03-12-15 MINUTES OF THE CEMETERY BOARD MEETING HELD ON THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 2015, AT 3:30 P. M. IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PRESENT: Janet Prainito, Secretary Christine Roberts, Assistant Director, Public Works William Bone Dwight Saulter, Parks Supervisor Bonnie Glinski Claudia Stine 1. Call to order Ms. Bonnie Glinski called the meeting to order at 3:32 p.m. 2. Attendance Ms. Janet Prainito, Board Secretary, called the roll. A quorum was present. 3. Agenda Approval Ms. Prainito added the following to Item 9, New Business: • Item F, Approve a request by Arthur Frederick Martz for a refund of Niche L -1, Sunrise Building, Section E, in the amount of $1,160. • Item G, Approve a request by Joseph McCloskey for a refund of Niche G -4, Sunrise Building, Section E, for a total of $860. Motion Ms. Stine moved to approve the agenda as amended. Ms. Prainito seconded the motion that unanimously passed. 4. Election of Chairperson & Vice Chairperson Ms. Glinski nominated Claudia Stine as Chair. Mr. Bone seconded the nomination. Ms. Stine advised as new member she was apprehensive serving as Chair, but was willing to try. The vote was unanimous. Ms. Stine nominated Ms. Glinski as Vice Chair. Ms. Prainito seconded the nomination. The vote was unanimous. 5. Approval of Minutes — December 11, 2014 Motion Vice Chair Glinski moved to approve the minutes. Mr. Bone seconded the motion that unanimously passed. Meeting Minutes Cemetery Board Boynton Beach, Florida March 12, 2015 6. Receipt of Expense/ Revenue Sheets - December 2014, January & February 2015 Motion Vice Chair Glinski moved to accept the reports. Ms. Prainito seconded the motion that unanimously passed. 7. Receipt of Sales Reports — December 2014, January & February 2015 Motion Vice Chair Glinski moved to accept the report. Ms. Prainito seconded the motion that unanimously passed. 8. Unfinished Business A. Continued Discussion on Generating More Income for Cemetery Appearance and Services (including expansion of the Mausoleum) (Tabled in September 2013 — to remain tabled until June 11, 2015) There was a question about the Cemetery pit area; however, Ms. Prainito clarified if an item was tabled, discussion could not occur. (Mr. Bone left the dais at 3:37 p.m.) B. Discussion of Landscaping at the Cemetery — (Tabled until June 11, 2015) This item remained on the table. C. Status Report of Possible Use of Ground Radar Equipment in Old Section of Boynton Beach Memorial Park — Information previously sent to members of the Board The members received an email regarding this item and there was no other update or information at this time. Ms. Prainito thought this issue would continue a lot longer. It may be at least a year before they have an opportunity to do anything. It was agreed this item would be added to Future Agenda Items on the agenda. 9. New Business A. Parks Division Reports — December 2014, January & February 2015 Christine Roberts, Assistant Director, Public Works, announced the reports were included in the meeting materials. Motion Ms. Prainito moved to approve. Vice Chair Glinski seconded the motion that unanimously passed. 2 Meeting Minutes Cemetery Board Boynton Beach, Florida . .... March 12, 2015 B. Status Report on Gate Closure — (Tabled until March, 2015) Motion Ms. Prainito moved to remove the item from the table. Vice Chair Glinski seconded the motion that unanimously passed. Ms. Roberts explained the gate was completed, there were new slats and plans to remove some of the topsoil by the gate were under way. Vice Chair Glinski noted there was a big gap on the left side of the gate. She was concerned a small child could slip through the gate. They intend to insert a slat in the gate to prevent access. They also just started moving the fill from the double downs this week. Mr. Saulter commented they would stain or paint the gate and when the fill was removed, the machinery will be stored there. Vice Chair Glinski asked if it was possible to plat some of the pit area. Mr. Saulter explained there are wells and utility lines there and it would be difficult to plat. There are some utility lines that run to the baseball field and an easement. However, another Mausoleum building could be constructed up to the existing fence. There had been no response whether another Mausoleum would be constructed at the Cemetery. It was noted this would likely be discussed during the City Commission Strategic Planning sessions. D. Request from Boca Raton Mausoleum regarding double crypts — (Tabled until June 11, 2015 meeting) This item remained on the table. E. Approve request submitted by Angeline Hackl for a refund on Crypt D-16, Sunset Building, Section C. (Original purchase price was $3,400 less 20% [$680] for a total refund of $2,720. (Mr. Bone returned to the dais at 3:44 p.m.) Motion Vice Chair Glinski moved to approve. Ms. Prainito seconded the motion that unanimously passed. F. Approve a request by Arthur Frederick Martz for a refund of Niche L 1, Sunrise Building, Section E, in the amount of $1,160 Motion Vice Chair Glinski moved to approve. Ms. Prainito seconded the motion that unanimously passed. G Approve a request by Joseph McCloskey for a refund of Niche G-4 Sunrise Building, Section E, for a total of $860. 3 Meeting Minutes Cemetery Board Boynton Beach, Florida March 12, 2015 Motion Ms. Prainito moved to approve. Vice Chair Glinski seconded the motion that unanimously passed. 10. Other Ms. Prainito referenced the items tabled until June and advised she would not be present in June, nor would Vice Chair Glinski and Mr. Bone. She inquired if the members wanted to reschedule the meeting or move the items to the September meeting. She suggested it may be better to discuss them in September because the Strategic Planning Sessions would have already occurred. Motion Ms. Prainito moved to table those items to the September 2015 meeting and cancel the June meeting. Vice Chair Glinski seconded the motion that unanimously passed. 11. Adjournment There being no further business to discuss, Chair Stine adjourned the meeting at 3:47 p.m. M Catherine Cherry Minutes Specialist 032715