14-003 1 ORDINANCE NO. 14 -003 3 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF 4 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ADOPTING THE TEXT AMENDMENTS 5 TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PERTAINING TO FUTURE LAND 6 USE, TRANSPORTATION, COASTAL MANAGEMENT, PUBLIC 7 SCHOOL FACILITIES AND INTERGOVENMENTAL COORDINATION 8 ELEMENTS; APPROVING THE TRANSMITTAL TO THE FLORIDA 9 DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY FOR REVIEW; 10 PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION AND 11 AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 12 13 WHEREAS, the proposed text amendments would support economic development 14 through preservation and expansion of industrial /commercial land for uses that provide 15 employment opportunities and diversify the City's tax base; guide development in the future 16 Downtown Transit - Oriented Development District around the planned station for the Tri -Rail 17 Coastal Link commuter service; incorporate the City's Historic Preservation Program and 18 address legal requirements, unnecessary restrictions, omissions and inconsistencies between the 19 Comprehensive Plan and the Land Development Regulations; and 2 0 WHEREAS, these amendments will also support the City's Economic Development, 21 Transit- Oriented Development and Historic Preservation initiatives. 22 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF 23 THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: 24 Section 1. The foregoing "Whereas" clauses are true and correct and incorporated 25 herein by this reference. 26 Section 2. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, hereby 27 adopts the Text Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan pertaining to Future Land Use, 28 Transportation, Coastal Management, Public School Facilities and Intergovernmental \ \apps3 city cbb \auto\Data\206\Items \197\2908\ 3667 \Ordinance - Comp_ Plan Amendment (2014) doc - 1 - 1 Coordination Elements, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A ". 2 Section 3. The City Commission hereby approves the transmittal of the 3 1 j amendments to the Comprehensive Plan to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity I 4 for review. 5 Section 4. All laws and ordinances in conflict with any provisions of this ordinance 6 are hereby repealed. 7 Section 5. Should any section or provision of this Ordinance or any portion thereof 8 be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the 9 remainder of this Ordinance. 10 Section 6. Authority is hereby given to codify this Ordinance. 11 Section 7. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage. tfi 12 FIRST READING this {e day of Fehr a.ry , 2014. 13 14 15 {REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK} \ \apps3 city cbb \auto\Data\206\Items \197\2908\ 3667\ Ordinance _- _Comp_Plan_Amendment(2014) doc - 2 - I 1 SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSAGE this 3� day of J , 2014. 2 VOTE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 3 4 i 5 AYE .: -yl� cc "\`� — 6,; Ma or Jerry T or 7' 8� 1I 9 i AYE � � • ' , to , r 5se ayor – Joe Casello 12 13. NO \s, \ 1 \ .. \ \ ;(-7._ 14 Commissioner, –'David T. Merker 1611 �,/' 17 � ' AYE ( i' 18 Commissioner – Mack Mc ray 19 _ rj if ve -, �' b 20 21 NO /`.- 22 ! Commissioner – Michael M itzpatrick 23 ( ATTEST: 24 25 26 • , 27 m 2:,i • et M. Prainito, MMC 29 City Clerk 30 31 G crY 0 32 33 34 (I 0 +or . eal) ' CI !Yr \ \apps3 city cbb\ auto\ Data\ 213 \Items\204 \3024\ 3845 \Ordinance_ -_ Comp_ Plan_Amendment_(2014)(2nd_read) due. - 3 - 1 1 1 FUTURE LAND USE AND THE PROPOSED DOWNTOWN STATION 1/2 MILE BUFFER ;11 INfw"-r"--- i :Aiti. i f i iliffriViiiii — .,,:-- • 1 III PIPR Illf,12400 1,,,,,,z..4.r. I Tiiii ii ma s- 111Wf" 1("" !iii - .,1 ' Ili" L a Pir ,--:',' ■ ■ r'",,d• � I 11 ►1...�es/o , C ...,:... if II 1 II ;!!!!,11!1:110111;111::::CrbL, " 'T:,11 1 ! ] ON x • � 13 � , .> ■ I ,... 1 H 41 r ' . :'':' L' f l'.: ::: Il I 1 1 I i .,,, , :.:.. 3 • J u.•• 1�..r. ! - � 1 � tw 11.11I — , - ,,. 11.1 � (�,�111 � .- it ! � I � I! — � � � _.,� . , I': ..R I � �� Ocean Ave IIra....110.111� I I j '' � * ■■ I 'I1' r i I _ t 111 1 F1 'f. a E r Etf a 111111�.E] 1 _ I I � Hudson A 111.1 i s ■ Millie - 1 r. I - ._ Ed A All Im � 1 I ; 41.1 111111 � � � l���lR� ■1111 - F� . ;.. ,. ....„_. .1--miti 1 , : ;r ,,.„ ..: 111111TIMilL1111 itAlurrrn Alums I.: ._ _, i ii u ■■iuII►� I�IIIIII� X111111 I I Ir — 1 ■111111 �i� I N I pill! a . ..., 1II1• _ �� , .m.....-. 1 ' i a 111 '111111111 �1�1��: ry , 11�111� ; w — - E IIE . 7�,�! 1 11� h11111■ .1�' �13r113, ; t•' Q4, F 111 //1 /filar ��� X 111 ; ifa.. _. ■. s 111 `.1111111 � ��11111I� ; L i ■1.� Harbour Dr N 1 / '>I L,!111■ll `` 1C , I ir i;1 IW■ 1111111.11111111■■ nh _ ! w Li Legend Future Land Use 10/18/11 MI LOCAL RETAIL COMMERCIAL (LRC) - MIXED USE CORE (MXC) 1 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (LDR) Max 5 D U /Acre MI GENERAL COMMERCIAL (GC) MI MIXED USE SUBURBAN (MXS) i MODERATE DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (MODR) Max 7 5 D U /Acre CMI INDUSTRIAL (I) 1 I DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT (DR!' 1 MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (MEDR) Max 10 D U /Acre 11111 AGRICULTURE (A) CONSERVATION (CON) - HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (HDR) Max 11 D U /Acre IN RECREATIONAL (R) ® CONSERVATION OVERLAY (C /O) - SPECIAL HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (SHDR) ■ PUBLIC & PRIVATE GOVERNMENTAL /INSTITUTIONAL (PPG!) O PROPOSED STATION 1 OFFICE COMMERCIAL (OC) ■ MIXED USE (MX) EXHIBIT 1 TCEA AND THE PROPOSED DOWNTOWN STATION 1/2 MILE BUFFER F . 11 _Ji 11 I..unn11m1....... - -- i' ■1111 ir �_ � : L ~ , 'I c.�. ,,,.....r, m -c ■R. ..1. `� I � It 1 { 1 1 1 • r.. .aB I / n ( 1 /I 1 1 I • I t / 4 411111. d 1 r. • f .: .. ! .. lined = �, II . a _I . I �■Wn11 1Inn1u 1 11 / 1 i 1 1N111111111C I IIIIL 'Cl/ei1,;57311■ � � III,� fu'131:d76►i�11171 3 r ii i, 1! I 1 ■■01.011 ■il = 1 111111 �- .I 1 � ■■.11IIII1h1,�taidL3,I 1� r1� _. , i ll; 1 •.' ' I iL34]IIII#i eu era r r l a 111 ■±t _11.4,r,„ ,:i . I' - 1 =II "�� i i : l - I� , i !I i I �RaFr, *fix t '• , ! ! � °� � EAII i� ►�, 1� j� 1 Ill �. � �I� 11■Ilu 711F.,!--; / �� ■ _ 1 I -0 ■ ■ ■■ .■ ;., r 1 r, 7vwilm/ F -- i ., l :'°. II 6.: uc1w, _ iii , �- fl t . , i_ � 1 AA i ..." .IL�. - L_ 1.1111.1111 7 ' . — 1 ■11 ■ ■ ■11 i f _ , ,,, T '$ 4 , Coconut Ln r 111111 _ L 1. � ,0 :1 ,L I -j, 1 ,_ -- 1 ■11110 • • 1. ( NIIIII111111 :1Inut 1 ll■11111 r r _ l Illlllft' 1 1■II11■■1111111.If Viol -. 71:”7"11 I ■ ■■11 � 1 ' ; • _ ] Oce -ii I t / I �[r7 11,1 7 I �I� ■11■■■1n1■■u� __. _.._ _ � - i � � - -T b 7 � lJ �� 1> . 11111. �■ �I G 11 � - �IYI r Hu• �11111l1 ■/■ ill IIU+1_'� I . Fii iui 11-.;.1 illI 1111 i1111 ` enn1l r 11. a l_� Edith ' i 21111111, AE�< 1 , _ ll Innom 5ii 111111 � 11 1 1111111111L�OL L r I i 1.11._ 1' -` -a +:441 I j uu.iii i ■ ■1111 uu1111111111 1111 11 Eilm111 II untlilui IRZA111LI11 : j' Jl l111 n � i .uiu : :3L:I +GCi ;_ _ I ' u I ■■1■11111 �, ' I�ll ll T. g .. ■ ■■11[+71 �u !_ ._ :„ 1111111w ....... I ■11.11. - 1 11 1Pl 1 1111i iiiii111111l1111111111 111..1 , I11IIr� z fF7111 ■114111■1111�,,atlliE353 1 111111■ . . 1111141 li 1'ii p ,r .� r , .- i .. ■1■ 1 1111.111 �1111i1111 11111111 1 1 7 r 1 a1 i■ tanon r I11 ■ ■111:]�►:1 dii:EL 1111 ■■• {11111..,.. 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Legend Future Land Use 10/18/11 = LOCAL RETAIL COMMERCIAL (LRC) _ MIXED USE CORE (MXC) 1 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (LDR) Max 5 D U /Acre I= GENERAL COMMERCIAL (GC) ME MIXED USE SUBURBAN (MXS) 1 MODERATE DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (MODR) Max 7 5 D U /Acre It INDUSTRIAL (I) 1 1 DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT (DRI; J MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (MEDR) Max 10 D U /Acre = AGRICULTURE (A) ft x/ CONSERVATION (CON) - HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (HDR) Max 11 D U /Acre ME RECREATIONAL (R) ® CONSERVATION OVERLAY (C /O) - SPECIAL HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (SHDR) - PUBLIC & PRIVATE GOVERNMENTAL /INSTITUTIONAL (PPGI) O PROPOSED STATION I 1 OFFICE COMMERCIAL (OC) MI MIXED USE (MX) TCEA BOUNDARY EXHIBIT 2 COASTAL HIGH HAZARD AREA AND THE PROPOSED DOWNTOWN STATION 1/2 MILE BUFFER , , _ I ij il lnil l '"'"1"" r ---- t 13,i,litEgriltri."7,7,:7 li e 1 i i7inIFIA- iitti i i r -- ..,: _ . r I !II ovoir■''' I , - 71 -- - 1 ! r .mss / l'IMIIIIIMIPPAIr - -- 1 4 1 " .: j I iii 11 I' .r I . al_Alh '::: ::: :-'-': I 11111 ' 1 iti -.1.4',m,...s.t, 1 :4. - IP "----d 1111111111■Z■Reiw= gil ':'" M !EN W. I -.1. P„, • ff- ..._...... -V ,......1 V 11'.:":41:''.1 ' 4 '111 1111111111111ON — I '''''. i:Ci''. IM , : .',. ,4., 1. 17 , :. ,. I ET . , .nsee wr...11L 1 M , ..L.4.!. li ., .. „.. _,,., r' 'it '• L ' , ;. ,,, , ■ ,, . : , : b . , , ■ ■. ' ' , , 1 Rio lignielr/11.57tp,:,i,..,•i,„ r ,,-,-. ,„ ..4. i ,.„.,...,,,,,,.. . Im h, - oh A a 111181M144:401 ....,.,, ,,,, :I - to...-,:. 1 .■■,..■■..... . .. . .. ,. . .,41-',.;:=. 1 L . MI mi w; .. "ENNUI 1111t: Of 4 t.1 r.,-,1: I 1 , , c . 7 ' Ill. IM alt ■1 .-.: -- - - ' -- :::,- -..c. t. !-,L,:l if i ii‘ Bin le Er MIIIIIIN0 e. ,.--; , ,,,',. i 1 - ---- • .......d 1 1 0 1 7eill‘ v W ° J1g gli I 1 1 : , , ,f , , , ,,, . :- ,,.:., ; • f , L. , liuj 111 i sr!,1111 11 .11:' , .. .4 .„,., ... .. . . ,,,.., 1 • ii it •...r., ..__14., ,...,40:,...,,...,,.:.. 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Mli _.■.... .- , .,,,.- I III 1 111111111111 4 111111 A t-3:. .., w - -- E lir ITtim..!111_1_ 1111111111,...,,:4WM, i Ii RI, v , s I 1 1 - ' ' I ii mmuult. tilzFrR1 , , „,... 1 !-:--- EVE 41111111111111ii Allf1111.a., ! t . i.- 1 ]- T , • ',i .•.r, _ nolaulloona umasuoliT 1 .. c. „ 1 f 1T1.,!11111111111:: surnrmce .iii 4 ; .; h A i inm i t .. i : , . ota VI ,..' :1 • ,_ ,, .,---. : ,,, • •:- . , II , El oulmu i ll aal **WI -: .;.:- ! . po 11. L • 4 e.' i ' '..'!-=___ _ _ ''''' '. ± - _• Legend Future Land Use 10/18/11 /111 LOCAL RETAIL COMMERCIAL (LRC) I= MIXED USE CORE (MXC) , 1 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (LDR) Max 5 D U /Acre MI GENERAL COMMERCIAL (GC) NM MIXED USE SUBURBAN (MXS) — 1 MODERATE DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (MODR) Max 7 5 D U /Acre Pitili INDUSTRIAL (I) I 1 DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT (DRI 1 i MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (MEDR) Max 10 D U /Acre MN AGRICULTURE (A) CM CONSERVATION (CON) NE HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (HDR) Max 11 D U /Acre II. RECREATIONAL (R) E23 CONSERVATION OVERLAY (C/O) ME SPECIAL HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (SHDR) EN PUBLIC & PRIVATE GOVERNMENTAL/INSTITUTIONAL (PPG!) 0 PROPOSED STATION 1 J OFFICE COMMERCIAL (0C) I= MIXED USE (MX) — CHH AREA BOUNDARY EXHIBIT 3 FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT proposed text amendments Table of Contents Objective Page 1.1 Concurrency 1-1 1.2 Land Development Regulations and Future Land Use Designations 1 -2 1.3 Utilities and services sites 1 -2 1.4 Innovative LDRs 1 -13 1.5 Erosion and topography 143 1.6 Soil Conditions 1 -14 1.7 Blight and Redevelopment 1 -14 1.8 Anti- sprawl 1 -15 1.9 Urban CBD 1 -16 1.10 Inconsistent Uses - Compatibility 1 -16 1.11 Coastal High- Hazard Area 1 -17 1.12 Housing 1 -18 1.13 Workforce Housing 1 -19 1.14 Habitat/ Historic Preservation 1 -19 1.15 Annexation 1 -20 1.16 School Siting 1 -21 1.17 Economic Development 1 -22 1.18 Transit - Supportive Development 1 -21 1.19 Historic Preservation 1 -22 1.20 Historic Preservation - Funding and Incentives 1 -22 City of Boynton Beach 1 -i Date: August 19, 2008 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Amendments 08 -01 Ordinance 08-007 1.21 Historic Preservation - Education 1 -22 City of Boynton Beach 1 -i Date: August 19, 2008 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Amendments 08 -01 Ordinance 08-007 and designations. The uses, densities and intensities shall be the maximums allowed, but shall not indicate that those maximums are necessarily allowed in a land use category or zoning district. The land development regulations or other provisions of the City's Comprehensive Plan or Code of Ordinances may prohibit or regulate certain specific uses if doing so would be reasonable. Furthermore, other uses which may have land use characteristics very similar to those uses listed under a particular land use category may also be allowed in that land use category. One or more zoning districts, including planned development districts, shall be established to implement each of the following land use categories. a. Residential category shall provide a mix of available residential densities to accommodate a variety of housing types sufficient to meet the needs of the present and projected population of the City, including the provision of adequate sites for housing very low -, low- and moderate income households and for mobile and manufactured homes. Residential land use designations are described below: Future Land Use Designation Maximum Gross Density Dwelling Units (DU) /Acre (AC) Low Density Residential 5 DU /AC Moderate Density Residential 7.5 DU /AC Medium Density Residential 10 DU/AC High Density Residential 11 DU/AC Special High Density Residential* 20 DU/AC *This designation shall only be utilized m .. • - . • . • - . -- ..: the CRA area if consistent with the applicable redevelopment plan. In addition to dwelling units, other land uses in support of the residences may also be appropriate therein: 1. Home occupations and other uses accessory to a dwelling unit; 2. Parks, playgrounds, golf courses, open space and other outdoor recreational facilities and recreational, civic or cultural buildings ancillary to the primary outdoor recreational use of the site; 3. Community facilities designed to serve the residential area, such as elementary, middle and high schools, churches, day care centers, governmental administration, police and fire protection facilities, libraries and civic centers; City of Boynton Beach 1- 3 Date: August 19, 2008 Comprehensive Flan Future Land Use Element Amendments 08 -01 Ordinance 08-007 4. Group homes, rooming and boarding homes, and nursing homes or related health -care facilities which are comparable in density, character and impact; 5. Public utilities including transmission facilities, pumping and transfer stations; excluding water and wastewater treatment plants, landfills and electric power generating facilities; 6. All new mobile home parks shall conform to the density shown on the Future Land Use Plan; however, Mobile home parks in which the residential density exceeds the maximum density shown on the Future Land Use Plan shall be permitted to continue at the existing non- conforming density until the use of the entire mobile home park is terminated; In addition to other allowed non- residential uses, the City may allow marine- oriented and water - dependent uses in the Special High Density Residential category in conjuntion with the Palm Beach County Manatee Protection Plan (the MPP) as adopted in August of 2007. A site for a proposed facility must be designated as "preferred" by the Boat Facility Siting Plan contained in the MPP and must be consistent with all applicable Plan recommendations and policies for boat facilities. The City shall also establish land development regulations that maximize land use compatibility and protect residential neighborhoods from negative impacts of subject uses. b. Commercial category shall allow a broad range of commercial uses to provide for business, retail, service, office and other commercial enterprises which support the resident and visitor populations and create employment opportunities. Commercial designations on the City's Future Land Use Map include the following: Future Land Use Designation Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Office Commercial 0.40 Local Retail Commercial 0.50 General Commercial 0.50 In the Office Commercial designation, the fallowing allowed uses arc allowed: will be limited to, but not necessary include, the following: 1. Business, professional and administrative offices; City of Boynton Beach 1- 4 Date: December 1, 2009 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Amendments: Recreational Surface Water Use Ordinance 09 -042 2. Financial institutions; 3. Funeral homes; 4. Places of worship; 5. Schools and instruction, day -care centers and educational institutions; 6. Museums; 7. Hospitals and other health care services, group homes, nursing homes and related health care facilities; 8. Social and civic clubs and organizations; 9. Civic and community centers; 10. Limited retail and business services related to the above uses. Uses allowed An the Local Retail Commercial designation, —the o, ._. . will be limited to, but not necessarily include, all uses permitted in the Office Commercial designation and the uses listed below: 1. Retail uses, personal services and repair of consumer goods; 2. Wholesale of non - hazardous commodities; 3. Business services which are compatible with retail uses; 4. Entertainment, recreation facilities, amusements, attractions and exposition halls; 5. Lodging facilities; 6. Marinas and boat storage; 7. Passenger transportation facilities; also, 8. High Density Residential (maximum 11 du /ac), including mixed use developments; 9. Limited light industrial uses in planned commercial developments (Flex- space). Uses allowed i1n the General Commercial designation, the shall be limited to, but not necessary include, all uses permitted in the Local Retail Commercial designation (except non- accessory residential uses), and the uses listed below: 1. Business services; 2. Vehicle and boat storage; 3. Household storage; 4. Shops for fabrication, rebuilding and repair on a custom basis. City of Boynton Beach 1- 5 Date August 19, 2008 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Amendments 08 -01 Ordinance 08-007 c. Industrial category shall allow industrial uses which provide opportunities for the retention and expansion of economic activities associated with manufacturing, processing or assembly plants and their support enterprises for warehouse, storage, distribution, research and development. Development within this designation shall have a maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 0.50. Uses allowed in this land use category sal will be limited to, but not necessary include, the following: 1. Industrial uses, research and development, wholesale and distribution, business and repair services, warehousing and storage; 2. Transportation, communications, and utility facilities; 3. Retail sale of home improvement goods, tools, and machinery; 4. Adult entertainment establishments; 5. Trade and industrial schools; 6. Major recreation facilities such as racetracks, arenas, amusement parks, exposition halls, and the like; 7. Offices and retail uses in planned industrial developments 8. Restaurants which are accessory to the above uses; and 9. Temporary amusements, revival tents, and the like. d. Mixed Use category shall provide for the vertical or horizontal mixing of land uses within a single site in order to allow development and redevelopment in specific geographic areas of the City that take maximum advantage of existing utility systems and services; and promote compact development, safe and pedestrian- friendly streets, and provide transportation choices. All land development located within any mixed use designation shall be required to submit a plan that includes a single unified design for the project and shall conform to any adopted redevelopment and design plan(s) for the area covered by the designation. Future Land Use Maximum Density (du/ac) Designation or Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Mixed Use 40 du /ac and 1.5 3.0 FAR (excluding parking (east of I -95) structures) City of Boynton Beach 1- 6 Date: August 19, 2008 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Amendments 08 -01 Ordinance 08-007 (A FAR of 10 3.5 may be considered for development abutting the Mixed Use -Core designation or meeting other locational criteria) Mixed Use -Core 80 du /ac and 4.0 FAR (excluding parking (east of I -95) structures) Mixed use - Suburban 20 du /ac and 1.0 FAR (excluding parking (west of I -95) structures) In the Mixed Use designation, the allowed following -uses will shall be alloy limited to, but not necessary include, the following: 1. Business, professional and administrative offices; 2. Retail uses, personal services, business services which are compatible with retail uses; 3. Entertainment, recreation facilities, amusements, attractions and exposition halls; 4. Hotels; 5. Residential uses with a gross density of 40 du/ ac; 6. Places of worship, elementary and high schools and day- care services; 7. Governmental uses; and 8. Home occupations. Land use types shall be permitted according to the following ranges, expressed as a percentage of the total area in this plan designation. The percentages shall be applied on an areawide basis but shall not be interpreted to require each development to have a mixture of uses. Ranges of Allowable Percentages of Land Use Within the Area: Residential 70 % -90% Non - residential 10%-30% The cumulative development in these areas shall be monitored to ensure that the proportional mix of uses is achieved by the year 2025. In the Mixed Use -Core designation, the allowed following-uses shall -will be allowed limited to, but not necessary include, the following: City of Boynton Beach 1- 7 Date: August 19, 2008 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Amendments 08-01 Ordinance 08 -007 b. The coordination of future land uses with the appropriate topography and soil conditions; c. Compatibility of adjacent land uses and buffering and screening of uses; d. The subdivision of Iand; e. Signage; f. Areas subject to seasonal or periodic flooding and provisions for drainage and stormwater management; g. The protection of environmentally sensitive lands, water wellfields and aquifer recharge areas; h. Access Management; i. On -site vehicular circulation, parking lots and loading areas designed and sized to provide the maximum reasonable degree of safety and convenience; j. The provision of open space; k. The protection of known and discovered archaeological sites; 1. The recegnitien- identification, documentation, and preservation of historic properties and cultural resources; m. The protection of natural resources; and, n. The availability of facilities and services at adopted levels of service concurrent with the impacts of development. Objective 1.4 The City shall encourage innovative land development regulations that implement this Comprehensive Plan. Measurability: Number of amendments to the land development regulations that foster innovative regulations consistent with the objective. Policy 1.4.1 The City shall encourage a mixture of quality light industrial, commercial and office uses within commercial and industrial districts where such projects would not create significant land use conflicts and adequate public facilities are available to serve such uses. Policy 1.4.2 The City shall continue to modify land development regulations as needed to make them more effective or less burdensome in achieving goals and objectives of this Plan, and to seek innovative regulatory solutions to promote economic development and sustainability initiative . A • • - • - . • - • • - City of Boynton Beach 1- 13 Date: August 19, 2008 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Amendments 08 -01 Ordinance 08 -007 Measurability: Increase in the number of workforce housing units produced in the City. Policy 1.13.1 The City shall continue to utilize the Workforce Housing Program to facilitate the construction of affordable rental and for -sale housing units Policy 1.13.2 In order to be granted higher densities possible in the Special High Density Residential, Mixed Use, and Mixed Use -Core future land use designations, established percentages of the residential development must be affordable to Low Income and Moderate Income households. Policy 1.13.3 The Workforce Housing Program shall continue to offer developers alternatives to on -site provision of affordable units, which include: 1. Payment in -lieu contributions; 2. Land donation within the City; 3. Off -site construction of units; and 4. Purchase and donation of existing market rate units to be donated to the city or sold to eligible households. Policy 1.13.4 All workforce housing units constructed under the program shall remain affordable for a period of thirty (30) years through the use of restrictive covenants. Policy 1.13.5 The City shall continue to explore innovative development regulations, the use of prefabricated housing, regulations regarding non - conforming lots and other policy tools to provide increased access to affordable housing. Objective 1.14 The City shall continue to protect native habitat, and preserve wetlands, .. . . • • - . .. - Measurability: Number of areas or sites protected. Policy 1.14.1 The City shall continue to enforce regulations requiring the preservation of 25% of all "A ", "B ", and "C" rated sites of 10 or more acres and shall require that these standards are placed as conditions of approval for development orders and permits where applicable. Policy 1.14.2 The City shall, through the enforcement of pertinent regulations, City of Boynton Beach 1- 20 Date: August 19, 2008 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Amendments 08-01 Ordinance 08 -007 Policy 1.14.3 Historic resources identified in "The City of Boynton Beach Historic , t i-vi t e Policy 1.14.4 The City shall continue to solicit input form local historic properties contained in the completed historical survey. The City Objective 1.15 The City will continue to expand through annexation of enclaves, pockets and other contiguous properties. Measurability: Number of annexations processed. Policy1.15.1 The City shall continue to promote the orderly annexation of lands consistent with Chapter 171, Florida Statutes, and the Palm Beach County Annexation Policy. Policy 1.15.2 The City shall utilize four methods of annexation: 1. Voluntary annexation; 2. Annexation by interlocal agreement with Palm Beach County; 3. Compliance with pre - annexation water service agreements from the City; and 4. Referendum. Policy 1.15.3 The City shall require that every property owners requesting being annexedation into the City to concurrently apply for land use amendment and rezoning to the City's adopted land use classification and zoning district. Reclassification and rezoning of properties annexed through city - initiated actions can be postponed for up to 6 months unless improvements are requested. City of Boynton Beach 1- 21 Date: August 19, 2008 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Amendments 08-01 Ordinance 08 -007 Policy 1.16.6 The City Of Boynton Beach shall coordinate with the School District for the collocation of public facilities, such as parks, libraries, and community centers with schools, to the extent possible, as sites for these public facilities and schools are chosen and development plans prepared. Objective 1.17 The City shall pursue economic development opportunities to support a competitive and diversified economy., and a good quality of life for residents. Measurability: Number of actions taken in accordance with the objective. Policy 1.17.1 The City shall continue to attract a mix of high value industrial, without affecting the City's neighborhoods and community character. Y.. : .. - .. : .. .. .. - Policy 1.17.1 The City shall monitor the amount of land available for industrial /commercial development and, by the end of 2014, review the Future Land Use and Official Zoning maps for recommendations pertaining to current location and potential expansion of industrial and commercial districts. Policy 1.17.2 The City shall preserve industrial land for industrial and job - generating purposes; will work to ensure these sites are utilized to their full potential as development and redevelopment occurs; and will encourage private reinvestment through targeted incentives. Policy 1.17.3 By the end of 2014, the City shall review the Land Development Regulations to improve approval processes and to remove unnecessary hurdles hindering industrial and commercial uses that create jobs, contribute to the tax base, and accommodate market trends. Policy 1.17.4 The City shall restrict the non - industrial use of industrial lands to uses that are of a type, size and number so as to be complementary City of Boynton Beach 1- 23 Date: August 19, 2008 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Amendments 08-01 Ordinance 08 -007 to industrial activities, and that do not deplete the supply of industrial land, and do not create potential land use conflicts with industrial activities. Policy 1.17.5 The City shall continue to apply Economic Development Benefits review criteria to all rezoning and Future Land Use Map amendment requests to limit the conversion of industrial and commercial land to other uses. Policy 1.17.6 Re- classifications to industrial use of lands adjacent to industrial districts can proceed only if lot consolidation is deemed adequate and screening is provided to minimize impacts on adjacent residential uses. Policy 1.17.7 The City shall protect industrial lands from encroachment by other land uses that would reduce the economic viability of industrial lands. Policy 1.17.8 By the end of 2014, the City shall create an Economic Development Plan and adopt it into the new Economic Development Element of this Comprehensive Plan to promote economic growth and job creation. Policy 1.17.9 By the end of 2015, the City shall amend the Land Development regulations to facilitate implementation of the Economic Development Element and the underlying Economic Development Plan. Policy 1.17.3 10 The City shall continue to coordinate economic development efforts with the Community Redevelopment Agency, the Boynton Beach Chamber of Commerce and the Palm Beach Business Development Board. Objective 1.18 The City shall encourage transit- supportive land development patterns to promote multi-modal transportation and increased mobility. Measurability: Volume of transit ridership within the City and the Downtown TOD district; change in density and development intensity within TOD areas. Policy 1.18.1 The City shall implement the Transit- Oriented Development (TOD) approach, as described in the 2012 Florida Department of Transportation's TOD Guidebook, to manage future growth within City of Boynton Beach 1- 24 Date: August 19, 2008 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Amendments 08 -01 Ordinance 08 -007 a 1 /2 mile radius around the intersection of Ocean Avenue and the Florida East Coast rail corridor, which is the anticipated location of the Downtown Boynton Beach Station for the planned commuter Tri -Rail Coastal Service on the FEC Corridor. This area will be referred as the Downtown TOD District hereforth. The inner 1 /4 -mile core of this District shall be designed to accommodate the greatest density and intensity of development. Policy 1.18.2 The City shall aim to transform the Downtown TOD District area into an active, mixed -use, pedestrian- friendly activity zone, supporting new housing to increase potential ridership, intensifying land development activity, and adding amenities and destination uses for future transit riders. The City shall strive to achieve this goal through facilitating compact, high density and intensity development of a varied mix of land uses. a. The City shall maintain both a maximum and minimum residential density within the 1 /4 mile area around the future station for all zoning districts with the underlying Mixed -Use Core or Mixed- Use future land use classifications. b. The standard maximum density for properties located within the Downtown TOD District in all zoning districts with the underlying Special High Density Residential, Mixed Use Core or Mixed Use future land use classifications can be increased by 25 percent. c. The City shall monitor the number of residential units approved within the Downtown TOD District for conformance with thresholds established for the TCEA, and coordinate as appropriate with the Palm Beach County Emergency Department regarding provision of adequate hurricane shelter space to accommodate population growth. d. The City shall ensure that new development contributes to the creation of an enhanced pedestrian environment through well - located public plazas, expanded public sidewalks, and pedestrian- scaled street and block structure for maximized internal and external connectivity. City of Boynton Beach 1- 25 Date: August 19, 2008 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Amendments 08 -01 Ordinance 08-007 Policy 1.18.3 The City shall incorporate the planned Tri -Rail Coastal Service and the Downtown TOD District into the Future Land Use Map and revise redevelopment plans as appropriate. Policy 1.18.4 The City shall monitor changes over time in the density and intensity of development within the Downtown TOD District (cumulatively and individually on development parcels), total numbers of residential units and jobs, and the percentage composition of land uses, including ratio of jobs -to- housing. This data shall be collected every five years and distributed to relevant public agencies involved in regional transportation planning and service. Objective 1.19 The city shall continue to identify, document, and preserve historic and cultural resources. Measurability: Number of areas or sites added to the Boynton Beach Register of Historic Places and the Florida Master Site File. Policy 1.19.1 The City shall continue to maintain and update "The City of Boynton Beach Historic Sites Survey" and the Florida Master Site File. Policy 1.19.2 The City shall continue to maintain and update "The Boynton Beach Register of Historic Places" and the "National Register of Historic Places ". Policy 1.19.3 The City shall continue processing additions to "The Boynton Beach Register of Historic Places ". Policy 1.19.4 Historic and cultural resources identified in "The Boynton Beach Register of Historic Places" shall be incorporated into the Future Land Use Map series and shall be protected from development and redevelopment activities through the approved review process. Policy 1.19.5 The City's land development regulations shall continue to provide protection for historic and cultural resources. Policy 1.19.6 The City shall, through the enforcement of pertinent regulations, continue to require that, in the event of prior knowledge of any archaeological site on a development site, or the discovery of archaeological artifacts during project construction, the developer shall stop construction in that area and immediately notify the City of Boynton Beach 1- 26 Date: August 19, 2008 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Amendments 08 -01 Ordinance 08-007 Bureau of Archaeological Research in the Florida Department of State. Proper protection of such resources to the satisfaction of the bureau shall be provided by the developer. Policy 1.19.7 The City shall continue to meet the criteria necessary for participation in the Certified Local Government Program. Objective 1.20 The City shall continue to pursue funding opportunities and offer incentives that will contribute to the preservation of historic and cultural resources. Measurability: The amount of funding received and number incentives awarded. Policy 1.20.1 The City shall continue to pursue grant funding for projects that contribute to the preservation of historic and cultural resources. Policy 1.20.2 The City shall continue to offer incentives that will contribute to the, preservation of historic and cultural resources. Objective 1.21 The City shall continue to identify and provide educational opportunities to encourage a greater understanding and appreciation of historic and cultural resources. Measurability: Number of opportunities identified and provided. Policy 1.21.1 The City shall continue to increase awareness and understanding of historic and cultural resources for educational and heritage tourism purposes. Policy 1.21.2 The City shall continue to work with heritage and educational organizations to increase awareness and understanding of historic and cultural resources. City of Boynton Beach 1- 27 Date: August 19, 2008 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Amendments 08 -01 Ordinance 08-007 TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT proposed text amendments Policy 2.4.17 The City shall strive to adapt its transportation network to accommodate the anticipated passenger rail service on the FEC Corridor, with a new station in the City's CRA. To implement transit- oriented development and provide superior access to the future downtown station, the City shall plan for: a. "Complete streets ", accommodating all modes of transportation (automobile as well as pedestrian, bicycle, and transit), to be interconnected with surrounding developments and neighborhoods within the Downtown TOD District. b. Short blocks that will allow for an interconnected roadway network to be created over time, with new streets, alleys and pedestrian passageways to ensure that blocks are easily walkable to maximize pedestrian and bicycle access to the future station from the Downtown TOD District and beyond. c. Pedestrian- and bicycle- friendly design standards for new streets and for retrofitting existing streets to match their new function. d. A bicycle network with primary routes defined, with adequate bicycle lanes, shared bicycle /pedestrian routes and amenities such as parking and storage. Policy 2.4.18 By the end of 2015, the City shall review parking regulations and parking management options for the Downtown TOD District . The use of transit, ridesharing, cycling and walking, as well as planned public parking facilities within the area, may warrant reduced parking requirements and increased use of shared and alternative parking arrangements. Objective 2.5 Explore all legally defensible alternatives for protection of public right of -way when reviewing development proposals, provide for the protection of existing and future right -of -way from building encroachment. Provide for minimal negative impacts associated with driveway locations, and provide for safe and efficient on- site traffic circulation and parking, including provisions for shared driveways, shared parking, and handicapped users. Measurability:Number of development projects permitted subsequent to performance review. City of Boynton Beach 2-8 Date:August 19, 2008 EAR -Based Amendments Transportation EIement Amendments 08 -01 Ordinance No 08 -007. HOUSING ELEMENT proposed text amendments Table of Contents Objective Page 6.1 Provision of new dwelling units to meet the housing needs 6 -1 6.2 Reduction of substandard housing units 6 -1 6.3 Implementation of housing programs to meet the housing needs 6-2 6.4 Provision of workforce housing 6-3 6.5 Sites for mobile homes 6-5 6.6 Sites for group homes and foster care facilities 6 -6 6.7 Programs which displace households 6 -6 6.8 Preservation of historically and culturally significant housing 6 -7 6.9 Code enforcement 6 -7 6.10 Special needs housing 6-8 City of Boynton Beach 6-i Date: August 19, 2008 Comprehensive Plan Housing Element Amendments 08 -01 Ordinance 08 -007 • Rental Rehabilitation; • Weatherization Funds; and • Emergency Roof Repairs. Policy 6.3.3 The City shall continue to pursue the use of CDBG and state housing monies available for community -based corporations, by the identification or creation of community -based corporations which can work with the City on housing efforts. State monies include: • Predevelopment Funding for Community -based Corporations; • Purchase Assistance Loan Programs; and • Rehabilitative Deferred Loans. Policy 6.3.4 The City shall implement the Local Housing Assistance Plan through State's Housing Incentive Partnership funding which will provide incentives to the private sector in the construction of affordable dwelling units. Policy 6.3.5 The City shall continue to establish and implement procedures to require that public- assisted housing shall be located in a manner which avoids an over - concentration of such uses in one particular area. Policy 6.3.6 The City shall, by 2010, amend the zoning ordinance to allow construction on nonconforming lots if the result will be the provision of well designed and neighborhood compatible housing. Policy 6.3.7 The City shall establish a priority for very- low - income households ineeme), the elderly, and .' .. . - persons with physical or mental disabilities, in providing funding sources for affordable dwelling units. Objective 6.4 The City shall continue to encourage the provision of workforce housing to maintain a diversified and sustainable City having character and sense of community where people can live and work in the same area. Measurability: Number of workforce housing units developed. Policy 6.4.1 The City shall continue to utilize the Workforce Housing Program to facilitate the construction of affordable rental and for -sale housing units city -wide. City of Boynton Beach 6-3 Date: August 19, 2008 Comprehensive Plan Housing Element Amendments 08-01 Ordinance 08 -007 Attainability shall be assured through deed restrictions on these properties; or, • may choose to contribute a fee in -lieu of units. The sum amount of this fee shall be established by the City Commission and Board of County Commissioners, and it shall be paid to the City of Boynton Beach's affordable housing program(s) to finance land acquisition, homeowner assistance, or other actions to further the City's affordable housing objectives as specified in the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan. Policy 6.4.7 The City, through the CRA's Direct Incentive Program and its Affordable Access component, shall continue to implement a program to make affordable housing available to low -to- moderate income households (with incomes of 80% to 100% of median household income in Palm Beach County) in the TCEA. The affordable units in this program must remain affordable for a minimum period of 10 years. The City shall continue implementation of the policies under Objectives 6.1, 6.3 and 6.6 of the Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan to provide other programs benefiting very low, low and moderate income households. The City will also insure that 5% of new or rehabilitated housing within the TCEA area is available for occupancy by these households, with pricing consistent with SHIP guidelines, and rent levels consistent with affordable effort ratios. The City will continue the annual monitoring of the affordability of housing within the TCEA. Objective 6.5 The City shall allow sites for mobile homes where single - family detached dwellings are permitted. Measurability: Maintenance of the land development regulations in accordance zvith the objective. Policy 6.5.1 The City shall allow mobile homes in all areas of the City where single - family detached dwellings are permitted, subject to the zoning regulations and other code requirements that apply to other types of single- family detached dwellings. Objective 6.6 The City shall allow sites for group homes and foster care facilities in residential land use categories consistent with Chapter-41%-MT om applicable state and federal laws. Measurability: Maintenance of the land development regulations in accordance with the objective. City of Boynton Beach 6-5 Date: August 19, 2008 Comprehensive Plan Housing Element Amendments 08-01 Ordinance 08 -007 Policy 6.6.1 Notwithstanding those facilities subject to the ADA, FHA, or other similar federal or state laws, statutes or regulations, tThe City shall allow group homes with six or fewer residents in all residential zoning districts provided they are located at least 1,000 feet from other such facilities. However, all gGroup homes shall be required to obtain a license with the City in order to facilitate monitoring and ensure zoning compliance. Policy 6.6.2 The City shall establish, consistent with state statutes, reasonable standards regarding the maximum number of persons allowed in group homes in each residential zoning district, and the minimum floor area per person, or maximum number of persons per room. Policy 6.6.3 The City shall enforce the land development regulations to ensure safe and convenient on -site design of off - street parking for group homes with more than six persons. Policy 6.6.4 The City shall establish and implement procedures to continue to allow foster homes for up to five children (both natural and foster) in any dwelling, provided that the foster home is supervised by an adult who is a resident in the dwelling. Policy 6.6.5 The City shall continue to allow adult foster homes in designated zoning districts. Objective 6.7 The City shall avoid housing programs which displace households. However, in the event displacement occurs, benefits consistent with applicable state and federal laws will be implemented through the following policies. Measurability: Incidence of household displacement and evidence of displacement housing programs utilized. Policy 6.7.1 The City shall assist any households displaced by City housing programs to locate alternative housing that is reasonably located, standard housing at affordable costs, prior to their displacement. Policy 6.7.2 The City shall assist persons displaced by code enforcement activities, with temporary relocation benefits and replacement housing, or down payment or rental assistance, depending upon eligibility. City of Boynton Beach 6-6 Date: August 19, 2008 Comprehensive Plan Housing Element Amendments 08-01 Ordinance 08 -007 Objective 6.8 The City shall continue to identify, document, and preserve identified-as-being historically and culturally significant housing through the approved processes. Measurability: Continued maintenance of land development regulations encouraging the identification, documentation, and preservation of historic resources. Policy 6.8.1 Historic resources identified in "The City of Boynton Beach Historic If Policy 6.8.2 The City shall continue to solicit input from local historic adopt any revisions to the lists and maps of Pile: Policy 6.8.1 The City shall continue to maintain and update "The City of Boynton Beach Historic Sites Survey" and the Florida Master Site File. Policy 6.8.2 The City shall continue to maintain and update "The Boynton Beach Register of Historic Places" and the "National Register of Historic Places ". Policy 6.8.3 The City shall continue processing additions to "The Boynton Beach Register of Historic Places ". Policy 6.8.4 Historic and cultural resources identified in "The Boynton Beach Register of Historic Places" shall be incorporated into the Future Land Use Map series and shall be protected from development and redevelopment activities through the approved review process. Policy 6.8.5 The City's land development regulations shall continue to provide protection for historic and cultural resources. Objective 6.9 The City, through Code enforcement efforts, will continue to improve the quality of neighborhoods by conserving the existing housing stock. City of Boynton Beach 6-7 Date: August 19, 2008 Comprehensive Plan Housing Element Amendments 08 -01 Ordinance 08-007 Policy 6.10.2 The City shall, through local funding and technical assistance, continue to support the social service assistance programs provided to elderly and handicapped persons. - -- Policy 6.10.3 The City shall work to establish a public /private partnership which can build units for elderly and handicapped persons, Policy 6.10.4 The City will continue to revise the land development regulations in order to continue public improvement programs aimed at the removal of physical barriers which restrict accessibility by handicapped persons. Policy 6.10.5 The City shall discourage hospitals, congregate living facilities for persons with special needs, nursing homes, and the like from locating within Coastal High- Hazard Area and shall encourage such existing facilities to relocate to safer locations within the City. Objective 6.11 The City shall continue to monitor the impacts of amendments to the Land Development Regulations on affordable housing. Measurability: Number of unintended negative impact prevented or mitigated Policy 6.11.1 The City shall review all proposed amendments to Land Development Regulations for a potential negative impact on the affordable housing cost prior to adoption. City of Boynton Beach 6-9 Date: August 19, 2008 Comprehensive Plan Housing Element Amendments 08 -01 Ordinance 08-007 COASTAL MANAGEMENT ELEMENT proposed text amendments Table of Contents Objective Page 7.1 Development of vacant waterfront residential properties 7 -1 7.2 Florida Total Maximum Daily Load Program for the Lake Worth Lagoon 7 -1 7.3 Reduction of levels of wastewater pollutants flowing into oceanic waters 7 -2 7.4 Protection and restoration of the coastal dune system and beaches 7 -3 7.5 Limitation on public expenditures in the coastal high hazard area 7 -3 7.6 Local implementation of the County Emergency Preparedness Plan 7-4 7.7 Maintenance or reduction of hurricane evacuation times 7 -4 7.8 Increases to Coastal High - Hazard Area population densities 7 -5 7.9 Phasing of urban services consistent with the Level of Service Standards 7 -6 7.10 Protection and conservation of habitats 7-6 7.11 Increasing water dependent and water related uses 7 -7 7.12 Protection, preservation and reuse of historic properties 7 8 7.13 Post - Disaster Redevelopment Plan 7 -9 7.14 Minimizing at -risk population concentrations 7 -10 City of Boynton Beach 7 -i Date: August 19, 2008 Comprehensive Plan Coastal Management Element Amendments 08 -01 Ordinance: 08 -007 Policy 7.11.8 The City shall only allow for location of marinas, boat ramps and other water- dependent uses in a manner which protects seagrass and manatees. Upon the siting of such water- dependent uses, the City shall continue to implement adequate provisions to protect seagrass and manatees such as, but not limited to, minimizing dredging, marking navigation channels, supporting boat speed restrictions, speed zone enforcement, information and restrictive signage, and construction standards so as to not entrap manatees or damage seagrass. To further this goal, new marinas shall only be permitted within the areas identified as a "Preferred" siting category in accordance with the Palm Beach County Manatee Protection Plan. • . . - -. . . . . - .. - . • .. . - area: Policy 7.12.1 Historic resources identified in "The City of Boynton Beach cis File. Policy 7.12.3 The City's land development regulations shall continue to provide Objective 7.13 To provide for the ongoing development of the coastal area in a manner which will reduce the exposure of human life and public and private property to natural hazards by developing a Post - Disaster Redevelopment Plan. Measurability: Adoption of a Post - Disaster Redevelopment Plan. City of Boynton Beach 7 -9 Date: December 1, 2009 Comprehensive Plan Coastal Management Element Amendments: Recreational Water Service Use Ordinance: 09 -042 INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION ELEMENT proposed text amendments Table of Contents Objective Page 8.1 Review of Comprehensive Plans of adjacent governmental entities 8 -1 8.2 Utilization of (IPARC) for unique issues 8 -1 8.3 Utilization of the Multi- Jurisdictional Issues Coordination Forum 8 -2 8.4 Annexation coordination 8 -3 8.5 Joint planning areas 8 -3 8.6 Coordinated transportation planning 84 8.7 Interlocal agreement for the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Facilities 8-4 8.8 Coordination of stormwater planning and management issues 8 -5 8.9 Coordinated development of the "10 -Year Water Supply Facilities Work Plan" 8-5 8.10 Coordinated protection of aquifer recharge areas 8 -6 8.11 Interlocal agreements for water and sewer services 8-6 8.12 Coordination with the Solid Waste Authority 8 -7 8.13 Development and maintenance of natural environment 8 -7 8.14 Coordination to maximize recreational opportunities 8 -8 8.15 Coordinated implementation of housing programs 8 -8 8.16 Coordination of waterfront residential development 8 -8 8.17 Coordination on public school facilities 8 -9 8.18 Coordination on preservation of historic and cultural resources 8 -9 City of Boynton Beach 8 -i Date: August 19, 2008 Comprehensive Plan Intergovernmental Coordination Element Amendments 08 -01 Ordinance No.08 -007