Minutes 03-02-70MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~ETING HELD AT CITY i~ALL. .~OYNTON 8EA~q~ FLORIDA. ~.fONDAY~ I~L~RCH 2, 1970 AT 7:'30 PP~SEKT: Forrest L. Wallace, Vice Mayor Mrs. Emily ?~. Jackson, Councilwoman Michael V. Michael~ Councilman Leonard E. Nylund, Counci]m~n Gene Moore~ City Attorney Harold qopkins, Acting CityDgr. Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk ABSENT: .Thomas A. Summers~ ~,~ayor (Attending ~{ayor's Conference in Tampa) Vice ~ayor Forrest L. Wallace, Presiding. Invocation was given by Re~. Charles Carrin; Flag Salute was led by Cmdr. Hoffman~ Co~nander: Cline Pautch Post ~164. Special Guests Robert Beyrer~ Sterling Village Ward Sturgis ~ Kiwanis Club Minutes - Requla~ b~eetin.q Feb. 16th and Special ~eetin~ Feb. 17th. hit. b~ytund moved that minutes of Feb. 16th and Feb. 17th meetings be approved as written. ~4otion seconded by ~,~r. Michael and motion carried 4-0. PHBLiC AHDIEMCE O. T. McLean - Said he came to protect his interest in his business. At present it appears he is not in jeopardy~ therefore he asked to speak on one issue - Shell Oil Co. when it appears on the agenda. He also objected to individuals doing business without an address. He referred to Yellow Taxi Co. V. B. Vastine, 922 Leisureville Blvd. - Thanked those responsible for removal of dirt from i.~ 10th Court. Samuel Kendrick, 210 A~4 13th Ave. - Discussed the manner in which the basketball court had been surfaced. He requested it be done in the same manner as the tennis courts. He felt money allocated for recreation should be more efficiently handled. He feared that due to drop of 1" at edge of court there could be ankle fractures. The CityManager will have Recreation Dept. check into this, but indicated the city was no~ charged for the work done on the basketball court. Ezel! Hester~ 1106 NW 1st St. - Thanked Council for getting contractor started on paving streets in the ]~'$ community. A%~RDIi~iG BIDS - Seven (7) Mobile Radios Mr. Michael moved that the recommendation of Tabulating Committee be ac- cepted and purchase from RCA 7 radios in amount of $3220. Motion seconded by Mrs. Jaekson and motion carried -1- ~EGUlAR CITY COUNCIL i~EETING MARC~ 2 ~ 1970 AWARD BID FOR SEWER TREA%%fENT PLANT MXPANSION The Acting City Manager advised that Russell & Axon recommended iow bidder Overland Construction ~. be awarded bid contingent upon financing that is being formulated and Federal Funds Public Law 660. City attorney advised it can be awarded subject to bond sale. l~Tr. l';ichael moved that City of 3oynton ]~each a~ard sewer treatment expan- sion to to~ bidder Overland Construction Co. in amo%%nt'of $504 ~000 with stipulation that we are able to receive bond money. '~otion seconded by Mrs. Jackson and motion carried 4-0. ~fr. ?lichael further moved that the above motion re awarding sewer treat- ment bid be accepted pursuant to Federal Gran~ under Public Law 660. Motion seconded by ~r. Nylund and motion carried 4-0. QPENING %IDS- Mr. ~ichael moved that receiving of bids on Diagnostic ~achine be closed. Motion seconded by 14rs. Jackson and motion carried 4-0. One bid was opened, that of Ooynton Auto Supply in amount of $1994.95, delivery -1-3 days. i~Ir. }~iehael moved that the bid be turned over to Tabulating Committee~ seconded by ]¥]rs. Jackson and motion carried 4-0. Mr. ~iehael moved that Tabutatin~ Committee's recommendation be accepted to purchase chlorine from Thompson $ Hayward Chemicat~ Atlanta, Ga. for 100~ cy!. and that of Allied Chlor & Chem.~ Miami for 150~ cyl. l%otion seconded by,Irs. Jackson and motion carried 4-0. Mrs. Jackson moved that the recommendation of Tabulating Committee to award bid for Cold Mix ~ Asphalt to Rubin Construction Co- 1~ accepted. Motion seconded by Mr. Michael and motion carried 4-0. Motion by Mr. Michael to accept bid of Gulf Oil for Gasoline~ Motor Oil and Grease and to Sun Oil for Trans. Oil and Trans. Fluid and to Seacrest Oil for Diesel. Motion seconded ~ Mr. Nylund and motion car- ried 4-0. ~{r. ~{ichael moved that recommendation of Tabulating Committee be accepted for cast iron pipe and fittings and that oopy of tabulation be attached to minutes. Motion seconded by ~'f~s. Jackson and motion carried 4-0. ~r. ~,iichae! moved that Tabulating Committee's recommendation on galvanized pipe and fittings be accepted and copy of tabulating report be attached to minutes. Motion seconded by l~rs. Jackson and motion carried 4-0. }4r. Nylund moved that bid be awarded to Ed Clanton for rock and shell pit lime~ seconded by Mrs. Jackson and motion carried 4-0. Motion by Mr. ~ichael to accept recommendation of Tabulating Committee ~o purchase tires and batteries from ~oynton Auto Supply and turn tabulation report over to secretary for filing with minutes, l~otion seconded by l,{rs. Jackson and motion carried 4-0. MI~dTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEET/~YG ¥~%RCH 2~ 1970 P~BLIC HEARIi'TG - Reference to Delray Land Corp. parcel (Reeves Instrument). No one ap- peared speaking against the annexation. Spokesman for Reeves Instrument appeared and s~ated they anticipated hiring ll00 people. City Attorney read Ordinance 70-7 extending territorial limits, covering Delray Land Corp. parcel. lit. !'~y!und moved that Ordinance 70-7 be accepted on first reading. ~otion seconded by Mr. Michael and motion carried 4-0. City Attorney discussed a technicality regardJ_ng time required to read second reading~ created a problem because they were ready to begin, and he recommended the Building Department be authorized to issue building permit. ~.lr. ~lichael moved that Buildin~ Department ~e instructed to follow ].fr. i~foore~s ~ecommendation and issue building permit and all other pertinent certificates necessary, l~otion seconded by ~rs. Jackson and motion carried 4-0. BIDS - OPEi.~ING OF 3IDS FOR SA},~ITARY SEWERS, GOLF VIEW HARBOUR ~.~r. ~{ichael moved that ~eceiving of bids be closed, seconded by Mrs. Jackson and motion carried 4-0. Acting City ~anager recommended that City Clerk read the figures aloud Paul Howard~ Opa Locka base bid - $355,611. - 210 days 5% bid bend. Da~on Co., Jupiter: Fla. $21~,060.20 - 210 days 5?/o bid bond Lyon Construction Co.~ Pompano $255,357.90 - 200 days 5% bid bond LaGrow Systems~ Inc., Orlando - $194~237.25 - 120 days 5% bid bond Murray Construction~ Buena Vista~ Ga.: $244~313 - 150 days 5% bid bond Derrico Construction~ Eau Galtie $162~990.25 - 180 days 5% bid bond Onontario Corp.~ West Palm Beach $~5:678 - 300 days 5% bid bond C. F. W. Construction Co., Fayetteville~ Tenn. $21t:283.50- 240 days 5% bid bond Mr. Michael moved that bids be turned over to Tabulating Committee for further ~ecommendation~ seconded by }4ms. Jackson and motion carried 4-0. ORDINANCES - 2nd REA~DING City Attorney read O~dinance 70-4 by caption re Annexing Oliver Land Co. Mrs. Jackson moved Ordinance 70-4 be accepted on second reading: seconded by i~r. Nylund and motion carried 4-0. City Attorney read Ordinance 70-5 rezoning parcel for High Point 21drs. by caption only. Mr. Nytund moved that Ordinance 70-5 be passed on second reading. ~otion seconded by Mr. ~{ichael and motion carried 4-0. MII\~dTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETI>~G ifu~RC~_{ 2, 1970 City Attorney read Ordinance 70-6 by caption, granting conditional use to Amos Hudson and Standard Oil Co. Mrs. Jackson moved that Ordinance 70-6 be passed on second reading. Motion seconded by Mr. ~yllknd and motion carried 4-0. Reference to sign ordinance - Mr. Moore stated he was trying to model sign ordinance after Boca Raton ordinance and Building Department feels there are several things to resolve and due to seriousness of ordinance being hastily 'drav~ he asked to have it left on the table so it will not later have to be revised. Sign Ordinance left on table as requested.. RESOLI!TIONS Resolution 70-D was read by City Attorney with reference to paving of NE 7th Ave. and he stated there ~s a second resolution establishing the cost. lfext thing would be to set public hearing on this. l.{r. Michael moved that Resolution 70-D be passed, seconded by Mrs. Jackson and motion carried. ~qER Progress report on proposed bill re conflict of interest by City Bttorney revealed he felt it was covered by state statutes and that it is almost impossible to legislate for part time governmental officials. Mrs. Jack- son moved that Ordinance 70-8 be read, seconded by Mr. Michael and motion died for majority vote. Mr. Nylund and Mr. Wallace voted ~no~'. OLD BUSINESS Discuss County Control - left on table. Discuss l~embersh_ip in Palm Beach Count~ Mu_.nicipal League Mr. Michael moved that discussion of membership in Palm Beach County Municipal League be removed from table, seconded by l{rs. Jackson and motion carried 4-0. Mrs. Jackson reported that she had attended tv;o meetings and felt there are many areas whereby City can benefit by having membership, particu- larly since they are keeping in touch with numerous bills before !egis- lature. She reported on the attempt to take over guards at schools, etc. and recommended the City joining this: and she so moved. Mr. l~ichaet seconded the motion to join Palm Peach County Municipal League. Motion carried 4-0. City Attorney recommended the adopting of Resolution be tied in with action to join league. l.~r. Wallace ~elt a special meeting may have to be called in regard to tax assessing. REGULAR ~rm, _ u~_z COUNCIL ~RCI{ 2, 1970 Reference to reconsideration of requests of Sun Oil Co. and John Adams for Shell Oil Co. }~otion was made by ~4r. Nylund to reconsider these requests and in view of City Attorney's advice I',lr. Wallace said he would second it. ~otion carried ~-1. Mrs. Jackson voted ;~no~. Mr. _.~oore read Ordinance 70-9 9-~anting conditional use to Sun Oil Co. and John Adams request for Shell Oil Co. l~fr. l~ylund moved that Ordinance 70-9 be passed on first reading. Mr. ~iichael seconded motion because the City Attorney said their position legally is indefensible: however~ he stated after this motion he would make another motion to make the aotion defensible, i~otion carried 4-0. ~{r. ~,iichael then moved to instruct City Bttorney to amend our c!assi~i- cation to requi~e 1000' between filling stations, l¥fotion seconded by ~.~_s. Jackson and motion carried ~-1. ~ir. ~,Iy!und voting ;'~no~. Bus Service ~.;r. ~,~ichael moved that discussion of bus service be ~emoved from table. ~otion seconded by Mrs. Jackson and motion ca,tied 4-0. Chief of Police .3tount stated he had checked schedules and only require- ment he made ~as that bus stops on Seacrest and Federal l-Iighway be specifically marked as bus stops and painted as such. That the bus stops on private property should be discussed with owner of property and permission obtained from them. City Attorney recommended $100,000 - ~ 300,000 limits of liability on in- surance and million dollar umbrella policy coverage be required. Mr. Tomberg said he could obtain this coverage easy enough. Mr. Michael moved that the proposed routes as checked by Police Dept. and proposed charge of 50¢ be approved provided the lessee gets proper insurance for bus operation. Motion seconded by i4r. Nylund and motion carried 4-0, Consider Purchase of Beach Property i,~ ~ich~e! moved that discussion of purchase of beach property be con- sidered later on agenda. Motion seconded by Mrs. Jackson and motion carried 4-0. Discuss Leisureville Mrs. Jackson moved that in view of recent actions taken: discussion of Leisurevilte be withdrawn from agenda, Motion seconded by Mr. Nylund and motion carried 4-0. NEW BUSINESS Receipt of Plat 5-A Leisureville City Attorney that all bendin~ requirements have been met. MP,~TES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~.fEETING ~RCH 2: 1970 Mr. N~lund moved that Plat 5-A be accepted. Motion seconded by Mr. Wallace. Motion did not carry. Mr, Michael and Mrs. Jackson voted ADM~[ISTRATIVE Mr. Hopkins advised that proposal of Russell & Axon re ~Mster Plan for westward expansion would cost approximately $8500. Mr. Michael moved that Section 1 of proposal be considered at this time and pay $4000 for this section and possibly go on from there at a later date. Motion seconded byMr. Ny!und and motion carried 4-0. Mr. Michael moved to grant permit for Palm Beach County Chapter of Leukemia Society of America~ Inc. to solicit. Motion seconded by Mrs. Jackson and motion carried 4-0. Reference to Youth Incentive, Inc. Mrs. Jackson moved the request of this group be denied since it is out-of-town people· i.~otion died for lack of second. Mr. Nyl~nd moved that request of Youth Incentive to solicit be approved, seconded hg }~i~. Mmchael and motion carried 3-1. [~rs. Jackson voting Discuss w~ter. & sewer line extension to Reeve's Manufacturing Plan~ Mr. Michael moved that water and sewer line extension to Reeve's Mfg. be referred to Russell £- Axon to proceed with plans and specifications. Motion seconded by M~. Nylund and motion carried 4-0. Discuss Recreation item 1 - 15th Avenue Reemeation Facility Vice Mayor Wallace reviewed action of previous council with regard to money to be spent at 15th Ave o recreation £acility. He requested [4r. Hopkins to see what the difficulty- is~ regarding action taken re- garding piCni~ area ~ basketball court and fences. Mr. Hopkins agreed to follow Item.2 - Acquisition of beach property Acqumsiti0n ~fbeach property recommended asking Recreation Board to contact people in which city could receive money from coun~y~ state and federal soinfDrmation could be disseminated and citizens will be in- formed of ~J£~a~ they are voting on and what they are voting about. Item 3 - Leisurevilte Area Reference to amea across the street from Leisureville has been annexed and with approximately 10[000 new residents in this area this should be diseussed ahd possibitmty o~ having golf course and civic auditorium be considered. -6- REGUI~R CITY COUNCIL i¥.'~RC~{ 2, 19 70 ~_r. Michael moved that City ~4anager write Recreation Board and present problems to them and ask for their recommendation, l~otion seconded by Mrs. Jackson and motion carried 4-0. Discuss building on Int-ra Coastal Water~ay Discussion of building on !ntra Coastal ~ater~,ay occupied by Culvers. Kenneth Lya~n, 216 SE 3rd St. read a prepared statement which is to be attached and become a part of the minutes, Mrs. Jack, on asked that this matter be checked into and that best interests of city be kept in mind; that various governing bodies cheek into this and see i~ proper licenses have been secured and check with Health Dept. and officially contact FIYD for their recommendation. Motion seconded by l~Ir. i~ichael and motion carried 4-0. ~frs. Janet ~11 - Sea Hist ~arina cited section 105,1 and 106 of the Building Code in which she felt Culvers are in violation. She felt there was no verbal permission given by Corps of Engrs. or FI~D and she felt this is illegal. Mr. ifichael moved that the Bldg. Dept. give the Council a ~ritten re- port as to the entire project that has been present. Motion seconded by t~Ts. Jackson and motion carried 4-0, Consider proposal of Coverdale g Colpitts Re Turnpike Interchange Proposal of Coverdale & Colpitts re turnpike interchange was discussed. The'letter from this firm indicated it %Duld ~harge $7200 for a feasi- bility study. It was felt by those attending that this firm would not be using information in this study that would bene£it the city and enable us to get turnpike interchange. Motion that city not consider proposal by Coverdale and Colpitts was made by ~rs. Jackson, seconded by Mr. Michael and motion carried 4-0. List of payments made in January [.2r. ?~ichae! moved that payment be accepted as-presented for January~ seconded by i,~rs. Jackson and motion carried 4-0. %pproval o£ Bill Mr. ~4ichael moved that bill of ~.~urray contractors be paid in amount of $t2:320,28. ~otion seconded by [~rs. Jackson and motion carried 4-0. O~IER ~r. Michael moved that Council call meeting with Chief of Police to discuss various items of interest in that department and that the meet- ing be held Wednesday, i.~arch 4, at 7:30 P, M. Motion seconded by ~rs. Jackson and motion carried 4-0. -7- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUi~CIL ~iEETING [~ARCH 2, 19 70 A, DJOURNi~NT t.feeting adjourned at 9:40 P. M. City Clerk ~ ' CITY OF ~,OYJTO~, BEACH. FLORIDA Fo~est L. Wallace~ ' Vice .~.{ayor Le'bnard E. t~ylun~ ~ounc~man -8- P~Y~ffE~fTS HADE I.~ JANU2RY BY D2TE · ~ J~z~ 2, 19 70 J~ $, 19 70 J~r 6, 19 70 J~z~ 7, 1970 J~ 8, 19 70 J~ 9, 19 70 J~ rl 2.19 70 J~ Y1 ~, 19 70 J~n~ ~ ~i ~ , 19 70 ~ 1970 1970 .... 1970 1970 I970 1970 J~m~ Y26, 19 70 23~ 6~. 9~ 2, ~60.96 508.28 15~o O~ 121.24 160. 30 2, 395'~81 16. O0 91. ~ 48~ 627. 1~ 651.78 1,961.9~ 12, 700.08 15. O0 1~. O0 113.78 77. 76 32, 163. ~ 58, 0! ~. O~ 2~0, 985.2~ P2Y~¥~i~TS t_~2DE BY FUNDS GEN~R2L FUND ................ SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND ........... W2TER SYSTEH _~E~EiffUE FUND ....... ~ ~ ' ~ ' FUND ~ER REY~VUE - - - e ........... RETiRE~i~ENT TRUST FUT~D .............. ~ P~SI ~N FU~D FiREi~E2;' S RELI~ ~ ......... .~WATER_ DEPOSIT FUi%~D .............. PUBLtGiTY FUND ................. ss. 58, 507.94 32, 006.33 1,949 o 25 230. O0 l~ 199. 250, 985 o 22 PAYMENTS lfADE IN JANUARY, 19~0 1970 5,1970 GEffERAL FUND 22610 G~N~ 2~oo~E 22611 W~ITZ t¥~C~OWELL 2261~ G J Ous~EY 2261& E~rs ~oA~oY 22615 22~17 FIREmENS R~LIE.~ ~ PE~SrO~- FUND SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1160 Acc'~ OF 116t ACC~Z o~ G,~Lmos ~ SYST~ RsVENUE FU2~D 12129 ~ITT 12131G!rr o? B.B. P~Y_~OLL F~ym SEWER REYEf{UE FU~$D 2928 City o~ B.B. PAYROLL FUND RETIREHENT TRUST Ftk~D 0606 F~mm JO~U~SON 0607 D~rsr A.¢~Easo,v 0608 LEE FIREN~%~'S BELIEF ~ PENSION FUND 347 Josu 22620 22621 22622 Tnop~sAs 22624 22626 Osczn 22629 125. O0 132. O0 343.75 10. O0 5. O0 51 7. 20 139.40. 131.05 452.92 7.50 ?. 50 i5' O0 24.00 2,82~.15- 1,177.92 1, i77.92 50.58 135.12. 71. OO 213.56 244° 7O 59.83 8¥.10 43.75 7~. O0 ~2o 90 802.4~ 6.7¥ 336.02 1.02 525. O0 18.60 411.09 2,-2-~e5-i-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-~ J~:¢~r 5, 1570 ~aY 6. 1970 ~m~z~ar 7, 1.970 W2 TER 12152 12134 ~STEN RE?EN~JE FUND T~opI~s I~c o~ F~o~z~ 29.60 G~rY oF BoB. W~ D~p~ 41.48 SEWER REVErenCE FUND 2~30 O~rr ~o B.B. W~?m~ GE~ER2L FUND 22630 T~zom Nr~_~ 22631R~ssmt~ H 22635 Ro~n~ 0 22833 E~ms~ 0 B~o~. O~zm~ o~ Pogrom 22634 WATER DEPOSITERS FUND 8479 Wr~r~ H¢~mm SfWf'R ~ W2TER DEPOSIT FU~¥D 1162 Acc'~ oF C~LmOS DE~ Coap 1163 2cc '~ o~."~s DE~ CoRm GE}[ERAL FUNO 22636 P~ 22637 P~ B~c~ J~o~ ~o~ W2TER DEPOSITE~,,S FUiCD 8480 RrczzaD LESLrE WATER SYSTEH RETEi~UE FUND !213~ H~-~o~D E ALSEaTSO~ SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1164 G~aonr~ 1185 H~mz~ Ar~:EN 1166 D~7~ McEwmz~ 1167 H,~osn E 71. O8 224.42 224.42 2,560.96 19. O0 $0~00 90. O0 00. O0 146.78 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 15.00 508.28 48.26 22.~0 25.50 93.28 7.50 2.59 5.20 7. 79 15.50 7.50 15.00 ~ 50 45.50 15~05 J~mu~aY' ' 8,1970 WATER DEPOSITERS FUND 8481 O~aLms S~svm~so~ 8482 W~ B Smz~ 8~83 Fn~ ~ ~z~ LEo SEWER REYENUE FUND 2952 D.~NY l~a$m~,L WA TER SYSTE~ REVE~VUE FUND 12137 12138 F~ 12139 GmoRsm 7.50 25. O0 7.50 7. 50 7.50 55. O0 23.37 6.20 2.20 1.17 6.20 ~SEWER~ ~TER DEPOSIT FUND 1168 D~mmY .~0 Jw~uz~Y 9, 1970 GEFERAL FUND 22638 O J O~IsLmY 20. O0 ~2639 E~L ~ McAao r 15~ O0 22640 O~r oF B.B. P~Y~o~ ~D 9,223'.60 ~$641 Pogrom R~ra~m~ F~N~ 2264& B.B. Fm~m~L G~m~r U~o~ 752.50 226~5 O~ar~s E ~/a~r 230.00 22648 So~'z~Ea~ BELL TEL ~ TE~ Oo 645.63 WATER D~OSITER5 FUND 2~. O0 WATER SYSTEH RE?ENUE FUND 1214~ OI~ OF i~.B. PAYROLL FUND SEWER REVEN&~ FUND RETIRELE~¥T TRUST FUND 0609 DO.¥~LD H~BmRSTOCK 1,759.63 !, 769.63 1~270.47 1,270.47 57.60 57.60 i21.24 14,684.65 1970 [Z~UARY !~, 1.970 i970 1970 GEI~RAL FUND 22649 P~ BEACH JVW~oR CO~Eg~ 12.~0 22~50 P~LH BEtaS JUNiOa COLLEGE 1~.~0 k2~51Pznm BEACH JUNIOR OOLLEUE t2.50 ~2~&2 P~L~ BE~CH JU~!OR UOLLEG~ 12.~0 22653 P~nm BE~CH JUNIOR COLLEGE 12.~0 22654 BO~R~ FO GO~NrY CO~SS~OmZ~S ¥$.80 160.30 GENERAL FUND 22667 Lumm~z J~cssom 10.00 22658 Josm~z Lmm Dz~s 10.00 22659 Eu~m £mr~E~ 102.00 ~22o00 WATER DEPOSITERS FU1{D kATER 12142 i21~$ SYST~f RET~;UE FU~D CEo TR~mBL~ SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1!70 CEo TRr~SLZ 11 72 ~¥ALcoL~I OASH 7.50 7.50 5.20 15.50 17. 60 33.10 SEWER REV.~UE 2933 GEoR~z 8. O0 $. O0 RETIREHEi%~T TRUST FUND 0610 GRA~ W O0URrNEY i~ 164 . 93 1,164. 93 PUBLICITY 349 G~E~ER B.B. C:~Attm~R 1,0~9.88 SE{JE~.~ ~ ~RER DEPOSIT FU~VD i1 73 W.G. 15~00 ! 60.30 2, 395.81 15.00 15.00 15, 1970 GE}{ERAL FU/{D W&TA'R SYSTEH RETEiVU£ FO%~D 12144JAmEs J ENsnzSm 12146 EusENE ELmo~E III 10. O0 10. O0 12.70 .8~ t 3, 5¥ 1970 SEWER 1!7¥ J~ES J E~GLISH 11 75 E~zrs Hood 1t76 1177 W2TER DEPOSITERS FUND ~4~ OLITER F2L$~NEELO 8~89 E~m~E E~,~o~e III 8490 H 0 ~cG~mso~ 1970 1~. O0 1,5.50 7.50 7.,50 7, ,50 7,'50 7.~0 22.50 91. ,5~ GE~¥ER2L FUND 22~6t P ~ G~.~a~r 1,667.40 22663 IBi~ Oo~o~ TZOm 126. O0 22664 O.~msnz~ TzmEs 5.00 2266~ FI~E Em~ Book SE~7IcE 8.00 22~66 ~GmrEF JoH~ I Sm~NmLE 22. ~0 22~67 Zo~z~g B~zzI.~ 1 7. O0 22668 FI~E ~RsH~ns 2ssoc oE N ~ 30.00 22670 ~ Y~oP B~s ~C~r~ES Iz~c 34,00 22671 F Emw~m ~{rzasEn~ 20. O0 22672 2mz~cH Imm Imc ~2.76 22~73 2m7E~ZrSE~S P~ESS I.~c ~.40 22674 2~ Ara Go~ ~ HE~rrZ~S I~C 298.1~ 22675 A~STIN So-~y Oo~ry 1!.~4 22677 BE~Z~E ExrE~ Go I~a 93.00 22678 BEsz E~maT.~za I~c 1 74. O0 22679 Bzossom E~Ecr~rc 10. 7~ 226~0 Bor~ro,v P~ ~ ,5~ny I~c 12.3~ 22681 B~.~mo.~ T~.~SFE,~ ~ Szo~sz Go ~0. 75 22G82 Om~a - Do~ _~ESS I~C ~0.00 2268~ GrZrES Sma~rcE Ors~ Go 2268~ O)~.~z REco~Ds I~C 65.00 22~86 D~f~aco Ta~cro~ ~ I~p Go 7!.83 22687 D~c~:~' Eow~nD Go 3~.90 22688 E~n~r SUPpLy ~o ~2. 70 22689 E~s~ Go~sz Fr:~E E~urp 278.50 22690 G~ OZL Goa~ 1,2~.5.29 29~91 C J OUSLEY 5, O0 22~93 CrZr O~ B.B. P~YaOLL F~'~ 15,164.17 2~6~9 K~ro~z S~c SER7rc~ 77.50 2 700 H~w.~z.~s A~ H~r~zoz~ ~88.00, J_~N~rA ~ r .!'6, 19 70 GENERAL FU:/D ~: 22701 F~ PO~E~ ~D ~ Ge ~,~.60 22702 lff~s _~ G~a 19.73 22703 H~ ~sra~ 16!. 65 22704 ~n~a~ F~Y Lz~ 46.60 22705 Kor~E LI~E INS~CE Go 398.36 22706 TEE T~EL~s 216.5I 2270~Z~ Ro~E~A Tom~E~ 14. ~0 , 22708 Bo~m or Gou~'~Y OoH~rssIomE~s 2,22~.~ 22718 O~r~ oF B.B. PzTT~ O~s~ 65.~9 W2TER SYSTEH RE?kVNUE FU~D 12160 A~aESSO~H N~aA~ Goa~ 62.2~ 12162 BraDS ELECTriC HOTOR SERFICE 24.60 12168 Go,stoL H~cHr~z Imc 20.70 12164 D~Is Nsr~ ~ S¢pPLz Co 1,207.66 12147 Gr~Y o~ B.~. P~Y~oL~ 1216~ GvLF Or~ GoRpo~mrrom 50.24 12167 FL~ PowE~ ~ Lr¢_¢~ Go !,861.13 12179 Ozz~ oF'B.B. PEzzy C~s~ 8.16 ~,~57.17 SEWER RE~:EI{UE FUND 293~ CrTY OF B.B. P~rao~ Fu~r~ 1,2~8.65 29~9 JO~IN L 2~CHZE, PLV~N~ INa 205.10 29~1 A~rop~o~c, czs I~c 29~3 Go~sr~L H~cHr~E I~c 1~0.00 29~ G~Lz OrA Gon~oazr~o~ 62.36 2946 ~ Po~a 28~3 Or~Y o~ B.B. p~y G~ss 18.63 SEWE2 ~ WATER D~._~POJIT~ FU:iD i! 77 2cc'~ OF O.~LDOS DEF OO~p 117~ Acc'~ o~ G~,DOS DE~ Coa~ W_4TER DEPOSITERS FU~/D 84.92 S.G. JONES 8493 lCa'~ OF E S H~¢¢E~ 569, 5~ 7.50 7, 50 !5.00 7. 50 7. 50 15. O0 RETIREHENT TRUST 0611 Sru~n~ FULLES 11.76 PUBLICITY FUND 150. O0 ' J.~N~.~n~ '19, ~9 70 20, ~970 ~ENERAL FUUD 22710 R 22711 T~m H W W~s~m Go 22712 ~s's 227!3 Do~mm~Y ~ ~o I~c 22714 N~r~rE~ D~E & Go 22715 Bz~ 22716 22 71 7 22719 57.26 2i o 85 19,'00 82,. 71 8. O0 17,30 I~c 72. O0 B~E GaOss-BL~zE SmrEzm O~ FLX I~c1717.98 WEs~a~ P~ Co I~c ~.99 SEWER REYENUE 29~8 ~s L~E INS Go 23, 119, 32 WA TER 12148 121~9 !2~69 12~ 70 121 71 SYSTEN REVE~rUE FU~rD Lo~s T.~N~n 15.50 Rose S~z,~ i. 65 & i~P Rs7 Bo~n Sx~ /~ 26, 694.72 H~:'s L~ I~s Go 8.10 B~E G~oss-BL~ SHrE~m 163.06 ' ass. SEWER & W2TE2 ~EPOSIT FU~t~ 1181 N~s Rose 1182 ~6~ ~ ~_~ DEPOS~ T~S FUND 7.50 7. 50 7.50 POLICE RETIREHEI{T £U!VD 0659 R.~YNo~vm c N.~'rzs~r Jn VOID 55.17 G£NERAL FUND 22720 Rxcm~m L_~wsoN 22721 BoYmroi~ Ao'zo Sv~pn~ INc 22722 '2 L Gn~r~,roNs PnrNrrN~ 15. O0 ¥51.65 1.52. 599.10 SEWER & W2TER DEi Oo!T FU2rD 1183 Acc'r oF C~smos DEz Conp 118~ 2cc'~ oF 6h~nOS DE~ ~ - ~ O~P 7.50 7.50 15. O0 WATER SYSTEi%~ REVE~rUE FUArD BOYNTON AUTO SUPPLY INC 8.25 8,2U · - ~r 21.1970 23, 1970 Y 22, 1970 SEWER RE?EUE 2950 BoY. Tom ~UPPL Y INC 29. ~3 651.78 GEh~ER~4L FU~{D 22723 0_~ BElL H.~rz~nro~~ !0. O0 22733 TH~ B~E~ ~ T~Y~o~ Go 210. 77 22734 T~E ~z~z 9~ 189.00 2273~ ED G~A~o~ T~cmr~ ~, 201.20 !, 9~6.99 ~;2TER Di?OSITERS FU~¥D 8496 P G~r~o 7.50 SEWER ~ W2TER DEPOSIT ~1~5 ~icc'T OF OALDOS DEF 00t~ 7.50 7.50 1,961.99 GE~¥~AL FU}.~D 22 72~ 22 725 22726 22727 22728 22 729 22 730 £ B RE~z~m~m~r T~sr Fu~ 226.90 FEuz~n O~E~r U~rom 732.50 O J O~sLmr 10.00 ELLrS McA~oY !0.00 9,579.18 W2TER SYSTEM RE?EUE F$~¥D 12150 A O NOrmL 12151 Lou 12173 OrT_v o~ B B P~Y~O~L 3,84 3. 08 1, 700.0¥ SEWER REKEZ~'~E FUND 2935 A G 29510rrr o~ B B P~r.~o~ t0.10 . 1~370.66 !, 380. 76 SEWER ~ W2TER DEPOSIT FU~¥D 1187 A O 1188 Lo~ 1189 M~NOR 17.60 15. O0 7.50 40.10 12, 700.08 WATER DEPOSITERS FU2TD 8497 MRs El~w~m Dooszzr 7.50 7.50 SE~?R ~ W2TER DEPOSIT FUi¥D t186 M~s E~w~m DOOLrTY 7.50 i5.00 26.1970 27, 1970 28. 1970 29, 19 .'7~ W_4 TER DEPOSITERS FUi¢~ 7. 50 7.50 15. O0 GENERAL FU~VD 22731 £IVXE~ REc DEP-~ 10.00 22732 CITY OF B B PETTY O~SH 45. 13 22737 GZrY OF B B PzrTY G~s~ . ,43.65 98. 78 SEWE~ ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND t190 Acc' OF OALDO$ DE7 00RP~ 7. 50 1191 Acc'r OF G~,~os D~v go~p 7.50 15. O0 113.78 WATER DEPOSITERS FUND $~99 Do~D B G~,~nz~ 7. 50 7. 50 SEWER REVE~-UE FU~CD 2936 1fas Jo.~z WzmsLow 2937 HoRst HOE~.E~ 8. O0 11.72 SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUZED 1192 Nas Jo~¢ W~¢s~ow 1193 GEoae~ £~.Hoo~ 1194 Ju~z~ HEndErSON 1185 HO_~Sr EOEFLE~ 15.50 7.50 16.20 15.50 54. 70 WATER t 2152 SYSTE]~ RE~E~{UE FUi~ ~OP~$? [~OEFLER 3. 84 77. 76 22 758 22,740 22 74i 22 742 22 227~5 22 7~6 ,92747 22 749 22750 22 7~ 1 22 7.52 22 753 GEI{ERAL FUffD INTE~I~L BE~ENVE SERVICE THE ~-~E~ Ti YL OR O0 Tsz Good S~ ~LLE~¢ CHE~¢rc~L Co ~UTOP~ODUCTS INC ~EERS gOODC_~FT IZZC 2275~ BEs~ ELECrnrC I~¢c 21,549.49't 20. O0 5, 4~1. 64~ i!I. O0 60.48 610.76 118.80 23.25 30.20 29, O0 !0¢. 70 8.19.30 207.97 50~. O0 13.50 29, ¥~2.3t t970 1970 WATER DEPOSITORS FU~/D 8500 OmonuE WrLcox 8501Fn~¢zs B ~rESE 8502 Es~ OF Hns F P Dr~rc~ 7.50 7.50 15.00 SEWER & W2TER DEPOSIT FUi¥D 1196 2cc'~ OF 1197 2cc'r 1198 N~gon DE~ I~c 7.50 7.50 7.50 }?2RER SYSTEH REFE'~VUE FUA~D 12153 L~nzm's 12154 Assoc 121~5 F~czs B WrEsE 12156 2 u~o~no~rs !2!~ O~sx Go~vz~ FVND 121 75 POS~,~S~En 121 76 3,20 16,23 1,313.81 ¥50. O0 144. O0 1,981. ~2 '2 ~ RE?E2ib~ FUND 697.20 697. 20 ~2, t65o43 22756 Bo~rZo~~ 2~_~o SUPPLY 105.39 22757 Bor~z~o~; Ptr~¥p ~ S~Ppsx I~rc 12.8~ 22758 Bo~nnO~SHS Gonp 31.00 22759 Gzrz~s S~n~rcE OrL Go 5.70 22760 DEmco E~ Con~ 20.03 22761 Doz¢'s 2~InESrOZCE D~En Sron~ 8~7.03 22762 E~sr Oo~sz P~pEn ~o 19.25 22763 Em~rn~ T F 34.~5 22764 F~n~ E~vr~ S~n~s ~ SEn7rcE 47.00 2276~ ~s~ ELEc lforons & EQur~ I~c 26.80 22766 ~ Pnzzr~z~-s go 65~50 22767 ~Z~so~s~ EsEc S~sz I~c 85.20 22768 G~ron GS'L~En~ Go ~79.88 22769 G~tonn LZsn~nr Svp~nrEs I~0.80 22770 G~ GNG ~n~cK S~n~s ~ SE,~ZrCE i~c 145.67 22771 GErXEn~S Enzc Oo 496.00 22772 G~FSrnE~H Lumszn Go 32.52 22773 H~sEY & Gnr~ZrH I~c 2~9~52 22774 HAnLEY D~ViDsoz, I OF PmL~ BE~CH 270. 97 22775 HZ~ H~¢ Go 2i'. 50 ~277~ HENRY'S OOFFEE OUP 77. ~0 22777 IBN Go~p 6.50 22778 P f G~a_~Err 78~.00 22780 J~K~s G~n~ G~r~n 154.92 22781 E ~Cs~s Szn~rcz S~rro~ 13.20 22782 Jo~s Gn~L,s 74.08 1970 GENERA£ £UNt) 227~3 Rra~ Noroas Iz¢c 2278¥ £~,¥~ 22785 22786 22787 T~ N~r G~s~ R~s Go 22788 ff~rzo~ GHE~SE~nC~ 22790 ~%~soz~ 22792 22793 Prc~R~ O~E~rc~ Oo 2279~ Jmcr H R~LS~O~ 22796 Roso 22797 ScosEE-Oomss Fumz~L Ho~ 22798 D~c~ 22799 22800 Sponz's 22801 Ss-~ Sz~rE 0~ N~c~rNEs Imc 22802 T~FZC INST, TIoaT~WESTEn~ Um 22803 X~nox 22805 ZEp 22806 G~rY cE B B P~rnOLL F~A~m 22807 OZrY oF 22809 B B RErr~E,~E~'z Tnvs~ F~Nm 22810 ~mE~z C~EmIZ 22811 Fz~sr B~ ~x~ T~s~ 228~2 F~aE~S R~IEF & PE.~srot¢ F~ 226.68 7¥6.65 22.50 15. O0 685.72 125.30 22.75 71. ~0 193.70 24. 72 63.95 36. O0 125. O0 31. O0 ¥. 50 29, 95 96, O0 112, 86 20, 10 60 56 ~91, 83 585 O0 62. GO 1 7, 092.15 151.15 131.05 ~32.29 1,163.50 5, 153.93 10. O0 192. O0 6, 980, O0 499.59 '39, 700. 76 W2 TER 12157 12158 12159 12166 121 77 12I 78 12180 12~81 12182 12183 12184 121 ~ 121~6 1221 7 SYSTEN REVENUE FUI{D Bor~rro,~r P~rmp & S~p~sy I~c B~ao~g~s Oo~p ~EPT~NE HETER ~0 ~ON ~S ~I~ESTONE ~E~LE~ STORE ~TETENS:ON ~EED STO~E CITY OF 9 ~ P~YROLL F~Nm E R FrE~ Tn~S~E~ ~9.68 330. O0 ll.2~ 8, 81 7. 80 74.12 11, O0 148.15 ¢09.2 7 ¥5. O0 20!. 25 8~. $0 2, 529.10 ¥~ 059. ¢2 16, 753. ¢6 30, 1970 SEWER ~ ~;ATER DEPOSIT FUND 1t.99 ~i~rr~r~ y Jm~,~K~rs 1200 Acc ~ o? t20i ~aa'~ om SEWE,~ RErZEiVUE FUYD 29~5 Go~srz_~, N~cHr~rms Imc 2954 Doy's Frnms~o~m 2955 E~s~ 2956 Fn~K~o~sm E~Ec S~p~LY Imc 2957 G~s~m~ L~s~ Go 2958 H~Lsmr ~ Gnr~r~ I~c .FiREYEY~S RELIEF ~ PEYSiOY FUND 351 Jom~r 7~ 50 7 Z. 50 15. O0 16.90 7.50 7.50 3I. 90 5, O0 92~ 28 8. O0 !8. O0 15. 30 2. 3¥ 7. 75 17.80 346.38 512.85 O. 08 O. 08 58. 014.05