T--~A. Su3zaers, Mayor
M~s. Emily Jaekson~ Councilwoman
Michael V. Michael, Councilman
Leonard Nylund ~ Co~%ncilman
C. Q. Jones, City Manager
Gene Moo~e ~ City Attorney
F/TS. Te~eesa Padgett, City
ABSE.NT: Forrest Wallace, Vice M~yor (vacation)
Mayor Summers called the meeting to o~der at 7:30 P.M.
The Rev. Charles Carr/n gave the Invoca=ion followed by Flag
Salute led by Councilman Nylu/ld.
Mms. Dewey Sandersj President Jr. Woman's Club and Miss Nichols,
Chairman MiSs Boynton Teach Pageant; Carolyn Fling, National Re-
cord/rig Secretary, women for Constitutional Goverc¢aent; R. B.
Vastine and M~. Alexander, Leisureville Homeowners or<ganization;
Anthony Newbold and Herman Forbas, Ridgewood Hills Homeowners
Association; Bertha Welch~ Sorosis; John Adams, Sterling Village;
John Shepa~d, President Boston Beach Chamber of Commerce; David
Roberts, High Poin=; Thomas Arnott, Sterling Village.
MI~RdTES: Regular meeting - June ,15, 1970.
Mrs. Jackson moved that Minutes of June 15th meeting be approved
as written, seconded -by Mr. Michael and motion carried 3-0. Mr.
Nylund did not vote because he w~s absent at the June 15th meet-
Thomas Canavan~ Sterling Village, urged Council to prod the County
Commissioners into purchasinq the land adjacent to North end of
beach p~operty. He suggested that City Manager check into the
possible purchase o~ available beach property at S. E. !Sth Ave.
bridge area. He also urged tha~ County precinct 141 at Ste~ling
Village be considered as a City voting precinct.
Mrs. Jackson informed Mr. Canavan at Palm Beach County Municipal
League meeting she had spoken to commissioners ~ega~ding this
possibility, of purchasing the beach.
Kenneth Lyman, 216 $. E. 5rd St. made several complaints in
gard to conditions in the docks area and was asked by the City
Marmger to come to his office the following morning for a meeting.
Mr. Jones read the letter dated July 2, 1970 ~mom the F.I.N.D. in
regard to this area.
Eddie Mitchell made inquiry re vacancies on Planning Board and
Janet Hall, Sea Mist ~rina complained about the sign on U.~.t
on City sidewalk advertising the Two Georges. Mr. Barrett said
he would check into this as the signwas assumed to read Lortts
Sign Ordinance was left on table. Earl Osborne, Chairman of the
Sign Committee requested a %~orkshop session and further
Quested the Council to accept the ordinance they had prepared
in lieu o~ the one read on first reading.
Parcel 1:
On request of Addison Corelli, to rezone Lot 22, Block 2,
Boynton Ptaee from R-IA to R-2, there were no objections. Mrs.
Jackson moved that the request be granted as recommended ~y the
Zoning BoaZd, seconded by Mr. Michael and Motioncarried 3-1,
Mr. Nylund abstained.
Mr. Nytund disqualified himself from voting on request of
Tare to rezone 52 acres South of 51st Avenue~ and North of
S. E. 34th Avenue from R-1AA to R-2 (High Point Builders).
Mr, Tare was spokesman and displayed aerial photographs, scaled
model of entire propertS; and artists sketch of buildings and
landscaping. He invited members of Council and audience to in-
spect his scaled model which they did.
It was noted that the Zoning Board recommended the request be
Those speaking in opposition of the request %~re David Roberte,
High Point, Joe Bailey, Mrs. Carlz, High Point; Col. Albert
Wehrell, Chairman of the Zoning Board; Charles Rosier, local
contractor representing ~. Rubin, S. Wo 51st Avenue; Charles
Gravet~c, 3200 S. E. tst Court, Richard Bachor, 175 S.E. 51st
Avenue, Charles Cadenhead, Earl Osburn, Frank Leshner.
Letters of opposition were noted from H.~H. Thiet, 420 Chapel
Hill B!vd.~ Mary Bz~go, 306 S. E. $4th Avenue, Mm. & ~s. J.W.
Plaherty, 3106 SE 1st Place: Leon Cto~ti~r, P O Box 524~
The Rev. James C. Stoutsenberger~ Rector St. Joseph's Episcopal
Chur. ch~ P. Marion ~ Jane W. Greene, Timothy C P Greene~ Geoffrey
N.D. Greene, 2824 So Seac~est, Andrew J Jakomas, 3109 SE tst
Court~ Raymond J. Salsbury, 112 S, E. 51st Avenue.
Mr. Michael moved the request be denied, seconded by Mrs. Jackson
and motion carried 5-0, Mr. Nylund disqualified h/resell.
- 2 -
Parcel 3:
Request of Lawrence Miller to rezone Lot 32, Lainhart's of S,
from R--1 to R-2. There 9rare no object, ions.
Mm. Michael moved the request be granted~ seconded by }~s. Jack-
son and motion carried 3-0. M~, Nylund abstained.
City Attorney read O~dinance 70-19 granting change of zoning
of Parcel I and Parcel 3.
Mr. Michael moved that Ordinance 70-19 be passed on first reading,
seconded by Mrs. Jackson and motion carried 3-0. Mm. Nyt~nd
cbs ta i~ed.
LEGAL: (cont'd)
City Attorney read pro~s~d Ordinance 70-17.
Mr. Michael moved that Ordinance 70-17 be passed on second reading.
Motion seconded by Mrs. Jackson and motion carried 4-0.
Mr. Michael moved that Ordinance 70-18 be pas~ed on first reading
subject to condition that land o%~ners grant necessary right-of-
way required on Congress Avenue and that such be documented.
Motion seconded by Mrs. Jacl~on and motion carried 4-0.
City Attorney z~ad Resolution 70-R covering parcels to be
cleaned up near Sterling Village.
Mr. Michael moved that Resolution 70-R De approved, seconded by
~;~rs. Jackson and motion carried 4-0. Mr. Moore stated the last
estimate was bet-~;een $60~000 and $70,000. to abate this nuisance
on the parcel therefore~ he felt it will be some time before the
owner will do anything and 30 days notice has to be given.
City Attorney r~ad Resolution 70-S appointing Atlantic National
Bank of West Palm Beach as an additional registrar of bonds.
Mn~. Michael moved to adopt Resolution 70-S s seconded by Mrs.
Jackson and motion carried 4-o.
A. Progress report by City Manager
lo Bids will be opened July llth and be presented for approval
at next meeting for rest rooms at Wilson Recreation Center.
- 3 -
2~ Reference to police complex - it %~s recommended that it
be built on Block 16, Sa~;er's Addition, between S.E, 1st
,-" ~and '2hd Avenues, just South of Library.
3. Reference to collection of money owed the City from Caldos.
The City Attorney stated he would take legal action to collect
this in court, if necessary, as previously directed by Council,
if we don't get a response by Wednesday.
B. Mr, Michael moved that the bus franchise be ~de null and
void in view of the fact that the outdated school buses used as
transportation system are no longer in operation. Mrs. Jackson
seconded the mo=ion which wes passed 4-0.
Mr. Moore stated that the formal repeal of the franchise for bus
transportation %~uld be submitted at next regular meeting.
Mr. Michael requested that a report from the taxi service be
obtained by the City M~nager and that he explain about the
complaints being received.
C. P~. Michael moved that amending Civil Service Rules and
Regulations be removed f~om the table, seconded by ~s. Jackson
and motion carried 4-0.
Mr. Miehaei moved that (copy attached) be amended in Civil Service
Rules & Regulations. Motion seconded by Mrs. Jael~on and motion
~arried 4-0.
Mr. Michael ~ecommended this be made into a loose leaf booklet so
it can be kept current.
A. l~fp. Michael moved that Harold Hopkins be appointed to the
Technical Coordinating Committee of the West Palm Beach H~ban
A~ea T~ansporation Study, Motion seconded by Mrs. Jackson and
motion carried 4-0.
B. ~-. Hopkins made recon~mendation establishing policy on sewer
and water line extension.
M~. Micheal moved that policy be put in Resolution form for the
next meeting · Motion seconded by Mrs. Jae?~on and motion
cart led ~ ~3.
B. Reference to Mr. Stroshein's request for building permit,
~yor Summers requested that the City Manager and Mr. St-~oshein
get together and endeavor to solve the problem of water supply
based on subject policy. - ~
A. Three names were submitted to fill vacancies on the Planning
Board. Frank McCoy, Jr., Joseph Brull and 0wis Walker.
Mr. Michael recommended the above named individuals be ~piaeed on
Planning Board, seconded by Mrs. Jackson and motion carried 4-0.
Mayor instructed City Clerk and City Manager to have the appoint-
ment of Recreation Board member on next regular agenda.
C. Mrs° Jackson moved that W. T. Welch be granted extension of
time for retirement to September 18, 1971. Motion seconded by
Mr. Michael and motion carried 4-0.
D. Mrs. Jackson moved that gS00o be t~ansferred {rom contingency
Fund to Purchasing Department. Motion seconded by Mr. Michael
and motion carried 4-0.
E. M~. Michael moved that Richard D'Angelo be appointed to serve
on Municipal Firemen's Pension Bcard[~ due to resignation of
David McLaughlin who has served the City well for several years.
Motion seconded by Mrs. Jackson and motion carried 4-0.
F. Mr. Michael moved that the application for beverage license
at 1101 North Railroad Avenue of Josephine Razz be approved,
seconded by Mrs. Jaclc~on and motion carried 4-0.
G. Mr. Michael moved that surrender of deed be accepted and M~.
G~oss be refunded purchase price, less 20% ~or Lots 170-171,
Block G.: Boynton Beach Memorial Park. Motion seconded by
Mrs. Jackson and motion carried 4-0.
H. Reference to meeting date for tst meeting in September
(Labor Day). According ~o Char.tot% City Attorney advised ~
meetinq will be held the 2nd Monday~ to set the 1970 millage
rate, so it was agreed to hold the first meeting in September on
September 14th instead of September 7th.
I. Mr. Michael moved to accept abatement of taxes as submitted
by City Clerk in the amount of $247.72. Motion seconded by Mrs
Jackson and motion carried 4-0.
J. P~. Michael moved tha= the bill of Frank C. Brown, in the
amount of $1250. for first ha!~ of contract be paid, seconded
by Mrs. Jaci~on and motion carried 4-0.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M.
-5 -
Michael Vi Michael'~ Counailmah'
Leonard E-J Nytund ~ Councilman
lion, i~iayor & Ci~7 Cotacil March 30, 1970
The City is presently paying for physical examinations
for applicants who do not pass the necessary written
and oral examinations and/or are permitting applicant~
to take the Civil Service examinations without the
necessary physical examina~on~ which i~ contrary to
~e presen~ rule. Also, ~ ~iW will ~ave a eubs~ni~l
amo~t of money ~ ~e physical e~m ie given after an
applicant ~ been accepte~ ~or emplo~ent.
Item ~4:
.Article IV'~ Section 1, Para,~rap.h 4 State.s: "A satisfactory F.B.I. and
Florida Motor Vehicle Commissioner~' check o£ all candidates for employ-'
ment with the City o£ Boynton Beach in any departsnent must be complete~l
before such candidates will be allowed to enter written or oral
.The £ollowin~ recommendation is submitted:
The City be permitted to hire an applicant providin$ he has passed the
necessary written and oral teats before the F.B.I. report is completed,
inasmuch as it takes from 6 to 8 weeks before a report is received item
Washington. However, if said applicant's report is deemed undesirable
/or employment~ with the City, this shall be.i...mmediate cause f.o.~ dismissal,
At rise present time, tho City ia operating~under the method as stated in
the previous paragraph, however, it is contrary to the present rules,
Item ~$:
We recormmend that Article IV, Section 4, as desalinated in the previous
rules adopted July 16, 1962 regarding Police prombtions be re-adopted
s/rice no ~les ~ve been provided ~ ~e preset book, 'The rule~ to be
1 - No person shall be admitted to an examination for promo-
tion to Detective until he shall have served on the local force
for at least six (6) months.
2 - No person shall be admitted to an examination for promo-
tion to Detective Sergeant until he shall have served on the local
force for at !east eighteen (18) months as a Patrolman or Detective.
3 - No person except a detective sergeant, police sergeant, or
desk sergeant, shall be eligible to take an examination for a
higher position in the department and even these candidates will
not be declared eligible for the examination until they have served
at least one (1) year as sergeant.
4 - Motorcycle Officers shall be appointed by the Department
~ead with the approval of the City Manager after they have demon-'
strated their ability to qualify for the position.
5 - A police officer in continuous servzce who holds a Civil
Service rank and is appointed to a higher position within the
department may, upon his written request, be returned to the rank
from which he was promoted.
6 - The Chief of Police may, in emergencies, appoint regularly
employed officers who have passed their probationary period to act
mn the various classifications, but the officers may not hold the
acting positions longer than 90 days and may be reappointed for an
additional 90 days only by the Chief of Police for a total of 180