Minutes 06-16-69MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING HELD AT CITY HALL, ,BQYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA ON lviONDAY JUNE 16. 19~9 AT 7:$0 P.M. PilESENT: Vincent J. C, allo, Sr,, Mayor Thomas A, Sur~mers, Vice R/ayor Gilbert H. Cell/ns, CouncLL~n Michael V. Michael, CounciIm~n Leomard E. N¥1und, Co~cilrn~n Grady W. Courtne¥, City Man~ger Gene Moore, C/~ Attorney Mrs.Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk Mayor G~llo called the meeting to order at 7:30 The ~nvocatien was given by ~ev. Nelson Meyer, First Methodist Church and the Flag Salute was led by Vice Mayor Thomas A. Stmuners o .Recognition o£ Special Guests: Robert Beyrer representing the Senior Citizens of Sterling Village, and Henry Thompson, President o£ the Greater Boynton Beach Chamber cd COZT. LI~.~.e r ce. ,Regular Meeting - June 2. 1969: Mr. Sun~.'ners made the motion that the Minutes be approved as presented. Mr. N¥1und seconded and mot/on unanimously carried. PUBLIC AUDIEN. C E,:,, Cot. Albert ~Vehrell, Boynton Isles came forward to welcome back the City/VIanager, Grad¥ W. Courtney, and also, to correct a statement made in one cd the local newspapers. Frederick Holl/ngsworth, Attorney, came forward to state he was repre- senting residents in Gel/View Harbour but would like to reserve his re- marks /or the second reading of the Ordinance pertaining to the subject. Rober~ Beyrer, Execntive Council Chairman of Senior CiZizens of SterLing Village, urged the Council not to wait until budget time to consider the purchase o£ additional beach property and sug§ested an application be made to H.U.D. immediately. Henry Thompson, President o/the Chamber of Commerce stated he concurs with the previous statement made by i~lr. Beyrer. Page No. I MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING ,J, UNE 16, 1969 . Emily Jackson, 728 N. E. 9th Avenue, stated she is always against borrow- in~ money from the Federal Government, and further, she is opposed to acquirin§ additional beach property since we are unable to police it. Ezell Pies/mr, 1106 N %V. I st Street, stated that any tixne acqt~irim, g funds from the Federal Government is approached we attemp~ to make Light of the situation. LEGAL: Ordinance 69-17 (Second Reading) - 1968-69 Budget Revisions: City Attorne~ read subject Ordinance by caption only. First reading: June Z, 1969. Ivir, Nylund made the motion that Ordinance 69-17 be passed on second read- ing o Rix. ColLins seconded and motion unanimously carried. Ordinance 69-18 (Second Reading) - Rezoning of Parcels - Fox, Stroshein and Robinson ,Req~.ests: City Attorney read subject Ord/nance by cal~ion only. First Reading: June Z, 1969. Mr, Summers made the motion that Ordinance 69-18 be passed on second reading, Mr. Nylund seconded and mot/on carried 4-1, Mr. Michael dissent- OPENING OF BIDS - 7:45 P.M.: Mr. Michael made the motion that t~he receiv/ng of bids be closed. Mr. Nylund seconded and motion unanimously carried. Annual Insurance Program: City Clerk opened a~/d acknowledged receipt o£ the followin~ bids: Pay Allen Insurance Agency, Boynton Beach Swank & O'Leary Insurance Agency, Boynton Beach Mr. Michael made the motion the bids be turned over to the Tabulating Committee for their recommendation, and/urther, that they presenl their recomlmendation within the week so that bids can be awarded before the City% present insurance expires on Suly 1st. Ivir. Nylund seconded and motion unanimously carried. Page No. Z h4~IUTES REGULAR COUNCIL ~LEETING JUNE 16~ 1969 , OrdLuance 69-16 (Seccnd P~eading~ - Granting Special Exception - Caldos Req~est: City Attorney reed s,abject Ordinance by cap.on only. First Reading: June 2, 1969. IvIayor Gallo asked if we are in receipt cd the t~te-of-way Deed for 15th Ave. and the City A~orne¥ answered in the n~egative. Frederick Hollingsworth,Attorney, stated he represented residents of View Harbour. namely: Mrs. Hugh Crull. 2315 S. W. llth Ave.; Dr. and lVLrs. Eschenbu~g, $. Wo 24th Ave.; Mr. and Mrs. Constantine N. Kay, 1067 S.W. Z4th Ave.; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Massie, 1083 $. W. 24th Ave.; Mr. and Mrs. Erie Meyer, 1036 $. W. 27th Place; Dr. and Mrs. Marion N, Weems, Jr., 1075 S. W, 25thAveo; Mr. and lvirs. David M. White, 1077 S. W. 25th Way. Mr. Hollingsworth then went on to challenge the validity of Ordinance 68-19 regarding Speclal Exceptions which was adopted by the City December 1.1968. Much discussion ensued. ivLr. Michael made the motion the granting ct/the Special Exceptions be tabled until such t/me as the right cd way deed for 15th Avenue is presented to the City and the City Attorney has an opportunity to study the legality cd the Ordinance in question, and advise the City Council as to his decision. Mr. Nylond seconded and motion unanimously carried. OTHER: Consider, Settleme~o£Hall~in Account (On the Table): Cit~ Attorney advised the City Council of the status cd the account te date, and it was decided that it would remain on the table. Acquisition 0f Kight of Way between S. W. 23rd and 24th Avenues: City Attorney stated he has received a letter from Feed G. Benson in which he states he is asking $2,500.00 for the parcel of land in question - (50' of Lot 1, Benson Heights). Mr. Moore further stated that Lot 1 is appraised by the City at $2 ,$50.00 and it is his reco~arnendation that the City accept the offer. Page No. 3 MINUTES I~EGULAR COUNCIL MEETING ~,~E 16, 1969 Stanley Weaver, Ch~irn~n of the l~lanning & Zoning Board came forward and stated that ~e Board considers ~e acq~sifion of ~s parcel ~ ~ of great b~e/it to the CiW ~ ~e ~e, and fur~er r~es~d a mee~g ~ ~e CiW Co~cil; Ci~ ~eer. CiW's R~d Pla~g Boa~; Repres~fives cd ~e S~te Road De~r~ent and ~ CiW Manger te discuss ~e problems cd 1-95. Mr oSuramers made the motion the City Attorney be pe~nitted to negotiate for this parcel of land obtaining a cert/fled appraisor to submit his appraisal of the propert~ ~ the City IvLan~ger be authorized to t~ke the necessary amount cd money from the contingency fund to purchase this property. Mr Nylund seconded and motion unanimously carried. OLD B US1NESS: l~eport on Study Made Re:Distance Requirements of Service Stat/ohs (On, the Table): Rerr~in on the table, w/th the recommendation of Mr. Michael ehat the City IVL~n~ger's name be removed from this item since it is in the b~nds of the Planning and Zoning Board. Request of John Adams Re: Distance Requirements on Service Stations (On the, Table): , Reraain on the table. Comprehensive Study on Water & Sewer Serv/ce Outside City Limits .(On _t-h~ Table): Remain on the t~ble. l~eport on Garbage Study (On.the Table): Remain on the table until such time as the City Manager presents his budget recommendations to the City Council. Acqui~i,t/on o£ Property Adjginin~ City P]all: Remain on the table. Correspondence from Irwin Langbein, Attorney Re~ De-annexation of PaLm Beach Memorial Gardens - DeclaeatorY ~ud, gmen$~ Mayor C~llo rend correspondence from lrwin Langbein in which he advised the City the results of subject suit against the City /~ud also, stated he would file for re-hearing at no additional charge to the City. Page No.4 }MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING ! .~. _E_.! 6~., 1969 1Vir .Michael made the motion that Mr. Langbein be instxucted to proceed as outlined in his letter dated Sune 5, 1969, and his bill in the amount of $i, 136,70 be paid. Mr. Nylund seconded and motion u~!~nously carried. _Adopt Rules Re: Cene~al File System/On the Tab!e~: Rennin on the table for City Manager's Recommendation. IViicrophone Sytem in the Counc~ C~h=,~hers: Mr. Michael recommended the public address system be properly repaired irregardless of the costs involved. NEW SUSINESS: Letter of Commendation l~e.' l~plice and Fire Mayor Gallo read letter from Gordon L. Roe and Mrs. O. G. Valentine in which they commended the Police and Fire Departments on their promptness and kindness during their time of bereavement. Correspondence from ~rilli~m E. H/Il, Co~Inty Engineer l~e: N.W. ZZn. d Avenue Kight of Way: Mayor Gallo read the letter received from the County Engineer in which he requested the City to protect the right of way on N.W. 22nd Avenue /or a proposed usable road from 1-95 westerly to Congress Avenue. City Attorney adv/sed that if the City approved this request, he would recornrnend the action be formalized by Resolution. Mr ,Summers made the ruction that we do npqt allow bttildin§ permits in this area without the approval of Council and l~Jann/n~ & Zonin~ Board ~ city A orney pr pere, aesol.tion to ' fect f i;hael and motion unanimously carried. ADMINIS TR.A TIVE? Consider Request of Mrs. Eleanor P,¢¢er, Utilities City Manager requested th/s item be tabled for further study Page No. 5 lvLINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL 1VLEET~G JUNE 16~ 1969 ,., ~Lr. Iv~ichael made the motion this item be tabled tmtil the ne~ Regular ~e ting a~ which time the item be removed fro~l tile table for discussion. Mr. summers seconded and motion unani~nously carried. .Contract/or CitV Aud/tor - Fiscal Year 1968-69, Haw~in- & ~*on: Mr. Michael made the motion the City enter into the Contract with Haw/~/ns and Ham/lton for the fiscal year October I, 1968 thru September 30, 1969. IVLr ,Suran~ers seconded and motion m~nimously carried. Contract with National. Chapels Mr. Summers made the motion ~hat the Contract for the dis/nterment and /ntern~ent of five (5) hmma~ remains be executed between the City and Nation= al Chapels Mortuary. Mr. Co11/ns seconded and mot/on unanin~usly carried. Request o£ Earl Wallace for transfer of Taxi Franchise: Mayor Gallo stated that Ivir. Tomberg, attorney for Mr. Wallace , has asked this item be stricken from the Agenda o Ezell Hester asked if Mr. Wallace had an exclusive franchise to operate his taxi service. City Attorney stated the Council co~ld grant an addi~onal franchise i~ the situation so warranted. LIST OF PAYMENTS MADE IN MAY: 1Vir. 2V/ichael made the motion the List of l~ayxnents be accepted. Mr. Nylund seconded and motion Unanimously carried. Page No. 6 MI%NUTES P~EGULAi{ COUNCIL tVi~ETING ,JUNE 16, 1969 . APPROVAL OF BILLS: City Clerk presented the ~ollowing bills s~ating flaey h~d been checked by Finance and approved by the Ci~7 Manager: iVlor[on Chain Co. Griffin Equipment Inc. C~.~mber of Commerce for lV~ay iV~r. biichael made the motion these bills be paid. and moron unanimously carried. $ 623.20 $1,925.00 $1,227.53 Ivir. Summers seconded There being no fur[her business, l~r. Summers made the motion ~he meeting be ad, or, ned. Mr. Michael seconded and motion urmnimously carried. Meeting adjoined at 9:20 P.M. kichael V. ~i~aet, Co~ci~n Leo~rd ]~. Nylu~ d. ( rs) Tereesa Clerk Page No.7 PAYMENTS MADE IN MA_Y BY DATE MAY 1, MAY 6, 7, 9, 13, 15, HAZ ' ~Z 28, NAY 29, 1969 ...... .~ ........................... 3, 71 !. 29 i969 .................................. ~, 689.30 1969 .................................. 1 73.10 1969 .................................. 149.08 1969 .................................. 3, 238. 52 1969 .................................. 165.19 1969 .................................. 30, 4 76. 6I 1969 .................................. 10. O0 i969 .................................. 5, 458. 62 1969 .................................. 44, 90 19~9 .................................. 45, 115.50 1969 .................................. 11, 8?8.36 1969 .................................. 5, 068.55 1969 .................................. 7, 790.1.2 1969 ................................. 1 O, 45 ?. 50 1969 .................................. 1,106, B6 196'9 .................................. 20, 984.126 1989 .................................. 8, 855:, 89 1969 .................................. 2, 43~,. 02 1989 .................................. 2, ~25:.'52 1969 .............................- --- - 12, 252~ i29 $180, $4I~8 PAYMENTS HADE BY FUNDS GENERAL FUND .................................. 98,085.6~ WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND ...................... WATER DEPOSITORS FUND .......................... SEWER REYENUE FUN$ ............................. SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND- .................... RETIRA~ENT TRUST FUND ......................... POLIGE RETIREMENT T~UST Fu~D ................... EIREHEN'S RELIEF ~ PENSION FUND ................ PUBLIGITY FUND ................................. BOYNTON BEAGH i~EHORIAL PARK .................... CIZIO GENTER BOND SINKING FUND ................. $180, 341.48 35, 789.80 265. O0 $0, 975.34 323.50 196.46 88~. ~ 7 84-. 10 !, 882.44 10, 22 7. 22 1 ~ 662.50 PAYMENTS MADE IN I~AY, i969 M~Y 1, 1969 969 1969 ~GENERAL FUND 20807 CITY OF B.B. FrRE DEPT. 20829 CITY OF B.~. PETTY C~SH 20830 W~ZTT MAcDowmLL 208310rzY OF B.B. WATm~ Dmpr. 20832 GmNE MOORE 208$$FLoa~Ncm M. SULLr~N 2083~ SeuT~m~m PA~E~ Co~zNY 20855 Mo~m~ Roo~rN~ ~ Ark GON~ITrONrNe WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 11595 W~f~T I~cDowE~L ~RETIREMENT TRUST FUND 0562 REN~ B. O~Ima 0563 OLrr~m R. ~ALLACE 'FIREMEN'S RELIEF ~ PENSION FUND 260 H~OLD P. Hm~Rrm~ 261JO~N M. TUrTE GENERAL FUND 20836 CITY OF B.B. P~aOLL FaNm 20837 CITY OF ~.B. POLICE RET. FUND 20838 B.B. RET. TRUST FUND 20839 B.B. CrTY FEm. GRmDrT UN~ON ~ATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 11596 CITY OF B.B. P~YRo~,L FUND RETIREMENT TRUST FUND 0551 REFUSE ANDREWS SEWER REFENUE FUND 2602 CITY o~ B.B. PAYROLL FUND GENERAL FUND 20840 KmN SNOW 20841 G.W. OOURTNEY 208~2 GrTY Om B.B. PETTY $520. B6 20.93 132. O0 23~3.75 126. O0 1~. O0 3~. 7~ 226.20 3~i 7. 2~.00 2~.00 50.68 136.12 185.70 24.27 59.83 5925.69 102.50 1 70.13 553~. O0 6751.32 10~9.9~ 1049.9~ ,, 2.71 2.71 886.33 886.33 100. O0 10 173.10 $$711.29 8689.30 1 73.10 _a Y Y 7, 1969 1969 PIYMENTS MADE IN M~4Y, 1969 (GoaT.) ·WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8234 A'ceT. oF Rr¢~RD BLmYL 8235 Aee~. oF GmES~E~ ~. H~NSO~ 8236 H~S. Lo~sE G~rm 8257 W~. f. ST~N~ER 8258 E~Lmm~ H~L 8239 ACCT. OF CLIFFORD PROTINCE 8240 ~CCT. OF C. L. DEEN ~/ATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 11597 R~cs~RD BLEYL 11598 HRS. M~RCmL~ PRO~rmCE 11599 G.L. DEE~ RETIRemENT TRUST FUND 0554 HERBERT ZOBEL GENERAL FUND 20846 FOREST LAKE BINDERY 20847 DO~D S. LATI~NE. INc. 20848 N~T. R~C~E~TrON ~ P~m ASSC. 20849 208~0 20851 20852 20853 20854 20855 20856 20857 20858 20859 20860 20861 20862 20863 20864 20865 35.00 25.00 10.00 7.50 7. 50 7. 50 7. 50 7.50 7. 50 7. 50 4.72 5.20 5.20 15.12 3.96 $ 149.08 138.45 40.50 50. O0 ED CLINTON TRUCmINe Gl. 60 FLORrD~ CITY M~NAGEaS' ASSOCI~TrON 6.00 RODS ~ GUNS ox DELa~Y, INC. 295.79 Ga~Y~aC Oo~p~r, INc. 28.05 G~AYBAa E~ECraIC Go., iNC. ~9.67 H~rmr~ Poo~ E~rp~. Co., I~¢. 20.76 H.F. ~soN E~rp~. Go~p. 16.80 C~ms L. HmYm~ & So,¢ 30.00 90NALD L. BEEFES 97. ~mEELER & K~NGSTON, INC. Xmaox Coaponz~roN 111.41 '1~80. 30 PA!~IENTS HADE IN HAY, 1969 .9 1969 WATER SYSTEH BEYENUE FUND 11600 F~E.O B.~a~ oN~ 11601 11602 11603 1160~ 11605 P~o. INc. ~'~SEWER 0724 072~ 0726 0727 0728 0729 0730 0731 WATER DEBOSIT FUND Ho~Es BY LEoN ACCT. Acc~. Acc~. ACC~. ACCT. ACCT. OF HO~ES BY LEON OF LOUISE ~VI~ OF STANLEY f~YLOa OF O~RL uSEWER REKENUE FUND 2~0~ Lo~sE ~ 2605 S~sY £~Y~oa Pao. ~tATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8241Accz. OF Mas. Gmo. LaTCm~m 82~2 Acc~. OF Famn BAaBONr JPUBLIGITY FUND 262 B.B. Os~sma OF Gommmacm 263 R.L. Gao'~moNs ParN~rN~ '£OYNTON BEAGH MEMORIAL PARK 1~. 9~ 27~. 80 ~.72 ~. 20 $. 20 18. 8~ 15. O0 7.~0 ?. 50 16.90 ?. ~0 7.50 1~. ~0 26. O0 1 O2. ~0 260.18 4:. 8. O0 262.88 7.50 25. O0 7.50 4:0.-0-0 968.91 23.90 982. 81 4:2.42 4:2.4:2 32/38.52 1969 ~ GENERAL FUND 20866 G~Y OF B.B. PETTY OAsm 22.97 20867 Gr~Y ox B.B. PErr~ G~sm 4:3.28 20868 Or~Y OF B.B. PE~TY G~S~ 98.94: 165.19 165.19 IY 9. 1969 ~GE~[ERAL FUND 20869 UrTY OF B.B. PAYROLL FUND 20870 G~ O~ B.B. Pongee RE~. F~S 20871 B.B. R~~ T~z~ F~N~ 20872 B.B. R~r~m~N~ T~S~ F~ 2087~ Cr~Y o~ 2087~ Fras~ Bz~ OF ~.B. 20875 HSN~Y'S 20876 Jo~'s 20877 B~ 20~79 P~cARm OmmM~cz~ 20880 Smwm~L H~R~w~m Go. 20881 H~e~z~ ~ Assoc~zms, P FUNm INc. INc. 20883 2088~ 20886 2088~ 20~ 20892 20896 20~? 2089~ 20~9. 2096 20~ Gum ~No GozN SHop ~ESTU~NT SE~FICE 15, 055.67 102.50 $61. ~$ 1, 08~. O0 180.60 3, 62~. 69 ~0. £0 79.70 ~5.86 59. 25 56. 50 28.. 5.8 1,000, O0 ~5. 50 $9~ 15 t?.O0 ! 02. 99 21. O? 269. 20 386. 10 16. 89 2~. O0 29~. 2~ 189.40 18,, 50 54.80 6. 39 387. ~0 15~ 40 ~7. 85 235.. 4~ $25, 5~$~ ~1 PA~ENTS ~ADE IN ~A~, ~969 ~0o~o) ~Y 9, ~969 12 1969 13 1969 '~WATER S~STEH RE?ENUE FUND 11606 GITY OF B.B. P~YaOLL F~mm 1~607 1160~ 11609 11610 BENZ OHEFROLET~ INC. 1,810.04 · 95 1.77 450. O0 2, 336.46 5I. 51 15. O0 4, 66 7. 72 WAT£R DEPOSITORS FUND 82~ AccT. oF How~a~ 8245 AccT. oF J~ms E. 7. 50 7..50 ~SEWER RETENUE FUND 2606 GiTY o? B.B. P~Yao~L F~mD 845.36 2607 EaN~ Sa~mma ~. O0 2G08 N~N S~zmmm~ 8.00 2609 H. GHATS DANLEY JR. 3.99 2611 HEW~L ~ODUCTS OF P~LM BCH., INc. 200.00 ~EWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 0732 AccT. o? ~ax~ Sa~mma 15.50 0733 Acc~. oF N~Tm~m STmcmE~. 15.60 0734 AccT. oF H. G~r~rs D.~mLmY JR. 15.50 ~UBLIGITY FUND 265 B.B. Cm~mmma OF GO~EaCE BOYNTON BsAGH H~ORI2L PARK FUND 266 G~F STnm~m L~sma Go. 899.63 899.65 16~.80 'GENERAL FUND 20912 GHaTs Ros~som lOu'O0 10.00 WATER SYSTEH R£KENUE FUND llG13 BLt~z-Oaoss BL~E-S~TE~ OF FL~., 11614 G~L~ O~L Goap. IWC. 174.73 55.86 391.9 ? 622.56 $0, ~ 76. GI 10.00 1969 1969 PAYMENTS H.~DE IN HA~ 1969 / /GENERAL FUND 20913 BL~E-Gaoss BLUE-SSZELm OF FLA., 20914 BL~m-Oaoss BL~m-$~m~ OF F~, 20916 A~mm Ims~cm A~mNcY 20918 Ro~m~A 20919 N~mo~ L~m I~s. 20920 Jo~ H. 20922 Bm~ K~ow~ms 2092~ G~o~ 20924 G~s E. 20925 9r~ 20928 G~x 0~ Oo~p. 20929 ~Px~m 2~30 O~rY o~ B.B. 20~31 P~r~so~'s 20~2 EO~s~ Co. OF FLA. INC. ~INDE.~Y SEWER REYENUE FUND 2612 B~¢E G~oss-B~E 2613 G¢~ 0~ Goap. 614 WALKE~ PPCOCESS E~UIPT. REITREHENT TRUST FUND GENf~AL WJND 20933 OrTY OF B.B. PETTY 2093~ WTLLrE DEN$ON Igc. 15 76.72 INc. 20. O0 2~0. O0 85. O0 87. 20 212.1 7 15. O0 25. O0 t. O0 · . 50 ~. O0 20. O0 10.00 10. O0 1276. 351.85 1~2. O0 211.88 107. I~ 75.15 14.55 196.84 1.05 1.05 16.90 10.00 26.90 v WA TER 11616 SYSTEM REVENUE FUND CITY oF B.B. PETTY G~sm $. O0 3. O0 WATER $2~7 DEPOSITORS FUND EmwAam M. 7.50 7.50 "~SEWEB & WATER DEPOSIT FUND 0735 Acc~. OF DPt. R~Y J. Fossmm 5458.62 7.50 ---77F0 ~.9o PAYNENTS MADE IN MAY, 1969 I~AY 15, 1969 ~GENERAL FUND 20955 MZcKnEa 'S 20956 ~ B~sm~mm~ 20937 Do~s~mm~Y & Go., 20958 OA~pmm~ ~ H~, I~c. 20939~U~s~ Boom 20940 R~o~ Ho~s~ School 209~I B~E~ T~Y~o~ 209~6 G~ Hoo~ 209~7 O. J. O~sLsY 209~8 E~:~s HeAleY 20949 O~rY oF B.B. PE~TY WJ~TER SYSTEH REVENUE FUND 11617 NOamAZ¢ H~rmmA 11619 jAmES R. 11620 HRS. LArS 11621 PAoF. J.L. JONES 11630 i~F~Z~ Rm~. BO~D SEWER REVENUE FUND 2615 Hsa~sa~ L. 2627 Rm~u~mz~ ~EF. ~OND 'WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8248 Accz. oe NoamA~ M~xmA 8249 Acc~. oe J~s. R. K~mma 8250 ~ccT.-, om Jo~ H Sc~r~ 8252 Acc~. oF PaoF. J. L. JoNms ~E~R ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 0736 HAYms Ooms~. Go. 0?3? ~ccz. of HEamEa~ ~. ~aOWN 1969~ GENERAL FUND 20942 NA~mAm~EL DAmE ~ Go. 2094-3 20944 C~Y OF B.B. Po~zcs RE~. F~mm 209~5 B.B. 20950 8or~ro~ Orzr Fmm. CaEmr~ Umrom 48.01 $0.14 82.20 75.81 96.~9 82.14 88.00 10.00 10. O0 25. l$ 643: 5 SINKrNG 1.59 2.20 5.20 3.20 20588.~8 20604.81 4. O0 SzmmrNe23752.94 23756.94 15.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 50.00 15.50 65.50 94.09 6~$3.91 110.84 185.23 541.00 7~10.u7 45115~5, PAYMENTS MADE IN MAY, 1969 (CONT.) 16, 19, 1969 1969 /WA TER 11622 SYSTEM REVENUE FUND GTTY oF B.B. PAYHO~,~, F~rND ~EWER REVENUE FUND 2616 GrTY o~ B.B. GIVIO CENTER BOND SINKING FUND 267 CHASE MANHATTAN Bz~, POLICE RETIREMENT TRUST FUND 268 JOHN D.G. ~M.4~r~r~r~ /GENERAL FUND 20951 CrT~ o~ B.B. PETTY CASH 20952 F~,OSrDA NEWS 20953 Tsor~ezs INC. 2095~ SOa~SN B~ T~P~ON~ Go. 20955 Soa~a~ Bz~ f~r~o~z Go. 20956 G~Y o~ B.B. 20957 Ar~zNcz Ara GO~Dr~rONrN~ 2095~ A~zs E~ZCTaICZ~ 20959 Aa~orsoD~c~s, INc. 20960 B.B. Grvrc Gmy~ma Bo~ 20961 Bz~s~ 's Woorcs~, 20965 Goas~ R~cosrs 20966 DmMzsco Tszc~o~ 20968 Gz~os G~ms~ Go. ~WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 11623 SOUTHERN BE5L TESEPHONE CO, 1162~ G~TY OF B.B. WATmS DEPT. 11625 A~TO~SOr¢CTS I~¢. 11626 BaSSOa¢HS GOSPOSATrO~ 11627 FOSr METES BOX Gomma~Y, INC. WA TEB .DEPOSITORS FUND 10~7.82~ 104~ 7. 82 871.50 871.50 1662.50 1662.50 881.47 33.53 167.94 4.2? 1G. O0 801.50 538.46 9.60 27.05 !30.48 1500.00 330.50 256.27 27.36 55.00 150.97 492.60 ~539.53 10.70 59.66 10.38 56.50 166.80 "'50~.0~ . 7,'50 ' 7,50 11878. PAYME~rTS MADE IN MAY, 1969 (Oo~T.) 1969 1969 1969 SEWAR REYENUE FUND 261 7 FLoarn.~ Powmn ~ Lz~zT 0'o. 2618 Jomm L. Aacr~rm PLt~m~rm~ I~r¢. 2619 OrTrms Sma~'zcE OI~ Go. 2620 F~mm~rou'sE E~m, cr~ic S~;,pL¥ Imc. 14-1.88 32. 70 25. 08 1 7.82 21 7. 4-8 5068.55 ~GENERAL FUND 20967 G[TY 20969 P~i~m Bm.~cs Jtrm~o~ ~O~tm~E 20970 lyes. 20971 TEE 20972 ff. O. D~vrs 20973 LA~Y 7372. 50 12. ~0 85. O0 25. O0 i0. O0 100. O0 18. O0 WWATER SYSTEM REY~UE FUND 11628 D.W. S~o~mn 11629 P~_~_- Bm~c~ J~ro~ GoL~E~E 11631F.H. £~ns 2.59 25.00 4-.24- $I. ~3 J SEWER RETE~UE FUND 2621 2622 F.-H. K~ 2623 P~ OOL~E~E 10.79 8.00 25.00 WATER DEPOSITORS FrJND ~254- AccT. oe W~Tzn J. B~mEn 8255 AccT. oF Josm R. SA~T~nnEW 7.50 7.50 ?. 50 22.50 SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 0758 ACCT. OF D. W. 0739 AccT. OF Wm. HELFE~ 074-0 AccT. 074-1 AccT. o~ Ho~ms BY Lmom- a7~5 AccT. 7.50 23.50 7. 50 7.50 15.50 ~ 50 69.00 7790.12 JGENERAL FUND 20975 ASmES STomm~ 209?6 B.B..POLICE Dm~T. 20977 G~TY o~ B.B. PETTY 20978 B~o-D~T Imc. 80979 KwrK-O~mm S~mn N~nmET 15. O0 167. O0 68.77 8.72 13.74 1969 _ YM~7~T~ MADE IN HAY, 1969 / WA TER SYSTEM REVENUE ~ 1163~ GrTY o~ B.B. P~ / SEWER REVENUE FUND 2624 Fto~r~ m~s~ Go~s? R~rnw~Y Go. 2625 :2626 Ros~. $. ~0 10. $0 5.20 5.20 1.39 25.99 110. O0 9.56 6.10 125.68 ~WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8258 A~6c~. =SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 07~_~ Acc~. os Rosz. ScsEg~E~ 7.50 7. ~0 15. O0 ~ 7. 60 BOY, TON BEAGH ~I/MORIA~ PARK 270 B.B. F~s~ Y 22, 1969 GE_~AL FU~iD 20980 O~s~mY So~ 20981 G~e S~x~m L~m~ Go. 20982 J~cm's G~ 20983 Wsr~ M~cDowm~ 2098~ Nz~ro~L S~rT~TrON Fo~ro~ 20985 P~L~ BE~C~ T~r ~ S'~r~ Go, I~a. 20986 I~¢~ Book 20987 Jos~ J. 20988 ~OLLYE JEFFERSON 20989 RoeE~ 20990 J~CKSO~ ~s 20991 B.B. Pogrom DEP~RT~ENT 2099~ R~srm Oo~s~c~o~ Go.- 20995 S.~ow ~o 20996 S~m~m~so~ Smm~ S~o~m 2099? Sswm~ H~w~m Go. o~ L. W., I~c. 20998 E~c F, Y~o~ B~s. M~cs~ms, I~c. 20999 10000.00 10000.00 127.50 ~5.30 61.60 71.50 2.00 13.32 5~.3~ 10.00 20.00 23.01 85.$8 50.00 5,.65 71~96 30.00 12,82 19.42 23~90 "845~80 10~$7.50 1969 WW2 TER 11638 11639 11640 11645 ./ ~/ WA T ER PAYMENTS ~¥ADE IN HAY, 1969 DEPOSITORS FUND ACCT. OF JUNrUS T. H~Rars (aoN .) 1969 /GENERAL FUND 21000 CITY OF B.B. P~YRoLL FUND 21001 Crrr OF B.B. POLrCE RETIREMENT 21002 BOYNrO~V CZTY Fz~za~ Gazm~ UNrON 21003 B.B. RETZRE~ENZ Ta¢s~ FUND 2100~ 21005 Frasr B~NK OF BOYNTON 2! 006 Pz ~/AT£R SYSTE~ REKENUE FUND 11641 JuNr~s T. Hzaars 11642 Gr~Y oF B.B. P~Y~OLL 11643 ~RS. E.£. G~ENN %~EWER O745 ~p WATER D~_ OSIT FUND DEH~CO ~ SONS %/WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8260 GL~ENCm LOREE 8261 Acer. OF M~S. E.L. ~LENN SEIZER RE?ENUE FUND 2628 GrzY oF B.B. 1969 a GENERAL FUND 21007 FLo~rl)~ Powm~ ~ Lz~HT Go. 21008 C~rY OF B.B. 21009 21010 28.85 87.66 128.80 8.25 253.56 ,,, 7.50 7.50 15011.74 91.80 880. O0 352.31 PEN. Fl) 183.55 3758.03 6. O0 18283.43 2.90 1721.45 7. 80 1 732.15 15. O0 15. O0 7.50 7.50 15. O0 938.68 93~.68 5489.34 112.26 40.56 16.60 1106.86 20984.26 26, 1969 /~k~y 2~, 1969 PAYI~ENTS HADE IN H_~Y, 1969 WATER SYSTE~¥ £EYLNUE FUND li64~ F~oRt~ Powm~ ~ Lr~m~ Co. 21~1. 04 2181.04 '~'SEWER REKENUE FUk-D 2629 FLORIDA POWER ~ Lm~m~ Go. 2630 GI~ OF B.B. W.~mR D~PT. ~! 5.35 £78.74 994.09 8855.89 gENERAL FUND 21011 P.~mImsox's L~w~v HOWER SERr'ICE ~1.45 21012 H~cr~m Oom~oz~ Soc~, Imc, ~.00 2101~ BE~ O~r~ ~0.00 21 O1 ~ B.B. Fr~mmm~' s A ~xr~ r~Y 29.80 21015 Ocm~ O~z~ L~m~ Go. 19.20 21016 A~cm 2r~ Oo~r~o~r~ 29.95 21017 BO~mZON AUtO S¢PRLY, ImC. 23.52 21018 Bor~o~ WmL~ ~ P~P, I~c. 57.56 21019 Tmm B~o~ms I~=s~mczo~ 5.00 21020 D~s. Cox, Fo~w ~ W~L~so~ 1~.00 21021 Dm~Y BEtas ~{mws Jo~ G8.28 21022 Dm~Y Oo~c~mrm P~oo~c~s Go. ?0.00 2102~ DEH~co T~CTO~ ~ Ism~m~mN~ Go. 87.61 2102~ Dora'S F~ms~oxe Dm~ma E~o~m 231.27 21025 E~r~m~rz~ ~hc~mm Go., I~c. ~95.00 21026 FLAMINgo OIL CO. 22.35 21025 GEO~¢E W. Fow~ Go., I~c. 16.40 21028 F~m~ossm ~LECT~TC SCPPLY, INC. 2~.12 21029 GEmE~L CMO SALES ~ SERVICE 159.02 WATER SYSTE~ REYENUE FU~D 1!6~7 P.~Lm Bm~cm Ju~oa COLLE¢E 12.~0 11648 D~rs 11650 A W K I~VDUSTarES 106.00 11651 Dz~s HE,ma & S~p~Y Go. 186.~5 7~3.59 2~34.02 :Y 28, 1969 GENERAL 21030 ~ENEP~AL ~LECTRIC Co. 33.71 21031 GENERAL TIRE SERVICE 24.14 21~2G~a~Tz B~E P~r~Tm~ 1 79.03 21035 O.~. O¢SLEY 5. O0 2103~ ELLIS McAao~ 5. O0 21 03~ GULFSTREA~ LUMBER CO. 62. 21036 O'LERK OF CIRCUIT COURT PALH ~EACN 21037 COMMISSIONER OF HOTOR YENrCLES 7.00 21038 ~LLIED ONLORINE ~ CHEmiCAL PRO., INC. flay 28, 1969 1~69. PAYMENTS MADE iN MAY, 1969 (CoNf.) ~ENER2L FUND (VomT.) 21059 Hz~smY & GRIFFITH, INC. 21040 Hm~'s 21041 I~E~Z~ONZ~ 21042 Jz 114.94 27. O0 402.90 27. 42 i OGO. 76 JWATER SY£TEH REVENUE FUND 11652 R.L. GR~mmoNs PS~NT~m~ ?$.¥0 I!6~55 GO~SS~O.NER oF ~o~oa Vm~c~s 3. 50 1165~ ~ED Gz~oar~m ~ GHm~ZC~L P~om~c~s, . 11655 GULFSTREAM ~mss, INc. 200. ~0 J SEWER RE~ENUE FUND 2651 H-~SE:' ~ G~FF~TZ~. INC. 26~4 ALLIED OHL~RINE ~ OHEPI. -RETIREMENT TRUST FUND 0556 Sz~zz~osE O. Scz~zo GE.~IERAL FU~%~ 21043 S~z~w's Rmszzu~N~ 21044 Wr~LI,~z~ £mLSZ~, INC. 21045 H.F. MEsoN E~urpT. CORp. 21046 MODmaN FL~SZ~aS, INC. 21047 NA~rONZL LINEN SERVICE 210~8 Or~Y OF B.B. Pzr~oLn FuND 210~9 Cr~Y OF B.B. POLICE RET. FUND 21050 B.B. RETIREMENT TRUST FUND WATER SYS'2EM REY~NUE FUND 11656 G~TY oF £.B. P~Yao~ FUNDs SEWER REVENUE FUND 2632 GIT¥ oF B.B.PAY~OZ, L RETIREMENT TRUST FUND 0559 Rr¢~.~s Gulp Pao. INc. 556.10 9.31 69 ?. O0 · 35 .35 3.40 12.93 !90. O0 73.50 28. 78 8589. 71 123.62 192.57 55~ 00 9 764.51 1598.82 1598.82 866.27 866.27 2325.52 2.69 2.69 12232. ,~9