Minutes 05-18-71MIbNJTES OF REGULAR CITY COIhNCIL P~ETING HELD AT CITY HALL~ BEACH~ PLORIDA~ T~ESDAY: ~Y i8~ 1971 AT 7:30 P. M. BOYNTON PRESENT: Forrest L. Wallace, Mayom Robert Effron: Vice Mayor P~s. Emily Jaakson~ Councilwoman John Ar~nie ~ Councilman ABSENT: Ha~o!d Blanchette~ Councilman C. Q. Jones: Jr., City Manager Gene Moore~ City Attomney Mms. Ca!tie Ctanton~ Deputy City Clemk Mayor Wallace called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. The Invocation was given by Father O~Shea~ folto~md by the Flag Salute led by M~. Jones ~ City Manager. in~oduction of Guests Floyd Van Deusen~ Senior Citizens David Roberts~ High Point 3 James O'Meama~ Chambe~ o~ Comme~oe R. B. Vastine ~ Leisurevilte Homeowners Association ~eqognition of Employees - Presentation of Certificates Mr. Wallace stated that it is an honor and a privilege to present certi- ficates to the City Employees tb~t have been with the City and served ~aith~ully ~or i0 c~ more years. The Certificates were passed out and the employees receivee an applause. Mayor Wallace stated t~nat the City holding people of this caliber £or a 9-~.eat deal of time has something to say ~or City Government. Proclamation - Realtor Week ]~[ayor Wallace proclaimed May 23-29~ Realtor Week. MINUTES - Regular Meeting, May 4~ 1971 M~. E~mon moved that the minutes be accepted as wmitten~ seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Mr. Archie clarified Page 8 - an over run was stated on Overland Construction - it was not an over run and the word should be str-icken. Mr. Effron amended his motion: Mrs. Jackson accepted. Motion carried 4-0. S~eciat Meeting~ May 12~ 1971 Mrs. Jackson moved that the minutes be accepted as written, seconded by Mr. E~fron~ Motion carried 4-0. -1- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING ~,iAY 18, 1971 BIDS - Awarding ~gcking Facilities at Boynton Beach Boat Ramp The low bid was received from B g J Mmrine, for $2,980: within 10 days. Money has been set aside for this project~ but additional funds are needed in the amount of $240~ ~fnieh is available in the City Manager's Contingency Fund. ~r. Jones recd,,ended the bid be acoepted. Mrs. Jackson moved that the bid of B g d Marine be accepted and the money be allocated from the Contingency Fund~ seconded by Mr. Arehie. Motion oarmied 4-0. ~UBLIC AUDIENCE Mr. Jim O'Meara, Chamber of Commerce, appreciated being allowed to ap- pear before Council; and proud rd he a Boynton Beach resident. Council has done a remarkably good job. He requested that Thursday~ May be set aside as Chamber of Commerce Day. On behalf of John Howell he extended invitation to the Counoit To have break~ast at Tropical Acres on Wednesday~ May 26~ at 8:00 A. M. Mr. Archie moved that the ~yor be authorized to s mgn' F~ocl~m~on." desig- nating May 27 as Chamber of Comme~ce Day~ seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion camried 4-0. Jones requested that two items be placed on the Agenda i. Counter-proposal o~ Mr, Shepard in regard to property we are attempting to acquire. 2. Release of bond to Caldos Mrs. Jackson moved that the items be placed on the Agenda under OTHER~ seconded by ~. Archie. Motion carried 4-0. }~. Van Deusen asked (1) if the Sanitation Committee was still in ef- fect. He stated it had never been discharged to his knowledge. (2) 9~y the date of Workshop meetings was not listed on the Agenda? People would like to attend if they know when they are being held. (3) Tons and tons of newspapers are all over the City. Why couldn't they be put in a box or container~ and then the Boy Scouts could sell them and maise money: and it would also 9~ep that much out of the gar- bage collection. Mr. Jones told him that the Sanitation Committee was appointed by the pmevious Council and with metirement of that Council~ the Committee was nor re-established by this Council. Will take the newspaper idea under advisement. When the Agenda is published ~ are not aware of the need for a workshop meeting. --2-- C MI$~UTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL i~ETING ~i%Y 18~ 1971 ~BLIC AUD/ENCE~ cont'd. John Cteary: 160 South Blvd., suggested with the papers, also to collect aluminum cans and possibly bottles~ and arrange for them to be picked up. Mr. O~Meara answered this by stating the cans ~at ~re collected at the Chamber of Commerce had outlived their useful-ness. If anyone is inter- ested, call Mr. O~Meara and he will be glad to give the address to where to call to have them picked up. LEGAL Ordinances - 2nd Reading Ord. ~F7t-12 - Approving all Subdivision Plats of Record Mr. Moore read Ord. ~'~71-12 by caption only. Mr. Archie moved that Ord. i~71-12 be adopted on second and final reading~ seconded by Mr. Effron. Motion carried 3-1. Mrs. Jackson voted -no~. Ordinances - 1st Reading Ord. ~71-13 - Emergency Ordinance re Speed Limit of Train through City Mr. Jones said it was announced that 4 cro~sing~ did not have emossing gates, but there are a total of 6 that do not. We have received from Florida East Coast Railv~y Stop Signs that will be temporarily instalied~ at each of these locations. ~ conference is scheduled to negotiate getting gates installed. Mr. Effron moved to defer action on this until the City Manager and Chief of Police have an opportunity to speak with representatives of the Railroad, seconded by Mrs. Jackson. ~'~. Arehie stated that by the Railroad putting up stop signs, it takes the burden off the Railroad and puts it on the Police Department. He asked where anyone had ever seen a full stop sign at a Railmoad c~oss- lng. If someone was hit by a train~ the~e could be no possible civil action against the Railroad. The burden should be placed on the Rail- road until such time as we have safe crossings. The trains should be slowed down to 15 MPH until such time as we have safe crossings. We now have 6 unguarded crossings. ~. Wallace stated that perhaps working with the Railroad ~ and not have the possibility of threats~ things could be womked ou~ amicably. The motion made by Mr. Effron and seconded by ~s. Jackson ~s carried 3-1. Mr. Archie voted ~no~'. MIR~]TES P~GULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETLNG ~Y 18, 1971 Resolutions Res. ~$71-R - Amending Civil Service Rules & Regulations ~'~. Moore mead Res. ~i-71-R. [~r. Effmon moved that Res. ~,-71-R ~- be adopted~ seconded by ~irs. Jackson. Motion carried 4-0. Res. ~71-T - Re Pay Plan for non-classified employees Mr. Moore read Res. ~71-T. l.~s. Jackson moved that Res. adopted~ seconded by Mr. Effron. Motion camried 4-0. ~71-T be Other - Proposed Amendment to Chapter 15.A - Code of Omdinances Re: Utility Extension ~ O~d. ~71-14 Deferred until the end of the Agenda. OLD BUS/NESS Request to Pave Portion of N. E. 7th St. (On the table) Mr. ~rehie moved it be taken o~f the table~ seconded by Mm. Eff~on. Motion carried 4-0. ~. Jones ~eported that responses were not received from all the resi- dents~ but 51% does favor it (the Stroehein property). Most of the residents on extension parcel are out of state. The City Attorney pointed out that undem our charter it is not necessary to have any o%,~er participation if the Council determined in rheim own' judgment that this needs to be done. Mr. Amchie moved that the City Attorney draw up the proper resolution to go ahead with the paving of both parcels: seconded by ~. Effron. Motion carried 4-0. Report on Bus Service (On the table) M~. Archie moved that it be taken off the table: seconded by Mr. Effron. Motion carried 4-0. ~. Jones reported that 321 responses were received in favor of bus serv- ice~ and 6 or 7 opposed. The County is interested in a County-wide transportation service. It may be that the County is interested only in a system connecting the various cities, and will not serve the internal needs of each city. Or it is possible the County may establish a system that would fill all needs. Recommend to defer any action until further irafommation is ceived from the County. ~. A~chie moved that Bus Service be put back on the table~ seconded by Mrs. Jacl~on. Motion carried 4-0. --4-- C ,~I~%~dTE S REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~-~ETING k'~Y 18~ 1971 _Appointment to Community Relations Co~nittee i~s, Jacl~Son nominated D. nthony N ewDotd~ President of RidgevaDod Home- o%,~aers Association for the Con~munity Relatior~ Con~nitt~e Mr. Effron nominated Reverend %~]~ite for the Committee. Rev. White was appointed by a vote of ~W BUS~SS Traffic Light at Corner of E. Ocean Ave. & 4th St. - }~s. Jackso,~ Mrs. Jackson asked if there was an old light available that could used at this intersection. be ~[r. Hopkins answered that there is nothing adequate to re-ir~tall. ~i~. Jones stated that if ~ should pursue getting a light at this inter- section~ we should obtain the service of $ qualified tn3affie engineer~ as it could back t~affio up to Federal Highway. ~{r. Arehie suggested the possibility of having one way traffic on Ocean and 2nd Ave. This should be pursued as it is a real bad corner, ~lrs. JacP~on mentioned that the island on Federal Highway at Ocean Ave. needed to be cut off. Mr. Archie stated that it had been cut off once before~ and it is still bad. ~,~s. Jaok~on moved that this be looked into administratively~ seconded by ~'~r. Archie. Motion carried 4-0. Consider oversizing water mains to coruform to ~'laste_ P].~n ~4r, Jones reported that the ~faster Plan for sewage and water for reserve $3anexation has been completed: and is on file. It calls for a 12 water main. Undertake project to exceed existing 8 inch and allow the City Engineer to negotiate purchase of oversize pipe at est-J-mated cost of $2~000. Mr, Hoplcins had stated that it could be closer to cost: and funds are available in Utility Contingency Fund. ~{r. Hopk~ stated that Standard Oil is planning to put in a filling sta- tion at A~ intersection of 80~ and Congress ~ and this will ca]_l fo~ an extension of 140 f~et more a~ appro×imate eost of $400. Mr. Effron moved to have Mr. Hopk~ins go ahead with thf~ project: seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 3-0. ~. Arehie abstained, -5- M/~JTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~.'~ET/~NG i~Y 182 1971 .~D~IINISTP~ TIVE ~equest of Deiray Beach - Participation in Regional Plan-Sewer Facilities Delray has requested that Boynton indicate desire in area wide sewage disposal with them. it appears we have a number of possibilities. Mr. Jones recommended that %~,~ advise Delray of our situation that £uture plans are not complete because of too many un,kno~aq factors ~ but there is a possibility that we may be inter-ested in using their outfall. ~s, Jackson moved to accept the City i¥~nager~s recommendation, seconded by ~ir. Archie. ~,~otion ea~ried 4-0. Water Consumption Measures - City Manager On a voluntary basis water consumption went from 6~ million gallons per day to 4.3 million gallons during the first week: ~uring the past four days under 3 million gallons per day. We owe a vote of thao_ks to the citizens for theim cooperation. Since the drought is not broken we ask that the citizens continue to cooperate, T~ansfer of funds fmom ~nappropriated Surplus rom Administrative Costs .on Special Election Mrs. Jackson stated pay for the letters was to pay, that she inquired at the beginnin9 who was going to being sent out, She %,~s told that Russell g Axon ~,~. Archie moved that this item be tabled until City Manager can check into it fu~ther~ seconded by Mr. Effron. Motion carried 4-0. Policv reqardin~ release of plans after use for construction o~ buildini3 One of the banks has requested the City return their b~ilding plans. They don~t want anyone to have access to the layout. This is strictly a seeurits~ measure due to the numerous robberies. Stuart Fuller requested that some plan be established to relieve the Building Dept. of the many bulky plans. The weight alone is a problem. ~s. Jaclcson said that the State requires all Public Records to be kept on file. ~, Arehie moved to return the plans to First Federat~ and to other banking facilities in the City~ seconded by ~'~-, Effron. M~s. Jackson asked if the Bank wanted a copy of the plans. The City Attorney stated that the purpose of this is so no one will have access to the plans. MINUTES i~GULAR CITY COU~NCIL MEETI~NG MAY 18, 1971 ADMINISTRATIVE, contrd. F~. Archie amended his motion to have the City l,~nager send a letter to the Dept. of Archives stating that we are doing this; ~'~.. Effron accepted the amendment. Motion carried 4-0. The Ordinance could be amended where, the building plans if not claimed within 30 days after a one year period would b~ destroyed. t~s. JacP~on stated that Public R~ cords cannot be destroyed. Maybe the plates could be microfilmed and kept on file. This would be expensive and would not solve the problem. The City Attorney pointed out that they would not be Public Records after the C~di~ance is amended. ~'~. Arohie moved that the way of relieving the City of the building plans be left up to the City Attorney~ and if necessary send a letter to the Dept. of Archives ~ seconded by Mr. Effron. Motion carried 3-1. ~'~s. Jackson vo~ed ~,no~. Request of John S. chneider, Animal Ward.eh.r Extension of Retirement Date Mr. Archie moved t~hat request be granted, seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 4-0. Request of Boynton Chapter {~:238, Order of Eastern Star~ for use of Civic Center - August 29: 1971~ 4 to 8 P. M. (Annual ~Pot Luck~ Dinner) The Acting Recreation Director has suggested a charge of $7.05 for a cus- todian to be present. Mr. Effron moved that a charge of $7.05 be made for .custodial service~ seconded by F~r. Arc, hie. Motion carried 4-0. Request for t~ansfer of liquor license at 1022 N. Federal Highway from Robert O. and Mary E. Sriver to Donald A. Nelly Mr. Arable moved that the request be g~anted~ seconded by Mr. Effron. Motion carried 4-0. OTP~R Counter-proposal on Shepard Parcel After the property was appraised at a price of $35,500, a counter-pro- posal of $42,168 is now being asked~ with the stipulation that the house is moved within 6 months. Mr. Arahie moved that the offer be denied, seconded by Mr. Effron. MINUTES P~EGUL%R CITY COUNCIL MEETING ~%Y 18~ 1971 OTHER, oont ~ d. I~. Wallace stated ~ should hold to our original sums. Mr. Arehie stated that the Architect is moving along with th~s, and 6 months would hold us ~ack. The motion ~s carried 4-0. Release of Bond to Caldos Caldos has asked for release of Bond posted ~or Sections 4 and 5, Lei- surevilte. I~ it is not returned he will sue the City. Due to a nbunber o£ legal questions ~ Mrs. Jackson moved to table the item~ seconded by Mr. Ef£ron. Motion carried 4-0. ADM/NISTRATIVE ~ cont'd. List of Payments made in April Mr. Archie moved that the list of payments made in April be accepted, seconded by Mrs° Jackson. Motion carried 4-0. Approval of Bills ~s. Jackson moved that the bills to Engineering Machines be paid, sec- onded by Mr. ArChie. Motion carried 4-0. RECESS LEGAL, eont ~d. Proposed Amendment to Chapter 15.A - Code of O~dinances Re: ~titity Extension - Ord. ~?~71-1~ - Emergency ~. Moore read Ord. ~71-14. ~. E~fron moved that Ord. ~7t-14 be a- dopted and passed on ~i~st reading as an emergency o~inance ~ seconded Dy ~. Arehie. Motion carried 4-0. ADJOUrnmeNT Meeting adjourned at 9:05 -8- CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA ~orrest Lo Wa!lace, Mayor Robert B. Effron?V~ce Mayor MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL B~.ETI~NG }-~Y 18~ 1971 Attest: M~s. Emi~M. Ja~on~ C~ncil~,~an - .~ L. Blanchette~ Councilman -' ' C -9- PAYNENTS NADE I~I APRIL BY DATE 1971 .............................. 3, 543.54 1971 .............................. ~6,!29.87 1971 .............................. i, 095.65 1971 .............................. !97I .............................. 25,908.57 I97I .............................. $0,98.3.85 1971 .............................. 1971 .............................. 1971 .............................. 164. 7? I971 .............................. ?2, 929. 10 1971 .............................. 35,026.66 !gZ1 .............................. 1971 .............................. 1,292.92 1:971 .............................. 197! .............................. 1971 .............................. 974, 45 I~71 .............................. 26, 380. 09 !9~I .............................. 152. 99 1971 .............................. $, 664.11 197t .............................. !5, 611.94 197~ .............................. 14,850. 08 1971 .............................. 35, 55.5.22 383, 233. GENERAL FUf~D ............................... 219, WATER SYSTEH REVENUE FUND .................. 80, SEWER RE~E~¥UE FUND ......................... ~7, SEIZER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND ................. WATER DEPOSITORS FUNDS ..................... UTILITY GENERAL FUND ....................... 30, s,~TIREHENT TRUST FU~%~D POLICE RETIRENENT FUND ..................... F ,~.~, , IRm~N S RELIEF & PENSION FUND ............ i ~ S FUND ................................. ~, PUBLIGITY FUND ............................. 901.70 568.03 935.4-3 5 70. 80 16~. O0 445.80 425.45 791. $1 84.10 62~. O0 721.65 583,233.25 PAZHE~TS ~ADE IN APRIL, 197t 1, 1971 GE~CERAL FUND 26198 26200 GE~'E HO0~E 26201W~zr~ ~¢ DOW~LL 26202 E~w~ R. 26205 B~ 2620~ U~s~r Boo~ S~o WATER 13187 SYSTEH RE?ENUE FUh~D W~r ~c Do~e~ SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1680 Oz~Y OF B..B.-Jo~ SE~¢ER RETE?[UE 351~ JOHN 351~ HIC~Z~' E. HILL FIRE.¥E;I'S RELIEF ~ PENSIO_~{ FUND 467 JoHm T~rE RETIR~?IE~¥T ?RUST FU~¥D 0698 RE,CA 0699 F]~cK 0700 O~r~m 070! WOOm~OW Ears~Y 2, 343.75 125. O0 I ~2. O0 73. 0~ 208. ! 9 135.87 $, Oi 7.8~ 24. O0 .42 15.50 16.90 32. ~ 3.60 ~. 70 $$.83 2~.27 8¥.t0 50.58 71.00 135.12 ~¥. 51 73.02 674. 5 $3,543.5~ iii¸ 197I 5, ~971 6, 1971 26206 26207 OzrY om B.B. 26206 26209 B.B. 25210 BoY~To~ 26211 Br~ H~z~o~ 26212 LoNmo~ EXPREss 26213 C.J.O~sLEY 2621~ EL~rS 2621~ 26216 B.B. Ponzc~ Dmp~. WATER ~_~.~ RE?EA~O~ FU~¥D SEWER REVENUE FUND 3516 OrrY oF B.B. GE/~ERAL 26217 Or~' om B.£. 262i~ Grr_~ om 26219 £oRass~ L. 26220 Br~L WA~.=R SYSTEI~ RE?ENUE FU~rD SEWER REYE~¥UE FtU{D 5617 Gr~Y OF B.B. 26221 H.D.L~Fma UNTON ~0,636.41 239.06 150.60 285.24 1,091.00 t$.00 t$fi. O0 ~.00 fi. O0 10. O0 ~0. O0 12, 850. $1 2,04~.06 1,255, 50 1,235.50 61, ~ $~. 61 161.35 23. I0 16.36 79'i:.31 791.31 30. O0 $0. O0 ?~00 30. O0 97. O0 $16, 129.87 APR. 6, i97t 7, 1971 1971 PUBLICITY FUArD 4~69 ;frss B.B. P~sE~N~ GE~£~AL FU~fD 26225 G~m 26227 T~r~ Fo~o 26228 GEN~ ~oo~, T~. GO. ~21.65 421 5, 709.07 220. O0 19, 979. SO 25, 908.5 7 GENERAL FUND 26229 EDWarD J. ~o~r 350.00 26230 J~s F~L~wooD 20.00 26231 .ROY ~¥C Go~ 120.00 26232 H~OL~ Nr~n 167.00 26253 B.B. GirY L!~aY 1~2.38 26234 C.J.O~ss~¥ 20.00 26255 BOOKER T. NonFu$ 20.00 iF2~ fEB SYS~E~ RETENUE FUND 13192 J.K. hr~nsrN 1.44 13193 Gus~z D. K~aT~ ~. 72 1319~ ORomr.~'s T~xAco S~. 3.34 13195 J~r 13196 W~. J. Nooa~ 4.72 SEWER REVENUE FOYiD 3518 J.K. ~nsr~ ~. O0 3519 ~o~r,~$ ~Ex.~co S~. 11.tl 3520 J~x Z~rrr 9.~0 3521 Wm. J. Hooa~ 8.00 ~ TER DEPOSITORS FUN~ 8809 Pz~En Do~L=~n"~ 88!0 GrzY OF B.B. 32.51 7.50 7.50 15.00 SE~ER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1682 CiTY oF B.B. 15.50 16~3 GrT~ OF B.B. 31.00 168~ CITY OF B.B. 16.90 1685 City OF B.B. 15.50 7~90 ~o18.65 ~25, 908.5 7 ApR° ~PR. i971 9, 1971 9, !971 UTILITY GEffERAL FUi~D 257 G~T¥ ~62~8 262~9 262~0 Or~r eE B,B. 262~2 B~r~o~ Or~ Fmm. O~. U~ro~ 2624~ H~s Zos~ 262~6 LLoY~.s Oe B.B., t~c. 262~7 Oily o~ B.B. SY6'~ RETE~UE WA TER i3197 OTTO 15198 Jo~m 13199 13200 oF H.B. NErmn ~ S~p~. CO. SEWER 3522 J. G. $523 OTTo RETENUE FOTfD SEWER ~ER DEPOSIT FUND 1686 CITY i~F 1687 Cr~? .)F 262~8 Gzr~o~ 26250 R~Bf~ Go~sr. Go. 26251SE~-~aEST 2~252 L~wY¢a's TITLE S~7., I~¢. 26253 J~cm~o~ Br~o~'s 26254 K~T~Lmm~ T. O~- BO~CE 26256 ~marc~ LrB~R~ Ass~. 3_~0000.00 $0,000~00 150, O0 15. O0 19, 558.97 243, 96 150.60 576.50 t, ~82. O0 5, 492.97 I I0. O0 72.59 19, O0 80. O0 2~95I.~9 5.20 5.20 3,292.29 159.67 8. O0 10.10 t ~ 258.62 i, 276.72 15.50 17.60 $3. I0 5 7. 28 50. O0 2, 856. O0 565. O0 53.75 171.15 26. 79 25. O0 12. O0 950, 983.85 $32, 703. 77 12, 26257 It~r't BzcaE~roN a P~nK 2ss~¢. 50.00 26258 BL. Ga. BL. Ss. o~ FL~. I~c. I06.50 26259 B~. Ca. B~. S~. OF FL~. I~c. 2,158.97 26260 Bt. C~. B~. S~. OF Fs~. I~¢. 327.04 26261 Vo~a LrFE INS. Co. 181.86 26262 A~E~. F~. LrFZ 40.60 262~63 iY~N¢F~¢~. LIFE INS. CO. 294,93 26264 I~ePsEaSO~' S ~f~.ar~ Sza~. 865.00 26265 A~s Gsz~. Go. 16.06 26266 ~LLEN GNS~. Co. 49.95 262~7 2~SLE~rc SrL~ SC_~EE~. Go. 69.00 26268 g~. L. Sc~w~a~z $i. O0 26269 BOYN~o~¢ GL~SS SEa~., INc. !12. 79 26271 B.B. PoL~cz Dz~r. 100.00 26272 Go~Lr~s S~e~s 36.00 26273 GeL. Lz~sr~, I~c. 35.40 26274 Go,ar R~c~aDs,~I~vc. 60.00 26275 D~s. Cox, FoaL~w ~ W~LsoN, PA 35.00 26276 T~o.~zs ~y 50. O0 ~;2TER~ SL~TE;I REVE~{UE 13201 GI?Y OF B.B. 9. 77 13202 Bt. ga. B~. 6~. o~ F~., I~c. 281.12 13203 HAm~CT. L~F~ I~s. Co. 11.07 1320~ 2~B Prp~ ~ S~. Go. 500.23 ! 320~ A WK I.~m. ~5. O0 1~206 A~s GHEe. Go. 32.~2 13207 2L~rEm GSLOa. ~ Om~H. Paom., I~va. 270.00 $E~{ER REYE?ffUE FUg~D 3526 Bt. Ga. Bt. S-~. O~ Ftc. INco 140.56 3527 ]~?Acr. LI~ Izes. Co. G~'4B 3528 /~LtZED Omto. ~ O.~iZ~. Pao~3., Imc. 270.00 UTILITY GE2fERAL FU}/D PuBLL~i TY FUND 424.04 445.80 300.00 300.00 ~91 O, 823. 07 1971 GE!v~ER~iL FUND 26277 Gr~r o? $.B. 18.93 26278 Sm~s, Roms~cm ~ co. 23.96 26279 InA Ho~nm~ 76.00 26280 Nns. W.P. Om~m~mmY 2. O0 26281 T~s Mm~r~ 4.90 26282 A~sE~ H~sc~ 2.00 127, 79 W~TER SYSTEN RE~E~$UE FUND 13209 T~mnms-~ Z~EZ~r 2.78 13210 Gmo. B~ssr~ !. 52 13212 T~mm~s ~Wmmr~E 2. 78 !321~ 2~m~r H~se~ 2.~0 SEWER REYENUE FUND 3529 T ~'m~ms~ ZrsEL~x ~.00 5530 GEO. Ba~s~r~¢~ .~0 3531Azsmn~ Hr~sc~ ~.00 8.~0 SEWER ~ W2TER D/7luOSIT FUND 1688 Gms. B~s~r~sm~m ~. 1~, 1971 16.90 16.90 GENERAL FUND 262:83 Or~Y om B.H. 26.~_0 2628~ ~4~,~mm O~m~rc~L Go. 17.40 26285 A~opno~c~s, i~c. 344.65 26286 BE~z O~EF. , Imc. 5~. 70 26287 Bo~ro~ A~ro S~., It~c. 222.09 26288 Box~-~oz~ P~ ~' S~p. Oon~.= 326.46 26289 Bnow~n Pt~mp ~ S~pp. Go. 116.16 1,I07.~6 W2TER SYSTE~¥ RETE~{UE 13214 REFo ~ I~. Rmz. Bo~n Sr~r. F~:~m 34,~47.24 13215 Jo~ Spr~m~ 1,750.00 13216 A~ro~no~c~s, I~c. ~0.98 13217 B~H S~E, I~e. 14~. 60 13218 Bz~z GmE~., Imc. 3!.~6 13219 G.T. Bowtzs ELEcz~c Go. 95.00 13220 BoY~ro~ 2~zo S~Pp., I~c. 1~.96 13221 Bo~.~o~ P~mp & S~p~., I~c. 29. I8 13222 B~o~m P~p ~ S~pp. Go. 186.~0 SEWER RE?ENUE FUi¥~ 3532 REF. ~I~PS. REv. 3533 2~o~no~c~s, I~c. 35,072.02 15.50 3.90 $164.77 $ 72.929.10 GENERAL FUND 26290~G~szom A~TO 26291 D.B. D.~mLY NEWS J. 26292 EKG Ass. 26293 E. Go, st P~p~ Go. 26294 hW. Ermrc~m 2ss., Iz~c. 26296 E~. Oo~. 26296 Fmmm~m~ ~s Room S~. 26297 F~am E~r~. S~ms 26298 FrnEs~omm 26299 G~rnons Bnos., Imc. 26300 P. B. Domsm, I~c. 26302 Ass, L~s~rms, 26303 B.:m~'~ ~ T~ YLon Go. 26304 H~s. TmEnmsE E. Sw. Jus~m 26305 Gmo. W. Fo~zsmn, 26306 Fnzr~souss ELEct. S~pp., I=~c. 26507 G~mmo.~s PnL~. ~ 26308 GULF S~nm~m Lu,~s. Go. 26309 G~L~ 0~ Oo~P. 26310 H~LSEY ~ GnrrZ., I~;c. 26311 Em Os~m~o~ Ta. 26312 I~w~mn~. Assm. or OmImes om P. 26313 Im~nm. 2ss~. OF FrnE 26314 Jmc~'s O~mma~ 26315 GI~Y oF 26316 Pmmnzmss P~s. Go. 2361 7 Da. 26318 KELnY T~cron. 26319 P.~'rnnrp f. fErC~ 26320 WHITT HAcDowELL 26321 L. }f~ 26323 HrNE StFETY APP. 26325 Ho~oaoLz, I~c. 26326 .~m~c. Frm. OFF. 2SS~~. 26327 ~FGB SYs~. D~. 26328 Nz~ 'L Css~. ~ T~c.~. SYs~., I~c. 26329 ~zz'n Frae Paoz. 26531 P~N ~Ea. PL. Go., I~c. 26332 Pm. HUa~LS OF 26333 Prc~a~ .~.~z~. Co. 2~34 PrEacz TraE Go. 2633~ Po~zza P~IN~ Go. 4.$. O0 132.61 1 O, O0 81.68 49.10 25. O0 100. O0 !9.35 761,55 56.90 2, 854-. 4-8 7.576.88 222 64 25, O0 15, 90 77. 55 $1, 06 107, 80 135.85 535.50 498.75 22.50 105.51 80. O0 29.50 !6.00: 46.12 24.0. O0 Bi. 40 429. O0 358.60 4 70.50 t 59; $0 !, 499. O0 20. O0 19. $6 998. O0 40. O0 13. O0 39. ~5 4. O0 47. O0 45. O0 200. 90 Apn. 15.I971 26336 RIYBRO ELECT. Strpp., INC. 54.00 ~ 26337 RmcnE~ro~ E~arp. Oo~p. 88.90 26338 Rre~ HOTORs, INC. 6.60 263~0 Re~e G~ W~ss 20.50 26~&I R~r~ Oo~s~. Go. 216.20 263~3 S~s~L E~e. Go. 84~.00 2634~ SGH Go~. 65.00 26545 S~r~Y's S~av. Sse~ 165.00 26~6 SuN Pao. E~. CoaP. 64.80 ~6347 T~. Fo~ Ta. Ge. 44.15 ~ 263~8 TucKzR & Joa~NsoN, Igc. 16.30 26549 G.E. W~D~zw, Ja. N.D. 8. O0 26350 H.W. WitsoN Go. 25. O0 26~1 ts~ox Co~. 21 7. 77 ~0,22 9~ 9i WATER SYSTEH REVENUE FU~ID 13225 J~P.G~o~, ~mc. tI~.62 1322~ C~m. ELect. GO. 15225 W.H. O~a~rm Co. 80.70 13226 E. GO~ST P~p~a Co. 2~. 13227 EDw~aDs E~mc~. Oo~m. ~3.20 13228 ~. Oo~. Bo~ I~0.00 ! 3229 B~NZ Os~v., I~c. 7, 780.95 13230 F~sro~ ~7. 1323~ Fn~so~s~ E~c~. S~., I~c. 57.69 15232 g~sFsr. Go~sr; Go., I.~c. 1,033.29 13233 H~ c~ G~. Ge. ~0.70 13234 n~s~Y ~ G~r~rs, I~c. 7.20 1323~ H~r~so~ Go~. 4~.22 13236 S. L~n t~sr~. Go~p. 20.00 ~ ~, 331. SEWER REV~i~]£ FUND 3535 BY~ '$ ELt~¢~. ~. SE~. 75,60 3537 G~o~ G~r Go. ~.00 3~39 G~ 0~ Go~p. 26.80 3541 S~z~o~ Po~. E~r~. Oo~. 426.94 3~3 ZE~ ~. Go. 162.00 3, ~65 , ~2 02'6.6O Apn.16, I971 19, 1971 GENERAL FUND 26352 f~nmmsz 26354. CzTY o? 26355 GzTY oF B.B. 26356 GrTx oF B.B. 26357 B.B. 26558 Bor~o~ 26359 26360 E~zs ~2TER SYSTEN REFE2IUE FUND 13258 Ga~ Ors 15239 O~2r oi~ B.B. 1324.0 Pos~z~ SEWER REFENtLS' FUND 554.4. G~ Ors Gonp. 554.5 Czar o~ B.B. SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1689 OrrY DEPOSITORS F~iYD E.T.G~mznL, Esr. GENERA£ 2b~365 26364. So~T.~En~ Bz~s TE~. 26365 26366 Rr~cz, WATER SYSTEN REFENUE FOkYD 15242 CrT~ o~ B.B. 1324.3 So~T~En~ Bz~ T~. 134'. 50 I, 805.87 10,54'8.18 220.80 !50.60 289.4-$ 1, !11. O0 10. O0 10, O0 15. O0 150. O0 57.15 2, 216.88 4.50. O0 2.20 79.03 1,24.8.73 8.00 !,535.76 15.50 5. .-FJ 7.50 7.50 688.02 362,:26 : oo 134.,50 !, 24.5.78 ~18, 530. 57 4.0. 34. 8.80 Amn,20, 1971 GEN~£~L FUND 26367 2N~ HonA~ 26368 O~aL D. W2 TER i 13 2~5 13246 1324_7 SYSTEN REVF~/UE FU~D Jo:~_t~ W. K~zs SEWER ~ ~TER DEPOSTI FUND 1690 K.E. Sa~om~am~ 169~ O~?Y om B.9. 1692 W.H.Y.~ ?ms SEWER REYENUE FUND 3547 r~cEs 3548 Jo~ 3~49 G,~a~ D. W~s ~2TER DEPOSITORS FUND 8812 Crrr 8813 GENERAL FU~VD 26~$69 Grey 263 70 265 7~ 263 74 263 75 OI.rr OF i.R;S.~ WATER ! 32~8 13249 15250 13251 155.00 2~00 3¢.00 191.00 .5O 5.20 15.50 7. 50 17.60 ¥0. 60 5.95 ~. 70 2.39 13. 04 7. 50 7.50 7. 50 22~ 50 9 7~ 95 2~ O0 38.62 2.9, 9 ?I. 59 5, 566.60 !0. O0 ~5 , 68:6 ¥. ~6 1,607. 02 1.94 ~. 72 $28~. 73 1971 o 23.1971 SEWER & WATER DEPOSIT FU~/D 1693 Gr~z o? £.B. 7.$0 1694 Gz~Y o~ B.H.-Acc'~. G.~.P~a~ 7.50 1695 Yo~ & W~L~ 7.50 1696 G~y o~ B.B. 15.50 3S. O0 WA~KR DEPOSITORS FU~¥D 8815 ff~s. W. T. /{~s~ 7.~0 8816 £E~E~ H. W~ 7.~0 8817 Gz~Y e~ B.B. 7.50 22.50 SEWER REKEiffUE FUND $~$0 @~ Go~. F~ 773.49 GENERAL FUND 26576 T~ B~m~ & T~Y~o~ Go. 104.39 26377 Re.tN E~a~ 227.80 26~78 ~~ J. T~o~Y 207.00 26379 F~. ~.U. 30.00 26380 S~z~ o~ P.B. Go~Y 106.00 26381L~Ds~ E~c~. ~$.5~ 26682 Gr~Y o~ B.B. ~37.~0 26383 B.B. Po~rc~ D~m~. 80.00 26384 ~. W. B~o~ !5.00 923.2~ RETIRENE. i~T TRUST FUND 0704 H~nY £nooms $1.20 GE~ERAL FUND 2638~ G~Y o~ B.B. 18,934.70 26586 G~Y o~ B.B. 25!.18 26387 O~ o~ B.B. I~0.60 26388 £.B. R~r~. T~. F~n 56~.86 26389 Bo~o~ G~rY F~. G~. U~o~ i,~80.00 26390 O~Y oF B.B. 47.6! 2639~ J~c~so~'s B~o~s 48.43 26392 C~TY o~ B.B. 44.22 WA ~ ER DEPOSITORS FU}/D !5. O0 $$8, I $8.8 7 i~a. 26, 19 71 W2TER SYSTE]~ REVE~/UE 13252 GrT¥ eF B.B. 3,3B6.61 15253 H~ew J. Sc~ 9.92 !32~4 J~cm's T~. Pos~ !.~0 13256 Cz~ o~ B.B. 30.83 1~258 R~ E. B~e~a~soN ~.20 SEWER REYE~(UE FUND 3551 Or2Y 3552 E~w~a~ F. 35~ Or?Y OF B.B. 7. I9 !, 255.63 SEWER 5. W2TER DEPOSIT F~¥D 1697 CITY oF B.B. 1698 OITY OF B.B. 1699 !700 OZTY o~ B.B. !701 Or~ o~ H.B.-Acc'~ H~m~r KE~Y 1703 GrTY OF B.B. GENERAL FUND 26393 KwL~: Gssm WiTER SYSTEH REVE/UJE 13260 13261 AaT_~_~ 13262 EmW~D DEPOSITORS FUiVD CITY o~ B.B. SEWER ~.WATER DEPOSIT FUi'¢D 1705 C. zTY om £.B. 1706 Or?z ce B.B. 1707 GITr o? B.B. 1709 CITY oF B.B. 1710 tf.~ rHEw · t6.~0 !5. O0 15.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 $4.69 3, 04 12, 70 1.46 1 7,20 · 7.50 7; 50 7.50 7, 50 1 7.60 15. O0 7.50 15.50 15.50 g2G, $80.09 ~!52.99 2~n.27, 1971 1971 GEk~'R2£ 26394 RosEn~ SnmL~o~r 186. O0 26395 i~'~no~ ,¢o,~$ 150. O0 26~96 L~. G~o. D~rs 120. O0 26~9 7 Ro~E~ R~cH~so~ 2!. O0 26398 G~Y oF B,B. 1,467.39 1, 9~4. 39 WA.~ER SYSTEH RETE/~UE FU~;D 13263 AL~E~T ~TER Dz¥LoOSITORS FUA~D 8822 H~s. A.C. Fo~EY 7.50 8823 Crrr OF B.B. 7,50 B~2~ Gr~ oF B.B. 7.50 ~ RE?ENUE FU~/D 3555 Az~mnz E. gra,~nDr FUND SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT !71! Grzr oF B.B. 1712 I ~ S GE2/E,~AL 26599 26400 T~opze~s I~zc; oF ~. 26401 R~SSEL~& 2XO~' 26402 FL~.PowE~ W2TER SYSTEN RE~£a~/UE FU~D 13265 Fon~s~ R. H~¢¢~ 13266 FL~, PowEn d~ Lr¢r~ Co. ~. O0 ~. O0 7.50 15.50 7.50 i4. O0 1_~ 6! O, O0 1, G24. O0 960. O0 52; 50 3, 000. O0 ,~ 73I. 73 9, 7~¥. 2~ $3,3634.11 SEWER RE?~UE FUg~ $556 JEWZLL H~ 12~50 3557 Fo~sr £. H~m~E ~.00 3558 F~. Pow~ ~ Lr~ 765.18 782.68 1971 SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUh~ 1714 OITY oF B.B. 15.50 t715 O~ o~ B.B. 20.00 1716 Gr~Y o~ B.B. 7.50 43.00 W~TER DEPOSITORS FU~D 8825 G~ o~ B.B. 7.50 7o~0 GE?~ERAL FU~D 26403 N~'L. Fraz P~ozzc~ro~ ~ss'~. 2. ~0 26~24 Prr~-~y-Bowss, Imc. 30. O0 2~405 ~m~NcE Ara Comm. ~ H~., I~c. i1~.00 26406 2LL~' N~S~Y, I~c. 230. O0 26~07 ~¥ G~. Go. 72. ~0 2G~08 ~aL ~m~ H~s~ ~4. O0 26~09 F~sr B~m ~ T_~. 18. ?~ 26~0 Km~ S_~ow ~26.00 26~!3 Sm~mem E~p. Go., I.wc. 1,796.00 26~1~ Bm~co~ Rms?~ 93,80 26~17 Bmsr E~mcr., I~c. G4.00 26419 T~E BLosso~ Sso~pm 30. ~0 26420 A~ro~os~-crs, I~c. 20~.27 13267 13268 i $269 13270 13271 13272 ~3273 13274 13275 132~2 13285 SYSTEi¥ RE?EliUE £U~¥D 2~,s~r~ E¢s,r~ Rs~r~s., I~'c. 53.65 2s~n~ss.-lf~n~ps Go~. 70.85 T~ P~y Go,sr. Go. 8, 621.4i O~zr~ L~sr~s Go~. 258.50 Ho~ G~ T~. Go. 6~0.00 A~rz~ G~o~r~ & O~. P~o~., I~c. 810,00 B~H S~s, I~o. 244.03 S~wm~ H~w~ Go. o~ L.W., ~. 13.40 2~op_~o~czs, I~vc. 21. ~4 ~p~.29,!971 1971 SEWER RE?ENUEFUND 3559 NcP~m~SON'S !ff~nrNm SE~/ER ~ W_&TER DEPOSIT FU~VD 171 7 H~m~ 1720 Gr~Y OF WATER DEPOSITORS FU~¥D 8826 Wm. aE~fERA£ FU~D 26~22 BorN~o~ 26~23 F~Emm~rcm £.R. HrLL 26~2~ TmE Goms~. SmEeZF. ImS~. 26~25 C~r~ 26427 GrTr or B.B. 26~28 Boz~?o~ G~rr FEm. GR. U. 26~29 B.9. 26431B~OWAnD P~p ~ S~pp., Go. 26433 Cs~sr Rmco~ms, I~¢. 26~3~ DEL~r B. 26436 26~3S E. CoAs~ Fr~m E~¢~m. 26439 E. Oo~s? P~pE~ Go. 26440 E~p~E 26441EN¢m~'s 26442 BL. G~.-BL. S:¢. O? FLA. 26444 BL. Gn.-BL. S~. oF FL~. 26445 TmE Tn~m~m~s INS. Go. 26455 26461 26¥69 Sou~smnN BmLn TELE. 26471 G.J.O¢sLEY 26472 Boo.~ER INC. INc. INc. INc. 230.50 9.40 75~. 7~ 16.90 15.50 7.50 16,90 56,80 7.50 7.50 7.50 22.50 208.71 62.25 60.00 1~,00b. 89 237.57 !50.60 1,249.00 ~20.12 7, 752.88 53. O~ 1,280.10 60.00 63.42 ~6.30 55.00 26.96 229.00 ~7.55 12.00 606.55 2,263.69 106.50 173.6~ 15.88 56.00 440.$0 5.00 5~00 99,889.97 $1 ¢, 850.08 1971 WATER SYSTEZ~ RE?~7~UE Fb~¥D 13276 Baoo~:s P~o~). oF F~.~ I~c. 13278 Bor~ro~ ~LZ ~ P~, I~c. 13279 Cr~Y oF B.B. 13280 B~ow~ P~ 132~1 SEWER REFENb~ FUND 356! Orz_~ oF B.B. 3562 B~ow,~u P~m~ ~ S~RRLY 3563 J.P. O~sso55, i~vc. ~564 Oom~imscr~ E~c~. Co. 3566 8~. G~.-B~. S~. o~ FL~. 3568 ~s~ E.A. ~h~L INC. SEWER 1721 Orzr OF B.B. 1722 O~r~' oF 1723 GrEY oF B.Uo 172~ W2TER I)EPOS1TOR& FU~WD 8829 HRS. E.A..HASEL 590. 15 52. 70 86.65 2, 82~. ~0 23.66 280. O0 1.05 253.54 6.60 ¥, ! 3~. 89 1,236.64 22, 66 22..50 35. O0 t~0. 56 $. O0 ~, O0 7.50 13.50 1~. 50 15.~0 7.50 7. 50 505.22