Minutes 10-21-69CONT//~UATION OF REGULAR CITY COLhNCIL MEETinG HELD AT CITY HALLs BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR-iDA ON TUESDAY~ OCTOBER 2t~ 1969 AT 9 PRESENT: Vincent J. Gallo, Mayor Thomas A. Summers, Vice Mayor Michael V. Michael~ Councilman Leonard E. Nylund, Councilman Grady W. Courtney~ City Manager Temeesa Padgett~ City Clemk ABSENT: Gene 1,~oo~e, City Attorney Gilbert H~ Collins~ Councilman ORDINANCES .-. 1st READING - Continued k.~yor Gallo read O~dinance No. 69-34 on first reading. ~.i~. Summers moved that Ordinance 69-34 - Anti-noise ordinance be passed. Motion died for lack of second. Ordinange No. 69-35 - Use of firearms with council approval. ?~. Michael moved that O~dinance 69-35 - the use of firearms with council approval be tabled. SecoD~ed by ~. Nylund. Motion carried 4-0. O~dinanee NOo 69-36 - Amending Sec. 4-23 of the Code - Impounding & Redemption fees. ~-~yor Gallo mead O~dinance No. 69-365 Amending See. 4-23 of the Code - impounding & redemption fees. Motion by ~. Nichael to pass Ordinance No. 69-36 on fiDst reading. Motion seconded by ~h~. Nylund and motion carried 4-0. ~RESOL~TIONS ReSol~.tion No. 69-~ - re location of Jet-Port. Mr. Michael moved that Resolution No. 69-FF re location of Jet-Pomt be removed from agenda inasmuch as it %,ms sent back to committee and apparent- ly dead. Motion seconded by ~. Nylund and motion ear~ied 4-0. -!- M/J~dTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL P~ETING OCTOBER 2 3~ 1969 OLD BUSINESS ~onsider cont-~actual agreement with Dept. of T~ansportation ..T~affie l~qht UoS.~! at N.E. 2nd Ave. (On the table), Left on the table. ~lp. Michael requested that City Manager be instructed to contact State Road Dept. regarding survey for a light at entrance of Leisurevitle on BOynton Road. Consider request of Frank B. Elmore to purchase City owne,,d,, property° ,,, Mr. Nylund reported on the request of Frank Elmore to purchase city pro- party. He felt city should not sell this property, it was generally agreed that Mr. Elmore be cOntacted and asked if he would be interested iu leasing the land; that he pay cost of appraisal and that he pay for paving, pay city 10% a year of appraised valuation (annually) on e lO year lease sub- ject to approval of City Attorney. Janet Hall was present and did not feel the city should tie up this pro- party on a long range term. ,,B. DMIMISTRATIVE Consider request to solicit: ~'ea_que of Wo~en Voters of So.Palm Bch Co.~ Gold Coast Chapter & ~nited Fund, Seventh Day Adventist' Church - Mr. Michael moved that the requests to solicit by Seventh Day ~.~ventist Church~ League of Women Voters ~ ~old Coast Chapter ~ultip!e Sclerosis and United Fund be approved. Motion seconded by ~ir. Nylund~ and motion ear~ied 4-0. Consider request of Briny Breezes for renewal of Contract for fire protection. I~. Summers moved the fire con~rac~ with Briny Breezes be renev~d on same terms and fees, Motion seconded by Mr. Ny!und and motion carried 3-1. I.~. Michael voted no. Consider request of A..~. Tucker~ for use of Civic Center. ~P. Michael moved that permission be granted provided it falls within pro- per use of building and that the $~0.00 fee be waived. Motion seconded by Mr. Summers and carried 4-0. ~ir. Summers commented that the microphones ~.~re a%,zful las~ night. He requested that before the man is paid for this work he wants to be sure the equipment is operating properly. Discuss bills to be presented to Legislative Clini~ - Nov. 25, 1969. It %~s agreed that each councilman v~ite do%.a~ items they want to diseuss -2- MI~dTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~-~ETING OCTOBER 21, 1969 and City Manager will pass list of items around to other councilmen. Increasing interest mates and increase salary of. council were discussed. Report by City MaDe,er on Pire station expenditures. Mr. Michael moved that approval to transfer from surplus~ $1612.33 to balance cos= of fire station expenditures at present time plu~ additional sum in order to connect fire station's generator to City Hall. Motion seconded by Mr. Summers and motion carried 4-0. Discussion in regard to fir.e siren, and repo~t from Fire Chief that new communications method now used in Delray is much too expensive. Mr. Michael moved that the Civil Service Rules & Regulations be amended pertaining to Fire Department to ~ead the~ same as Police De~,~rtment in gard to ~estrictions pertaining to age. ~ietion seconded by l~. Nylund and motion carried 4-0. This was ~mough~ up to permit Fire Chief to hire a man who has ovem 5 year experience that was slightly over the age require- ment. Chief asked that the follo%~ing be added: ~such restrictions shall not be applied to candidates from the volunteer fire depamtment.~ APPROVAL OF BILLS Russell & Axon - Ocean Outfal.1 Southern 1,~eter D.S. Concrete g Paving Co. H.S. Concrete & Paving Co. Tucl~r g Johnson - Desks g Chairs D.H.Smith & Assoc. - Traffic signs Russell & Axon - Engr. surveys Chapman Div.-Crane Co. Pi~ Dept. Contract - Subject to City Attorney's approval 584.50 723.45 611.60 559.40 556.25 t~773.45 894.72 1,919.34 ~. Summers moved that the above bills be paid subject to approval of City Manager. l~otion seconded by~. Nytund and motion carried 4-0. Reference to Chamber of Conferee bills in approximate amount of $1:232.72. Chamber asked council to approve the bills though they had actually over- spent their budget, i,ir, Michael moved the bill be denied: seconded by ~. Summers and motion carried 4-0. Report ~om Tabulating Con~ittee reference to police cars~ (Pour) Police Chief recommended the cars be air conditioned. Mr. SuFfers moued the City purchase cars ~rom Benz Chevrolet with air~ in amount of $8:998, ' Seconded by ~.~. Michael and motion carried 4-0. One (1) 1970 Police Cruiser (Fire Chief) M~, Summers moved that the bid from Benz ChevDolet be accepted in amoun~ of ~2~561. and asked ~,~. Courtney to find the money to have it air con- ditioned. Motion seconded byMr. ~chael and motion carried 4-0. -5- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~ETIHG OCTOBER P1, 1969 Ann Barrett invited councilmen to Board of Realtors Luncheon at the Timbers Restaurant to hear Don Morgan. /~ interested notify City Clerk. Coumeilmen urged to attend Annual Chamber of Commerce Installation Banquet. ~,~eeting adjourned at 11 A. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH: FLORIDA Michael V; Michael, Councilman Le~n~r~ E J N~nd, C~cilman City Cler~ ' -4-