Agenda 03-27-14 Special Magistrate for Red Light Camera Violations March 27 2014 W 9:00 A.M. Boynton Beach City Hall - Chambers 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd, Boynton Beach, FL Agenda rail t^ word by t l l e r�;, er A n d - u e l- • V Vi µml V.' 1 Vl'a111 1 1+arAlg VlllVV1' l�.Alll lli A. V��'pA\ 2. Approval of Minutes — March 13, 2014 3. Amendments to the Agenda 4. Swear in witnesses 5. Violation Hearings: Failure to comply with a steady red signal VIOLATOR ISSUING OFFICER NOTICE # A CARNEY, JOAN LO UISE OFC. ANTHONY PETRIELLO 1851400019993 B LIGORRIA, HILDA OFC. ANTHONY PETRIELLO 1851300147795 C NORMAN, IRENE OFC. ANTHONY PETRIELLO 1851400005679 I' PUHL, A RENEE OFC. ANTHONY PETR IELLO 1851400003831 E ROTH ER, WERNER JOSEPH OFC. ANTHONY PETRIELLO 1851400016742 F JOSEPH, EDOUARD RENE CSO ANTHONY VERRIGNI 1851400022120 G KELVIN, RICHARD CSO ANTHONY VERRIGNI 1851400008673 H LAYTON, RYAN MICHAEL CSO ANTHONY VERRIGNI 1851400012998 r MEYER, DAVID LEE CSO ANTHONY VERRIGNI 1851400010000 J RIGGIN, ANDREA MELANIE CSO ANTHONY VERRIGNI 1851400006982 K0 L0PEL, R 1 U H E CSC! ANT I' ON VERRIGN! L 1 U%J-L 0 b. Other business 7. City requests and reports 8. Local hearing officer requests and reports 9. Adj ournment NOTICE: If any decision of the Special Magistrate Violation Hearings affects you, and you decide to appeal any decision at this meeting with respect to any matter considered, you will need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, in which the records includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based, (The above NOTICE is required by State Law, Anyone desiring a verbatim transcript shall have the responsibility, at his or her own cost, to arrange for the transcript.)