Minutes 11-18-70MINHTES OF REGULAR CITY CO~NCiL MEETING HELD AT CITY HALL~ BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA: WEDNESDAY~ NOVEMBER 18~ 1970 at 4:30 P. M. PRESENT: Thomas A. Summers, Mayor Mms. Emily Jackson., Councilwoman Leonard Nylu~d~ Councilman I~ichael V. Michael, Councilman C. qo Jones, Jr., City Manager Gene Moore: City Attorney P~s. Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk ABSENT: For~est L. Wa!lace~ Vice Mayor - due to illness in the family PIayor Summers called the meeting to order at 4:30 P. M. Harold Hopkins gave the Invocation; Flag Salute was led by Michael V Michael. ' In~£oduction of guests and Civic Group representatives Robert Beyrer, U~ited Boynton Civic League g Sterling Village Floyd Van Deusen, Senior Citizens Club ~s. Fry and Mm. Van Deusen were introduced as Council candidates who survived the primary. M~UdTES Nm. Nylund moved that minutes of November 4th regular meeting he ac- cepted as written, seconded by Fms. Jackson and motion carmied 4-0. Mr. Michael moved that minutes of Special Meeting held November 10th be accepted as wmitten~ seconded by Mrs. Jackson and motion carDied 4-0. P~BLIC A~DIENCE M~. Beyrer made inquiry in regard to amtie!e he read in paper about 6 million dollar bond iSsue. Copy of minutes was given to Mr. Beyrer to read so he would understand what transpired at the meeting. Mr. Beyrer also made inquiry regarding ~ax appraisals as to why some are higher. Mr. Jones indicated the appraisals by the County are generally lower than those by the City. NEW BHSINESS Receipt of Election Returns Mrs. Helen Brull presented the election returns from the North Pme~inct and Mrs. Emna Weaver gave the report from the South Precinct. The -1- REGULAR CI~TY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER !8, 1970 Receipt of Eleution Returns, cont'd. City.Clerk gave ~he final results with Archie, Blaeketer, Blanchette, Ef~fr~, Fry and. Va~ .~sen being the six receiving the highest number or voltes. Copmes of the three reports are attaehed hereto and made a part Of these minutes. Mr. Collins requested a recount. Mr. Hawkins, auditor, and ~. Jones, City Manager, ~hecked t~e voting machines and found the readings to be Corre ct · M~. Miehaet moved to accept the election returns as presented, and that ~the sfo~ highest candidate~ be placed in alphabetical order on the ballot for the run off. MotiOn seconded by Mr. Nylund and motion carried 4-0. LEGAL 0~dinances - 1st Reading NO. 70.32 - Amending garbage ordinance The City Attorney recommended that the ordinance re garbage be tabled Until the next meeting. The C~ittee will meet at 4 P.M, on Friday. Mrs. jackson moved to table u~tit next meeting the garbage proposal. Motio~Seeonded by MP. Miehaei and motion Carried 4-0. No. 70-33 - Amending electrical code Mr. Michael moved that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up an ordinance amending the electrical code for approval. Motion seconded and motion carried 4.0,~ Resolution No. 70-GG -enumerating commitments of CaldOs, Developers of L~isure- ville The City Attorney recommended that Res. 70-GG be deferred because he felt the alternate site for fi~e station north of Baptist Church site S. W. 23rd and Congress will be 121t x 100: and Ca!dos is attempting to comply. Mr. Nylund moved to table ReS. 70-GG as recommended by City Attorney. Motion seconded by M~, Michaei and motion carried 4-0. -2- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER t8~ 1970 OLD BUS//NES S Request of Philip Moreno for license to provide garbage, waste and ~ash removal service for commercial establishments It was recommended the re uest of Phil Mo eno ~ . = . q r be ta~ed until report zs r~ce~vee ~nDetray from Attorney General. This item to be on next agenda. Reconsider resignation of John Howell from the Planning Board ~s. Jackson stated it was not her intent to include himalong with ~he candidates that r~si~fned: and therefore she moved that he be re- appointed to the Planning Board. Seconded by M~. Michael and motion ca,tied 4-0. Report by Stu Fuller, Building Official, re Sign O~dinance Report was received from 8tu FUller re sign o~dinance. This report was mailed to 80 violators and °z ' 90~o of smgns a~e non-conforming, one way or other. Mr. LeFort asked if they did not receive a penalty ahd he was told the 9~and~ather Clause eliminated the penalty. NEW B~S~NESS, cont'd. Discuss Election Laws D~isc. uss~on, regarding State election law indicated a breakdown emf.~c~, tzo_n..pyevented~ .?andidates from being notified the law"~a~'~-- ceE. They must rm±e names of donors for their campaign. ADMINISTRATIVE Request for beverage license - Jewelt's Chick Inn M~. Michael moved that the request of Jekyll's Chick Ira/for beer and wine license be approved. Motion seconded by M~s. Jackson and motion c~rnied 4-0. R~quest of Seventh Day Adventist Chumch to solicit Nov. 25 thru Dec. 31 ~-~: Jael~on moved that Seventh Da Adventist Chu~ ' s~_~_~ ............. Y . . eh be permitted to ~zu muvemDer zbr~ r~ru December 31st. Motion seconded b ~. M~chaet and motion ca~ried 4-0. Y Application for Permit to solicit - Boyn~on Beach Civitan Club ~Vn~.. Michael moved that the Civitan Club be pel~mitted to sell f~uit cakes. Motion seconded by M~. Nylund and motion ea~mied 4-0. -3- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL METING NOVF~iBER 18~ 1970 ADMINISTRATIVE, contTd. Proposal of W. R. Hough for financing Police Complex The City Manager recommended that the proposal of W. R. Hough for financing ~he Police Comple,~: be tabled. Motion to accept City ~an- ager ~s recommendation by M~s. Jaokson: seconded by ~. Nylund and motion carried 4-0. Approval of Bills Russell & Axon - feasibility study of drainage in south area $1,286.79 Russell & Axon - consulting service re sewage treatment t:890.~0 Mr. Michael moved to pay bills, seconded by~s. Jael~on and motion carried 4-0. The City Attorney recommended that the final bill of Derrico Construc- tion be held up until R/W is cleared up to his satisfaction: because the City might be left in a position of removing pips at its own ex- pease. Mr. Michael moved the bill of $49,7~2.40 be tabled until the r/w is resolved to Mr. Moore's satisfaction. Seconded by Mrs Jackson and motion carried 4-0. ' l~. Michael moved that bill toE, trico Construction in the amount of $I6~668.75 be paid, Covering ~estern portion of drainage. Seconded by Mr. Nylkuld and motion passed 4-0. ADJOU/~NT Mr. Nylund moved to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at appro×~mately. 5:30 P. M. Ci~TY OF BOYNTON/~CH, FLORtDA Thomas A ~ S~ers, Mayo~ M~S. ATTEST: City Clerk -4-