R93-163RESOLUTION NO. R93-/~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND CHILDREN'S SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FOR THE JUVENILE FIRST OFFENDER PROGRAM FOR THE 1993-94 FISCAL YEAR; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Juvenile First Offender Program has been partially funded by Children's Services Council for the past four years; and WHEREAS, the Juvenile First Offender Program is needed and well received by the community; and WHEREAS, the City relies on the grant from Children's Services Council for continuation of this needed childrens' service; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, upon recommendation of staff, deems it to be in the best interests of the residents and citizens of the City of Boynton Beach to execute an Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County for the Juvenile First Offender Program for the 1993-94 fiscal year. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA THAT: Section 1. The City Commission hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County for the Juvenile First Offender Program for the 1993- 94 fiscal year. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of October, 1993. CITY OF Mayo~ BE~CH, FLORIDA ATTEST: '~Ci~y Clerk Auth. Sig Juv.lstOff.Agr 9/29/93 Con~rao~ No. 93-080 · 993-94 NON-PROF~ ~G~C'Y Page i AGREEMENT THI ! this 1st day of the Children's 8ervioes subdivision of as -COuncil-}~gnd City , hereinafter referred to as "Provider"), for the period from October 1, 1993 to September 30, 1994. The Council, at for the RFP TI{ : will this :he program. of the mutual intending to re~ or] 1. to the or and ~ion of the the Provider sums in o~ the Program 2SC Budget of made a agreed, to be be provided ons set forth in the a part and The wi~h all applicable agrees to comply with the following 080NP.DOC Sep 10, 1993 11:30 am requirements: a. The a. in Germ and a of iated at the shall be 080NP.DOC Sep 10, 1993 11:30 am Con~ee2 NO. 93-080 ~g93-94 NON-PROFiT AGENC~ Page 3 b. Persons dUlY authorized by the Counc%l shall have fu%l access tO and the'right~ to examine any of said materials d~ing said period. · aocess by ' c. To permlt persons duly authorized by the.Council, upon reasonable n~ice, to the program(s)~fun~d by the Council hereunder for purposes of monitoring said program(s). d. T¢ during.the term of this orpending~%itigation ~rov~d~r, incl~d~ng'~ the claim~ ~nvolved, and e. To in a under ~ or may be fe of The Provider agrees to from in' caus~ indemnify not action arising out this A~e~men%. This may acquired il, that or or the said , at specific waived by shall be (iv) that loss or harmless and formed or the of · acted to prior 080NP.DOC Sep 10, 1993 11:30 am Con~ac~ Ho. 93-080 1993-g4 NOM-~P.O~ZT AGONY ~a~e 4 o The Provider shall be responsible for providing a level other Agreement. ~tl the consent or guardian maintain ) the Council information obtained the 9o 10. 11. bo The and as of The to the or cl±ent. data )orts include served : the be made as Agreement es and [ assume payment of 080NP.DOC Sep 10, 1993 11:30 am ~ont:~&et~ li'o. 93-080 3,993-94 NON-PRO1P'FT AG~_J~ ~---Y~.GR~ Page wages to all employees for services performed by them under this Agreement. The Provider shall, with respect tosaid ~employees, be responsible for w~thholdingfederalincOme ta~e~,payingfederal sociai sec~rity.taxe~, maintaining unemployment insUrahcean~ ma~nt&~ng worker's cgmpensat~on coverage in amounts requlredby applicable federal and state law. 12. The services provided by.the Pr?rider hereunder are non-exclusive basis, and the Council right to subcontract with tothis on a each month 1994. 14. as follows.:' 5onably lability of to the invoice. ~ Council [ate under 31, to the Council any or. is disallowed as under:this A~reement. full by Provider to ~romthe~date~of written to the'~rovider of 15. disal Provider or !~0) !days'.following the end of the right deduct from by the of any overpayments or ~g .a cause, suspend the action'by the by the council to 080NP.DOC Sep 10, 1993 11:30 am No. 93-080 1993-94 NON-PROFIT AGENCY Page 6 terminate this Agreeme.nt.. The Council may, for reasonable cause, prohibit the Provider from received the operat or if (5) is 1on the be if the 16. 17. 18. )me all be funds~ to in (24) on. or be in 080NP.DOC Sep 10, 1993 11:30 am Contr&ot NO. 93-080 1993-94 NON-PROFIT AGENCY Page 7 For the C0uncil: BaFbara A. Kauf~man, Executive D~rector' Children's S~rvlces Council of Palm Beach County 3111 So. Dixie Highway, S~ite 243 West Palm Beach, FL 33405 For the Provider: · City Manager ~/ J. Scott M~ller, Clty ~f B~¥nton Beach Juvenile F~rst Offenders 100 E Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33¢35 19. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the parties agree that the dollar amount set forth in paragraph 1.above may be reduced in the event that thecouncil ~etermines that the Provider will not spe. nd the entire amount allocated by September 30th fiscal year end. This deter~.ination may be mad.e .(a) duri~.ng the course of reviewing a budget revision Subm~%ted by the Provider pursuant to the Council s procedures or (b) based upon the Council's monitoring of Provider's program and its expenditure history. Be. fore .any such ~eduuti.on be.c.°~.es final, the Provider.will be notified in wr!t±ng ?f th& proposed action and shall have the opP0rt~n~ty to address the Council ' s Board re~a~ding.t~e pr0posed~ reduction. The decision of the Council's Board on this issue shall be final. 20. Thi? Agreement, which includes the attached Exhibits A, B, C and D contains al% the terms and c0ndit!0ns agreed upon by ~h~ parties. No other agreements, oral or.~th~rwlse, regarding the sub]e~t matter of this Agreement shall be deemed t? exist or t? bind any of the parties hereto. With the po~ible exception, of an .adjustment p.ur~a~_tgPar~P% !~~ahov~, th.is.Agreemen~ ~nal£no=~Dg~.modi=i~d U~£ess in wr~ting and signed Dy both parties hereto. 080NP.DOC Sep 10, 1993 11:30 am 199S-94 NON-PROFIT Page 8 IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreem.e~t to b? executed by their undersigl~ed duly authorized officers. By: Date: Print Name Print Title Children's Services -Councilof~PalmBeaoh coUntY By: Datei: Jr. By: ~ate: Barbara A. ~aUffman ExecutiVeDirector APPROVED AS TO FORM & LEG~AL sUFFIcIENcy By: Th~mgS A.. She~ehg. n, III Attorney for Children's services Council of' Palm Beach County 080NP.DOC Sep 10, 1993 11:30 am ExH'rB'rT A 1. Program Evaluation Model 2. Program Organizational Chart 0 -- ~4 0 I o Om ~o° Boynton Beach Police Deoartment Juvenile First Offenc~er Program Chiefof Police Depu['y Lt. Pub iC/Comm. Relations JFO Officer EXHIBIT B 1. CSC Budget Form ~ 2. CSC Budget Form B Agency: Program: PART I. Daf~ 8ubm~ttacl: CSC BUDGt~I- FORM B: TOTAL PROGRAM BUDGET SUMMARY Funding Period 10/01/93 to 09/30/94 (,1) Page 1 of 2 . ~) t. Personnel Salarle~ Fringe ~enefit~ Il. Travel 'm. ~uilding Space IV. comrnUn~Cations/ Utilities V. Prir~ng/Suppl~ea VL Food VII. Indirec~ Costs Viii. Other Costa !,190 $ $ $ 27,649 S39,839 9.172 500 TOTAL PROGRAM EXPENSES PERCENT OF PROGRAM 23 ~ lOG X. REVENUES A. CSC tZ,Iqo Contributions 1. Cash 2. In-Kind C. Program Fees O. Palm Beact~ County E. Un~ Way (specify) F. HRS S. Other TOTAL PROGRAM REVENUES ~CESS (D~CI~ FormBl Program: Date Submitted: Page 2 of 2 CSC BUDGET FORM B: TOTAL PROGRAM BUDGET SUMMARY Fund/ng Period 10/01/93 to 09/30/94 PART Il. A. COST PER CLIENT l. Total Number of Primary Clients 2. Total Program Expensas as shown in Pa~ 1, Column 6 3, Cost Der Primaqf Client (line 2 divided by line 1) OR 1 Total Numl3er of Outreach Clients 2. Total Program Expenas~ as ~nown ~n Pa~ 1 Column 5 3. Cost Der Outreach Client (line 2 divided by line 1) PART III. MATCHING FUNDS - Indicate below the amount used from each local source as matching funds, the grant amount ano grant title. Children's Servmes Council 2. Umtecl Way 3. Jewish Fe<3erstion 4 Other Ia.g,. Community Founda~on, Educaaon Poundaaon, Archdiocese. $54,111.00 $ ~ ~ .~/ ~ l $ $ $ $41~921 !$ 12,190 ~UVE~;ILE FIRST OFFENDERS $ $ ~$ Em~'Z~ZT C 1. Prog~am. Da~a Form U PROGRA~{: AGENCY': 1993-94 BASE PRO~JRAM AI~LIC_.A~-~N PROGRAM FORM 3UVENILE FIRST 0FFE~DE~ lEACH POLICE DEPARTmeNT Prtmar,j~ HOW MANY CHILDREN WILL BE SERVED 10/11~ TO 9/~O1~47 ~ 700 HOW MANY ADULTS WILL SE SER~D ~lge TO ~1~1 90 20 HOW MANY CUENTS WILL BE SER~D 10/11~ TO g/~/Nf I~ 720 (ADD NUMBER OF ADULTS + NUM~ ~ OF CH/~REN)_ WHAT ARE THE AGES OF THE CLIENTS YOU WILL SERVE? Birth -- 2 3--5 10 -- 13 X 14- 18 X 19+ All of the Above WHAT GEOGRAPHIC AREA(s) IN PALM BEACH COUNTY WIll YOU SERVE? North Central South X West All of the Above HOW MANY EMPLOYEES WILL YOUR PROGRAM HAVE? Full time Part time HOW MANY EMPLOYEES WILL BE FUNDED BY Full time Part time For ~C U~e CSC FUNDS 16,253.00 TOTAL PR_OG~M BUDGBT $ 52_,260.00 CSC % OF PROGRA.b{ BUDGET TOTAL AGENCY BUDGET 31% mill ion PROGR.4.M ~,~ OF' AGENCY BUDGET COST P~R COST PER CLIENT PER YEAR (Based on total pfimar), or total $ 232. O0 outreac, only'.) s $4,L[~.oo $ ~ % % s 8.7 million Z9 ExH'rB'rT D 1. Conditions of Award CONTI~G~ 93-080 - AGENCY: Juvenile First OE£ende= Pz'oqam Boynton Beach Police Department CONDmONS OF AWARD PROGR,~IO~TXC &. Zseues or info~metion to be fuznished or resolve~ vithin sixty (60) days of execution o~ contract: · 0 · I. ~omplet~on offer gram evalUa~i0n forms/:test instruments. 2. Submit fire inspection certificate for program site. 3. ~Submi~Cer~ifica~e of insurance ~0r program site. 1 · Provider c · for 9nY proposed ~mplementatlon. the current copy of the Serv%c? site(s) Fire Inspection Certificate(s) Serv}c? ,l=e( ~ Health Inspection Certificate(S), if applicable · ~ob descr%p.tions/resume(e) of all CSC funded staff positLOns . Certificatesof insurance and bonding · License(e) to operate Agency/program, if applicable · Sales tax exemption certificate 93-9~COA.0~0 ,~ 3, 1993 3:17 pm COIP~R~CT 93-080 PROGRam= Juvenile First Of£ende= Progam - AGBNOY~ ,Bo~nton Beach Police Dep&r~ent II. &. COnditions to be observed throughout contract: 1. CSC for between CSC 4 · CSC ~sed on the 93-94COA.080 Sep 3, 1993 3:17 pm