3628 ~Lrmm C~L. ~ Ossa. P~om.,Im¢. ~05.00 3629 t ¢~om~om ~c~s, I~¢. 37. 95 3630 Bor~o~ A¢~o S~p~., I~c. 10.~ 3631 365~ ga~o~ ~m~ Co. 90.00 3635 839.54 GENEBiL FUND 26806 HENRY'S ~OFFEE CUP 26806 Tzm Hza~z Oe~. 86.68 26807 fsm HoFma Co. ~0. 71 26810 IBH Go~m. 7. 26812 K~ ffFa. Co~. 26813 L~s OF B.B. 7. ~0 2GBI~ I 2681 G 132~ 2G81 7 1G. 2681 ~ 26822 1 38. 2G~. 131. ~OTOaOL~, INc. ~E P~INT ~ETTLE P.B .Dom~m, INc. SEzc~zs~ ~ao. Go., INC. ~TEFENSON SEED STORE C~Y OF B.B. U. OF H~mX P~mss 21. 12. 5. 18 25 7. ~66.6I 16, 1971 1971 SEWER REYF~UE FUND 3637 RrNmmR Ma 3638 Sm~N~&m Po~. Eq~rr. 3639 S. F~. P~a~s WA TER 13411 1 $413 13414 13415 13416 1341 ? 13418 SYSTEM REYENUE FUND MISL~POR~ ~O~P. INC. GENERAL FUND 2685~ TRam~ FoRm TR. Go. 26852 Da. ~.E. 2685~ 26855 Raszm~ ~ Axom 26856 26858 fizzy or B.~' WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 13420 S~ow Gomz~a. 13421 R. W. Ko 13422 Oo~Go 08Barm~ Hma. Dzv. 13~23 13426 A~EN I~S. I~427 KS~E~ INC . SEWER REYENUE FUND 364~ U.S. GoNeRm~'m Prmm Go. 36~2 Jmao~m 3643 30. O0 74. O0 210~37 35.20 1,585.50 25. O0 262. 50 1,200. O0 12. 95 81~ $0 12, 30 3,179,45 43.95 24. O0 24 7. 88 10. O0 ~65. 78 300. O0 3. 50 239. 8s -:,5. 20 7. 74 10.14 961.60 2.90 2.20 78. 50 490. ~0 1.04 89.66 55.65 lOglO 5.05 4. O0 $t0,995.66 JUNE 16, 1971 WATER DEPO$I.~ORS FUND 8847 CzTY OF B.B. 8848 CZTr OF B.B. A¢¢'~ R.W. FER~usom 88~9 CzTr OF B.B. Ace'~ H.T. SMz~m SEWER & WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1791 OZTr O~ B.B. Ace'T MAa~E~TE B~mS. 1795 CZ~Y o~' 1794 Czar OF B.B. ice'~ S~ow CoNs~a. 17~G CZTr ow B.B. Aee'e BorueoN Aeeo Hosm. 1797 OZTY OF B.B. iee'~ 17~ O~r 17, 1971 1971 7. 50 7. 50 7. 50 ~m 18, 7. 50 ~5. O0 17, $0 15.00 15~ O0 7;50 1 7. B~ 15, 50 17.60 15.00 1 ~$. ~0 GENERAL FUND BG~59B. B. Fzas~ N~'~. BANff BGSGOTmm B~mmR ~ TAr~OR Bo. 26~61 C~Y oe B.B. Po~zcm DmmT. 26862 SuNCo~s~ £~?¥. INfESt., INC. 26865 Jo~ PO~s WATER S~STEMREKENUE FUND 50,000.00 78.02 80.00 £5.00 15G. O0 SEWER REVENUE FUND 59, 8~ SEW~ ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1801 B.B. FzRz~ NA~'L. B.~Nm GENERAL FUND 26864 Oz~r o~ B.B. 26865 26866 E~zs MeARoy 26867 BoommR NORFUS 26868 ARCA~E TR~E~ A~E~er 26869 CLARENCE ~. JONES, $0.,000.00 $0,000.00 52.59 10. O0 5. O0 5.00 576. O0 48. 75 $$, 142.51 $82, 084~ . 22 JUNE 1971 2687~ Ommm Moo~m 2G~77 GITY OF 26878 O~r OF B.B. 20880 B.B. WATER SYSTEM REYENUE FUND 13~28 CITY OF B.B. 13~29 Gr~Y OF B.B. 13~33 PEN~NS¢LAa Paom. 13~$7 SNOW Outset. Co. 13~$9 S~ow Ooms~a. 36~7 Ox~¥ oe B.B. Pzrao~ Fa~m 5651 SEWER & WATER DEPOSIf FUND 1802 A=s~ 1805 G~x oF B.B. 1806 ffxrr oF B.B. 1807 Oz~r or B.B. 1808 O~r 1809 ffz~r om B.B. 1810 ff~vx oF B.B, ~cc~ H. Jz~so~ ICC ~T. SNOW ~ONSTa. 37. 50 37. 50 37. 50 25G. O0 20, 955. $1 250. 63 186.35 GlO. 82 I, 788. O0 20. O0 2~, 90~ ~ 1~. 70 3, 960. 63 1.72 5,20 , ?~ 2.78 12.28 7.65 ?. $~ 11 4', 028. 22 31.02 1,432.42 9.40 7.24 3.06 ~.00 1,491.13 7.50 I5.5~ 16.90 1 7.60 15. 50 15, O0 15. O0 15, O0 J~m 18. I971 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8850 Cr~Y oF B.B. A¢¢'~ M. fz~ 88510r~Y Of B.B. A¢¢'~ Tmssrm Ooox ?.50 ?. ~0 POLIOE RETIREMENT FUND 0678 Aa~m~n oo Rocm -,~x 21 1971 GENERAL FUND WATER SYSTEM REYENUE FUND 12~0 Wm. F. O~m,~z~ma INC. SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1811 3101 22, 1971 GENERAL FUi~TD 26888 F~m~m~rc H. AYm~S, 111 26890 A~op~omgc~s, 26891 So. 26892 So. 26893 Bm~m Exempt. Go., I~e. 26894 Bx~z 26895 Bms~E~mc~n~e 26896 B~-L~ F~m' Hosm, Go. 26897 T~m B~osso~ Ssoppm 26898 BoY, ToN ~TO 26899 BOY~TO~ ~L~SS S~FI~E, INC. 26900 BOYm~Om Pu~p 26901 OO~mT Bmco~ms, 26902 O~STOm A~o 26905 D~c~ Eow~a~ Go. 271. $1 17. 50 005. O0 50. O0 2, 779, 83 2, 829. 83 $3, 669. 98 5. O0 33.60 32.00 1~. O0 99.80 732.37 59. O0 38. O0 16.34 120. O0 900. O0 10. O0 358. 94 27~ 35 135.35 60. O0 20. O0 ~3. O0 JUNE 22, 23, 1971. 1971 SEWER REYENUE FUND $652 A=~o~,.~o~ucTs, 3654 3655 CO.~S~'~L M~¢mz~xs, INc. WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8852 Or~r OF B.£. A¢c'~ $. 8863 Gr~r oF B.B. A¢¢'~ B. GEICERAL FUND 26904 E. 26905 Emor~mmar~o M~cmr~m Go., 26906 2690? ~mo. W. Psw~ Go., I~c. 26908 G~ Or~ Go. 26909 28910 H~LsmY 269~1 H~mm's 2691~ Hox~m's Smom STOrm 2691~ Wm~w~ 26916 Nm~so~ 26918 P.B. 26919 0~ oF B.B. INC. WATER SYSTEM REFENUE FUND 13450 ROSEBT J. F~m~z 13451G~am¥ L. 13452 L.A. 13453 13454 J.B. 13455 Louzsm 13456 H~em Ommmre~ ~o. 80. O0 500. O0 18. O0 5,20 8.80 59. O0 1 $0. O0 _1 75.$ 974.33 ~.70 10.00 1 ?5° O0 190.70 7. 50 ?,. 50 15. O0 39.25 130. 40 895.85 110. 90 53. 90 71. $6 93, 65 165.3~ 18. O0 28. 1 ? 1.?~ 36.86 97.60 22.26 1,25 ,25~01. 1,789~ OG 5.20 3.04 1.68 4.24 5. 20 3.20 $$, 884. 78 J~NE 23, 1971 1971 SEWER BEYENUE FUND $658 Lo~rs~ S~ 3661 No~c, C~EHrC~S, Imc. SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1812 Gr~'Y OF 1815 I~¢~N¢ 1817 Cr~Y OF B.B. ACc'T J.B. Sm~CEELFO~ 1818 1819 Gr~Y OF B.B. Acc'~ L. WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8855 C~Tr 8856 26921 26922 26923 26924 26925 26926 26927 26928 26929 26930 26951 26932 26935 6. 60 5. O0 4. O0 6. $0 $2.50 233.75 1 7~60 16.90 7.50 15.50 17~ 60 ltl. 50 15;50 15..50 7.50 7. 50 7.50. 22~50 GENERAL FUND 26920.C~ OF~B.B. Po~rcm Dm~. 80.00 A~Fam~ L. J~m~T 50.00 HENRY BELLA~O $.50 BE~Y SE~E 40.00 T~E BAEE~ ~ T~YLO~ 00. 190.45 Gm~m Hoo~m 1,250,00 A~m~ C~E~rC~L Co. 12.80 Jze~ Coo~ma 156;00 ~zr~oar Bao~m~s, I~c. 57.00 IN~E~ZON~ OrTr MA~m~E~T ASS~. ~5;50 Pzc~ao Cmmmr¢~ Co. 51.20 POaTEa PAIN~ Co. 26.85 Rzcm Mo~oas, INc. 20~76 WATER SYSTEM REYENUE FUND 13~58 MELFIN COL~T~ 100.00 I3~65 JoE Y,rmm~s 100.00 1971 ~m25, [ 1971 13460 B.~.H. SZLmS. INc. 13461 8IF Dzrzszo~ 13462 CuaTim SCIENTIFIC 1346G Holms mY LEO~ Co, SEWER REYENUE FUND SEWER c~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1~20 CITY oF B.B. AeC'T W. 1821 CITY o~ B.B. ~Ce'T Josmmm L. 1822 Czar o~ 8~. ~cc'~ J.L.B~as~a~ 1825 CITY O~ B.~' Aoe'~ W. WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 88~7 0ITY OF B.B. Ace's. E~szm HEYEBItOEFFER UTILITY GENERAL FUND 261RussmAL & AXON GENERAL FUND 26934 Ara To 26935 26936 26937 26938 26939 26940 26941 ~RAFFrC, INC. Ro~o Cia Wash SAL'S Spoa~ SOUTHERN PAP~ CO. STEFENSON SEED CO. CITY OF 26942 26943 Ta. 26944 RrmemwAr P~., INC. 26945 CsAs. E. 26946 WHmm~E~ ~ KIN¢STON, INC. 26947 Em~OX 26948 C,~IT,~ LE,~SrN~ CoRp. 185. O0 65.53 37.00 5.20 2.90 2,50 12.$5 20.-70 7.50 7.50 7.50 i5.50 7.50 45.50 7.50 7.50 903.6~ o3. 5 155;00 14.50 72.00 46.75 53.96 39.90 24;00 99~81 46.23 120.86 258.98 80.00 87.63 203.13 336.02 $;6, 500.1 7 JUNE 25, 1971 26949 Row~,,~ND Ta. Equrp., INc. 455.2G 26Y~0 Crrr OF B.B. P~YaoL& F¢Nm 1~,940.10 26952 gz~Y OF B.B' F~aZ~EN'S R.~. F. l$L'30 2695~ ~OYN~ON C~y FsD. Ga. U~toN 1,591.00 26955 F~ E~oaz 406.00 269~6 U.S. POS~STEa 21.60 26957 F~. Pew~ ~ L~emT Ge. 6.172. 7~ WA TER SYSTEH REVENUE FUND 13467 BrD~EwzY PLu~sr~v¢, INc. 13471 Lo~ S~YN 13473 D~ JONZS SEWER REVENUE FUND 366~ 36G5 CZar OF B.B. P~Yi~OLL FUNm 3666 C.W. Rrc~ma~ ~667 D~rm JO~ES 3668 WZ~Nma B. 3GG9 B~aoN 3670 F~z. Powma SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1826 Cr~r OF B.B. 1827 Cr~r ~F B.~. 1828 C~z OF B.B. A¢¢'~ Dante JONES 1830 Crrr OF 1831 Or~r ox B.°' A¢¢'~ Holms ~r LEaN 12,~ 258.50 632. 12 2.62 · 34 2.20 1.24 3. 20 3. 8i~~ 2.20 5.20 3.04 396. 97 87. O0 2,369~ $0 8. O0 8. O0 4. O0 10.10 1,989.35 8. O0 4, 484.25 15.50 7. 50 7, 50 15.50 15.50 7.50 7.50 J~E 25, 1971 28, 1971 29, 1971 1832 CITY 1833 OrTY 1854 OrTY 1835 Crer WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8859 7. 50 RETIREt~ENT TRST FUND 25.04 PUBLICITY FUND 494 S~o~e's Hzv~N 1!6.52 503.19 GI$. ~1 WATER SYSTEM BEYENUE FUND 13481 F~mm ~a~a~ao~o 2.24 6.08 SEWER AND BEKE~UE FU]N 367590~ Sr~e~s 4. O0 1.20 ~. 20 SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1836 Crew' OF B.E. Acc'T F. 1837 Grey oF B.B. Ae¢'T L. 1859 Cm~Y OF B.B. 2cc'v J. 18~0 Cr~r OF B.B. Acc~ H~a~rs OF J.G. FOLEY 15.50 7, 50 15.50 15~ 50 15~ O0 UTILITY GENERAL FUND 262 B.B. FrasT NzT',~ 100. 000. O0 100, 000. O0 GENERAL FUND' 26958 FT. LaarEsm~LE Nmws 26959 B.B. Fz~E Dmme. 26961R. Bo PrZO~EaO 26962 CrTY OF B.B. 26963 CrTr OF B.~' 6.56 587.1G 42.94 132. O0 31.24 18. O0 $1oo, o¢o. JUNE 29, 30, 19 71 1971 WATER SYSTEM REYENUE FUND 13483 H~Lsmr 13484 15485 Rmm~ 15488 Rze~a~ SEWER REYENUE FUND ~677 Rze~am N~s WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8860 Cz~z o~ B.B. Ac¢'T R. Sarrma 8861 Gz~Y OF B.B. Acc'~ J. Busm 13. 77 5.20 2.24 t6.54 1.0~ 40. 81 fi. ~9 I0. O0 36. O0 1.15 18.96 7. 50 7~ 50 SEWER & WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1841 G~r or B.B. Acc'e Gu~s~,am,~N 17.60 1842 Czar or B.B. ACC'~ E.~. PaOT~ 7.50 18~3 Or~r OF B.B. Acc'~ Rmz~ go~s~a. 7.50 1845 Czar OF B.B. Aee'~ A. Frsczm~z Gl,O0 1~6 GrTr om B.B. Aee'T DIAmm NArzm 17.60 1848 G~r o~ B.B. 2cc'~ B. M~rs 16.90 26964 Crc'r OF B.B. 26965 Cr~'r OF 26966 WZ~m~ Fo~mo 2696~ M~zczmz~ Fo~$ ~ 'SYStEmS, I~¢. 26969 Mx~m 26970 NCR SY$?EME~ri Drrzszo~ WATER SYSTEM REYENUE FUND 13489 Baow~a~ PuN~ c~ Sup~. Go, 13~90 B~H Sz~xs, I~c. 15~92 Lro C~ 6ammom ~ 13~93 JOmN W. Fma~ 13~96 ~CR 3YS~X~m~zz Dry. 1~498 ~. W.K. Iyras~xes 22.98 20. O0 22.95 26, 73 540. O0 354. O0 1,001. OG 57.26 58. O0 383.11 5, 20 4.50 263. 78 338.10 274.40 1871 154.99 D~vrs HE~ER ~ S~pp. Co.- 15506 Ho,¥ms mx LEON SEWER REYENUE FUND 5685 F~. P~Lrc UT~ES $686 Lmo ff. ~amNo~ $G87 Jom~ W. TERm GO. SEWER & WATER DEPOSIT FUND 184-9 GzT~, OF B.B. ACC'T D. 1851 City oF B.B. Acc'~ L.B. 18~2 CI~Y oF B.B. Acc'~ WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8862 Oz~Y or B.B. z~ec'~ W.D. Goomw~z¢ 104.. O0 2. $0 I, 4.90.6~ 5.05 1.14. 17.~8 10.!0 8. O0 15.50 15.50 17.60 15.50 7. 50 7. 50 z5. dO $2, 61~ 18