R94-200RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING CONVEYANCE OF LOT 34, BLOCK 42, ROLLING GREEN RIDGE SECOND ADDITION TO CEELESTER KENRICK DAVIS IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CITY'S AGREEMENT WITH THE PALM BEACH COUNTY HOUSING PARTNERSHIP, PROVIDING AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission has previously entered into an agreement with the Palm Beach County Housing Partnership which requires the City to convey vacant lots for affordable housing. NOW, THEREFORE, lie IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CONNI$SION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA THAT: Sect:ion 1. That the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to exe- cute the warranty deed for Lot 34, Block 42 Rolling Green Ridge Second Addition, attached hereto as Exhibit A, conveying that property to Ceeleste KenricK Davis, together with additional conveyance documents. Section 2. That this Resolution shall become effective imme- diately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~/ .day of December, 1993. ATTEST: Cit~/Clerk '-~ (Corporate Seal) Universal Land Title, L'tc. SANDRA A. PENNY 1480 N, M/litary Tm/l Suim 114 0B-43-45-: 1-34-042-O340 CITY OF B~ON B~ , A FLO~DA ~ICIP~ ~RPO~TION 93 by h'ting under the ~ of F.LORI DA and lur,4ng its principal p!ace of grantor, to CEELESTER KENDRICIK DAVIS hereinqyter mlh t~ gra~: ~uab~ ~ : -~io~, ~c~pt ~r ~ ~ a~.l~g~, ~ t~ p~x do~ grwg , basin, sell, a~en. ~. r, ~ ~. ~n~ ~ ~6~ ~w the ~e, aH ~at ~n ~M sim~d tn Palm Beac: ~, F~. ~' Lot 34, B.ock 42, Rolling Green Ridge Second Addition according to the Pl~t recorded in Plat Book 26, page 214, a~ reoo=de~ in the Pub!i Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; said lan~ situate, ying and being in Pala~ Beach County, Florida. See restr.ctions attached hereto and made a part hereof. Together ,ith ~1 ~ tenernenta, heredltament~ ar~l appurZenan~s ther~o betanging or in anywtse ap~'_ning, To Ha~e nd to HoM, the.wm~ in fe, simpl~ fot~re:r. And the gr', ~tor h~r~by covenanm with said grmntte that it i~ lav~-lly s~iza~d of sald land tn fee aimple, that it t : s good ~$ht and lavfful authority to stlt and conveO' ~aid ~r,~' ~,, 'tt hereby.fidly war- rants the title t~ ;aid land and will d~end t~ same against the l~fal ctaims ofalt persons wttomsoever; and that ~ald fac. ~ ts fr~ of tn7 encttmbnmc~, ~:~t taxes a~vruing sabsettuent to Dect~nber 31, 1995, r~st~aions, rnsr~ vattons. ~vtmm~ and easern~nt~ of record, if any. (Corimrate Seal) Itt Wiriness WIt~reofs the graraor has _.e~.. ,~d tl~e prasen~r to bt t~.~cured in Its name, and ~t~ corporate seal to be hereunto qyl~ed, by proper o.O~em ;hereunto duly authortz~d, ~ day andy;aryt'rst above CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH , A FLORIDA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION BY.' Name and lhsat*d Nam* STA~ o~ F. ORIDA co~o~ P~[aM BEACH FLORIDA M .NICIP~ CORPO~TION · F~RI: A 18T~ day of NOVEMBER 19 of CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH , A 93 Restrio=i,:n as to property: A. Grant,~e and/or her successors interest is obligated to use the land :nly for construction of a single family house to be occupied ::y the Grantee as his principal residence for a period of twenty (20) years from the date of closing. B. The R,~sidence may be voluntarily transferred by the Grantee at any tile, except that if the Grantee transfers ~he Residence before th! expiration of the ZO-ysar period described in P~ragraph "A" above, the Grantee shall only transfer the Residence~tc Low Income Per,ohm who agree to the same re~ri=ti,:ns of use of the Residence for a period which, when added to :he period of ownership by the Grantee, equals a total of twenty (20) years. C. Title to any Residence shall automatically revert to the city upon failure of the Grantee or his or hex =~ansfer to obse_~%,e t e reetrictions specified in paragraphs A and B above. STATE OF COUNTY OF FL(~: DA PA~ BEACH OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT BEFORE .ME, the um .tsigned authorilF, pemon~ly ~ame ~d appeared A FLORIDA MIIt~i::IP~ ~0RPORATION CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH who, being f~s~ duty: '~om, depose(s) and sayO): I. That A~a~t(s) is,'i ~ z the owner(a) of fl',e following described real property: Lot 34, Block :2, Rolling Green Ridge Second Addi=ion according to the Plat re:.ordad in Plat Book 26, page 214, as rsaorded in the Public R$c:.rds of Palm Beach County, Florida; said land situate, lying and being in Palm Beach County, Florida. 2. That neither the O, ncr(s) title W nor possession of .~.e proper~y have ever been disputed or questioned, nor is the owner(s) aware of :ay facts by reason of which the title ~o, or possession of, ~e property or any part of it or ,~., persvnal pro?crty ~ated on i~ mig~ be disputed o~ questioned, or by re. on of which any claim to the properV~ or any portion of it or: ny personal property located on it might be adversely az.~rted. 3. That no person or: ltit),, other than hhe Owne~(s) claims or is presently er, tiffed to th, right to possession, or is in posses!on, of r~ )rope..,'ty, amt theze are no tenancies, leases or oth~ occupancies tha~ affect the property. That there are no c. ;putes concerning ~e loc~ion of the boundary lines of ~b~ property. That there are not , ~tstm~l~g et unpaid ~axes or ~sessments ~er~ing or ~fi~), EX~ t~ for ~e y~ 19~ ~ ~y unp~d ~isfi~ M~, CI~ of Lie~ ~ o~er ma~, EX~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ibk "A", ~at ~ti~ or ould ~e t lien or ~cum~ce ~ns~ ~e pr~ or ~y of~e ~p~v~en~ on it ~y p~ of it or ag~ i~t ~y p~on~ ~p~ locat~ on it. 6. That there are no ~ ~ curiVy Agreement~, Financing Statements, Title Retention Contracts or Personal Property l.~-~.ses affecting an~ n ~rials, fixtures, appliances, furnishings or equipment placed on or insUdled in or on the property or the impro~ ~ men~ locau~l on it, ~CF. PT a~ set forth in Exhibit "A'. 7. ]'hat there ~e no ~: :ions, proceedings, judgments, bankruptcies, lie, ns or executions recorded in the public r~cords of the County :-herein the prop~ i$ located, or in any other Coumy in Florida, or pending against the Owner(s) in any Cou~ n Florida, or any other Courts, 2. That no improvem,, tm or repairs have been made to tb.e p~op~'y during th~ 90-day period immediately pre- ced-lng the d~te of ~tis ,,ffidavit, and there are no unpaid bills of any nature, either for labor or materlals used in making improveme, i ~ or repairs ou the property, or for the services of archltecu, surveyors or engineers i~¢urrod in ¢onnectlon. vith the progeny. 9. Thatsubs~quontw NOVEMBER 18, 19~3 , the Owner(s) has not and bereby agrees and represants that it will not ~x~cu~e ;ny instrumem or do any act whatsoever that in auy way would or ma}' ~ffect the rifle of ~¢ property, includ~t, but not limited m, the mortgaging or conveying of the propovoff, or any Interest in it, or causing any liens to be ~:orded against the property ortho Owner(s). 10. That this Affida'vi is given ( ) to induce topur~asetherealpr,~rtyandimprovemerazland/or( X)toinduee BAIZN'g~ BANK OF ~PALM to make a loan securec )y a Mortgag~ encumbering the real property and improvements, and to indu~ UNIVERSAL LAND TITLE. INC. 1 issue an Owner and/or Mortgagee Title Insurance poli~,. I1. That thi~ Affidavi is given by the Affiant(s) with 1%11 l~owledge of applicable Florida laws regarding sworn Affiflavit~ and the p~n:i:ies and liabilities resulting from false statements and misrepresen~tions therein. 12. That the Owner(s~ aereby state that th%, are not a "fore;gu person' es defined in Section 1445(0(3) of the Iuteamal Revenue Code and that their Tax Identification or See{al Seourity numbers are and and that their permanent mailing address is EXHIBIT "A"; CITY OF BOYNTON ~EACH , A FLORIDAMUNICIPAL CORPORATION · A FLORIDA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Thefor~goanginstrum ~rw~saeJmowl~dgedbeforeanethis 18th dayof November , 1993,by above named pattie: who is/are l~zso~atty known to me or who has produced az identification and who did take an oath. Commission expires: No~t~ Public Serial Number Title or Rank NON-FOREIGN CERTIFICATE (Corpora=ion, Partnership, Estate Or Trust) This ~on-Foz?ign Certificate is provided pursuant to the requirements of Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code which provides tP~: a transferee {"Buyer") of a U.S. real property interest mus'~ withhold tax at a rate of 10% of the amount realized on :he disposition if the =ransferor ("Seller") is a foreign pers:.n. To inform the Buyer that with~u~ld of tax is not required upo the diaposition of a U.S. real property interest by the Selle:~ the undersigned hereby swears, affirms end certifies th~ following on behalf of the Seller: 1. Seller's Legal Name I~: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH , A FLORIDA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION 2. Seller's U.S. E~ployer Identification 3. Seller's Off/ce Address: 4. Seller i~ not a foreign corporation, foreign partnership, foreign true. or foreign e~tate (as ~hese terms are defined in the Internal Revenue Code and Income Tax Regulations). The Lhndersig 'ed understands tb~t this Certificate may be disclosed to the Internal Revenue Service by the Buyer and that any fal~es%~tement ccntaLned herein could be punished by fine, imprls0nmen= or both. Under penalt..as of perjury, I declare that I hays examined this certificatio, and =o the best of my knowledge and belief it is true, ccrrec:: and complete, and i further declared that I hav~ authority to mign this do=ument on behalf of the Seller. WITNESSES: DATE: NOVEMBER 18, 1993 STATE OF F],)RIDA COUNTY OF ] .~LI~I BEACH Before me 9e~ ~onal!y appeared , to me well known and known to me ~ be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing ln~.'~rument, and ac~owledged before me that he executed the s~me for the ~)urpOses therein expressed. WITNESS my he~ and official ~eal this 18TH day of NOVEMBER, 1993. /SEAL) NOTARY PUBLIC My =ommtssion expires: CORPORATE RESOLUTION I, , , of CITY OF BOYNTON BEAC~q , A FI':~RIDA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION hereby certify that ~he Directors of said Corporation duly adopted t~e following Resolutions at a meetin8 duly held previously, and they are in futl force and effect as of the date hereo~: Resolve~ the; the President or Vice President of the Corporation is hereby autho'ized and directed on behalf of this Corporation to execute an~ .sliver to: CEELEST~R KENDRICK DAVIS, a Warranty Oeed and other relate documents to convey title to the following described property to-,it: Lot 34, Bloc- 42, Rolling Green Ridge Second Addition according to the Plat ecorded in Plat Book 26, page 214, as recorded in the Public Rqcords of Palm Beach County, Florida; said land situate, lying and being in Palm Beach County, Florida. Resolved further that the President or Vice President of this corporation s hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver on behalf of tl~e Corporation such other documents and take such ether action on behalf of this Corporation as may be necessary or appropriate o carry out the transactions contemplated by the foregoing re;olution. Executed thi: 18th day of November, 1993. CITY OF BOY/~TON BEACH , A FLORIDA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION By: