Forrest L. Wallace, ~,{ayor
Robert Effron, Vice ~.~yor
l~irs. Emily JacP~on, Councilwoman
John Arahie, Coune-iLman
Harold B!anohette, Councilman
C. Q. Jones, Jr., City Manager
Gene Moore~ City Attorney
~.'~.s. Tereesa Padgett~ City Clerk
Wallace called the meeting to~rder at 7:30 P. M.
Father O'Shea gave the invocation~ Flag Salute was led by C. Q. Jones,
Jr.~ City~anage~.
Oath of Office was given to Porrest L. Wallace, Mayor and to
Robert B. Effron, Vice Mayor by the City Clerk
Plaques were presented to the 1970 Council members, and to }~s.
Eieanom Puffer, Supervisor of Collections 'in Htility Department~
tiring after 15 years of service.
Resolution No. 7t-A recognizing the service rendered the City by
i.~rtinR. Du~kin was read by the City Attorney. Mrs. Jackson moved
to adopt the resolution, seconded by }~. Archie and motion carried 5-0.
l'~embers of the 1971 Council each thanked the citizens ~or their con-~
fidenee, and Mayor Wallace thanked the retiring members of Council
for a job well done.
Special Guests
Robert Beyrer~ Sterling Villag~ Sr. Citizens & ~nited Boynton Beach
Civic League
Floyd C. Van Deusen, Senior Citizens
John Adams, Pres., Sterling Village
Bertha We!ch~ Boynton Beach Sorosis
Herman Porbas, Ridgewood Hills Homeowners Assoc.
Mrs. Dewey Sanders, Boynton Beach Junior Woman's Club
David Roberts, Hi-Point ~3 Homeo%.~ners Assoc.
Charles Ayers~ High Point ~2
John Howell, Pr~s., Chamber of Commerce
i~irs. Ralph Jackson, American Legion Auxiliary
Mrs. Ann Barrett, Boynton Beach Soroptimist
~. T. A. Summers, ~etiring ~ayor~ was introduced, and given a round
of applause.
JANUARY 5: 1971
Rules of Order - It was agreed to follow Robert's Rules of
Appointment of City Officials
l~ayor Wallac~ stated that Joseph Tomberg ~as app6inted City Judge at
thespecial' ~ meeting o~ the Council held Jan. 4~ 1971~ and further
stated that meetin_cs had been held on other than the tst Monday of
January in prior years.
Fred Hil~ was nominated for City P~osecutor. Mr. Effron made motion
that nominations be elosed~ seconded by Mr. Archie. i~. Hill was
voted City P~osecutor~ 5-0.
F/rs. Jackson nominated John Born for City Attornev. Mr. ~rchie nomin-
ated Gene l~oo~e. ~.~e. Arehie made motion that nominatzons be closed~
seconded by Y~.-Blanchette and carried 5-0. Gene ~k~ore was voted
4-1. l~rs. Jackson voted :rno~: and requested that the attached be made
a pa~t of the minutes.
Mr. ~i~ m~ t6 re~ppo~n% ~.~. Jones City }~nager, seconded by Mr.
EFfron. Motion carried S-O.
~genda Format & Procedure
During .Public Audience any citizen may be heard on any subject, but
if an item appears on the Agenda any person who wishes to speak on
same must come for%~rd and be recognized, during Public Audience: and
state item on whichhe wishes to speak~ and then the }.~ayor will call
on him when the subject comes up on the Agenda. Any item ~hat is
~"ought up afte~ the Agenda has been made up and agreed upon must ap-
pea~ unde~ Othe~ Business, and have a four-fifths vote of Council.
There will be no meeting of a Board on the night of a City Council
meeting. Each Board will have an organizational meeting. Minutes
must be taken as well as a reco~d made. Any member absent three times
without justification and advance notice to Chairman of the Board~ then
that Board shall declare a vacancy. All Board meetings will come un-
der ~'Sunshine L~N~
8:00 P. M.
Request fo~ change in zonin~ - Village Royale, Inc.~ Applicant
Blocks 5, 6, 27~ 28, 29, 30~ S1 g 32 and
Lots tl thru 22: Block 26~ Boynton Ridge
Request R-1 to R-3A
JAifO3LRy 5: 1971
PUBLIC HmAR~,IG ~ cont'd.
i~r. Jerry Gross and Mr
· Bm~ Elam weme present ~epresenting Vitiate
Royale. ?ney gave these ~acts
40,5 acmes
1184 - total units
29 unites per ac~*e - density
1780 cams - parking
44% of total tsnd araa devoted to landscaping
18.5% of total land amea devoted to buildings
l.~s. Jaokson questioned the 130 ft. setback along the east side
Sunset Blvd.~ and ~. Gmoss stated this would be done.
No one appeared to speak a~ainst the zoning request,
B motion was made by M~.. Eff~on to have action on this zoning request
be deferred, seconded by Mr. P~I!ace. I.~tion carried 5-0~
Appointment o~ Boards S Committees
~oard of Adjustment
i~fayom Wallace read the foito%~ing names -
Robert Hues~on
Ezelt Hester
William Yates
Foy Ward
Robert Beane
Wamd Sturgis
John Coogan
Mro Ef£ron moved that t~he Board be accepted as read, seconded by Mr.
Arohie. Motion carmied 5-0.
Board of BaPber Ey~mminers
Gias ton Sims
Lo,on Blacketer
Mr. Archie moved to appoint the Board as read by the Hayor. Seconded
by ~.i~s. Jaokson~ and motion carried
~.[r. Archie moved to have the Omdinance amended to appoint 5 membems
to the Barber Board, Motion seconded by ~,'1~. Btanchette and carried
JAi~JARY 5, 1971
_Appointment of Board~ and Committees, contd,
.Board of Governors (Cemetery Boar~d)
Edgar Hurford
L. Don Combs
Bas it Camilot
Mrs. Bertha Chadwell
Mrs. Frances Fan Devender
Mrs. T reesa Pmdgett
Mrs. Jackson moved that the Board be accepted as reaa~ seconded by
Mr-, Blanchette. Motion carried 5-0.
Qevelopment Board
~.'Iayor Wallace submitted the following to serve on the Development
Board, in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce:
Joe Kelly
Joe DeLong
Richard Rohan
~. Ef£ron moved that the Board be as read, seconded by Mrs. Jaekson.
Motion ca~ied 5-0.
Civil Service Appeals Board
Mr. Archie moved that this Board remain as is.
~. B!anchette, ar~ motion carried 5-0.
Motion seconded by
Board of Examiners of Electricians
Thomas J. Bowles
Ivan Allmond
Pete Bokisa
Allan Nyquist
Stuart B. Fuller
Blanehette moved that the Board be accepted as read, seconded by
Jackson, and motion carried 5-0.
Board o~ P!umbin~ Commissioners
John W, Ridgeway
Joseph E. Fodor
Frank Kirke by
Willie Stoan
Stuart Bo Fuller
~.i~s. Jackson moved that the Board be accepted as read~ seconded by Mr.
Blanchette. Motion carried 5-0.
M/~%qlTE S
JANUARY 5~ 1971
_A~Ppointm~.nt of Boards and Committees ~ contd.
Recreation and Parks ,Board
Ramon J. Jara
A. A. Stua.rt
Mrs. Helen ×irkeby
R. B. Shackley~ Jr.
Mrs. Hayden Bivins
Mrs. John Schultz
Rober, ~t Johnson
b~r. Blmnchette moved that the Board be accepted as read~ seconded by
Mr. EfFron. Motion ea~ried 5-0.
Library Board
~-~rs. ~ildred White
Mrs. Katb. teen Xirton
Mrs. Carolyn ~{urray
~{rs. Rub~v ~ack
~irs. Christine Edward
Mm. Don Tinker
~Irs. Estelie Schaap
Two meters said they would serve if we could no~ find someone ~lse.
M~. Arohie moved that the Board be accepted as read~ seconded by Mr.
Effron. Motion carried 5-0.
_~uilding, Board
Clarence Clark
Gerald Staley
Ward Cummings
No!an Williams
Milton Russell
John ~hurey
Stuart B. Fuller
Mr. Blanchette moved that the Board ~e accepted as read: seconded by
¥~. Arehie. Motion carried 5-0.
JANUARY 5~ 1971
Appointment of Boards and. Commit. tees: contd.
Zoning Board
Mrs. Jackson moved to reappoint the 1970 Zoning Board, including those
who resigned to rung for Co,nell, to serve until Ord. 71-1 becomes ef-
fective. Motion seconded by Mr. Arehie and carried- 5-0.
Vernon Thompson
Col. Albert J, Web, el!
Mrs. ~ry Fmances Fry
Loren Btacketer
Dr, Richard G. Manthey
Charles A. Skeels
Hammond Livingston
.Planning Board
Dr. Robert E. Raborn
Joe Brull
Charles Ayers
Jay Sarno
Robert Olds
George ~urgelin
O~is Walke~
P~. Archie moved to accept the Board, seconded by Mr. Btanehette. The
lZ~yor read excerpts of the minutes of the Zoning Board meeting o~
Dee. 21, 1970. Ali members were voted in 5-0, except Jay Sarno which
was 3-2.
O~d. 71-1 - Combining Planning and Zoning Board
The City Attorney read Ord. No. 71-1 combining the Planning and Zoning
BOard. Motion made by Mr. Archie to adopt O~d. 71-1 on first reading.
Motion seconded by Mr. Effron, and carried 3-2. Mayor Wallace and
Mrs. Jackson favored t~D separate Boards.
Mr. Canavan suggested giving a two-year contract to our City Manager.
Minute s
Regular meeting o~ December 15, 1970 The City Attorney suggested
that the 1970 members of Council stop by the CieDk's office and sign
s~bject minutes.
JANUARY 5, 1971
O. LD BUSINESS: contd.
~inutes - Spec/al Meeting January 4~ 1971
Mr-. Archie moved that the minutes of the spec/al meet/ng of January 4,
1971 be approved as written~ seconded by ~. Btanchette. Motion car-
ried 5-0.
_O~d/nance Np~ 70-34 - 2nd readin~q,
Rezonirq Lots 87, 88 and 89 Cherry Hills
A motion was made by Mr. Effron to have the second read/ng of Ord. No.
70-34 tabled, seconded by ~. Wallace. Motion carried 3-2.
Ordinance No. 71-2 - Ist readin~
Proposed Ordinance - Cont/nu/ng utility tax exemption for churches
Mms. Jackson moved that Ordinance No. 71-2 be adopted on f/mst reading,
seconded by Mr. Archie. Notion uarmied 5-0.
P_aYments made in November
Motion by Mr. Erchie, seconded by Mr. Blanc~hette to accept list of
payments made in November, based on City i~na~er,s recommendation.
Motion carried 5-0.
~pproval of Bills
Mr. Archie moved that the bill of Overland Construction, amount -
$48~674.64 for sewer expansion be app~oved~ seconded by 1~. Blanchette
Motion carried 5-0. '
Mrs. Jae/~son moved to pay Seminole Supply Co., Inc. $3,669.00, motion
s:eco~ed by Mr. Archie and carried 5-0.
Mr. Btanchette moved that the bill of Russell & Axon for consulting
fee in the amount o~ $1,654.06 be paid~ seconded by P~s. Jackson. Mo-
tion carPied 5-0.
One Rider Mower Tractor
Mr. Archie moved that the bid of $1:756 to Smitty's La~n MOwer Service
be accepted~ seconded by Mms. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0.
JANUARY 5, 1971
City-wide Cleanup Program
Mr. Effron made motion to go forth the first ~ek in April with the
"Rid-Litter Day"~ seconded by Mr. Archie. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion made by Mr. Blan~hette to appoint Mrs. Jackson Chairman of the
Committee, seconded by ~. Ef~ron. Motion carried 5-0.
Donations may be sent to the Recreation Department~ Peggy Hanchumaker.
Traffic Light on U S ~1 at S. E. 23rd Ave.
Motion made by ~. Archie to attempt to get traffic lights at S. E.
23rd Ave. and N. E. 22nd Ave. on ~. S. ~1: seconded by Mr. Blanchette.
Carried 5-0.
~.~r. Archie made motion to proceed to obtain all the necessary facts in
o~der for the Council to womk toward City-wide drainage~ with an early
refe~endum~ seconded by ivY. Blanchette. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Wallace stated tha~ he would like to see an auditorium built in
Boynton to seat at least 5~000 people~ with the growth of the community
there is not a fac~] ~ty!az~3e enough t~ accommodate all the people.
The Mayom read "thank you" lettem addressed to the 1970 Council member~
Mr. Archie moved to adjourn~ seconded by Mr. Effron. Motion
Meeting adjourned at 9:~5 P. M.
Por~est L. Wallace, Mayor '
Robert B. E£fron~/~/ioe Ma~or
JANUD_~y 5~ 1971
Mrs. Em~