Minutes 01-19-71MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING HELD AT CITY HALLs BOYNTON BEACH~ FL~RIDA~ TUESDAY, JANUARY 19~ 1971 AT 7:30 P. Mo PRESENT: Forrest L. Wallace, Mayor Robert Effron, Vice Mayor M~s..Emily Jackson~ Councilwoman John Archie ~ Councilman Harold Blanchette~ Councilman C. Q. Jones, Jr., City Manager Gene Moore, City Attorney Mrs. Tereesa Padgett, CityClerk Mayor Wallace called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. The Invocation was given by ~yor Wallace, followed by the Flag Salute led by Mr. Effron. ..Special Guests Robert Beyrer, Sterling Village Senior Citizens Floyd Van Deusen, Shuffleboard Club Mrs. Dewey Sanders, Junio9 Won~h's Club R. B. Vamtine~ Leisureville Home O%,a~ers Association MZNUTES - Regular Meeting~ Jan. 5, 1971 Mr. Arehie requested that Page 6 of the Minutes of the January 5th meeting be char~ed to indicate the intent o~ the Council to have the 1970 members of the Planning Board serve until such time as the Ordin- ance combining the Planning and Zoning Boards becomes effective, at which time the newly appointed group will serve as a Planning ~ Zoning Board. Mr. Archie read the names of the 1970 Planning Board as follows: James Sarno Joseph Brull John Howell Frank McCoy Robert Olds O~is Walker Ray Allen Mr. Archie moved that the minutes be accepted as changed~ seconded by Mrs. JackSon. Motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC AUDIENCE Mayor Wallace reiterated the procedure to be followed - if the~e is an ~tem on the Agenda on which you..wish to speak - come before-Council dur- mng Public Audience and so state ~ you will be called upon when your item comes up on the Agenda. -1- MINUTES R~GULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING ~qNUARY 19, 1971 PUBLIC AUDIENCE ~ cont'd. Mr. Hank Thompson: Mr. Ted Sanders, Mr. H. H. Thieie, M~. JerDy Gross and 2.~. Bill Elam were recognized by the chair to speak on items that appear on the Agenda. M~. R. B. Vastine requested that the Council and the full City adminis- tration be alert and sure of every move in the expected development of the property south of Leisurevitte. He would like to see them p~oaeed with a residential community, with no changes to increase density. Eddie Mitchell: 529 N. W. 12th Ave. - inquired in regard to drainage on N. E. 10th Ave. ~ and the City Manager gave a progress report on the drainage program - stating that constm~uation will begin within 60 days it will begin by the end of February. Robert Beyrer stated that there was not sufficient time to go over the Agenda and know i~ there was an item he wished to speak on. He would like to see the Agenda in advance and would like a copy of the minutes He feels the people would be willing to pay for the service. He also asked to speak later on an Agenda item. Mayor Wallace ~ecognized M~. William Barnes and his Contemporary History class from Atlantic High School. _LEGAL Ordinances - 2nd Reading Ord. ~70-34 - rezoning Lots 87, 88 and 89, Cherry Hills (On the tmhte) A motion was made by Mrs. JackSon to remove the Ordinance from table, seconded by Mr. Archie. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Moore read Ord. ~'~70-34 by caption only. ~s. JackSon moved to ac- cept O~dinance ~70-34 on second reading~ seconded by Mr. Archie. Motion carried 5-0. Ord. ~71-1 - combining Planning and Zoning Boards Mr. Moore read Ord. ~71-1 by caption only. Mr. Archie moved that Ordin- ance ~71-1 be adopted on second reading, seconded ~y Mr. Effron. Motion carried 4-1. Mrs. JackSon voted ~no~. Ord. ~71-2 - ~titity tax exemption for churches Mr. Moore read Ord. 71-2 1~/ caption only. Mr. B!anchett~ moved to accept Ordinance ~71-2~ seconded by Mr. Archie. ~tion carried -2- MIArdTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 19~ 1971 LEGAL, conrad. .,O~dinances - 1st Reading _O~d. ~71~3 - composition o~ Barber Examiners Board Mayor Wallace stated that instead of going to a ~ive man board as stated at the last meeting the Council had agreed to continue with a thmee man Ba~bem Board, namely Loren R. Btaeketer Walter Lacey Calvin Rahming, Journeyman from the shop of Glaston Simms },~. Effmon moved that the Board be accepted as mead~ seconded by Amebic. Motion earmied 5-0. ~esotutions Resolution ~71-B - establishing signatures fom bank accounts The City Attorney mead Res. No. 71-B in its entire~M. Mrs. Jackson moved that the Resolution be passed, seconded by Mr. Blan- chette. Motion carried 5-0. Resolution - re Municipal Complex Mayor Wallace advised that a resolution would not be necessary on this ~Ubject, Mm~ Amchie moved that the City Manager be instructed to pro- ceed with the Municipal Complex~ and that he serve as liaison between the Council and the Development Boamd, Motion seconded by ~ir. Effmon and eamried 5-0, ~asoiution ~7t-c - proposed mesolution to retain Atlantic Hndersea Test- ~ng Evaluation Center (A~TEC) in West Palm Beach area Mr. Moore mead Resolution ~71~C in its entirety. Mrs. Archiemoved to adopt Res. ~7I-C~ seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion eammied 5-0. ~esolution ~71-D - Vocational The City Attorney mead Res. ~7t-D in its entirety~ urging the toeating of the Vocational School in the Boynton Beaah area. M~. Archie moved that Res. ~71-D be adopted~ seconded by M~. Blanchette, Motion cammied 5-0. Mr. A~chie requested the s~pportof all Civic groups on this subject. -3- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~ETING JANI~.RY 19, 1971 OLD BUSI~YESS Request of Village Royale, Inc. for change in zoning (On the table). ~,~. Arehie moved that it be removed from the table, seconded by M~s. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0. ~i~. Arabic moved that Pk. Elam and Mr. Gross be allowed to speak on be- half of the request i~ v~ are going ~o rehash subject request. Motion seconded by Mrs. Jackson and carried 5-0. Mrs. Jackson read a letter received from Mrs. Victoria Castello, 406 S. Seaerest Blvd. ~ ' ' ~n regar~ to this request. ~ir. Archie asked if the rights of way ~uld be 50' in width. Mr. Elam assured the Council there would be 50t Rights of way. Mrs. Jackson inquired if there would be any family types available. Mr. Gross answered in the negative. Mr. Archie moved that O~d. i~71-3 be read, g~anting the change in zoning~ seconded by Mr. Blanchette. Motion carried 5-0. The City Attorney read Ord. ~'~71-5in its entirety. Mr. Archie moved that the Omdinanee be passed on first reading, with the understanding that they follow sight plan approval, seconded by Fro. Bianehette. Motion carried 5-0. Report on City-wide Drainage P~ogram Mr. Jones reported on the recen~ trip to Atlanta, and asked Mr. Ted Sanders ~ Russell g Axon~ to go into detail on the proposed drainage. MD. Sanders reviewed the past history of a referendum~ ete.~ and suq- gested the back-bone system at an approximate cost of 2 million dollars. He further stated that it was no~ economically feasible to consider a city-wide drainage system at this time - the cost would run in the neighborhood of 6 million dollars. He recommended a pre-preliminary study be made at an approximate cost of $3,000: and work' toward a refer- endum by ~y 4th, and apply for grant assistance thru HUD. A time schedule was passed out to each member of Council, and Mr. Sanders re- viewed same. Mr. Archie moved to authorize Russell ~ Axon to prepare pre-preliminary report on the back-bone system at a eost not to e)<ceed $3~000.00 (amount be made ava.~.able f~Om unappropriated surplus), and file Forth 10~ ith~authorizat~on for the Ci~yMana~er to sign same. to Motion seconded y Mr. Blanehette and carried 5-0. -4- MINVdTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL M~ETING JANUARy 19:1971 .~eport. on City-wide Drainage Program,. cont~d. ~. Sanders suggested that consideration be given to adding sewers in ~he remaining areas of the City~ and the City include this in the appli- cation for assistance. He felt this would increase our possibility for assistance. Mr. Arehie moved to inst-~uct the City ~nager to work with Mr. Sanders and follow through on this project as recommended. Motion seconded by Mr. Effron and carmied 5-0. Sanders requested a workshop session v~th Council to go over the Maste~ Plan on Water g Sewers. .Disposal of 2 Garbage Packers Mr. Jones reviewed the bidding on the proposed disposal of 2 garbage packers. He f~rther recommended that we get an appraisal made by a disinterested party, and not sell the packers for less than $4,500.00 ea eh. Mr. Beyrer spoke on the situation. He is against the system of the train in Sterling Village. There is always re,use falling over the sides. There is not.enough room to turn the t~ain a~ound without going on the lawn. He is not blaming the workmen~ but the system. He feels one back loader should be kept for use in Sterling Village. Discussion followed on possible uses of subject packers. It was decided to hold beth packers until further study. NEW BUSINESS I. nauqu~al Parade Float Report on the Inaugural Parade Float was given by Bill Egan o~ the Cham- ber of Commerce. Mayor ~aliace expressed gratitude to thc Postal system for their help~ Ix)th here and in Tai!ahassee. Aluminum Reclamation Center [~irs. Jackson ui~ed ail citizens to bring any aluminum cans to the Cham- ber of Commerce and they will be sold. -5- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 19, 1971 NEW BUSINESS, conrad. Request of Herbert H. Thiele, re S~uire Hill Apts. M~. Thiele reviewed the background of his project~ which is to te leased units on South Seacrest south of 15th Avenue. He then introduced his attorney~ Mr. ~ernard B. Weksler~ who presented the problem at hand - they had been requested (1) to relocated the water me=ers, [2) deed 10' tlllty easement to City, (3) deed water system to City. He requested the Council to instruct the City ~{anager to J-nvestigate this matter, and advise them in writing within seven (7) days whether or not the building permit will be issued. A__DMINISTRA TIVE Judqes ad litem Mrs. Jackson questioned the qualifications of Mr. Spindler, also why he was sworn in to sit in Court Friday, January 15th, with Judge Tomberg sitting in the audience. ~i~. Archie moved to accept the three Judges ad titem appointed by Judge Tomberg - James Spindler, Jr. Ernest Simon Serge Pizzi ~tion seconded by Mr. Effron. Motion carried 4-1. ~i~s. Jackson voted A~dditional Board Appointments L_i~brary Board -Mr. Effron moved that Mrs. Alvin (Sandra) Lautenschlager be appointed-to the Library Board, seconded by M~. Blanchette. Motion carried 5-0. ~ployee Pension Board - Mr. Archie moved that Mm. Alex Hog~, Jr. and Mr. Sal DeCanio be appointed to the ~nployee Pension Board, seconded by Mr. E£fron. Motion carried S-O. Inter-Racial C mm!ttee - Mayor Wallace named the following to serve on O Inter-Racial Committee: Leroy Harris J. Witlard Pipes Vernon Thompson Mrs. Dorothea Rich Ed Wal!nau These five to meet and choose two additional members to make seven (7) member board. MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 19, 1971 ~.DMINISTRAT!VE~ cont'd. _Lnter-Racial Cgmmittee ~ contTd. Mm. Blanchette moved that the Inter-Racial Committee be accepted as read~ seconded by Fins. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0. Chamber of Commerce re Feasibili~ Study Mr. HenryAThompson came before Council to report that the Chamber had been unable to obtain a letter assuring the City that the funds contri- buted for the feasibility study for the Turnpike Interchange would be returned. He inquired if the Councilwas agreeable to contributing the amount as agreed last year ($1~825.00) even though it is not possible to obtain the letter as requested. Mr. Archie moved that the request be 9~anted: seconded ~ ~. Effron. Motion carried 5-0. ~onsider Pavin~ Parking Area of Wmmmn's Club Subject request was favorably considered~ but since definite figures of cost were not available Mr. Arehie moved to table this request until the next meeting. Motion seconded by Mm. Effron and carried 5-0. ~equest of Harold H. Norman to hold a tent revival - Feb. 8 th~u Feb. 22 Mr. Blanchette moved that request be granted~ seconded by Fl~s. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0. gequest of Lil~ N. Wolfe for refund on Cemetery Lots Mrs. Wolfe's husband passed away up north and was buried there. She requested a refund of purchase price less 20% on Lots 144 and 145~ Block Dj Boynton Beach P]emorial Pa~k. Mr. Arehie moved that request be g~anted~ seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion earmied 5-0. Purging Voters' Reg/strations The City Clerk called the attention of the Council to the fact that ap- proximately 2000 people had not voted in the past 3 yeams. The Attorney recommended that Council authorize Mrs. Padgett to notify these people that Council intends to pur~e the registration list and if they do not notify us within a given time that they do wish to remain on the rolls their names will be purged. M~. Archie moved that Mrs. Padgett move ahead with pu~ging voters~ reg- istrations~ seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion ~arried 5-0. -7- M~YHTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OANLI~RY 19:1971 R. eqlues~s for bevmrage licenses 1002 N. Federal - La Belle France - Mr. Archie moved that request be granted, se~-~. Effron. Motion carried ~,.~T-o~ ~ 9--13 N, Seacrest - Seacrest Fa~n Dairy StoNe - Mms. Jackson moved request be granted subject to Health Dept. approval~ seconded by Effron, Motion carried 5-0. List of Payments made in December ~,fr. Ef~mon moved that list o~ payments be aceepted~ seconded by Mr. Ar- chic. Motion carried 5-0. ~pprovat of Bills ~eptune Meter Company Rubin Cons~, Company Engineering Machines Co. Smitty's Service Shop Palm Beach County Tax Assessor 5~340.57 5 ~ 398.00 1:756.00 2,502.01 Mms. Jackson moved to pay the bills, seconded by Mr. Archie. Motion car- ried 5-0. OTHER ~. Jones requested the Council to place on the Agenda at this time the acquisition of beach pmoperty. Motion made and seconded that this item be considemed. So ordered. He further requested Council approval to send a letter to our represen- tative on the County Beach Acquisition Committee ~e-aJffirming our p~e- vious stand that we do support acquisition of beach in this area. Mm. Archie moved that this be done. Motion seconded by ~i~s. Jackson and carried 5-0. ,~DJOUP~NT Mr-. Effmon moved to adjourn, seconded by M~. Archie. Motion carried 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 P. M. -8- CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLOP~D~ Forrest L. Wallace~ Mayor MtlNUTES REGULAR CITY COtiNCIL MEETING JANUARY 19, 1971 ATTEST: City Cte~k -9- PAYMENTS MADE IN DECEMBER 1, 1970 2, 1970 3, 1970 4, 1970 7, ~7970 8, 9, 1970 10, 1970 11, 1970 14, 1970 15, 1970 16, 1970 18, 1970 21, 1970 22, 1970 23, 1970 28, 1970 29, 1970 30, 1970 31, 1970 483.81 3,294.62 743.91 25,885.85 27,882.09 49,837.40 1,431.48 1,933.48 21,228.15 1,283.91 2Ol ,549.25 1, ~42o14 9,174.48 3~ ,~5~ 1.2? 1,~6.~ 203,~ PAYMENTS MADE BY FUNDS GENERAL FUND WATER SYSTEM REVENUE ;U;D- --'---'---'.-.-.-.'_'_'.'.'.-_-.-_'_-_-.-.-.'.-_ WATER DEPOSITORS FUND ........................... SEWER REVENUE FUND - - - RET, REMiT TRUST FUN - .......................... SEWAGE DEPOSIT FUND ..........................., 340,373.16 47,246.88 272.50 35,129.19 435.oo 4o6.75 84.10 51,641 348.78 6,575.00 157.00 '~82,669.86 PAYMENTS MADE IN DECEMBER DECEMBER 1, 1970 GENERAL FUND 24950 JOHN KNIGHT 24951 ReDEHT LEE HOLLIS 24952 LYDIA LDOTER WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8720 J^GK BAKER RETIREMENT TRUST FUND 673 0L,Ve WALLACE 674 REHA CARHIER 676 WOOOROW EUTSAY FIREMEN'S RELIEF & PENSIO~ FUND 429 JOHN M. TUlTE ~30 HAROLD HERRING )~CEMOER 2, 1970 GENERAL FUND 24953 FLORIDA POWER & LIGHTCO. 24954 CITY OF BOYNTOH BEAC~./WATeR DEPT. 24955 GENE MOeR£ 24956 W~ITT MAC DOWELL 24957 3OYNTeN BEACH FIRE OEPT. WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 12881 WHITT MAC DOWELL DeCeMBER 3, 1970 GENERAL FUND 24958 KENNETH GA.¥ 24959 JOHN B. DBNKLE 24960 PRO-MOrO CYCLES WATER 12882 12884 12885 12886 SYSTEM REVENUE FUND JOHN B. DNNKLE JOSERU LASLeY MARIA SCH~ENKE ~ALLMARK HO~E$ SEWER 1541 1542 SEWER 3357 3358 & WATER DEPOSIT FUND CITY OF BB/N~RIA JOSEPH LASLEY BELVEDERE CONSTRUCTION REVENUE FUND MARIA SCHWENKE JOSEPH LASLEY 30.00 51.00 10.O0 91.00 7.50 135.12 50.58 71.00 44.51 301.21 59.83 24.27 3.20 2,343.75 125.00 132.00 666.67 496.00 12.90 117.30 4.50 5.20 26.-36 17.60 15.~ 10.10 8.00 ~3o81 3,294.6~ 743.91 DECEMBER 7, 1970 PAYMENTS MADE IN DECF~MBEE GENERAL FUND 24961 24-982 24963 24964 24965 24966 24967 24968 24969 24970 24971 ROBERT O. SRtVER 311o00 U. S. POSTMASTER 4`50.00 CiTY OF DB/PAYROLL FUND 18,~8.41 CITy OF BB/FIREMEU'S EEL. & PEu.F.Nu 133.35 BOY~TON B~ACU RET. TR~ST FUND 523.73 BOYNTON CiTY FEe. CREDIT UNION lt~04.0~ EOWARO M. GUTHRI£ 75.00 ~U MAke,Er 75.00 C. J. 0USLEY 25.00 ELLIS MC ANDY 25.00 WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 12887 CITY oF BB/PAyROkL FUND 12888 CALDOS DEW, CORP. WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8721 STAN SREETO 8722 GEe. ELLIOTT 8723 HOMES BY LEON SEWER REVENUE FUND 3363 CiTY OF BB/PAyROLL FUND GENERAL FUND 24972 GENE MOOR£/GRIFFITN & MOORE 24973 24974 24975 24976 24977 24978 24979 2498o 24981 24982 24983 24984 24985 24986 24987 24988 24989 24990 24991 24992 24993 24994 24995 24996 24997 24998 24999 25OOO 3,196.80 11,20 7.50 7.50 7.50 22.50 1,155.41 1,155.41 2~,885.85 34.92 MRS. RRNA Y. WEAVER 25.00 MRS. HELEN B. DRULL 25.00 MR. STANLEY WALEOA 20.00 MRS. HARRIET ~OUTON KATRRYN FLOCK 20.00 JANtCE WERTZ 20.00 MARGERY CANAYAN 20°00 RHODA L£ MOUe 20.00 HELEN EUSTICE 20.00 ALUYNE VALENTINE 20.00 HARRIET A. GERRY 20.00 MILDRED LOFLEY 20e00 LEONA RISTAD 20,00 MN. EOWARO HESs 20.00 FRANCES VAN DEVENOER 20.00 MILDRED DOBSON 20.00 DOROTHY SHEPPE~ 20.00 MARIAN MORAN 20.00 LILLY MAOsEN 20.00 MARIE OLDS 20.00 JEAN COTTRILL 20.00 DOROTHY WOLf 20.00 KIRTON SECRETARIAL SERVICE 42.~0 C, E. MGGEREE~ TAX COLLECTOR 14.81 AUTOP~OOUCTS~ INC. 107.09 AUTO~ROOOOTS, INC. 177.62 CiTY oF BB/CIvlc CENTER BONO SINK.FUNS 6,500.00 MANu. LIFE INS. Co. 306.82 PAYMENTS MADE IN DECEMBER DECEMSER 7, 1970 (CONT,NOEH) 1970 DECEMU£R 9, 1970 25100 25101 25103 25104 AMEEICAN FAMILY LI~E ASSURANCE Co. SLUE CROSS - SLUE SHIELD OF FLAot INC. CITY OF BB/WATER DEPT. WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 12889 RUSSELL 12890 RUSSELL & AXON 12891 AUTOPRODUCTS, INC. 12892 MANUFACTURERS LIFE INS. 12893 ALSAY DNILLING WATER DEPOSITORS F~ND 8724 ENNA WEISENSEE SEWER 3364 3365 REVENUE FUND MANUFACTURERS LIFE INS. Co. UTILITY GENERAL FUND 052 RUSSELL & AXON 053 RUSSELL'& AXON 054 RUSSELL & AXON CIVIC CENTER BOND SINKING FUND 431 CHASE MANHATTAN SANK, N.A. RETIREMENT TRUST FUND 677 LEONARO ALHUNY 678 J£ANNE C. MCCLAIN GENERAL FUND 25105 EDWA~m G. NILLE~Y, JR. UTILITY GENERAL FUND 055 DENRIOO CONUT. CORP. GENERAL 25106 25107 25108 25111 25112 25113 25114 25115 25117 FUND BOCA RAYON COMMUNITY HOSPITAL SOUTHERN PAPER GO. FLA. LIBRARY ASSN. OFFICIAL EQUIPMENT Coe KIRTeN SECRETARIAK SERVe ' RO~ER E. REAeY CITY OF BB/PETTY CASN 40.60 117.00 576.38 30.34 485,18 2.20 9.72 9~48o.15 10,007.59 7.5o 7.5o 1,286.79 452.41 139.90 3.10 102.44 75.00 75,00 15.00 62.99 28.00 541.75 70.00 96.ol 249.28 75.00 53.51 49,837.40 PAYMENTS MADE IN DECEMBER DEC£.SER 9, 1970 (DO"T'"DED) 10, 1970 11, 1970 WATER 12894 12595 SYSTEM REVENUE FUND DIVe OF CONTINUING EDUCATION/DEPT. OF CITY OF BB/P£TTY CASR 198.75 22.07 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8725 EDWARD DULL 8726 EDWARD L. DULL 7.50 7.50 15.00 SEWER REVENUE FUND 3366 CITY oF BB/PETTY CAS. PUBLICITY FUND 432 CITY OF BB/PETTY CAEN 2.04 1,431.48 GENERAL FUND 25116 25118 25119 25120 25122 25123 25124 CITY oF BB/PETTY CAs~ 64.93 JACQUELIRE KAZAR 20.00 LENART HED.AN 3.00 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY 145.51 IRWIN L. LANCSEIN 19.45 BETTY SEALE 18.50 GULF OIL GORP. WATER 12896 SYSTEM REVENUE FUND GULF OIL CORP. 58.34 SEWER 3367 REVENUE FUND GULF OIL CORP. 83.24 SEWER 1543 & WATER DEPOSIT FUND MRS. FRANCIS WILDNER 1,933.45 GENERAL 25125 25126 25127 25128 25129 25130 25131 25132 25133 FUND CITY OF BD/PAYROLL FU.D 10,637.96 CITY OF BB/PoLICE RET. FUND 216.58 CiTY OF BB/FiREmENtS RELIEF & PIN.FuND. 136.32 BOYNTON BEACH RET. TRUST FUND 229.33 BeYRTON CITY FED. CREDIT UN,ON 880.5° FIRST BANK & TRUST 6,420.03 C. g. 0USLEY 10.00 BDDKER T. NeRFUS 10.00 TRUPIGAS INC. UF FLA. 28.79 18,569.51 WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 12897 C,Ty OF BB/PAYROLL FUND SEWER REVENUE FUND 3368 CiTY OF BB/PAYROLL FUND 1,074.32 ~ 21,228.15 DECE~BED 14, 1970 PAYMENTS MADE IN DECEMBER GENERAL FUND 25134 25135 25138 25139 2514O FRANK ENGLISH FENCE C~NTRACTORS WILLIAM KUEN CITY eF BB/P£TT¥ CASH LEONARD NYLUND CITY OF BB/PETTY CAS~ 895.00 37.50 20.00 lOO.56 14.00 39.O1 D£DEMSED 15, 1970 WATER 12898 129o4 12905 SYSTEM REVENUE FUND SNOW CDNST~$~TIDH Coe U. S. POUT OFFICE WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8727 Jo~H Re MCG~LLOUOH SEWER & WATER DEPOSIT FUND 154A- SNow CONSTRUCTION Co. GENERAL FUND 25141 25142 25143 25144 25145 25146 25147 251~8 25149 25151 25152 25153 25154 25155 25156 25157 25158 25159 2516o 25161 25162 FIRST DANK ~ TRUST ERHESTINE RDONDTREE PAULINE LYONS THE DE~T RENTAL SERVo)~NC. MIAHt HERALD PUS. Co. WOODWARD ENGIEEERING~ INC. ADVERTISERS PRESS) INC. ADVANGE AlE CONO. ~ HEATING)'INC. ALLIED CNLODINE ~ CHEHo PRODUCTSt ALLEN CHEMICAL CO. DES BAUFI A~EEIOAN LAFRANOE J. L. ARCHIE PLUMBINO~ INC. BAKER ~ TAYLOR JOSEPH DELL WATER 129o7 SYSTEM REVENUE FUND SEWER 3369 3370 REVENUE FUND ALLIED C~LORIHE &CNEM. PRODUCTSt 6.14 5.20 144.00 7-50 15.OO 15.OO 200,000.00 51.00 60.00 25.38 14.60 70.50 71.88 92.75 31.00 lO.64 23.00 37.68 31.00 100.80 220.00 14.71 77.00 35.23 201 156.38 215.64 116.06 331.70 1,283.91 16, 1970 DE¢£Me£R 17, 1970 PAV~NTLVMADE IN DECEMBER GENERAL FUND 25163 25289 2529O 25291 25292 29293 25294 25295 29296 25297 25343 25344 BOYNTOH AUTO SUPPLY~. BOyNTON GLASS SERVICE~ iNC. ~OYNTON GOLF SERVICE BOYHTON GuN SHOP BGYNTON MILLWDRK BOYNTON PUMP ~ SUPPLY~ INC. BO~BN SUPPLY COo! INC. DR. J. R, FORLAW EAST COAST PAPER 293.81 68.54 10.00 129.99 28.eo 44.87 270.33 lo9.39 72.00 21.~0 60.00 23.10 WATER 12899 12908 12909 12910 SYSTEM REVENUE FUND A. C. BRANCU ~OYNTON AOTO ~UPPLY$ IN~. BOYNTON PUMp ~ SUPPLyt ~NC. J. P. CARROLLf INC. .64 49.o8 13.47 11.25 SE~R 3359 3371 3372 REVENUE FUND A. C. BRANCH BVROIS ELECo MOTOR SERV. COHSSLIOATED RESEARCH CORP. 27.00 64.95 102.05 SE~ER 1545 1546 & WATER DEPOSIT FUND A. C. BRAHON ~ALTER LARSEN 17.60 7.50 25.10 GENERAL 25364 23365 25366 25367 25368 25369 25370 25371 25372 25373 25374 25375 25376 25377 25378 25379 25380 29381 25383 25384 25385 25386 25387 25388 25380 2539O FUND DOH'S PIR£STONE 465.47 CAL~A~N & Co. 17.50 JOHN BINGHAM 226.00 HERSERT C. WILLES 181.00 THE AUTOMOTIVE INDEX 21.00 HYACtHTN COHTRO[ SOC~£TY, IRC. 5.00 EHaZC'S 948.22 FIRE EQUIPMENT SALES & SERVICE 9.OO FLA, LEVEL & TRAnSiT CO., I~¢. 451.25 FRANKRDUSE EkECTR~¢ Ce. 18.72 R. L. GRUMMONS PRINTING 92,55 THE BAKER & TAYLOR CO. 206.47 MUH~C~AL SAFETY SUPP~I£S 2,460.00 GR^WOA~ ELECTRIC Co. 108.OO HALSEY & GR~IT~, INC. 120.90 HALSEY ~ GRIFFITH, INC. :506.90 HANDIS t1.~6 KATHLE£~ K~RTCN 30.00 HENRY'S COFFEE COP 106.20 HOCES--W£~WAY CC. 9.~4 HSWARO CONSTRUCTION 154.00 Hox~E'S SNO£ STORE 18.00 tNTERHATIONA~ ASSN. OF C,~Er e~ POLICE 3.28 IROUSTHIA~ EDUCATION FILMS, INC. 295.00 INTERNATL. INSTITUTE OF ~IOIPAL CLERKS 29e00 tNTERNATL. MIHERALS & CHEM. CORP. 1,342.14 17, 1970 (CONT'NHEO) 1970 PAYMENTS MADE N DECEMBER 25363 DEN'S FIRESTONE WATER 12900 12901 129O2 12903 12911 12912 12913 12914 12915 12916 SYSTEM REVENUE FUND L, M. BERRIE MRS. ERNEST FORKEy MARGARET OICONNELL LEONARD HALE HACR CHEMICAL Go. D£MARCO & SONS WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8728 EBWARD YODCK 8729 CARL D. WELLS 8730 ALBERT HIRSCH 8731 ERNEST FO"KEy SEWER 336O 3361 3362 3373 3374 3375 3376 REVENUE FUND k. M. BERRIE MARGARET OICONNELL LEONARD HALE DON'S FIRESTONE FRANKHOUSE ELECTRIC CO. HACN CHEMICAL Co. HERSEY SPARLING METER Co. SEWER 1547 15 +8 155o & WATER DEPOSIT FUND L. M. BERRIE MARGARET 0tCDNNELL LEONARD HALE DEMARCD & SONS PUBLICITY FUND 433 HOWARD NADRILL VALLEY DECORATING Co. GENERAL FUND 25164 25165 2.~166 25167 25168 25169 25170 25171 25172 25173 25174 25175 25176 25177 HAROLD HOPKINS NElL OLDEN JAMES THOMPSON ELLIS MD AROY 7~2.33 3.20 .89 5.20 5.20 7.00 75.25 505.60 59 · O0 28.47 5.7 7.50 7.50 7.50 ~.00 4.00 8.00 10,10 3.50 21.~ 8.35 29.65 15.50 15.5o 17.6o 15.oo 311.74 311.74 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10o00 10.OO 10.OO 10.00 10.00 9,174.48 PAYMENTS MADE IN DECEMBER (CONT,N.ED) 25178 WILLIAM HARRIS 25179 PETS TREVINO 25180 ROBERT KELTZ 25181 LARRY FOSTER 25182 T. B. HICKS 25183 HENRY G. AL~ERS 25184 LEONARD D. A~BmRY 25185 ROBERT FREYTAG 25186 H.LETT BRYAM$ 25187 KATO WILLIAMS 25188 OSE BUTLER 25189 WILLIAm D. COo~ 25190 $£DRON AIKERB 25191 FRE~D~E PATRtGR 25193 2519~ 25195 25196 25197 25198 25199 25200 252O1 25202 25203 25204 25205 25206 25207 25208 252o9 25210 25211 25212 25213 25214 25215 25216 25217 25218 25219 25220 25221 25222 25223 25224 25225 25226 25227 25228 25229 2523o 25231 25232 25233 25234 25235 25236 25237 JOE L. OWE.S SILAS CLARK L~NIE WILLIAMS! JR. JAMES JORRSON WILLIE J. GROOMS JAMES AIKE~S~ JRe EIBIE DEN$ON MDARTHUN ~ATERS CURTIS HENRy DANIEL JORDAN Roy AIKENS ABNER FAISON ANNETTE TINKER DEBORAH BUSCNER ~ILLIAm ~ARMADUKE TEREESA PADGETT ELIZABETH ROTHMAN CALLIE CLANTeR A~A iNOOm MARY SO.eRR ALICE NE~ETT S"ZANNE CROMWELL ~ETTY SEALE HARMON ~RETZ ELIZAB[?N LAW M.RIEL EASTON GWENNE FITDR ALVERA HACKLE MURIEL HOLZHAN YOLARDA ~IONARD MAR~ORIE ALEXANDER WANDA ~ERRISK ELEANOR PUFFER MARIE STERRETT CAROL UNDERWQOD WILLIAM ODLLIVAN HELEN MAB~S GRETDNEN L.BY $~UART FULLER JOHN BARRETT ELMS ELLIOTT JOHN SIMMONS ROBERT NESS EVELYN BUTLER VERA LE~IS 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10o00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.O0 10.00 10.09 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.O0 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.O0 10.O0 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 t0.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 18, 1970 25238 25239 252~ 25241 25242 25243 25244 25245 25246 25247 25248 25249 25251 25252 25253 25254 25255 25256 25257 25258 25259 25260 25261 25262 25263 25264 25265 25266 25267 25268 25269 2527O 25271 25272 25273 25274 25275 25276 25277 25278 25279 25280 25281 25282 25283 25284 25285 25286 25287 25288 25298 25299 25300 253O1 25302 25323 25304 253O5 253O6 25307, PAYMENTS MADE IN DECEMBER VEVA ARBRUSTER GEORGE JOHNSON WALTER HERTZ MARTIN KNASE JAMES PATTERSON PATRIOK LYONS ROBERT MILLER RISHAHD CHLLEN HAROLD RAmHOND RIOHARD LOVING ROBERT FEDERSPIEL CAROLYN Sims THOMAS WILLIAN$ VIRGINIA FARAOE CONSTANCE ~AISR FLORENCE SOLLIVAN HELEN BRULL FRANCES GOOOSELL PATRICIA JONES LAURIE BERGEHER WILLIE MOODYt JR, ALBERT DARIEL$ WILLIE GRARAM LEV~ BReWR MORRIS JORNSON KENNETH D. CLAYTON L£NOH NARHIS GUS HART Lois L. REEVES deRH JO~NSOR EDWARD HUNCHAR ROBERT de SHAW CHARLES CASE CHARLES ~UNSECRER RICHARD CLIHEt JR, ARTHUR BLACK LEE THOMAS WILLIE BAGLEY EARL MsDowELL JOHN REYNOLDS FRANK BEDNARICK ROBERT FRANTZ GOERGE MAGNEILL JR. LEROY BERRIE FRANK SMITH DANNY PLUMmER CURTIS WRIGHT ALLAN NYQUIST LLOYO ~HODEN JR. JOHN VIOKI JAMES EHOOEN KENNETH SNOW STANLEY PORTER FREDERICK EDWAHG MITCHELL WARREN ~NUTR EowsRo DUFFY JR. 10.O0 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.OO 10.00 10.00 10.OO 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10o00 10.00 10.00 10,00 10.00 10.00 10~00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.O0 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.OO 10.00 10.00 10.OO 10.00 10.00 10.00 1Oo00 10.00 10.O0 10.O0 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 1Oo00 18, 1970 PAYMENTS MA~E IN DECEMBER 25308 Jo~N 0ARES 10.OO 25309 MILFORD MANNINO 10.OO 25310 EDWARD ALLEN 10.00 25311 RIORARD H~LME$ 10.00 25312 EDWARD BOLEs 10.0030 25313 RIC.ARD CULP 10.OO 25314 JQ~N D~ MXRD0 10.00 25315 No^R HUDOLESTOR 10.00 25316 WILLI^M WATERS 10.00 2~3~? WILLIAM HAM,LTON 10. OO 25319 EoweRo SULLIVAN 10.OO 25320 FRAUK STUeULE~IELG 19. O0 25321 JAMES FLYNT 10.O0 25322 DANIEL RZMCNUK 10.OO 25323 LORES GAMBLE JR. 10.00 2532~ DAVlO ANOREW$ 10.00 25325 HA~OL~ MILLER JR. 10.OO 25326 ERNEST GIRU~ANQ 10.OO 25327 ROW MC ¢ONN£LL 10.OO 25328 JA~SS ST~IOLEY 10.~ 25329 NICK^EL KRITZZR 10.00 25330 JORN RYAN 10.00 25331 CARL DISON 10.00 25332 B.Ae~O.NO BAXLEy 10.OO 25333 RAL~R TNOLIAN 10.OO 25334 ARTUUR ROCK 10. O0 25335 BILL CAM. 10.00 25336 FRED MICRSLL, JR. 10.OO 25337 E~WARD HILLERY JR. 10.O0 25338 CLINDO CAMARDELLA 1OOOO 25339 TR£O~O"RS SORE, JR. 10.OO 25340 JO~N GARDNER 10.OO 25341 DANNy CAM~ 10.00 25342 RICNARD WISEMAN JR. 10.OO 25345 GEURe[ J~RRIER 10.OO 25346 IRA WESr~RDDK 25347 JOYCS JuR~SO~ 10.O0 25349 WILLIAM LA~DIS 10.00 25350 LAUN£NCS HORSE 10.00 25351 CLAIRE KE"OALL 10.00 25352 CRADLES NI~DI~$ 10.00 25353 ROBERT RYO 10.OO 25354 ALBERT KENDEL 10.O0 25355 KENNSTN COLUY 10.OO 25356 CAS~T PATNICN SR. 10.00 25357 ERNEST FOLLETTE 10.OO 25358 DSLeRES CLARKE 10.O0 25359 WILLIAM HUMMEL 10.00 25360 FR£UERICK NAULER 10.00 25361 JUSSPR SULLIVAN 10.OO 25362 CLARNEC~ Q. go~E$ 10.OO 25382 BRINY BReeZES, I~C. 100.0~) 25391 JACK'S CAMERA CERTER 187.81 25392 JOE's GRILL & RESTAURANT 137.75 25393 PErry CAEN/ CITy oF BDYNTUN B£ACN 39.28 25394 JAMES MILLENDeN 65.00 25395 9$ReTuy BROW~ 44.00 25396 PETTY CA$~/ C,TY OF BDVNTON BEACN 49.09 18, 1970 PAVMENTS MADE tN DECEMBER 25397 25398 25399 254OO 25401 254O2 25404 254O5 25406 254O7 254O8 25409 25~10 25411 25412 25413 25414 25415 25416 25417 25418 25419 2542o 25421 25~22 25423 25424 25442 25443 25444 25445 25446 WILLIAM KELSH, INC. 465.75 GRU.MONS PRINTImG 72.20 Ce J. OeSLEY ELLIS MC AROY 5.00 CONTReL SPECIALITIES Co. 72.00 ED CLANTON 514.50 HALSEY ~ GRIFFITN, INC. 238.90 KELLEY'S DARDEmCENTER, INCo 18.66 K. K. KtRTON 41.75 MARIETTA INDUSTRIES 9~.00 McLELLAND BOOT & SADDLE SHOP, INC. 18.00 MODERN ROOFINe & AIR Ce'No., INC. 8?.34 MUNICIPAL CeDE CORP. 1,166.O2 NATIOmAL F,RE PROTECTION ASSN. 68.25 NATIONAL LmNEm SERVICE 38.16 NELSeNIS GARACE 54.50 OLYMPIA SPORT SHOP 27.60 OUSLET See Ce. 6~0.00 PLA" BEACH POST T~.ES 10.80 PENINSULAR SUPPLY CORP. 12.~ SeUTHERN PAPER Co. 13.30 NATeOmAL LEACUE OF CITIES 25.00 P,CARe C.E.,CAL CC. 88.85 PtTmET--BewES, INC. 35.58 PRO-MeTe CYCLES 22.65 CITY OF BeYNTeN BEAER/PAYReLL FUND 187+84.90 CITY OP BeYNTeN BERcR/POLICE RED.Fume 201.23 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACR/FIREMENfS PEN* FUND BOYNTON BEAEm RET. TRUST FUND BOYNTON CITY FED. CREUIT UNION WATER 12917 12920 12921 12922 12923 12930 133.95 528.70 1,283.00 SEWER 3379 3588 SYSTEM REVENUE FUND E. J. PLA¢eeS 18.14 DIVe oF CONTINUING EDUCATICN/DEPT.. OF CORRESPONeENCE STUDy 5-55 MGPmERSON MARINE SERV. 312.30 M. D. MooDY &Sems 1,299.30 PEN,RSULAR SUPPLY CORP. 41.65 CITY OF BeYmTem BEACN/PAYReLC FUND REVENUE FUND SEWER & WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1551 CITY OF BeYNTON BcN/E. JX PLACCUS PUBLICITY FUND 434 TRE NAUTILUS/ATLANTIC HICH SCHOOL 89.65 ,,,1:~o81.3o 1,170.95 25.00 25.00 35.oo 33,5~J? PAYMENTS MADE IN DECEMBER DECEMSER 21, 1970 GENERAL FUND 25425 25426 25427 25428 25429 25430 25431 25432 25433 25434 25435 25436 25437 e5438 25439 25440 25441 25447 25448 25449 25*5O 25451 25452 25453 R. E. RASORN, M. D. Roso CAR WASH RU81R CORSTRUCTtON SEARS~ ROEBUCK ~ COMPANY SEADREST PETROLEUM Co.! iNC. TNE SHOPPER SNOW AUTO REPAIR STEVENSON SEED STORE SUNSTATE OFFICE MAGHINESf INC. SUN PROTECTIVE EQUIP, ComP, SURBER TRIPLE CEDAR NURSERY VAN DEE iNDUSTRIES WATERBURY CONSOLIDATED CORP. INC. INC. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH/WATER DEPT. PLA. POWER ~ LIGHT CO. ~OUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE SEWER 3380 3386 3387 3389 339O 20.00 9.50 80.84 433.31 53.48 36.00 16.05 22.50 20.10 91.50 17.30 26.0O 287.55 33.23 27.0O 295.16 2,219.59 339. 39 173.20 631.36 41o.77 894.34 59.00 WATER 12918 12919 12928 12929 12931 12932 12933 12934 REVENUE FUND SEMINOLE POLLUTIOR EqblPMENT CORP. 222.75 THOMP$ON--HAYWARD CHEMICAL Co. 560.00 WALLACE & TIERNAN 35.60 ZEP~ MFG. Co. 16~.0O BLUE CHess BLUE S.,ELO OF FLA., INC. ''~-~ REFUNDING ~ IMPROVEMENT REV. BONO SINNING FUND OF ~ITY OF BOYNTON BEACH WATER 8732 8733 , 27,242.70 2~,363.61 SYSTEM REVENUE FUND RIDGEWAY PLUMSII~G 115.15 JOHN G. PmESSLEY 2.80 SOUTHERN METER & SUPPLY CO.! INGe 145.88 THOMPSON--HAYWARD CHEMICAL Co, 280.0O BLUE CROSS - BLUE SHIELD OF FLA. 281.12 C,TY OF BOYNTON BE^C./ WATER )EPT. 48.08 REFUNDIHG ~ MPROVEMENT REV. BOND SINKING DEPOSITORS FUND GERNLO M. GUST~R(GUsTi~ GULP SERVICE) JOHN G. PRESSLEY SEWER & WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1552 ROBERT E. KELLEY 19,967.33 13.24 15.00 7.50 22.50 .15.50 15.50 55,482.88 1970 PAYMENTS MADE IN DEGEMBER GENERAL FUND 25454 25455 25456 25457 25458 25459 25460 PETTY CASH/ CITY OF BDYNTON BEACH ISIAH JAMES BOCA HONDA SALES TNE BAKER & TAYLOR ~O. SEWER REVENUE FUND 3391 PETTY CASH/ CITY OF BDYNTDH BEACH SEWER & WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1553 PUCKETT & ASSN. WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 12935 PETTY CASH/ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH GENERAL 25461 25462 25463 25464 25465 25466 25467 FUND ELLIS MD AROY BOOKER m. NORFuS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH/ PAYROLL FUND CITY DF BDYNTON BEACD/ POLICE RET. POND CITY OF BOYNTCN BEACN/ FIREMEN'S REL.~ PEN, FUND CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH/ RET. TRUST FUND BDYNTDN CITY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION WATER 12936 12937 SYSTEM REVENUE FUND JAMES E. MO INTYRE CITY OF BDYNTDN BEAcH/PAYROLL FUND SEWER REVENUE FUND 3392 CITY DF BDYHTDN B£ADH/PAYRDLL FUND SEWER & WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1554 JAMES E. MC INTYRE 1555 MANOR DEV. CDRP, 1556 HOMES sY LEON WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8734 CLYDE GATLIN SEWAGE DEPOSIT FUND 355 '~ CLYDE GATLIN 61.19 60.00 294.53 64.40 27.50 445.00 7.43 15.00 15.00 16.75 5.00 10,254.90 196. i8 134.25 222.O8 893.50 11,710.91 5.60 lt494.68 1,500.28 1,200.16 15.5o 15.0o 7.50 7.50 7.50 ,?.OO 7-~ 1,226.23 14,463.85 28, 1970 PAYMENTS MADE IN DECEP~ER GENERAL FUND 25~68 WILLIAM MARMADOKE 25469 PETTY CASH/CITY OF DDYNTDN BEASR 53.24 DECEMBER 29, 1970 WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND $293~ MARTIN MANN 12939 EDCAH C. MNNT 129110 CHAS. ROS~E~ 12941 W~. ZELLMAN SEWER REVENUE FUND 3393 RAImHDW ESTATES MOBILE HOMES, iNC. WATER 8735 8736 DEPOSITORS FUND MRS. J. A. CUMMINGS SEWER 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 & WATER DEPOSIT FUND EDSAR HUNT RAINDOW ESTATE MOSIL[ HOMESf WNe ZELLMAN CNA$. ROSIER RDSSELL REEVES GENERAL FUND 25470 ALLAN, LEE THORNTON 25471 MRs. ERNEST FORKEY WATER 12924 12925 12926 SYSTEM REVENUE FUND RICHARD DOXL VEDA BLACK MRS. ERNEST FORKEy WATER 8737 8738 8739 87~0 DEPOSITORS FUND MosE KINe LOUISA BAUNGARTNER H. O. STI[IENHOETER De SCHNEIDER SEWER REVENUE FUND 3377 RIDNARD HOML 3378 VESA BLACK 3381 MRS. E~NEST Fe~REy SEWER & WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1563 YOUNC & WAkDIE 1564 1565 RICHARD BONL 1566 C,AS. C. P~IcE, 1567 VEDA BLACK 2.04 1.64 5-~ 1.44 2'5Q 17.60 1.5.50 7.50 7.50 16.90 2.00 1-~.00 3.20 3.20 2.78 7.50 7.5o 7.50 7.50 30.00 5.05 4.70 ~3.75 7.50 17.60 15.5o 16.5o 17.60 203.56 145.73 ~E. SE. 31, 1970 2~72 FIRST SA~ 25#?~ C~r~ v. ~e~Te~ SEACR/pETT~ 254?6 LEO~A~O E. NYC~RD CASH ~ATER SYSTEM REVEN~E FUND 12942 Co,sr. Cs. SE~ER & ~ATER DEPOsiT FUND SE~ER REVENue FUND ~ATER DEPOSITORs FUND SEWAGE DEPOSIT FUND 35? CARReC 8~ORs., GENERAL. FUND ~548o 18.75 735.00 7o. 96 38.50 172.2o 21.60 620.00 ~6.76 --~5.5o CITy Or 8~YNro~ 8E~CR/PeL~cE RET. 22,864.21 CITy Or ~OYNTON ~EAOH/FIRENEN~$ FUND ~ATER SYSTEM REVENue FUND SE~ER REVENue FUND 2,253.29 29,312.48 PAYMENTS MADE IN NOVEMBER 1970 NOV£M~Ze 2. 1970 NOV~Ma£R 3. 1970 NOVEMB£R 4. 1970 NOVEMB£R 5. 1970 NOVEMBt, 9. 1970 NOVEMBER 10, 1(~'?0 Nov~'m~R 12, 1970 NOV£Me£~ 13, 1970 NOVS~m£~ 16, 1970 NOVEMBER 17, 1970 ~OV£~B~R 18, 1970 NOVEMBER 20s 1970 NovzMsz~ 23, 1970 NovE~sz~ 24, 1970 Nov~£~ 2~5, 1970 ~,o76.86 418.93 22,647.39 56.90 35,211~82 661.43 ~91 10,273.02 23,963.77 29,198.14 12,325.86 1,667.91 16~532.87 29~532.5~ 156.e0 1,26~.70 14,262.08 23~, 6~. ~ PAYMENTS MADE BY FUNDS GENERAL FUND ......................... WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND ....................... WATER DEPOSITORS FUND ......................... SEWER REVENUE FUND ......................... SEWER & WATER DEPOSIT FUND ....................... RETIREMENT TR~ST FUND ......................... F~EMEN'S RELIEF & PENSION FUND ..................... UTILITY GENERAL FUND .......................... PUBLICITY FUND .......................... 142,225.68 49,581.28 150.10 17,332.87 406.60 84.10 18,922.80 899.00 230,600. ~1 PAYMENTS MADE IN NOVEMBER 1970 NOVEMBER 2, 1970 GENERAL FUND 24752 VICTOR A. RISAUMONT, R. A. WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 12769 DAVE M£KDSKt 12770 ALVIN BeELTZ 2.20 NOVEMBER 3,1970 SEWER & WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1512 FURMAN EDWARDS 1.,-~ DAVE MEKOSKI 1515 E. DOUGLAS FOWLER SEWER REVENUE FUND 3302 FURMA~ EDWARDS 3303 DAVE MEKOSKI WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8701 ALVIN BOELTE 8702 DO~ILL J. KENNEy 8.O0 15.50 17.60 2.~ 8.~ 10.00 7.50 7.50 15.00 RETIREMENT TRUST FUND 667 WARRE. FEE 219.81 668 OL,VE WALLACE 135.12 669 RRNA CA~,ER 50.58 670 FRANK JOHNSON 71.00 671 WOODROW EUTSAY 44.51 521.02 FIREMEN'S RELIEF & PENSION FUND 427 JONN TOITE 428 HAROL~ HERRING GENERAL FUND 24742 LAURA WILLIAMS 24743 JIMMIE LOU,S ROGERS 24744 PETTY CAsN/ClTY OF BOYN$Q~ BEACH 24745 NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES CONFERENCE WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 12771 PETTY CASR/ CITY OF 30YNTON BEACH 59.83 24.27 23 · 76 3,076.86 SEWER REVENUE FUND 3304 PETTY CASH/ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACR 8.74 ~ 418.93 PAYMENTS MADE IN NOVEMBER 1970 NOYEMSER 4, 1970 NOVEMSER 5, 1970 /~"~ NOVEMSER 6, 1970 GENERAL FUND 247~6 24747 24748 24749 24750 24751 CLARENCE Q. JONESt JR. ANIMAL RESCUE LEASUE THOMAS A. SUMMERS CAPITOL LEASING CORP. R~-B'fN ~-~I~I~'TtON CO. BOYNTON DEACH FIRE DEPT. WATER 12772 12773 SYSTEM REVENUE FUND FLA. EAST COAST RAILWAY CO. RUSSELL ~ AXON UTILITY GENERAL FUND 049 RUSSELL & AXON 050 RUSSELL & AXON WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8703 MRS. I. ILLSLEY SEWER & WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1522 MRS. PAUL HARRINGTON GENERAL FUND 24753 COMMISSIONER OF MOTOR VEHICLES 24754 FIRST BANK & TRUST WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 12774 JOHN R. MURPHY SEWER & WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1516 GATOR COOLING & HTS. INC. GENERAL 24755 24756 24757 24758 24759 24760 24761 24762 24763 24764 24765 24766 24767 24768 24769 24770 24771 24772 17.5o 600.00 19.92 336.02 18,546.39 652.83 193.18 1,355.21 898,84 7.50 7.50 15.00 15.00 22,647,39 18,75 32.75 8.65 15.50 15.50 56.9o FUND LORI C. T{)RRES 25.00 SOUTHERN PAPER Co. 31.OO COMMERCE NATL. BANK 77.25 OLYMPIA SPORTS SHOPt INC. 192,,00 TRANSCONTINENTAL SALES Co. 208.20 NEW YORK ATRLETIO SUPPLIES 203.39 INTERRATL. ASSR. OF CHIEFS OF POLICE 200.00 SECUrITy SUPPLY, INC. 308.95 DUCK tS LEATHERCRA?T 33.60 OLYMPIA SPORTS SF/{DP 147.00 E~ST COAST PAP[~ Ce. 64.88 C. J. OusL~v ELL ~S McARey 90.00 INDIANAPOLIS BAD6E & NA~E PLATE.Co. 81.30 As~.oW K~L~O.[ Co. 552.~ PAYMENTS MADE IN NOVEMBER 1970 NOVEMeER 6, 1970 (GENERAL FUND-- CONT.) 24773 24774 24775 24776 24777 24778 24779 24780 24781 24782 24783 24784 24785 24786 NYLUND ROOFING INC. SECURITY SUPPLY! tNCe STEVENSON SEED STORE WATER DEPTe/ CITY OF BOYHTON BEAD. NYLUND ROOFING PAYROLL FUND/ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH FIRST BANK & TRUST WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 12775 12824 12826 12827 12828 12830 12831 ED. CARPENTER JOSEPN CtCOOSANTI D0~INID CASALE MARJORIE COLE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH/ PAYROLL FUND COMHERCE NATIONAL BANK FRANKHOUSE ELEC. SUPPLY Co. 115.00 236.70 594.00 15.O4 25.O0 2,343.75 125.00 10.00 17,753.62 201.25 132.36 489.O6 1,178.90 4~605.28 30,753.2~ 1.04 5.20 2.90 5.54 2,904.72 6.44 67.40 2,993.24 1970 SEWER 33O6 3331 3332 3333 3334 3335 REVENUE FUND JOSEPH A. CICCOSANTI DOMINIC CASALE CO..ERCE NATIONAL BANK NOLOO CHEMICALS9 INC. FRANKHOUSE ELEC. SUPPLY Co. CITY OF 5DY.TON BEAOH~PAYROLL FUND SEWER & WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1517 Ho~Es BY LEON 1518 JOSEPH C,COOSAHTI 1519 DOMIN,C CASALE 1520 SARGENt INC. 1521 MARaDRIE COLE WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8704 ED. CARPENTER 8?05 MARSHALL ROGERS GENERAL FUND 24787 CITY OF BDYHTOH BEAOH/ PETTY CASH 24788 CITY OF BoY.TON BEAC"/PETTY CASH 24789 MANUFACTURERS LIFE IHS* Co. 24790 AMERICAN FA. ICY LIFE 24791 WMITT MACDOWELL 8.00 4.00 19.31 137.5o TO.OD 58.50 lt061.99 1,359.30 7.5o 15.5o 15.50 7.50 15.00 7.50 7.50 15.00 43.03 139.35 260.85 40.60 132.O0 35,211.82 PAYMENTS MADE IN NOVEMBER 1970 NOVEMeER 9, 1970 NOVE.S£R 10, 1970 NOvE.GER 12,1970 NOVEMSER 13, 1970 WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 12829 MAHUFACTUR£RS LIFE 12832 WHITT MACDOWELL INS. CO. 24~00 33.72 SEWER REVENUE FUND 3336 LEO ~,¢[Tz 3337 MANUFACTURERS LIFE INS. Co. 5.40 6.48 661.43 GENERAL FUND 24792 RICHARD STUART MARTIN 24793 :ITT OFBOYNTSN BEACH/ PETTY CASH 24794 JAMES FELDRAMH 24795 ROSERT HOLLIS 24796 R.E. BARNES 20.00 9.69 31.00 15. oo 156.00 WATER 12833 128~ SYSTEM REVENUE FUND CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH/ PETTY CASH 9.13 52.53 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8706 THOMAS CRANLEY 291.82 24797 24798 24799 24800 24801 248O2 248O3 FUND WILLIAM L. SHERIDAN FRANK ENGLISH DON G. GRANNIB 186.00 151.5o 8,180.00 483.02 132.00 715.00 10,233.52 WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 12836 WHITT MAcDowELL 24.00 SEWER & WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1523 EDWARO F. NASlEROWSKI GENERAL 248o4 248e6 248O7 248O8 248O9 2481O 24811 24813 24814 24815 24816 24817 24818 FUND CITY OF BOYNTON BEAOH~PAYROLL FUND CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH/ POLICE RET. FUND CITy oF BOYNTON BEAOR/FIREMENf$ REL. ~ PENSION FUND BOYNTON DEACH RETIREMENT TRUST FUND C* J. OUSLEY ELLIS MOARoY CITY OF BOYNTOH BEACH/WATER DEPT. 15.50 15.50 10,273.02 10,857.39 240.71 133.05 250.70 81o.45 56.00 25.00 25.00 97.56 4,455.07 761.38 59.00 13.86 796.18 PAYMENTS MADE IN NOVEMBER 1970 C NOVEMOER 13, 1970 (CO.T lUHED) NOV[~O£R 16, 1970 NOYEMOEH 17, 1970 WATER 12837 12838 12839 1284o SEWER 3338 3339 3341 SYSTEM REVENUE FUND CITY OF BOYNTOR ~EADH FLORIDA POWER ~ LIGHT CO. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH/WATER DEPT. REVENUE FUND CITY GF BOYNTOH BEACH/PATRGLL FGND FLORIDA POWER ~ LIGHT Co. CITY OF BOYNTON BEADH/WATER DEPT. 1,627.48 2,O19.24 9.20 74.50 1,O98.O2 212.90 341.o8 23,963.77 GENERAL FUND 24819 OFFICER EDWARD G. HILLERY 38.00 WATER 12842 12843 12845 12846 12847 12848 12852 SYSTEM REVENUE FUND d. E. BERGS WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8707 JOHH NAVLOR 8708 MARV NEUHOLO 8709 J.E. BeRGs SEWER 1.44 2.20 3.84 12.70 2.64 7.50 REV. BeND SINKING FUND ~ REVENUE FUND REFUND. ~ IMPROVE. REY. BONG SINK.FUND~ SEWER & WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1524 CHAS. ROSIER 1525 SHow COHSTRUC. Co. 7.50 7.50 7.50 22.50 . 1Of778,65 10,77~.65 15.OQ 22.50 29,198.14 GENERAL FUND 24820 FIRE MARSHAL'S ASSN. OF PALM BEAOH COUHTY 11.00 24821 EDWARD L. GUDK 174.O0 24822 HAWKINS ~ HAMILTON 625.00 24823 CAPITAL LEASlNO CORP. ' 336.02 24824 KIRTON SECRETARIAL S£RW. 40.00 24825 BLUE CROSS -- BLUE SRIELD OF FLA., INC. 2,117.60 24826 BLUE CRess-BLuE SRIELU GF FLA., IHD. 339-39 24827 VINCENT MOLLE 10.00 WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 12849 BROOKS PRODUCTS 1,233.50 12850 ODOM TAHK COMPANY, IHC. 6,000.00 12851 HAWKINS ~ HAMILTON 450.(~) 12853 BLUE CRess-BLuE SHIELD OF FLA., IHO. 297.64 PAYHENTS MADE IN ~OVENBER 1970 NOVEMBER 17, 1970 18, 1970 NOVEMSER 19, 1970 Sh-'~I[R REVENUE FUND 3343 HAWKINS & HAMILTON 3344 BLUE CORss-BLuE SHIELD OF FLAo, SEWER & WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1526 JAMES MACALPI~E PUBLICITY FUND 423 GREATER BOYNTON BEACH CHAMBER OF COMM. 425 PHOTO MURALS OF FLORtSA 90.00 162.61 82.50 3oo.00 15.00 41.6O GENERAL FUND 24828 EAST COAST FIRE EQUIPMENT CO. 102.00 24829 ADVERTISERS PRESS, INC. 67.94 24830 ADAPTS ST£EL PRODUCTS 72.96 24831 JOHN L. ARCHIE PLUMSlNO, INC. 18.00 24832 AUTOPROBUCTB, INC. 49.01 24833 B£AN[ EXTERMI~ATINC CO., I~¢. 31.00 24834 EENZ CHEVROLET INC. 56.93 24835 BET.ESSA M£MeRIAL HSSPITAL 17.50 24836 BO-DEL P~IHTIRC Ce. 88.~+O 2/+837 R.R. BOWK£R CO. 16.50 24838 BIFFBURGER 17~79 24839 BOYNTON AUTO SUPPLy! INCa 486~60 24840 P[T?v CASH/ C,TY OF BOYNTeN BE~H 50°47 1,O75.10 WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 12854 ALLEN CH£"ICAL Co. 377.55 12855 AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSN. 20.00 12856 B. & H. SALES, INC. 25.96 12857 C. T. BOWLES ELECT,~C CO. 80.15 12858 BOY.TEN AUTO SO,.LY, INC. 57.15 SEWER & WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1527 C~^s. LIHZER SEWER REVENUE FU~D 3345 EAST COAST FIRe EQUIPMENT GENERAL FUND 15.OO 15o00 17.00 17.O0 24841 M~AMI CHAPTER OF WSMEH I~ CONSTRUCTION 8.00 24842 BOYNTON GLASS SERVICE, INC. 85.58 24843 CAOILLAB ENGRAVERS, INC. 10.20 24844 CmTV PUBLISRIN8 Cs. 91.00 24845 ED CLANTON TRUCKINC 240.10 24846 COCA COLA BSTTLIN~ CO. 75.00 24847 CUANBINC TIMES M^C~Z,N~ 6.00 24848 COURT ReCOROS, INC. 120.00 24849 C,EVRON CHEMICAL CC~, 113.OO 24850 ROSER DEA~ C~EVROLET, INC. 73.89 24851 V.W. E~MICBE ASSOCIATES, INC. 31.80 12,325.86 1,667.91 PAYMENTS MADE IN NOVEMBER 1970 Ney[PeER 19, 1970 (CeNTi.uEe) 24852 24853 24854 24855 24856 24857 24858 24859 2486O 24861 24862 24863 24864 24865 24866 24867 24868 24869 24870 24871 2487a 24873 24874 24875 24876 24877 24878 2q-879 24880 24881 24882 24883 24884 24885 24886 24887 04889 e~9o e~890 2~93 2~94- 2~95 24896 24897 048~ 2~99 249~ 24901 24~2 2~3 24904 24~5 24906 24~7 04~8 24~9 24910 E.OEL'S 76.26 FAUROTt $NO. 23.75 DeN's FIHESTeNE 315.38 FRANKS AUTO SUPPLY Ce. 22.63 GATOR CULVERT Co. 966.00 GAVLeRe BROS., INc. 19,50 GEN~eAL TRUCK PARTS ¢O. 95.00 GULF OiL CDRP. 97.90 R. L. GRNMMeNS PRINTING 121.30 GDSTeM AUTO TRIM 25.00 GUARANTY BLUE PRtRTERS 52.00 HALSEY & GRtFFITH 129.10 HANC'S 760.50 ~EN~Y'S COFFEE CeP 64.80 ~OXlE'S,SNeE STOR£ 36.00 He~SE BEAUTIFUL 124,~ JACK'S CAMERA CENTER 21.93 JOE's GRILL & RESTAURANT 71.75 KmAPP SHOES 17.50 AMWAY PReeuc?s 97.50 mARIETTA INeUSTRIES 30.47 Susie MAZ BARREN 10.OO MARSHALL BOLT ~ NUT CO.~ INC. 220.60 MoLELLAND BOOT ~ SADDLE SHOP., IN0. 126.00 NATIONAL INST~TNTE OF ~UNI¢IPAL LAW OFFICERS 107.50 OFFICIAL EQUIPMENT Co. 54000 THe OLYMPIA;!$PeRT SNOP, INC. 14.80 PSLN BEACH OFFICE SUPPLY Co. 147.10 PAN CLUe OF FLeRIDA~ {NO* 75.00 RICe MOTORS~ INC. 75062 PICARe CHEMICAL Co. 44.85 Resin COHSTRUCTION CO. 407.84 SeUTRERN GU~ DISTRIBUTORS 371.50 SOUTN FLeRleA PARTS & SUPPLY, INC. 183.~8 SOUTNERN PAPER Ce. 136.98 SeN OIL Ce. 15.60 TRAIL FORO TRACTOR CO. 56.25 TUCKER S. JOHNSON, INC. 289.~ XEROX ¢eRp, 178.3~ ZeP. MFG. CO. 36.00 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORP. 6o.00 ERHA Y. WEAV£R 25.00 HELEN B. BRULL 25.00 STANLEY WALEeA 20.00 HARRIET BeUTeN 20.00 KAT~RYN FLOOK JANIOE ~ERT~ 20.00 MARGERy CAN~VAN 20.00 MIAmi HERALD 15.00 NATIONAL LINEN SERVICE 31.92 JACK'S 0AMEEA CENTER 299.95 ~. S. NEWS & ~$RLD REPORT 10.50 RNODA LE MONO 20.00 HELEN EUITICE 20.00 ALDYHE VALeNTINI 20.00 HARRIET A. GERRy 20.00 MILCREe LeFLeV 20.00 LEONA RleTAe 20.00 ~IOVEMUER 19, 1970 (CUNTIRUEO) NOVEMDER 20, 1970 PAYMENTS MADE IN NOVEMBER 1970 24911 24912 24913 24914 24915 24916 24917 24918 24919 MR. EDWARD HESS FRANOES VAN DEVENDER MILDRED DOSSON LILLY MAOSEU WATER 12859 12860 12861 12862 12863 12864 12865 12866 12867 12868 SYSTEM REVENUE FUND CASILLA¢ ENGRAVERS FIRE E~UlPMENT SALES ~ SERVe FRANKNOUSE ELECTRIC SUPPLY~ NEPTUNE METER CO. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. PEN NSULAR SUPPLY Co. PIOARO CHEMICAL CO. SOUTHERN METER ~ SUPPLY Co.~ tNGo SEWELL HARDWARE THOMPSON--HA¥~ARD CHEMIOAL SEWER 3346 3347 REVENUE FUND SEMINOLE POLLUTION EQUIPMENT CORP. THOMPSON -- HAYWARD CHEMICAL Co. PUBLICITY FUND 426 HOWARD ~ARRILL(VALLEY) DECORATING Co. GENERAL FUND 2492O 24922 24923 24924 24925 24926 24927 C. J. 0USLEy CITY OF ~OYNTON BEACH/PAYROLL FUND CITY OF BOYNTON BEACN./POLICE ~E~. FUNO CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH/FiREMEN~S RELIEF PENSION FUND BOYNTON BCH. RET. TRUST FUND BOYNTON CITY FEDERAL CRESIT UNION FIRST BANK ~ TRUST WATER 12869 12870 12871 12872 12873 12874 12875 SYSTEM REVENUE FUND U. $. POSTMASTER/BoYRTON BCR. Jos. DISCIULLO WILBERT B. SUN,AM ALMA MAOKIE LOCKNART W. DUFF ROBERT L. COMISKEY CITy OF BOVNTOH BEAcH/PAYROLL FUNS SEWER 1528 1530 1531 1532 1533 & WATER DEPOSIT FUND CITY OF BB/E¢SNO ImTERIOR$ AL SlNOLAIR 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20°00 20.00 20.00 20.00 2.60 10.00 19.20 5,985.28 856.65 419.75 16.3o 553.85 25.74 28e.00 224.81 140.00 542.~o ~ 16,532.87 18,~o7.55 196.75 133.16 501.15 1,147.05 4 ~ 785 · 33 25,075.99 450.00 3.20 5.20 2.20 4.20 11.55 2,735.12 23.50 15.50 7.50 15.50 7.50 NOYEMSER 20, 1970 (CONTINDEB) REVERSER 23, 1970 24, 1970 NOVEMBER 25, 1970 PAYMENTS MADE IN NOVEMBER 1970 1534 CNUCK JEWELL 7.50 77.0O SEWER REVENUE FUND 3349 EcoNo INTERIORS 3350 LOCKN~RT W. DUfF 3351 CITY OF BOYNTON BEAcH/PAYROLL Fund WATER 871o 8711 8712 8713 8714 8715 8716 DEPOSITORS FUND Jos. DIS¢IULLO AL~A ~ACKIE WILBERT D~NRAM ANDREW J. HALSEY DEWlTT C. WARD GOODYEAR EASY PAY STORE ROBERT L. COMISKEy GENERAL FUND 24921 SERGE PIZZl GENERAL 24928 24929 24930 24939 24932 24933 24934 FUND T~E TRAYELER~ INS. CD. VOYAOER LIFE INS. Co. FRANKLIN WELLS ADRIAN C~ODNO FLA. PLANNING & ZONING ASSN. INCo CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH/ PETTY CASH WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 12876 CITY OF BOYNTON BEAOR/PETTY CAS. SEWER REVENUE FUND 3352 CITY OF BOYNTDN BEAOH/PE~?y CASN WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8717 ASA LOMBARD RETIREMENT TRUST FUND 672 FRANCIS WILDNER GENERAL 24935 24936 24937 24938 24939 24940 24941 24942 8.34 6.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 15~O0 156,00 178.66 173.20 4~.OO 50.00 236.00 28,00 70.19 lO.O6 11.13 11.13 7.50 476.96 FUND TRE BAKER & TAYLOR Co. 203.60 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACN/PAyNOLL FUND 9,719.28 CITY OF BOYNTON BEAcH/PoLICE RT. FUND 186.11 CITY OF BDYNTON BEAON/F~REt4EN'S REL.& P~N. 133.35 BOYNTON BEACa RET. FRUST FUND 233.~2 BOYNTON C~Ty FZDERAL CReDiT UNION 8~.50 C. J. OUSLSV 15.00 ELLIS McARoY 29,532.58 156.oo 1261.70 NOVEMBER 25, 1970 (CONT,NUEO) NOvE~RER 30, 1970 PAYMENTS MADE IN NOVFJ'~$ER 1970 WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 12877 BIBIANZ CUSlTO 12878 FRANK J. S~EHA 12879 CiTY OF BOYNTOH BEAcH/PAYROLL FUND SEWER & WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1535 MINNA 2~¢HUBERT 1536 MANOR DEv. CORP. 1537 STEPHEN WADE 1538 B,OIAH£ CuS,TO 1539 FRANK J. SIENNA WATER 8718 8719 DEPOSITORS FUND SEWER 3353 3354 3355 REVENUE FUN D BIBIAHE CUSITO FRANK SIENA CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH/PAYROLL FUNS GENERAL FUND 24943 24944 24945 24946 24947 24948 24949 CITY OF BOYNTON BEAcH/PAYROLL FUND BOYNTON CITy FEDERAL CREDIT UNION FLA. POWER & LIGHT Co. SENIOR CITIZENS SHUFFLEBOARD CLUB CURTIS E. WRIGHT STUART B. FULLER PETTY CASH/ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 12880 FLORIDA POWER & L,GHY Co. BEWER REVENUE FUND 3356 FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT Co. UTILITY GENERAL FUND 051 DERRIOO CONSTRUCTION CORP. 3.72 3.04 , ,7o5.2o 1,711.96 7.50 7.50 15.50 15.50 15.50 7.50 15.00 6.00 2.00 17123.86 1,131.~6 3,263.32 70.00 5,449.43 200. O0 72.00 133.75 47.47 9,235.97 2?529.84 2,529.84 626.77 16,668.75 14,262.08 29,061.33 I wvlsh this to be made p~rt of the minutes. I am not voting NO on Mr. Moorels nomination because of person- ality' d~C~erenoes. I base my NO on several instances which t consider bad advice to the council rather than looking out for the taxpayerl.s interest. REASON #1 At the council meeting of March l, i965, Mr. Moore advised the 'council that a proper~y owner north of ~he C~t~ L~its The ~rope~y o~ner ~en ~ent to ~he ~l~nning ~nd Zonin~ Bo~rd requesting that his 72 acres be rezoned to Ci & C2 for ~ On M~rch 15 Mr. Moore re~d Ordinance G8-3 to annex the Dyer prope~y. On March 27%h, a special meet~g ~as held at ~hioh t~e ~h~s ordinance ~s p~ssed on 2nd re~ding, ~er the ti~e required by the oh~er h~d elapsed, th~s tr~as annexed ~nd ~alm Beach Me~or~ ~ark beo~e p~ of Boynton Be~ch and received ~11 the semites ~v~ilable to residents of Boynton Be~ch g~rb~ge: fire protection, poEoe probeotion, etc. Then Mr. Dyer decided to become de-~nnexed ~nd wan~ed his ~axes back. In i9G7, Mr; Moore, ~ho had represen~d ~he city in ~nnex~g the o~met~ry: ~rote a letter to ~obe~ Burns of the 1~ f~r~ Burns: M~ddle~n, ~arrell end Faust. In th~s letter, and I h~ve ~ copy of ~t, he s~ys he has requested th~ the city ~ppoint special oounc~ to represent ~e o~by ~n ~e c~se Mr. Dyer brought against the cityfor ~ rebate ~ t~es, etc., c~use 5o quote Mr. Moore's letter, "I have represented the plant~ in ~he above c~se ~or ~ny years" - I repea~: ~'for m~n~ years." Isn:t th~s a oo~l~ot of interest? It cer~inl~ ~ppe~rs so. ~t ~ny ra~, ~e hired another atborney, lost ~e case - gppe~led ~os~ ~gain. So no~ MeN: the taxpayers, ~re required to pgy Mr. Dyer: ~ho~ Mr. Moore h~s repre'sente~; according %o h~s o~n ~ord, "for many Meets," over $i0:000 ~n b~ck taxes plus ~rest plus approx~a~ly in legal fees. That's one reason for ray voting against Mr. Moore. REASON #2 The same thing almost happened again ~vhen Mr. Moore, at the first half of the January 3, i~O?, meeting gave a first read- ing of #07-i to annex some proper~y south of Briny Breezes. Ho~ever, ~.in the last h~E of the meeting, ~he ne~ oouno~ ~ppo~ted Humphrey Fruda ~s C~ty ~ttorney. On Mgroh 7, 1067, Mr. Frud~ stated he done so~e research on ~is ~t~er:'~ and Florid~ St~tu~ i71.04, the 1~ under ~hioh they ~ere operat~g: ~s deolgred, unconst~ution~ and ~as not possible,,, ~t le~s~ ~e d~dn~t have ~o $o to o0u~ over th~s one. Another case of poor advice. REASON #3 - is the Gu]~ Stream Maz~na. On July 15, 1963, an ordinance, which Mr. Moore wrote, says in par$, Uin the event the subaeot pro3ect has no~ been commenced w~th~n 6 months and complete~ ~[th~ i2 months: this per~[~ sh~l be ~eemed null and vo~d." On September lO~ i968: ~r. ~oore ~ro~e ~ me~orand~ ~o the ~hen City Manager regarding a boat storage budding ~hlch the o~ner ~ished build% (Th~s ~as $ yearns ~er t~s ordinate ~th a t~e restriction pas~ed) The f~al sentence of th~s ~e~o ,reads,"In the event any operations o'r activities ~ connection ~ith the operation of the ~ar~a ~achtet ~ere intended, sa~e ~o~ld have $o be approved by the counc~ ~er due no~ce and hearing." THERE WAS NO HEARINO~; yet on July i8, iSO~, a bu~d%ng pe~t ~as granted ~th ~r. ~oor~s per~ss~on. ~hy? ~ore bad advice9 REASON #4 - Early th~s year Mr. Moore recorn/nended that we dis- continue charging $75'j per hydrant outside of the City Limits. This was Resolution .70-B; Our 1951 and 1964 Bond agreementsclearly state that ~e charge $75, per year for each fire hydrant and th~s ~s in effect unt~ June '~Ew~ i971 for the i95i bond. All this is ~n the bond.agreement. As a ~atter of fac~, I have~ ~Y possession a tenet dated June 3, i~68, from Oene Moore to Thomas M. Cooke & ~o., the Bonding agent ~fOr the "i951 contract asking ~hether ~he bondholders would agree to a ~aiver of the $78. a year fire hydrant charge. I also have a copy of the ~emorandum to the ~hen City Manager, dated July 18, i968, sta~ng by Mr. Cooke, that as the representative of a ~a~ority of outstanding bond- holders "he ~ould be unable to agree ~o the dfsoont~uance of the $75. fire hydrant per year charge." ~et Mr. Moore advised us to do this. I also have copies of correspondence between Oene Moore and the Ocean ~dge attorney regarding ~h~s, ~mplying ~e ~ould ~a%ver this fee. However, ~he resolution for last ~ear~s counc~ to discontinue th~s fire hydrant fee ~as defeated. ~et, strangely enough fthe then Mayor of Ocean ~dge ~rote in h~s report, "My past effo~s to establish better relations ~ith Boynton Beach have bornefruit ...... They have relieved us of the $2500.00 ~re plug fee as 6f ~he ~[ddle of January." This is very ~terest[ng since i~ ~as Voted do~n. Ho~ could th~s be9 Was it a"deal'~? There are other ~nstances of bad advice, but these four should be .enough. To sum up my ob~ections~ I feel that Mr. Moore has given past councils bad advice. I-IRs ~ob is to advise the council members so that they represent ..~OU, the taxpayers. We need someone lo give us ~he best advice so we can serve you to the best of our ability° Therefore, I ara going to Vote AGAINST Mr. Moore.