Thomas A. Summers, Mayor
Forrest L. Wallace, Vioe Mayor
Mrs. Emily Jackson, Councilwoman
Michael V. Michael, Councilman
Leonard E. Mylund, Councilman
Gene Moore, City Attorney
Harold Hopkins, Acting City Mgr.
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
Mayor Summers called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M.
Harold Hopkins gave the invocation and Flag Salute was led by Scout
Troop ~362.
Walter Madsen~ former Mayom
~ichard Vastine: President Leisureville Homeowners Organization
Norman Alexander, Vice President Leisureville Homeowners Organization
(several others from Leisurevitle were recognized)
Judy Sanders, President Jr. Woman's Club
Mayor Summers read a statement of commendation for services rendered
to Harold Hopkins: Acting CityManager~ and presented him with a
plaque from the Council~ which he graciously accepted, replying it
had been made possible because of the cooperation of Council~ depart-
ment heads: and most of all because of members of Public Works Dept.
that really took over and ran his department~ during the time he
served as City Manager.
[~.IA~dTES - Regular Meeting - May 18, 1970
Corrections - p. 5 - "Boca Raton was not considering~;
P. 8 at last paragraph add word ~Ave.~ to ~;improvements
on NE 10th Ave."
~{r. Nylund moved to accept the minutes with corrections, seconded by
Mr. ~'Iichael ~ motion carried 4-0. (Mr. Wallace v~s absent from May 18
meeting. )
Mr. Wallace expressed his thanks to all people of Boynton Beach on
behalf of him and his wife, who assisted in each and every way, dur-
Lng his recent illness.
JUNE 1~ 19 70
Ezett Hester~ 1107 !@~ 1st St. - Made inquiry regarding the pistol
range. Asked if money was in the ~udget for fence around the pistol
range which is requested. (to be brought up later when it appears on
agenda )
Eddie Mitchell - Made inquiry regarding improvements at Wilson Field.
Mr. Hopkins advised that it had been approved and ~uilding Dept. has
instructions to draw up the plans in preparation for advertising for
bids. M~. Wallace reiterated that he would check personally with the
Building Dept. and see that this is under way.
Bill Edell - thanked Council for use of Civic Center for June 14th
program. He invited everyone to attend the Sing-a-long.
F. C. VanDusen: Pres. Senior Citizens Shuffle Board Club
Stated the screens have been repaired but already vandals have torn
up the sereens again~ and there is obscene writing on the walls. He
requested the police to watch this area. It was agreed to diseuss
this with Mr. Johnson, Recreation Dept.
He also requested thet the street be patrolled between N. Seacrest
and Federal Highway at 22nd Ave. before someone is killed. He also
requested windbreakers for the shuffle court. He said he had not
had a reply to his communication of Ma~eh 24th.
John Holloway~ Chairman Special Activities of the Chamber of Commerce,
asked about fireworks display. He wanted to know what had been done
in the past~ and if there are any finances availabte~ and also re-
quested a s~andard procedure be established. The Mayor asked thor
this matter be checked out administ-~ativety.
Mr. R. V. Vas tine~ Pres. of Leisureviile Homeowners Organization~ wanted
to let Couneit know thei~ policy would be ~the greatest good for the
greatest number· - wished to assure that they will work with Council
in making Leisu~eville the bess possible place to live> and hope
Council will work with the board in solving problems that they need
solved. He said t~nis time next year there will be several thousand
living there.
Mr. Wallace stated inasmuch as the governing body of Leisureville and
there is a new City Manager~ he felt they should get together so there
will be an understanding of the direction the development is taking~
and suggested a meeting be se~ up with developers and new projeet man-
ager and with Council. Mr. Vastine agreed to take this point of view
to the board and it was agreed they would get together with one of
Caldos officers and report back to Council.
JUi~ i, 1970
Approximatel.... y 3600' of chain link fence
Mr. Nylund moved that item regarding 3600~ chain link fence be re-
moved from table. Motion seconded by ~. Michael and motion car-
ried 5-0.
Terry Surber~ Treasurer FOPA stated they had run out of funds and
they had about $10:000 labor and material tied up i~ the ranqe~ and
had cleared the 14 acres. National Rifle Association requires a fence
around the premises before they can proceed further~ or even get
insurance. They plan to use t~-~o acres for playground and'picnic
Ezell Hester said he ~as not against the organization but questioned
the judgment of spending $8~000 for a fence around the rifle range.
George Davis, Lt. of Police Dept. and Vice Pres. of F.O.P~ urged
that this fence be consL-~ucted so they could proceed as this facil-
ity is needed to train police office~s. He stated it was embarrassing
to go to other to~s ~o use their facilities. He also indicated
many citizens want to learn to use their firearms properly.
Rev. White stated he thought a pistol range could be in the new
police complex. Eddie Mitchell inquired as to status of the range
in terms of range being avallab,_e for organizations when it first
started o
Mr. Wallace moved that Mr. Surber and Lt. Davis get together with
members of Recreation Board and meet with City Attorney and draw
up a contract assuring the City they will in some way re~burse
the City for part or all of the expenditure.
Mrs. Sanders stated she fel~ this fence is necessary for the exis-
tence of the firing range and training of officers and she felt it
is a shame they have to beg for what they need~ to protect our
lives. Motion seconded by ~. Michael and motion carried 5-0.
~efunding Bonds - 1946 issue - $28~000
The City Clerk reported there has been no bid on the bonds. Mrs.
Sanders was asked to draw 28 numbers which she did as follows:
92, 342~ 93~ 681~ 82: 359~ 426~ 27~ 16~ 543~ 348~ 327~ 26~ -,0~ ~
413: 430~ 333~ 40~ 341~ 385~ 389, 284~ 334 48~ 415~ 425~ 459~and
683. ~
Mr. N~tund moved that 1946 bonds as listed above be retired in ac-
cordance with the bonding Resolution. Motion seconded by Mr. Wallace
and motion carried 5-0.
J~NE 1: 1970
pRDINANCES - 2nd Reading
Ordinance No. 70-12 - Sign Ordinance was left on table.
ORDinANCE - Ist Readinq
No. 70-16 - amending Section 17 of the Code of Ordinances re firearms
Mr. Harold Hopkins read Ordinance 70-16 on first reading re amend/rig
Sec. 17 of Code of Ordinances re firearms.
~%r. ~{ichaet moved O~dinanoe 70-16 be passed on first read/ngs seconded
by Mrs. Jackson and motion carried 5-0.
Res. No. 70-N - Appointing Clarence Q. Jones~ Jr. as City ~!anager
Harold Hopkins read Res. 70-N appointing Clarence Q. Jones, Jr. as
City Manager at a salary of $14,800 per year with a car allowance of
$100 per month.
Mrs. Jackson moved Ordinance 70-N be approved: seCOnded by Mr. Wallace
and motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Jones came to the podium and t/mired his comments to a few words.
He stated the administration of City GOvernment is a serious responsi-
bility. It is indeed an honor to accept it as it is bestowed. He
pledged to devote every effort to provide as efficient and effective
administration as possible.
~ecreation Board
Report by Ray jara on Recreation .Board. It was reported that several
on the Board had not been active since their appointment and it was
agreed to replace them. l.~r. ~$atlace moved that Bob Shackley~ Mrs.
HaYden Bivens and Mrs. John Sohultz be appointed. Motion seconded
by Mrs. Jackson and motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Mitchell objected to a black man being removed and replaced by a
white man - the reason was given by ~o Jara as needing a bOard that
will attendmeetings and function a major percentage of the time.
~dNE 1~ 1970
~ecreation Board~ conrad.
The Council reviewed the report on beach property as presented by
Ray Jara~ Chairman o~ the Re~eation Board.
Mr. Wallace moved that City Attorney be instructed to enter into a
reso.lution or use his legal means to begin negotiations toward the
posslble purchase of tracts of land fora beach purposes, lime. Jac'kson
seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
~.inal report on ~Rid Litter;~ Day
~]rs. Jackson reported on "Rid Litter,, Day, and e~pressed her thanl~ to
all those %~ho made this project a sucoess. 100 Mards of loose litter
was collected: or a ~otal o~ 20~000 pounds in 3 houms. With the dona-
tions received litter barrels will be otaeed thrnu~h~,~ eh= ~ ....
P~llace suggested it become a yearly eQent. ~rs] ~a~h~'i~C~iJ =~['
ha~ sent suggestion to Gov. Kmrk to do this on s~atewide basis just
before tourist season. ~, Wallace's suggestion~etd in abeyance.
~onsider request,.for beverage ticense~ 521 N. Federal Highway
Motion by Mro Nylund to ~emove from the table the request for beverage
license at 321 N. Federal High~,~ay. ~tion seconded by Mr. Michael
and motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Davis appea~ed before Council.
k{~. Nylund moved the license be g~anted subject ro the approval of the
Doard of Health~ No second. Mayor Summers abstained before this
came to vote because he did electrical work on the building. ~.
Michael then moved that license be granted at such time as the City
Attorney feels this complies with Sec. 5-19 of the Code and meets
all othem requirements. ~{otion seconded by ~tr. Wallace and motion
carried 4-0. ~. Summers abstained.
Discuss House Bill ~768 re do~s
Mrs. JacP~on moved that the discussion of House Bill ~768 re dogs be
removed from the table and from the agenda. Motion seconded by Mr.
Michael and motion carried 5-0.
Consider ~esommendatio~s re amendments to Civil Service Rules
~.~r. %'~llsce moved the item considering recommendations regarding amend-
ments to Civil Service Rules and Regulations be tabled. Motion sec-
onded by Mr. ~4iehae! and motion carried 5-0.
J[1NE t: 19 70
Discuss possible change of election dates (Mrs. Jackson)
Discussion regarding changing of election dates by l.irs. JacP~on. No
official action taken, It was agreed to take this under advisement.
Receipt of Plat - Lake Eden No. 9
Jimmy Mohori appeared on behalf of Warren Grimes regarding the plat
of Lake Eden No. 2. Mr. Wallace moved the plat be approved~ seconded
by Mr. Nylund and motion carried 5-0. A letter was placed on file re-
garding recreation area in subject subdivision.
Consider Request of Judge Durkin
Mr. ~iehael moved that the request of Judge Durkin to appoint attorney
James W. Nowlin, judge ad litem be granted. ~fotion seconded by Mrs.
Jackson and motion carried 5-0.
Applications for Permit to So!~eit
1. G~eater Boynton Beach Chamber of Commerce
lv~. Michael moved that request be granted to permit Chamber of C~mmerce
to solicit regarding the interchange at the Turnpike. Motion seconded
by Mrs. Jackson and motion carmied 5-0.
2. Boynton Beach Pony League
Mr. Michael moved that permission to solicit be granted to Pony League.
Motion seconded by Mrs, Jackson and motion carried 5-0.
Consider offe~ of the Do~nton Beach Congregation of Jehovah,s Witnesse~,
Mrs. Jackson moved to accept the gift of Jehovah's Witnesses to trans-
fer three parcels of land to City~ but not to pay for t~ansfer of title.
Motion seconded by Mr. Michael and motion carried 5-0.
Considem ho!dinq examination for position of Chief of Police
Mr. Michael moved that examination for Chief of Police be held. Motion
seconded by Mrs, Jackson and motion carried 5-0.
Discuss Cit~ ProsecuEor
All problems ironed out re prosecutor~ no action necessary at this time.
JUNE 1, 1970
Consider appropriation of funds for repair of air conditioning uni~.
at Madsen Recreation Buitdin~q .......
~. ~4allace moved that the air c~ditioner at Madsen Recreation Bldg.
be repaired at estimated price of $995~..~.p~o~ided it ~ill be regulated
so it can be controlled from inside local office. Motion seconded by
Mr. Michael and motion carried 5-0.
Edythe Hood appeared in regard to parcel of land adjacent to S. E.
t5th Avenue bmidge she offered for consideration of beach purchase.
Mr. Wallace stated they would look ~-nto all offers ineludin9 her
p~oposa!. '
..C. ns~oer .comp!etmon of master pla~ (Utilities) as proposed
After discussion bY Harold Hopkins regarding completion of master plan
for utilities, Mr. Michael moved to authorize Russell & Axon to
continue r®por~ on phase 2~ 3 and 4 as outlined in their letter of
February l?i 19'70. Motion seconded by Mrs. Jackson and motion car-
ried 5'-0°
Approval of Bills
Adair 6 Brady
J. P. Carroll~ Inc.
Est. No. 1 Derrico Const. Co.
Spencer~ Inc.
Neptune Me,er
Benz Chevrolet, Inc.
Michael moved bills be paid as presented.
Jackson and motion carried 5-0.
Motion seconded bY
07dNE 1~ 1970
Meeting adjourned at i0:00 P,
Thomas A. Suf~m~rs, Mayor
Fbrresf L. Wallace, Vice'Ma~90~ -~
Attes t: ~
"Leonard E. NyiUnd ~ codncilman