ON MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 2015, AT 6:00
Steven Grant, Chair Tim Howard, Board Liaison
"Ed" Fakhry Boulos
Dolores Schlesselman
David Yankovich
® Call to Order — Steven Grant, Chair
Chair Grant called the meeting to order at 6:26 p.m.
Roll call established a quorum was present. Tim Howard, Board Liaison, announced
Board member, Christine Stella, resigned due to work conflicts and her resignation letter
was received.
Il. Approval of July 28, 2014 Minutes
Ms. Schlesselman moved to approve. Mr. Yankovich seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Ill. Other Business
• Review Commission Minutes from September 3, 2014, City Commission Meeting
where Financial Advisory Committee (FAC) Chair presented Committee's
recommendations (Copy attached)
Chair Grant advised he made a presentation to the City Commission. He conveyed the
City Commission's appreciation of the FAC to the members.
• Mandatory Ethics Training required for advisory boards-status of Member's
Chair Grant and Mr. Yankovich needed to take the training which could be taken online.
Members should click on the link, print the acknowledgement form when done, sign the
document and submit it to the Office of the City Clerk.
• Committee discussion on work items to present to Commission for their
Meeting Minutes
Financial Advisory Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida January 12, 2015
The FAC was to present a list of items to review. Previously, the City had created a list
of 62 items the City Commission and department heads wanted reviewed, and the
Committee was nearly finished researching those items. Chair Grant advised when
asked, the City Commission did not provide him with any items they wanted reviewed.
Discussion followed the FAC did not know what the critical issues were and a
suggestion was made to learn what other city FAC's do. It was also suggested the FAC
create an agenda item with issues they would like to review and receive direction from
the City Commission. This original task list was promulgated during the recession and
mostly pertained to reductions and consolidation.
Mr. Yankovich reviewed the mission statement and discussion followed most items did
not impact the budget. They impacted the residents. Mr. Howard explained the budget
process with workshops commencing in July and ending with final budget adoption in
September. During the workshops, the public provides input. Mr. Howard explained as
the City progresses through the year, projects are initiated through RFPs the City
Commission approves. Project details come later. Anytime an advisory board makes a
recommendation to the City Commission, it is part of the legislative process.
Chair Grant's cousin handles government surveys and wanted to help the Committee,
The members discussed the following ideas to research:
• negative comments
• review grants and non-profit presentations
• are unfunded mandates from the strategic plan
• CRA Board membership application and Commission dual capacity
• CRA vacant land
• Old High School maintenance cost analysis
• CRA organization
Further dialogue ensued that the City has to have grant funds available for non-profit
grants, and those funds were cut. The CRA budget would be outside the scope of the
FAC, and. the CRA organization is set by statute, but the FAC could ask the City
Commission if they want the CRA or the CRA vacant lots reviewed.
Mr. Boulos moved each member propose three items to the City Commission. Mr.
Yankovich seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Mr. Howard requested the members send them to him and at the next meeting, they
would decide which City Commission meeting the item would be heard.
Meeting Minutes
Financial Advisory Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida January 12, 2015
It was noted the CRA, Utilities, Sanitation and Golf Course have separate budgets
and/or are enterprise funds. A suggestion was made it may be beneficial for a member
of the FAC to attend a CRA meeting.
Items such as park issues and playground equipment were discussed. Many of the
purchases are approved under the consent agenda. If more information is needed, the
City Manager brings it back to the Board
Mr. Boulos moved for members to attend at least one City Commission meeting. Mr.
Yankovich seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Chair Grant suggested the FAC inform the City Commission that the FAC could assist
with data collection instead of the City Manager. Ms. Schlesselman recommended the
FAC members speak with their commission representative to determine if there is
something they would like reviewed.
• Other items
Currently scheduled future meeting dates - Targeted for 2n and 4 t" Monday of each
• Monday, January 26, 2015 — 6:00 PM
• Monday, February 9, 2015 — 6:00 PM
• Monday, February 23, 2015 — 6:00 PM
IV. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Mr. Boulos moved to adjourn. Mr.
Yankovich seconded the motion that unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned
at 7:21 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist