Steve Waldman, Chair Sherri Claude, Board Liaison
Mary Morera, Vice Chair
Carol Lundquist
Hattie Miller
Lori Wilkinson, Alternate
Kathleen Wilkinson, Student Regular Voting Member
Carla Colebrooks
Dr. Tiffany North
Valencia Spells Anderson
Dr. Carmela Nanton, Alternate
Kellie Kershaw, Student, Regular Voting Member
I. Call to Order
Chair Waldman called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance/ Moment of Silent Reflection Pledge.
The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, led by Ms. Lundquist. Chair
Waldman thanked Vice Chair Morera for running the September meeting in his absence.
III. Approval of Minutes of September 25, 2014
Ms. Lundquist noted she had volunteered to help Jeanne Heavilin with the Sister Cities
committee and wanted it included in the minutes.
Vice Chair Morera moved to approve with the change. Ms. Lundquist seconded the motion
that unanimously passed.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
oynton, each, Florida October 23, 2014
IV. Approval of Agenda
Ms. Lundquist moved to approve the agenda. Vice Chair Morera seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
V. Announcements /Presentations /Correspondence
VI. Public Audience
Jeanne Heavilin, Sister Cities, advised she had not contacted Ms. Lundquist, but would in
the future. The mailings for the Young Artists competition were mailed this week. Sister
Cities sent the information to Qufu and Les Cayes. The Sister Cities Board also met last
week and approved sending one youth to the Youth Summit Leadership Conference in
conjunction with Sister Cities International Conference at the end of July. Ms. Heavilin
would have information about the Conference at the next meeting.
Chair Waldman had received information about the Sister Cities organization from Ms.
Heavilin and forwarded it the computer art teacher and to Mr. Anderson, the English
Department Chairman at Boynton Beach High School. Chair Waldman agreed to follow up
with the High School.
Christina Romeulus, a Boynton Beach resident and professor at Palm State College
wanted to be more active in the community. She was present to learn about the Education
and Youth Advisory Board. Chair Waldman explained the Palm Beach League of Cities
has an Education Committee and was looking to expand. Chair Waldman offered to provide
contact information to her and explained the Education Committee there has a youth
delegate program.
(Lori Wilkinson and Kathleen Wilkinson arrived at 6:11p.m.)
VII. New Business
A. Donation Request from Boynton Beach High School football program.
The members reviewed the request. Chair Waldman thought the Board could not afford
the full amount of $800. Ms. Claude read the donation request which was from the
Boynton Beach High School Football Team, for a program called Hudl. The request was
for equipment so athletes could review films of their play and make a video to send to
colleges. ,.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida October 23, 2014
Vice Chair Morera suggested reviewing the funds donated last month. She was not
opposed to making a donation, but the funds had dwindled and a $200 donation would be
fair and in keeping with the other donations made.
Ms. Lundquist suggested advising that the Board would donate, but they would have to wait
until December.
Chair Waldman was not opposed to the donation, but agreed there were other schools that
may seek donations. He asked for a motion that, based on funds coming in from the
November fundraiser, they could revisit the request at the next meeting. After further brief
discussion, there was consensus the Board was willing to donate some amount of funding
in December. Chair Waldman agreed to advise the school of the Board's decision.
VIII. Old Business
A. Reading Oasis at Rolling Green Elementary - update
Loretta Wilkinson advised the project was moving forward and the room was painted.
Saturday, November 1 St was the build date, to assemble the furniture at 10 a.m. Volunteers
were needed to help. The backup date was November 8 th and the ribbon cutting was
scheduled for Friday, November 21 at 5:30 p.m. Ms. Wilkinson advised they received a lot
of great donations. She wanted to ensure the Board would receive credit for their
assistance and would put the City logo on the sponsor Board and list the Education and
Youth Advisory Board.
B. Shred -A -Thou — November 8, 2014
The Shred -A -Thou was set for November 8 th from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The contract and
insurance was completed and there were signs and directional signs being made. A press
release would be issued and Ms. Claude would handle other publicity.
The Board had compiled an email and address list of previous Shred -A -Thou participants
and a suggestion was made for the members to divide the list and contact those
individuals. Lori Wilkinson recommended directing the participants to the correct entrance
when leaving messages and advising them they will have to take their empty paper boxes.
Vice Chair Morera explained a lot of people are looking for empty boxes, and they could
have a sign. As for payment to the shredding company, Ms. Claude would either bring a
check or forward it to a member before the event. The cost to hold the event was $300 for
three hours, but tipping the workers was expected. Ms. Wilkinson agreed to confirm the
amount of the tip with the shredding company. Information about the event was on
Facebook and social media and receipts for donations would be provided.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida October 23, 2014
C. Adopt -A- Classroom
Chair Waldman explained the easiest way to make a donation to Adopt -A- Classroom is to
go to the school with the check that indicates it is for the Adopt -A- Classroom Program and
the bookkeeper would process the donation. The Board had agreed to set aside $100, but
Chair Waldman suggested waiting until after the fundraiser in November. Additionally, the
members had not decided on which class or school and it was important this be specified
on the check. On a different note, Chair Waldman requested a list of all the monies
expended to send to Harvey Oyer so he would know how his funds were spent.
D. Tennis Carnival — April 25
Vice Chair Morera explained the tennis pro at Hunter's Run approved the date of April 25
for the Tennis Carnival. She explained the event basically runs itself. It is advertised
through FunFare Magazine and participants sign up through the City. The event
accommodates 30 students. Vice Chair Morera agreed to confirm the time. As the event
draws closer, Ms. Claude will also contact former Board Member Phyllis Sterns' daughter
who had donated to the event in the past and advised the Board provides refreshments and
tee shirts to the youth.
Loretta Wilkinson announced the Kiwanis Club was holding a children's Halloween
spectacular on Saturday at Spanish River High School. Youth needing community service
hours can help set up at 7 a.m. and would finish around 5 p.m. It was a free event except
for the cost of food.
I. Future Meeting Dates: December 4, 2014
January 22, 2015
X. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Chair Waldman properly adjourned the meeting
at 6:32 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist