Minutes 12-04-68~IN~TES OF SPECIAL ~-'~EETING HELD ~T CITY ~J~LL~ BOYNTON BEAOH~ FLORID~ WEDNESD~Y~ DECE~BER 4~ 1568. PRESENT: Vice Mayor Vincent J. Gallo Thomas A. Summers Leonard E. Nylund Grady W. Courtney Tereesa Padgett The meeting was called to order at 9:10 A.M. by Vice Mayor Gallos to canvas the ballots of the General Election held December ~ 1968. }irs. Edythe Hood~ Clerk of the South Precinct gave her report. Mrs. Mildred Hallier~ Clerk of the North P~ecinct gave her report. The City Clerk read the final tabulations sho%~ing a 56.~ vote. Copies oC all three reports a~e attached hereto and made a part of these minutes. ~{otion made by Mr. Summers to accept the ~eports as ~ead by the ~es- pective Clerks. Seconded by Mr. Ny!und and unanimously ca,tied. ~eting adjourned a~ 9:15 A.M. Vincent j. ~of Sr. ~ Vide M~yor Leonard E. Nylund, Coun~!man~ ~. Su%m~ers~ Councilman Attest: ~ ~~ 'Tereesa Padget~Ci'ty Clerk STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) ss CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEN OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA: We~ the undersigned Clerks of the General Election held on the 5rd day o£ December, 1S68~ A.D. for the purpose of electing three (3) i candidates for Council do hereby certify that at such General Election the results were as follows: CANDIDATES NORTH SOUTH Harold L. Blanchette Vernon E. Combs ~! /70 James J. Mahoney Michael V. Michael Leonard E. Nylund Thomas A. Summers TOTAL 971 // ABSENTEE ZOTAL VOTES CAST For the Proposition Acrc~inst the Proposition Cler ' South Clerk, North Precinct Sworn t¢ and subscribed before me this 5rd day of December, 1968. Tereesa Padge~ City Clerk STATE OF FLORID~ ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) ss CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ) TO I~E HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEN OF THE CITY 0F BOYNTON BE~2H~ FLORIDA: ~e~ the undersigned Clerk and held on the three (3) Election~ Inspecsors o£ the General Election 3rd lay of December, 1968~ A.D. for the purpose of electing candidates for council~ do hereby certify that aE such General the total votes cast a~_the South Precinct were: /~ ~ f Machines 2 AbsenTee / Total of which: Harold L. Blanchette Vernon E. Combs James d. Mahoney Michael V. Michael Leonard E. Nylund Thomas A. Summers For~-th~ Proposition Against the Proposition received received received received re ee ived receive votes voEe$ votes And we, such Clerk and Inspectors: do make the foregoing as our return ~o you of the results of sunh General EleeEion and we ~o declare the above and foregoing to be the result of the General Election in the South Precinct. ~Spe ctor ~L~ InspecEor Inspe c~or // /~ in~sp~to,r . / ~nspecEor STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) ss CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COHNCILMEN OF THE CITY OP BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA: We, the undersigned Clerk and Inspectors of the General Election held on The 5rd day of December 1968, A.D. for the purpose of electing three (3) candidates for Cothncil, do hereby cert/ky that at such General Election~ the total votes cast at the North Precinct were: //~ Machines ~ Absentee //~f O Total o£ which: Harold L. Blanchette Vernon E. 2ombs James J. Mahoney Michael V. Michael Leonard E. Nylund Thomas A. Summers received received meceived recemved received received votes votes votes votes votes votes ~FobL~e',P~Dpo~ition Against the Proposition And we~ such Clerk and Inspecuors~ do make the foregoing as our reuarn to you of the results of such 3eneral Election and we do declare the above and foregoing to be the result of the 3eneral Election in the North Precinct. DepUty g Inspector i~specto~ Inspector InSpector Clerk Inspector / Inspector Inspector iI i PROPOSITZON - GENERAL ELECTION December 3~ 1968 SHALL CHAATER 6~-122 SPECIAL ACTS FLORIDA LEGISLATHRE~ AMENDING THE M~NICIPAL CHARTER DF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA~ RAISINC~ MAXIMUM INTEREST RATE PAYABLE O~ BONDS OF SAID CITY FROM 5-1/2% PER ANNUM TO 6% PER ANNUM, BE APPROVED? FOR THE AMENDMENT AGAINST THE AMENDMENT