Minutes 08-29-69MINUTES OF SPECIAL ~ETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CI%~ HALL, BOYNTON BEA~H~ FLOP~IDA, FRIDAYs AUGUST 297 1969 AT 1:00 P.M- PRESENT: Vineent J. Gallo, Sr.~ Mayor (~rrived later) Gilbert H. Collins, CounciLman Gene Moore, City Attorney Michael V. Michael, Councilman G.W. Courtney~ City Mg~. Leonard E. Ny!und, Councilman Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk Due to the absence of both ~.[ayor and Vice Mayor, ~. ~iichael nominated M~. Ny!und to semve as Chairman. The choice was unanimous. Mr. Nylund called the meeting to order at 1:10 P.M. ORDINANCES - 2ND RE~,DING }-i~. Moore read O~dinance No. 69-23 adopting the 1969-70 Budget, by caption only. I,~r. Michael moved that subject ordinance be passed and adopted on sec- ond reading. Motion seconded by ~ir. Collins and cermied 3-0. The City Attorney then read Ordirm~noe No. 69-24 amending the 1968-69 Budget, by caption only. Hpon motion made by I~]r. Michael, duly sec- onded by ~ir. Collins: Ordinance No. 69-24 passed on second reading~ 3-0. Ordinance No. 69-25 establishing the position of City Prosecutor was ready by Caption only. ~.Ir. Michael moved that said ordinance be passed and adopted on second reading. Motion seconded by Mr. Collins and carried 3-0. CONSIDER RECO~R~NDBTION OF BUILDING BOARD RE: SIGN ORDINANCE Copies of the attached recommendation from the Building Board were dis? tributed to the members of Council, M~. Michael questioned the legal position of the City at this time on this matter. The City Attorney ~ecommended that this subject be given deep and thorough study before attempting to amend existing ordinance, (Mayor Gallo arrived at this point.) i4r. Coumtney stated that he me~ with the Building Board and felt this %-~as a tempomary stop-gap. Lengthy discussion follo~.?ed. Mr. Michael moved to instruct the Building Department to amend sign standards in accordance with the attached recommendations until such time as the City Council amends the Sign Ordinance. I~iotion seconded by Mr. Nylund and carried 4-0. - t M/NUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 29~ 1969 M~. Michael ~urther moved that size of signs be limited to 8 x 12 during this period of study. Motion seconded by Mr, Nylund and carried 4-0. iL~. Michael moved that the City lZ~nager instruct the Building Department to have final recommendations to the Council within 30 days. Motion seconded by Mr. Nylund and carried 4-0. Instructions were issued to have all licensed sign cont-mactors review the proposed amendments to the sign ordinance before same is presented to the City Council. The City Attorney suggested that the Planning g Zoning Board also be given an opportunity to review the proposed amendments since same should be considered from an aesthetical standpoint. Meeting adjourned at 1:45 P.M. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Padget~City Clerk VincenneS.v ~Fi~ ~ ~ Gilbert H. Collins, Councilman ~Iichaet V. Michael, Councilman - 2 - Augusw 26, 1969 BUILDING BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS TO CITY COUNCIL ON CHAPTER 23, SOUTHERN STANDARD BUTLDING CODE. Modify existing Southern Standard Building Code, Chapter 23, as follows: 1. Ail signs must be able to withst~nC a 60# P.S.F. wind load. 'Ail plans for -- signs over ~fo~ square feet in ~rea ~?as~ bear the signature and seal of a professional engmneer, regzsrered ~. r/ne StaTe of Florida, certifying that such signs will withstand 50# P.S.F. wind Loading. Such plans must be sub- mitted for all signs over forty square fee~-- Ln area. Temporamy signs, now over sixteen square feev ~ azma, may be erected without a permit. Temporary signs, over sixteen sque~e fee~ J~ m~ea, shall require a permit and may be erected for a period of one year. Temporary signs, which do now conz~lr~ !illumination, as an inwegral par~ of the sign, may be made cf co~Lustible material, provided they meet the follow- ing spacing and the winm requirements stated above. Signs u~ ~c fifty square feet in area must be a~ least wen feet from any building. ~igns from fifty square feet to one hundred square feet ~r area, mus~ be aY least fifty feet from ~ny build3Lng. Signs from one hundre{! square fee~ to two hundred squs~e fee~ in area, must be a~ least one hundred feet from any building and signs over ~wo hundred square fee~ in area must be aw leasw ~wo hur~dred feet from any building~ provided however, that no combustible sign shall exceed tliree hundred square feet ~n area. ~rom m'~e date of passage of the ~bove reconmandations, all nonco~fc~r~g signs mn the City of Boynton Beach shall have one yeam plus one six ~nths exten£~on, ai which time all such noneonforming signs shall be removac or made ~o cor~orm. Respectfully submitted, arenee Clar~, Ch~ Boynton ~each Building Board