Vincent J. Gallo, Mayor
Thomas A. Summers ~ Vice
Michael V, Michael, Couacilman
Leonard E. Nytund~ Councilman
Grady W. Courtney~ City Manager
Tereesa Padgett~ City Clerk
ABSENT: Gilbert H. Collins~ Councilman
~ayor Gallo called this SpecialMeetingtO order at 1 P.M. in orde~ to
go on record with the State Road Department and Federal Bureau of
Roads as to certain requests we %~uld have that ~u!d affect the Inter-
Change 0f 1-95 at S.W. i5th Ave. and also the G~ade Separation at
S.W. 25rd Avenue.
~yor Gallo read excerpts ~rom the memo f~om Hamold Hopkins dated
April 23~d and stated that some action should be taken within 10 days
and this was the 8th day. B copy of subject memorandum is attached
hereto and made a part hereof.
After much discussion on the plans for the Interchange at S.W~15th Ave.
~]r, Michael made a motion that the City Manager send a letter to the
State Road Department and ask them to redesign I-9~ at subject point
.in accordance with the suggestions made by 1~. Hopkins and notify the
City prior to final plane being made. Motion seconded by Mr. Summers
and carried ~-O.
Discussion followed as to the plan for a Gmade Separation at S.W. 23rd
Avenue~ and it was suggested that the above mentioned letter also in-
clude a request to the State Road Department ro advise us of their
proposed plan ~o provide access off of S.W. 23rd ~nto the Ferest Hill
Mr. Summems made a motion that the City Manager work out details as to
the possibility of the State Road Department using the old Fire Station
~or a field office for approximately 9 months. Motion seconded by
Mr. Nytund and carried
Meeting adjourned at 1:50 P.M.
City Cte~k ~
h~nard E. Nylund~ ~hncilMan
Grady ~. Cou~tney,
City manager
Harold R. Hopkins, Director
Public ~orks & Utilities
April 23, 1969
Construction 1-95 Sou~n
of N. w. 2nd Avenue
I nave examined the oretiminary design details of 1-95 ~ithin this
date a~ the Public hearing held in Boca Retort as ~ell as on ~arch 16, 1969
~in ~ne S~a~e Road Dedar~men~ Office ic Ft. Lauoerdale. There are several
'asesces of the design that mill greatly affect the City of Boynton ~sach.
Listed BelOw are the items that deserve much study.
1. The control access fro~ the East to Z-95 from S. ~. 15~n Avenue
is so designed ~na~ S. m. 3rd S~=ee~ mill be terminated just North of 15~"
~venue. This limited access will actually tie into S. ~. ~nd Street. The
design will completely abor~ our previous plans ~o oonstruo~ an effective
NOrth - South collector screen.
2. The alignment of ~-95 ac S. ~. 15~" Avenue nas Been shifted so far
to one East 5nac it mill no~ even.make use of one existing 300' right-of-way
previously designated for 1-95.
A. ~his would greatly affect many acres under development By
3ay Sarno mhich is already platted, $1us leaving many acres co the _est of
1-95 cnac ~ill Be an island without any access. This island mill consist
of acreage Crom High Ooint as mell as one abandoned 300' strio of State
Road 9 rignt-of-way.
B. This aould detract greatly from the value of one ~eaver nome
mnich is locates at the intersection of S. ~. 15th Avenue and 3rd S~reec.
C. This will cause Fores5 Park School ~o give up many acres of
playground tnac is greatly needed for recreation purposes and possibly
=uture exsansion of the school structure.
D. This would comoletely cut off one new access portion of S. B.
3rd Street co High Point Cond. ~r2.
E. This mould cause increased ~affio flows to the ~orth on
S. ~. 2nd Stree~ mnich is no~ condL~ive 5o heavy traffic =lowo
Page 2
F. This mould cause all South oouno local traffic from 1-95 ~o
use Seaorest Blvd,
G. This mould greatly affect access ~o ~ne S. w. 15~ Avenue
Ballpark thereby affecting its usefulness as s recreation osn~er,
B. This mould detract fro~ the value of all homes in the 300 block
of S. W. 15~n Avenue aha mould create ~rool~ms for their entry aris exit ~o
~hsir momes.
3. The realignment of 1-95 North of S. m. 15th Avenue mould overlap
the intersection of S.W. 4~n S~ree~ one S.Wo 10~ Avenue thereby causing both
streets ~o oeoome deadend streets. If this is permit~eo me snoulc ask the
Scats Road Departmen~ to provide cul'de-sacs s@ oons~ruoted to provide turn
arounas for vehicle or traffic. If~I-95 mere ~o ce relocates ~o the mast
as is desires at 15m Avenue then this problem mould correct itself.
~. A. It appears that there nas not mean provision mace co connect
S. m. 8~ S~ree~ to S. ~. 23rd Avenue. Failure ~o om so mould crea~e gree~
inconvenience for people of the Forest Hills, Seasres~ Hills aris Chaoel Hill
areas mnsn they essire ~o travel to the \lorthmest.
8. The realignment of 1-95 again is creating islands ~o ~ns West
that nave no apparsn~ access. ~he island ~o the North of 23rd Avenue mhioh
actually is the same one mentioned earlier in the vicinity of 15~ Avenue
could possibly -ave access from 23rd Avenue by modifying the ~estern approach
rams a~ 23rd Avenue. This is Ch@ only possibility msoause of ~ne SeaBoars
Airline Railroad.
me have !0 says ~rom this the Public hearing date in mhich ~o make our
t feel ~nat me should make recommendations e~ the earliest
date possible.
FOR xh~qox Cop~Fs