Jerry Taylor, Chair Vivian Brooks, Executive Director
Joe Casello, Vice Chair Ken Spillias, Board Counsel
Buck Buchanan
Michael Fitzpatrick
Woodrow Hay
Mack McCray
David Merker
1. Call to Order
Chair Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
11. Invocation and Pledge to the Flag
Mr. McCray gave the invocation followed by the members reciting the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag.
Ill. Roll Call
Roll call established a quorum was present.
IV. Legal:
Attorney Spillias requested the Board disregard Item IV. 1. that was incorrect.
V. Agenda Approval
A. Additions, Deletions, Corrections to the Agenda
Vice Chair Casello pulled Consent Agenda Items D and E and requested the CRA
sunset date be provided at the next meeting.
B. Adoption of Agenda
Mr. McCray moved to approve the agenda as amended. Mr. Hay seconded the motion
that unanimously passed.
VI. Informational Items and Disclosures by Board Members and CRA Staff:
A. Disclosures of Conflicts, Contacts and Relationships for Items Presented to
the CRA Board on Agenda Items
Mr. Fitzpatrick disclosed he met with the developer of the 184 unit project at High Ridge
and Miner Road.
Vice Chair Casello also met with Eastwind Development LLC Company and with the
Fitzgerald Group which was a commercial real estate group looking to do business in
Boynton Beach.
Messrs. Merker, McCray, Hay and Buchanan disclosed they met with representatives of
Neighborhood Renaissance.
Chair Taylor also met with the developer of the Miner and High Ridge Road project and
the Fitzgerald Group about another project in Boynton Beach.
B. Informational Announcements
Mr. Hay advised on August 2, 2014, he attended the Pathways 2 Prosperity Back to
School activity which was a great success. Over 1,000 people attended the well-
organized event. On August 6th he attended the Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony at Primo
Hoagies. He advised he and his wife would be returning for more good food.
Mr. McCray inquired if the Boynton Beach Coalition of Clergy, a new organization,
would have their Back to School event. Mr. Hay responded it would take place on
Saturday, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Carolyn Sims Center. He invited all to attend
and show their support.
VII. Announcements & Awards: None
I. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes — CRA Board Meeting, July 8, 2014
B. Approval of Period Ended July 31, 2014 Financial Report
C. Monthly Purchase Orders
D. Approval of Interior Build -Out Grant to Oceano Realty, Inc., d /b /a Ocean East
This item was pulled by Vice Chair Casello.
E. Approval of Rent Reimbursement Grant to Oceano Realty, Inc. d /b /a Ocean
East Properties.
This item was pulled by Vice Chair Casello.
IX Pulled Consent Agenda Items:
D. Approval of Interior Build -Out Grant to Oceano Realty, Inc., d /b /a Ocean East
Vice Chair Casello noted the lease starts in August and he received confirmation the
lease was signed. He inquired who was receiving the grant as there was a landlord and
two principal owners. Ms. Brooks explained the landlord had to approve the work, but
two women own the company.
Vice Chair Casello moved to approve. Mr. McCray seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
E. Approval of Rent Reimbursement Grant to Oceano Realty, Inc. d /b /a Ocean
East Properties
Vice Chair Casello moved to approve. Mr. McCray seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
X. Information Only
A. Public Comment Log
B. CRA Development Project Update: Boynton Harbor Marina Harbor Master
Building Project
Chair Taylor noted there was a complaint about the trash and the pier at Marina Village.
Ms. Brooks explained much of that is maintained by the City. Most of the issue was a
lack of maintenance such as replacing dead plants and exposed irrigation and Chair
Taylor agreed to follow up with the City.
Chair Taylor also noted there were complaints about hoses and fish blood. Ms. Brooks
explained that type of complaint would occur, but the Marina manager stays on top of it.
She suggested the Marina Manager may not have seen it at that time because she and
Mr. Simon do not see that occurring on a regular basis. The CRA pays the Marina
Manager and two staff members to maintain the premises and they alerted him to the
concern. The pictures shown were of the SeaMist which was on private property. When
the complaint was received, Mr. Simon sent it to Public Works with a copy to the City
Manager. The only CRA item they had to address was the banner which they replaced.
C. CRA Development Project update: Parking Lot Project on NE 1 st Avenue and
NE 1 st Street and a Sidewalk Connector located at 208 NE 1' Avenue
Vice Chair Casello commented it appeared progress had stopped on the parking lot and
there was a pile of debris in the middle which was unacceptable. Ms. Brooks contacted
the contractor asking about the debris and was told they were waiting for a full load.
She informed the vendor it was not acceptable. Otherwise, the project was progressing.
Irrigation and electric for the light poles had been installed. Construction of the lot
appears to proceed on a slower basis because there are items installed underground
which were not visible. Mr. Simon reminded the contractor the lot was at the front of
City Hall and was a well-traveled area. The contractor should haul the trash as it
accumulates. He noted the City generally requires a dumpster since the material was
site debris. Mr. McCray requested the next time a gap in progress occurred, staff notify
the Board.
I. Public Comments
Annette Gray, former CRA Consultant, advised she developed a series of community
programs and she was back in the community with a global family of businesses. She
expressed the business incubator was not in the CRA district due to the space
constraints. She was developing a mobile entrepreneurship training bus she could take
to community schools and churches. She wanted to alert the Board to this new
resource and she was looking forward to working with staff and the Board. Ms. Gray
explained the CRA did not have retail space in the size and depth she needed. Mr.
McCray explained he hoped that could be resolved soon as he took offense. She
responded she did not intend to offend.
Chair Taylor closed public comments.
II. Public Hearing
III. Old Business:
A. Report by Lyman Reynolds on the Status of the Lisa Bright vs. CRA Case
Attorney Spillias explained he spoke with Lyman Reynolds and Ms. Bright's case
against the CRA was dismissed on Summary Judgment. She appealed and was
denied. Ms. Bright obtained new counsel and filed a motion with the trial judge to enter
a final judgment on the basis the judge's summary judgment order was not a final
judgment. Ms. Bright did not appeal that decision and the time for appeal passed so the
case against the CRA was over and dismissed with finality.
There was a request of Mr. Reynolds to disclose the attorney - client sessions on the
basis the case was over, but the judge denied the request due to Ms. Bright's lawsuit
against the City and Mr. Rodriguez on related issues. There is case law that in these
situations, the records of the closed- sessions are sealed until that litigation was over.
B. Consideration of Action on the RFP /RFQ for Ocean Breeze East Site
Attorney Spillias explained this matter had been brought to him after Ms. Brooks was
asked, under the RFP rules, whether Board members could speak to RFP Respondents
and one already had. He reviewed the RFP and there was a provision for a cone of
silence up to a certain point in time. Proposers could not make contact with Board
members or staff, except as specifically detailed in the RFP. He understood how the
language could be viewed as precluding contact only up to the point the proposals were
submitted to the Board, and a layman's reading would not be unreasonable.
He clarified the reason for the cone of silence after proposals were submitted was to
prevent contact with decision makers for varying reasons. Decision makers should rely
on the documentation, the recommendation of the review committee and the
presentations that were made. Some Board's want cones of silence and some do not.
Attorney Spillias' initial interpretation was the language appeared to be a traditional
cone of silence that was poorly written. He asked if there was a Board policy regarding
the issue and Ms. Brooks provided him with minutes from 2011. At that time, the Mayor
was seeking to remove the cone of silence because he wanted to talk one -on -one with
the presenters before the presentation and the motion was to maintain the cone of
silence. Due to the history provided, it was likely intended to be a traditional cone of
silence, but the language in the RFP could leave one to believe it was not.
To minimize the risk of litigation and ensure the proposals moved forward, the Board
could disqualify the one proposer for violating the cone of silence, reject all the
proposals and reissue the RFP, or decide at the meeting or the next meeting the cone
of silence would not be in effect for the process as they moved forward and let other
proposers meet with the Board members on this project.
Attorney Spillias advised the safest option was to reject the RFP, but it was defensible
to allow contact with other proposer as well. He received a letter from Brian Hinners,
CEO of Florida Affordable Housing Inc., a representative of one of the respondents,
who had not spoken to the Board. His group wanted to move forward and he waived
any protest they may have of a possible violation of this provision of the RFP. The letter
would give the Board additional protection and more flexibility. They could now move
forward without anyone claiming foul.
Attorney Spillias suggested Mr. Hinners and another representative from the
organization confirm what was in the letter. If the Board hears from each proposer, there
should be no conversation about the substance of the proposal at this meeting because
it was not on the agenda for this purpose. The purpose was how to proceed
procedurally. He advised if moving forward, the Board proceed under the criteria he
Mack Bernard, Florida Affordable Housing, 777 E. Atlantic Avenue, Unit 200, Delray
Beach confirmed they did submit the letter yesterday and did not have a problem
moving forward. He suggested they keep the process going and that since there were
only two responses, they did not need a ranking committee. Both proposers should
present to the CRA Board so they could make a decision. He proposed to hold a
special meeting within two weeks because timing was important. There were deadlines
for the H.O.M.E. and S.A.I.L. funds, which they would use for the project. They did not
communicate with anyone, and did not want to be penalized for missing the deadlines
for their project.
Michael Pecar, Neighborhood Renaissance, 510 24th Street, West Palm Beach, was
amenable to having a special meeting in two weeks.
Mr. Merker asked if they could have a meeting to not have a cone of silence, and Chair
Taylor responded this could be discussed at another meeting.
Mr. McCray asked if there would be problems with the Inspector General, and Attorney
Spillias explained the Inspector General would advocate it was better to have the cone
of silence in this process, but it was not an ethics or legal issue. It was a policy issue.
The RFP gives the right to waive some criteria. This may not be a non-substantial
criterion, but in this circumstance, waiving it may be appropriate. The rules in the RFP
were intended to ensure there was a level playing field and no unfair advantage was
Chair Taylor explained the Attorney General had advised the matter was not under their
jurisdiction. They turned it over to the Ethics Committee and there has been no
Mr. Merker asked if they could find out whom the person or company was that
questioned the Inspector General. Attorney Spillias advised if the Inspector General did
not find a wrong doing, no one would ever know. Mr. Merker inquired if the matter
coincided with the Board of Ethics because they may not issue an open statement, but it
would be in the records that could be retrieved. Attorney Spillias was unsure and at Mr.
Merker's request, agreed to look into the matter.
Mr. Hay explained Ocean Breeze East would be a big boost for the Heart of Boynton
and he believed the cone of silence should only be used when necessary because he
likes to speak to developers before he votes. He did understand the purpose of the
cone of silence. He thought they were delaying the project over wording that did not
exist in the RFP, and if they reissue the RFP, the same two developers would apply. He
acknowledged one of the respondents indicated they would be negatively impacted if
they had to start over. He saw it as an error on Ms. Brooks part as she did not
emphasize it, an error on Attorney Spillias' part, and an error on the part of the
members because they voted for it. The perception of the community was this was a
way to delay a major project in the HOB. He favored the project proceeding as is and
changes in wording should apply to next project.
Chair Taylor announced he had intended to start over, but the letter alleviated that
concern, and he was willing to move forward.
Vice Chair Casello asked what the ramifications would be if the Inspector General's
office decides the CRA broke their own rules. Attorney Spillias explained the Inspector
General's office has no enforcement power. They would issue a report explaining what
they viewed was not financially efficient and recommend what they think the Board
should do in the future. Vice Chair Casello asked if there was anything in the RFP that
Respondent's would have to submit if they were involved in a lawsuit or litigation, such
as occurred with West Construction. Attorney Spillias explained different RFPs have
different requirements and he did not think it applied to this RFP. Vice Chair Casello
noted a newspaper article about Neighborhood Renaissance having legal issues with
West Palm Beach and foreclosures and asked if that would preclude them from
submitting a response. Attorney Spillias advised under the criteria in the RFP, it would
Vice Chair Casello pointed out Attorney Spillias was directed to go through the RFPs to
add language to avoid this situation and this was the second time there were problems
with the RFP which was unacceptable. He blamed Ms. Brooks and Attorney Spillias for
two errors and declared the Board could not keep stumbling over their own RFPs. The
RFPs must be crystal clear in their directions and he warned someone will have to
answer the next time a problem occurred.
Ms. Brooks accepted responsibility and commented since she read the language
literally; she had not considered the purpose of the cone. There was no caption on that
paragraph saying the cone of silence applied and she misdirected the Board. Attorney
Spillias acknowledged he did not write the RFP, but did review it and he accepted
responsibility. Chair Taylor pointed out the Board was supposed to be knowledgeable
and they have new members. He suggested in the near future, they hold an educational
seminar to advise members about the cone of silence and how it works.
Mr. Merker noted Auburn Development had issues with owing Delray Beach money, not
Neighborhood Renaissance and he had articles dated March 27 and April 1' indicating
a mistake was made. He thought they should discuss whether the cone of silence was
good or not because it was important.
Vice Chair Casello agreed Mr. Merker was correct, but pointed out articles written in the
Palm Beach Post indicated Neighborhood Renaissance in 2004 and 2005 did not pay
back loans owed to West Palm Beach.
Mr. Fitzpatrick wanted to see the cone of silence be the same as the City's. The City's
policy permits discussion as long as they are a registered lobbyist. It did not matter
which policy was used, or that they be the same. Also under disclosures, he pointed
out citizen David Katz, called twice and they had short conversations. Mr. Katz seemed
to speak in favor of Florida Affordable Housing. He did not agree with Mr. Bernard's
request to drop the rankings, because staff uses their expertise when they rank the
responses and they are aware of items the Board members may not know. He favored
having a special meeting in two weeks.
Attorney Spillias disclosed he received a voicemail from Mr. Katz indicating he had a
question. He emailed him back informing him that when he represents a Board, he
does not respond to residents without approval of the Board because it would be
spending the CRA's money without their control and Mr. Katz understood.
Mr. Buchanan was also called by Mr. Katz who was trying to present arguments for not
issuing a new RFP and proceeding. He agreed with Mr. Fitzpatrick to continue with
CRA and City staff analysis of the proposals. Although Florida Affordable Housing
waived the penalty, he thought they still needed a level playing field and it should be
made clear to both parties they are free to contact Board members. He supported
having a special meeting.
Mr. McCray favored keeping the analysis intact and moving forward. He also supported
the harsh words spoken to Board Counsel and the Director, but acknowledged
everyone makes mistake. He did not want to meet with anyone else and wanted staff
Mr. Merker agreed with moving forward and inquired if Mr. Katz was a lobbyist or getting
paid for his inquiries. He had not received a call from him and noted Mr. Katz does not
live in District II. He thought it interesting Mr. Katz was so emphatic saying what he
thinks. He thought Mr. Katz should also be careful with his inquires so he does not get
in trouble.
Chair Taylor advised there was consensus to move forward, maintain the committee
ranking and have a special meeting in the next two weeks. After brief discussion,
Tuesday, August 26 was selected. Ms. Brooks would check to find a meeting location
and the Board could speak to both parties if they wanted.
The applicants were in agreement with the provisions.
Vice Chair Casello motioned to move forward with the RFPs with the stipulations. Mr.
McCray seconded the motion.
Vice Chair Casello noted Ms. Brooks, at one time, was on the selection committee, but
was no longer on it. She had left employment from Neighborhood Renaissance in
The motion unanimously carried.
The members further discussed dates for the meeting due to the 26 being a primary
election. Monday August 18 was suggested. Mr. Buchanan would not be available and
Mr. Merker was unsure. Meeting before the City Commission meeting at 5 p.m. was
also suggested. Ms. Brooks advised she would provide the notice via email and backup
via thumb drive. Hard copies would also be available.
C. Presentation on Business Development Advertising Campaign
Ms. Brooks announced a presentation had been prepared, but the equipment was not
Mr. McCray moved to table to the next meeting. Mr. Hay seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
XIV. New Business
A. Consideration of Safety Assessment Services Proposal and Contract for Ken
Stapleton & Associates for Safety Assessment Service in the Amount of
$19,000 — Tabled July 8, 2014
Mr. McCray moved to remove from the table. Mr. Hay seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Ms. Brooks explained she was directed to obtain past reports from Mr. Stapleton. She
emailed him and his response was he would not provide them.
Mr. Fitzpatrick moved to decline his offer. Mr. Merker seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
B. Consideration of a Purchase Agreement between the CRA and Nathaniel
Robinson for Property Located at 517 NE 'I' Street in the amount of $74,000
(purchase price) & $15,000 (relocation assistance)
Ms. Brooks explained this property was a single-family home which was owner
occupied. The owner, Reverend Robinson, was elderly and the home was in very poor
condition. The back was starting to rot. Staff was allowing him to live in the home for
another 90 days until he found another residence. The appraised amount was $65,000.
Vice Chair Casello inquired if relocation expenses were new and Ms. Brooks explained
they were not. They had used them for the Little House. He asked what the maximum
amount of relocation assistance was and if the owner could relocate to California. Ms.
Brooks explained the residents usually move locally. Staff researched the last time
relocation assistance was used, and used that amount as the benchmark,
Mr. McCray moved to approve. Mr. Merker seconded the motion.
Chair Taylor asked if staff knew where he would relocate. Ms. Brooks had suggested
he use a realtor since he expressed he was having a hard time finding a home due to
the cost. Chair Taylor explained staff was giving him $12,000 over value and $15,000
for the relocation. Ms. Brooks explained the home would soon advance to a tax sale.
There are liens and that issue would be addressed leaving him with less money. Even
in Leisureville, homes were expensive and he would not get much cash out of the deal.
Mr. McCray explained Reverend Robinson has been a member of the community for
many years. The CRA was not really giving him something, but as a citizen was saying
we wish you the best. He requested if the 90 days did not work, another extension be
given. Ms. Brooks recognized the matter was a hardship and explained he would not be
able to move himself. Mr. Buchanan did not want the property to go to a tax sale, and
thought it would give rise to having another bad landlord.
Vice Chair Casello wanted to change the relocation assistance to be up to $15K and
have it be on a reimbursable basis. Mr. McCray thought the assistance should be
handled consistently as was done with the Jones property as they set a precedent. Vice
Chair Casello expressed the CRA cannot take every hardship case. Mr. Buchanan
explained there is first, last and security to consider as well as fees for electric and
water hookups. Additionally, if the recipient purchased a home, he would need a down
payment. Ms. Brooks explained the Board could indicate up to what amount they would
Vice Chair Casello moved to change the wording to indicate up to $15,000.
The motion died for lack of a second.
Chair Taylor called for a vote on the original motion. The motion passed 6 -1 (Vice Chair
Casello dissenting.)
V. Executive Director's Report
A. New Businesses in CRA District
Ms. Brooks explained due to switching some employees around, the report was not
B. Property Acquisition Report
C. Development Projects Update
Ms. Brooks announced Casa DelMar submitted their plans. This project was on the
north end of the CRA district next to the Peninsula. The packages for the Ocean
Breeze East RFP were available and she requested the members pick them up before
Mr. Fitzpatrick explained he would like to direct staff to work on the cone of silence that
the City used. He added he did not support Vice Chair Casello's motion regarding
relocation assistance, and thought it could be reviewed, so it may allow up to $15,000
on future projects. There was agreement a policy would be made.
XVI. Future Agenda Items: None
XVII. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Chair Taylor adjourned the meeting at 7:38
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Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist