Leonar~ E.
Thomas A, SUmmers, Councilman
G_ene ~oore, City Attorney,
~rady w. Courtney, City ~r.,
Tmreesa Padgett, City Clerk
Mayor M/chael called the meeting to order at 7=30 P.M,
[ with the audience in a moment of silent
he led the Flag Salute.
Regular Maeting- De~e~_.ber 2, 1968_-
~ro Nyl~ m~ ~e ~tes of ~e Re,ar Me~fng
~r ~, 19~ _~ a~ce~ as presetS. ~. Gallo second~ and
uarri~ ~s~y.
~uial ~t~g , ~c~er 4~ 1968-
~. G~lo ~v~ ~e ~tes of the S~c~l
~e~ented. ~%.Nyl~ se~on~. ~tion c~ri~ ~0, ~r
~ael ~d Coun~ Co~i~ not hav~
meet~g. ---= been preset at ~is
,One (1) Executive E19ctric Tvpewrit-w:
Mayor Michael stated that only one bid had been received and
the Tabulating Corem/tree recommended the follo~;ing:
IBM Corporation $643.50
Mt.Gallo moved the recommendation of the Tabulating Committee
be accepted. ~lr. Nylund seconded and unanimously carried.
~icr. gfilm Program and Microfilm R~er.
Mayor Michael stated that only one bid had been received and
the Tabt~lating Committee recommended the following=
Guaranty Blue Printing Co.:
Microfilm Program $ 93°00
Microfilm Reader $198.00
Mr. Nylttnd moved the recommendation of the Tabulating Committee
be accepted. Mr. Gallo seconded and motion unanimously carried.
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DECEF~ER 16, 1968
Two (2) Cab an4. Ch, assis Trucks for Tr~b ,Scow BO4ies-
Mayor F~%chael state~ that four bids ha~ been received on this
i~em and it was the .recommendation of the Tabulating Committee
to award the bid to the following:
Benz Chevrolet $7,050.24
Mt.Gallo moved the recommendation of the
_ Tabulating Committee
oarried. Mr, ~ummers seconded and motion Unanimously
One (1} 1-3/4 C_ubic Yard Diesel Powered Track Type-Frt.~
.M~.yor t4ichael stated that five bids had been submitted on this
ztem, and the Tabulating committee recommended the following:
Kelly-Caterpillar ~26,949.00
City Manager stated it was the opinion of the Tabulating
Committee that a b~cket would not be necessary, 'therefore, the
sum of $2,385.00 should be deducted from that f~gure,leaving
a total of $24,564.00 for this item.
~r. Gallo moved the recommendation of the Tabulating Committee
be accepted. Mr. Nylun~ seconded and motion unanimously
One (1) miese! Powered m%hber Tired, Tractor w/Fork Lift:
Mayor ~ichael stated that five bids had been received on this
item and it was the recommendation of the Tabulating Committee
to award this bid to the following:
De24arco Tractor Co. $4,474.00
The ~ayor questioned this decision inasmuch as it %,~as not the
lowest bid.
City Manager stated that the Tabulating Committee felt the
Massey-Ferguson tractor had an easier clutch and the total
lift capacity of the front end was greater.
~r.Gallo made the motion that the reeonanendation of the Tabu-
lating Committee be accepted° Mr. Su~ners seconded. Motion
carried 4--1, ~4ayor Michael dissenting.
Galvanized Steel Pipe - 18" x 24"-
The Mayor stated four bids had been received, one of which was
not acceptable, and the Tabulating Committee recommended the
Page No. 2
.D. ECF/4~.ER 16, .1968
Pa/m Beach Tank Co. =
$3, 124.00
Mx. Gallo made the motion that the recc~mendation of the Tabu-
lating Committee be accepted. Mr. Nylund seconded and motion
unanimously carried.
24,000 Paper GarbaqeBa~s:
Mayor~4/chael s~ated that three bids had been receivedand the
Tabulating Committee recommended the following:
St. Regis Paper Co.
~r. Collins questioned the necessity for this amount of bags.
City Manager stated that according to our recent survey 120
residents had indicated they would be interested in purchasing
this item.
Mx. Nylund moved the recommendation of the Tabulating Committee
be accepted. Mr. Gallo seconded and motion unanimously carried.
.gne (1) 25 KW or Better, Used Generator:
The ~ayor stated there was one bid received on this item, from
the following=
J. G, Dresser $1,000.00
b~. Co~-tney stated that there actually was no recomendation
from the Tabulating Committee on this item as there was a
difference of opinion among the members. However, the City
.Manager further stated that it was the feeling of the Tabulat-
ing Committee that if it was of sufficient size for our needs,
they would consider this generator as adequate.
Mr. Gallo moved that this item be accepted. Mr. Nylund seconded,
Motion Carried 4-1, Mr. Summers abstaining stating he was a
member of the Tabulat~ing Committee.
OP~NiNG OF BIDS - 7:45 P.Mo
Mr. Nylund moved that the receiving of bids be closed and those
bids that have been received be opened. Mr. Gallo seconded and
motion unanimously carried.
Engineer's Transit:
City Clerk opened the bid from the following=
Halsey-Griffith, West Palm Beach
Page No, 3
_DECEMBER 16~ 1968
seconc~e~ ana unanimously Carried.
Four (4} Police Cars:
City Clerk opened the following bid:
Benz Chevrolet, Lake worth
~lr. Gallo moved the bid be accepted and turned over to the
Tablllating Committee for their recommendation, Mr. Summers
seconded and motion was unanimously carried.
Emily Jackson, 728 N. E. 9th Avenue presented her views on the
election lams and suggested to Co%mcil that the date of the
City Election be changed.
Floyd Van Deusen, 227 N. E. 22nd Avenue asked the City Council
for a possible solution to the speed violators on his street.
Robert Beyrer, Executive Council Chairman of Sterling VilLage
e~.ressed concern r_e?arding the conflic= which seems =o have
arzsen between the City Planners and the developers of Leisure-
ville. Mr. Beyrer further stated that he felt Leisurevi13~had
much to offer the co~,.~nity and he hopes that the City Planners
and developers can find a happy medium.
John Klinck of R~ssell & Axon, the City's Consulting Engineers
presented an Annual B~port of the Water and Sewer Facilities
for the fiscal year l~vember 1, 1967-October 31 1968, to the
City Council. ·
Edward W. Wallnau, 310 So W. 1st Avenue extended the Season's
Greetings to the Council.
Fire Hydrant Charges (on the T~b!e):
Mr. Gallo moved this item be removed from the table. Mr. Summers
seconded and motion unanimously carried.
Mr. Gallo made the motion that this item be referred back to
the City Attorney for further recommendation to the Coancilo
~iroSummers seconded and motion unanimously carried.
Reconsider Insurance Proposal:
Mr. Gallo m~de the motion that inasmuc~ as this will be a bid
item, the City postpone the asking of bids until the renewal
date is due Mr. ~
· Ny~und seconded. Motion unanimously carried.
Page No. 4
DECEMBER i6~ 1968
LES~ ~
Resolution 68-Q - Re= S~er Fore ~
City Atto~y re~ s~j~t ~luti~ ~ i~ ~tirety.
.~esoluti~ 68-R -- Re~ ~ntin~c~ of High Ridge R~d=
City At~ey r~ ~bject Re~lution in its entirety.
~. ~1~ mov~ ~t Re~lut~n 6~Q ~d 6~R be ~ss~. ~.
$~rs seco~ ~ ~ion ~sly ~ried.
Ordnance 6~3~ ~e~ing Bui~g C~e
Re: S~c~ral ~t Control (On ~e T~le)=
I~. Ny!und m~e ~%a moti~ ~-h ~is item be rc~oved from
t~le. ~Gallo s~o~ed and mo~n ~o~sl~ ~ri~.
~.Co~ re~rt~ ~at had sent a
read Ordinance 68-31 in its entirety. ~ir. Gallo
to second reading.
~ons,ider Request of Delra¥ Dunes for Water:
City ~4a~ager explained that the developers of Delray Dunes had
plans for a 360 unit development and plan to install the entire
water system and deed it to the City, this to be done at no
expense to the City.
Mr. Gallo moved that the City Attorney he instructed to draw
up the zon-hract with DelrayDunes for water service. Mr.
Summers seconded and motion was unanimously carried°
~aite Bird FarmComplaint - Re:Overgrown Veqetat~on:
Mr. Courtney stated the Comzaittee had found this to be a poten-
tial health hazard.
City Attorney stated since it has been determ/ned tha=this
a health hazard which needs to be abated, he will take the
necessary steps to start legal proceedings.
Page No.5
DECEMBER 16, 1968 ..
~. Gallo mov~ tAat ~e rec~ati~ of ~e ~itt~ be
Atto~ey ~ r~st~ to ~e st~ ~
~. ~. S~rs secede. ~n u~ously
.Golf. View I~arbor - Sewerage System-
City Manager stated the necessary information had been t~rned
over to the City Attor~.ey and proceeded to read t~..e four condi-
tions ~hich are to be included in this contrac~ ~,~hich are as
Furnish site for and co~struct at developer's
expense a sanitar~ sewerage lift station to
conform to and in accordance with plans and
specifications furnished by the City of Botrnton
Construct 10" force main from the sewerage lift
statio~ to the intersection of S. W. 23rd Ave.
and 11th Street.
The elevation of all gravity sewerage collection
lines installed by Community Construction Co.
must be approved hythe City Engineer, before
installation begins.
Ail reasoD~%ble inspection costs incurred by the
City of Boynton Beach ~uring the process of
construction must be re-imbursed to the City by
the developer.
Mr. Gallo moved the City At,Dr ney be instructed to draw up the
Contract with Golf View Harbor including the four conditions
as stated by the City Manager. ~4r. Summers seconded and motion
unanimously carried.
Reconsider Plat' i - Leisureville-
Mayor Michael read the letter received from Brockway, Owens and
Anderson, Enginears for the Caldos Developers, transmitting
the original linen~drawings.
Enrico Rossi, Engineer with Brockway, Owens &Anderson, stated
aue =o =ne fact T/%at they had altered the dimensions of
three lots in Block 11, and further stated there was a slight
change to provide for ingress and egress for all owners and
invitees, whiCh had previously been over-looked.
Mr. Gallo moved we accept the re-platting of Section One of
Leisureville inasmuch as they are minor changes. Mro Collins
seconded and motion unanimously carried.
Page No. 6
_DECEFiBER 16~ 1968
Presentation of Second plat of Leisureville~
w. Ocean Avenue repre.~ ~ntative of the
explained what was now being do~e in
~.charte, addressed
approval for
of Leisureville. He further stated to date,
the development and presented the
P & Z Board ~ approved the plat
sewer lines had been
Works Director.
· ' i' the plat, all water and sewer
can be completed in a period
th~ City Planners were present at
the and they recommended that the second
to the Planning & Zoning Board.
Mr. GalLo moved the second section of Leisurevi117 be accepted,
?ub.ject to ~eeting all the req~ire~_.ents. Mr. Co111ns seconaed.
.Mo.tlon ~arrted 4-~, Mayor Michael dissenting, stating he would
follow the recommendation of the city Pla.~ners.
City Clerk read the following bills statin~ they had been
checked by ' · -
Finance and approved by the City Manager.
~ays andRobinson Construction Co.
DeMarco Tractor & Implement Co.
Florida East Coast Railroad
Flexible Tool Division
Ro~ll Mfg. Co.
(~mber of Commerce for: ~ovemb~r
Tropical Acres Restaurant
$ 592o81
$ 688.50
Mr. Gallo moved the bills as presented be paid. Mt. Summers
seconded° Motion~naimously carried.
Page No. 7
DECEW~dER 16, 1968
Election Rules Re: Contributions and Expenses-
~ne ~gen~a znasmucn as ne ~ee/s the City is large enough to
a s=a=eme~t of expenses and contributions should b~ nr~-
sented by all elected officers of the City, and ask~ ~e=--
Qouncil to create the necessary legislation to abide by this
stated there is provisions in the State law which
· local Ordinance, or if so determined by the
Council, can be included in the City Charter.
Mt. Summers stated that since this issue was brought up. he
wo~ld like to report that $316.97 was expended on,is campaign
personally, ~ndno funds were contributed to his campaign from
outside sources.
Mr.Nylund stated that $231.17 was expended on his campaign with
no outside contributions. _~
~eceipt of Quit Claim Deed - Hi~b Point Utility, Lines:
~r. Gallo moved that the City accept the water and s~er lines
within the boundaries of High Point West Condominiums, Inc. sub-
ject to the lines being a.pproved by the City Engineer. Fir.
Summers seconded and motion was unanimously carried.
~chedule Date for NextWo~ksboD Sessioo~
Mayor Michael stated that the next Workshop wo~ld normally be
on December 23rd but asked Council if December 30th was agree-
able. It was so agreed.
There being no further business ~lr. Gallo moved the meeting be
adjourned. Mr. Sun,ers seconded and motion was unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
Jo , Vice
Page No. 8
D~ECE~4BER 16, 1968
l~ert H. C~ns, Counu~lman
onard ~. ~,~ylurm., cou~ilma~
~9~mas A. Summers, Counei~
City Clerk
Page MOo 9