Minutes 03-10-15 MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY k., BOARD MEETING HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 100 E. BOYNT EACH BLVD., BOYNTON M BEACH FLORIDA, ON MARC 2.015, AT 6..30P.M.. ■ PRESENT: Jerry Taylor, Chair Vivian Brooks, Executive Director Joe Casello, Vice Chair Tara Duhy, Board Counsel Buck Buchanan Michael Fitzpatrick Woodrow Hay Mack McCray David Merker 1. Call to Order Chair Taylor called the meeting to AAMP& It. Invocation and Pledge to the Flag Mr. Mc ray gave the invocation, BOOM & Nd PMWJM MP Pfti� IM &I led by Chair Taylor, Ill. Roll Call Roll call quorum was present. IV. Legal: None V. Agenda Approval: A. Additions, Deletions, MrSibMift hM6%Wda Chair Taylor requested Old BusinaMIN NMWI IM X M aMrPs*4 wO ft 055SM Agenda. Mr. Marker pulled Consent Agendalhm C wd IL B Adoption of Agend] Motiono Mr. Marker moved to approve the a ts. Vice Chair Casello jF111014H pg motion that unanimously passed. • Meetinqp commmoftm 1 -lw- I 'U'low. Agency Board Boyntc& NUMB, PSAM Marc& V1. I-JIM-1 so' 114 1-1 41r9w aRofiblisminwkwilmildbernbers amd CRA Staff: A. Disclosure of Conflicts, Contacts and Relationships for Items Presented to the CRA Board on Agenda Items Vivian Brooks, CRA Executive Director, announced she, $4*w 740 VAt qr'9 Development Director Nancy Byrne met with the Coalition of Clergy last 4015 911AM IN16%&ity concerns, There was a Town Hall meeting the CRA held regarding wMATU MONWAweilk we"14 like to see. Mr. Hay announced he attended the Police K-9 Competitiow 49M gi MMpwW High School. On Thursday, March 12, 2015, a meeting will be held at St. Aft 1111111691WA" 1116laW Church, Dr. Deborah Robinson was having a Town Hall meeting to ad" i County area to assist in selecting the new school superintendent. He qWLt%" EM Is fthe event at 7 p.m. He advised one meeting for each of the three regions "OK Mr. Fitzpatrick had no disclosures. Vice Chair Casette disclosed he met with attorney Michael Weiner at City Hall rega"Wd issues. He announced it was a happy day. The CRA Board and City Commission (MEN ma %a fruits of their labor. Boynton Village would be constructed in Renaissance Commogm- rAn Wo be a dog park; there was a ribbon cuffing for the Harbor Master Building; Family Dollior'lluft "M opening; they approved the Casa Del Mar project, and 500 Ocean Avenue would wyMpmrM construction in the spring, Mr. Marker disclosed he met with Attorney Michael Weiner regarding zoning issues, Mr. McCray attended the Chamber and met with new mmqJm& it 1`15 attended the Coalition of Clergy regarding the MILK Corridor, attended thA 0" MkowmAery NlWool Carnival and the K-9 Competition, He attended the grand openirq A 4*Www Aym" Chapel, the Signature Storage ribbon cutting and advised he receivni g Ed VW .90M Robinson in reference to a short sale and from the potential buyer of the AmMk& 1% another letter was sent to Amerigas on Federal Highway, Mr. Buchanan met with Architect Jim Williams regarding the Ocean Breeze West project. Chair Taylor received a call from the attorney for Mr. Robinson regarding the short sale, and he met with Attorney Michael Weiner and attended the K-9 Competition. Mr. Hay announced this month ends his term as a CRA member. He hoped to be reappointed, but if not, he would continue to serve and support the City, Chair Ta Nis service as did the members. B. Informational Announcements This was addressed with Item A. 2 pq Meetinip 1hMMJW Cornmillilift Agency Board BoyntcB r11111411111111111 March 10, 2015 BEN VII. A*w**w*@*wvAv&AwPwds: A. Movies in the Park: Recap — 316/15 — Penguins of Madagascar Next Movie — 4/3/1 Christopher Burdick, Special Events Coordinator, reviewed Penguins of Madagascar was well attended. The April 3r movie was not yet selected, and the filial movie would be held on May 1 ". B. Music on the Rocks - Happy Hour Friday — 3120/15 - - I"he Samantha Russell Band The February concert featured Sweet Justice and was successful. It was also ffm W Rwo they held the event on Friday instead of Thursday, which helped increase atte9lbAR6 06 announced the Samantha Russell Band plays country rock and pop. Food and bevemarnwo" be available for purchase. The next event would be held on April 17 th and would Ogg*% JEW Brass. The final concert would be held May 1 5 th and would feature Making Faces. TPU%2M free on-site parking. C. Boynton Beach St. Patrick's Day Celebration/Blarney Bash — 3113111 This event begins at 4 p.m. and will be held on Ocean Avenue between First Street 14 Boulevard and ends at 10 p.m. The Crack, Mighty Quinn, and US by UV will KI smaller band called Fire in the Kitchen would also perform. Food 4id drink vendm no available, as would green beer, and a Best Green Attire Contest wouldll be helal, D. Boynton Harbor Marina Ribbon Cuffing Ceremony The ceremony, celebrating the completion of the Phase It Harbor Master Building and Fuel Dock would take place on March 1 3 th , from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Installation of a Heritage sign recognizing Captain Hall and the Seamist would take placElat 7 p.m. Food and drinks would be available. E. Family Dollar Groundbreaking Celebration The CRA was hosting a Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Family Dollar store in the Boynton on Thursday, March 26 at 9 a.m. ending at 11 a.m. Mr. Burdick announced "Catch a Reservation in Boynton Beach," which was a concierge VIP event on Wednesday April 81h, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. to introduce the Concierge Association of Palm Beach County to the area, and to promote Downtown Boynton Beach as a tourist destination, A tour will highlight the Boynton Harbor Marina and showcase local restaurants and the live music scene throughout the district, with stops to see what businesses have to offer. A presentation would be made highlighting hot spots in the downtown. Every major hotel in downtown has a Boynton Harbor Marina brochure and restaurant brochures available for their hotel guests. Mr. McCray has been receiving PUIM01 00 MIgIND OWe calls about the Family Dollar store. He noted there is a dollar store ner ft ON MA 141fi le" III Save-A-Lot grocer scream the street, Meetinj WORAM cornmeArokmir I I I Agency Board Boyntow !!!0& "WW& March 10, 2015 which thir r" p" fn A 1 0 works in Ft. Lauderdale and it should work in Ma 26W &a WE. Vill. 0TPVJP4 061IM16. A. Approval of Minutei mCRA Board Meeting, PLIMM IL I= B. Approval of Period Ended February 28, 2015 Financial Report C. Monthly Purchase Orders 1W MW was pulled by Mr. Merk4. Dq Approval of Interior Build-Out Grant to Fitwin, LLC W Approval of Rent Reimbursement Grant to Fitwin, LLC F. Approval of PRH Boynton Beach, LL's Performance Audit forTM Ending December 31, 2 1 4 for the Casa Costa Project This item was pulled by Mr. Merkel, Motion Mr. Merker moved to approve the Consent Agenda, less Items C and F. Mr. McCray seconded the motion that unanimously passed, VIII. Old Business, F. Consideration of Resolution No. 15-01 -- Bond Refunding Series 20058 and Authorizing the Issuance of Series 2015 in Principal Amount of $5,005,000.00 (Heard out of Order) Susan HER% explained this was the last piece of the old bond series that needs to " ftWW#*Aw4 16 a Wmer interest rate, The financial advisor issued a Request for Proposal Om %pkqW vwj ww lFesponses were received. The lowest interest rate was 3.3% from BB&'� best terms. The bond would be structured as a bank loan as was done im 1W 0AW 5*4 aWhrAing in 2012, The City would guarantee repayment and the City Commiss0l" *w-AW vwk wm J01 *m on March 17 th . The current interest rate was 5.8%. The maturity cj= am AM. Ift =,present value savings was $624,000, and the savings over the remainder Ef OU &AW w" W.M ocillion or $160,000 in interest rate savings each year, The CRA debt serrillmo wA **PW Um J?.3 million a year to $2.1 million in the next fiscal year. When combined 1 hoft Rfikding, the CRA would save the public $4.4 million. 0 Approval 0 Um ffiomoiwbm vow" authorize the CRA to issur %ft bw?m 21A A ft RPMM amount oPN,&,W, 10 zmO 9pprove the form and tern% 0 = 01Jk"A NNW, w*wwa the sale (W 61% NNW a 10111111111 1111ppoint a paying agent for &* 1koW, wolto& w*wW 1po J�w oM* Finance 1111had1m; ag"oom am "crow deposit agreemenO-, " ngplft (J.Jlr 0" MgMM Associatimm w aUft Approval of the Resoluti(r an i a Ug" a I" fflafi Commiss° - r Id Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Board Boynton Beach, Florida March 10, 2015 Motion Mr. Marker moved to approve Resolution 15-01. Mr. Hay seconded motion. Mr. Mc ray inquired if $827,500 would be applied to the principal. Ms. Harris confi rWg0*WjA, It was the reserve on the old bond and they do not neli j with BB&T m financing, so it was applied to reduce the debt. The motion unanimously passed. IX Pulled Consent Agenda Items: C. Monthly Purchase Order's Mr. Merker commented the CRA approved $22,000 for Kimley Horn for a street parking feasibility analysis. He noted the high school lawsuit was still pending and questioned if the expenditure was appropriate, Ms. Brooks explained it was for a parking feasibility analysis that had nothing to do with the Town Square. They had contemplated wrapping it into the Town Square, but it was not included in the Town Square at this time. Motion Mr. McCray moved to approve. Mr. Hay seconded the motion that unanimously pas=L F. Approval of PRH B NEW, 6LI6'1 WWormance, Audit for Year Ending December 31, 2014 So " M" t%w& 9%jjpct Mr. Merker asked if Casa Costa IN WMses. Ms. Brooks explained the DIFA requires leasing 10% of the sp Casa Costa provided two leases showing they exceeded the agreemoviot. 10% lowev vqw with Cross Fit and a steakhouse, and the CPA for Casa Costa attested tp Motion Mr. Marker moved to approve. Mr. 111 In that unanimously passed. X Information Only: A. Public Comment LcM '=Rare no comments. B. Business Develop moot R%A9p%ilW I 1jjhdw1Gp in 61111111111111111013each*- Concierges VIP Evp* This item was addressed earlier in the meeting, All. Public Comments: (Note: EMSIMM M N Meetiro j i ghwAso COMMEMWE I OEM= IN Agency Board Boynto" March 10, 2015 Harry MOMMOVIIIIi, VE AN 20 Place and INCA PresiAft Y*rfti PK mr9mved 36 poles along FAA& " @*A smklher 16 would be removed Vw 11TLT The Florida Departn"mt It= � - wuld inspect the sidewalk16 16 0*4 Alqp requested the CRA ad 9311111M. ME commented there were tao*UP*qW vW% &Ago City Hall, and one on f=AAM =rW*"- TU *oncierges would come to m rW mmN 11111111111110 11119111111116a items. The Florida 1149040"k of ?@Nm9rw4ption had indicated to hirl M ft NONA vak4min the pavers, but they 0IlIlillo MW IMM M W9 "PL would fix the sidewalk. Wo Smwilk om" wP tiese types of items wj% AW qW. Linda Cross, 625 Casa Loma Boulevard, submitted her application to become a member of the CRA Board and contacted several of the members about her application. She presented her credentials, having over 30 years in public accounting and she has served on several boards. She was committed to serving the community and lives at Marina Village, She expressed Boynton each was a gem with much potential, and the Marina was nice. She moved to Boynton each five years ago. She advised finances are a consideration in many decisions, and she had experience negotiating contracts. She thought her background would be helpful, The Board has diversity of thought and commitment to the mission. Consensus building was important and the most important work is done outside the meeting. She expressed her experience would help in this regard. She welcomed the opportunity to meet with each member. Mr. Marker commented when there was an opening on the Board last year, Ms. Cross presented herself. He thought if Boynton Beach was a City of change, this application and others should be considered. He questioned if the Board had an open mind or would make it a political decision. Mr. Fitzpatrick inquired if the applications were included in the meeting materials. Three applications had been received so far. At the request of Vice Chair Casello, they would be forwarded by the City Clerk's OfficS Mr. McCray disclosed Ms. Cross contacted him Lid her she could speak K 1% WAL meeting. Vice Chair Casello announced he was not contacted by Ms. Cross. Steven Grant, HE 3r Avenue, submitted an online applicIIII111111111111111111. =6 N in in Boynton Beach, and his office was west of Congress Avenue. As ffA%r :3rM= let Advisory Committee, he was instrumental in trying to bring about ch I He brings a youthful aspect to the Board. He likes walking through the WHI WEIMM M& 44ked forward to the Family Dollar Store and MLK Boulevard coming to fruNw. No one coming forward, Chair Taylor closed the public comments. Ali. Public Hearing: XIII. Old Business: A. Consideration of Development Agreement Terms with HH Boynton, LLC fiar Ocean Breeze East — Tabled 2/1 Meeting QkMpllgi Community Redevelopment Agency Board Boynton Beach, Florida March 10, 2015 FEEMEMEEMM Motion Mr. Mc QMM MENO % 91RE& tom the table. Vice Chair Casello seconded thql motion that unanimd6W AvAe" 11V @9Pft 909OWN OW MW Iran in negotiations with Hudson HdIdings (HH) Boynton for this N 29W NU OR E%MV& 16ey met to discuss how to close the development gap, but staff hoi wA WwoOM *AJ too or was. HH Boynton, at the last meeting, was requesting to pay *&,W Ow 1�w 11ft 40 ft ErM of 15 years, have the CRA pay for the streetscape and a 15- TW, 81% 1110 INMErMM OM Bought to ameliorate some of the City's fees. The Art in Public VU&AQ 26, Uft WON 16w, 4% capacity fees and the impact fees totaled $1.9 million and the PO404 oft "k am wiw* plywmFive project. Ms. Brooks offered those terms to HH Boynton, No 69"TV Ow XEM % Be a fixed payment as a IFA, and she has not had a response. TW IM ROOM X N*U a Owmentation, U w 9MEW 0 ft IM!Pct's design, which removed the retail along Seacrest. It is a MWft R9M IS 401 JEWAUBi Bud Ms. Brooks explained they were very close to closing most 4 1h Saawsmak !!,%wr Taylor advised the gap was $6.1 million and staff only closed K=. EMON IMr, "' Renaissance, explained the gap was $4 million. The amount r"VOMA 4w UP Affawft ws !C million. They are a non-profit developer constructing affordable 14159ION aft %W sm ?Mrs money and writing grants to close the gap, The caveat was ,56M wAwA " %w&WNmA with lower rents, which was good for the community, Steve INW5044 JI 50*116 10*0w A*1"ue was also present, 10. NMQW VNNIEN IPANI� w&Md the CHA to be responsible for aN improvements around the PaRhAdw. 56. F�iow xPVwm1W They would make the improvements and finance them through 60 MMiew. IROOW mki go OW paying the interest and principal. W MW UPWW R%q woo w4iing to fund some of it and accept reimbursement over five or 10 )'NOW. T;ft www O**Rl %F w *%ser percentage of assistance for their $30 million project, than Oft *W"m 0 ft ow project had requesteclo The area was unproven for rents and MIUMIN116Q, AW %U ban &I. The project would be done as a market-rate projecL oft . @gpft 0� Elre improvements in the public right-of-way, which was a LENNIPM '=I 11 AD MU4" Ik rwposal, She thought they may have requested this too early, or AWMW 101 ime awwo Am Ua wwmlw* A rental market had not been created to return enough to pay Ror 40 W*At 1 16 LW TlRibo *#&Aw4 Ow somew they tabled the item was the developer would pay $500,000 10 to pay $600,000 for the streetscape improvementsq and then 9pgRv ir 0% &PFA., INOT AM Taylor opposed. He explained the developer was now offering 15 %%1 All T%Q 9N%&N*a" iw*aw"ments and still wanted the reimbursement. 04NIM IMOMPON ft 14" 111oposal did not include paying for the land. Later they would WWOM IWA - MW AN r1o" an that item. They were eliminating the retail on Beacrest to get A E40W SONABr W MoNim wooM still be retail on the first floor of the medical building. They *POPW 0" Ow IYLK Wqm alpft ft the project. 7 MeetirM WRow%W ."AL K MW : Comm Agency Board Boynta" Me--, im A Mr. Hay wAAM Ao=w&w oe 161V& NA have baiw imo4iovA ipp projects J1 in "Lo Jim Mr Now and they RLNP 4W I&MW 16 m IN niIiiiiiiii E9 W= cost to a Poersk 1W "M I 91C r�tE P mg%* exceptiam wf*vj" * Mm" � 16"M b 16Not .0 611600*" iis "W" oft old parMEM% JU a AM ME jn� 96 qU &%& VN" *Pm 'W Im MEN" W producirif p&spalig, arA 1how voW r bM momougg kg%ft Tft OMM"W9 jp &A WOO* internal. Mr. Hay had read they were cons%libb0*116 and Lake Worth and out of State and he questioned whether they were MWO ME MMJIW. Mr. Picar responded they were, and they did not want to start and st(W 0 MW EM U make it economically viable. It was noted the retail was removed, but 90 4M 4% Pg4&ed. Jim Williams, AW Architects, eaomNg M14M =1 00ting, the discussion centered on there being too much retail and whethER N REA% - ' - - ' Rom the other retail in the CFRX It may mgmmwg train service, and increase the size be better to have more units to al I = - of the medical building with grow a NO EM. The plans addressed the concern of the neighborhood, which was to AM = There was about 3,200 square feet of retail on the ground floor, as so 000 feet of retail spread out along Seacrest. It enhanced the project. Chair Taylor was not comfortable with how the project was progressing and commented they had not decided they would pay back the streetscape. He wanted staff to bring it back advising how it would proceed. He wanted all the details and not supposition. Mr. McCray was concerned about the gap and project. The community stated they wanted retail, which was now scaled back. He agreed with the Chair that staff should bring back another plan. Vice Chair Casello commented the project did not look like what was originally proposed and learned some rents would be subsidized, Mr. Williams explained they met with local clergy who were concerned the rents would be too high. Out of 212 units, some would be subsidized. The community would not be gated and the medical office building would not be used for a substance abuse clinic. Vice Chair Casello wanted something in writing the office would not be turned into any such clinic. Mr. Marker liked the medical building and commented the land was rvt zoned for sober homes and substance abuse clinics. He agreed with the Chair the project needed to be more clearly defined. Mr. Fitzpatrick thought the project was not anything like what was originally proposed. When the proposer returned, they had a new partner, which was formerly their competitor, He thought if the 23 units on NE 6 1h Avenue were so valuable, they should keep them. He favored starting from scratch. Mr. McCray requested the information on the financial g 94041%a IV PErimeter, the landscape, and properties that would be purchased, all be 9PMWR iU EN 11196" back to the Board. 8 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Board Boynton Beach, Florida Mar Motion Mr. McCray moved to table the item. Mr. -,-, owsom4W the item for discussion. ichis would be tabled until the information was I&WOft. kJL ARE& JWvised she would like to bring a draft purchase and development agrEERM I= 16 ME& Ve project forward or start over. The motion passed 4 -3 (Messers. Bua%awwl Ala&w o" Akr dissenting.) B. Consideration of Proposals for 480 and 211 East Ocean Avenue Ms. Brooks explained the CRA owns these two properties spi OM pwUl OEF % b" with Prakas & Company to help the Board screen entities i9W9ffl= Ih OW R%PaAM. M IIML exhibit to the listing agreements for both properties, tMa 460" 1** oe 4*Wkow W" a restaurant and/or bar. They wanted businesses that would " "*m rjo;rlo DEW 0"9MM The Avenue was fairly quiet with a lot of rental units betww" is WIM an ImErm The Board would like to change it and make it more of ad JJM vkad. Aw maAwo awt received a lot of interest regarding the properties and the roW wwpi*0 *9rwP@J. The CRA received five proposals for the property located 4 40 WA 11"16 p%pWAv& AW " 1 &U Ocean Avenue, both to purchase the property from a deveb"w dmW ***&or Rom oowwom WAS wants to operate a bed and breakfast. There was a lot of imipwo, kul P" No M10 Xvil al ft ■ requested information. This information was especially irlpfflUl %M JM I MM &EW AjALJ because it would be costly to convert the home from a GARAU161 owipoeW 16 a *kowaaM property, Additionally, it would require a land use amendmo*, Ponewilimill JWJ W im NW% *Oft a financial difficulty. Tom Prakas, Prakas and Company, explained they follo ey obtained the listing. They are a real estate and brokerage comparlp. 7mg tenants and buyers as directed. Steve Mossini, Broker with Prakas and Company, m collected the information which was presented to Ms. Brooks and Mr. IWWW. "lift Wre narrowed down to individuals who completed packages. Mr. Merkor srv#mw*%J L01 0 CWn was residential and he thought a bed and breakfast would fit well and 9M SUM, as IlMed to a brewery which would change the scope of the neighborMaIM. W. rTm&w W aeviewed the bed and breakfast proposal. Financially, he could not see him op *w4pow" 146 *14 breakfast could support the endeavor. From the standpoint of a develoWgmr" 4 &r0mii the property, he indicated he could move the historic home and develop W J11% NU iA AaA WE *aint apartment complex. He wants to be in an area and would prefer bolK Wooll6wo. Wo asoMp final guidance from the Board, Ms. Brooks explained if 211 were used (OF g ftO gft OnEMNO, the owner would have to live on site. Chris IS HE 99*4 16*aon Avenue, the owner of SoFlow Music School in Delray Beach was inte= nAvenue, He was in business for two years in Delray Beach. Mr. Mon tIW 9HIM V IM 9bt on the agenda and approached the CRA. He learned the proposals ihA0 W mw&mmmilli. Us had communicated several times with the CRA and Mr. Prakas, a" mo *" @mWwr4 *w they were looking for a restaurant. The CRA website also did not specifill it qqoJeaft w OR ft was confused why he was permitted to submit a proposal, but he made A #26JImU MAn6orms %& lives in Boynton Beach and his business fits the building well. 9 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Board Boynton Beach, Florida March 10, 2015 His business plan meets all the criteria, and he had submIM m LM A MWN to lease the building. He also indicated he was told his proposal was t famm - milliffimaid not explain how he would rezone the building from residential to cc m tenant is not able to rezone a property, only the owner could make that FOPW UM 0 wined it could be done by obtaining the owner's signature. Putting the Xised the two properties were key properties on Ocean Avenue, and the =M2rMqWnted by their agent. Mr. Montague explained his business has about 150 students that take lessons each week. They attract about 600 people a month. When parents drop their children off for a lesson, they stay in the area until the lesson is over. Other businesses benefit from this. In their proposal, they included ideas to boost evening entertainment. There are music groups such as ukulele groups that attract people. They host these meetings at his store, but it was now too small. He indicated he wanted to expand and this expansion would accommodate lesson rooms upstairs. Each lesson room represents a potential income of about $72K a year. Ocean Avenue has the Library and Museum and family resources and his business was in line with a family theme. He would have to make very few alterations to the building and they could use the backyard to host musician gatherings. Another benefit was the building was adjacent to the amphitheater. He would love to work with the community to ensure there was high quality music, Ms. Brooks explained if the upstairs was used, an elevator would have to be installed. Mr. Montague disputed the requirement. He hoped all received copies of his proposal. Mr. McCray inquired how sound would be handled, Mr. Montague explained in his current location, sound was minimal and he had not received any complaints. (Mr. Marker left the dais at 7:55 p.m.) Mr. Fitzpsbaft 99MA90 if iness would follow him to the new location. Mr. Montague explained ML JdMW 4**Abo wos only four miles away. His business has a perfect five-star review, 464 a* 00 Wakes and Company. He asserbal they failed to supply his proposal Jr OE01:6 0;E=, Mr. Mossini advised he delivered all the proposals to the CRA_ Ms. BrocIff JMpMVW an W was disqualified. There was no proposal to rent, what he was going U p", Uw go ww0000o the building or how he would cover the cost of th4 renovation. There wevs PV *fflumMMIr 099AN except from last year (Mr. Meg h& md6o" 6 So J46 A 7:58 p.m.) Mr. Merkiff 9Mq6mmMM KNIMPESUM development requiremeWk **AW 14w oo *Nmwqv and learned this would I? Us w1stairs was used by the plr*v, Tara Siniabip PW grMassal for a Bed and Breakfast (B&B) and explained last year, she resefflWU fidiANN' lk Valm Beach County for the right location to open a B&B and public re 406* illoo. AiNoo viowing the 211 Ocean Avenue home, she contacted Ms. Brooks and lean noq *vp m ift and beer establishment downtown. Ms. Sinclair expanded the business Or 46 a commercial kitchen, conversion of the first floor to be ADA complian?@Ag 0000WN o" imileimiior finishes costing about $250,000. 10 Meeting On= CommVWP%p P&i&qv0zqr=FA Agency Board Boynt rcill MI I 2202212M Before e0w nowM OW VU=ft VE OM RW MR to ascertain the structurall! the propw", = MUW� it tit I" W " Nip" kUkr, as well as the expensil qr JLN ft project. "W Wap" 6*WW6o a kqF " wine establishment, four amok% construci" "m 14P mw+ wpo Ipf ft VM=%, EW VE p&lic rental event space few q*&w m*6 meetingi. Oft VviON a mmoulaml WIM116$*? go project. She also hire I WMM consults rt ai ffildnwalml ai*W x4V vow a pop" sqNrience, ancii submitted a IME90 00% that was owlll1l" kr a W%&k wwq"wWpt. on Igh an environmental engi&w, a full inspftrm aft mmgamM Ma %@M IU Kposal as an anchor esta*4p*" im Boynton Ms. Sinclair explained Delray each and Lake Worth have created! dynamic and sustainable coastal downtowns and Ocean Avenue embodied Boynton Beach. After meeting residents and businesses owners, she learned demand for this type of establishment was present and many coastal downtowns use historic properties, such as the Bundy House and Dade in Delray Beach. Ms. Sinclair would coordinate and offer destination vacations and retreats using the local marina, beach, spas and restaurant. w Mr. Buchanan requested confirmation the four BAD rooms would be constructe4 4wk410 0% home, Ms. Sinclair responded they would and they would have their own entrance JPr live an the second floor of the Magnuson House and have office space there, He &RAM If W`ia would consider leasing the property, and she responded she would with an option to Mr. McCray inquired if she submitted proposal binders. Ms. Sinclair responded she had. She started her response when the RFP was issued, but had originally had a proposal in November, , MR nal proposal submitted in November reflected Ms. Sinclair was requesting $482K plus ** = Ms. Brooks explained the Board has to determine if her concept was appropriate, Mr. N%*KIF 01kought the proposal was homey and added a nice component to the Avenue. The wine rN MW bar would be open to the public and there would be live music. All her plaM were well %464a OUL *Om it Casello liked her idea and her business plan. She paid money from her own pocket W MAWte the property. This proposal was about the closest Boynton Beach would get to Now0g; a piano bar. He praised her project, her due diligence and supported her vision, Mt. IFOWtrick pointed out the lighting on Ocean Avenue agenda item had 327 pages of backup, No w*W*me signs replacement agenda item had 314 pages of backup, the Marina fuel pumps Wges of back-up. This project had 18 pages of backup and 13 of them were reprints of ft %9URnber contract with Prakas. He was not comfortable voting on the item, but wanted to %*16r 06* presentation. He spoke with Rebecca Shelton, and she advised there was an email er Delray Mayor Jeff Perlman in his email. KAW %Vlor inquired about the cost of the wrap around and kitchen portion of the project, which **wA owt $2501{, and $250K to bring the building up to Code, for a total of $500,000 plus land Val 1911111"r. Jason Fsomin. Tkne 5WPM Mrewing Company, was M 30 WUt and Dory Patrick. lt9MWM0ft@WlI0 MW not received copies oft pw**Wk1lIw. 914W 11100oks clarified they creaUllA I M LK*Ring if the Respondents mot Om *A�ft. ft. Famwa explained K xx,. xxxxxxx�n v v v..v..v x x x x,x x x x rx xxxxxN___ nnnnn�uvv x xnnnnnnw � sec x t F"LAn 11 x..s ,..: �',_ � :.,.�h.. <.. t �xs�...:. 9e„�x enrx E� K�.„,� t .. DA .t K- F 3Sf-2 . x 71 s "�s Fyj gE hht,. v,st„ usxx % ,z•.',:it "s �' v...> r s., t H # ir.. t 7 z n V , a . in t y x t fiv zv H x r�r r �K xzt� ■ Meetinffi NkomApg COMMAM14; Agency Board (Mr. Mc & AWww" b Wo Aoie at 8. p.m.) Mr. Ca i 19 purchasing both locations. The 480 Ocean Avenue location would ba 459LArU pow mA *ther foods. The 211 Ocean Avenuenwould be an open kitchen Mediterro*"* OW voW Wow End outdoor seating. He would like outdoor music as well. He comma ntd J*" NW 9NEWIDateries is very important when a new area is being developed, He runs M SCEN 16 QMW 116ach offering cooking classes. He would also hold culinary workshc#w iondi *bow*, "Soo miel beer pairings at the Magnuson House. He has a full liquor license ed the assistance, but would take what was offered and was interestEN im ft SwJ6 Mr. McCray inquired if he turned in a business plan. Mr. Campanile advised he would put a plan together. Vice Chair Casello inquired about his financial abilities. Mr. Campanile explainei %mW team were local investors and he was very interested in purchasing the buildings. Chris Montelius, a Boynton each resident, was with a distributing company an w&AwolmA the craft beer industry. He had a similar proposal and indicated he thought Three Hown bmr&g Company would be better at 211 Ocean Avenue. He was interested in a 9% 1 Kombucharie, which was an establishment that sells fermented sweet tea with ILAM dwa probiotic properties and a 1 % to 2% alcohol content. This was a popular prod tok im W" Foods, and it was projected to be a $500 million industry a year. His plan was to sugdMMM on Kombucharie with a full-service restaurant. His initial plan was to lease. When heA ROOM ft lease, he could obtain his brew pub license which is when they brew and consume U loweve" on site. One similar establishment opened in Palm Beach Gardens, The bu9*9M JWN educate the public how kombucha can fit into their lives. (Mr. Marker left the dais and returrmN a Ou @= is NaW Mr. Mont I1616 *U l6aft 16 Two* 0 44 000*4 oYv@svw*; however, 211 E. Ocean Avenue was not an c#4*m Aim 5 1"krq", 41 219MI A *5 SIFEMrs Hotel and at HMF, their newest restaurarIL modmMO ft Mm 9= J6 =Mk*A6* Sr a long time and was looking to start on w his on. MW W6401 to" 1W *"a a , AP4 Jwg would be open for lunch and dinner, Lunch ww*44 haTwo fflawo rw%q ip4ME, MM" VM aLps. Dinner would be intimate. The central fcvli rft 9MLO in a No &W, rJI &*AwAwely for pizza. He had inspected the kitchen a9li 1% LAIN&r *11 a&@& No *&&U omW accommodate and thought it was a very spa exclusive to American cuisine, They would so wpw #1 y, and the focus would Ito on small plate foock. Chair Ta0w wommPnoopq iw n9Jw for the restaurant to be successful, it had to have a certain number 4 go= % a RROMM. Mr. Custamonte explained it was tight, but the outdoor area provided HM649 Nip"& Bruce Kaplan, did not have a b RM 646ma to was interested in purchasing both properties. He is the chief finandki #M%w 0( a 4*0 "*velopment company, with offices in Philadelphia and Gulfstream and UIV kwm kW 0 N.069W for a long time. They acquire large properties and their most recent smWOOM an is 411114 N. Federal Highway, Delray Beach, 13 MeetinA %piggggg Cornmwaft NoMbliolow Agency Board Boyntom ramm Marck hL NEM ----------------- which cleval " w000k Jor 12 "Mon. They maintain and c(Eft FW 91 OMPAMML* He has been in businaW * b XEM WN 9ftctively, they have 130 ye&A OF ampogown A mW estate. They develop M &M ANA 0111LOWN* And bought and sold 230 WompoA6g iw #r AAA: %r years. Staff includes Aflw" " emomomft professionals. They ann % 090190111 IPL XWrties and do not want rPV+ft jM wqLm. T010 philosophy has been to 11111W11111110 MW arAwroo pwperty values and the mmma%M, M ME AdWrised respondents came 16 &* 511101 bwwig 1p imll their ideas. In his lm4l that and they determine successful, Chair TEX&F 90go '00 1 P. QMn Avenue needs work. M* W*pAw4 I &W *"mid make the improve r%M A69 UL92 I%" fang it would take to turn *q ympr" . Mr. Kaplan indicated ift *000m 000m &W rmichase, develop, improve %a X910ft, alLAR a, Anant, market the prop Ift " MN 01 M MW cases they do not. In theN *"W Pa"nations were done, the% RN U I A* 111e property was not occu a business themselves. to make money. Mr. Merker commented there is a landowner in the City and the City has been atc!" 5 00 time to develop the land because he wanted a certain price. Mr. Kaplan explained &W ^291111111 land for multiple reasons. One of the principals of the company loves the restaurant i they have the expertise to run a restaurant. Mr. Marker thought Mr. Kaplan would be his own restaurant, and indicating they would bring a restaurant in. Mr. Kaplan dig ma arm His focus was not to run a restaurant. The focus was to develop and enhance prQOAAW A @j profit. They would immediately begin marketing the properties to several tenants, nice Chair Casello inquired about the properties they own. Some were in Boynton Beach. He inquired if Mr. Kaplan would be interested in having any of the Respondents as tenants, Mr. Kaplan responded they would, but not for all ideas. They have a higher standard when they invest a lot of money. He understood the intention was to create a restaurant environment that created foot traffic, Mr. Hay inquired what the timeline was from purchase to obtaining a tenant, Mr. Kaplan explained they were at the mercy of the engineers and pen - nitting process. They do have experience in zoning, building and permitting. Mr. Prakas thanked the Board and explained they obtained proposals from different groups at different times. They tried to have all fill out applications and there were some individuals that had already made proposals before they were retained. They turned everything they were given over to the Board. The reason to hire a company was to obtain the highest and best use. He advised his firm turned over 450 restaurants in South Florida over the last 15 years. He has worked with 36 of the 40 restaurants in Delray Beach. The reason he took this on was to create something special in Boynton Beach. He is available for anything the Board needed. He has a fiduciary duty and was trying to guide the Board on an appropriate course. He did not want the CRA Board to approve no-money deals and then spend a great deal of money to put someone in business. He would like to see the Board work with tenants who are professionals and obtain the clients they want, Chair Taylor explained he wanted to ensure all the respondents felt they received the same opportunity. He requested each Board member obtain a copy of what was received and they would make a decision at the next meeting. Mr. Hay commended Mr. Prakas and advised he preferred someone purchase the building outright. Mr. Marker agreed. Mr. Fitzpatrick was 14 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Board Boynton Beach, Florida Imagism== 11 MariN %JINS impressed with some great ideas and thought there s*xlklVw zmUMgW P"Wantq Brooks was very impressed with the young entrepreneWJMa_&M own available to assist them. Vice Chair Casello agreed. C. Consideration of Responses to Invitation to Bid W 1% QRA" Awwwo ISghting Project Mr. Simon explained the Board set aside funding in the 20 1 1( 4UN" W VC&A" YN iiwliw� 64 up-lights and tree lights on Ocean Avenue, the Civic QmW wU cnw"w I"" "Ni tree gates. It was a fairly large project on both sides of C6ow 46wou p7o* m1ii" the CRA with the project's design. The project has been p N" TIM QMNAWWR" issuing an Invitation to Bid on January 13 th with a Febr6W = SILANU. received from Bran g Construction Inc., West Constructilffill lh*A wA A* Vok= M 9ft Construction Group, After CRA, consultant and legal review, Mpm% 5wMrpj11W � WE gM= responsible bidder. Their proposal was $349,906.25 which gmspnio %& g ml mwaw MA recommended they speak with gang Construction to detenWIL If 111116ma MWWT""MW could be made to lessen the amount and proceed from the Mr. Simon explained the project was well designed and the contractor has been consistent in his pricing, Mr. Marker inquired if they could take funds from the bond refinance to pay the overage. Ms. Harris advised the funds allocated for debt service must stay, but they could reallocate other line items in the budget to cover the amount. Ms. Brooks explained they start early for the budget, but 0000*10000" P" a" on high and the project was very important to the downtown corridor. It wW 41NO OWL gLiffill I& 1s place when 500 Ocean opened. It was explained the City will maintain "N &ftrUb* TU RW could enter into an agreement whereby the CRA would maintain thaw Jw a *I"* tow, Mr statute, but afterwards, the City would maintain the upgrade. Motion Mr. Hay mews won Wwft !F��Nftw " kegin the process. Vice Chair Casello qh seconded am xj�plws Is 'ho D. Consideration of Responses to Invitation to Bid for the Entry Signage Project Chair Taylor commented the same issue arose with this item as the previous item, He favored negotiating with Collage Design and Construction Group, Inc. for a lower price. Motion Mr, Merke M moved. Mr. McCray seconded the motion that unanimously passed. E. Consideration of Responses to Invitation to Bid for the Marine Fuel Dispenser Replacement Project Mr. Simon presented the item, Chair Taylor requested a motion to approve Glasgow Equipment Services for the Marine Fuel Dispenser Replacement. 1 b m2bmw=M6m fiamlim 11MIMM — I J;�Agency Board 10, 2015 ,JM ; ------------------ -- Mr. Mc Cp" moved. Mr. Marker seconded the motion that unanimmsly passed, F• Refunding Series 2005B and A1kW*%Aq 96 bow#** OUoiow Al * Principal Amount of $5,005,000.00 1 Mhd&W2Wrr2W6*EWMWd, Gt Update on Marina Village Parking Garage Management Program and Temporary Parking Agreement negotiations for additional parking at 11 4 N. Federal Highway. Mr. Simon explained the Board had directed staff to look at alternative parking lots to enhance parking for customers and Marina staff. They put together an agreememt for the Bank of America site. Due to the cost of the improvements and the insurance, the amount would be cost prohibitive, Chair Taylor suggested they drop the item Motion Mr. Hay ** awo4l. Wllr. W65* opowminq *% my Ir W& item. The motion ppogri @-0 ft. iniNE&O lbEff") XI V. New Business: A. Consideration of 7mployment Position Reclassification Ms. Brooks explained this position is currently a 30-hour per Z= 41101M aW rJ 16enefits, She wanted to change the position to a 40-hour position with ba&*Al* WE Nw" "ft moved into the position at a lower salary, but there was funding to ma k"o Am x*#mUO1ZpJWm 4Wget neutral. They are busy and they needed thrposition. The additional It tM619 140 = Agency. Motion Mr. Mc Cra g . Marker seconded the motion that unanimously passed B. Consideration of Purchase Agreement between the Terry A. Weeks and Margaret M. Weeks as Co-Trustees of the Terry A. and Margaret M. Weeks Revocable Living Trust in the Amount of $15,000 for Property Located on NW 10 for the Model Block Project Chair Taylor requested a motion. Motion Mr. McCrIP111111M N MROMMM Mr, tion that unanimously passed. Meetir" comnuoaft Agency Board Boyntqm Mar C. Consideration of Changes to Commercial Fagade Improvement Grant Program Motion Mr. MerfiroftUd Mr. McCray seconded the motion that unanimously passed. D. Consideration of Changes to Commercial Interior Build-Out Assistance Program Motion Mr. Marker moved to approve. Mr. Hay seconded the motion that unanimously passed, E. Consideration of Changes to Commercial Rent Reimbursement Program Motion Mr. Marker moved to approve. Mr. McCray seconded the motion that unanimously passed. F. Consideration of Changes to Commercial Construction Project Incentive Program Motion Mr. Marker moved to approve. Mr. McCray seconded the motion that unanimously passed. G° Discussion of Andrea Robinson's (HAP Recipient) Short Sale Request Ms. Brooks explained this request came from Mr. Robinson's realtor. Mr. Robinson was JO recipient of the CRA Homeowners Assistance Program in the amount of $50,000 to purchase a home. There is a second mortgage on the home and he is in foreclosure. Under a program called HAFA, the CRA would receive some reimbursement, and Mr. Robinson would receive $10,000 at closing for relocation fees, The CRA's adopted short sale policy does not permit the owner to receive cash at closing. Legal counsel reviewed the request and strongly recommended denial, Andrae AWWbw" W nPliffilrt, explained he went through a crisis. He was aware of the procedurt ft fAW V& aM 9W to obtain a modification, but was unsuccessful. The bank advised MIN 16 %V 16 ~ a o4ort sale, but his short sale was denied. He kept the CRA informed e lioi@ a4mm. *1 Iqv* i% knowledge of the federal foreclosure rules about the funds he would obW° he could greatly use them, Mr. Robinson advised he works for the Ck M I WW MM**a&w Specialist and he had not had 0 raise in several years. He only receWMy rassiw" a mmwol Ml&% Chair Taylor did not know why he would need $10,000 for relocation assistance. He advised the CRA policy prohibits the Board from approving the short sale. Mr. McCray inquired about the hardship. Mr. Robinson responded his mortgage was $1,350 a month and the last time he made a mortgage payment was in 2010. He no longer received overtime, He explained h# attempted to salvage his credit by going through the short sale. 17 Meetind COMMEEW IN lllli� I Agency or ynt A Bo:11111111 March 10, 2015 Mr. Hay I I NO= imift M. IMIbinson, but commented the Board's policy would not allow them to apprdLA am?wwg Motion Mr. Merker moved to deny the short sale. Mr. Fitzpatrick seconded hite motion that passed 4-2, (Messrs. Marker and Hay dissenting.) Yvonne Westerman, Mr. Robinson's matter, read the policy and spoke with CRY Counsel about the matter. She advised the laws had changed and there would be individuals coming behind Mr. Robinson in similar situations. Whether the Board approved the request or not, Mrij Robinson would file bankruptcy and receive the funds anywayv dgfR Executive Director's Report® A. New Businesses in CRY District There were no questions on this item. Col. Future Agenda Items: CIVIL 11 1=111M. There 010 b ' Mcome before the Board, Chairl'bylor properly adjourned the meeting 11 P.m. eull, Catherine Cherry Minutes Specialist 039215