BEACH~ FLORIDA= MONDAY, MAY 4, 1970~ AT 7:30 P. M.
'Ih~s Ao Summers, Mayor
For~est L. Wallace~ Vice Mayor
Mrs. Emily M. Jackson, Councilwoman
Michael V. Miehael~ Councilman
Leonard E. Nylund~ Councilman
Gene Moo~e~ City Attorney
Harold Hopkins, Acting City M~o
Tereesa Padgett, Cit~ Clerk
Mayor Summers ca!led the meeting to o~der at 7:30 P. M.
Rev. Carrin gave the invocation and the Flag Salute ~as led by Boy
Scout Troop ~395.
~nt~oduction of Guests
Mayor Su~ners introduced Clarence Quinton Jones who will assume his
duties as City Manager effective May 25th. He will return to Washing-
ton~ D. C. to finalize his military duties and return with his family
within the next few days.
Robert Beyrem - Concerned Citizens and Sterling Village Senior Citizens
John Shepard - President Greater Boynton Beach Chamber o£ Commerce
Hank Thompson, Kiwanis Club
Eddie Mit~elt - Concerned Black Citizens
MINUTES - Regular Meeting - April 20, 1970
Mr. Michael moved that April 20th minutes be approved as presented.
Motion seconded by Mr. Wallace and motion cad-pied 4-0. (Mayor Summers
was absent on date of this meeting.)
Eddie Mitchell, 329 NE 12th Avenue - Stated that since city patterns
itself after other cities he felt Boynton should have Recreation com-
ptex~ which includes a gymnasium. He cited other cities which do have
this facility; also~ that raan hired to water g~ass in various parts
of Boynton Beach has neglected to water the Wilson Park a~ea.
Ezell Hester, 1106 NW tst Street - Stated he had read in the papers
about the Chamber of Commerce meeting re sign o~d~nance. He felt
Boca is a wealthy community and we should not pattern after them
cause it is too high for Boynton Beach residents.
MAY 4 ~ 1970
ORDINANCE NO, 70-19 - Sign Ordinance
Earl Osborne, representing Sunskaine Shopping Cente~ said he was present
to discuss the sign o~dinance. He felt an ordinance should be enforced
without a lot of exceptions, He felt even with grandfather's clause
they would not be able to live with this ordinance. He requested a
delay for a minimum of 30 days. He volunteered his services to come
up with a workable ordinance within 30 days.
M_ms. Cutver- also,opposed the proposed sign ordinance, She felt it
is wrong for a b~Sines$ man not to be able to advertise his b~siness,
She .said Boca Raton has 80 lawsuits pending because of their sign or-
dinance. She reqUested this be tabled.
John Shepard - President Chamber of Commem~m. He felt there was too
much opposition to this to pass it in 9Jew of the fact that Boca
Raton has r~n into problems with rheim ordinance and this is patterned
after theirs.
Herman Forbas - 425 NW 4th - stated he felt it was a good ordinance.
Mr. Nylund moved that Ordinance 70-12be tabled until the first regu-
lar meeting in June and turn this over to Building Board and other
concerned people. Mr. Michael seconded the motion. He felt Mr. Os-
boz-~ne should be commended for showing willingness to do something about
it. Mrs. Jackson requested that suggestions be put in writing. The
motion carried 5-0.
The following were appointed as a cen~nittee to study the proposed
dinanoe in conjunction with the Building Board and return their recom-
mendations to Council:
Earl Osborne, Chairman
Buddy Forehand
Dave MeKay
John Shepard
Layton Timm
W~ll~m Tirsbier
Hazry LeFort
Hank Thompson
Cliff Chapman
Bill Ferrin
Bill Elam
C. K. Smith
Joseph Laterza
~-~,Y 4 ~ 1970
QRDINANCES - 2nd Reading
No. 70-13 - Repealing Ordinance 68-19
The City Attorney mead Omdinance 70-13, re comprehensive plan develop-
ment.unit. Mr. ~4ichael moved that O~d. 70-13 be passed on second read-
ing~ seconded by b~s. Jackson and motion carried 3-2. Messrs. Summers
and Nylund voted ~no~.
No. 70-14 - amending the electmieal code
The City Attorney read O~dinance No. 70-14.
Mr. Michael moved that Ordimmnce 70-t4 be passed on second reading.
Motion seconded by ~rs, Jackson and motion carried 5-0.
ORDINANCES - 1st Reading
70-15 - establishing minimum period of time between zoning change
reques ts
The City Attorney read ordJa~anee 70-15 establishing minimum time period
between zoning change requests.
Mrs. Jackson moved that OrdiD~nee 70-15 be passed on first reading,
Motion seconded by 14r, Michael and motion carried 4-1. Mr. Nylund
voted ~no~.
N°. 70-J - re utilization of F.I.N.D. property at NE 1st Ave.
The City Attorney read Res. 70-J re F.I.N.D. property at NE 1st Ave.
Mr. Culver stated his property is adjacent to the property in Question
and no one had contacted him about this. He stated his competition
had hired an attorney to press this. He said he had spent $6~000 /m-
proving the property.
Firs. Culver stated her fish market had been moved to 32t N. Federal
H/way. She requested City o~fieials to meet with F.I.N.D.
Mrs. Janet Hall - Sea Mist M~rina~ stated she felt the wmitten recomd
speaks for itself on this whole situation. [,~. Lyman clarified the
past history~ and the Building Department turned in a vemy detailed re-
port showing 4-5 violations of the Building Code. She stated their
concern was that there is no cont-uol. She said another pmoperty owner
plans to do the same thing and it is out of control.
~Y 4~ 1970
~Ir~ Nylund moved that this be tabled until after the meeting with
representatives of F.IoN.D. Mr. Wallac~ seconded the motion which
carried 4-1. Mrs. Jack, on voted ~no" Mr. Michael stated if 3 mem-
bers of Council are present this meeting m~st be open to the press~
No. 70-K - establishing certain combinations of positions
The City Attorney read Resolution 70-K: establishing certain combina-
tions of positions~ b~rs~ Jackson moved that Res~ 70-K be passed on
first reading- Motion seconded by Mr~ Wallace and motion carried 5-0°
No. 70-L - to correct Res. 70-F
The City Attorney referred to Resolution 70-F having a t~ansposition
Of numbe~s~ and asked that same be co~ected by'"Resolution 70-L~ which
he read in it~ entirety~ Mr. Michael moved that Res° 70-L be adopted
to correct Res. 70-F~ adopted March 16, 1970. Motion seconded by
Mrs. Jackson and carried 5-0.
,No. 70-M - awarding contract to Overland Construction Co.
Public Law 660
Inc re
The City Attorney ~ead Res° 70-M re awarding contract to Overland
Construction Co. Inc re P~blic Law 660~ Mrs. Jackson moved that
Res. 70-M be passed, seconded by Mr. Wallace and motion carried 5-0°
O. rdinance No. 70-11
The City Attorney advised that he had received the deed f~om Mr.
Fleming on the 50' right of way in conjunction with Ord. No. 70-11.
P~opo~at f~om Hutcheon En,~ineers, Inc. (On the table)
M~. Michael moved that Hutcheon Engineers, /nc. item be removed from
table and stricken fl~m age~da. Motion seconded by Mrs. Jackson a~d
motion ca,tied 5-0.
MAY 4~ 1970
Recommendation of Acting City Manager re architect for poiice ~o~?tex
Mr. Hopkins rec~,~,ended the item regard/ng architect for police com-
plex be tabled until May 18th meeting. Mrs. Jackson m~ved that th/s
item be tabled. Motion seconded by Mr. Nylund and motion carried 5-0.
.Consider request to advert/se for bids on t~affic sigzaal for
N. Seacrest and 2nd Ave.
Mr. Wallace moved that Mr. Hopkins be permitted to go out for bid for
a traffic light at N. SeacTest and 2nd Ave. Motion seconded by
Michael and motion carried 5-0. It was suggested that Acting City
Manager write to County Commission and tell them the t~a£fic fae/lity
will be required and City would appreciate them getting money together
for this.
qonsider proposed Contract - Gerald Dake, Planning Consultant
Mr. Michael moved that we not consider the proposed contract of Gerald
Dake and Associates, and that he be contacted and asked to fulfill his
old con~ract. Mrs. Jackson seconded the motion and motion carried 5-0.
.Consider request of Joe TombeI~ re route for Transit system
The City Attorney advised that he would have to get assent from Ocean
Ridge to operate bus in their city. Mr. Michael moved that we grant
h/m pez~aission to go toward the beach to the bridge and talk to Ocean
Ridge regarding the rest. Motion seconded by Mrs. Jackson and motion
ca,tied 5-0.
Firefiqhters Colle etive- Bargaining A et
Mr. Wallace moved that Council notify legislative delegation that they
are opposed to this. Motion seconded by Mrs. Jaokson and motion car-
ried 5-0.
F. rank Br~n & Co. Proposal.
Mr. Michael moved that we accept the proposal of Frank Brown & Co.
provided Mr. Hopkins ~ Mrs. Padgett and new Personnel Officer can deter-
mine it will be flexible enough to last for more than 4 years. Motion
seconded by ~. Wallace and motion carried 5-0.
MAY 4, 1970
RECREATION PROGRAM - discussed by Vice Mayor Wallace
8. W. 15th Aveo
Facilities will have to ~e moved because of widening of right of way.
Mr, Wallace mOved that moneys previously put in the budget for building
facility at S, W. 15th Ave. Park be put toward hi~ing extra personnel
and this be transferred from Field Improvements (Acct. 4100-520) and
be used for additional personnel. Motion seconded by Mr. Michael and
motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Michael recommended the part time help be used at the least busy
time and regw/lar employees serve on weekends.
~ilson Park
Mr. Wallace moved that restuoom facilities be completed as soon as
possible in order to get the facilities in use. Motion seconded by
Mr. Michael and motion carried 5-0.
Survey of Land Areas
Since the City has manpower and equipment it was recommended by Mr.
Wallace that these be utilized to clean up ali City and County o~ned
land and other land that could be made available for recTeation pur-
poses. Mr. Wallace moved that the survey of these land areas be
turned over to Recreation Board for utilization and study and come back
to Council with recommendation~ at which time action can be taken,
Motion seconded by Mr. Michael and motion carried 5-0,
ApPointment of Committee. to Study.~olf Course
Mr. Wallace ~ecommended that Joseph Lee, Don Tinker, John Archie and
Ray Jara be appointed to study and bring back report on possibility of
securing golf course for City. Motion seconded by Mr. Nylund and motion
carried 5-0.
Beach Acquisition
Mr. Wallace recommended that the Recreation Board be given instructiona
by Council to find out all things necessary regarding acqu/sition of
the beach property~ particularly the 600 ft. to the north of the present
Mr. Beyrer thanked Council for taking this into consideration and s~g-
gested they check into the possibility of obtaining eminent doma/n over
the property acquired.
MAY 4~ 1970
.B. each Acquisition2 contd.
Herman Forbas stated he was against the beach acquisition because it
is continuing to erode and that should 75' of the beach be lost by
erosion and then state highway take off another ,slice by widening
the road~ there would be nothing left. He felt also Ocean Ridge should
buy some.
Mr. Wallace moved that the Recreation Board be given go ahead for
study of beach acquisition for City of Boynton Beach. Motion seconded
by Mrs, Jackson and motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Wallace moved that the Recreation Board be revised to include
Ray Jara, Buddy Stuart2 Ed Porehand, Helen K/mkeby and Estelie Schaap~
.and that they recommend two members to give the board seven members,
Motion seconded by M~s, Jackson and motion carried 5-0.
The Mayor thanked Mr. Wallace for his efforts in regard to the future
re emeation progTam.
m/d-Year Bud~qet Review
Mr. Hopk//ls suggested various departments needed additional fttnds to
finance their department needs, and since anticipated ~evenue will
exceed the anticipated amount by $46~000~ he recommended that these
amounts be approved in the sum of $172590, since they all seem to be
in order.
Mr. Michael moved that the different department heads be allowed to
spend amounts reviewed by Mr. Hopkins ~ and that they be held to these
Municipal cOUrt
Utility Billing Department
Re c~ea tion Department
Police Department
Personnel Department
Building Department
$ 12500.00
Motion was seconded by Mrs. Jackson and motion carried 5-0.
Judge Durkin asked to speak in reference to the Municipal Court needS!~
He was advised that'his ~eQuest had just been approved. He related
the work load is increasing t~emendously and thanked Cottneil for thei~
MAY 4~ 1970
House Bill ~768 re Do~s
It was revealed this bill ~equi~ed all dogs to be vaccinated. Mmso
Jackson moved that if th/s bill #768 passes the State Leg/slature we
notify County and ask them to rescin~ the action on their animal law.
Mrs. Jackson then moved to table until next meeting~ seconded by Mr.
Michael and motion carried 5-0.
qonsider Stmaw Vote ~e County Contr~],
Mm. Michael moved that the Cityplace this item on the machines again
at the next elect-ion and make it available to Legislature. Motion
seconded by Mr. Wallace and motion carried 5-0.
Water Control
Mrs. Jackson discussed bills in Florida State Legislature~ with refer-
ence to fluoridating water and asked should City assume role of medi-
cal doctor and dispense this without a!lowLng people to make their
choice? She displayed a can of rat poison with this chemical in it
which shows it to be poison labelled witk skull and crossbones. Mr.
Hopkins indicated there is .33 parts per million of natural fluoride
in our water. Mrs. Jackson asked to have the record reveal that it
has never been proven to be good fo~ everyone and that some people
are even allergic to aspirin: and moved that should this bill pass the
Legislature that t) City furnish tablets to those who wish them~
2) let Legislature know we cannot assume role of medical doctors and
therefore go on reeo~d ask/hq them to defeat any bill asking for mass
medication. Motion seconded by Mr. Michael and motion carried 5-1.
Mayor Summers abstained and ~iT. Nylund voted ~no~.
~tatus, Report from Attorney ~anqbien re Palm Beach Memorial Park eou~t
It was moved by Mr. Michael that the p~oper~y of Palm Beach Memorial
Park be advertised with those that have unpaid taxes. Motion seconded
by Mrs. Jackson and motion carried
,A,,pp~ovaI of Bills
Chamber of Commerce (final bill for Festival)
Attorney Fee of Irwin Langbein (p. B. Mem. Park)
Attorney Fee th~uWm. Hough re water-sewer bonds
Membership fee for P. B. County Municipal League
$ 1~208.$0
MAY 4, 1970
Approval of Bills, contd.
M~s. Jackson moved all bills as read be paid. Motion seconded by Mm.
Wa!lace and motion carried 5-0.
Reference to license fo~ 7-11 will have to be on next agenda.
Meeting adjourned at 9:50 P. M.
Thomas A Summers, Mayor
Forrest L. Wallace, Vice Mayor
Mrs. E~y Jack, Councilwoman
. Mxchael, Councmlman
Le~rd'~E. Nylund, Coun~t~lman~