Mark Bobich, Chair Safety Administrator
Pam Webb Human Resources/Risk Management
Liz Jones Finance /Warehouse
Eric Falstad Golf Course
Alan Karjalainen TS/GIS
Rick Lee Fire Rescue
Wally Majors (arrived 9:04 a.m.) Recreation and Parks
Mike Naughton Library
Michael Rumpf Development
Pat Sholos Human Resources/Risk Management
Barbara Scott Police/Code Compliance
Beth Trachtenberg (arrived 9:09) City Manager's Office
Catherine Cherry, Secretary City Clerk's Office
Tim McPherson Human Resources/Risk Management Administrator
Art Brode /Dwight Saulter Public Works
Bevis Pigott Utilities
I. Call to Order
Chair Bobich called the meeting to order at 9:03 a.m.
II. Roll Call
Roll call established a quorum was present.
Ill. Acceptance of Minutes of January 13, 2015, regular meeting
Mr. Karjalainen moved to approve the minutes. Ms. Scott seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
I. Safety Committee Education & Training
A. Heart Health Awareness
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida February 10, 2015
Ms., Webb explained this month, the Committee was focusing on heart wellness and
February was American Heart Month. She distributed information on heart attacks and
Wellness Training including foods and risk factors. A short risk-reduction quiz was also
distributed. All heart attacks are significant killers. It was not just a condition of the aged
or older populations. She referenced a 37 year old that died from a heart attack. They
can occur at any age. Chair Bobich reminded all Automotive Electronic Defibrillators
(As) were throughout City Hall. Mr. Majors would like to have everyone in his
department AED certified. Mr. Rumpf inquired if there was a list available of individuals
trained to use the equipment. He commented it was difficult to promote a program when
no one knows how to use the equipment.
A County-wide CPR training session would be held at various locations. In Boynton
Beach, training will be held at Fire Station No. 5. The training was informational, and not
for certification purposes. Certified CPR training would be offered in the future. It was
noted heart attacks can happen to anyone.
V. Old Business
A. Fire Drills
Fire alarms occurred at both the Police Department and the Fire Department. Chair
Bobich explained even false alarms should be documented because they count as a fire
drill and it is important that all employees respond correctly and go to the assigned
meeting location for a head count. It was requested Gina Morency be contacted when
fire drills occur.
B. Proud to be a Safe Worker Awards
C. Departmental Inspections & Safety Meetings
Chair Bobich explained in addition to increased safety and awareness, they would like to
see departments hold their own safety meetings. Risk Management staff was available
to assist. He explained there was a lot of information available on the internet, including
D. Incident Review Board Referrals
E. Drug Free Program/Policy (HR/ RM — Mark Bobich/Pam Webb) City Attorney
Chair Bobich advised the City Attorney's Office was still reviewing the Policy.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida February 10, 2015
F. Safety Manual (Update in Process)
The update was two-thirds of the way completed. The Manual will include hyperlinks for
additional information.
G. Other
V. New Business
A. Departmental Safety Issues
It was noted there was a ladder in the middle of the hallway by Dispatch for several
months. It was off to the side, and cones were on either side, but it did protrude. A call
was made and it was learned it was to service an air conditioning issue, but that was
three weeks ago.
B. IRB Meeting Information
Ms. Webb reminded all Incident Review Members, as of this month, the meetings would
be conducted immediately after the Safety Committee Meetings. They meet once a
month now, instead of twice a month, due to the low number of incidents. She indicated
the members will only determine if an accident was preventable.
C. Other
V1. Announcements
A. Update on 20/20 Safety
Ms. Webb announced the 20/20 Safety Program would commence in March. March will
be Wellness Awareness to coincide with the Wellness, Safety and Benefits Fair. A
theme for each month was scheduled except for December. April was Safe Driving
Month and the Police Department will help. Assistant City Manager, Carisse LeJeune
would assist with Hurricane Awareness Month. The June, July and October training
sessions would be held at Fire Station No. 5. The June topic would be Heat Stroke. July
would be Ergonomics. August will be Sleep Apnea and a physician would be present.
September and October would be about Fire Safety and November was Diabetes
Awareness Month. December's topic would be about stress, but they did not know
would be holding the training. The 20/20 training in March would be changed to
accommodate the Wellness, Safety and Benefits Fair and the 20/20 training dates were
March 13 at 9 a.m. and March 24 at 2 p.m.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida February 10, 2015
The Wellness and Safety Benefits Fair will be held on Thursday, March 26 from 9 a.m.
to 3 p.m. Biometrics will be available. There will be a link on the notice to make an
appointment for the screening and the appointments worked out well last year. Door
prizes will be given away.
The Risk/Safety table would have all types of activities and information available. The
Safety Council of Palm Beach County and some physicians would be present as well as
other vendors. Those taking the Biometric screening will receive a $25 Target Gift Card.
A month later, a health assessment with Cigna would be available. Those participating
would also receive a $25 gift card.
A Safety Bulletin about the importance of hand washing had been sent and was
important during flu season. Posting the information for those who do not have access
to a computer or email and in the restrooms would be helpful.
VII. Next Meeting Date: Tuesday, March 10, 2015, 9:00 a.m.
IX Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Mr. Naughton moved to adjourn. Ms. Webb
seconded the motion that unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 a.m.
Catherine Cherry dr
Minutes Specialist