Vincent $. Gallo, Sr,, Mayor
Thomas A. Surm~aers, Vice Mayor
Gilbert H. Collins, Counciln~n
Miclmel V. i~chael, Councilman
Leonard E · Nylund, Councilrnan
Gene lVtoore, Ci~7 Attorney,
Grady W. CoU~rtney,City l~Aanager
Mrs. Tereesa Padge~, Ci~ Clerk
Mayor Gallo caLted the meeting to order at 7:30 P .M.
The Invocation w~s g~ven y Father Fetcher, St. Mark's CathoLic Church
and the Fl,ag Salute was led by Grady %V. Courtney, Cit7 lvLanager.
· ° O
Recognition £ GuestS.:
Miss Alease Le~er and Mrs. Larry I~rdin of the Boynton Beach Jr. '
Worn~n's Club was introduced and Miss Lynda Tin. a, 1Vilss Boynton Beach
of 1949 was introduced and presented a dozen roses by Mayor Gallo,
[{e~le? Meeting - Mmrch I0, 1969.:.
Mr, Nylund made ~he motion that Minutes o£ the Regular Meeting of March
10, 1969 be approved as presented. Mr. Michael seconded and motion
unanimously carried.
Mayor Gallo stated that the time/or Public Hearing 1md not arrived and
this would be held in abeyance until 8 P .M.
Ordinance 69-9 (lst lleading) Amendinl Sub-division Ordinance
~Re: Si2nalization Inst~ll~tion:
City Attorney read subject Oxdinance in its entirety. Mr. Michael made
the motion that Ordinance 69-9 be passed to second reading. Mr, Nylund
seconded and motion unanimously carried.
Page No. 1
,/~_~%CH 17, 1969
Ordinance 69-10 (lst Reading) l{equiring Candidates for City
Co,moil. to File Expense & Contribution Statements:
City Attorney read subject Ordinance in its entirety. Mr, 2~Lichael moved
that Ordinance 69-10 be passed to second reading. Mr. Collins seconded
and motion unanimously carried.
Kesotution 69-J - Confirn~in~ Contract with Norman ~.ichael:
City Attorney read subject Resolution in its entirety. Mr. Summers moved
l{esolution 69-$ be accepted. ~. Nylund seconded and naotion unanimously
Resolution 69-K - Establishing Custodians and Trustees
of the City's Various Trust Funds: .....
City Attorney read subject Resolution in its entirety, l~[r. Nylund made the
motion that ltesolution be passed. Mr. Summers seconded and motion
unanimously carried.
Ordinance 69-11 Establishing Fire Districts Within the
City o.f Boynton Beach:
At the request of the City Manager, Mr. tV~icael made the motion that this
item be tabled. Mr. Summers seconded and mo~ion unanimously ~arried.
progress Report, - Gerald Dake:
Mr .Summers made the motion that a meeting with Gerald Dake, the City's
Master Planner be scheduled for March 24th at 7:30 P.M. Mr, A//chael
seconded and motion unanimously carried.
Reconsider the l~equest of Briny Breezes, [tlc.
Re: Sewage Problem (On the Ta.ble):
Mr. Summers made the motion this item be removed from the table. Mr.
Michael seconded and motion unanimously carried.
l~Ir .Summers n~ade the motion that the City lv/anager and City Attorney
be instructed to nego~iats with Briny Breezes on a contract to treat their
sanitary sewage affluent. ~vir. Co11/ns seconded.
tVLr .Michael stated that the City should be very care£ul to see that comm,~;,~-
ties outside the City Limits using the City's facil/t/es pay their just share
oi costs involved. Motion unanimously carried.
Page No. 2
MARCH 17, 1969
Southern Bell Fr~chlse (On the Table)~,
Remain on the Table.
At this point in the meeting, I%/~yor Gallo called to the attention of the City
Co%mci1 that the time for Public Hearing had arrived, i~ being g
A. Request for Change in Zoning:
1. Ca/dos Properties, Inc.
Parcel A - 1{1AA to
Parcel B - R1AA to C-I
Parcel C - ~IAA to C-1
Parcel D - 1{1AA to i{-3A
Parcel E - R1AA to
Parcel F - R1AA to R-3A
Parcel G - RIAA to R-3A
lv~r. P, ossi, of Brockway, Owen and Anderson, Consulting F~ngineers for
Caldos Developers spoke in favor of the ctmnge explaining that/:his was
in accordance with the over-all development of Lesireville.
~iotion made by lvir. Sun0zners seconded by Mr. Nylund that Ordinance
69-1Z making the ctmnges as requested by Ca/dos Properties, Inc. be
passed on first ~eading. Motion carried 4-1, Councilman Mictmel dissent-
Z, High Point Builders, Inc.
Parcel H - Govt. Lots 7 & 11, Sec. 33-45-43
1{1~% to I~-3A
3ay Sarno appeared before Council supporting the change,
Ivir. Paul Ziechang, Vice President of High Point Condominiums appea~ed
before Council oppos/ng the ctmnge.
The City Council decided they did not b~ve s~f£icient amongst of evidence
be/ore them to make a decision, t/~ere/ore a motion by Mr. Sun0-mers and
seconded by lvi~. Nylund, that the question of changing the zoning on the
above parcel be tabled and the City Mar~gex was instructed to see that in
the future, the Council had the same information before them in consider-
ing zoning changes that the Planning & Zoning Board had in making their
Page No. 3
lviAB. CH 17, 1,969 .........
There being no further business under Public Hearing, the Counc~/re/err-
ed back to the l{egular Agenda, m~ler Section V~ - sub-section D.
Consider Availability of Water & Sewer for Trailer Park
Development West of Congress Avenue (On the Table):
Re~ain on the table,
Discuss Installation of Water Line - S. E. 15th Aven~e
Cro__ssin§ to Ocean Kidfe (On the Table): . --
Mr .Summers n~de the motion to remove this item from the table. N/r.
IV/ichael seconded and motion unanlrnously carried.
1V~r. Summers made the motion the City/V/an~ger ~mst~u~ the eng/neers
to proceed w/th the necessary plans and specifications before going out
for bid on this installation. A4r. Nylund seconded and motion unanimously
l{ep0rt on Study a/Sanitation Department {On the Table):
tv~r. Nylund made the motion that this item be removed from the table.
Mr. Summers seconded and motion unanimously carried.
A report v~s received from tvir. William Green and ]U/r. William iVlyers
of Sanco Corporation.
After the report was received, moti,,,~ was made by/vir. IViiclmel that the
City tVlanager and Public Works Director furnish the Cit7 '/~ouncil with a
recommendation on what changes should be made in the Sanitation Depart-
ment. lvir. Summers seconded and motion ,~-~nimously carried.
F. ire Hydrant Charge. Co.ntrq.v. ers¥ (On the ./~b_l_e_):~ ·
P, emin on the table.
Consider t{ecomrnendation of Recreation Superintendent
l~.e: Suramer Pro,tarn {On the Table):
iV£r. Surnxners made the motion that this item be removed from the
table. R4x. Collins seconded and motion unanlmously carried.
t~ge bio. 4
IvIAitCH 17, 1969 __
Mr. Fisher, a Seminarian from St. Vincent de l~aul's Seminary came
forward tospeak in favor of this program and requested the City Council
to permit the l~ecreation Department to employ one of the students of the
Semir~ry and asked the City to furnish insurance and gas for a bus to
make field trips, and in turn, three other students will work free of
charge, provided all work was to take place inthe Wilson l~e~reation
Ezell Hes~er came forward and spoke in favor o£ the proposal as present-
ed by Mr. Fisher.
Mr. Johnson, Recreation Director, came forward and indicated he was
opposed to the work being confined to :the one area, and suggest the pro-
gram take place in all recreational areas.
Mr. Fisher said that f~is would deie~t their purpose in working with what
they classified as the "underprivile~ed:~-
tV~r, Collins made the motion +b~t this program be approved and funds to
be appropriated not to exceed $1,000. O0 therefor ~ Mr. Summers
lVLr. /v~ichael said he felt the Council would be setting a precedent and he
would have to oppose the motion. Motion carried 4-1 Councilman Michael
dis s enting.
Discuss Street Paving and _Drainag~e pro,ram (On the~Table):
/v~otion made by Mr. Nylund and seconded by lv/r. Suramers to remove
this item from the table.
The City lvianager presented the City Council with a list of streets he
recommended for this year's improvement program.
Motion n~ade by l~r. I~ylund and seconded by Mr. Summers to table this
item and request the City l~anager to take a close serious look at the
drainage problem in the north end of the City and bring in a detailed
report at the next meeting.
IV/otion unanimously carried
l~age No. 5
MARCH 17, 1969 ----
Discuss ~esident Engineering Inspection:
,Force iVIain No. 8 fOrt the table): .
t~/r. Summers made the motion that this item be removed from the table
Mr. Nylund seconded and motion unanimously carried.
that the Cxty s Consulting Engineers, l~uss-
Iv/r. Ar~ich~el raade the mot/on ' '
ell and Axon, be allowed to furnish l~esident Inspection on Force Main
No. 8.
Presentation of Water & Sewer Plans o£ Section III-Leisureville
(On.the Table): ---
Mr, Summers m~de the motion ~hat this item be removed from the table.
Mr. 1VLichael seconded and motion unanimously carried.
~. Sumxners made the motion that water and sewer plans for Sect/on Ili
of Leisureville be approved subject to changes as noted by Public Works
Director. Motion seconded by Mr. Nylund,
City k/anager advise, d that both Public Works. Director ~.nd. the Fire Chief
had approved the plans. Mot/on unanimously carried.
Consider the Sele_~c~ion of a__Fi~scal Agent {O~n the
. Nylund made the motion that this item be removed from the table.
.Summers seconded and motion unanimously carried,
Mr. Nylund made the motion that ~%/Ien Sheppard, representative o£ the
William ~. Hough Co. be appointed as Fiscal Agent. Motinn died for
lack of a second.
Mayor Gallo called for another motion and since none w~s forthcoming
requested the Vice Mayor to take over the chair so eh~t he could make
With Vice l~ayor Summers presiding, Mayor Gallo made the motion that
Thomas A. Alcock be appointed as Fiscal Agent/or the City of Boynton
Beach, after such ~i~ne as the City Council approved a contract to be
prepared by the City A~torne¥. Mr. Nylund seconded the motion and upon
roll call, Mayor Gallo and Councilman I~Iylund voted aye, and Councilman
Michael'and Collins voted naye. ]~eing a t/ed vote, Vice Mayor as pre-
siding offictal voted aye. Motion carried $-Z.
Page No. 6
l'~fu~,-l:t ,CH A ?~ 1969 ....
Appointment of Alternate on_ Civil Sex'vi, ce B._0ard (On ~he___T_able):
The City ~/anager was instructed to inquire from active members of the
Civil Service Board as to whether or not they wish to make a recommenda-
tion on the appointment of an alternate to serve in the vacany created by
IvLr. McAfee. Report to be made to the City Council at the next Regular
Consider M_e_.~9.d oi._Coile, ct_in~ D._e_linquent Sewer, & G~rb.age.. Accounts:
City Co~,ncil again called for a complete list of delinquent sewer, water
a;ad garbage accounts. City Attorney requested to make memo of
recommended procedures on collection of delinquent accounts,
Discuss /V£eeting Procedu_re__:
The Mayor called to the attention of the City Council that the ~rial period
for holding ~egular Meetings without a Workshop Session had ended and
Council would now have to make a decision as to whether or not the pro-
cedure was to continue.
Mr. Michael made the motion that the discontinuance of l~egular Work-
shop Sessions be adopted on a permanent basis and a recess be allowed in
reEular meetings. Ivir. Co11/ns seconded and motion unardmously carried.
List of Pa~nents IVlade in February:
Mr. Michael made the motion that List of Payments for February be
accepted as presented. Ivlr. Collins seconded and motion unanimously
Discuss Youth in Government Day ~-~ April. 7.t~_;_
Mr. l~Lichael made the motion that Youth in Government Day be continued
on the same basis as it was in 1968, Mr. Nylund seconded and motion
unanimously carried.
Page No. 7
Station and Force Main No. 1ZA - Norman tViichael Developers
(Golf View Hat. bout }: ............
The City lVlanager brought to the attention of the Council the need to
proceed with plans and specifications on the li~t station a~d force mare,
in Got~ View Harbour. It was suggested that a proposal in written form
be submitted.
Approval of BiLls:
City Clerk presented the following bill for payment:
Mueller Co. $541.00
Mr. Mich~el moved that subject bill be paid, Motion seconded by Mr.
Summers and carried unanimously.
There being no/urther business, lvLr. Michael made the motion that the
meeting be adjourned, ivir. Nylund seconded and motion unanimously
carried. ~ieeting adjourned 11:20 P. lvl.
1~age No .8