Thomas A. Summers~ Mayor
Forrest L. Waliace, Vice Mayor
Emily Jackson~ Councilwoman
Michael V. Michael: Councilman
Leonard E. Nylund: Councilman
Gene Moore~ City Attorney
Harold Hopkins, Acting City Mgr.
Tereesa Padgett~ City Clerk
Invocation was given by Rev. Nelson Moyer, First Methodist Church~ and
the Flag Salute w~s led by Councilman Michael.
Robert Beyrer was recognized as representing Sterling Village Senior
Citizens; Eddie MitcheLl as representing Concerned Black Citizens; Le~oy
Harris, American Legion.
~I~dTES. - Regular Meeting - January 19, 1970
Motion by M~s. Jackson that Minutes of Regular Meeting, Jan, 19, 1970 be
accepted as written; seconded by M~. Wallace and mo~ion carried 5-0.
Harry LeFort: 725 Ocean Inlet Drive - complimented M~. Wallace on the way
he conducted the public hearing with Leisureville residents and thanked
the others that attended~ namely~ Mrs. Jackson and M~, Micha~!.
He said he ~s also there to accept Mayor Summers apology for ruling him
out of order at a previous council meeting. ~yor Summers stated when
he found that he was wrong he would apologize if he was wrong and agreed
to take time to look it up.
Robert Beyrer~ Sterling Village made inquiry as to purchase of beach
p~operty. Mayor Summers advised they had not had any work, hops that
allowed time to take up this item. He said their folders are stacked up
with work but they wanted ~o have a workshop to check into this matter.
Eddie Mitchell~ 329 N.E. 12th Ave. - He noted the council had a public
hearing for Leisurevi!le and stated he felt this was very helpful to
those people. He hoped the council will show concern with other groups
as has been shown to Leisureville. There was considerable expense for
this and he inquired as to where the money came from to pay the city's
expense and %~s advised it came from the General Fund.
He then took up subject of drainage in their area. He was concerned that
the black community might not be tied in with 2nd Avenue drainage system.
He felt they were given the run-a-round. He said pipe was running into
the canal.
M~. Michael assured him everything south of the Boynton canal is going
to be hooked to 2nd Avenue and the pipes into the canal was a temporary
a~rangement to give immediate re!ie~ in the area.
Mr. Mitchell further requested the status of what council was doing with
County Commission in reference to IOth Avenue. He said they do not have
FEBRUARY 2, 1970
patience any more. He urged that the law abiding citizens would not like
to see anything happen that would be deplorable in the City of Boynton
Beach but ~eminded council there are those that are hard to hold down.
He said his g~oup do not want the 70~s to be like the decade just past
and reminded that he will be back if action is not taken.
Ezetl Hester, 1106 N.W. 1st Street - Since Council is interested in the
citizens of this community he wondered just how interested Council ~ealty
is. He is not against citizens moving to Boynton but he is interested in
seeing that the streets alt ove~ the city are repaired~ ..£irst they
told the contractor delayed this because contract was not in order -
then it is only fair to ask when will the contract be in order? ~$aen
will the streets all ove~ town be so the citizens can drive without tear-
lng up their ca~s.
Col. Albert Wehrell~ Boynton Isles - He asked to reinforce M~. Heste~'s
thoughts. He said there was from $50 to $90:000 held over for streets
and this is to be put together with additional funds which he hopes will
solve at least some oC the resurCacing. He urged that the priority list
be started as Cast as money is available.
~IDS - OPENING 7:45 P.M.
1. Three (3) Front Load Packers
2. Fou~ (4) Refuse tmain trailers
232 containers
4. Four (4) 3/4 Ton Pick-up trucks
One (1) Self propelled power vacuum sweeper
6. Resur~aeing four (4) tennis courts
Items 1 thru 4 on the agenda were bid in one package and the following
bids were opened and read aloud:
Inte~nationaI Harvester Co.: Jacksonville
4 5/4 ton pickups: $2,450 each or $9:800 for 4 units
Delivery within 60 days
*Container Systems g Equipment Co.: Daytona Beach
Refuse train, trailers, containers and 30 yd refuse packers
$123:519.97 with Dodge as bid by Hauser Motor Co.
$127,629.79 with International as bid by Rich Motors, Inc.
Delivery within 60 days from chassis delivery to Lodal, Inc.
Benz Chevrolet~ Inc., Lake Worth
4 3/4 ton pickups: $9,099 with 45 day delivery
Rowland T~uck Equipment, Inc.~ Miami~ Fla.
3 ~0 cuyd refuse packers, various containers: train
containers and 3 chassis
International Harvester Chasis, Rich Motors $t24~775.55
130-150 days delivery
G~IC Chassis (Jerry Earl) $124,676.55 - 150-150 days Delivery
Dodge Chassis: (Hause~ Dodge) ~118,63~.10~ 1~O days d~livery
*Add $3,275 to each bid
for epoxy finish on containers
FEBRUARY 2: 1970
BIDS - Continued
Genema! GMC Tmuck Sales g Services Inc.
4 - 3/4 Ton Pi~ups $9,267.24
Sanco Corp.~ Winston Salem: N.C.
Pmoposal B - $15S ~440.87 with GMC Truck Chassis
Proposal B - 141:755.87 with Ford T~uck Chassis
Proposal C - 138,389.87 with International T~uck Chassis
120 days delivery.
FEBRUARY 27 1970
~s. Jackson moved that bids be turned over to tabulating committee;
seconded by ~. Wallace and motion carried 5-0.
Item 5 - vacuum sweeper - Bids from DeBra Enterprises, Inc. (DeBra Turf
Equipment Co.) Hollywood: Fla. - $1~795. - Model 154 Rogers Jacobson;
$115. additional for 12 h.p. (There was only one bid.)
~. Michael moved t~hat the bid be turned over to Tabulating Committee.
Motion seconded by ~. Wallace and motion carried 5-0.
Item 6 - resurfacing tennis courts - Thomas Kinne, Winchester: Va.
$4,667. included bid bond - certified check $235. To be completed in
45 calendar days.
Budge Tennis Corp.~ Miami, Fla. $4,400. Bid Bond 5% -Delivery
within 14 calendar days from date of purchase order.
Mr. Nylund moved that bids be turned over to tabulating committee. Mo-
tion seconded by ~irs. Jackson and motion carried 5-0.
1. One (1) 5 Yard D~mp Truck
2. Three (~) 1/2 Ton Pick-up trucks
Item 1 - 5 yard dump truck - Tabulating committee recommended bid be
awarded to Benz Chevrolet.
~Ir. Michael moved to accept recommendation of tabulating committee and
award bid to Benz Chevrolet in amount of $4,814.95; seconded by Mrs.
Jackson and motion carried 5-0.
Item 2 - 3 1/2 Ton Pickups - l;m. Hopkins advised that bid received,
exceeds money budgeted for this item. He therefore recommended elimina-
ting the canopy which will deduct $225.
Mr. Michael moved that Benz Chevrolet bid be accepted without the canopy
$2~035 less $225. and 2 -~ ton pickups $3,588.70. Motion seconded by
P~s. Jackson and motion carried 5-0.
Ordinance. No. 70-5 - Rezoning Parcel K - Caidos Request (On table)
Mr. Nylund moved that Ord. 70-3 be removed from table, seconded by
Mr. Summers. (Mr. Wallace took the gavel so Mayor could second motion)
Motion was voted do%,na 3-2. Fir. Wallace, ~irs. Jackson and Mr. Michael
voted against motion.
.Ordinance N0. 70-4 - Rezoning ParCel L - Caldos Request (On table)
Mr. Nylund moved that Ordinance70-4 be removed from table. Motion
- 3-
PEBRUARY 2~ 1970
seconded by }~r. Summers. (Mr. Wallace took the gavel so i~ayor could sec-
ond motion) Motion was voted down. Mrs. Jackson~ Mr. Wallace and ~%r.
Michael voted against motion.
~SOLUTIONS - No. 70-B - Terminating Fire Hydrant charge
Resolution No. 70-B terminating Fire Hydrant charge was read by City
Attorney. k~s. Jackson said this was complicated and she had received
a phone call from M~. Startzman and asked [~. Startzmana-nd Mr. Miles
to explain it. This was agreed to by Mayor with no objection from coun-
~. Startzman~ 3035 Pine Tree Lane said he was raised when the sanctity
of a contract meant something. When he read of this in the paper he
said he nearly fell off the chair and called [~rs. Jackson. He explained
his understanding of this $75 charge with Ocean Ridge and said he did
not agree as a taxpayer, as a citizen and as a water and sewer payer.
He said the city should not pass their responsibility to the bondholders
who have taken it at face value. He said this ~fpe of business would not
held the city's bond rating. He doesn't see how the city can discon-
tinue the $75 charge and he vehemently protested the practice. He said
it is done so the city can use the funds in the general fund. He felt
if the city is so flush it can cut off revenue that it should cut cost
of service to taxpayers. If we do not have fire hydrants the insurance
premiums will be higher. He felt the city should keep good credit and
this is done when a city keeps its %~rd.
George Miles, 595 Chapel Hill Blvd., Asked ~. Moore when did council
authorize you to enter into the stipulation you entered into. Is it in
the minutes? }~]r. ~,~oore said it was approved by council. Mr. Miles
stated that as a bond holder he would 9mite a written objection. He
warned that if they go ahead their rating will drop so low they will
never get any more bonds. I will enter formal objection to it.
Mr. l{oore reiterated that this is a part of a court decree; is predicated
on good sense and the debt has been paid; paid in full. This is the
opiniono~ the bond counsel. He restated that this is a formal court
decree. He urged council ~o rest assured they are legally protected~
and if they didn't ~ant to accept his advice that is another thing.
He said Mr. Miles had made threats for years. An argument broke out
and Mr. Michael moved that Res. 70-B be tabled because there is a long
agenda. Motion seconded by Mm. Wallace. Mr. Nylund urged that the
Council go ahead and pass this.
Mr. ~,bore said he had attempted to clarify this and it is administrative
decision; that this culminated a long argxnnent between Ocean Ridge and
City o~ Boynton Beach. He said ~his particular charge goes into the
charge from general taxpayers and comes out as surplus funds. He said
he felt tabling this is in order.
On the vote of 1~. Michael's motion that motion did not carry. Mrs.
Jackson~ ~,~. Nylund and ~yor Summers voted
- 4 -
FEBRUARY 2 ~ 1970
Mr. Nylund moved that Res. 70-B be passed. I~lotion seconded by
Summers who handed gavel to Mr. %~!laee %-fnile he seconded the motion.
Mr. Wallace stated he did not question the legal advi~ of lir. Moore but
he did ask the prerogative of being made more aware; this occu~ed some
years past and is being brought up again he said. He then excused him-
self from the bench to be absent at the vote.
Mayor Summers then passed the gavel to Mr. Michael. Motion did not
carry. Mrs. Jackson and }ir. Michael voted No.
Mm. Wallace retumned to bench to continue the agenda
Discuss proposed sign ordinance - Mrs. Jackson moved the item be tabled
until meeting of Feb. 16th. Motmon seconded by zir. Mmchaem and motmo
camried 5-0.
Discuss municipal Con~lict of Interest Law - ~frs. Jackson asked what
City Attorney had come up with a~ter reading 9~st Palm Beach ordinance
on c~nflict of interest. She said she prefe~ed that it be made into
an ordinance and later have it go into the chamter.
bi~s. Jackson moved that Mr. Moore draw up an ordinance on conflict of
interest and attempt to get it to legislative clinic. Motion seconded
by ~ir. Michael and motion carried 4-0, ~ir. Nylund abstained from voting.
Discuss County control - Mr. }~[oore said he had just received the special
act in relation to dog and cat o~inance enacted by county, He said
there is a serious question as to its legality. P~. bloore mecommended
tabling this till a special meeting with Palm Beach County Municipal
League is held,
Mr. Wallace moved that the County Control item be tabled until legal
aspects are determined of the program. Motion seconded by F~s.Jackson
and motion carried 5-0.
Reduction o~ Performance Bonds - Sec. ! g II - Leisurevi!te - Acting
City P~nager~ Harold Hopkins stated there was only one item insofar as
he is concerned in maximum amount of $2500. that still should be taken
care of.
Mr. Wallace read from a lette~ to Mr, Escha~te regarding ~lOOded area
on January 17th as stated by Mr. Sturges.
Wallace moved that the reduction of the performance bonds be denied,
Mr. Michael didn~tfeel this could be held up to take care of those items
since the performance bonds are required for specific reasons such as
sewer~ ~ter lines~ lift stations~ etc. He said the private st-~eets are
not covered under these bonds. He said there is no dedication of the
streets; that the lots run together. Technigally the responsibility
FEBRUARY 2: 1970
falls back on the residents of the city.
After discussion by Mr. Rossi who indicated the flooding condition was a
result of a drainage condition from NW 7th in Lake Boynton Estates dump-
ing into the Leisureville area and after discussion regard/rig surveyor,
etc. Mr. Moore recommended that bond notbe reduced from $5,000 for
Section II and $10:000 for Section I.
Mr. Michael moved that there be no reduction of the Performance Bond
in Section I and Section II. Motion carried 5-0.
Clarification of O~dinances Mr. Wallace opened discussion re original
concept of cluster type development at Leisureville. Plans showed curb-
ing ~ut curbing was not constructed. They were talking about various
recreational facilities. Each time there have been zoning changes they
have increased the amount of people ~oving in but not increased the re-
creational facilities for these people moving in. They have put 60
parking places for a golf course and this will not be adequate; also,
g~een areas were to be included in the development and at the last
quest the lake was to be o%~ed by the developers. Insofar as the City
is concerned the homes are to be built to specifications on file with
Building Depar~nent and they are the barest minimum speeifications. Yet
the contractor who built the model homes was not employed to build the
rest of the~homes. Also I only find 17 45 ft. lots - all of these
things and more and I would like to talk to Caldos to see if we can't
Straighten these things out and live in hazvnony one with another. I
want Mr. Escharte to sit down and talk with us as a group. Some of
these areas need to be straightened out and then we need to improve our
public relations - I recommend a meeting as soon as possible.
Mr. Wallace moved that council meet with Catdos at 7:30 Tuesday~ Feb.3rd
in downstairs council conference room since cou~cit chambers are in use.
Motion seconded by Mms. Jackson and motion carried $-O. (This is to be
a public meeting for as many as can cro~ into the room. )
Consider additional board appointments - (On the table)
moved that appointment of boards be removed from table.
onded by~,~s. Jackson and motion carried.
P~. Michael
Motion sec-
M~. Michael moved that the list be accepted as presented. Motion sec-
onded by }~s. Jackson and motion carried 5-0.
William Tirsbier, Alternate
William A. Maul, Alternate
Larry Giddens (To replace Walter Lacey, unable to serve)
Gerald Canter
FEBRUARY 2: 1970
Bob Col!ier~ Alteroate
John Howell
Tommy Williams
Loren Blacketer
Consider reqq~est for cha.n~ in zonin~ - Van_~uard Dev. CorD. - A repre-
sentative o~ -9~-ng~--rd b~. C~p~ '~-p~e~red before council End stated it
was his understanding the zoning request v~uld go before the zoning board
3 February and come before council Feb. !6th.
l,~. Michael moved the Vanguard request be tabled. Motion seconded by
~. Nylund and motion ca~ried 5-0.
Discuss proposed ordinance to control burning of t~asb (On the table)
Mr. Michael moved that the above item be removed from table. Motion
seconded by }~. Nylund and motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Michael discussed the item extensively and brought out that since the
to~.~ has annexed large areas that have not been cleared that he felt if
developers cannot burn off these areas that the land will never get
cleared because there is no place to haul it; therefore he moved that the
proposed ordinance to ban burning not be drawn up and that the city abide
by the ordinance we have. Motion seconded by Mr. Nylund and motion
carried 5-0.
Discuss policy of meter deposits Mr. Michael indicated that on Janu-
ary 12th Mr. Courtney issued an order that in order to accept water
deposit from anyone moving into Caldos properties they be required to
bring a certain form to City Hall regarding closin~ statement before
they can place a meter deposit. If this is to be followed then this
should be the policy throughout to%~n~ therefore; P~. Michael moved that
the policy authorized by Mr. Courtney on January 12th be abolished and
normal policy of the city be abided by. Motion seconded by Mrs. Jackson
and motion carried 5-0.
Consider request of Boynton Beach Child Care Center for change in lease-
Leroy Harris appeared before council and stated he is a member of the
Board of Directors of Child Care Center and he said they ~nted to use
the building so parents can be trained so the child's environment can be
FEBRUARY 2~ 1970
improved. He said they wanted to have sewing classes~ etc. and this
entails a long range program because there are many things they need to
use the building for.
Ezell Hester Stated building %,ms built to serve entre community. He
said the eity leased th% beat club on a long range !ease~ and therefore
he felt this lease should be lengthened so they could have a long range
program. He said the city was might back where it started 50 years ago.
Rev. Lee appeared and stated they can't plan a comprehensive program
l~nowing lease will be up in a year or t~. He said the building is val-
ued at $112~000 and they have plans for a wonderful program. He invited
everyone pz~sent to go visit the center. He said it cannot be used for
anything but sraalI children and this should be changed.
Eddie Mitchell stated t~ney had to look fomward to the future. He felt
it was getting back to discr/mination. You can think within races. He
stated council felt the blacks are going to get benefits.
Rev. Moyer - This is a community.facility. Those of us who have worked
for it are p~oud of it. He stated those %~o had not received measle
immunizations were able to get these immunizations.
M~. Wallacemoved that the ~enty year lease be granted. Mr. Nylund
seconded the motion and motion carried. Mr. Michael and Mrs. Jackson
voted No. ~4r. Michael stated he was in favor of increasing use of
building but not extending time.
Discuss bus ~ranchise - b~. Wallace moved that I~,~. Tomberg be contacted
and have hi~ give the city the schedule and that he appear at eouneil
meeting February !6th. Motion seconded by Mr. Michael and motion
carried 5-0.
Revise voter's registration in accordance with Sec. 8-5 of the Code
}~s. Jackson moved that the City Clerk's list be accepted and posted on
the bulletin board and if there are no additions or corrections by
Council that the names be purged accordingly. Motion seconded by
Michael and motion carried 5-0.
Conside~ entering,,C,~ty Float in5~0thA_nn. DDrad_.e- Robert Hueston~
~17 E. Ocean Avenue appeared before council as parade chairman: and
stated he felt since this is the 50th anniversary of the tOwn that they
should have a float. He said they vary in amounts of cost and passed
around a book showing what could be done.
Mr. Nylund moved that the city should have a float in the parade. ~o-
tion seconded by ~. Michael and motion carried 5-0.
R__eceipt of Plat 4-~ - Leisurevit!e - Mr. Wallace moved that in view of
- 8 -
FEBRUARY 2~ 1970
fact the council will sit down with Catdos officials Feb. 3rd that this
Plat 4-A not be received at this time. Motion seconded by P~s. Jackson
and motion carried 5-0.
Consider applications for permits to solicit:
A. Aqua-Crest Corporation - to solicit funds for a swimming pool
at Seacrest High School~ l~rs. JacP~on moved the request be granted.
Motion seconded by P~. Michael and motion carried 5-0. ~yor Summers
to issue Proclamation.
B. Youth Incentive, Inc. - ~s. Jacl~onmoved that the City ex-
c!ude this and they be requested to give one period of time on their
application they want to solicit and qive names of local volunteer repre-
sentatives, l~totion seconded by Mr. Michael and motion carried. 5-0.
C. Palm Glades Girl Scout Council, Inc. - l~r. Michael moved that
the request to solicit of Palm Glades Girl Scout Council: and
D. American Legion Auxiliary, be granted and that the ~yor sign
the Proclamation of the American Legion Auxiliary. Motion seconded by
Mrs. Jackson and motion carried 5-0.
Consider expenditure o~approx. $12,000 for construction of N.E. 7thAve.;
Arnold Stroshein appeared requestin~ be built so he can get %o
Lots 18-25, Lake Addition Subdivision. He said ~emporary road was built
~or Mr. Frank Ear!ey. He said he had been paying taxes on these lots
which are assessed at $19~000 and if he can't get to them then he feels
they are overassessed.
I~rs. JacP~on stated she %~uld not be in favor of spending $12:000 and
let the people in the rest of the to%~n that need streets continue to
Hopkins explained that muck is only. about one foot under.
Mr. Stroshein stated he wanted to beautify the watemway. He said he is
more than willing to pay his share on an assessment basis.
l~ir. Ear!ey said the street was shell rocked to his proper~-y and he would
like to see shell rock past his lots.
City Attorney advised they should get estimated costs and determine the
city's intent to proceed and assess the lot owners. He said it is nec-
essary to advertise.
~. Michael moved that the City Attorney and City Manager proceed on
assessment basis and that Mr. Hopkins ~eserve enough from present Street
~und to take care of city's part. Motdon seconded by Mrs, Jac!~on and
motion carried 5-0.
-9 -
FEBRUARY 2~ 1970
Consider request of Royal ~nor Mobile Home Park for water and sewer -
The representative said they had an economic analysis whereby they ~ould
contmiDute $35:000 to the City, to be served with water and sewage ser-
!. By June I, 19 70
2. City construct and operate water main
3. City construct and operate and maintain sev~ge ~orce main
4. Surcharge not to exceed 25 per cent.
5. Water metered thru master meter
6. Will construct operate and maintain o~n~ distribution within
this development.
Mr. Klinck of Russell g Axon appeared before council and said the city
is not in a position to give this service. Bids are to be opened and it
will take at least a year. He said water could be gotten to them but
Health Dept. will not let us give them se~ge trea~nent service. He
said the city needs far more than a feasibility study: they need a master
plan for development of this whole area, for that part beyond Congress
Mr. Michael moved that the proposal be denied on the grounds of absurdity
seconded by ~s. Jackson and motion carried 5-0.
Consider request of Mrs. George Eckert for extension o£ se~er services -
Mr. Hopkins recommended that council might want to establish a policy.
Mr. Michael moved that this item be tabled for further study. Motion
seconded by tf~s. Jackson and motion carried 5-0.
Consider construction of an additional well Mr. Michael moved that
~. Hopkins be authorized to go out for bids on a new %~11 and instruct
our engineer to prepare necessary papers for new wello Motion seconded
by Mr. Wallace and motion carried.
Consider petition ~o have acreage parcel cleaned up - Mr. Moore advised
that the owner should be advised that the city wants the nuisance elim-
ina ted ·
Mrs. Gary Glasgow appeared before council and stated she wanted it known
why she and others wanted this land cleared. She said they had rats in
their homes and last week they had a skunk. Also there have been men in
the woods that have been picked up and it is dangerous because the
children have a pathway through to the school. She also stated a fire
broke out in the afternoon which could have burned all the homes in the
area had the Pire Department not stopped it.
Mr. Michael moved that the City Attorney and City Manager be instructed
to proceed and get the area cleaned up. Motion by t~s. JacP~on and mo-
tion carried 5-0.
~yor Brown~--~Garnett.
l0 -
FEBRUARY 2, 19 70
1~. Michael moved that the city not interfere with _things that don't
concern them and remove this item from the agenda, l~%otion seconded by
Mrs. JacP~on and motion carried 5-0.
Co.npider request of Royal Palm Republicans Women's Club for Proclamation-
Operation-Lend-An-Ear spearheaded by ~rs. Patty Poorbaugh requested
~%yor isaue .Proclamation within next ten days.
~z~. Michael moved that the l~yom grant the Proclamation~ seconded by
~irs. Jackson and motion carmie~ 5-0.
Consider Personnel problems:
Six month extension - Supv. Hti!ity Dept. - b~. Michael moved that city
grant l~s. Puffer an extension until the first regular council meeting
of 1971. l,~tion seconded by ~f~s. Jackson and motion carried 5-0.
Need to advertise ~or a Finance Director - Since last January year ago
~s. Betty Law has indicated she does not want the responsibility of
Finance Director and wants to serve only as T~easurer.
Michael moved that this item be removed from agenda until a City
I~nager is selected. Plotion seconded by ~{rs. Jackson and motion camried
Approval of Bills
Russell g Axon $!0:911.75
~ ~ 7~280.17
Neptune ~!leter 1 ~4 69.60
E .N. ~u~ay 30 ~5.42
1,~. ~ichael moved that bills be paid as presented. Motion seconded by
Mr. %,7allace and motion ca,tied-5-0.
Receipt of memorandum fmom members of Auxiliary Police - 1,~. Hiehael
moved that note be made that list of resignations has been received.
Motion seconded by Mr. Nylund and motion carried 5-0.
~. Kiink engineer of Russell g Axon discussed problems regarding line
in Leisurevitle. He said they had a meeting with Mr. Escharte so they
rerouted the line. He obtained authorization from l,[m. Court-ney to go
up E-4 - this ?~s a~ter contmact was awarded. He said they attempted
to get r/w settled. It v~uld appear the investment in the crossing
ms lost.
M~. Wallace moved that ~ir. Hopkins negotiate with the present contractor
and see if he can be utilized 2-3 days on Second Avenue which would give
city ~ime to meet v~ith Leisureville and negotiate, liotion seeonded by
~s. Jackson and motion carried 5-0.
- 11 -
FEBRUARY 22 1970
~eting adjourned at 12:00 Midnight.
Thomas ~. Summers-, ~yor, -
~r~rest L. Wallace, Vice Mayor
xlcPmet V. 'Micni
Leonard E. l ylun , Co~n~man
- 12 -