Minutes 04-22-14 MINUTES OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 100 E. BOYNTON EACH BLVD., BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ON TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 2014, AT 6:30 P.M. PRESENT: Roger Saberson, Chair Ed Breese, Principal Planner Ryan Wheeler, Vice Chair James Brake Sharon Grcevic David Katz Brian Miller Gregory Murphy Stephen Palermo, Alternate Aieshia Macon, Alternate 1. Pledge of Allegiance Chair Saberson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Ms. Grcevic led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 2. Introduction of the Board Chair Saberson introduced the members of the Board. 3. Agenda Approval Mr. Katz moved to approve the agenda. Mr. Brake seconded the motion that passed unanimously. 4. Approval of Minutes — February 25, 2014 Mr. Katz moved to approve the minutes. Mr. Murphy seconded the motion that passed unanimously. 5. Communications and Announcements: Report from Staff Ed Breese, Planning and Zoning, Principal Planner, reported the two items discussed at the February 25, 2014 meeting; The (Storage Center (NWSP 14-001) and the Boynton Old School Commercial Center (LUAR 14-001), were both approved by the City Commission. 1 Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board Boynton Beach, FL. April 22, 2014 6. Election of Chair and Vice Chair Mr. Katz moved for unanimous consent to nominate Ryan Wheeler as Vice Chair and Roger Saberson as Chair of the Board Ms. Grcevic seconded the motion that passed unanimously 7. New Business Attorney Weinger administered an oath to all those intending to testify. A. Gateway Hotel (SPTE 14 -001) — Approve request for Site Plan Time Extension approval for Gateway Hotel (NWSP 09 -003) to construct a four (4) story, 77,744 square foot, 108 room hotel and related site improvements on 2 77 acres, located on the west side of the Lake Worth Drainage District (LWDD) E -4 Canal, between Gateway Boulevard and Quantum Boulevard. Applicant: John Vaughan, Art & Architecture, Inc. John Vaughan, Art and Architecture, Inc., 1055 SW 15 Avenue, Delray Beach, Florida 33444, began his presentation requesting an extension on the approved site plan for a hotel on Gateway Boulevard next to the Hampton Inn. The client planned on going forward but the economy prevented any progress. The hotel industry has since made a comeback and the project can move forward. The hotel would stay uniform with the Renaissance project to the south side of Gateway Boulevard in terms of design and color of the building. A timeline has been offered to the City to show intent so there are benchmarks to make sure the project stays on track. Mr. Brake inquired when the project would break ground. Mr. Vaughan responded getting the drawings done would take about seven to eight weeks with the Building Department and groundbreaking is anticipated for the beginning of October. Mr. Brake inquired what the completion date would be and Mr. Vaughan replied it would take about ten months to one year. Mr. Katz asked Mr. Breese to show the slide of the hotel's intended location Mr. Vaughan confirmed for Mr. Katz that the hotel sits back from Gateway Boulevard. There is a bank that used to be the original House of Pancakes and the primary road to the hotel would be behind that building. Mr. Katz inquired where signage would be located. Mr. Vaughan replied there would be a monument sign on Quantum Boulevard If permitted, there would also be a sign on Gateway Boulevard. Since the bank is only one story, the hotel could be seen from Gateway Boulevard and the hotel would have a sign on it. Mr Katz assumed the project now had financing that was not previously available because of the economy and Mr Vaughan responded that was correct Mr. Katz 2 Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board Boynton Beach, FL. April 22, 2014 commented he was against time extensions. He expressed concerned the hotel is not directly on Gateway Boulevard and would someday no longer be a hotel. Mr. Vaughan commented the client has done a number of hotels and knows the climate of the area. Mr. Vaughan stated the project affiliation is between the Marriott and Hilton hotels, but would most likely be the Marriott. Mr. Murphy inquired if there would be another entrance from Gateway Boulevard where the bank and the other hotel are located. Mr. Vaughan responded there would be another entrance, but it would be more for fire trucks to get through. Mr Wheeler inquired if there was a cross access agreement for the entrance to the south Mr. Vaughan responded it was originally set up when the Hampton Inn was done by the same client. The bank near this project has received the attorney's review and is aware of all plans. Mr. Katz questioned when the 18 month extension would begin. Mr. Breese commented it would begin as of the last approval date and would end August 17, 2015. Mr. Katz inquired why 18 months was needed. Mr. Breese stated there are various issues that can happen. There may be a delay with Plan Review or storms that delay the project. The client was asking for the maximum of 18 months to give him a buffer should an unforeseen circumstance arise. Chair Saberson opened the public hearing. Ms. Weinger administered an oath to someone who arrived after the first oath was administered. Michael Haysmer, 1475 Gateway Boulevard, inquired if the hotel was being approved for initial planning or had it already been approved for construction. Chair Saberson stated the approval was already granted. Construction was delayed because of the downturn of the economy. The applicant was requesting an extension of time in order to build the hotel. Mr. Haysmer was concerned because there was already a Holiday Inn at Leisureville and a Holiday Inn at Hypoluxo and wondered if the City needed another hotel. He questioned whether a better commercial development rather than a hotel could be built that would bring business to the area Chair Saberson explained the City does not generally get involved with the marketing aspect and referred to Mr. Breese. Mr. Breese responded a hotel is allowed by right on that property and the applicant cannot be denied the opportunity to construct a hotel should he choose to do so. Mr. Katz indicated the only possibility the hotel would not be constructed at this point would be if the time extension had not been granted. Mr. Katz stated it is zoned properly for a hotel and someone cannot be denied to build one on it. Another option would be for City Commission to decide there are too many hotels and vote against the time extension. 3 Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board Boynton Beach, FL. April 22, 2014 Motion Mr. Miller moved to approve the request for the site plan time extension of 18 months for the Gateway Hotel (SPTE 14 -001) subject to all conditions of approval stated in Exhibit "E" of the staff report. Ms. Grcevic seconded the motion. Mr Katz stated he was voting against the 18 month extension and felt 12 months should be sufficient time. Vote The vote passed 6 -1 with Mr. Katz dissenting. Chair Saberson indicated the following items have been postponed until the May 27, 2014 meeting B.1 500 Ocean (LUAR 14 -001) — Approve request for 500 Ocean (LUAR 14- 001) rezoning of subject property from Mixed Use High (MU -H) with expired Master Plan for 378 multi - family residential units plus retail to Mixed Use High (MU -H) with a new Master Plan for 341 multi - family residential units plus retail, located at 101 South Federal Highway. Applicant: John Wohlfarth, IBI Group B.2 500 Ocean (NWSP 14 -002) — Approve request for New Site Plan approval to construct 341 dwelling units within five (5) and six (6) story buildings, retail space and associated recreational amenities and parking on a 4.69 - acre parcel located at 101 South Federal Highway Applicant: John Wohlfarth, IBI Group Mr. Brake requested an update on Items B 1 and B.2 prior to postponing. Mr. Breese stated as of last week revised drawings were submitted and were being reviewed. Comments are expected to go back by the beginning of next week and it is anticipated the items will be on the May 27 Board meeting. Mr. Brake inquired if the project is proceeding according to the plans and Mr Breese stated there have been some revisions. The applicant wanted to decrease retail space to allow more public space, but the CRA and Planning staff felt the need for retail space was critical. The plaza had to be redesigned to accommodate more retail space and additional office space that was not in the original plans. 4 Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board Boynton Beach, FL. April 22, 2014 Motion Mr. Katz moved to approve postponing Items B.1 and B.2 until the May 27, 2014 Board meeting Mr. Brake seconded the motion Vote The motion passed unanimously Mr. Brake announced Commissioner Joe Casello was in the audience. 8. Adjournment There being no further business to discuss, Mr. Katz moved to adjourn the meeting and Mr. Wheeler seconded the motion The meeting was adjourned at 6:49 p m. i ace orates Records Coordinator 4/23/14 5