14-030 1 ORDINANCE NO. 14 -030 2 3 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, 4 AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF THE CITY'S CODE OF 5 ORDINANCES, ENTITLED "ADMINISTRATION ", ARTICLE I, "IN 6 GENERAL" ADDING A NEW SECTION 2 -24A, TO BE ENTITLED 7 "THE BOYNTON BEACH DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIP ACT "; 8 PROVIDING DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIP BENEFITS FOR CITY OF 91 BOYNTON BEACH EMPLOYEES; PROVIDING FOR FINDINGS 10 ! ! AND INTENT; PROVIDING FOR DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING FOR 11 REGISTRATION; PROVIDING FOR TERMINATION OF 121 DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIPS; PROVIDING FOR EXTENSION OF 13 1 1 BENEFITS; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, CONFLICTS, 14; SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 15 16 WHEREAS, the City of Boynton Beach ( "City ") desires to recognize unmarried ' 17 people who live with and consider their partners to be members of their immediate family; 18 and 19 WHEREAS, in establishing and permitting domestic partnerships in the City, the City 20 r Commission is recognizing the change in family demographics in the United States; and 21 $ WHEREAS, the City Commission recognizes the legal distinction between married I C 22 couples and domestic partners, and seeks to afford employees who have entered into domestic 23 f i partnership relationships the same benefits offered to married employees; and 24 1 WHEREAS, the City Commission finds that providing equal benefits to all domestic 25 j partners and married couples promotes a fair and equitable work environment; and 26 WHEREAS, the City Commission finds that providing equal benefits to domestic 2711 partners is in the best interests of the citizens, residents and businesses of the City. li 28 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION E ' 29 €1 OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA THAT: 30 SECTION 1. The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses set forth above are hereby ratified 31 I ? and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Ordinance. {00037763 1 306 - 9001821 } Page 1 of 7 1 SECTION 2. Part II, Chapter 2, "'Administration ", Article I, "In General ", of the 2 City Code is hereby amended by creating Section 2 -24A, to be entitled "The Boynton Beach 3 Domestic Partnership Act" which shall read as follows: 4 j ; Section 2 -24A THE BOYNTON BEACH DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIP ACT 5 A) This section may be cited as the "The Boynton Beach Domestic Partnership Act." 6 B) Findings and Intent 7 8 1) The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach finds that there are many 9 I individuals who establish and maintain a significant personal, emotional and 10 economic relationship with another individual but who choose not to marry. 11 Individuals forming such domestic partnerships often live in a committed family 12 relationship. Domestic partners are often denied public and private sector 13 benefits because there is no established system for such relationships to be 14 registered and/or recognized. In addition, because of the status of their 15 relationship, domestic partners in many cases are not extended certain 16 employment benefits that are otherwise made available to employees who have 17 i entered into traditional, state - sanctioned marriages. 18 19 2) The City Commission finds that the provision of domestic partner benefits 20 promotes employee recruitment, employee retention, and employee loyalty. 21 22 3) The provision of this section shall be liberally construed to promote the public 23 health, safety and general welfare of the citizens, residents and employees of the 24 City of Boynton Beach. This act shall not be construed to supersede any federal, 25 I state or city laws or regulations, nor shall this section be interpreted to bring it 26 into conflict with federal, state or city laws. Any rules developed to implement 27 the provisions of this section shall be liberally construed to accomplish the 28 policies and purposes stated in this section. 29 30 C) Definitions 31 I For purposes of this section, these terms shall be defined, as follows: 321 1) City employee means currently employed or retired employees of the City of 3311 Boynton Beach, Florida, who are eligible for benefits pursuant to federal, state, or 34 city laws, city administrative rules, or collective bargaining agreements. 34 Y 361 a 2) Declaration of Domestic Partnership means a declaration prepared by the 371 Department and signed under penalty of perjury, which affirms that the 38 ; individuals referenced in the declaration meet the requirements of a domestic 3911 partnership relationship as described in Subsection D. The Declaration of 100037761 1 306 - 9001821 Page 2 of 7 I i 1 Domestic Partnership shall only be valid as it relates to the City of Boynton Beach 2 employee benefit program. 3 4 3) Department means the City of Boynton Beach Human Resources Department. 5 6 I j 4) Domestic Partners means only two (2) adults who are parties to a domestic 7 1 partnership relationship and who meet the requisites for a valid domestic 8 partnership relationship as established pursuant to Subsection D. 91 10 5) Dependent, as used with regard to domestic partnership benefits, pursuant to 11 j Subsection G, means the domestic partner of a City employee. 12 13 k , 6) Dependent of domestic partner or dependent of employee, as used with regard to 14 domestic partnership benefits, pursuant to Subsection G, means a person who is 15 eligible for coverage under the City's insurance plans. 16 ' 17; i 7) Jointly Responsible means each domestic partner mutually agrees to provide for 18 the other partner's basic food and shelter living expenses while the domestic ' 19 i partnership relationship is in effect, except that partners need not contribute 20 equally or jointly to said basic food and shelter. 21 22 8) Mutual Residence means a residence shared by the registered domestic partners; it 23 is not necessary that the legal right to possess the place of residence be in both of 24 their names. Two people may share a mutual residence even if one or both have 25 additional places to live. Domestic partners do not cease to share a mutual 26 i residence if one leaves the shared place but intends to return. 27 28 D) Registration of a domestic partnership relationship. 29 30 1) A valid domestic partnership relationship may be registered by two persons, one 31 of whom is a City employee by filing a declaration of domestic partnership with 32 the Department, which declaration shall comply with all requirements for , 33 ! establishing such domestic partnership. The director of the Department, or his or , 34 her designee, shall file the declaration of domestic partnership and issue a 35 , # certificate reflecting the registration of the domestic partnership relationship in 36 City. 37 38 2) A declaration of domestic partnership shall contain the name and address of each 39 ' domestic partner, the signature of each partner, and each partner shall swear or 40 affirm under penalty of perjury that: 41 s {0003776+ 1 306- 9001821 1 Page 3 of 7 I. I 1 a) Each person is at least eighteen (18) years old and legally competent to 2 contract; 3 4 b) Neither person is in a current marriage recognized by the state of Florida 5 nor currently a partner to another domestic partnership or civil union with 6 any individual other than the other person signing the declaration of 7 , domestic partnership; 8' 9 ' c) Neither partner is related to the other by blood; 10 11 1 d) Consent of either person to the domestic partnership relationship has not 121 been obtained by force, duress or fraud; 13 1i 14 e) Each person agrees to be jointly responsible for each other's basic food and 15 shelter; 16 17 f) Each partner considers himself or herself to be a member of the immediate 18 family of the other partner; 19 20 i g) The partners reside in a mutual residence; 21 22 h) Each domestic partner agrees to immediately notify the Department, in ' 23 I writing, if the terms of the Declaration of Domestic Partnership are no 24 longer applicable or if one (1) of the domestic partners wishes to terminate 25 the domestic partnership. 26 27 i) Neither partner has signed a Domestic Partnership Affidavit or Declaration 28 1 with any other person within the twelve (12) months prior to designating 29 each other as Domestic Partners. 30 31 3) Any partner to a domestic partnership may file an amendment to the domestic 32 partnership certificate issued by the City to reflect a change in his or her legal 33 name. All other amendments must be filed by both domestic partners with the 34 same formality as the original declaration, however only one party of the 35 f ; domestic partnership is required to file a termination of the valid domestic 361 partnership. 371 38 E) Termination of registered domestic partnership relationship. 3911 1) Either partner to a registered domestic partnership relationship may terminate such 401 i relationship by filing a notarized declaration of termination of domestic 411 1 partnership relationship with the Department. The director of the Department shall 42 file the declaration and issue a certificate of termination of domestic partnership 1 100037763 1 306 - 9001821 Page 4 of 7 1 relationship to each partner of the former relationship. The termination shall 2 become effective immediately from the date the certificate of termination is issued. 3 4 ,1 2) If any partner to a domestic partnership relationship enters into a legal marriage, the 5I domestic partnership relationship shall terminate automatically, and all rights, 61 benefits, and entitlements thereunder shall cease as of the effective date of the 71 marriage. The marrying domestic partner shall file a declaration terminating the 8 j i domestic partnership relationship within five (5) days after entering into a legal 9 marriage that is recognized by the State of Florida. 10 1111 3) The death of either domestic partner shall automatically terminate the domestic 12 partnership relationship. The surviving partner shall continue to be entitled to 13 1 receive all benefits otherwise provided to a surviving spouse. 141 15 F) Maintenance of records. The Department shall, by administrative rule, prescribe 16 the form of all declarations, amendments, and certificates required to be filed under 17 this act. The Department shall maintain a record of all declarations, amendments, and 18 certificates filed pursuant to this act. The records shall be maintained so that all 19 declarations, amendments, and certificates shall be filed with the registered domestic 20 partnership to which they apply. 21 22 ; G) City employees; extension of benefits. 23 1) Any City employee who is a party to a registered domestic partnership relationship, 24 pursuant to Subsection D of this act, shall be entitled to elect insurance coverage for ' 25 his or her domestic partner or a dependent of such domestic partner on the same 26 basis in which any City employee may elect insurance coverage for his or her 27 spouse or dependents. A City employee's right to elect insurance coverage for his or 28 ! her domestic partner, or the partner's dependent, shall extend to all forms of 29 insurance provided by the City to the spouses and dependents of City employees, 30 unless such coverage is prohibited by state or federal law. All elections of coverage 31 shall be made in accordance with the requirements of applicable City ordinances, 32 ° administrative rules, and policies. A City employee must make application for 33 insurance within thirty (30) days of the establishment of a domestic partnership 34 ; relationship or will have to wait until the open enrollment period, as established by 3511 the City. The establishment of a domestic partnership relationship, as provided by 361 the section, shall constitute a "qualifying event" for the purposes of adding 37 dependents to the insurance plan outside of the Open Enrollment Period. 38 # 391' 2) Any City employee who is a party to a registered domestic partnership relationship, 40 ; pursuant to Subsection D of this act, shall be entitled to use all forms of leave 411 provided by the City including, but not limited to, sick leave, annual leave, family { 00037763 1 306 - 9001821 Page 5 of 7 1 illness leave and bereavement leave to care for his or her domestic partner or the 2 dependent of the domestic partner as applicable. The use of leave authorized in this 3 section shall be consistent with the applicable requirements in city ordinances, 4 I : administrative rules, and city policies. 5 i 6 ' ; 3) Unless prohibited by state or federal law, all other benefits available to the spouses 7 ' and dependents of City employees shall be made available on the same basis to the 8 domestic partner, or dependent of such domestic partner, of a City employee who is 9 , a party to a registered domestic partnership relationship pursuant to Subsection D. 10 11 4) The City Manager is authorized to take all actions necessary to implement the 12 ( I provisions of this section. 13 14 G) Notification of Family Members 15 In any situation providing for mandatory or permissible notification of family 16 1 members, including notification of family members in an emergency, or when 17 permission is granted to inmates to contact family members, "notification of family" 18 shall include domestic partners. 19 H) Additional Regulations 20 1) Nothing in this section shall be interpreted to contravene the general laws of the 21 State of Florida. 22 23 2) Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to impose liability or impose a 24 private cause of action upon a domestic partner for the health or health expenses of 251 his or her domestic partner. 26 27 3) When the term "spouse" or "married" or "marriage" is used in other city 28 ordinances and documents, it shall be interpreted to include a registered domestic 29 partner. When the term "family" or "dependent" is used in other city ordinance, it 30 I shall be interpreted to include domestic partnerships and dependents of registered 31 domestic partnerships. When the term "divorce" or "legal separation" is used in 32 other city ordinances and documents, it shall be interpreted to mean termination of 33 a registered domestic partnership. 34 35 SECTION 3. It is the intention of the City Commission of the City of Boynton 36 Beach, Florida that the provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made a part of the 37 City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. The sections of this ordinance may be re- 38 numbered or re- lettered and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section," "article," or {00037763 1 306 - 9001821 Page 6 of 7 I a 11 such other appropriate word or phrase in order to accomplish such intentions. 2 � SECTION 4. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances, Resolutions or parts of 31 Resolutions in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed to the extent of such 4 conflict. 5 , SECTION 5. If any clause, section or other part or application of this Ordinance shall 6 j 1 be held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, such 7 unconstitutional or invalid part or application shall be considered as eliminated and so not 8 affecting the validity of the remaining portions or application in full force and effect. 9 SECTION 6. This Ordinance shall become effective ON ADOPTION. 10 FIRST READING THIS 5 DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2014. 11 12 SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSAGE this day of NO V. , 13 2014. 14 Vote CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 15 l6 17 NO M or — Je r Taylo 18 1 19H 20 f I YES Vi�� i - • - Casello 21 2211 23 YES Commission Uayid ' erker 24� 26 1 YAS -- eSmmissioner —Mac cCray 27 28 791 YES Commissioner — Michael M. Fitzpat 'ck 301 ATTEST: 4 - 32 � ia • Aa.titic, 33 Jan M. Prainito, MMC 341 ity C X , x. 35 36� 37 ( • eal) f ? ! t00, 1 306 -9 21 /1, ? ` Page 7 of 7 T0N