Minutes 02-17-69MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING HELD AT CITY ~H/kLL, BOYNTON BEACH,FLORIDA ON MONDAY,FEBRUARY 17, 1969 ~ 7:30 PM PRESENT: Vincen~t J. Gallo, Mayor · Vice Mayor :H. Collins, Councilman Mi~-hael V. Michael, Councilman Leonard E. Nylund, Councilman Grady Vi. Courtney, City Manager Mrs .Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk ABSENT: Gene Moore, City Attorney Iv/ayor Gallo called the meeting to order at 7:30 P .M. The Invocation was given by Rev. Douglas Smith, First Presbyter/an Church and the Flag Salute was led by Councilman Michael V. Miclmel. .Int. roduction of Special Guests: Robert Beyrer, representing the Senior Citizens of Sterling Village. I~UTES - l~e2ular' Meetin~ Fehruary 3, 1969: Mr. Nylund rn~de the motion ~hat Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 3, 1969 be approved as presented. Mr. Sunun~ers second.motion unanimously carried. O,LD BUSINESS: Appointment of Judge Ad Litem: Mayor Gallo explained that in view of khe fact the Municil~l Judge w~s out of the City, and the City was still without a Yudge Ad Litem, he would offer Mmself a s temporary Judge Ad Litem. Mr. Collins made the motion that 1Viayor Gallo be appointed temporary Judge Ad Litem. Mr. Nytund seconded. Motion carried 4-], Councilman lVlichael dis s enting. PUBLIC AUDIENCE: None BID OPENING - 7:45 Mayor Gallo announced that since it was too early for Bid Opening at 7:45 P.M. we would go on to the next item on the Agenda. Page No. I M/NUTES R2EGULAR COIINCIL I~EETING FEBi{UAt{Y 17, 1969: ~WARDING OF BIDS: .A~ArARD OF AIqNUAL SUPPLY OF: One (I) ½ Ton Pickup; One (I) S/4 Ton Pickup; One (t) Van Type Truck; One (I)3/4 Ton Pickup with Utility Body: One (1) 3/4 Ton Gab & c.h~sis, Mayor the Tabulating Benz Chevrolet, Lake Worth Gross: $7,744.90 Less Trade: 250.00 Net: $7,494.90 Mr. Michael moved the recommendation of the Tabulating Committee be accepted. Nit. Summers seconded and motion %manimously carried. Gasoline & Oil: Mayor Gallo advised that six (6) bids were received c~ this item and the Tabulating Committee recommended that Sinclair Oil Corp. and Gulf Oil Corp. be awarded the contract for the years' supply of gasoline and oil. Mr. lvfichael made the motion that the City accept these bids as presented and the Tabulating Sheet become part of the Minutes. Mr. Collins seconded and motion unanimously carried. .Tires: Mayor Gallo announced that only one (1) bid lusd been received on this item and it was the recommendation of the Tabulating Comnmiffcee that the annual supply of Tires be awarded to Don's Firestone, Boynton Beach. Mr. Michael moved that the City accept the reco~-~LaAendation of the Tabu- lating Corrn~ittee and this bid be awarded to Don's Firestone. Mr. Summers seconded and mo~ion unanimously carried. Batteries: A4ayor Gallo stated ,h~_~. two bids were received on this item and it was the recommendation of the Tabulating Committee that Boynton Auto Supply be _~.warded this con~ract. Mr. Nylund mgved the Ci~. accept the recommenda- tion of the Tabulating Committee and'i~ard ~t/3is hid ~o Boynton Auto Supply Co. Mr. S ers seconded and Page No. 2 1Vi1/qUTES lkEGULAi{ COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 17, 1969 ~alvanized Pipe and Fittings: Mayor Gallo announced that eleven (I1) bids were received on these items, Mr. Micl~et moved that since there were numerous items involved on this bid, of the Tabulating Sheets be given to the City Clerk to become and the City accept the recommendations Mr. Sum_rners seconded and motion unani- Mayor Gallo announced that ten (I 0) bids were received On these items. Mr. Michael moved that since there were numerous items involved on this bid, copies of the Tab,~1~ting Sheet be given to the City Clerk to become part of r reference and the City accept the recommendations of the Tabulating presented. Mr. Summers seconded and motion unanimously carried. BID OPENING - 7:45 Mayor Ontlo asked for anyone in the Audience who was present to submit bids to the City to please come forward and submit them to the City Clerk at this time. Mr. Michael made the motion the receiving of the bids be closed and all bids turned over to the City Clerk to be opened. Mr. Summers seconded and motion unanimously carried. .A.,,WAI{DING OF BIDS - Continued .%Yate r Meters: Mayor Gallo announced that six (6) b/ds had been received on this item. and the Tabulating Committee recommended Neptune Meter Co. IVir. Michael moved the City accept the recommendatkm of the Tabulating Corem/tree and award the bid for the annual supply of water' meters to Neptune Meter Co. Mr. Nylund seconded and mo~ion unanimously carried. .Cold Mix and Asphalt: ~Viayor Gallo announced that wo (2) bids had been received on this item and it was the recommendation of the Tabulating Committee that the low bid be awarded to Rubin Construction Co. Page No. 3 1V~LNUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING ,FEBRUARY t7, 1969 Mr. Summers made ~ae motion that Rubin Construction Company be awarded the bid for annUal supply of Cold Mix and asphalt, as recommended by the Tabulating Committee. Mr. Collins seconded and motion ~3~nanimously carried. Chlorine: Gallo ammounced ~hat the City had received three (3} bads on ~is i~ern, as low bidder. Mr mo~ion ~ r~oved this bid be awarded to Allied Chlorine and Chemical as Cornrrxittee. Mr. Summers seconded and · carried. Mayor Gallo announced the City had received three (3) bids on this item and the Tabulating Committee that Ed Clanton Tracking for shell rock and Donald Reeves Trucldng be awarded the bid for pit lime. Mr. the City accep~ the recommendatien of the Tabulat- ing ~he bads to the two companies as stated by the ' Mayor. Mr o Summers seconded and motion tmanimously carried. F. orce Main No. 8: Mayor Gallo announced that four (4) bids had been received by the City and Cambron Construction Co., inc. of Orlando was low bidder. Mr. Michael read part of a letter received froml{ussell & Axon, the City's Consulting Engineers in which they recommended *h~t the low bid from Cambron ConstruCtion Co., Inc. be accepted for the alternate bid of $96,575.90, and made the motion ~hat the recommendation of our Consulting Engineers be accepted o Mr .Summers seconded and motion unanimously carried. Russell & Axon's Supplemen ~t~! Agreement - Re: Inspect-ion: Mayor Ga3/o stated the City Council had ~h~s Agreement before them and asked for their opinions. Pag~ No.4 ¥~INUTE$ REGULAi~ COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUAEY 17, 1969 , Mr. Michael stated he would not be in favor of signing this type agreement inasmuch as the City would have no way of knowing how many hours were put into the inspection and the final amount of costs involved is indeterza/- Mr. Courtney suggested that the City could request an estimate from ~ Con- s~g Engineers to place a "ceiling on the costs" involved. hat the CiZy refuse the proposal effered in 1969. Mr. Nylund BID OPENING: One (1) Fork Lift Diesel Tractor: City subna/t~ed bids received and read the names of the companies who ~/s item, which are as follows: DeMarco Tractor Company, Boynton Beach Engineering A/achine Col, Delray Beach Mr. Michael made the motion the bids received be ~urned over to the Tabu- taring Committee for their recommendat/on~ tv~r. Summers seconded and motion unanimously carried. Two (2) Mobile Units: City Clerk announced the advertisement had been placed on these items and later cancelled by the Purchasing Agent, (no bids received). .Cleardng & T.V. Inspection of Certain Sewer Lines: City Clerk opened bids received from the following companies: Fitzgerald Engineering Co., Inc. lv~iami, Florida Southern-Line-Cleaning, Inc. Cassetberry,Florlda Mr o Nylund made the motion/he bids received be turned over to the Tabu- lating Corn~nJttee for their recommendation. Mr. Michael seconded and motion unanimously c~rried, Page No. 5 IviINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL/vLEEqI NG FEBRUARY 17, 1969 with ~he ~chasing Agent, ~ o William Allan, a~ this time o LIC HS mmG None .LEGAL: Ordinance 69-5 (Znd t~eading) ~mending Sec. 25-A-7 of the Code Re: Bonding Requirements: In ~e abs~ce of the Ci~ A~or~y, ~he Ci~ ~ger read subject Ore- -ce by ca,on only. 1st rea~ng: Feb~ary ~, 1969. Mayor ~o s~ ~e o~y c~mge ~d~ in ~is O~-~nce ~s ~e addison of ~e phrase: "fox 'o~er good and s~icien~ ~r. Oot~ns moved ~ O~d~ce 69-5 be passed on second read~. ~. S~ers seconded. ~r .~ic~el s~ed ~ ~s op~on ~e add~s of ~e phrase as quoted above ~e ~ayor, opens P~ndora's box ~ no ~idel~es w~soever ~dica~d ~o~on carried 4-I, ~r. ~i~el dissen~n~. O~d~nce 69-6 (ls~ ~ea~) ~d~ Sec. Z6-10 ~e: Fir~en's Pe~i~ ~. Sub--ers moved ~ Or~nce 69-6 be ~ssed ~c~el seconded and mo~n ~o~ly carried. O~ce 69-7 (tst Rea~ng) ~end~g Sec. Z6-1 ~e: Police Pension Oi~ ~anager read sub~ec~ Ore.ce ~ i~ ~ire~. ~w. Ny~d moved ~ Ord~ce 69-7 be passed Oo~s seconded ~d motion ~nimously carried MINUTES REGULAK COUNCIL MEETING FF, BP~UAi~Y 17, 1969 l:{e solution 69-F the School Board to Reconsider their City/~anager read subject l{esolution in its entirety. /vLr. tViichael moved t{esolution 69~F be passed, bit.Summers seconded and motion unanimously carried. Kesolution 69-G - Urging the Inlet Commission to~ lv/ake Boynton Inle~ 1V~ore Na. vigabte: ..... City IVianager read subject lkesolution in its entirety o Mr. Nylund moved Resolution 69-G be passed, tV~r. Summers seconded and motion unani- mously carried. Report on Status of Fire Hydrant Charge Controversy: Iv~r. Courtney stated that the City Attorney recommended this item be tabled. AD.MI~HS TR~TIVE: C, qnsiderI the Select, on of a Fiscal Agent: biayor Gallo announced that inasmuch as bit. ~a~l Sheppard was in the audience to present his proposal to the City, he would like to take this matter up at this time. The A4ayor bmrther stated that the City has two such proposals to consider, and proceeded to read a telegram from T. 1t. ~cock in which ~r, Alcock suggested ~t all bids for a Fiscal Agen~ be submitted ~o ~e City a~ ~e ~rch 3~d Co~c~ ~ee~nE. The ~yor ~en ~troduced A1 Sheppard and asked ~ to come for~rd to sub~t ~s proposal Zo the C~, ~r. Sheppard came fomrd and in~oduced ~s assoc~te Mr. Carl Husky,represe~a~ve ofW. R o H~gh& Co. ~. Sheppard then proceeded to give a short background on the reputation of W. 1{. Hough & Co., stating he was now a partner in this organization and went on to explain the aims and purposes of their proposal and the rea- sons it would be advan~geous to the City to accept the proposal submitted by his firm° After which, Mr. Sheppard advised the City Council he would be pleased to answer any of their questions. l~uch discussion e~sued concerning interest rates; percen~ge of fees to be paid to his company in securing .the bonds for the City; the additional fees involved to be p~id to the City A~0rney; bonding a~orne¥; engineering costs court costs; printing and advertising costs, etc. Page No. 7 A~INUTES REGULAR COUNCIL tVLEF. TING .FEBP~UARY 17, 1969 C Mr. Michel made the motion that this item be ~bled for further study, until the next Regular Council tV~eet/ng, at which time the City Council would render a decision. Mr o Collins seconded and motion unanimously carried. OLD BUSINESS: l%econsider the i{equest of]~r~ny' Breezes~, Inc o, Mr. Michael recommended that this item remain on ~he table until such time decision as to exactly what plans will be project, City Manager sta~ed the Citer A~torne¥ recommended this i~em remain on ~e ~ble. KEV~ STATUS ~OF PEND~G ITE~iS: I. .~aw Sui~ Re: ~er ,T~act: ~r. ~ic~e~ s~ed it ~s sti~ in %he process of ~e Courts and did not feel ~he Ci~ c~d take any action at ~is time. 2. S ~ E. Second Avenue Railroad Gity ~ana~er reported ~t it ~d cost the Ci~ Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($~,000 ~D0) to ~et t~s cross~ for el~%e ~o~er cross~ since accordinu ~ FEC R~ ~h,~ - . ~ ~ - ....... ~s no jus~i- ~fion for an addifio~ ra~lr~d cross~g ~ the City ~t ~is time. Mr. Michael ~de ~e mo~ion t~ ~s item be stricken from ~e A~en~ ~1 s~h ~e ~t ~er action on ~s item becomes applicab~. ~r. S~ers seconded and mo~on ~mously carried. 3. Avalhbility of W~er & Sewer for Trailer Park Devetopmen~.~est of Congress: ~r. Michel ~de the motion t~t ~s i~em be ~bled water ~d sewer e~sion p~o~ram ~H ~consist of. ~. S~ers seconded and motion ~a~usly carried. Page No. 8 MINUTES i{EGULAI{ COUNCIL MEETING ,FE~I~UAi{¥ I7, 1969 Fees to be Clmr~e~ - ~ec~eation Depax:t~ent~ 1Viayor Gallo read the recommendation received from the Recreation and Parks Board. in which they s~ated t.hey are definitely against chaxging a fee for recreational facilities to the ~lxpayers of the City. George Johnson, Director of 1{ fee is who use this: ,. stated ~ only reason a small better control the children 1VLr. Col/ins made the motion that a 10~ charge be made to children up to 13 years of age; a 15~ charge for those between the ages of 14 & 15; and Air. Summers seconded and motion Unanimously carried, 5, .~ater ,,Line - S. E..IS,~h Avenue Cros,sing to Ocean Rid_g~:_ Mr. ~ that this item be tabled until we knov; the ex- tent of our program which is now being consider- ed. Mr. Summers seconded and motiOn unanimously carried. .New Bridge Location . N. ,E,. Second Avenue or Ocean Avenue: t{obert Beyrex, Executive Council Chairman of the Senior Citizens of Ster- ling Village came forward to state that the residents of Sterling Village are unanimously opposed to the re-location of the bridge from Ocean Avenue ~o Second Avenue Nort~ as this would ~ve a very definite effect on the re-sale values in Sterling Village. William Edell. stated he was opposed ~o ~he change in location for this bridge. Mr. Michael made the n~otion that the City pass a llesolution requesting ~at ~e bridge r~ a~ Oc~ Avenue ~d ~ed; ~d the proposed ne~ bridge be re,bu~ at Oce~ Avenue, said Kesolu~on to be sent to ~e S~te ~d De~ent. ~r. S~ers seconded and m~n anani~sly carried. 7. S__~d,y of Sani ,t,~tion Department_: City Manager advised the report was not complete at this time Mr. Michael moved this item be tabled .Mr. Surnn~ers seconded and motion unanimously carried. Page No. 9 MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL tVLEETII~G F . RUm Y. l?, .969 Discuss Central File .S,¥stem: docuxnezlts available to consider the Mr o Courtney sta~ed tl~t the City is now in the process of refinishing the upstairs area to move one department to ~h~$ location, which v~uld perm/t additional space in the downstairs area of Chi~'y Hall and the possibility of a Central File System should now b~ re-aclivated inasmuch as all official Clerk ~ space would soon become obtaining a Cerebral Filing System. Mr. unanimously carried. motion ~hat City Clerk, and Mr. .make plans of this system . CoUncil o Mr. Summers seconded and moron City Properties, Inc, had asked for special excep- tion on f4) parcel~ on which an advertis, : was held hut to date, the zoning change had not been completed on the four (4) parcels. lv~r. N¥1und made the motion this item be removed from the Agenda since original plans and are now new requests for zoning changes. A4r. meeting with representatives of [ the State l{oad Department in Ft. Lauderdale, , ~rence to f~sis item. He further stated the cost of the recornr~ended changes for this entrance is estimated by the State Department to b~ approximately $5,200.00, said cosz to be paid by so~e one o~er th~ '~e ~S~te ~oad D~pa~ent. Robert Beyrer ~ in trying to res, Village. ask for the assistance of the City..Council haZardous condition which now exists at Sterling A discussion ensued, ~. Summers made the motion tl-~t a n~eeting be called to consider the possibilities of over-corning this situation, and said meeting to be held at the Recreation Hall of Sterling Village, and request the attendance of: Mr. Ramos and o~her representatives from the State Road Department; Representatives of Sterli, g Village; the City Council; and the Palm Beach Delegation to ~he State Legislature in an effort to work out a solution. Page No. 10 MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL i~fEETING FEBRUAI~.Y 17, 1969 NEW BUSINE_ .SS: Consider Kequest of Michael V. Michael that all residents of Golfview the Area Lying e of Leisureville wi{1 involve all ~s his recommendation tvfr o lv~ichael 300 feet in this pardi- precedent for the City on all fu~e he rectified in writing; and ? t~ia item as slated in above subject seconded. Board watch ~s effect the values of ~he Motion carried 3-2, ~IViayor Gallo and Vice l~Iayor Suzn3axers dissenting. Consider t~equest 9f~ Edgar Harvey l~e!~F_f~me Levi..ed in Kecent Court Case~ AS~ayor GaLlo read 'h~e letter received from ~/r, Harvey in whl ch he requested the ~eturn Of his ~ and'further stated that Judge Tombe~ g had no objec- t-ion to the gun bein~ xeturned. Summers made ~he motion the gun be returned to Edgar H~rvey as by Judge Tomberg. Mr o N¥innd seconded and motion unani- ..A..DM]/qI__S TR-~ TIVE_~3 ~Consider Appoin~ment.s to Inter~l{~ac~l Comrnittee: Mayor Gallo re~d the letter from Rev o Nelson P. A/oyer in which he submitted his resiEna~ion to above Co--tree ~ }*ir0 Surf~ners moved we accept l{ev. l~oyer's resignation. Mr o Collins seconded and mo~ion txrianimously carried ~ Page No. 1! MINUTES I{EGULAi~ COUNCIL MEETING FEB.I{UAP~Y 17, I969 Mr .Summers moved we appoint Rev. Douglas H. Smith and Willie IViiller to the Inter-racial Committee. Mr.Collins seconded and motion unani- mously carried. .Schedule Date £or March 3~ I969 Re~lar Coup. cji Meet~M: s most City Officials will be attending the in Orlando on March 2, 3 & 4th, for the next meeting. Mr. Collins made the motion that IV/arch 10, 1969 be designated as the next l{e~ular City Council Meeting. Mr. Michael seconded and motion unan/- mous !y carried. Kesponsibitities to Council of Mrs. M/chael stated he had discussed this rn~tter with the Citer Manager and it was decided that the City Council would have a meeting with Mrs. Law along w/th lv~r. Courtney. A~olication for Permit to Solicit - American Le~ion City Clerk advised application had been filed by subject orgardzation and every~ing was in order, Mr, Michael moved this application to solicit by the American Legion Auxiliary be granted. ~, Collins seconded and motion unanimousb/ c~rried. List of Payments for ~anuary: Mr. Michael made the motion the list of payments for January be accepted as presented by the Finance Department. Mr. Summers seconded and motion unanimously carried. Discuss Designati~, g S. W., Second Avenue as Overpass for 1-95: Mr .Courtney stated that Don Morgan, Senior Planner for the Technical Coordinating Committee has recommended that subject item be designated as an over-pass for 1-95. Edward Dully, Sr. came forward and suggested that Ocean Avenue be de- signated as an overpass for 1-95. Page No.12 MINUTES REGULAR COLrNCIL MEETING FEBRUA/{Y 17, 1968 AEr. Summers made the motion that Ocean Avenue be designated as first choice for said over-pass, /Vfotion died for lack of a second. Ward Cummings, 100 S. W. Second Avenue, suggested that S. ~. Fifth Avenue Lrom U. S, #1 has a wider right of way and it would be more advantageous for ~he C/~y to consider this possibility. There was no ~ction taken. Further ClarLficatlon ]~e: Zoning Classification of Dry Cleanin~ Establishment: Ci/W IV~nager stated the Inspect/on Department refuses to issue a pe~:i~it for this dry cleaning operation. Fire Ckief Wrigh~ s~a~ed that though the material beln 1 is non-con~bustible, it is planned to have a boiler which will have to be fire rated. Mr. Summers made the motion that this i~em be referred Lo the Planning and Zon/ng Board for their recommendation. 1%ir. Michael seconded and motion ,~-~nimoUsllr carried. APPi{OVAL OF BILLS: City Clerk presented the following bills to Council: Chamber of Cornnmerce for Febr%lary $708.01 Utility Supply Co. $871.50 Mr. Summers moved these bills be lmid. Mr. Michael seconded and motion unanimously carried. There being no further business, Mr, Nylund made the motion the meet/ng be adjourned. ~ .lVtichael seconded and motion unanimously carried. Meeting adjourned at I1:15 P.M. Vincent J. C~0~, Mayor Thonms A. Sumnsers, Vice I~ayor Page No o 13 MINUTES B. EGULAP~ COUNCIL ME~..TING .FEBRUARY 17, 1969 Gilber~ H. Collins, Councilman 1V~hael V. /VIichaet, Counci~m~,n Leonard E. N¥1m~d,' C~ncilrnan (A/irs .) Tereesa P~et~, City Clerk Page No.14 PAYMENTS ~ADE IN 3ANUARY BY DATE 3ANUARY 3ANUARY 3ANUARY 3ANUARY 3ANUARY 2, 1969 S, 1969 6, 1969 7, lg6g 8, 1969 3ANUARY 9, 1969 3ANUARY 10, ~969 3ANUARY 14, 1969 3ANUARY 15, 1969 3ANUARY 16, 1969 3ANUARY 17, 1969 3ANUARY 20, 1969 3ANUARY 21, 3.qNUAR¥ 22. ~NUAR¥ 25~ 3ANUARY 24, 3ANUARY 27~ A U i:iY 26, 2.28 28,468.00 121.48 23,291.89 8,244.84 3~934.72 9,356.55 3,633.77 18,552.39 397.46 19~873.73 56.~1 7.55 49,024.82 508.94 26,62~.18 1~329~4 2~704~8G 10,579~91 23? PAYMENTS ~ADE BY FUNDS GENERAL FUND ..................... 160~631.81 · ATER SYSTE~ REVENUE FUND ................... 51,349.70 ~ATER DEPOSITORS FUND ................... 2?D.DO 5E~ER REVENUE FUND .................. ~_- 22~382.31 SE~ER & ~ATER DEPOSIT FUND .............. 394.30 FIRE~EN'S RELIEF & PENSION FUND ............ 84.10 RETIREMENT TRUST FUND .............. 62.41 PUBLICITY FUND ........................ 2~7~0.04 CIVIC £ENTER BOND SINKING FUND ............... 11.25 S~Im~ING POOL BOND SINKING FUND ........... 2.63 I & S FUND ................. 4.73 '237~933.28 1969 $, 1969 PAYMENTS MADE IN ~'ANUARY 1969 WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 11307 R. E. TOmL~NSON 2.20 FUND 192 193 154 195 196 197 i98 199 £00 ROBEaT RoY J~. 50. O0 4. O0 182. O0 2~0. O0 12fi. O0 100. O0 10. O0 50.00 1.0. O0 ~01 204 205 206 207 2O8 £09 20044 WATER 11508 11309 25.00 OAa~ L~owr~ Rum~m~ 17~.'~00 Bo~o~ ar~r FmD. OamDr~ UNION ~I~r oF B. B. PAY~OL~ FUND Gr~r OF ~. B. Ponrcm RET. FD. O~Y OF B.B. FraE~EN'S RELIEF ~ PENSION FUND ~.~, RETIrEmENT TRUST FUND FIaS~ BANx OF ~OYNTON ~CHo ~.~. CITY FED. CRZDTT UNION SYSTEM REVENUE FUND FUND 9~. 72 $6~. 25 800. ~00 24.00 1969.48 1995.48 SEWER REYENUE FUND 2447 EoxoNo J. SmmNcE 2448 OrTY OF' B.B. FUND 175.60 771~$9 FIREMEN'S RELIEF & PENSION FUND 458 JosN M. TuITE 459 HAROLD P. HE~aIN~ 59.83 24.27 RETIREMENT TRUST FUND 0558 RmNA B. CAasrma 50; 58 2.20 20468.00 JAN. JAN. 6, 1969 7, 1969 8, 1969 9, 1969 GENERAL FUND 202 BLare Gaoss-BL~m 6~rm~D oF F~z. 205 Cr~Y o? B.B. PmrTY CAsH GENER2 L FUND 20045 P~a~ L. Cox 20046 20047 2[ss. S~szws~ 20048 G~Y or B.B. P~Y Gzss 20049 G~Y o~ B.B. P~c~Y F~ND 200~0 200~ H~rz 79.46 42. 02 i 4s 35. O0 40. O0 160. O0 93. ~0 11959, 33 3~, O0 .109 70~ 06 23291 ~ 8~ GENERA L FUND 20052 C~r ox B.B. Pmr~Y GAsH 76~06 20053 F~,a. Powm~ ~ Lz~m~ Co. 4592. 79 20054 ?~sp~e~s Imc. Or F~z. 21,02 20055 SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE 2~. 70 20056 Cr~Y oF B. B. W~zEa DEPt. ~95'~90 5212. ~7 WATER 11310 11311 SYSTEM REYENUE FUND F~z. Powm~ & L~em~ CO. ~ 3.32 SEWER REYENUE FUND 2449 G~z o~' B.B. Pm~?Y Cash 2450 FLA. Powma ~ L~e~v Co. 13.22 ,s,s?. so 901i. 02 GENERAL FUND 20057 S~zy~sY Star,ms 10.00 20058 Jz~rs G. T~o~pso~ 97. 70 20060 gmsz~ L. H~wxr~s 315. O0 CS?. 70 WATER SYSTEM REYENUE FUND 11312 GEa~r L. ,qzwm~ys 175.00 11313 O~sm 2t,~r~z~ B~m 203.40 11315 Rassx~ & Axon 300.00 776.05 PUBLICITY FUND 212 B. B. Om,~ma OF 210 CH~S 690.97 /2000,00 CIVIC GENTgR BOND SINKING FUND 211 Omzsm ~ZY~A~,~ 10~00 121.48 23291.89 3934.~2 10. 1968 GENERAL FUND 20061R~Lpm 20062 20063 O~Rr~s E. 20064 G~ 0~ 20066 GzrY o~ B.E. 20066 0~ o~ Bo~roN Bm~c~ 20067 B.B. Poz~¢m 20069 25.00 50.00 200.00 1225.06 148.16 4949.83 98.50 161.28 WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 1i5i? Ji ~G. ~mY~'O~DS 11320 Zo~ ~ W~LDXm 11321 C~Y oF B.B. P~xaoL~ 11326 ~ULF OIL O0~POR~T~ON 3.04 5.20 5.20 .95 · GO 950.81 56. 94 022, ?4 SEWER REVENUE FUND 2451 MRs. L. B~ssm~.z G~soN 8.00 2~52 Esr. OF MRS. R-~LPz ANDERSON 1.90 2453 d~ H~m W~so~ ~ O0 2454 B.B. P~ YaO~ F~ 830.72 2455 G~ Or~ Goapoa~Tro~ 27.26 WATE9 DEPOSITORS FUND 8095 Acer. OF GroGRam ~Ta~s ~ 50 8096 Acer. o~ J. G. RmYNO~DS 7~50 SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 0616 Acer. o~ Dz~rm O~Dmx 15.50 0617 Acc~. om HRS. L. R~ssmnn G~soN 15.50 0618 Acer. OF MRS. RzLpz ANDERSON 17.60 0619 Acer. OF AN.~ M~m Wz~so~ 15.50 0620 Acer. OF J. Wmz~mR 15.50 0621 Acer. o~ Lou SzmYN ~50 0622 Acct. OF YocN¢ & W~rm 7,50 9~.6--75 ~$~6.55 14, 1969 ~5, 1969 16, 1969 20070 Go~. OF MOTOR 20071 200?6 F.R.FrELD 20077 PzL~ Bmzcs Pos~ Tr~zs WA~R SYSTEH RETENUE FUND 11522 Pos2mzs~Ea 11523 Gr~Y OF BOY.TON BEACm 11324 B~~oaoss BLUE SSrELD SEWER RE~ENUE FU~D 2456 BLUE O~OS$-BLUE StF,rELD 2457 HZ~UFZCZUS~S Lrr~ GENERAL FUND 20078 KmLLY TS~CTOa ~o. 20079 Cm2Y o~ B.B. PE~Y 20080 20081 S~w's 20082 Jo~N 20085 C.J. Oaz~zY ~00~ BOYNTON ~UTO SUPPLY WATER SYSTEM REYENUE FUND I1~2~? BOYNTON ~UTO SUPPLY GENERAL FUND ~00o~ ~s. Huss D~m 20087 DELRAY FENCE WATER 11528 11329 11330 11331 11552 SYSTEM REYENUE FUND J~cx P. ~DDOX Lo~ S~Ym Homms BY Lmo~ DWEL~ Y-Kr~B Y J~ms Dzv~s WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8097 W~ATma R. GILL Ja. 8098 Mas. Lursm DmRuBma~rs 7.00 10.,90 1440.85 294.58 225.16 397.98 10.00 2595.97 ~50.00 500.00 1~.58 11t5.97 114.11 7.72 i2i.- 1 o. ooo. oo 44.12 27.45 35.95 10. O0 10. O0 390.87 54.00 34.00 50.00 252.00 ~02.00 5.20 2.90 5.04 5.20 5.47 19.81 7.50 7.5O 15. O0 3633.77 10, 552.59 16. ~o~r 'D JANUARY 1 7, 1969 1969 SEWER REYENUE FUND 2~8 JANES a. DArts SEwmR& 0623 0624 0625 0626 0627 5.05 7.50 15,50 7;50 7.50 17.60 55.60 397.~6 JANUARY 20, 1969 GEYEBAL FUND 20086 CxTY OF B.B. PAYROLL 20088 F~RST BAN~ OF B.B. R~RmnmN~ FuNs 20090 UrTY OF B. B. F~E~EN'S RzAzEF ~ PENSION FUND 20091BOYNTON B~A¢~ RET~Rmnm~T 20092 Bor~To~ CzTY FEDERAL 20093 JOYCE O. JOSNSON 2009~ E~A~ER GzsoN 3336.02 98.50 178.10 352.2~ 836.00 56.8~ 25.00 17320.67 WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 11333 ROLL FUND 1696.32 1696.32 SEWER REYENUE FUND 2459 GTTY OF B.B. PA YR OLL 856.7~ 856, 74 19873.73 GENERAL FUND 20095 ConnrsSroNEs OF MOTOR 5. O0 WATER SYSTEM REYENUE FUND 1t53~ LOEW'S THEATRES OLEARrNS RETIRemENT TRUST FUND 0559 PA un IRw~y 20.54 20. 54 8.87 8.87 2.50 2.50 SEWER BEYENUE FUND 2~60 JzMms G. DAvrs 30.91 JANUARY 21. 969 JANUARY 22, 1969 23, 1969 WATER SYSTEM REYENUE FUND 11335 Gs,~s. i~eEwE~ SEWER REYENUE FUND 2461 CHAZ. McEwm~ 3. 55 3.55 · 4.00 4. O0 GENERAL FUND 20097 NoD~n~ RoofrNe 20098 Cmo. PmE~ 20099 A~Nm~m 20100 Gz~z o~ E.B. Po~zcm 20101 F~'s 1¥30. O0 130. O0 22.50 3198. O0 6475. O0 11255.50 WATER SYSTEt~ REKENUE FU~TD 11336 RSF~nr~e ~ I~O~E~T Rm~N~m BO~ SZNEZ~ Fs. 23677. 78 11337 R~csza~ Go~ 1.95 11338 Oz~ms G~F Sm~rcm 6~94 23686.67 SEWER REK~#UE FUND REFUNDING dc Im2ao~m~m~T Rm~'mmum 14022.65 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8099 AccT. o~ Wms~EY S~muwm 7.50 8100 AccT. o~ A~mx ,~ONDmBEcmm 7~50 8101 Acc~. o~ P~ Bcs. TszrLoas 7.50 8102 FamDmarcm N~ap~r 7.50 8105 AccT. OF RrCH~RD COBB 7.50 8105 ACe~. O~ OZ~ZS G~f S~o~1,5.00 60. O0 GENERAL FUND 20102 CITY OF B.B. PETTY CASH 19.45 20103 CITY OF B.B. PETTY CASH 90.79 20104 HATHmW FEa~A~ 1.04 20105 GmAa~ms N. Boos 25.00 20106 PA~ ~ PHYL~rZ GA~r~ 2.30 20107 GHZs5Es BYso~ 75.00 20108 W~L~A~ AL~A~ 8.25 20109 RO~Z~TA To~sr~e 5~34 20110 JzN~A~zr Go~p. 58.29 285.46 7. 55 49024.82 .N. 25, 1969 24, 1969 WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 11339 Nns. GSAS. MCGA~Er 11340 C. L. MAcmmY 11343 Yr~o Dm Cos~o 1t3~ Mas. J. W. Rossr~ WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8106 Aecz. OF Lmm SHOF? 8107 8108 8109 ACCT. o~ P~r~ Foa~ 8110 8111 Acc~. OF ~.E. W~r~m 8112 A¢c~. OF T~OS. 8115 H. W. BEEBE 811~ 81i6 S~~ ScA~zo SEWER REVENUE FUND 2465 S~Y Rorm~$oN SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT i~XfND 0628 Acc~. OF C.E. COOPEa 0629 ~c¢~. OF SA5~Y ROSm~XSON 0630 ACC~. OF BZFFSUa~ma (No.rAm) 0631 ACC~. OF VinO DECOS~O GENERAL FUND 20111 J. I. K~s~zm A~ENCY, INa. 20112 20t13 Pm~L~s Pm~aOLm~ Go. 2011~ Br~K 20116 BLUE CROSS-~LUE SN~ELD 20117 C~ 20118 C. J. OUStEr 20119 E~rs McA~or 20120 W~s~ J. 20121 Fs~x 20122 Gr~r OF B.B. 20123 Frns~ 20127 CITY OF B.B. PAYROLL FUND 20128 Or~r Of B.B. Ponrez RE~. FUND ~0130 ~OYNTON 5.20 8.14 3.08 2, 70 14.14 57. 66 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 15.00 25.00 7.50 7.50 25.00 7.50 117.50 2. 02 2. 02 16,20 17.60 25.00 7~50 66.30 73.99 7031.25 315.11 10.00 ~98.00 46.18 85.00 20.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 1546.01 40.32 5122,49 98,50 I70,20 545.00 15622~05 508.94 JAN. 24, 1969 27, 1969 WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 11347 C~T~ OF B. B. P,~'SOLL SEWER REYENUE FUND 2465 CrTY oF B.B. P,~YSOLL F~n SWISHING POOL BOND SINKING FUND 21~ J. I~ KzsLA~ A~E~¢~, I~c. 218 F~sT FE~. SA~rN~S ~ LOAN I (} S FUND 21~ J. I. K~sLAr Ass~cY, I~¢. 21 7 FIRST FE~s.~ SA~'r~es ~ LoA~ LANrANA CIlKI~ CENTER BO~D SINKING FUND 215 J.I. Krszzs .4sE~cY, I~c. 219 F~ss~ FEm. Szr~mes &Lozy PUBLICITY FUND 216 J. I. £rstzm 220 FrssT Fz~. GENERAL F~ND 20126 G~Y o~ B.B. PETTY 20131 OTTERBACHES AMUSEMENT Co. WATER 11345 113~6 SYSTEH REYEi~UE FUND C~TY OF ~.B. PETTY CASH SEWER REYENUE FUND 2464 C~:T~ oF B.B. PETTY CASH SEWER & WATER DEPOSIT FUND 0632 Acc~, 0633 ACCT. 10151.32 10151.~2 838.91 S$8.'91 1.70 .93 '"2.63 3.06 1.67 · 81 1.25 2.15 t.16 3.29 2662~. 18 138.40 59.14 36.29 1000.00 "' 1233. U3 25. I6 26.96 12.1,9 12.19 15.50 15.50 31.00 1329.14 ~AN. 28~ 1969 TAN. 29, 1969 GENERAL FUND 20132 20133 20134 20136 20137 20158 20i59 20140 20i41 20142 20143 20144 20145 LELA OILLIAr~S PHILLIP A, O'DELL LOUIS mIRASOLA BISCAYNE FIRE EQuiPmENT CD., INC. R.R~ BO~KER COMPANY DOROTHY S. GERNHARD ADDRESSOGRAPH mULTIGRAPH CBRPORATIO~ ADTECH INDUSTRIES, INC. ADVANCE AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING AUTDPRDDUCTS, INC. BEANE EXTERMINATING CO., INC. FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY BELLEmAN'S ADVERTISING DISPLAYS ~ATER 11348 11349 11350 11551 11552 11353 SYSTEm REVENUE FUND A~K INDUSTRIES ADAMS CHEVROLET CO. ADDRESSDGRAPH mULTIGRAPH CORPORATION ALLIED CHLORINE & CHEMICAL PRODUCTS INC. AUTOPRODUCTS, INC. B I F SEmER REVENUE FUND 2466 ALLIED CHLORINE & CHEMICAL PRODUCTS, INC. BATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8115 A.L. HERRON PUBLICITY FUND 221 BELLEmAN'S ADVERTISING DISPLAYS 59.00 225.00 55.00 21.95 21.85 18.00 159.56 169.33 174.07 86.23 18.00 20.00 96.78 138.00 3.90 182.40 259.60 1.OD 60.37 645.27 930.68 930.68 7.50 7.5D 45.78 45.78 2704.00 GENERAL FUND 20146 THE BLOSSO$ SHOPPE 55.00 20147 BOYNTON AUTO SUPPLY INC. 83.76 20148 BDYNTON ~ELL-PU~P E SPRINKLER SUPPLY CORP. 24.53 20149 BRANDDN TRANSFER & STORAGE CO.~ INC. 101.50 20150 BRO$ARD PUmP & SUPPLY CO. il. OD 20151 CAMPBELL & HALL, INC. 16.52 20152 CITIES SERVICE OIL CO. 94.52 20153 ED CLANTON TRUCKING 287.00 20154 cOmmERCE NATIONAL BANK 51.50 20i55 COURT RECORDS, INC. 55.00 20156 OASI CONTRIBUTION FUND 14776.48 20157 DELRAY 8EACH DAILY NE~S-3OURNAL ?.OD 20158 DELRAY CONCRETE PRODUCTS 29,50 20159 DELRAY FENCE & AWNING CO. 18.00 20160 DELRAY IGNITION, INC. 14.39 20161 DEmARCO TRACTOR & IMPLEMENT CO. 115.07 20162 DON~S FIRESTONE DEALER STORE 515.47 20164 EAST COAST PAPER CO. ~ 107~76 I6341.80 2AN. 29, 1969 3AN, 30, 1969 WATER 11354 11355 11356 11357 11358 11360 SEWER 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471 SYSTEm REVENUE FUND BOYNTON OELL-PUmP & SPRINKLER SUPPLY CORP. BROOKS PRODUCTS OF FLORIDA, INC. commERCE NATIONAL BANK W.H. CURTIN & CO. OASI CONTRIBUTION FUND DAVIS mETER & SUPPLY comPANY DON'S FIRESTONE DEALER STORE REVENUE FUND BOYNTON AUTO SUPPLY INC. 8ROWARD PumP & SUPPLY CO. OASI CONTRIBUTION FUND DONGS FIRESTONE DEALER STORE EDWARDS ELECTRIC CORP. 83.68 100/00 51.50 14.20 747.46 28~.00 1,75 1278.59 129.57 119.32 458.45 20.73 105.00 833~87 18453.46 GENERAL FUND 20165 20166 20167 20168 20169 20170 20171 20172 20173 20174 20175 20176 20177 20178 20179 20180 20181 20182 20183 20184 20185 20186 20188 20189 20190 20191 20192 20193 20194 20195 20196 20197 20198 20199 20200 20201 20202 20203 20204 20205 20206 ENGEL'S V.$. EImICKE ASSOCIATES, INC. FIRE CHIEF mAGAZINE FLAMINGO OIL cOmPANY FLORIDA LEVEL & TRANSIT CD., INC. FLORIDA PRINTING CO. FORT LAUDERDALE NEWS GEORGE W. FD~LER CO., INC. FRANKHOUSE ELECTRIC SUPPLY, INC. GENERAL Gmc TRUCK P.T. GARRETT GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO., INC. GULF OIL CORPORATION R.L. GRummoNs PRINTING GULF STREAm LUMBER CO. IDEAL PICTURES 3ACK'S CAMERA CENTER 3ACKSON AUTO ELECTRIC INC. 30E'S GRILL & RESTAURANT LAFAYETTE RADIOELECTRONICS mODERN ROOFING AND AIR CONDITIONING INC. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CD. PALm BEACH POST TIMES P~RKINSDN~S LAWN mOWER SERVICE PENNSALT CHEMICALS CORPORATION PICARD CHEMICAL CO. RODS & GUNS DF DELRAY, INC. RUBIN ~ONSTRUCTION CO. SARGENT-SO~ELL~ INC. SEA AIRE SIGNS S~ITTY~8 SERVICE SHOP 5ND$ AUTO REPAIR SOUTHEASTERN ASSOCIATION OF FIRE CHIEFS SOUTHERN BUILDING CODE PUBLISHING CD.~ INC. SOUTHERN PAPER CO'PAN& SUN PROTECTIVE EQuIPmENTRCO. TRAIL FORD TRACTOR CO. CHARLES E* WALDNER, OR, m.D. WEEmS CLINIC WORTH CHEMICAL & PAINT CO. XEROX CORPORATION ZEB ~ANUFACTURING cOmPANY 852.90 25.53 6.00 25.20 242.27 37.25 7.92 9.53 81.68 99.88 90.40 28.21 51.70 24.75 48.95 36.18 67.~6 30.67 433.45 12.50 25.30 705.12 19.90 69,14 31.84 37.75 211~91 42.13 iOByOO 11.82 30.00 17.50 71.10 t5.68 67.20 48.15 8,00 20.00 58.50 424.40 50.00 ,.1AN. 30, 1969 WATER 11361 11362 11363 11364 11365 11367 11368 11369 SEBER 2472 2473 2474 2475 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 WATER 8117 8118 8119 SEWER 0634 0655 0636 0637 0638 SYSTEm REVENUE FUND FRANKHOUSE ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. ARTHUR mAROLDO 30HN D. BHITE 30HN DENSON DR. WORTH CHEMICAL & PAINT CO. HACH CHEMICAL COBPANY~ INC. m & H VALVE & FITTINGS SARGENT-SOWELL INC. REVENUE FUND FAIRCHILD PRODUCTS CORP. 30HN DENSON 3R. ROBERT KRUGER LYTHGOE PLUWRING INC. FRED 3. mESSER FRANKROUSE ELECTRIC SUPPLY, INC. mODERN FLASHERS, INC. BomAR, INC. OSTROm PLUMBING SERVICE PORTER PAINT CO. TISDALE'$ for "SEWER CLEANING SERVICE" WINSmITH, INC, ZEB mANUFACTURING cOmPAN~ DEPOSITORS FUND ACCT. OF 30HN D. WHITE ACCT. OF ARTHUR BAROLDO ACCT. OF ELMER 3. GOVANES & WATER DEPOSIT FUND ACCT. OF ROBERT KRUGER ACCT. OF PAUL W. LAIL 3R. ACCT. OF 30HN DENSON 3R. ACCT. DF 3AMES REED 30E C. BATES 32.27 19.74 12.70 2.59 575.48 89.06 143.70 53.53 929.87 287.50 4.00 3.98 16.13 55.40 54.40 7.50 87.00 35.00 37.50 176.18 96.25 901.95 15.00 25.00 7.50 47.50 17.60 17.60 15.50 7,50 15.50 73.70 10579.91 1969 GENERAL FUND 20207 20208 20209 20210 20211 20212 20213 20215 20216 20217 20218 20219 20220 20221 ERIC F. YALLOP BUSINESS mACHINES NATIONAL LINEN SERVICE PALm BEACH OFFICE SUPPLY CO. CITY OF B.B. WATER DEPARTMENT HALSEY & GRIFFITH C.3. OUSLEY ELLIS mc AROY DIRECTOR OF INTERNAL REVENUE FIRST BANK OF BOYNTDN BEACH CITY OF B.B. PAYROLL FUND CITY OF B.B. POLICE RETIREMENT FUND CITY OF B,B. FIREmEN'S RELIEF A PENSION FUND BOYNTON BEACH RETIREMENT TRUST FUND BOYNTON CITY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 94.50 15.22 49/81 288.32 109.79 20.00 20.00 991.52 3490.14 15078.78 103.05 178.10 365.23 1023.00 21827.46 ~AN. 31, lg6g WATER SYSTEm REVENUE FU~B 11366 11370 11371 11372 11373 11374 11375 PALm BEACH OFFICE SUPPLY comPANY HALSEY & GRIFFITH INC. Wm. R. mARVIN ELDDN ROBERTS 3ACK mYERS CITY OF BoB. PAYROLL FUND N.R. FIELD, TRUSTEE SEmER REVENUE FUND 2485 ELDON ROBERTS 2486 CITY OF 8.B. PAYROLL FUND SEWER & WATER DEPOSIT FUND 06S9 ACCT. OF ELDON ROBERTS 0640 ACCT. OF 3ACK mYERS 0641 ACCT. OF Uff~. R. mARVIN 0642 ACCT. OF VERN DENNY RETIREMENT TRUST FUND 0540 PAUL IRWIN 5.31 2.55 .32 .95 19.93 t783.27 3940.66 5752.99 4.70 1126.15 1130.83 16.20 25.00 15.00 16.90 75.10 2.96 2.96 28787.34