Steve Waldman, Chair Sherri Claude, Board Liaison
Carla Colebrooks
Dr. Stephanie Hayden
Carole Lundquist
Hattie Miller
Dr. Tiffany North, Alternate
Loretta Wilkinson, Alternate
Valencia Spells Anderson
Mary Morera, Vice Chair
Kathleen Wilkinson, Student, Reg. Voting member
I. Call to Order
Chair Waldman called the meeting to order at 6:11 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance /Moment of Silent Reflection
The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag followed by a moment of silent
III. Approval of Minutes of March 26, 2015
Dr. North moved to approve the minutes as presented. Ms. Colebrooks seconded the motion
that unanimously passed.
IV. Approval of Agenda
Sherri Claude, Board Liaison, received a message from Freedom Shores Elementary
School and added it to New Business as Item C. Freedom Shores Elementary School also
had a donation request as New Business Item D, which was cancelled since they received
the funds. There was agreement to remove Item D from the agenda.
Chair Waldman added to Old Business Item B 1., Gift for David Cordrey, Head Tennis Pro at
Hunters Run.
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Education and Youth Advisory Board
B o y nton each, Florida May 28, 2015
Dr. North approved the agenda as amended. Ms. Lundquist seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
V. Announcements /Presentations /Correspondence
Ms. Claude announced Board Alternate Dr. North was filling in for Valencia Spells Anderson.
Ms. Claude advised she received a thank you note from the Boynton Beach Theater
Academy for the Board's donation. She also received letters from Freedom Shores for the
three different projects the Board helped to fund last year which she circulated to the
Chair Waldman explained Lori Wilkinson attended an event at Freedom Shores Elementary
School. He appreciated her attending in his absence and commented the garden was very
nice. Ms. Colebrooks advised she had also attended.
VI. Public Audience
Lisa Lee, Principal at Poinciana STEM Elementary School, advised she spoke to Warren
Adams, Historic Preservation Planner, and she was interested in assisting him with his grant
to research the history of Boynton Beach. Poinciana STEM is situated on a 100 -year old site
where the original Boynton Colored School was located and they would like to teach that
history. She was partnering with him and thought it was something they could all support.
Ms. Lee was unsure he would include interviews with local residents in the area. The grant
was a historical grant from the State and she offered a letter of support from the school. Ms.
Colebrooks offered to help and commented her mother, Blanche Hearst- Girtman, was one of
the teachers and first African Americans to teach at Poinciana. She knew several teachers
who also taught there. Chair Waldman suggested contacting Eddie Mitchell. Ms. Miller
advised she had attended the school.
Ms. Colebrooks spoke about the garden at Freedom Shores and announced they won
awards as one of the best gardens in Palm Beach County. With the Board's support, the
STEM garden program received the Golden Shovel Award from Commissioner Adam
Putnam, and was the Best New Garden on the elementary school level in the State.
(Ms. Wilkinson arrived 6:22 p.m.)
Patricia Trejo, Principal at Freedom Shores Elementary School, thanked the Board for
their support and all they do for the students. She appreciated Ms. Colebrooks being on the
Board. It helped maintain the relationship between the school and the Board.
Ms. Wilkinson commented the garden was amazing, but they needed more glass mulch. Ms.
Beasley, Freedom Shores STEM Educator, obtained the glass mulch from Home Depot and
it was expensive. Chair Waldman inquired if Home Depot could be approached to donate
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Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boyn each, Fl May 28, 2015
more or purchase it at cost. Ms. Trejo explained the glass mulch was to create an illusion of
a pond with an alligator in it. It was a sensory garden with aesthetic, calming and other
components to it. There are students classified as emotional /behavioral students, and when
those students have anxiety attacks they can relax in the garden. The garden was created
through the vision of the Guidance Department. Ms. Colebrooks explained as a teacher,
they have to incorporate fine arts into their program. They hold class there and use it for
other functions. She invited all to come by.
Chair Waldman asked how much more was needed. Ms. Trejo commented about $2,000
more for mulch and other items were needed; however, Ms. Wilkinson emailed Ms. Beasley
and learned a $1,000 donation was received. She learned plants for the butterfly garden
were needed and the funds were requested because it is a newly developed garden. Once
established, it should be fine thereafter.
Dr. Hayden inquired if the garden was self- sustaining and discussion turned to various
gardens in the County. Some gardens donate food to the homeless and others have a tie in
to the community. Hydroponics could also be grown which would conform to the STEM
program. The Secret Garden Cafe has a garden. There is a veggie mobile on Tuesday and
Thursday and they give vegetables to the senior citizens. It was suggested the school work
something out for the students and Ms. Colebrooks agreed to try to arrange something for
next fall.
Chair Waldman announced the City Commission has funds available, similar to how
discretionary funds were used in the past and he suggested the Commission be approached,
especially Vice Chair Casello who represents the district in which the school is located.
Dr. North inquired if Ms. Claude could facilitate the process and Ms. Claude recommended
contacting the City Clerk or City Manager's office for further information. The items would be
placed on the City Commission agendas and voted on, but she was fairly certain a form had
to be used. Ms. Miller noted each Commissioner had $2,000 in discretionary funds.
Chair Waldman inquired if the Commission would give the Board funds if they specifically
state what it would be for. Ms. Claude explained the funding has to have a specific purpose
and the organization needs to submit a report or documentation. She suggested schools be
directed to go through the process rather than the Board being the middle man.
Chair Waldman introduced School Board Member Erica Whitfield who explained the new
superintendent was starting soon and he will have a community meeting in each
School Board Members' district. Hers would be held at Lake Worth Middle School on June
29 and she invited the Board to attend any of the meetings, which would be held in a round
table fashion.
VII. New Business
A. Election of Chair /Vice Chair
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Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Bea ch, lri , 2015
Chair Waldman asked for nominations for Chair.
Ms. Lundquist nominated Steve Waldman for Chair. Ms. Colebrooks and Dr. North seconded
the nomination. There were no other nominations made. Mr. Waldman was elected Chair by
vote of 6 -1. (Dr. North opposed.)
Chair Waldman thanked the members. Dr. North inquired if there were term limits and
learned there were none.
Vice Chair Morera has had three absences. She had indicated to Chair Waldman her
schedule would be okay after a certain time as she has had a job change. The Vice Chair
position was open for nominations. Ms. Wilkinson did not think Vice Chair Morera would be
offended if she were not nominated.
There were no written duties for the Vice Chair position. Chair Waldman explained if the
Chair is not present at the meetings, or has to step down, the Vice Chair takes over. Vice
Chair Morera handled the Tennis Carnival and he believed she would continue to do so. Just
the same as with any Board member, if they hold a function or are invited to one, they attend
on behalf of the Board. The duties are in the absence of the Chair.
Ms. Lundquist expressed Vice Chair Morera should have the option and suggested tabling
the item or giving her the opportunity to decline the nomination and remain as a board
member. The next meeting would be held in August. Ms. Claude recommended making a
nomination tonight since the Chair was already nominated.
Ms. Colebrooks nominated Dr. North who could not serve due to her alternate member
Ms. Wilkinson nominated Dr. Hayden. Dr. North seconded the nomination. Dr. Hayden
accepted the nomination. Chair Waldman asked for other nominations. No others were
received and Dr. Hayden was unanimously elected as Vice Chair.
B. Donation Request from Don Estridge Middle School "Taz Bot RENEGADES" Lego
Robotics team
Chair Waldman asked for a motion.
Ms. Colebrooks thought donations had to be from a Boynton Beach school.
Ms. Wilkinson moved to deny the Don Estridge High Tech Middle School request due to the
school not being a Boynton Beach school. Ms. Colebrooks seconded the motion.
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Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boyn each, Fl May 28, 2015
Dr. North also noted the request was not on the Board's form; it was a standard letter and the
Board had agreed they would not accept requests unless it was on the form and completed
correctly. Chair Waldman advised he would write a letter advising them of such.
Discussion followed about the criteria for funding requests. A few years ago, funds were
requested for a Santaluces High School vocational program and they were denied as the
school was considered a Lake Worth school even though Boynton students attended. They
had also supported Santaluces and Atlantic High Schools in the past because they do take
Boynton Beach students. Chair Waldman commented the school had to be a Boynton Beach
Dr. Hayden thought there should be clarification about who was eligible for funding. She
asked whether the Board was funding the youth of Boynton Beach or the school as defined
by Boynton Beach zip codes. There were also questions about the location of Freedom
Shores Elementary School because the same precedent would apply. Ms. Colebrooks
disagreed because it was a choice program and during further discussion, it was ascertained
Freedom Shores was considered a Boynton Beach school.
The members discussed they do not know exactly who is in the program that was asking for
the funds nor do not know the demographics of the students in those schools. There are
middle schools in Boynton Beach that have great programs. If the Board funds schools
outside of the Boynton Beach area, they should make it clear.
Ms. Wilkinson agreed the criteria should be written and it would be helpful to have something
to refer to. The Board has donated to Boynton students in schools outside the City and visa
versa. The letter from Don Estridge came because of the coaches and Gloria Gibson who
now teaches there. The Board had donated to Ms. Gibson's Robotics class at Poinciana in
the past.
Dr. North thought a formalized process should be in place; there should be clear written
guidelines; the Board should table the item; and the members discuss it at the next meeting.
In this instance, the date of the event had passed and the team had already won.
The motion to deny passed 6 -1 (Chair Waldman dissenting.)
Chair Waldman requested a motion to set up a committee to review the request. Ms. Claude
advised if two or more members get together to discuss an item, the meeting had to be
noticed. A workshop could occur, but it still had to be noticed and minutes taken. A member
could draft something and bring it to the next board meeting and Dr. North agreed to do so.
Dr. Hayden requested clarification if there was anything written how funds are distributed.
Ms. Claude responded there was nothing in the ordinance establishing the Board regarding
funds or money. There was a donation request form, but as far as a process, there was
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Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Bea l ri , 2015
nothing in writing. Ms. Claude agreed to send the form to Dr. North and agenda this item for
the next meeting.
Ms. Wilkinson thought the Board should consider if students live in the City of Boynton
Beach, the Board should fund them but if the school was outside the City and there are no
Boynton students, the request should be denied.
C. Donation Request from Freedom Shores Elementary School
This item was rescinded earlier in the meeting by Ms. Trejo who wanted the Board to know
they no longer needed funds for the project. The school and PTA raised the funds for the
D. Future Meeting Dates
Ms. Claude explained she needed to submit the meeting date for next year. Last year, the
Board did not meet in June or July. They met on August 4 She inquired if there were any
objections to not meeting again until August. Dr. North thought the Board should meet
consistently as they are not on a school schedule. Ms. Wilkinson pointed out historically,
they have had trouble during the summer obtaining a quorum. Dr. North recommended
meeting in June and July.
Dr Hayden announced she could not attend the July meeting and after discussion, there
were no objections to meet on June 25, 2015, and July 23, 2015. Ms. Claude pointed out the
November meeting generally falls on Thanksgiving and the December on Christmas so they
have a meeting the first week in December. Ms. Claude agreed to send the dates of the
future meetings.
VIII. Old Business
A. Donation Request from Sister Cities
Chair Waldman noted the Board and the Boynton Beach City Commission has always
supported the Sister Cities organization and the City is a co- sponsor. Chair Waldman
requested a motion to expend $200 to support Sister Cities.
Ms. Wilkinson and Dr. North noted the event had already passed. Chair Waldman explained
individuals covered the money for the award, and the Board was replenishing the account.
Ms. Miller inquired if the Board suggested Sister Cities have fundraisers and Chair Waldman
responded they had fundraised in the past.
Ms. Wilkinson moved to deny because the date had passed. Dr. North seconded the motion.
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Education and Youth Advisory Board
B Beach, Fl May 28, 2015
Chair Waldman thought denying the request sent a wrong message. Ms. Wilkinson asked
why it was not discussed at the April meeting and learned the request was made at the
March meeting. They were told to resubmit the request on the form, but then the April
meeting was cancelled.
Discussion followed it was questionable for the Board to replenish the Sister Cities account
when Sister Cities had found a way to pay for the award. Dr. North commented the Board
had not denied them anything and the one time they did could not be construed as sending
the wrong message. She clarified sending the wrong message would be accepting every
application they submit because there is an expectation they would always be funded
whether the date had passed or not. Chair Waldman explained they are on the Sister Cities
program and thought it looked bad for the Board to not fund what they had in the past. He
thought it would be the wrong thing to do.
Ms. Miller supported the children and money to benefit children, but noted scholarships had
been cut. Ms. Wilkinson favored Sister Cities providing another request specifically stating
what they need it for.
The vote on the motion to deny passed 4 -3 (Chair Waldman, Dr. Hayden and Ms. Lundquist
Ms. Lundquist agreed with Ms. Wilkinson, but pointed out they did not have an April meeting
and the funds would have been given in time had they approved it.
B. Tennis Carnival
Dr. Hayden had attended and commented it was a good event.
1. Gift for David Cordrey, Head Tennis Pro at Hunters Run.
The Tennis Pro at Hunters Run, Dave Cordrey, ran the Tennis Carnival. The Board has
given him a thank you gift each year and Chair Waldman wanted to do so again. Last year,
he was given a figurine. He thought a gift card to Sports Authority may be appropriate and
suggested spending $25 or $30 as a way to thank him.
Ms. Lundquist moved to authorize a gift for Mr. Cordrey. Ms. Colebrooks seconded the
Dr. North liked the idea of a plaque, but learned the Board had given plaques in the past. Dr.
North thought a framed signed or unsigned picture may be appropriate. Ms. Claude
explained they had lots of pictures and a suggestion was made to purchase a digital picture
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Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida May 28, 2015
Ms. Lundquist agreed to amend her motion to add spending up to $50. Ms. Colebrooks
agreed to the amendment and the motion unanimously passed.
The Board sent thank you notes to all involved and to Dr. Golden, Phyllis Stern's daughter,
who wanted to run the carnival as the Phyllis Stern Memorial Tennis Carnival. The Hunters
Run Board turned down the name change, but she still sent the tee shirts. It was noted there
were extra tee shirts available for the members. Ms. Claude agreed to obtain the name of
the Hunters Run president and send a thank you. There was also agreement to contact Ms.
Claude so she could put it on the agenda when they selected a date to make a presentation
to Mr. Cordrey at the City Commission meeting.
C. Shred -A -Thon
The members discussed having a third Shred -a -Thon each year and selected October 3 or
17, 2015, February 6 or 20, 2016, and May 7 or 21, 2016, as tentative dates for the events.
Ms. Claude agreed to contact, the company to check availability for those dates and see if the
company would be amenable to holding three events each year on a regular basis.
D. Youth Volunteer Bank /Bob Borovy Awards
Ms. Claude advised there are about 100 volunteers on the list, but not many from the high
school. Chair Waldman explained he has gone to the high school and into classrooms to
promote the program and solicit volunteers. Ms. Wilkinson noted next year, a Board member
will be attending Boynton nton Beach High School, hopefully resulting in more volunteers from that
Chair Waldman requested a motion to move $500 from the Community Contributions
account to the Borovy Award account to restore the first place award to $1,000 for next year.
The award had been reduced to $500 when funds were low.
Ms. Lundquist made a motion to move $500 from the Community Contributions Account to
the Borovy Award account. Ms. Miller seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Dr. Hayden inquired if the winner of the Borovy Award attended Atlantic High School. Chair
Waldman explained the first place winner went to Atlantic High School, but was a Boynton
Beach resident. When the City Commissioners had discretionary funds, they could allocate
funds and ask Commissioners individually for funds, but during the recession they did not. In
the past, the Board would receive about $3,000 and used some for the Borovy Award. At
that time he suggested any monies obtained should go to a student who lives in the City, but
they had never made a rule. Chair Waldman was unsure that was a stipulation and if they
were obligated to follow that suggestion. Ms. Claude explained the Board could change it. In
the past, the City Commissioners did not give money with stipulations to whomever they
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Boynton B each, Fl 1
whomever they wanted. Ms. Claude pointed out funds still had to be approved through a
process and a report given to the City Commission. All had to be spelled out.
Chair Waldman thanked the members for all they do.
Ms. Colebrooks advised Boynton Beach Reads was starting up again with Nadia Stewart,
who is a teacher at Rolling Green Elementary School. When she gets further information, she
will share it with the Board. It was known there was a meeting next week.
IX. Future Meeting Dates
The next meeting will be held on June 25, 2015.
X. Adjournment
Ms. Wilkinson moved to adjourn. Dr. North seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:37 p.m.
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Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist