V~c~t J. G~lo, Sr.. ~r G~e ~ore, Ci~ A~orney
Tho~s A. S~s, V~e ~yor ~e C~,De~ C~ ~erk
~l~rt H.Co]]i-~, ~c~n
~o~rd E. Ny~nd, Co~cilm~
~r ~o ca~ ~ mee~g ~ order at
The ~v~a~on ~s ~v~ ~ Ha~ld ~. Hopk~, D~e~r of~c Wo~
and ~e F~g Sal~ ~s~d ~ ~yor V~cent
In~od~tion 0f S~ci~ Guests:
Ro~rt Beyrer repres~g ~e Seni~ Gi~zens
~e~r Mee~n~ - ~v 19,, !969
~r. Nyl~d ~de ~e mo~on ~t ~e M~utes he approved as pres~d.
~r. S~ers seco~ed and moron ~ously ~rried
Col. Albe~ W~rell, Boynton Isles read a prepared s~tement ~ Co~cil
which s~ted ~t at least ~ree Co.cji members were ~volved in wor~g
wi~ ~e developers of Leisurev~e ~ereby crating a co~tict of ~terest.
~ne (1) ~r Conditioner - ~brary:
~yor ~Ilo s~ted ~e Tabu~t~g Co~ee ~d reco~ended ~dvan~
~r Condi~oning in ~e a~t of $1,036.00.
Mr .S~mers s~ted it was no~ ~e low bid b~ the o~er bidder did not give
~r or ~terial for ~e first year, nor did they ~ve a [~lter w~ch ~s
req~red in ~e s~c~ca~ons.
~r. Nyl~d ~de the ~on ~h~2 Ad. nco ~ir Con~fioning be ~warded ~e
bid ~ ~e amour of $1,036.00 as reco~en~d by ~e Tabu~ng Co~i~ee.
Mr.S~ers seconded and m~on ~nimously carried.
Page No. I
..J, UNE Z, 1969
,.O.rdinance 69-15 {Second Reading) Kezoning l~rcels A th~u E, Caldos:
City Attorney read subject Ord/nance by caption only. First read/ng: May
19, 1969.
Mr ,Summers made the motion that Ordinance 69-15 be p~ssed to second
reading. M~. Collins seconded ~nd motion unanimously ca~:iedo
~)rdinance 6~I& {First Reaalng) Granting.Special Exception - Caldos:
City Attorney read subject Ordinance in its entirety.
tVLr, Nylund made the motion ~h~t Ord/nance 69-16 be passed to second read-
lng. MroCollins seconded.
IVLr. Nylund questioned whether the right of way deed/or lSth Avenue had
been received by the City.
Mr .Sun, reefs questioned the ~alnimum floor area as listed in the special
exceptions and asked the City Attorney //the "i$00 sq. It. over*all area"
should not be amended to read'~ubject to Code".
City Attorney stated that these ch~ges can be made before the second read-
ing and it was expected the right of way deed would be received by the next
meeting, Motion carried 4-0.
_.o. pENING OF BIDS - 7:45 P.M.
Mr. Nylund made the motion tl~t the receiving o£ bids be closed and all bids
received turned over to the Deputy City Clerk. Mt.Summers seconded and
rno~ion unanimously carried.
Refunding Bonds - 1946 Issue - $Z8.000.:
Deputy City Clerk ~n~ounced there were no bids received on this item there-
fore it would be necessary to draw the numbers from the box which had been
prepared. Fallow/ng are the numbers:
Page No. Z
..JUNE 2, 1969
1. 41~ 11. 100 21. 339
2. 407 12. 399 22. 549
3. 356 13. 125 23, 21
4. 99 14. 76 24. 335
5. 401 15, 409 25, 570
6. 42 16. 446 26, 559
7. 107 17. 400 27. $66
8. 345 18o 252 28. 551
9. 45 19. 419
10. 94 20o 118
Mr. SUmmers made the motion that the bonds picked by lot as indicated
above, be re-deemed and to instruct the ActinE Finmce Director to advise
the Chase Manhattan Bank that these bonds have been retired. Motion seconded
by ~. Collins and unanimously carried.
One (1~ 70" ~ang Mower:
Deputy City Clerk stated that on1¥ one bid had been received from the
Trail Lawn Mower, West Palm Beach $I ,400.00
Less: 10% 140,00
Net: $1,Z60,00
~ .Summers made the motion that this bid be accepted and ii it meets
specifications, the Gang Mower be purchased through Trail I~wn Mower,
for a net of $1,260.00. Mr .Nylund seconded and motion unanimously carried.
Ordinance ,6.9-17 (First P. eading}: 1968-69 Budget Revisions:
~ity Attorney read subject Ordinance in its entirety. IVar o N¥1und made the
motion that Ordinance 69-I? be passed to second reading. Mr. Summers
seconded and motion unanimously carried.
,C. onsider' Settlement of Hall:~n Account:
City Attorney recommended this (tam be tabled pending further discussion
with the principals involved.
L~Le ,SumxrAers made/he motion this /tern be tabled. Mr. Collins seconded and
motion ~_~,~ir~ously carried.
Page No. 3
JUNE 2, 1969 ,
Request for Change in Zoning:
Parcel 1. Lot 3 & N 40' of Lot 4, Blk. 1, Lake Addn.
Request: C-I to C-2
Address: 1009 N.Federal Hwy.
Owner: E. Leslie Fox
lviayor Ga]lo asked for anyone in the audience to come forward who was for
or against this change in zoning.
No one came forward.
Mr .Summers made the motion this change of zoning be granted. M~v. Co]lins
seconded and motion unanimously carried.
t~arcel 2.
S 16Z .2' of NW~ of SW~ less W 167'
Ac Sec. 22-45-43 and Lots 4 thru 8,
Blk I, Civic Center Subdivision
Request: R-2 t~ R-3
Location: 609-751 N.E,6th Ave.
Owner: Arnold Stroshein
Mayor Gallo asked/or anyone in the audience to come forward who was in
favor of this change in zoning.
Arnold Stroshein, 226 S. W. 12th Avenue appeared before Council stating
that he requested the change in zoning to allow more than four-story m~lfi-
family buildings to be constructed on his property.
Mayor Ga]lo asked for anyone in the audience to come forward who was
against this request.
No one came forward.
Mr. N¥1und made the motion that the Planning and Zoning Board's recommend
tion be accepted and i~is requ~ st be granted, lvir. Collins seconded and
motion unanimously carried.
l:~a. ge No, 4
,JUNE 2~ 1969 ~
P~rcel 3.:
Lot 2, l~lk. 1, Meeks & Andrews Addn.
Request; I~-1 te
Address: $35 N.E. llth Avenue
Owner: Nathaniel Robinson
Mayor C~llo asked for anyone in the audience to come forward who was for
or against th/s clmnge in zon/ng o
No one came forward o
Mw, Sumraers n~ade the motion this request be granted. Mr .Collins seconded
and mot/on u~_~v~imously carried.
l~arcel 4.:
All of ttmt land lying east oi E-4
Can~ in the N} o[ Sec, 32-45-43
Request: R-IAA to C-1
Location:Between SW 15th Ave & SW 23rd
Ave .lying E of E,4 C~1 ~o section Line
Owner: Joel Hoch
Mayor Gallo asked for anyone in the audience to come forward who was for
/dlis change in zoning.
No one came forward.
Mayor Gallo asked for anyone in the audience to come forward who w~s
against this change in zoning.
David White, 1077 $.W. 25th Way stated he v~s opposed to the change in
H, J. Fletcher, 2701 $. W. 6th St. stated he was opposed to the change.
Er~ily Jackson, 728 N.E, 9th Ave, indicated objections to this change by
stating it was spot zoning.
Forrest Wallace, Z830 S, W. 9th St, stated he opposed the change in zoning.
Robert Beyrer, $terl/ng Village stated he considered th/s to be the best
thing/or the CitT ·
l:~ge No. 5
JUNE Z, 1969
Mr .. Surarners n~de ~he mot/on that the recommendat/on o/the planning and
.Zoning Board be accepted and this i~em be tabled until such time as/urther
xnforntatian and .a. reeornmendat/on is received/rom the Planning and Zoning
Board. Mr. Collins seconded and mot/on unanimously carried.
LE ,~AL:
Ordinance 69-18 (First Reading) - Rezoning o£ Parcels 1,2 & 3 - (Fox,
,Stroshein and Robinson Requests):
City Attorney re.ad s~bject Ord/nance in its e~tiret~. MI'. Summers n-~ade
the naotion Ordinance 69-18 be l~ssed to second reading. Riro Nylund
seconded and motion unanimously carried.
Report on Study Mmde Re: Dist~ance Requirements for
.S, ervice S, tat/ons (On ~he Table).
Rennin on the table .-
Comprehensive Study on Water & Sewer Service
O~tside City Limits (On the Table):
Remain on the/robie.
Report on Garbage ,Study (On the Table):
Rennin on ~he table.
Acquisit/on of Parcels Adjoin/ng City Owned Property {On the Tablet:
Remain on the table.
Consider the Request o£ [[olm H. A&ams, Re: Distance
Requirements betw, eap Service Stations:
Mr. Bl¥1und rn~de the motion th/s item be tabled unt/1 w~e receive ~ recom-
mendation/rom the Planning & Zoning Board. IvLr. Coil/ns seconded and
motion unmnimously carried o
~::~ge No .6
J~;, NE 2 e 1969 ,
Consider Request of Elgar P. Ellis for Refund on Cemetery
Del~ty Cit~ Clerk explained that Iv~r. EIIiR has asked for a $12.00 refund
which had been approved by ~ Cemetery Board on 1V~ay 27, 1969.
~. Nylund made the motion the refund' be n~ade as recommended by ~he
C~rnetery ~ard. Mr. Summers seconded and motion unanimously carried.
.~onsider Request !or Transfer of Beverage License - 1,002 N.Federal Hwy.:
Deputy City Clerk stated that Robert $ch~iver of above address has requested
a tranafer of license to l~deline Trasport, d/b/a/ Lou's Villa.
M~. Nylund made the motion this transfer be granted. Mr. Collins seconded
and motion unanimously carried.
Consider l~eque'st of Stanley W. Kahn Re: Beverage License. ~3298:
Deputy City Clerk stated that Mr. t~h~ presently has a beer license and has
now requested the license he amended to include beer and w~ne ~or an addi-
tional charge of $17.50.
Mr, Nylund n~ade the motion this request be granted. Mr. $~-~ers seconded
and motion unanimoUsly carried.
~qnSider ~eco~aendation of CemeSerY Board:
Mayor Gallo stated the Cemetery Board has requested permission to develop
Block B & C as plOtted, materials amounting to $3,469.40 to be. t~id fo~.
out of the Cemetery Trust Fund, labor to be supplied by City crews.
~. Collins ~de the w, otion that permission be granted. Mr. Summers
seconded and motion unanimously carried.
,,Adopt, Rules Re: ,Central File:
Mayor Gallo stated the City Manager had requested this item be tabled until
his return.
Mr. NYlund moved this item be tabled. Mr,Sur~mers seconded and motion
u,~anirnous ly carried,
Page No.:7
,~UNE 2~ 1969
Approval of Bills:
Ma1~or Gallo read the following bills stating they had been checked and
approved by the Del~rtments involved.
Nations/Cash Register
Music[pal Code Corp.
Don.aid E, Reeves
Neptune Meter Co.
$ 955.Z4
Mr, Summers r~ade the motion these bills be paid as presented. Mr. Bylund
seconded and motion unanimously carried.
~elocation of Graves, on 15th Avenue Right of Way:
lvlr. Hopkins Director of l~ubllc Works, came forward and stated that the
City had sent letters to three Chapels requesting bids for the disinterment
of five human remains, and the City received one response/rom National
Chapels Mortuary who state they will disinter the five remains for $I, 000.
or any additional human remains to be removed [or $200.00 each. Mr.
Hopkins further stated it was his recommendation that the City accept this
bid to re-locate the five known graves at this time .
Mayor GaLlo stated the City has taken many precautions to protect ourselves
in this delicate situation and to date, we were able to ascertain ttmt there
are five graves which will have to be re-located o
Mr. Summers m~de the motion that we instruct the City Attorney to draw
up a contract with National Chapels Mortuary to undertake the vamrk involved
as outlined in their letter, imf. Collins seconded.
~. Don Combs came forward and stated that he thought the City should
proceed with caution in this matter, and recorarnended Mrs. Chadwell be
contacted since she is ~ long time resident o[ the Cit~.
Herb Zobel sta~ed the City had endeavored to contact Mrs. Chadwell but
she has been out of town and upon her ~,eturn, had become ill so that all
efforts to contact her had [ailed.
Motion un~nim, ou~ly carried.
Page No. 8
JUNE Z, 1969 ,
Request - Church o/Christ:
Mayor Gallo read a letter received from l{ev. James $. Frederick in which
he requested permission to erect a tent at 103 N.E. 10th Avenue for the
purpose o£ conducting a vacation Bible School and Gospel Service.
Ezeli I-Iester, stated £rom the floor that it was his belief this would create
a parking problem in the area i/permission w&~ granted.
Arnold Stroshein, requested the Council to give this request considerable
thought as it couli be a continui-g thing.
Rev. Lee stated from the floor that he would 1/ke the Council to keep in r~ind
that we presently h~ve three established churches in the area who do conduct
Bible School during the summer months and/urther, he agrees it would
create a parking problem.
Mr .' Nylund made the motion that the request be denied. Mr o Colli, s seconded
and motion unanimously carried.
There being no barther business, Mr. Nylund made the motion the meeting be
adjourned. M~. Summers seconded and motion u~_~irnousl¥ carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 P .M.
(Sirs.)c.a.l. lle ton
Deputy City d erk
Vincent J. C~o/, St'., Mayc~r
vic yor
Gilbert H. C~ollins, Councilman
Le~nar~i E. Nylund,Cou~ci~n
Page No. 9