ON MONDAY, JUNE 8, 2015, AT 6:30 P.M.
Barbara Ready, Chair Warren Adams, Historic Preservation Planner
Eric Salomonsson, Vice Chair
Roger Cope
Michelle Dion
Susan Oyer
Dr. Ginger Pedersen (Arrived 6:35 p.m.)
Jason Shaffer
Cheryl Black, Alternate
1. Pledge of Allegiance
Chair Ready called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m.
2. Agenda Approval
Warren Adams, Historic Preservation Planner, added the following:
• Item 5, D Historic Preservation Insurance, and
• Item 7, Other, Discuss the July and August meeting dates
Mr. Cope moved to approve the agenda as amended. Ms. Oyer seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
3. Approval of Minutes.
Mr. Adams made one correction as follows to Item 7 E, the M74 Highway on page 6
There were reportedly 50 or 60 historic buildings affected by the time the highway planning
stage was finished. Mr. Adams' research revealed only five or six historic sites were lost
or significantly impacted by the highway extension.
Mr. Cope moved to approve as amended. Ms. Oyer seconded the motion that
unanimously passed,.
Meeting Minutes
Historic Resources Preservation Board
Boynton each, FL, Jun 8, 2015
4. Communications and Announcements
5. Old Business:
A. Cultural Resources Mobile Application update
Mr. Adams advised the map, site, and photos were forwarded to ITS who were working on
the mobile application. The scripts for the audio will be completed this week, and the
recordings in English and Spanish were scheduled for June 17 When it is complete, ITS
will add the audio and the project will be finished by the June 30 grant deadline. A
number of the items are posted on the website, but cannot be viewed by the public. They
will promote the project when it goes live on June 30
B. Division of Historical Resources Small Matching Grant Application for
This grant application was submitted to the Division of Historical Resources by the June
1 St deadline. The grant requested $32,942 for the creative interactive website for Boynton
Colored Town. Mr. Adams explained this is a small matching grant. The City is a
Certified Local Government; therefore, the City does not have to provide a match. Mr.
Adams and Amanda Parker, Planner, who will be working on 3 -D modeling and building
renderings, have donated their time in the amount of $6,918, so he amended the total
project to reflect a new amount of $39,860. The project focused on Boynton Colored
Town and an aerial of the project area was viewed showing significant sites and Barton
Memorial Cemetery, since it was so close by and since it was recently designated.
The interactive map will 3 -D highlight significant sites. When clicking on the sites, a
separate web page will include information on the site. If all went according to plan, one
can click on one store, school, house, church, and go inside the building and see products
and individual items. There may be lesson plans for schools, or stained glass in churches.
In order to help people have a full understanding of Boynton Colored Town, they will
include the tangible heritage and focus on the intangible items such as, heritage, culture
customs, religions, songs and oral histories. Mr. Adams indicated in the grant application,
in order to fully understand how Boynton Colored Town was created and built, how people
lived and why they used construction methods, one must understand Bahamian and
African culture because it had a significant influence in what occurred. Components such
as architectural, social and cultural history were included.
Mr. Adams was hopeful the grant would be highly ranked. He hoped it would lead to
people designating the sites, respecting and maintaining them, and incorporating them into
Meeting Minutes
Historic Resources Preservation Board
B oynton Beach, FL, June 8, 2015
future development. The applications will be reviewed September 1st and 2nd, so if any
information was missing, the State would contact him. The funding will be awarded July 1,
2016, and have a completion date of June 31, 2017, which gives a whole year to gather
Mr. Adams was also in touch with the Poinciana Elementary School Principal who was
happy to help with the project. She contacted the Boynton Beach Education and Youth
Advisory Board, who appeared to support the project. If the students would go home and
ask their parents for information, the project has a greater chance for success. It is
coming along well.
The St. Paul's AME Church Bell from the Coquimbo ship that sank was included and Mr.
Adams had spoken with the Church about designation, but nothing had moved forward.
The Boynton Beach Coalition of Clergy informed Mr. Adams they would give him a letter
and provide letters of support. He received one from Lois Frankel and Lori Berman and he
requested a letter from all the other representatives. Since they were focusing on the
whole of Boynton Colored Town instead of just Wells Avenue, it would more inclusive of
the families that lived there.
The application would focus on existing and former sites. Mr. Adams had a bad photo of
the interior of the Jazz Club. It had a revolving bar and fish tank in the middle. A few
residents were trying to track it down and they tracked it to a bar in Lake Worth. They sold
it and lost track of it. One section of the grant application asks, "Are there dangers to the
heritage ?" This was designed for buildings that have been torn down and disappearing,
but another danger was development in the area and losing what they have. Another
danger Mr. Adams indicated was the people that have the information are aging and the
information needed to be gathered now or they will lose the chance to gather it. He had
sat with Victor Norfus and Minister Wright and was nearly done with Wells Avenue. Dr.
Pedersen inquired if old city directories offered any help regarding the order of businesses
along the street. Mr. Adams responded they do not have information they can post on the
website. They could indicate what was there and who owned it, but he needed
C. Celebration of Conrad Pickel Event
Mr. Adams advised they held the Celebration of Conrad Pickel Event on Saturday, May
23, as part of Historic Preservation Month and it was successful. Photographs of some of
the presentations were viewed and Mr. Adams noted about 40 people attended. This year
the bus tour visited St. Mark Church, the Boynton Beach Mausoleum, Ascension Lutheran
Church, St. Joseph's Church, and they stopped outside of Galleria Fantasia. Ms. Oyer
commented six or seven of her students attended and thought it was a valuable
experience. Benzaiten Glass holds classes in Lake Worth and after the presentation, the
students wanted learn how to blow glass. McMow Glass, Benzaiten Center for Creative
Meeting Minutes
Historic Resources Preservation Board
B o y nton Beach, FL, June 8, 2015
Arts, Janet DeVries, Paul Pickel, and Jackie Russo, who owns the Pickel House in
Pompano Beach, all made presentations. He noted more people were becoming
interested in the event and they were finding out more information. Mr. Adams was
contacted by a priest from Lake Worth to help him get access to a church in the Heart of
Boynton because there is Pickel stained glass there, although it is not visible from the
street. He commented that may be another site to have in the future.
D. Insurance.
At the last meeting Mr. Adams had indicated individuals interested in designation were
having difficulty obtaining insurance. One of the individuals had investigated this and was
told People's Trust and Citizens Bank would insure historic buildings. He was told if the
historic building was destroyed they would receive funds, but it was not the bank's
obligation to rebuild a historic building. These two companies seemed to be taking a good
approach, and Mr. Adams did not know if the designation for these individuals was moving
ahead. They may come back in the future.
6. New Business:
A. Section 106 Review for the Orlando to Miami railroad system
This item was for information only. Mr. Adams received a letter last week from the U.S.
Department of Transportation relating to All Aboard Florida. He commented because the
City has a preservation program, they are being included in Section 106 reviews to ensure
any project involving government funding has to be reviewed to see what historical or
cultural sites are impacted, including power lines or sewers. Mr. Adams explained they
were requested to review the section from the north of West Palm Beach up to Orlando.
The section south of West Palm Beach had a cultural resource assessment done in 2012.
Mr. Adams reviewed the 2012 report which indicated it has potential National Register
Property, and he was contemplating contacting the owner to see if he was interested in
designation. Mr. Adams explained the good thing about National Register property was
there was no board review if alterations would be made. In time, they could encourage
them to seek Local Register designation, but National Register is an option.
The members discussed the railroad tracks would be located where the original rail line
was. The report also indicated the corridor the rail lines were on, could be National
Register eligible. They are returning the rails to the way they were originally built and
designed. Mr. Adams thought it did not make sense to comment. He thought the owner
may consider the designation. Chair Ready thought the property may be endangered. The
members discussed the property. The parcel in front where the warehouses were situated
was recently sold. Mr. Adams commented there was a sign indicating it was historic, but
he was aware the land was for sale. He also had not heard of any development proposals.
Dr. Pedersen noted the home was moved about 50 feet. If there was a non - profit involved
Meeting Minutes
Historic Resources Preservation Board
B oynton Beach, FL, June 8, 2015
and the home was on the National Register and had to be moved again, there may be
grant funds. Mr. Adams thought it may be worth reaching out to the property owner.
B. Arches Heritage Inventory and Management System
Mr. Adams had been watching the Arches Heritage Inventory and Management System,
which is a software program that incorporates international standards for cultural heritage,
inventory and management. It was developed jointly by the Getty Conservation Institute
and the World Monuments Fund. It brings together a growing worldwide community of
heritage professionals and IT specialists. He indicated it was a database of significant
historic sites. He had never bothered with it in the past because it was not user friendly,
but there was a lot of work done to the program. He contacted ITS about downloading the
free software to his computer. He thought because it was new and not many people were
using it, it would be a good time to use it. There are online forums providing advice on
how to update the information.
The largest implementation so far was the entire Los Angeles Historic Resources
inventory. He noted there were sites from all over the world. The Los Angeles site has
different options and one option was of the entertainment industry. One could see Cary
Grant's home and what made it significant. Mr. Adams thought it would be beneficial to list
the City's sites and historic homes and bring attention to the City. Historic districts can
also be included. All agreed it would be helpful to obtain the software. Chair Ready
suggested when the information was added to the site, they contact Tallahassee. Mr.
Adams provided the website as the Arches project. org.
Due to a fire alarm sounding at 7:07 p.m., the meeting was moved outside.
7. Other
Mr. Adams advised the members he may cancel the July or August meeting to allow him
to work on a Certificate of Completion for the Magnuson House expected over the
8. Comments by members
9. Public comments
10. Announce date of next meeting - July 13, 2015
Meeting Minutes
Historic Resources Preservation Board
B oynton Beach, FL, June 8, 2015
11. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Chair Ready properly adjourned the meeting
at 7:10 p.m.
004kv-ua UU4�-
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist
061115 061115 3 hrs