FLORIDA ON OCTOBER 20, 1969 AT 7:50 P.M.
Vincent Jo Gallo~ Sr., Mayor
Thomas ~. Summers~ Vice Mayor
Gilbert H. Collins~ Councilman
Michael V. Michael, Councilman
Leonard E. Nylund, Councilman
Gene ~ioore, City Attorney
Tereesa Padgett,~ City Clerk
This meeting was called to order at 7:50 P.M. by b~yor Gallo. Rev. Douglas
Smith, United Presbyterian Church gave the Invocation; Flag Salute was led
by Councilman Nylund.
Mr. Beyrer, Sterling Village Senior Citizens, .was recognized by Mayor.
ReGu~--~Meet.inG~~~ - October
Minutes of the October 6, 1969 meeting were approved as presented
by M~. M$chael, seconded by Mr. Nylund; carried 5-0.
Mrs. Walter Jackson, 728 N.E. 9th Avenue appeared before Council in regard
to conflict of interest law. She referred to newspaper quotations by Mayor
during July and September. Since she had been out of town she wanted to
know of the I~ayor if he had made these quotations. Mayor Gallo informed
heD-~e was willing to have the law tested and in his opinion he didn't feel
he ~md violated anything. She informed him that anyone running for council
must present any other candidate with charges against them seven days before
election, therefore she took this opportunity to serve notice she 9~uld
present charges against Mr. Gallo.
Rev. Lee, 407 N.W. llth Ave. appeared before council informing them he
tried to get a resolution before them requesting that St.John~s Baptist
Church ~e permitted to participate in obtaining public housing for the u~der
privileged and those living in sub-standard living conditions in the NW
section. He explained they wanted to request Federal Government to finance
through FHA and re~ subsidies.
It was agreed that council would meet with Rev. Lee and their attorneys
and the ~y~r ~ld contact the FHA office inMiami.
One (1) 1970 Police Cruiser -Fire Chief
Four (4) 1970 Police Cruisers - Bids were
police cruisers and fi~e chief's car.
called fo~ at 7:45
P.M. for 4
Mr. Michael moved that bids for above items be closed. Motion seconded by
Mr. Nylund and motion carried 5-0.
William Edeli of O~ean Ridge asked if he could be present when the City
OCTOBER 20, 1969
holds meeting with Rev. Lee and' his attorneys.
Eddie Mitchell, 329 N .E. 12th Ave ,, thanked council for what they have dona
to get 10th Avenue paved but called to their attention this patch job was
not what they wanted. After a big rain it was full of holes again. Mayor
Gallo suggested Mm. Mitehe!lls group contact the county commission for
further action. Mr. Mitchell also requested street improvement in areas
which councilman have jurisdiction also need immediate attention. He
also expressed concern over garbage pickup being considered now by private
concern rather%~than city and wanted to be sure the men did not lose their
Mr. Beyrer, Sterling Village Senior Citizens stated he felt the sooner the
opponents of Leisureville drop all the bad publiaity the better the town
will be. He commended the council for their unti~ing efforts.
Mr. George Coward, Barrow, Attorney representing Barksdale Estate in refer~
ence to land at NW 2nd Ave. and proposed 1-95 inter-change, stated they
wanted to rent this property to an oil company. He felt sometimes Ordin-
ances fail to accomplish purpose they are intended for. He made reference
to Ordinance 69-29, amending zoning code re service stations.
Harry LeForte~ 725 Ocean iL'.D~, inquired about the sign ordinance and
minded council of their oath of office.
Fred Hollingsworth, attorney for residents in Las Palmas Park and Lakeside
Harbor appeared in regard to a permit recently issued for boat storage
facilities. On July 15th 1969 at 2280 N. Federal permit was issued and
property on which it is being censt~ucted is zoned R-3. The 1963 applica-
tion was made for conditional use. O~dinance 63-23 granting conditional
use under Section 1~ Lot 6~ Sam Brown Jr~s. Hypol~×o presently zoned
for operating a Yachtel & Marina said ~If this has not been commenced with-
in 6 months and eompleted within 12 months this permit will be null and
void.~' This was ~ugust 5~ 1963.
Mr. Hollingsworth further indicated a set of plans was not on file in City
Hall. The clients of Mr. Hollingsworth are property owners and they are
objecting to the construction now going on which is a large m~tal structure
interferring with their TV reception. He further indicated the permit
should be revoked at the earliest moment to avoid further hardship to pro-
petty ov~ers. He d~scribed the permit as a ~'wild cat permit'~ issued in
direct contravention to the rights and interests of his clients.
Mayor Gallo advised that the complaint will be taken do%~ verbatim from tke
~ape and t~anscribed. City Attorney said it would be up to Buiidinq In-
spector to give a report. ~. Michael requested the Building Department
report to Council by Noon October 2tst.
James Thompson, representing P.B~Dodge~ W~Palm Bch requested Council to
open bids on cars for Police Department.
OCTOBER 20, 1969
Mrs. Padgett, City Clerk, opened bids as follows:
1. Palm Beach Dodge, West Palm Beach
2. Benz Chevrolet~ Lake Worth
Mr. Nylund moved that bids be turned over to tabulating committee for
further recommendations. Motion seconded by Mr. Summers and motion carried
BIDS ~ AWARDING - Garbage & Trash Pickup
Mr. Stunmers ~oved that the awarding of bids for garbage and trash pickup
be removed from the table. Motion seconded by Mr. Collins and motion
carried 5-0.
F~. Summers moved that low bidder, County Sanitation, be accepted. Motion
seconded by ~,~. Collins. Councilman Michael commented that if a private
business man who has 'to buy occupational licenSe, pay sales tax on equip-
ment, etc. can do this work for this much less than the City there must be
something w~ong with the Cityts management. }.~2. Nylund concurred with
Mr. Michael, and it was felt by Mr. Michael that if this contract goes out
to private enterprise that the Department Heads should have their wages
reduced in proportion to the reduction of their responsibilit~.
Ezell Hester, 1106 N.W. 1st Street, Eddie ~Jitchell, Col. Wehrell, Emily
Jackson: Herman Forbas all spoke in favor of the city retaining the garbage
and trash pickup. Mr. H. G. BarDy, 1026 S.W. 26th Avenue, indicated the
problem that has existed in the past has been due to inferior equipment.
This equipment has not been modern enough to keep up with the demand placed
upon it. Others speaking and makin~ inquiry regarding the future of the
men in this department were Barbara Butler, 204 N.E. 12th,; ~,ins. Lee,
407 ~q 9th Ave.; Ha~ry LeForte; Phil Haire, 3018 Westwood Lane, said he
worked in Belle Glade and County Sanitation~$ service had been discontinued.
Mr. Durwood Jackson and Phil M~reno of County Sanitation then appeared in
their own defense, In response to where they had accounts it was revealed
they picked up garage in Palm Beach Gardens, Ocean Ridge~ Gulf Stream,
~niversity Park, Man~lapan, It was noted they do not have pickup service
for areas the size of Boynton Beach: and there was conSiderable concern
that they do not have retirement plan for their employees.
The Motion carried in favor of hiring the low bidder, County Sanitation
3-2. Gallo: Collins and Summers voted ~'aye~; Nylund and Michael
Mayor Gallo recognized the new Chief of Police who had o~fieially taken
oath of office October 20th at 9:30 A.~{.
Alfred Shepard, representing %%%n. R. Hough Co., O~lando, investment bankers
appeared in regard to obtaining $1,600~000 for enlarging treatment plant.
He suggested a crisis approach could place a loan of $700,000-$800,000
within the next week or two. The other plan would be to develop a plan
ever the next 18 n~Dnths. After discussion, ~. Sunmners moved tb~t the city
OCTOBER 20, 1969
hire William R. Hough & Co.: Orlando, to represent the city as Fiscal Agent
according to terms of agreement. Motion seconded by Fm. Collins and motion
caITied 4-1; Mr. Michael voted ~No~. Mr. Michael v~nted time to study
before voting.
Ed Duffy, Jr. and Charles Fronrath appeared before council, together with
Mr. Lynn France indicating that M~. Farber who develops laz~e fashion
centers and presently ~rking on one in Pompano, is interested in a declara-
tion of intent to annex 220 acres West of Congress: hounded on South by
15th Ave. to construct a center for Burdines, Penneys, Sears Roebuck and
Jordan Marsh and 105 smaller stores. This will he on 80 acres and the
balance of the 140 he would like zoned for apartments, or. high rise, pro-
riding jobs for approximately 2,000. ~. Summers moved that Orddnance 69-37
he passed on first reading. Motion seconded by Mr. Collins and motion
carried 5-0, with instruction that this item ~ill be re£erred to Planning
and Zoning Board.
.LEGAL - ORDINANCES - 2nd Reading
Ordinance 69-29 - Amending zoning code re service stations.
City Attorney read O~dinance 69-29 on Second Reading. Mr. Ny!und moved
that Ordinance 69-29 be passed on second reading. Motion seconded by
Summers and motion carried. Nylund, Summers & Gallo voted ~aye~: Collins
abstained and ~. l~ichae! voted ~No~.
~rdinance 69-30 - Rezoning Lots 27 & 28, Boyntonhorough
City Attorney read Ordinance 69-30 rezoning Lots 27 & 28~ Boyntonborou~n,
Four Seasons Request. ~. Michael moved that Ordinance 69-30 be passed on
second reading. Motion seconded byMr. Summers and motion carried 4-1 with
Collins abstaining.
Qrdinance No. 69-31 - Rezoning acreage tract - Caldos request
City Attorney read Ordinance 69-31 rezoning acreage tract as requested by
Caldos. Motion by ~. StuTters that Ordinance 69-31 be passed on Second
reading. Motion seconded by ~. Ny!und and motion carried 3-1. Mt.Summers,
Nylund and Gallo ~aye~; Mr. Michael ~no~ and Collins abstained.
Qrdinance 69-32 - Rezoning Lots 18 thru 25, Block
Lake Addn.~ - Stroshein request.
City Attorney read Ordinance 69-32 rezoning Lots 18 thru 25, Block 7, Lake
Addn. r~quest by A. Stroshein. Mr. Michael moved that Ordinance 69-32 be
passed on Second Reading. ~otion seconded by Mr. Summers and Motion carried
4-0. i~. Collins abstained.
Ordinance No. 69-33 - Increase in taxi rates
City Attorney read Ordinance 69-33 - request to increase taxi rates. Motion
OCTOBER 20, 1969
by Mm. Michael to pass on first reading. Motion seconded by P~r. Summers
and motion carried 4-0. 1~. Co~tzns absta3~ned.
City Attorney Gene Moore advised the City had been served with suit by
County of Palm Beach in ~e~ard to collecting taxes, ¥~. ~fichae! moved
that the City ~-~ttorney be authorized to proceed to protect the City in this
suit. ~Iotion seconded by 1.lp. Summems and motion ~arried 5-0,
~yor Gallo indicated t~ men attending P, otice Academy had been coming
ek working 3-4 hours and academy compl~'ined about them having additional
womk. Police Chief mecommended they comply %-~ith the law. l~yor Gallo
reeom~aended the men ~e paid full salary and not required to do additional
~o~k except on ~,~ekends.
Summers moved that the t~ men at'tend Police Academy and not be re-
q~il~ed to do additional ?~ork. ~,~otion seconded by ~z~. Michael and motion
carried 5-0.
This meeting recessed at 11:40 P.~i. till 9 ~.M.~ ' tomorrow, October 21 in
Conference Room in City Hall.
Vincent J. G~Io, ~ayor ~ ~ '
Gflbe~t H. Collins
Mmchaet V. Michael, Councilman
Le~'nard' E% Nylund, Cb~lman
Attest; . ,~<~/
City Cle~k ~~