Thomas A. Summers, Mayor
FOrrest L. Wallace, Vice Mayor
Mrs. Emily Jackson, Councilwoman
Leonard Nylund, Councilman
Michael V. MLichael, Councilman -
Gene Moore, City Attorney -
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk -
C. Q. Jones, Jr., City Manager
Callie C!anton, Deputy City Clerk
Va ca tion
Mayor Summers called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M.
Father O'Shea, St. Marks Catholic 'Church, gave the Invocation;
Mrs. Emily Jackson, Councilwoman, led the Flag Salute.
~nt~oduction of Guests $ Civic Group representatives
No one was present at time Mayor called for introductions. However,
Anthony Newhold, Ridgewood Hills, asked later in the meeting to be
counted present~ in that he was only a few minutes lat~ of being
Mr. Nylund moved to accept minutes as presented. Motion seconded by
Mr. Wallace, and carried 4-0.
Mayor Summers reported as a member of Beach Acquisition Committee; and
indicated he has just learned that the instructions o~ the County Com-
mission is to not consider any land within a municipality, and since
this includes only unincorporated land it would appear the only pur-
chases can he in the north end o~ the County. He indicated Boynton
taxpayers are to pay 1.5 mill on taxes amounting to $113~000 for
30 years, and that it was not this way when the bond issue passed.
He asked ~or help.
Mr. Charles Getler, Hampshire Gardens, appeared be~ore Council and
discussed this issue also; he indicated there would be a state park
and he hoped beach can he acquired in some way in this area.
Mr. Wallace moved that beach discussion be placed on Agenda later in
the evenings Mrs. Jackson seconded and motion carried 4-0.
OCTOBER 6, 1970
City Manager.requested three items ~ placed on Agenda - !) establish-
ment of polling place in Ster!in~ Vmtlage; 2) Proclamation sponsored
by Chamber of Commerce proclaiming week of Oct, 18-24 as Indus~ial
Week; 3) discuss noise ordinance l~cause of numerous complaints.
}.ir. Wallace moved these items be placed on Agenda~ seconded by
Jackson and motion carried.
Ordinance - 2nd reading
Ordinance NO. 70-18 - Granting conditional use - Lassiter paroei
The City Fmnager recommended Ordinance 70-i8 remain on the table.
Ordinance - 1st reading
NO. 70-29 - Rezoning parcel in Ac. Sec. 27-45-45
M~. Wallace moved that Ordinance 70-29 be removed from the table. Mo-
tion seconded by Mr. Nytund and motion carried 4-0. The City Manager
read Ordinance 70-29.
Mr. Nylund moved that Ordinance 70-29 be passed on first reading.
tion seconded by Mr. Wallace and motion carried 3-1. Mrs. Jackson
voted 'Zno'~ because she felt there should be a time limit on it.
Proclamation - Indust-~y Appreciation Week
The City Manager read proclamation designating week of October 18-24
Industry Appreciation Week. Mrs. Jackson moved to approve the pro-
clamation as read, seconded by Mr. Wal!ace~ and motion carried 4-0.
Beach A cq~isit,ion
Mr. Wallace spoke regarding beach, and stated he felt Commissioner
Warren had neglected to look after interests of this area. Mrs. Jack-
son suggested the City Manager contact Horace Beasley and ask how
people of p~.. 158 voted on beach bond issue. Mr. Jones suggested
taking the matter ~to the people on a basis of s:pporting petitions to
~he effect that the residents of Boynton not be char<3ed for beach in
the north end i~ they are not to receive any of the benefits in the
south end of County, and also determine the feelings of Ocean Ridge
~esiden~s. Joe Kelley heartily endorsed Mr. Jones and F~s. Jackson's
comments and recommended City Council instruct City Attorney to go to
court if Boynton is not going to get any of the beach bond funds for
thei~ benefit.
OCTOBER 6: 1970
Beach Ac. uisitfon~ cont'd.
The City Manager was instructed to go ahead with study re fencing in the
~each. He indicated he felt there are 3 options: 1) go it alone and
take whatever actions we can to acquire additional beach; 2) petition
County .Commission and let them know how residents feel; 3) challenge
them legally. Feels we have a case. The Council instructed the City
Manager to proceed administ~ativeiy .on this matter.
.P. olling,. Flace - Sterling Vil
It was. recommended that t~ee City not consider additional polling place
at this time in-vieWof fact the matter cotttd not be accomplished
in time to allow for time limit between reading Of Ordinance as ~eQuired
by law; also it was ~ ·
alt that zt would ~e setting a precedent that would
be mequested all over~ town.
Anti-noise Ordinance
It was PeVealed that earth mover has been starting work before seven in
the morning and numerous complaints have been registered. Several feel
O~dinance should read that they not start before 9:00 A. M. on Sunday.
Refer~ed to City ~nager and City Attorney for further recommendation.
_C~aldos request for a~andonment of 30' Right .of~ Ways Ac, See, 29-45-4
This request was left on the table.
F~lood Insurance
Mr. Jones recommended the flood insurance matter be removed from the
table' and referred to workshop. Mr. Wallace moved to take this from
Agenda and refer to committee. Motion seconded by Mrs. Jackson and
motion carried 4-0.
ReGnest of Harmon Fretz, for delaygd r~t,ir~m~nt
M~. Nylund moved that request of Harmon Fretz be removed from the table
and given to City Manager for recommendation at a later date. Motion
seconded by Mrs. Jackson and motion carried 4-0.
,C, ouneil meeting dates
Mr. Wallace moved that due to election dates of Nov. 3rd~ i7th and Dee.
1st falling on Cou3acil night that these meetings be held on Wednesday
afternoons at 4:30 P. M. Nov. 4, Nov. 18 and Dec. 2. Motion seconded
by M~. Nylund and motion carried 4-0.
OCTOBER 6, 1970
M~. Ny!und moved that the verbal request of a School Board member
20 acmes be removed from Agenda~ seconded by Mrs. Jackson and moticul
carried 4-0.
Renewal of fire_pOr0teetion contract with Brin
. ... . - . . y Breezss
Mrs. Jackson moved to renew fire proteotion contract with Briny Breezes,
Motion seconded by Mr. Wallace and motion carried 4-0.
~esiqnation of John L. Arehie as employee elected representative on
Civil SerVice Appeals Board
Mrs. Jackson moved to accept resignation of John L. Archie as represen-
tative of Civil Service Appeals Board, seconded by Mr. Wallace and mo-
tion carried 4-0.
Approval of Bills
Mm. JOnes submitted the following bills for payment:
Peninsular Supply Co. $ 1,582.63
Russell & Axon 1,784.31
iCms. Jackson moved the above bills be paid, seconded by Mr. Wallace and
motion carried 4-0.
Ray Allen Ins. Co.
$ 24~048.00
With reference to insurance liability - the bill was explained by
Ray Allen, that due to losses the audit premium was up~ because of
claims made against the policy - particularly re Police Department.
[viotionmade by Mr. Wallace to pay the bill and draw $13,459 fl~)m
Unappropriated Surplus, seconded by Mr. Nyiu/ld and motion carried 4-0.
Mr. Allen explained this is an audit type policy and ~or $700 premium
they have paid out over $18:000.
Mrs. Jackson urged everyone that could to attend meeting this Friday
at West Palm Beach City Hail at 1:30 P. M.~ inasmuch as candidates
will attend this League meeting.
Mrs. Emily Obst, Board of T~ustees, Tuberculosis Association of South-
east Florida, appeared re Air Control area and urged Council to adopt
resolution in support of keeping clean ai~ in this area. She read copy
of proposed resolution, which Cou/~cil placed on Agenda on motion by
Mrs. Jackson: seconded by Mr. Wallace and ~tion carried 4-0.
OCTOBER 6~ 1970
OTHER, ¢ont'd.
Mr. Wallace moved to adopt Resolution No. 70-BB as read re keeping
clean air, seconded by ~s. Jackson and motion carmied 4-0.
~eting adjourned at 9:00
l~n mas A. Summers, Mayor
Forest L. Wallace, Vice Mayor