Minutes 06-10-14 MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD MEETING HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 100 E. BOYNTON EACH BLVD. BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 10, 2014, @ 6:30 P.M. PRESENT: Jerry Taylor, Chair Vivian Brooks, Executive Director Joe Casello, Vice Chair Ken Spillias, Board Counsel Buck Buchanan Michael Fitzpatrick Woodrow Hay Mack McCray David Merker 1. Call to Order Chair Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:37p.m. 11. Invocation and Pledge to the Flag The Invocation was given by Mr. Hay, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Chair Taylor. Ill. Roll Call Roll call established a quorum was present. IV. Legal: A. West vs. CRA Update and Consideration of Settlement Proposal Ken Spillias, Board Counsel, explained he contacted counsel for West Construction and submitted proposed language on the first page of the Invitation to Bid Form the CRA uses. He suggested to Attorney Loren, counsel for West Construction, that the language on page one, which presently reads "A bidder is not a responsible bidder if . . and it listed seven criteria be changed to: "among the factors that will be considered in determining whether a bidder is a responsible bidder for purposes of this project are . . . " and then list the same seven criteria. There was discussion other areas of the bid could be improved; however, Attorney Spillias informed Attorney Loren the only language named in the lawsuit was this specific language and the CRA agreed to add it in return for dismissal of the lawsuit. Attorney Spillias had also informed Attorney Loren that he had already reviewed the first page and thought the change was forthcoming anyway. West Construction agreed to dismiss the suit; consequently, there was no need for a settlement agreement. Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Board B oynton Beach, Florida June 10, 2014 Attorney Spillias requested a vote to settle the lawsuit on that basis. He would be making suggested modifications to the invitation to bid, not in substance, rather to clarify areas that conflicted with different parts of the document. For each bid, they will review the project, what they are asking of the bidder and make revisions appropriate to the circumstances. Motion Mr. Merker moved to accept the attorney's suggestion on the change to the sentence in the bid document. Mr. McCray seconded the motion. Vice Chair Casello inquired if the criteria for each bid was flexible. Attorney Spillias responded the criteria could change if it was appropriate to the project and for the purpose of the bid. The criteria for large construction projects was good and it provided a good depiction of the background of the bidder. Also, by changing the language, the Board was saying the seven criteria was among other criteria that would be considered, if other factors arose and staff felt they may not be a responsible bidder outside the seven criterion. The CRA could decide in light of that information, not to consider a company a responsible bidder. Vice Chair Casello was concerned about consistency depending on the project. He sought to avoid someone returning indicating the rules were changed. Attorney Spillias agreed and pointed out if the criteria is changed; it should be changed before the bid package is issued. Additionally, bidders always have and sometimes are mandated to attend pre -bid meetings. West Construction did not attend that meeting. Attorney Spillias agreed to send the amended language to the members. The motion unanimously passed. V. Agenda Approval: A. Additions, Deletions, Corrections to the Agenda None. B. Adoption of Agenda Motion Mr. McCray moved to approve. Vice Mayor Casello seconded the motion that unanimously passed. I. Informational Items and Disclosures by Board Members and CRA Staff: 2 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Board Boynton Beach, Florida June 10, 2014 A. Disclosure of Conflicts, Contacts and Relationships for Items Presented to the CRA Board on Agenda Items Vice Chair Casello and Mr. Buchanan had no disclosures to declare. Mr. McCray advised he attended the D-Day Ceremony and appreciated being there. Mr. Merker noted Sunday was Father's Day and wished all fathers a Happy Father's Day. Mr. Fitzpatrick disclosed there was an agenda item regarding Brian Fitzpatrick who was a friend. Brian Fitzpatrick does have a brother Michael, but neither individual was any relation to him. He had helped repair items for Mr. Fitzpatrick and they spoke a few times, but that was the extent of their relationship. Mr. Hay announced it was good to be back. He also attended the D-Day Ceremony. He thanked the Board for its support and for working with him again. He thanked his non-supporter; even to the extent he compared his brain to a peanut. He advised research showed George Washington Carver found over 300 uses for the peanut. Chair Taylor commented he was at the D-Day Ceremony and Jeff Livergood, Public Works Director, received an award from the Veterans for his work on Veterans Park. B. Informational Announcements Ms. Brooks advised she just returned from the Florida Economic Development Conference and German companies were training high school students in Tampa in the methodology they use in Germany. She would invite them to speak with the local votech schools about the students. The students that work for the companies that train them have a very high employee retention rate. VII. Announcements & Awards: None None. VIII. Consent Agenda: Motion Mr. Hay moved to approve. Mr. McCray seconded the motion that unanimously passed. A. Approval of Minutes — CRA Board Meeting, May 13, 2014 B. Approval of Minutes — CRA Special Closed Door Session, May 19, 2014 3 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Board Boynton Beach, Florida June 10, 2014 C. Approval of Period Ended May 31, 2014 Financial Report D. Monthly Purchase Orders IX Pulled Consent Agenda Items: None. X Information Only: A. Public Comment Log B. Business Development Advertising Campaign C. CRA Development Project Update: Boynton Harbor Marina Harbor Master Building Project Mr. Merker remarked he learned there would be a chair reserved for Mr. Karageorge at the Boynton Harbor Marina. D. CRA Development Project Update: Parking Lot Project on NE 1st Ave.& NE 1 st Street and & Sidewalk Connector located at 208 NE 1 st Avenue Mr. cCray commented he passed by the project and it looked great. Chair Taylor agreed and noted the sidewalk connectors looked good. E. Movies in the Park: June 27 — The Lego Movie F. Happy Hour Thursday — Music on the Rocks/Shaken Not Stirred G. Standard & Poor's Rating Services Chair Taylor was pleased the CRA received an excellent rating. I. Public Comments: (Note: comments are limited to three minutes in duration) Dr. Lois Smith, 122 NW 8 th Avenue, representing her mother, explained there was a large hole being dug in her mother's yard and she was not informed of it prior to the digging She would like to receive some sort of a report from the City indicating her sewage and water lines were not being crossed or cut. She requested the inspector or the Utilities Department verify that she would not incur any future damage to her sewage or water lines. New construction was occurring next door and it was her understanding the workers were looking for the sewage line and could not find it. The home was in the vicinity of Ocean Breeze, but it was believed the utility lines extended 4 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Board Boynton Beach, Florida June 10, 2014 to the front of the street for the properties located on 8th Avenue. Chair Taylor agreed staff would look into the matter and contact her. No one else coming forward, Public Comments were closed. X11. Public Hearing: None. X111. Old Business: A. Consideration of Conceptual Designs for the North Federal Highway Entry Signage Mike Simon, Assistant CRA Director, reviewed the item. Attachment 1 was an image of the conceptual design the Board approved at the City's southern entrance by WalMart on Federal highway. Attachment 2 was concepts A and B. He added concept C, which was a replica of the sign approved for the south side of the City and adapted to the existing wall and planter bed (that was formerly a fountain) to be consistent with the Board's comments. There was a slight variation in the wave between Concept B and Concept C. Chair Taylor explained staff had recommended Concept B, but he liked Concept A because of the additional waves on the wall. Mr. Hay agreed and inquired about the plants below the word Boynton Beach. Mr. Simon explained everything other than the green hedge was a low-growth ground cover. Mr. Hay's selection was Concept A as was Vice Chair Casello's and Messrs. McCray, Merker and Buchanan. Mr. Merker inquired about the cost, design and time factors with the waves. Mr. Simon thought there would probably be a slight increase in cost since the size of the sign was much larger than the sign on the south end of the City. Once the concept was selected, Kimley Horn would analyze the cost. A budget was already in place this fiscal year. Other than it costing more money, Mr. Merker would like to see the sign in other areas of the City such as Congress Avenue because it had a small sign. Mr. McCray hoped different plants would be used because the ones at the South entrance looked like they were dying. He also thought the sign coordinated well with the Brand Promise. Mr. Buchanan commented when the wall was cleaned, the Sailfish would be lost. Mr. Simon explained the sign will be lit at night and the steel for the sailfish should stand out from the wall. Mr. Hay also noted the size of the letters comprising the words Boynton Beach were larger. There will be up-lights on the sign and wall and Mr. Simon agreed to bring 3-D enhancements and costs to the Board. 5 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Board Boynton Beach, Florida June 10, 2014 Motion Mr. McCray moved to approve Concept A. Mr. Hay seconded the motion that unanimously passed. XIV. New Business A. Consideration of Resolution No. 14-04 and Interlocal Agreement with the City of Boynton Beach to Provide Technical Services to the CRA Motion Mr. Merker moved to approve. Mr. McCray seconded the motion. Mr. Fitzpatrick expressed concern. He had attended meetings and been told ITS internet access cut out on Fridays and no one was available to fix it for three days. He inquired if that was addressed in the Interlocal Agreement. Susan Harris, Finance Director, responded that situation has not happened in the last few months. There is a helpdesk line available to the CRA on Fridays, and they fix it as fast as possible. Mr. Simon noted City Hall opening on Fridays should solve that issue. Vice Chair Casello asked how staff determined $24K was appropriate. Ms. Harris explained in 2006 when they first used the City's ITS services, that was the rate in the contract. There was an increase of 3% per year and the City agreed not to increase the amount. The CRA was staying with the same 3% increase each year for ITS services. She commented it was well deserved as they do a lot of work for the CRA. She did not think it was worth going with an outside vendor. The City does a great job. The motion unanimously passed. B. Consideration of Standard Vendor Agreement and Entertainment Agreement for Events Chair Taylor commented he read the agreements and was amazed that all the aspects to protect the CRA and City were covered. He thought staff did an outstanding job. Motion Mr. Hay moved to approve. Mr. Merker seconded the motion. Mr. McCray noted the agreement states the vendor will not smoke within the boundaries of the event. Ms. Harris confirmed that as correct. The motion unanimously passed. 6 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Board Boynton Beach, Florida June 10, 2014 B. Consideration of Purchase Agreement between the CRA and Blanche H. Girtman for Vacant Lot 11 on MLK Blvd. in the amount of $130,000 Motion Mr. Hay moved to approve. Mr. McCray seconded the motion. Ms. Brooks explained this item relates to the Heart of Boynton Plan update approved by the Board and City Commission. The subject lot was viewed on a map and it was near a large piece of CRA land on the north side of the eastern part of MLK and Seacrest Boulevards. The CRA received their first development agreement on the south side with the Family Dollar Store. Staff was hoping for further commercial development and still did not have a full-service grocery store or other services in the neighborhood that should be there. As houses are built, the demand for commercial business will increase. Staff already received an inquiry from a different brand of grocery store looking for a site last week. This was one of the five projects for the MLK commercial corridor and the purchase was an "opportunity buy." Ms. Girtman has been in the neighborhood for many years, she wants to sell, and staff wants to buy the property per the Plan. Mr. McCray explained originally Ms. Girtman wanted alot more money. The property between Ms. Girtman's lot and the CRA's lot was owned by the Venetian Group as well as the lot on the other side of Ms. Girtman's lot and the convenience store on the west side of Seacrest that is still in operation. The store was closed and then reopened. Mr. McCray asked if the CRA would negotiate with them for that lot, and Ms. Brooks thought if an RFP was issued, they would let the private sector acquire the lots. Mr. Merker had a problem with the purchase of the property because there are two different owners, Ms. Girtman and the Venetian Group, and there is no potential agreement to sell those properties. There was no agreement from a food store to locate there and the issue was should they pay more than the appraised value. He also opined if the CRA purchased property from Ms. Girtman, the adjacent owners will realize, with the possibility of a food store, they can get more. He acknowledged it may be a good time to purchase land, but questioned if it was a good time to invest money when the CRA did not have any agreements to confirm anything. Vice Chair Casello commented, in reference to the next land purchases on the agenda. that each piece of land was for a purpose. One was for the Cottage District and the other for the model block. The property appraised at $21 K and another at $80K. He questioned why the CRA would purchase land for $130K when the appraisal was $80K. He did not object to purchasing the land, but thought they should negotiate with Ms. Girtman for a better price. The CRA was setting the bar at $130K. Ms. Brooks agreed they should not purchase the land on either side of Ms. Girtman's lot. They were willing sellers, but not at a rational price. 7 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Board Boynton Beach, Florida J une 10, 2014 Chair Taylor commented none of the listed and previously acquired properties were bought at appraised value. Sellers always ask more than appraised value and he doubted anyone would sell their home at appraised value. He explained this is how the CRA starts assembling parcels and each parcel was acquired individually. Years ago, Ms. Girtman asked for a lot more money and he did not think the price was unreasonable. Mr. Buchanan pointed out that while the appraisal was $80K, if eminent domain was available, the CRA would have to pay 50% more than the appraised value and this price was close to that amount. He gave kudos to the staff for acquiring this and the other two parcels. He thought this was as good as they would get, and as good as they would get with eminent domain, which they no longer have. Mr. Hay's vision of Boynton Beach was for someone new to the area to ride around and not be able to distinguish between blighted and non - blighted areas. This was across from the Ocean Breeze area and it was a beautiful area. He thought it was a good buy, and the people in that area deserve that quality of life. He commented when you improve an area, it has a tendency to stay improved and property values would not decrease. This was an opportunity to do something for the area. He supported the acquisition. Mr. Fitzpatrick did not understand the value of an appraisal if the CRA does not use them. Ms. Brooks explained Florida Statutes requires staff to use them, which sets an understanding of what the property is worth. Ms. Girtman wanted $180K. Intown promised many residents a lot of money and the residents thought it would continue. Ms. Brooks had to explain to them that was not how it would work. The CRA uses public dollars and would not pay an unreasonable fee. Mr. Fitzpatrick thought the CRA was paying 1.62% over appraised value for the lot and using the 1.6 %, it calculated to $812K per acre. He did not agree with $800K an acre for land used for drug sales. The adjacent owners would expect much more than the appraised value. His preference was 20% over appraised value or not purchase the property. The CRA did not need the land right away. Mr. McCray discussed the comment the CRA would pay $800K in a drug- infested area and took exception to it. He commented if the CRA acquires the property, they can rid the drugs. This area was in his district and getting rid of drug use was the priority. Mr. Merker asked if the two pieces of property the CRA owns were big enough for a food store or if they would need additional land. Ms. Brooks responded it would be big enough for a 10K or 12K square -foot store. They also want a hard corner lot for the store. Ms. Brooks explained what would change the value of the property more than the purchase was when Boos Development Group closes on the property across the street for $390K. The site plan was approved next August or September. If the CRA did not purchase the land, they will be facing a new and higher value later. 8 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Board Boynton Beach, Florida June 10, 2014 Mr. Hay agreed with Ms. Brooks' comments and explained CRA's eliminate slum and blight. When he speaks with people along MLK, some are afraid to come out of their houses because they know there are drugs in the area. This was an investment in the City, not just District 11. He thought the Board had to be committed to fighting blight and crime. This is an investment and opportunity to do something for the quality of life for people on that corridor. Vice Chair Casello agreed, but thought because the property was vacant, there was nothing on it that would increase its value. It was just land banking. Boos Development Group bought two parcels for $390K because the CRA sold them their parcels for $10. The CRA now would have the middle lot of a larger parcel. A grocery store would come in and say we cannot afford the other lots as each neighbor wants an outstanding amount and the CRA would get stuck again. He thought if they had a plan, there would be no problem. The other two parcels had a plan. The CRA was banking this lot and would sell it to a builder for $10. Mr. Fitzpatrick extended his apologies if he misstated the area was a drug-infested area. He did not see the relationship between buying an overpriced piece of property and how it removed drugs. He thought it was a matter of good policing and removing rental units. . He thought the Board would overpay for the property and it set a bad precedent that will bankrupt the CRA. Mark Karageorge, 140A Main Boulevard, explained the CRA could not take action unless it was in the HOB Plan which it was. He commented land assembly was not easy. If the Board did not purchase the property now, they will compete against themselves and pay double in the future. Once Family Dollar Store was on the tax rolls, there would be a large reassessment of neighboring properties. He urged the Board to take advantage of the opportunity buy. While there was not yet a tenant in hand, over the last year, Ms. Brooks received more calls regarding the MLK corridor than she had in the prior three years. When Family Dollar opens, there will be interest and he agreed it would be better to let a private entity acquire the other two properties. He requested the Board listen to staff when they recommend taking advantage of an opportunity buy. The motion passed 5-2, (Vice Chair Casello and Mr. Fitzpatrick dissenting.) C. Consideration of Purchase Agreement between the CRA and Brian J. Fitzpatrick for Property Located at 137 W. MLK Blvd. in the amount of $125,000 Chair Taylor announced ed the request. Motion Mr. McCray moved to approve. Mr. Hay seconded the motion. 9 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Board Boynton Beach, Florida June 10, 2014 Mr. Fitzpatrick inquired why the CRA wanted the lot. If they want a block of single family homes, there was one there now. Ms. Brooks explained they wanted to replat the land. The house was tiny, old and dilapidated and it should be demolished. It had been a rental for a long time. She prefers to rehab homes, but not this home as it does not fit the concept of the Model Block. Mr. Fitzpatrick inquired about plans for the other houses on NW 1 st Street and NW 11 Avenue. Ms. Brooks did not know and commented the City had more information on them, but she was aware the City was trying to get rid of the rentals and move to home ownership to stabilize the area. No owner-occupied homes would be demolished. There were several multi-family homes. Ms. Brooks commented the goal was to build new homes, up to Code. This was a modified, two-bedroom home converted to a three-bedroom, one bath home and it was not saleable. Mr. Fitzpatrick commented the purchase would be 56% over appraised value. The market value approach put the property at $11 OK and using an income approach, the value would be $105K. The owners originally wanted $175K and advised staff they rent the property. Chair Taylor explained he has driven down MLK and the home was terrible. They were still cleaning up the area. Mr. Buchanan pointed out it was over appraised value, but it was property they needed to acquire. He thought the negotiated price was as good as it would get. Mr. Merker favored the purchase based on it being a one-owner property. Mr. Hay noted Boynton Beach was ranked fourth in the nation for being one of the best places for retirees. To maintain that ranking, they needed to rid the City of these places and this was the time to do so. Ms. Brooks clarified they requested an income capitalization report for income properties, which valued the property at $93K as contained in the meeting materials. When purchasing income property, there is a perceived value. Mr. Fitzpatrick explained, due to some of the comments, there may be a perception the property was a crack house. Based on conversations he had with Brian Fitzpatrick, he is known to be a law abiding citizen interested in cleaning up the area and he did not believe there was any drug usage in his properties. Chair Taylor opened the issue for Public Comments. No one coming forward, Public Comments was closed. The motion passed 6-1 (Mr. Fitzpatrick dissenting.) D. Consideration of Purchase Agreement between the CRA and Rosebud House, LLC for Property Located at 121 NE 4th Avenue in the amount of $155,000 10 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Board Boynton Beach, Florida June 10, 2014 Chair Taylor announced the item. Motion Mr. McCray moved to approve. Mr. Merker seconded the motion. Ms. Brooks explained this was a two-unit home, with a rental property in the back. An income capitalization approach was used. The front property was not in good shape and cannot be rehabbed as the structural integrity was poor. Both units were rented. The owner was collecting decent rent and the property is in the Cottage District. The CRA has much of that block under control. The property was unattractive and not well maintained. This block would be encouraged for home ownership at a higher level and higher income. Vice Chair Casello inquired about the tenants when the property is purchased. Ms. Brooks explained the contract specifies they have to notify the tenants to be out by closing. The CRA will board the building and have an asbestos inspection done. If asbestos is found, it will be removed. If demolition is warranted, staff will go out to bid. The home was a wood-frame home. Mr. Fitzpatrick asked how old the concept of the Cottage District was and Ms. Brooks responded it was about seven years old. Mr. Fitzpatrick noted in backup, the bank sold the house for $43K and inquired why the CRA did not buy it then. Ms. Brooks explained the CRA was not proficient at courthouse step purchases. Mr. Fitzpatrick noted who ever purchased it, flipped it for $66K and asked why the CRA did not buy it then. Ms. Brooks explained it was not always an arms-length transaction. When asked about the plan for the property next door, Ms. Brooks explained staff could talk to them to see if they were willing to sell. Mr. Fitzpatrick had a problem tearing down a cottage in the Cottage District. He thought the market would build up the District. Ms. Brooks explained an investment group owns the property and they do not care about putting owners there. They will invest the least amount of money to get the most from their investment. The motion passed 5-2, (Vice Chair Casello and Mr. Fitzpatrick dissenting.) E. Consideration of Approval of Commercial Fagade Grant and Waiver to the Commercial Fagade submitted by the Boynton Woman's Club Mr. Simon reported the item would vary the reimbursement procedure in the grant program guidelines. Under its terms, the approved applicant completes the work using their funds and submits for reimbursement to the CRA. The application the Woman's Club submitted was acceptable and they attached a letter asking to pay and reimburse the assumed grantee in two phases. One phase of the project was to replace two doors and the second phase was to replace a third set of doors. The request was predicated 11 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Board Boynton Beach, Florida June 10, 2014 on cash flow within the organization and they request the Board consider that. The maximum grant they would receive was $15K and they would receive funds via two separate draws. Chair Taylor commented the structure was a historic building and did not see a problem. Mr. Hay inquired if the windows installed would meet hurricane standards. Mr. Simon explained The Woman's Club will work with Historic Preservation Planner, Warren Adams to ensure the windows meet all standards. With older buildings they have stricter requirements. Warren Adams, Historic Preservation Planner, explained the building was on the National Register so there was no requirement for them to work with him, but it was their desire to do so. Windows and doors can last over 100 years if well maintained. Mr. Merker thought the Board should support the request. Vice Chair Casello agreed and asked if they were applying for other grants. Mr. Simon understood there are other building repairs needed. The overall restoration of the building was being actively pursued. Mr. Fitzpatrick inquired how often one could apply for a Commercial Fagade Improvement grant and Mr. Simon responded once every five years. Mr. McCray supported the request and commented he votes for things in his District and in the City. Motion Mr. Hay moved to approve. Mr. Merker seconded the motion that unanimously passed. F. Consideration of Approval of Revisions to HAP Short Sale Policy Guidelines Mr. Simon explained the guidelines were in use since the first short-sales approached the City and CRA and the list of conditions to be met were reviewed by CRA counsel and modeled on the City's short-sale guidelines. After review with new legal counsel, there were some minor changes to better protect the Board. He reviewed the changes which were contained in the meeting materials. Staff supported the changes. Motion Mr. McCray moved to approve. Vice Chair Casello seconded the motion that unanimously passed. 12 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency or - Boynton Beach, Florida June 10, 2014 G. Consideration of Approval for The Bride of Christ Tabernacle Church's Request for Temporary Use of CRA Lots for Parking Mr. Simon explained the Church sent a letter to Ms. Brooks and they were securing permits for new church construction. A map of the location and proximity of the Church to CRA lots was provided. The Church requested using CRA vacant lots for Tuesday and Thursday services from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. and on Sunday from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. ending on January 15, 2015. They specified no construction materials or trucks would be on the lots, only cars for services. They have agreed to include the CRA as additionally insured. Mr. Simon explained the CRA has permitted this type of activity to occur periodically with St. John Missionary Baptist Church and there were no construction plans for the affected CRA's lots during this time period. Motion Mr. McCray moved to approve. Mr. Merker seconded the motion. Vice Chair Casello asked if the CRA has its own insurance. Mr. Simon explained the CRA has its own General Liability on the lot and had requested the Church name the CRA as additionally insured. The Contractor can be asked to do so as well. Mr. Hay asked what the difference was between allowing this for the Church and not Clifford Bell, on 10 Avenue. Mr. Simon explained one was a temporary request for a non-commercial use and the other was for a convenience store that had a lot. This is a goodwill gesture to a neighbor. Mr. Hay favored the request. Mr. Fitzpatrick asked if the lot was sugar sand. Mr. Simon had not inspected the soil, but stated the CRA would not be responsible for anything that may occur such as developing ruts. Staff could monitor the lot and if needed, would work with the Church to ensure there was suitable parking. The motion unanimously passed. H. Presentation of New CRA Website Tracy Smith-Coffey, Business Development Specialist, reviewed the website that was based on the tag line Catch Yourself in Boynton Beach to attract visitors, residents and new businesses to the area. She reviewed how to navigate the site and pointed out they combined the Boynton Harbor Marina website with the CRA website. The site was easy to navigate. Much of the traffic to the site would be for event listings, grants and the Boynton Harbor Marina. There is a drop down specifically for what was available at the Marina including fuel and the price of fuel, activities and waterfront dining. The site was designed in a way to alert individuals that Boynton Beach was open for business and encourages business. Connect was about the CRA. Out and 13 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Board Boynton Beach, Florida June 10, 2014 About will be fined tuned and coming shortly as would Business Closeup. Point Up was business and new businesses that would be showcased. Other features of the site included the calendar, development opportunities, which included land parcels available for development and an email signup for information about special events, grants and what the CRA has to offer. The site includes a listing of the waterway parks, meeting videos, plans and documents and information about what is occurring in Boynton Beach and their press releases. The site was easy to navigate and update. Mr. McCray inquired if there was a 4 th of July event. Chair Taylor responded the City was handling it. Tickets could be purchased at the Schoolhouse Children's Museum for the Clubhouse. There would be more vendors this year. All monies raised will help support the Schoolhouse Children's Museum. V. Executive Director's Report: A. New Businesses in CRA District Chair Taylor noted there were two new businesses, (Alexis Knight Architect Inc. and WPBR.) B. Development Projects Update Mr. Fitzpatrick asked how the tanks at the Marina were fueled and where they were located. Mr. Simon responded the tanks were not changed. They were under the roundabout and filled on top, similar to those at a gas station. The Related Group installed the tanks according to the State's requirements, and new construction would not affect them. Chair Taylor commented the Sunoco on Federal and SE 23 Street was going out of business. Mr. Simon met with the new owner and a real estate representative about a Commercial Fagade Grant. He had contacted the CRA months ago indicating he wanted to improve the Station. Plans for the gas station were reviewed on a site plan basis and the owner intends to remove the bays and make it more of a convenience store/gas station, that was more high-end and with nicer landscaping. XVI. Future Agenda Items: A. Report by Lyman Reynolds on the Status of the Lisa Bright vs. CRA Case July B. Consideration of a Direct Incentive Funding Agreement with LeCesse Development Group- TBD 14 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Board Boynton Beach, Florida June 10, 2014 XVII. Adjournment There being no further business to discuss, Chair Taylor adjourned the meeting at 8:08 p.m. !� �.r� � a... � 0.'w atherine Cherry Minutes Specialist 061114 15