Steve Waldman, Chair Sherri Claude, Board Liaison
Carla Colebrooks
Carol Lundquist
Valencia Spells Anderson
Loretta Wilkinson, Alternate
Hattie Miller
Mary Morera, Vice Chair
Dr. Tiffany North
Dr. Carmela Nanton
Kellsie Kershaw
I. Call to Order
Chair Waldman called the meeting to order at 6:06 p.m.
11. Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silent Reflection
The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silent reflection.
Self-introductions were made and a quorum was present.
Ill. Approval of Minutes of April 24, 2014
Ms. Spells Anderson moved to approve the minutes. Ms. Lundquist seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
IV. Approval of Agenda
It was noted there was a Resolution included with one of the presentations. Ms. Claude
suggested if the Board wanted to take action in support of it, the item be included under
New Business as Item B.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL May 22, 2014
Ms. Wilkinson moved to approve the agenda as amended. Ms. Spells Anderson
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
V. Announcements/Presentations/Correspondence
A $500 donation was received from Harvey Oyer, III and a thank-you letter was drafted
for the Chair's signature. The funds would be reflected under the Community
Contribution category.
At the last City Commission meeting, Chair Waldman presented a gift to David Cordrey,
Head Tennis Pro at Hunter's Run and he thanked the Hunters Run Board for allowing
the Phyllis Stern Memorial Tennis Carnival to be held there.
V1. Public Audience
This item would be heard after New Business
VII. New Business
A. Election of Chair and Vice Chair
Chair Waldman suggested waiting to hold elections until a full Board was present.
When asked, Chair Waldman responded he would be willing to serve as Chair.
Ms. Spells Anderson moved to have the elections for Chair and Vice Chair at the
August 28, 2014, meeting. Ms. Colebrooks seconded the motion that unanimously
B. Children's Services Council
John Bartosek, Chief Communications Officer, Children's Services Council, (CSC) was
present with Christy Potter, Communications Director, and Emily Slosberg, Friends of
Children's Services.
Mr. Bartosek thanked the Board for the opportunity to speak and for the Board's support
of their work. The Council operates county-wide with their office in Boynton Beach.
The Council is a special district, created in 1986 that provides leadership, funding,
programs and evaluations so the youth in the County can grow up healthy, safe and
strong. They focus on pre-natal and early childhood to ensure children are born
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healthy, safe from abuse and neglect, are ready for school when they enter
kindergarten and have access to quality afterschool and summer programs.
They fund afterschool programs through Primetime at 10 elementary schools in Boynton
Beach and have scholarships to 13 different childcare programs in Boynton Beach
located in childcare centers or schools or individual family homes.
The Council operates the Bridges program at 10 different neighborhoods in Palm Beach
County and they try to help neighborhoods develop the resources they need to address
the concerns the residents think are the most important for their residence.
There is an ongoing child safety campaign called "What If', a child literacy program with
the Literacy Coalition called "Happily Ever After Begins with Reading". The Teen
Pregnancy Prevention campaign was launched in May and the Council was working on
a parenting campaign to supply parents with the tools and resources they need to be
the best parent they can for their children. Mr. Bartosek appreciated the Board's help
and support.
Chair Waldman inquired if the Council needed to be reauthorized by the voters this
year. Mr. Bartosek responded that was correct. The Children's Services Council will be
on the Ballot in November 4, 2014, and the issue will be whether the Council will
continue to exist or be dissolved.
Emily Slosberg, Friends of Children's Services, Inc., could not image Palm Beach
County without the Children's Services Council. The organization funds many programs
throughout the County. The Council has a map of the areas with the greatest needs
and targets services to them.
Mr. Bartosek explained the bulk of their funding comes from the residents of Palm
Beach County. The Special District was created as an independent Special District,
with its own Board that sets the ad valorem tax rate. The 10-member Board has five
members appointed by the Governor and the other five serve by virtue of their positions.
One member was a County Commissioner selected by the County Commission;
another was a School Board member selected in the same manner; the School
Superintendent; the head of the Department of Children and Families; and a Judge
selected by the Circuit Court.
The taxes for the Council have been steadily dropping over the last three years. The
Council made a conscious effort not to raise the tax due to the economy. The current
rate is .7025%. The typical homeowner in Palm Beach County with a $250K house,
with exemptions, pays about $150 a year.
Donations have dropped. The CSC operates mostly through non-profit and only has a
few programs that operate through a direct service. Most individuals enter the program
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Boynton Beach, FL May 22, 2014
through entry agencies. All pregnant women can apply through Healthy Mothers,
Healthy Babies, and for women with children, they can apply through Homesafe. The
bulk of the CSC focuses on prenatal through age five. About 25% of funds go to older
children through afterschool and mentoring programs, and pregnancy prevention
A Resolution in support of the Children's Service Council had been prepared and Mr.
Bartosek commented the Council would appreciate the Board's support of it.
Ron asham, 127 S. Atlantic Drive, urged the Board not to wait to convene in August
because the issue would be on the next ballot. There would only be a few months to
meet with local officials. He noted the Mayor is a member of the League of Cities and it
was important local officials lobby others to ensure the program continues. He was
concerned the public may not have the insight to value the need for the program and
requested the Board take a proactive stance before it meets in August.
Ms. Wilkinson read the language as it would appear on the Ballot. The question was a
yes or no question, and there was a danger the voters would not support the Council.
Ms. Slosberg explained she was advocating for the Council by going to schools and
churches. Ms. Colebrooks thought there was a great need in the Boynton Beach
community. She was concerned about the language and suggested she speak with the
church clergy to get the word out. She commented the pastors on the east side of
Boynton were active.
Ms. Wilkinson read the resolution which is included in the meeting materials. A
question was posed about the last Whereas clause indicating the services reached
more than 400,000 children and families in 2012 and it was clarified it should read 2012
— 2013. In the Resolved clause, it should read the City of Boynton Beach Education
and Youth Advisory Board. Ms. Claude would make the changes.
Ms. Spells Anderson moved to approve the Resolution in support of the Children's
Services Council of Palm Beach County as amended. Ms. Wilkinson seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
Chair Waldman gave the information to Ms. Claude to submit to the City Commission
for their approval. Ms. Claude explained she would speak with the City Manager to see
if the item would be under the Consent Agenda or City Manager's report and would
report back to the Board. It was recommended a representative from the Council attend
the meeting. All agreed the Council provides a valuable service and to spread the word
about the Council because many individuals do not know the Council has to be
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Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL May 22, 2014
VII. Old Business
A. Shred-A-Thon (5/31/14)
Ms. Wilkinson explained it has been difficult to keep a consistent line of communication
open with the company doing the shredding. They were asked months ago to return
the signed, notarized contract naming the City on their insurance and a number of items
that the City requires. Originally, they sent everything back, but the contract was not
signed and notarized. Ms. Wilkinson tried to push it along as did Ms. Claude via emails
and telephone calls. The Company did send the signed and notarized agreement, but
not the insurance certificate. What was needed was clearly delineated, and Ms.
Wilkinson was already overscheduled so she was not able to call.
The Shred-a-Thon was to occur on May 31 which was just over a week away and there
was a concern about publicizing it. Discussion about rescheduling the event with
another company ensued.
Ms. Wilkinson moved not to hold the event on the 31 Ms. Spells Anderson seconded
the motion that unanimously carried.
Ms. Claude suggested the members gather information over the next few months, who
would do the event for free or what they would charge so there would be choices. It
was thought the event could be held in October and the members decide on a date at
the August or September meeting.
Ms. Claude would apprise Micro-Shred since they did not have all the needed
documents and because they had to publicize the event, the Board had to cancel the
B. Tennis Carnival
Chair Waldman emailed Dr. Golden thanking her for her donation to the Tennis Carnival
and for the tee shirts and other items she contributed. He would contact Phyllis Stern's
husband advising the Tennis Pro received a gift.
(Ms. Spells Anderson left the dais at 6:48 p.m.)
He assumed Mr. Stern would approach the Board at Hunter's Run to allow the Tennis
Carnival to be held there again next year. He thought it was a great success.
Ms. Claude explained $575 in donations had been received. A few more were received
and the balance was not $650, as there were a few expenses. Some of the students
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Boynton Beach, FL May 22, 2014
received trophies and one of the students won a private lesson from the tennis pro.
Twenty seven children participated. If all goes well, they can hold the event next year.
Ms. Spells Anderson returned to the dais at 6:50 p.m.
C. Youth Volunteer Bank/Bob Borovy Award
Ms. Spells Anderson inquired where she could find information about the program. Ms.
Claude explained she issued press releases and it was advertised in FunFare
Magazine. The forms were available on the website, but the most common way people
learn about the Award is when Board members visit the schools or at Open House or
Meet the Teacher events.
Ms. Spells Anderson was unaware of the Youth Volunteer Bank could involve pre-
school youth. Chair Waldman explained in the past, there was some difficulty recruiting
students from Boynton Beach High School in spite of him mentioning it in the
classroom. He was at Poinciana Elementary School and one of the Cub Scout leaders
took forms for his pack. Ms. Spells-Anderson suggested contacting after care and
churches since most of them had youth groups. She also had connections to the
churches and to the Bridges program.
Ms. Claude explained there is a brochure with basic information and an application form
and agreed to print copies for Ms. Spells Anderson. Chair Waldman had planned to go
to Galaxy and speak with the principal and promote the program at a SAC meeting, but
was unable to attend. He commented he would find a way to promote the program at
the high school.
Discussion followed that announcing the program at faculty meetings was helpful.
When the Chair meets with the Principal, he would bring forms and teachers could
promote it. The members decided it would be better to promote the program in the fall.
It was also explained the Borovy Award was for graduating seniors that live in Boynton
Beach. The Youth Volunteer Bank was for anyone. The volunteer just signs up and
sends in their hours. Ms. Colebrooks agreed to contact youth at the churches and the
members would contact the Chair. Ms. Claude would print the forms and they can meet
to obtain them.
D. Fundraising
The next event would be the Shred-A-Thon
E. Sister Cities
A report would be given in August.
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Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL May 22, 2014
F. Boynton Reads update
A meeting on the program was held at the Children's Services Council and several
changes were made. Attendance and tardiness was still an issue and they were
attempting to devise ways to improve it. The final report was not yet available. The
next meeting would be on September 9, 2014, at the Library.
Forest Park will have a book shopping event on June 3 rd from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. to allow
students to shop for needed books. The summer reading program was called "Sail into
Summer Reading." The program list was on the school's website for parents to access
and for the students to read over the summer.
Ms. Colebrooks conveyed an inquiry if the Board could create an account for the
school's committee to be used to incentivize students. Ms. Colebrooks had emailed the
Director to come to the meeting and make the request. She was also invited to the next
meeting and it was thought she should approach the Greater Boynton Beach
Foundation for funding. The program, Happily Ever After, will continue next year as
Phase Ill. Galaxy, Forrest Park, and Rolling Green schools were represented on the
(Ms. Wilkinson left the meeting at 7:03 p.m.)
(Ms. Claude left the meeting at 7:04 p.m.)
As to addressing attendance and tardiness, the Committee holds drawings for the family
of the student that has the least tardiness or best attendance for a dinner. The Board
had previously given Poinciana Elementary School $400 for the Young
Mathematician/Young Scientist breakfast and discussion followed about sponsoring a
lunch or something else once a trimester, funds permitting, for the youth that reach a
certain goal. Chair Waldman suggested focusing on the elementary schools.
Further discussion followed that at the elementary school age, tardiness is rarely the
students fault. The representative from the Rolling Green Committee advised they were
doing wonderful things. They hold breakfasts and have sponsors. Students usually are
rewarded at an assembly. The Board could provide certificates, similar to the Kiwanis
Club's Bring Up Your Grade program. New committees would be forming in the fall.
There is a Parent Education and Community Event Committee; Attendance and
Tardiness Committee; and a Book Drive Committee. A representative from Bridges was
also on the Board.
Barnes and Noble did a lot for the program as did the Library and Children's Services
Council. Subway has also participated at every meeting and every trimester gives out a
plaque and big platter. The WalMart Subway and the Subway on Boynton Beach
Boulevard participate.
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Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL May 22, 2014
On a different matter, Chair Waldman commented over the last few years he tried to
give Ms. Claude a gift for her service. Over the last few years, he has made a donation
in her name to First Care. He commented if other members were interested in donating
in an effort to recognize her, to let him know.
VIII. Future Meeting Dates: August 28, 2014
September 25, 2014
I. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Ms. Spells Anderson moved to adjourn.
Ms. Lundquist seconded the motion that unanimously passed. The meeting was
adjourned at 7:14 p.m.
0 'J
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist