Jerry Taylor, Chair Vivian Brooks, Executive Mmm;
David Marker Ken Spillias, Boanjl Jk6rwd
Mack McCray
Woodrow Hay
Joe Ccello
Buck Buchanan
1. Call to Order
Chair Taylor called the meeting h IllifiN jd%pp.m.
111. Invocation and Pledge to the Fla
Mr. Hay pm w Ommmmim, 1woommum- a legiance
to the Flaa.
1118 Roll Call
Roll call a Rmaw& am pomim
IV. Legal
V. Agenda Approval:
A. Additions, Deletions, Corrections to the Agenda
Mr. Buchanan requested hearing New Business Item D, Consideration P'equest from
the Greater Boynton Beach Chamber of Commerce, first and re-lettering it as Item A.
Ms. Brooks added two items to New Business Item G. was Consideration of Issuing M
Notice of Intent to Dispose of Real Property for 913 Seacrest Boulevard, and Item H,
Consideration of Notice of Intent to Dispose of Real Property for MLK Corridor
PdgdbqgbMnnd Agency Board
& Adoption of Agemb
Mr. Mer MUM. MR. OR seconded the motion that unanimously passel.
I. Informational Items and Disclosures by Boar4 &4 ON% Staff
A. Disclosure of Conflicts, Contacts and Relatiorlships for Items
Presented to the CRA Board on Agenda Items
A 4 Boat Parade on Friday. 1% !@&-1 Ail @WA St 5 p.m.,
aft ftm so WM at Two Georges RestMAM. 1 1 hr1*1TW boats are
had no disclosures. He announced the Tree Lig1ting and Parade was
awcoowgul and had a great turnout.
W. WWWatrick had no disclosures since the City Commission meeting when he
4MWMR,W he met with developers at the marina site and the neighborhoo4 the next
Vice Chair Casello had no disclosures.
Mr. Merker stated since the last City Commission meeting dealing with CRA
appointments, two people contacted him and stated they were interested in applying for
a seat on the Board. Chair Taylor advised they should submit applications to the City
Clerk. He also disclosed he spoke to the owner of Two Georges.
Mr. Mc and agreed with Mr. Hay's comments about the holiday
Mr. Buchanan had no discloromm NO 0% tree lighting was exceptionally
beautiful and a well done event.
Chair Taylor gave kudos to the 3" mk&w ft and to City staff for the Holiday
Parade. He disclosed he spoke WN Mo*w*w #eT*oo Georges and the Banana Boat.
B. Informational Announcements
All. Announcements A Awards:
A. AppoNoOm Umrd for Former CRA Board Member MWI
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, Florida December 10, 2014
Ms. Brooks explained they were fortunate to have Mark Karageorge on the Board for
the last several years. He has served his community and the Chamber of Commerce
and was always for the citizens of Boynton Beach. His knowledge of housing and
economic development was invaluable. She thanked him and presented him with an
award in recognition of his service.
Mr. Karageorge expressed he was humbled and hon&" 16 %mb wsoard, and
was a pleasure to serve with all over the last nine years. &MM #0 69w %my got a lot
done, with still a lot more to do. He thanked Ms. Bro ff. During
his tenure on the Board, over 400 new jobs were creat at marina.
The City has many great things to offer.
Chair Taylor echoed Ms. Brooks' compliments and thanked Mr. Kara george for his
B. Holiday Boat Parade
Amy Zimmermann, Special Events Coordinator, a aim a
meeting and there were two captains meetings ford 4@*( r"" " moo
and she was able to recruit new captains. This year, ft IOU MUM am %EVM
north, She partnered with the Coast Guard and there qqNq 4" It ow ti
Master Building, Santa would be present, and steel drwAW iM6 &*W d6WK J1111
Two Georges. The Parade judges would be at Two GEnnW.
C. Movies in the Park
On Saturday, Elf, starring Will F 111a ailli&*Ih. They are permanently moving
the movies to the Amphitheater PW agipmw Dewey Park.
D. Happy Hour Thursday — Music on the Rocks
The last concert on December 18 th Will feature Uproot Hootermanny, and food and
beverages will be available for purchase. Ms. Zimmerman commented she may move
the concerts to Fridays in 2015, based on feedback from the community.
E. Tree Lighting & Concert
Ms. Zimmermann advised they separated the Tree Lighting from the Parade this year,
and it turned into a nice family event. She was receiving good feedback on how pretty
the tree is and the impact it has on Ocean Avenue. She would like to see thiA continue
to grow and she thanked all who came to the event.
The Parade was handled by the City and Ms. Zimmermann gave accolades to Wally
Majors, Recreation and Parks Director and his team.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, Florida December 10, 2014
Mr. Fitzpatrick commented the Parade felt a little flat afterward and he thought there
was more synergy when the Tree Lighting followed. He would like to have a future
discussion to hold them together again.
Vice Chair Casello agreed and noted after the Par ad* ?W% of people
milling around looking for something to do. He though it better as
Mike Simon, Assistant Director, advised the construction company that was building the
Harbor Master Building received their Certificate of Occupancy, so staff will not have to
order Port-o-lets.
ill® Consent Agenda:
A. Approval of Minutdipm CPA Board Meetingg 1111somm" 92, WAI
B. Approval of PeriodiEnded November 30, 2014 Financial Report
C. Monthly Purchase Orders
D. Approval of Closing the CRA Office on Friday 26, 20119
IX. Pulled Consent Agendsibw
X. Information Only:
X %A& Qr~ I.og
B. Business Development Advertising Campaign
C. 2015 CNA Holiday Schedule
XT. Public Comments: (Note'. comments are limited to P minutes in duration)
Mike Campbell, Habitat for Humanity of out Palm each County, infm4vA &W
Board they finished the Ocean Breeze project. The last family was moving im I%&
home in two weeks and Habitat for Humanity did not use all the money, nor A OM "
for more. A formal dedication will take place on Tuesday, January 6, at 9 a.@", 11IM00
years to the day they broke ground. Wells Fargo and Bank of America officiia so im
present because they provide l about $500,000 in funding for that corn
nvAl. �*p
invited all to aften(l.
There being no one else comin1forward, Chair Taylor closed the Public Comment.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, Florida 10,2014
CIle Public Hearing:
X111. Old Business:
A. low 9 DIFA Agreement for 500 E. Ocean Avenue
IMAVIE1.4 Boynton Beach, LLC and the Boynton Beach
Uowowmllll� 11111*101welopment Agency
Ms. Brodia I%* item be tabled. Staff "m vivilli whibits from
the dev RM No i Ilb receive them earlier A Vla 010, W WW was received
was not vv4* �qw 9:M She recommended ft NEW IF January or
February. 11mb Now ial elements relating to cA4 wl"O An will do to
make the li qmw zrW ftw it will be monitored IN AMUN I Al N6& that Silver
level ov9r%***WWg-@" O%Ief Building Official, AnIJv"h%s&il L[I&wrtified and
would rAMMfly. WOMAWWsed Tom Hayden of Will Ib table the
Mr. McC?W UNUM IN 10961& item to February. Mr. Merker seconded the motion that
B. Status of the Ocean e r Negotiations
Ms. Brooks advised this item was ongoing. The proposal the Board selec*W 040 0
partnership between Neighborhood Renaissance and Hudson Holdings for M
rate, multi-family development with retail on Seacrest and medical offices.
was the subsidy required from the CRA to make the project work. The BoarV iWWW
staff to close the project gap with funding other than from the CRA. One optWm sm tr
add density as the project proposed was below the maximum density accordNI Ib Wo
Heart of Boynton Plan. They were supposed to meet again with revised dragggli Ilia
that did not occur. Another meeting with staff was requested by Steve N4@kq# 64
Hudson Holdings and a representative of Auburn, which was the other propwil" &MNV
in the RFP. They wanted to do half the project -H Ihtax credit deal and the otlVw 4d w
After the M. emailed Hudson Holdings, requesting he come to the
Board m Am project because it was different than what was proposed
and she
Me. §Wks offered three options do nothing, give a Ur a iftelopment
nt, or to stop the RFP and start over.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, Florida 10, 14
The members discussed what they approved was she ad m%e team left
and the project was not what the Board wanted. So W business
ethics. Others suggested a new deadline, and there There was
agreement the original intent changed. It was also ment had
some financial indebtedness.
Mr. McC!mg m000 * rA 16 w uww RFP. Mr. Hay seconded the
Ken Spillms, Board Counsel, advised there would b(i no ramifications to pull the RFP
because there was no executed contract.
The motion passed 6-1 (Mr. Fitzpatrick dissenting.)
XIV. New Business:
A. Consideration of Request from the Greater Boynton Beach
Chamber of Commerce for Special Event Grant Funding in the
Amount of $10,000 for the Boynton Beach Red Hot Festival (Item
Ms. Bro*U tv OW had funded this event in the past under their Special
Event OWN rations to hold events that promote the downtown. This
event wag 40 Us X=% AW for one day only, and was then expanded to two. The
event fe a cor #oow. wilk hot peppers and hot bands, It had a great turnout the
first year NO I AM a qW WW of the funds.
The SpdWr 0, 11111M *4 Item had $20,000 budgeted, and to date, none of the
funds now mmMmm0W.
Mr. MerWk wkA*4 k #V"vow. Mr. McCray second n the motion that unanimously
A. Consideration of Transferring CRA Property 913 N. Seacrest MAP.
to the City as Part of Sara Sims Park Master Plan
Mr. Merklm HMM 11111611ppiIIIIIIIIIII11 Vessrs. McCray and Hay seconded the motion.
COMMLWAIP Jkgency Board
Boyntoffi MbW 10, 2014
Vice Chr* 9Eqw"U9kd in the past, there were mancom wbodad- park land
and upkW a" 1W 1111161*14W lww adding this land woW1 111 - 11 costs. Mr.
Mcrag #W m0mmilly maintaining the property, Chair Taylor thought it would
be mini rmg *wv I Wr parcel.
Mr. Fitzpatrick commented this was a park improvement for District 11, which he favored,
but he thought there should be consideration for park areas in other areas of the City
when they arise. He was voting in favor of the item assuming that will occur.
Ms. Brooks requested the motion include the right to sign the transfer documents so the
item do qW 9* IiSwr lip gli i ilp -back to the Board. Messrs. Mc ray, Merker and Ha
agreed. y
The motion unanimously passelL
B. Report on Casa Costa Direct Incentive Funding Agreement
Ms. Brooks explained this incentive was in place for the project formerly known im ft
Promenade. This was the halfway mark of the 10-year agreement that has been
amended several times. The only thing they were required to do was to attempt to lease
1,930 square feet of commercial space at below market value. They achieved that and
leased Cross Fit well below market value. They have two building permits for the gym
and another for a European Deli. They are also in negotiations for an Argentinian
Steakhouse. They are making great strides. There is direct access from thEr parking
One issue had been parking, which was contained in the DIrA for the commereW P6W
use which is being used by the residents. The residents received a letter " OW
posted a no parking sign in the area for residents. Another letter will be sent a4w At" ig
residents park there, they will be towed. Parking was important so businesses M 11111111%
Vice Chair Casello expressed nothing occurred for the first five years. StorefrimA
empty and the CRA did not get their money's worth. He was pleased the City 4M PdHr
pursuing Business Tax Receipts for 90 units which were rented and wished I
have occurred sooner.
Ms. Bro(MillIll ow ma im %rimbmry for some time. Only when the
Related 160" *A Of dA mow~nt start to occur. Chair Taylor
agreed. * Z= �IW�R - "M no to be 111 parking spots for
commeroiol meWilkililwmw&
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, Florida 1 1
is Fortenbury, representing the Related Group, a It 2011 parking at
the west area of the parking garage and 121 plus par 4ft gpft Nw % Ndft, separate
from the valet,
Mr. McCray inquired if the DIFA was paid while the property was in fares wk.
Brooks explained it was because there was nothing to stop them legally. Thw ro
terms of the DIFA, by attempting to lease property.
Mr. Buchanan agreed with Vicql Chair Casello about the progress of the building. He
recognized it was under different owners, but for two or three years he had suggested
they may not have been operating in good faith, which would have allowed the Board to
not pay the IFA. With the new owners and their efforts, it appeared something will
happen. He suggested monitoring the matter. It was J6 much brighter scenario and he
thanked the Related Group for their efforts.
Mr. McCray inquired if they foresaw any problems and Mr. Fortenbury responded he did
not. The economy and area was also improving. Press releases issued by the CRA
helped and there has been a significant increase in activity over the last 30 to 60 days.
Additionally, businesses opening are eligible for CRA Build-Out Grants.
Mr. Hay inquired about swipe badges to doors in the commercial areas. Mr. Fortenbury
explained they are left locked, but during businesses hours, they are open.
C. Consideration of Letter of Interest from Gardner Capital for CRA
Owned Property Along the Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Corridor
Ms. Brooks reviewed the first letter of interest from Gardner Capital before Thanksgiving
and an updated letter last week. Gardner Capital was looking to purchase CRA property
on OLD, subject to receiving a 9% tax credit allocation. About 3.2 acres would be used
for multi-family homes with neighborhood commercial on the north side of MLK. This
would bookend with the Family Dollar store.
Gardner Capital was offering $1 million for the property. Ms. Brooks reviewed the value
of the properties and what the CRA paid. Some properties were purchased in
conjunction with other properties not listed on the spreadsheet and those properties
could not be separated out. The total paid was $2.179 million, and some of the
properties acquired were already in the model block.
Ms. Brooks noted tax credits anp 1p �. — and only one project in Palm
each County would be funded. If awd*&o1Nk* Vwo would be the Family Dollar store,
neighborhood commercial uses, JW six blocks of the Model Block
program would be completed.
The CRA would need to issue q rf *joql#" to dispose of real property and in
30 days, have 11 contract, so bjeCi 9 W" r credits and subject to the CRA's
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, Florida December 10, 2014
final design approval. The risk was low to the A. The purchase offer was $1 million,
but Florida Housing Finance will require an appraisal of the site.
VW G5eir Casello inquired how tax credits work and Ms. Brooks explained the process.
6% Vwght the project would tie in well with the Model Block because a community
rmmWlo o variety of housing, bet lZ rentals and single-family homes. The money is not all
1610. r6V SAU WPM 16 iA#" vomAJ I* *n %* 1W property. Ms. Brooks explained
QW*W 4*01 MW RN U immlwft %ft Woperty. She advised it would be
jpwA F Ww4lliow tWAOW *A@W4 Sm o4lopis% Wq Gardner and the CRA buy the
On ON 01111114EW IM %WW 11111111111111111111lffiatic. Mr. Hay noted sometimes
Aw M pupikon WmWaV mk" qWWv&mJ q%W& and the property owners may hold
&& %86 WM*Ao USdUrMW IM or" &@*p lr" owners realize they are getting built
Mr. Marker thought the development may be X catalyst for other development EN N 9M
a major coop.
Mr. McCray understood it was a great plan tied to tax credits, and wanted the
know the CRA was not giving away or selling the property for one million doll
they get the credits.
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked for further information on the project.
Allan S*Mohw NoWlimill Wo Illoard and advised he was the former Housing and
Commurft I COKor for Palm Beach County. He is very familiar with the
Heart of @VrAnm Spi %MKed to do something positive for the area. The targeted
populatiaA wU %AMbo owmiol between $30 thousand and $40 thousand a year. He
advised it mm m i ' On the program was called the Low-income Tax Credit
program, It vm@ mw#r o PoWle-income tax credit program. They gear it, rental wise,
towards WOM aft , teachers and government workers. It is a phenomenal
program RAigii OW42llimmini 1 1100s of 1,000s of units and it is a true public-private
partners MW M *W*U W @a wpwale type of development.
Mr. Buo e long as it was a qualN 1PY*1J. ft % P@94MI facility, he
inquired 106 1" HENUM JWtrol. Mr. Schmer explaMM rL&AW% Us WA the tax
credits f must have certain ma place. If
they are 44 Of 4WRqNlow, Wwy have to pay back the wwAoft. 111111wo Sto rwgram has
been in cpwmW", tsm Mw twn less than a 1 % defauM 9W.
Mr. Merker inquired about a maintenance program when the project is complete and
learned it will have a security system and video surveillance. Each year, it is inspected,
and it must be maintained to high standards.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, Florida December 10, 2014
Mr. Fitzpatrick agreed about the need for affordable housing, but noted the trend is
often concentrated in certain communities. He thought units costing $30 or $40
thousand dollars would not boost the tax base the City needle to provide for future
services. Higher incomes were needed. He asked if rents could be increased. Mr.
Schmer responded they could increase rent as incomes levels rise, up to $65,000. The
first tenants have to comply with the tax credit guidelines. After that, they can increase
the renis, but they cannot throw tenants out. There is no subsidy involved it is strictly a
private sector project targeting the middle income school teachers and working class
Mr. Fitzpatrick also noted there is no food market within walking distance and the
northeast corner of MILK was discussed as a place for a food market. He queried if the
project came to fruition, where it would be located. Ms. Brooks responded they were
advised neighborhood commercial must go on the first floor on the corner.
Mr. Mack explained the CRA was established for blighted areas, and District 11 is one of
the most blighted areas in the City. Whatever comes would be a plus.
Attorney Ou was previously m Palm Beach County Commissioner and
Mr. Schr1W, 11 ob SoUlle, io for him.
M. Ow o*g%oiiPo in wawo forward, the Board would need to approve Item H am*
Minna OVA is 0 &W properties on MILK as reflected in the attached backup.
T% :W "I "99ir a rumOsm agreement based on them berg awarded tax credits
01W 64 'It I#fw al of the design.
Mr. McC= Hay and Merker seconded the motion that unanimously
D. Consideration of Request from the Greater Boynton Beach Chamber of
Commerce for Special Event Grant Funding in the Amount of $10,000 for
the Boynton each Red Hot Festival
(This item was approved earlier in the meeting as Item A.)
E. Discussion of Marina Village Parking Garage Management
is Dunstan, 321 BE 15 th Avenue, Pompano Beach, explained he took over the
property two years ago. He reviewed the parking garage issue and two case studies
from the Urban Institute regarding crime prevention in parking garages. Plan A, for a
three-year term, would cost $215,000, and the cost would be passed on to all the
Associations involved, increasing everyone's rent in the Marina District because the
Marina District is part of the Master Association through the budget process.
nity Redevelopment Agency Board
Beach, Florida j 2014
N* 11114ruary 20 Mr. Dunstan met with Chief Katz who advised he would step up
The garage is a private entity and he could not enter into a traffic agreement. It
vu %aBested signs be posted for 25 mph. Parking Enforcement could issue tickets,
&A it is a private entity, owned by the Master Association, the tickets would be
The case studies show that just adding security does not solve the issue. It A"& " a
combination of a video and personnel. The Master Association decided tM il I
video system, at a cost of $80,000 on December 15 th . He owi'ked with Milo Fj" 01
determine a way to do this without burdening all the associations in the MariM UdrA
and they came up with a hybrid methodology with Dockside Valet to mmq= ft
garage. This would not be a valet service. It would be someone to control 1:116 pWMkq
and traffic flow from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. at night and then towing would corn
nmrm Ot III
a.m. Most of the incidents occur between 6 p.m. to 11 p.m.
Mr. Dunstan had documents and photographs about the type of activities occurring in
the garage. The solution would be a $5 a day charge handled by the valet company.
The Association would not make a profit and the valet company expressed this would
pay for itself. Any increase over that amount would have to be reviewed by the master
association. Vice Chair Casello inquired if the CRA had assigned spaces, and if the
valet company could charge for them.
Attorney Spillias pointed out the public that uses the spaces would be charged. Vice
Chair Casello inquired about having tickets validated to ensure parking was used for
legitimate purposes. Mr. Dunstan responded that would be an option, and the cost of
labor would have to be covered and passed on to the CRA.
Vice Chair Casello explained the CRA pays the Association $24K a year. He was
concerned $5 would not be enough. He learned the finale contract could include
language with a "not to exceed" percentage increase each year. He supported parking
at no charge and did not think the valets would cure the matter. Mr. Dunstan reiterated
it was a combination of surveillance and personnel. The cost would be $215,000 with a
3.5% increase each year. The Association would pass that cost to the CRA, which
would eventually pass to the Marina slip owners through rent. Attorney Spillias also
explained the CRA was represented on the Association, and the Board could not stop
the Association from charging,
Mr. Fitzpatrick commented it might have been better for the City to build their own
parking lot, Ms. Brooks clarified there was a tri-partied agreement as a result of a
lawsuit between the City, the Related Group and Two Georges. When they purchased
the Marina, there was no DIFA involved. The CRA did not spend one dime on the
project. When they bought the waterfront parcel, the tri-partied agreement limited the
building to 1,500 square-feet. The CRA purchased it with the intent to have a marina
use and with that parcel came the assigned spacel in the garage. It was never
intended to be public parking,
11 ■
Meeting EM40111
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, Florida 10, 2014
The CRA owns 17 commercial = ftmwft =a PM eVa V§mW mmidents and
employees of Two Georges pa ill 11 ryg#V1614 MA tenants
have no parking. Her goal, sin mN "ANWOL 15 1111tornote the
Marina, is to provide parking. 1F11VXVa ali 0 t %vd up with
restaurant employees.
Mr. Hay estimated the emp1byees of Two Georges and Banana Boat use 50 spaces. He
asked if the $5 would be a deterrent to weed out people. Mr. Dwnston responded it was
not. It was the cost to pay three people to manage parking. The valets were from
Dockside Valet, who also handled parking for Two Georges,
Vice Chair Casello noted half of the CRA parking spaces are used by restaurant
employees and a combination of employees, and illegal activities such as the sale or
use of drugs, sex and loitering. The top floor has 100 spaces not being used, that are
owned by the Related Group. Ms. Brooks and Mr. Simon sit on the Board and they
favor the charge. The cost for three people in the garage during season was about
Ms. Brooks spoke to Steve Skaggs who owns a 64 space, off -site parking lot just south
of Ocean Avenue, which was more than he needed for his employees, CA tenants and
employees from Banana Boat. He was willing to work with the CRA regarding parking
there and those individuals would not have to cross Ocean Avenue. Each captain,
including the Sea Mist, will receive a pass for free parking within the garage, but other
employees would have to park offsite.
The CHA contemplated the issue to accommodate their businesses that do riot have
parking. The CRA can subsidize the entire cost for three people to manage the garage
which would be an ongoing cost each year, or charge the $5. Ms. Brooks did not think it
would be a deterrent for the average visitor. It was a departure from what the CRA has
done in the past, but in congested areas, paying for parking is the norm. This would only
occur during season and weekends, not every day or all the time.
Mr. McGray inquired if the business owners were made aware of the parking for
employees. Ms. Brooks explained they will have a captains meeting next week.
Chair Taylor opened the item for public comments and the following individuals spoke in
opposition to the charge.
Dean Vafw, Vp vvU &rw Jpom Lake Worth, opposed the charge and thmsJU S M
was a s rds should be used.
Lynn Si *NRWash Down Divers an posed to
the fee aft video surveillance sigM 10 00 unwanted
Meeting inu s
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Bo ynton Beach, Florida 10,201
Kevin Metz, 1425 North J S604 JEft owner of Underwater Explorers,
opposed the charge and thou - t matchn the problem. He was
unsure about the legality of cha - - - - GSA's allocated parkin spots, or
charging the public.
Craig art, owner of the Starfish Enterprise Dive Boat, thought three security
guards to monitor the parking was too many and he contended imposing a parking fee
would cost operators 10% to 20% of what they make a day. He agreed with the
comments made by Mr. Metz, and hoped he and Mr. Metz would not have find
somewhere else to go.
Ater Armor, 700E goyntom and Vice President#
Village Condominium AssociMIM, WI ge has one security
the major concern was the sa Cge residents. There
many accidents involving resi ere have been instarwmw *6
pedestrians were nearly hit. R P M sehicle tried to park in
between two handicapped sp the vehicles. Office
witnessed the occurrence and his registration, insumsm W9
license and stated he was on h° e is no turn around ar(IL-Vmg ME
one patrolling to advise if spots WM wAdIVA willich caused accidents.
Delray Beach charges 5 for p MR ME ix from Thursday through bRaft,
and it is always filled on thew es not charge for par
major garages, but customers @W fm pMVM9D W 1W street, but the garagda
attached to residential dwellin instances when oversized cars
and SUVs park in compact car Isn't see around. He suggested
trying the valet service for a test
Captain Burke, SeaMIst FishitV
a problem. He heard rumors
Mr. Merk°er /eft the dais at 8 .m.,
Captain Burke thought it would be bad for his business and probably most others.
Captain Karen Stroshein Pratt, 128 Neptune Drive, Hypoluvo, of Gene Ill, advised
parking fee would hurt their business and customers.
Mr. Merker returned to the dais at 8;19 pm.
Kim Kelly, owner of Hurricane Alley, explained if the Association worked with
restaurants, they would find a place to put their employees. She commented the CRA
gave broken promises and business owners were led to believe there would be free
things. Other areas charge for parking, but they have viable downtowns. Thl Boynton
Meeting Uinutes
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, Florida 10,2014
each downtown starts with the Marina. She urged the Board to fight for the downtown,
to attract customers and not charge them.
on Lash, 650 BE Ocean Avenue in Boynton Beach, agreed people would not
accept a $5 charge and thought video cameras may be a deterrent.
Mike Minces, 625 Casa Loma, and Board Member ag oWained they
discussed this last year during winter season. There for all to
enjoy. There is no place for cars to turn around in the WAll Ww2n. %JW residents
complained, and Marina Village should not have top was not
the residents. The Condominium Association did not t*W if 40w mWone. Last
year, they put up Lot Full signs and individuals still o@wW hw rA . Motorists
knocked over posts. The Association painted lines NO NO a Ift 16 IMMon. It M6 As
traffic nightmare.
Merges Johnson, 46 Marine Way, Delray Beach, owner of Intracoastal Jet Ski and
Boat Rentals, explained her customers make more money them others and they would■
not pay the $5. They do not want to pay it in Delray Beach, and they walk. She thought
the Board should show some respect to older, existing businesses and commented she
has been there for 21 years.
Kevin K I&=* Namager for Two Georges, explained all businesses would
want paA" V tiO amMompas. During peak season, they do not allow employees to
park in t%o 1@4. Titft k" g private lot. He commented Two Georges has 21 spots
assigned e that are not used by their customers. If this effort
-moved f up the 21 spots to give to public parking. He thought
validated wft am *pion.
Mr. McCwq 114*4 So* Tvq Qpl" *No% Wking. Mr. Buchanan commented
with validoW 16", IM 060FJWA OoV6 1% P&M". Mr. Hay inquired what percentage
of the p Ins Isra UmImi * I qmmooyees. Mr. Kudlinski responded
during hiffil A%*
bit -otarting February 1st to the end of
season mpg* 'R MI. ME "JESW ent knows if they are parking at
the lot a@A W. Aw4moloi i 011" UrggWt and familiarity with co-worker
Chair Taylor commented he has parked in the garage worle a three
point turn on the bottom level. He had not received any ANJOWS AMU 9K being able
to park rather how the place has trash and what occups Olimov. 44 twt was not
a parking issue, it was a behavioral issue which nee db ft S& U*4110M. Cnair Taylor
did not understand why three people were needed. 0 Omn im m qpuard, and
security cameras connected to the monitor, the secur% oju"A @ow "M im- occurring
and can call the police. He was opposed to charging t ought the
CRA should budget money and work with staff to keW k Or 0% pydc. There
should b&some access to the customers.
Meeting Nffiffi-- -
o munity Redevelopment Agency Board
Boynton Beach, Florida December 10, 2014
Chair Taylor commented the CRN = 1A adly7par into the maintenance fund for
the entire area. Business custaRM IV .
� 4W ft' pool or other common areas the
CRA pays to maintain.
*. Witray agreed with Chair Taylor's comments and suggested looking at other
*11116oneWes. He was opposed to the $5 charge.
Nib. FWatrick commented before Marina Village, there was a plan years ago to put
JMILMWg similar there and he objected on the basis it was too big a project for the site.
FOwi whould be room for customers to come and spend their money. A large vehicle
i*M nooll le able to turn around. There needed to be a gate keeper, not a valet service to
&W ft people from coming in when the garage was full, When he was a Paramedic
wp& )41 Fire Department, he responded to five or six calls there and was aware of the
Mp" activities there over the years. Options for short -term customers should be
because there were none. He would not pay the $5 and would walk a few
kstead. He also noted shuttles work. Validation was fine, and was the lesser of
Om mft. He favored a trial-period for one year. 9 Way do not use the $5 dollar route,
I was another option.
Mr. Buchanan was unsure anything could be done unless the Board paid. He
acknowledged it was Marina Village's right to manage the garage as they see fit and the
CRA does not have any authority. If they do use a gatekeeper or a video, either the
users pay for it or the CRA pays for it. The $5 may affect different businesses in
different ways.
Chair Taylor requested staff to ocomo kwl *4 1 %w options, because they need to
address the problem. Mr. Buchamm 060 IOU 111111 111111MR validated option.
Mr. Hay moved for staff to come %wA vAA spilm . *'t oplaiRil Ron motion.
The motion passed 6-1, (Mr. MeNWAMMUlgi,)
It was noted Marina Village would install the system on January 15, 2014, but the
CRA would have m meeting prior thereto
F. W I " IMM Meeting Dates
This was for information only.
G. Issue a Notice of Intent to Dispose of Real Pr N. Elvd,
which would be transferred to the City.
gency Board
10, 14
Mr. McCaRLM 10. bOker seconded the motion that unanimously passed,
H. oO Notice of Intent to Dispose of Real Property for MLK
(This item was approved with Item C.)
XV. Executive Director's Report:
There were no questions on the following items
A. Development Projects Update
B. New Businesses in CRA District
Ms. Brooks advised there were three new businessow OW items was
contained in the meeting backuh
XVI. Future Agenda Items:
XVIL Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Chair Taylor properly adjourned thd meeting
at 8.53 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist