Minutes 08-27-13 Budget WkspPRESENT: MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUDGET MEETING, HELD ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 2013, AT 6:30 PM, AT THE INTRACOASTAL CLUBHOUSE, 2240 N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY, BOYNTON BEACH, FL Jerry Taylor, Chair Woodrow Hay, Vice Chair Buck Buchanan Joe Casello Mike Fitzpatrick Mark Karageorge David Merker Vivian Brooks, Executive Director Jim Cherof, Board Attorney 1. Welcome by Board Chair Jerry Taylor Chair Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. Roll was called and a quorum was present. Mr. Fitzpatrick would be arriving late. 2 Invocation and Pledge to the Flag Vice Chair Hay offered an invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 3. Work Plan — FY 2013 -14 Vivian Brooks, Executive Director of the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), predicted the upcoming year would be a good one. She advised the Work Plan had been updated with some photos to be more user friendly and turned the meeting over to Mike Simon, Planning Director. The first project reviewed was Phase 2 of the Boynton Harbor Marina. It was originally identified in the Downtown Master Plan. It is part of the County's Waterway Economic Development Plan and the CRA Redevelopment Plan. The Marina is an integral part of the history of Boynton Beach and its economic vitality. The CRA had purchased a portion of the Two George's marina, a two -story retail building and 24 slips, in 2006. A purchase in 2007 from the Related Group included the vacant lot and what is now Phase 2 of the project. The two commercial lots were part of the Master Plan for Marina Village that was originally designated to be a restaurant. The CRA decided to purchase the area for more access to the waterfront for the public. It contained a marine fueling station consisting of a manager's office and diesel fuel and gas dispensers for marine vessels. The 27 slips on the north side were part of the Marina Village Master Plan and are owned by the individual residents. The townhouses stretch the rest of the way along the water. 1 MEETING MINUTES COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD BUDGET WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FL August 27, 2013 Several designs for the area have been drawn. The tower was built since the purchase at the entrance to the Marina. There were plans to move forward with the open -space project where the dive shop exists and it has now been permitted. The building is the harbor master building and public restroom facilities. On the water side is the CRA Marina's dock master office and a very small ship's store. A deed restriction requires a 211 square foot office for the dock master of the Marina Village Condo Association. The dock master currently has a contract for both facilities and if that changes there will be a separate space available. The west portion is the location of the bathrooms and a storage component. The sidewalks, trees and art scape are all grass now. Permit approval from the City was just received and the project will go out for a Request for Proposal to find a contractor. The cost budgeted is $1.6 million. Ms. Brooks pointed out there are no public restrooms at the location and it is problematic. The CRA was paying $750 a month to Two George's for use of their restrooms as public restrooms. Once the building is functional, the monthly fee would no longer be needed and once completed it would be one of the few public marinas in South County that will be fully functional with gas pumps and public restrooms. Mr. Karageorge interjected it would be the only fully functional marina. Mr. Simon added the Marina redevelopment project was awarded the Merit Award by the International Downtown Association. It is a very prestigious international organization. Mr. Karageorge pointed out the Marina has been 100% occupied for over four years. The tenants were retained during the construction and Phase I. He understood the timetable was late October, early November 2014 for completion of the project. Mr. Simon cautioned that December 2014 was used to accommodate any weather delays that may occur. It was hoped to be combined with the Pirate Fest next year for the ribbon cutting and to showcase the project for maximum exposure. The rent is one of the lowest for any public Marina in both Palm Beach and Broward County, taking into consideration there are no restrooms or dock master office. More money has been leveraged for the project than any other marina given funds in the County. Mr. Karageorge was anxious to have the project complete and open. Mr. Casello asked about the barrier -type, semi - circle shown in the picture. Mr. Simon replied it was a landscape hedge. Chair Taylor recalled discussion about a water feature or some type of fountain. Mr. Simon indicated in the conceptual design phase there was a water feature to be placed in the area. There were also pavilions envisioned along the dock. The design has been submitted to the Army Corps of Engineers, South Florida Water Management District and the Inland Navigational District requiring many revisions along the right -of -ways. The water feature drove the cost of construction over what was necessary considering 2 MEETING MINUTES COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD BUDGET WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FL August 27, 2013 the amount of surrounding water. The tree plaza area was agreed upon as being the focal point, rather than the issues related to a water feature. Ms. Brooks did advise a kinetic art piece had been purchased and would be placed in the middle of the roundabout. Chair Taylor commented the trees would provide much needed shade. He asked if benches would be located along the sidewalks. Mr. Simon indicated there is a seawall around the outside rim with a bench and seating under the veranda. The next project was the parking redevelopment with the lot at the intersection of First Avenue and First Street. Site Plan approval was received from the City Commission. The construction documents were being processed. The site was identified in the downtown parking study as being ideal for additional parking to meet future parking needs for events at City Hall and the amphitheater, as well as development at 211 Ocean Avenue. It would also assist with overflow parking from the Weiss Funeral Home, the Chiropractic Center and D &J Diner. The City owns a surface lot that was inherited from the FEC Railroad that lies between the tracks and 4 Street from Boynton Beach Boulevard. The site is now shell rock and weeds with bollards surrounding it. It is not a useable space. The intention would be to remove the bollards, re- stripe it, add lighting and landscaping. Along the tracks is where the "All Aboard Florida" and FEC commuter rail station is proposed. The lot will serve needs in the future if approved. Commissioner Casello asked if the lot along 4 Street would have a bridge to cross over the tracks for pedestrians. Mr. Simon noted the use and plans would be done in connection with any other development that may take place. There have been discussions with FEC and Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) relating to traffic calming and pedestrian awareness using crosswalks with lighting. It is under study with all the planning that goes along with urban redevelopment sites. It would tie into the Bank of America redevelopment and the future redevelopment of the Arches site that would create an increase in pedestrian traffic to and from the proposed rail station to work in the area or residents in the area traveling to their work locations. Chair Taylor asked who was conducting the studies because he had only heard of stations at West Palm Beach and Boca. Ms. Brooks explained there is a private group planning rail service to Orlando and it would stop in Pompano and West Palm. It would not be a commuter rail. A future plan is to have commuter service on the line and it will stop in all the smaller cities that have sufficient population to be viable. It would be along the same corridor. There is a train station designed for this location in Boynton. It will depend on the funding available and determination of quiet zones. Palm Beach County does not have many dense urban centers. Boynton Beach does not have the density yet, but Delray and West Palm have very strong urban cores. The City would have to pay for the maintenance and operation of the station. 3 MEETING MINUTES COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD BUDGET WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FL August 27, 2013 Vice Chair Hay understood the proposed train to Orlando would stop in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach and Orlando. A challenge will be the funding to upgrade the crossings to accommodate the speed of the trains. It could have a major impact on budgeting. The Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) was also discussing the issue. (Board Member Fitzpatrick arrived at 6:23 p.m.) Ms. Brooks was aware that City staff was attending a meeting on the issues. It is a concern financially and from a livability standard. Mr. Simon added the MPO did get the northern section accepted into the Environmental Assessment and Engineering first phase, so the City of Boynton Beach was not excluded from the review and engineering analysis. All systems are moving forward and the ridership is there to get people from Miami to Orlando. The commuter rail is the next phase. Once the line is established, the next phases will follow. Vice Chair Hay noted the number of trips would increase to 32 trains passing through towns and cities. It would be a major undertaking. Mr. Karageorge commented the Master Plan addresses the Transit Oriented District (TOD) issue. The redevelopment of the Arches site, Bank of American site and including Martin Luther King Boulevard and the Heart of Boynton, would be vital to the success of the plan. All the projects will benefit from the City being a possible site and strengthen the possibility of getting the site initially. If those opportunities do not materialize resulting in fewer rooftops and people, then the chances of having a rail station would diminish. Mr. Buchanan questioned if there would be two tracks to accommodate the high speed trains and the commuter trains. Mr. Simon felt there would be two tracks and still have cargo trains to be diverted and pass each other. It will take time to build that infrastructure and it will be discussed during the engineering and design phase to work through all the issues. This type of project helps to get federal funding, especially with the increase in cargo to the ports in Miami, Fort Lauderdale and West Palm who will want to take full advantage of improving those lines. Through the exposure to TriRail and SunRail in Orlando it takes time to get the recognition to obtain the financial backing to do a project of this magnitude. All the pieces are beginning to come together. It is hoped a lot of other development will be completed before the rail station is brought in. There are opportunities here and east Boynton has advantages to make it an ideal site. Mr. Simon continued with the next project that was entry signage to the City. The suggestion was to spruce up the existing signage, add lighting, new landscaping and lettering. Some examples of signage were shown. 4 MEETING MINUTES COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD BUDGET WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FL August 27, 2013 Mr. Casello wanted to know if there was any consideration given to re- designing the signage or was the goal to simply improve what exists. Some of the attributes of the existing signage on North Federal Highway should be maintained. The sign at the south end of Federal Highway is too low to be seen and the Royal Palms along the highway lack any accent lighting after dark. There is a long section that is very dark. Sight lines will be problematic nearing the intersection. New signage would be appropriate at the south entrance. Mr. Casello suggested if a new sign design is needed, it be encompassed in a competitive arena for the art community. Mr. Buchanan observed that south of the north entrance sign is a canal that is a true eyesore. He would like to see any renovation of the sign include contact with the Water Management District to improve the sides of the canal that is overgrown and littered. The fencing around U -Haul should be landscaped with some type of plantings to shield the parking area. The fence along the tracks has been trampled by the vagrants. Mr. Simon interjected the greenway on the north side of U -Haul and south side of the canal has been identified by the Greenway - Blueway Task Force for the Heritage Trail and into the Heart of Boynton. It would be easier to work through City staff and look into options through the Water Management District. Ms. Brooks advised there were improvements made at another location that could assist in finding a funding source. Mr. Merker felt the signage should be neat, stand out and be readable. The use of a logo adds to the recall factor. Mr. Fitzpatrick commented any work along the tracks should be delayed until the double tracks are in place. Any work done at this time would be torn out and a waste of money. The work done along the banks of the canal is for high flow areas to prevent bank erosion. It is not a cosmetic feature. Mr. Karageorge asked if the south entrance sign to the City could have more lighting. Mr. Simon noted the south signage was part of the renovation and up lighting on the Royal Palms would have quite an impact on the area. Mr. Karageorge cautioned the Code height limit of eight feet would have to be considered from a traffic safety standpoint. Vice Chair Hay wanted the CRA to work with the City on the southern entrance because the west entrance on Boynton Beach Boulevard should have the same type of signage. It is outside the CRA district, but the signage should be consistent. Mr. Simon agreed and advised, as the project progressed, the cost could be better identified. Ms. Brooks discussed the next project, Design of Boynton Beach Boulevard with a funding request of $375,000. There is not a lot that can be done other than Code enforcement or grants. The City has put the biggest trees they can in the space available. A plan was given to FDOT to improve Boynton Beach Boulevard from west of 5 MEETING MINUTES COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD BUDGET WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FL August 27, 2013 the FEC tracks to City Hall. The road has to be narrowed to create an area with bigger trees and bigger sidewalks and bike paths. Most of the commercial space is currently on Boynton Beach Boulevard. Ocean Avenue between Seacrest and Federal is predominately residential. The current design of Boynton Beach Boulevard is not attracting the kind of businesses desired. There are laundromats, a gun store, a pawn shop, convenience store, and liquor store because the road functions as a highway. The street was originally a two -lane highway. FDOT recognizes a change is needed and options other than driving need to be considered. Mr. Merker inquired if the property City Hall is on and the Old High School occupies are included in the design plans. Ms. Brooks stressed the plan does not affect any private property or entrances to any businesses. Mr. Merker contended the City Hall property and Old High School property should be combined under the design for the area. Ms. Brooks acknowledged his idea; however, the project being discussed was a roadway improvement, streetscape improvement, civil engineering design for the span from City Hall to just west of the FEC tracks. It is a small stretch of roadway. Access from 1 -95 to downtown is very short. It could have a big impact. The underground infrastructure with buried utilities has to be re- designed also. Mr. Casello questioned if narrowing the street would create a future traffic problem. Ms. Brooks replied FDOT would have to review the traffic trends. The downtown is designated a transportation concurrency exemption. A successful downtown is going to be congested. The analysis revealed that narrowing the road would not affect the traffic flow. People and cars zipping through a downtown area are not desirable. Businesses complain about speed. Vice Chair Hay clarified that the narrowing would be to three lanes east of Seacrest Boulevard. He pointed out there were median strips west of Seacrest to 1 -95 and there were still four lanes. He was not convinced about narrowing the street, widening the sidewalks and adding a bike lane. Ms. Brooks recalled the FEC crossing issue was a factor. Larger medians were considered. The concern was pedestrians crossing a four -lane highway. Vice Chair Hay recalled other large cities use the larger medians for crossings. Ms. Brooks felt the four lanes would endanger the citizens crossing the wider streets. Vice Chair Hay remained uncertain about changing from four lanes to three lanes. Ms. Brooks offered there is nothing to walk to along the street on either side. Currently, the only walkers are those who have to walk because they do not have a choice. There are no casual walkers who would shop and stop along the way. On street parking may cause traffic to slow, but there are too many curb cuts. The intent would be to encourage the type of businesses desired for a downtown. When more developers come in and request a slower traffic flow, the Board may feel differently. Vice Chair Hay assumed the current businesses do not agree with the concept. Ms. Brooks advised many residents complain about the convenience store at the corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Seacrest. 6 MEETING MINUTES COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD BUDGET WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FL August 27, 2013 Mr. Buchanan contended the reason the street needs to be narrowed is not the medians, but to accommodate wider sidewalks. There needs to be an attractive setting for the businesses along the street. Boynton Beach Boulevard has a few good spots, but the greater share of it is ugly because the curbs are not improved. Vice Chair Hay inquired about the impact on the evacuation route. Ms. Brooks replied the FDOT has to consider the impact of future growth has to be considered and the evacuation of the barrier islands. Mr. Fitzpatrick inquired what the budgeted amount of $375,000 would cover. Ms. Brooks replied it would cover the civil engineering plans to bid for the work. Mr. Fitzpatrick asked if a traffic study would be done because he was not convinced making congested roads would be a positive. Ms. Brooks responded a traffic study had already been done and submitted to FDOT and zoning had been adopted. Mr. Fitzpatrick was not convinced making roads with a level of service of "D" or "F" would have a positive impact. Ms. Brooks noted the zoning had already been adopted along Boynton Beach Boulevard and Federal Highway with 80 units to the acre. Mr. Fitzpatrick asserted it would make the area even worse. Ms. Brooks replied there was no other option to improve the road unless a developer would be asked to cut back 20 feet and add landscaping. There would still be a major highway in front of a nice project. It could happen. Ms. Brooks reiterated a traffic study had been done. Mr. Merker heard baseless negativity. Ms. Brooks was speaking of positive rejuvenation and beautification compared to the current status. The questions relating to traffic congestion are a concern. He speculated the plan would come together and be a positive addition to enhance businesses and bring in different types of businesses depending on the development of the streets. Ms. Brooks suggested the idea be discussed in a workshop later. The monies could be approved at this time, and after the workshop the monies could be reallocated, if necessary. Chair Taylor observed there was a dislike of some of the current businesses along Boynton Beach Boulevard. He was not sure that narrowing the road would make the businesses go away. There are businesses that do not want the road narrowed. Mr. Buchanan asked if the engineering study would include burying the utilities. Ms. Brooks commented the railroad tracks would present some challenges as far as utilities and would have to be carefully assessed. Utilities would be underground along the project area. Kathy Biscuiti, Special Events Director, advised this year would be the 43 Holiday Extravaganza. The Recreation and Parks Department had been doing the parade for many years that brings in excess of 5,000 people to the downtown. The parade concludes and there is a tree lighting at the Children's Schoolhouse Museum. The 50 7 MEETING MINUTES COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD BUDGET WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FL August 27, 2013 foot tree has LED lights and is energy efficient. The last two years have included a lighting project on the Museum and it has been fantastic. It has animation and sound. The event includes a national group doing a concert with a stage in the middle of the street. There are food and drink vendors available. The citizens of Boynton Beach have gotten accustomed to having the event every year the first Saturday in December. Mr. Casello asked what type of holiday tree is used that costs $400 a foot. Ms. Biscuiti replied $20,000 is paid. All other bids were $60,000. Chair Taylor recalled everyone had attended the Holiday Extravaganza, Boat Parade, Movies on the Avenue, Ocean Avenue Concerts, Catch -a -Dance and Haunted Pirates Fest and were aware of their success. Mr. Karageorge was glad there was a return to national touring groups rather than local talent because there was a drop in attendance using local talent. There was also a drop in revenue for the vendors. Chair Taylor remarked they were outstanding events and he would be voting for the budget item to continue them. Ms. Biscuiti commented the Boat Parade has grown in popularity and calls are received throughout the year inquiring about the event. About 5,000 toys were collected for the Toys for Tots Drive. Movies on the Ave have a loyal fan base which attends every showing, even in the rain. The Concert Series attracts more than 300 people for each event. The Catch -a -Dance was an effort to extend the Concert series through the summer. The Farmer's Market will reopen on November 2 with entertainment. The Haunted Pirate Fest is the signature event. It was estimated 6,000 people attended the first event and it was hoped to draw 10,000 this year. There is continuous entertainment the entire day and Saturday night to bring patrons downtown along Ocean Avenue to the merchants and restaurants. The plan is to extend the event from Seacrest to the Marina for two days and one night. Ms. Brooks spoke about the Economic Development Grants that were very successful. All projects created jobs. Many were vacant buildings that have been totally renovated. Vice Chair Hay asked if any awards had been received for the projects. Ms. Brooks responded none of the Economic Development Grant projects received awards, but an award would be received for the Little House project. Mr. Casello remarked the ratios were outstanding. Ms. Brooks indicated they were old buildings that needed a lot of work. The attempt is to bring in a newer standard of business that was not here before. The ratios are getting better because the businesses are getting better. Two or three requests a day are being processed, an indication that the economy is getting stronger. 8 MEETING MINUTES COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD BUDGET WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FL August 27, 2013 Mr. Karageorge mentioned other CRAs in the County have not done as well with their Economic Development Grants programs and the return on jobs. The City of Boynton Beach CRA is in the top three in the County. Some are bigger markets, yet the Boynton CRA out - performed other municipalities in percentage and return in terms of jobs and dollars invested in the City. Mr. Karageorge was happy he had pushed an increase from $200,000 to $300,000. Ms. Brooks pointed out new buildings are being constructed in the CRA District and it speaks volumes for the location and prospects for continued growth. The next topic was acquisition of key parcels. There had not been money available in the past to do this type of project. Revenues have been low. It is now time to return to some of the long term projects. One is the 100 block of 4 and 5 or the Cottage District. It was platted in the 20s and 30s with inaccessible parcels that could never be utilized. Acquiring other parcels in the area would be a goal. The Community Caring Center is a non - conforming use in the area that could be bought and relocated. It was hoped they could acquire as many parcels as possible so those homes that needed fixed could be rehabilitated. Mr. Casello asked if there were plans to build cottage type homes in there. Ms. Brooks explained it was being called a Cottage District with the center of the District being a private park, only accessible to the cottage residents. It has been done in other areas. There would be a sidewalk around the perimeter with matching street lights and maybe on- street parking and a big tree. It would become a model block. There would be new homes, rehab of existing homes and a redo of the entire block. It was hoped to bring in artist -type professionals that would be interested in living in that type of neighborhood with cottages and a community garden. It has not been laid out and more property should be acquired. The next area for possible acquisition is MLK Boulevard and Seacrest that has been ongoing. At least an acre is required to develop and that is currently not available. Three developers have attempted to put a store on MLK and Seacrest, but the CRA does not own a continuous one acre lot. Mr. Fitzpatrick asked for the definition of an opportunity buy. Ms. Brooks replied it required a willing seller. There is no eminent domain. Several lots are vacant. The people are not willing sellers. Any purchase requires appraisals. Mr. Fitzpatrick inquired if the Agency would be willing to move further east. Ms. Brooks indicated it would be preferred to buy closest to what is currently owned. Ms. Brooks did not feel going outside the area would be appropriate at this time. The goal would be to get a community /commercial development that is needed and desired by the community such as a small grocery store. 9 MEETING MINUTES COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD BUDGET WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FL August 27, 2013 On Ocean Avenue two property owners are somewhat receptive to selling. One of the current uses is not consistent with the future vision for Ocean Avenue and if purchased, could be totally changed to fit the new vision. One property is a vacant lot. There is a meeting planned with One Boynton Group and Kanner law firm to discuss the next step in development of their plans. It is moving forward and seems like a real possibility according to Ms. Brooks. Any terms would be brought back before the Board. Another area for funding was lighting for dark areas that would add ambience to attract people to an area. There are very large trees along Ocean Avenue that are beautiful, but create very dark spots. There are some oak trees along Ocean Avenue that were planted when the street scape project was done a few years ago. If LED lights adorned the trees from Federal Highway to Seacrest it would be inexpensive and fairly impervious to the elements. There is electric at the base of the trees and there would be the cost to install and maintain. The Promenade Walkway is absolutely stunning in the day time, but at night it is very dark and not safe. Mr. Merker asked if the lamp post lighting is not sufficient and more is needed. Ms. Brooks concurred. Vice Chair Hay did not have a problem with lighting the area; however, he thought there should be a plan for more lighting along MLK Boulevard during the holidays and permanently. There were holidays lights strung across MLK at one time, but it is now neglected. If $92,000 can be spent on lights along Ocean Avenue, it is hard to explain why there are no lights on MLK Boulevard at all, even though there are no buildings or businesses in the area. It may help to deter some of the undesirables that like darkness. Tracy Smith - Coffey, Marketing and Development Specialist, presented the Marketing Work Plan that focuses on marketing the City of Boynton Beach and its assets and the businesses as well. She felt having a relationship with businesses in the district is important to gain recognition through the County and bring visitors to the area. The Plan concentrates on targeting new businesses in the District. The tag line and branding campaign would continue with the "Catch a . . ." phrase but revamped with bright colors and pictures of the destinations in the downtown district. Another aspect would be gathering collateral and having it ready for developers so they can see the properties that are in need of redevelopment. Ms. Smith -Coffey would be creating some "what's available" brochures and "what are the uses" that is important information for developers and businesses. 10 MEETING MINUTES COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD BUDGET WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FL August 27, 2013 There would be additional collateral featuring the Boynton lifestyle that would be distributed around town and in the County. The media strategy would be running ads in the Boynton Forum that was successful. The last ad reached out to the residents of Wellington and featured FBS (Fashion Shoppes Boutique) that wanted to bring the Wellington community to Boynton Beach. The ad ran in Boynton, Delray and Wellington. Mr. Karageorge remembered collateral had been done through commercial brokers and the Chamber of Commerce for distribution. He wanted to see that continue because it had been successful in the past. The Chamber of Commerce does it for free and it is essential with a high return. Ms. Smith -Coffey outlined the final campaign using postcards to "Meet your Neighbors" and introduce the local businesses to the communities and the services they offer. The goal is to keep the residents in the District and not go outside the City for services. The "Shop Boynton" would be another campaign for the local, small businesses. They would be direct mailers to the homeowner associations to build relationships and get acquainted with the tenants and businesses. Holding downtown mixers with the merchants at the Marina to make the local residents aware of what is available was anticipated. Mr. Karageorge asked Ms. Smith -Coffey to tie in the "Shop Local" campaign that is done by American Express annually. It is inexpensive, but they can be very beneficial to the merchants. She agreed and was well aware of the program. Mr. Simon reviewed the next project in the Work Plan; Signage for the Boynton Beach Arts District. It is located along the northwestern boundary of the CRA district along West Industrial Avenue. There have been several economic development grants utilized. The Art District has been well recognized by the media and has worked well with the City's Art in Public Places program. The project would get signage and identification for the Art District. The cost is $25,000 and there is an area along Boynton Beach Boulevard in the FDOT right -of -way to set a sign. Mr. Casello inquired if it was a designated area or it just developed over time. Mr. Simon indicated the Arts Commission had not officially designated it the Arts District. The artists self- designated the area. The fact it was getting media draw it became something to get the art work onto Ocean Avenue for the downtown. The facilities are not as conducive here as they are at their location. Staff was working to have events so their wares could be brought out to Ocean Avenue and get cross movement between the two areas. There does need to be an official designation. Chair Taylor summarized that the answer was it just happened. Mr. Casello remarked sometimes those are the most successful. 11 MEETING MINUTES COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD BUDGET WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FL August 27, 2013 Vice Chair Hay asked if the $25,000 was for a study or the actual cost for the signage. Mr. Simon noted an estimate or design had not been obtained. It was an estimate for the design, two signs and installation. Mr. Buchanan suggested the signs be movable in case the Art District changes locations. Ms. Brooks outlined the next project was the Town Square Planning and Financial Analysis. The recommendation was to use the monies to obtain assistance after the decision is made on the future location of the Police Department, City Hall and the fate of the Old High School, to find funding sources and create an urban design for the entire Town Square area. There may be some creative ways to structure the financing. The funds are budgeted to prepare a study to help the Board to make informed decisions. Vice Chair Hay asked if this type of study had ever been done. Ms. Brooks did not recall a study having been done; however, she was aware of a model design that was done at one time that did not materialize. She was not sure if the Old High School site could be utilized for public use. Vice Chair Hay thought there needed to be a better plan in place before $61,000 is spent and the design is turned down. Mr. Karageorge recalled the Downtown Master Plan included the area and it was a broad view with general concepts. The financial aspects were investigated in the scope of the broad conceptual design. If Treasurer Coast would be utilized, one individual had worked on the Master Plan, so it would be a smooth transition without having to educate a new person on the objectives and goals. Mr. Karageorge contended the CRA needed to build on the information and work already done. The ERA Group would be essential to the process. Ms. Brooks felt the ERA Group did more of the economics of when to develop. She was looking at the possibilities of bonding and financing. The decision on the location of City Hall has to be made first, after which urban designers can make recommendations based on their best practices. There are so many decisions that have to be made it has become problematic. It is not impossible. There has to be plan over a timeframe. Chair Taylor remarked some of the decisions would be made during the strategic planning session. Ms. Brooks noted the budgeted monies were allocated to assist in the process. Ms. Brooks had distributed data on Ocean Breeze East that would be no cost to the CRA. There has been developer interest in the site. It is within the TOD boundaries. One of the interested parties is the adjacent landowner and if selected, the entire block of almost six acres would be developed in the Heart of Boynton. The property had been bought in 2007. When completed, it would be a major project in the Heart of Boynton Plan for the redevelopment of Boynton Terrace, a former Section 8 housing project. One plan submitted is a mixed use project with small retail along Seacrest and apartments and community center in the middle. The three apartment buildings on the 12 MEETING MINUTES COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD BUDGET WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FL August 27, 2013 site would be torn down. Chair Taylor asked if the plans included a small grocery store and Ms. Brooks confirmed it did. Ms. Brooks noted additional density is needed and amendments to the Heart of Boynton Plan need to be done after discussion with the community. Mr. Karageorge wanted Ms. Brooks and Kimberly Bush to get together in organizing the community meetings. Ms. Bush has a database with all the contacts Mr. Fitzpatrick wanted clarification if the budget process was allocating funds into different categories followed by an individual vote on each funding proposal. It could be reallocated in six months and the figures could vary greatly from what is being proposed. Ms. Brooks explained the money will remain as budgeted until the contracts are presented to the Board for approval. The money has to be encumbered, but it can be modified by vote of the Board. 4. FY 2013 -2014 Budget Overview Susan Harris, Director of Finance, presented the budget overview. The tax increment revenue was outlined and had gone up $1.2 million. Most of the increase can be attributed to Seabourn Cove Phase I, a tremendous asset for the CRA. The Cornerstone Preserve has increased in assessed value by $8 million translating to 63% of the $1.2 million increase in revenues being attributed to two projects. The Marina is budgeted flat at $1 million covering primarily fuel sales and slip rentals. There is also a $300,000 General Fund balance allocation of funds that were not used this year. There is a total of $8.16 million on revenue sources. A list showing the historical property values within the CRA district over the past 10 years was reviewed with the tax increment revenue and the percent of change. This year the values have increased by 14% and a 22% increase in the actual dollars received. Mr. Karageorge wanted everybody to understand, if the 7.9 millage were approved, the $8.160 million would be higher. Ms. Harris noted since the millage rate will not be final until the second public hearing is held, it would be after the approval of the CRA budget. The higher millage would be a $150,000 increase. Ms. Harris continued with the available funding and the required payments on projects. The first obligation is the debt service of $1.5 million. The total debt service is $2.3 million, but the bond refunding did not factor in the $1.7 million in reserves that were on hold. The money was used to pay down future debt and there is $780,000 that bond counsel recommended be held to pay next year's debt service. Therefore, not as much TIF (Tax Increment Funding) has to be used this year. 13 MEETING MINUTES COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD BUDGET WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FL August 27, 2013 The other deductions are operating expenses, marina expenses and the DIFA payments. This results in almost $3 million for new projects during the next fiscal year that were discussed in the Work Plan. The various projects discussed were listed including legal fees for project funding, contingency funding, design and engineering and site work and demolition. The project rollover total was $2,191,585, plus the revenue for new projects gave a total estimated project fund of $5.1 million. The monies for Habitat were not included and they needed $300,000 to complete the Ocean Breeze West project, but only $60,000 was needed at this time. Direction was needed where to pull those fund dollars. Chair Taylor suggested the $60,000 be deducted from the Boynton Beach Boulevard narrowing project. The other members of the Board agreed and Ms. Harris would make the changes before the budget was accepted in September. Mr. Karageorge noted the Marina was listed as breakeven and yet the last two years there had been $100,000 netted each year from the Marina. Ms. Harris replied next year would be unsure due to the anticipated construction. There may be weeks that any income would be impossible. Mr. Karageorge argued past construction periods still netted proceeds. Ms. Brooks explained fuel tanks would be moving, new lines installed and sump pumps seated. The Capital Improvement Plan was reviewed showing a timeline of when the money is received and how it would be spent this fiscal year and next fiscal year. There was a chart of the special events for total funding of $265,000. It included the $10,000 for the special event grant program. An application process is in place. Mr. Buchanan wanted the Board to consider giving grant monies to the Chamber of Commerce to expand the Red Hot Blues Cruise to two days. It was a successful event this year, except for the weather. It would give the City four major events a year. He requested $10,000 or $5,000 per day of the event. In comparison to the monies spent on other events it is a real bargain. For this year's event, the City gave $2,000 and the CRA offered in -kind. Chair Taylor inquired if it was planned as a standalone event and Mr. Buchanan advised it would be. Ms. Harris indicated there was a contingency fund that could be utilized. There was agreement among the Board and Chair Taylor declared there was consensus for the funding. Ms. Harris continued with the Proposed Marketing Budget and Ms. Smith -Coffey had presented those figures during the Work Plan presentation. The total budget is $95,000. The impact of the millage rate and possible increase was calculated reflecting a potential for additional revenue of $152,000 less DIFA payment increases. 5. Review of General Fund, project fund debt service 14 MEETING MINUTES COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD BUDGET WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FL August 27, 2013 The General Fund fund balance analysis with the unassigned amount of $483,875 had $25,000 deducted as a rollover from FY 2011/2012 that could be incorporated into FY 2013/14 and the fund balance allocation for next year's budget of $300,000. It would leave an estimated unassigned fund balance as of September 30, 2013 of over $150,000 for any emergencies. Ms. Brooks noted on the organizational chart there are three positions unfunded. Ms. Smith -Coffey is picking up most of the responsibilities of the Marketing and Public Relations Director position. The position of Development Director is Mike Simon's current title. Based on Mr. Simon's seven years of experience and his ability to multi- task, manage projects and deal with the public, Ms. Brooks recommended Mr. Simon be moved into the position of Assistant Director with a salary increase. The other change is that the Marketing and Public Relations Director position remain vacant and an increase be given to Tracy Smith -Coffey to assume some of those responsibilities. Ms. Brooks wanted to fill the position of Administrative Assistant with a salary of $35,000. The overall net change would be a 2.3% decrease or $19,191 reduction. There is a 3% merit raise budgeted for staff. Mr. Casello commended staff and wanted to know if the salaries established were comparable to other CRAs in the area. Ms. Brooks replied a comparison is done on a regular basis. Ms. Harris added, to the extent the City has similar positions, comparisons are made and the Human Resources Department supplies data to support the salaries. There was a chart of the positions with salary ranges. Mr. Merker pointed out there is a value to guidelines; however, the success of the CRA is another factor that should be considered. It is a matter of maintaining and keeping the people who are doing a good job. Vice Chair Hay commended staff and cautioned there is an unresolved issue. It had been asserted that an Assistant Director was not needed and he understood the changes in the economy impact the work levels. There are issues that needed to be settled before an Assistant Director is named. Mr. Merker totally understood Vice Chair Hay's position. He felt it was the Board's responsibility to not change, demote or discourage the current staff if they deserve increases. Mr. Karageorge recalled Mike Simon as a new hire and the Chair at the time was upset with the choice. Mr. Simon was defended by the Executive Director as the best, qualified and available candidate at the time. Mr. Simon has done an exemplary job. Mr. Karageorge felt strongly that doing things based on merit was paramount. Mr. Simon always handles situations with professionalism and high standards and dignity. He is a consummate professional. The other issues will be resolved and can be dealt with at that time. Mr. Simon merits the increase based on performance. 15 MEETING MINUTES COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD BUDGET WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FL August 27, 2013 Mr. Buchanan contended the Board had a fiduciary responsibility and would be remiss to ignore the Executive Director's request for an Assistant Director and doing the Development Director responsibilities combined into one position. Ms. Brooks added Mr. Simon was currently functioning in that position. Chair Taylor had the same concern raised by Vice Chair Hay; however, it would be dealt with when the other issue arises. He agreed with the proposed change. Ms. Brooks noted with the increases all staff would be at the midpoint of their salary range. The General Fund Budget Summary was previously discussed in other areas. The CRA line item budget reflects no change. The Executive Department has a 4% change as a result of 3% merit pool increases, incremental taxes and benefits. It also reflects participation with the City in the Florida League of Cities. The Finance Department has a 2% increase due to merit increases that was offset by a reduction in bank fees and office supplies. Chair Taylor asked for clarification if those getting promoted would receive the 3% merit increase and Ms. Brooks advised they would not receive the merit increase. The Planning budget decreased by 32% due to the change of Mike Simon's title and responsibilities, plus the addition of the Business Development Specialist position. It is a result of moving staff from one department to another. The same was true with the Marketing and Business Development budget that reflects 50% sharing of Marketing /Events and Business Development Assistant salaries. The Special Events budget also included the 50% sharing of the Administrative Assistant position when it is filled. Vice Chair Hay noted the line item for an increase in seminars and training increased. Ms. Brooks explained the funds were for staff to attend. The Board line item for seminars and training remained the same. The insurance budget increased by 28% due to the change in coverage for Public Officials' liability insurance and it was hoped a new broker could reduce the amount. There was also an increase in Property and Liability coverage and a 4% decrease for Professional Services. There was an increase in legal services due to an increase in litigation expenses. Building and grounds went up 14% with the automatic increase in rent by 4 %. Mr. Casello questioned the $85,000 annual rent. Chair Hay commented the landlord got a good deal. Mr. Karageorge noted it was a 10 -year contract that many Board members did not approve. Mr. Fitzpatrick added the CRA had to pay for the interior build out. 16 MEETING MINUTES COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD BUDGET WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FL August 27, 2013 The Marina has a flat budget and Information Technology has a 17% increase to update the server. The contingency account remained constant. The salary schedule submitted reflects personnel cost as 10% of the General Fund. The revenues are spent on projects rather than salaries. The organization is not staff heavy, rather project heavy. The Debt Service shows a Bank of America loan carrying for three more years. There is a prepayment penalty so it could not be refinanced. There was a savings of 2.56 %. as a result of refinancing. The un- refunded bonds are $780,000 and the tax increment revenue bonds of $9.2 million. There is a total debt service of $30 million. The bonds paid for acquisition of land, Boynton Beach Boulevard extension and the Marina. Ms. Brooks concluded that any changes would be brought before the Board in September. 6. Adjourn Chair Taylor adjourned the meeting at 8:23 p.m. udith A. Pyle, MC Deputy City Clerk City of Boynton Beach 17